tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera March 26, 2019 5:00pm-5:34pm +03
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workers and the raiding of homes is particularly alarming the long suffering people of gaza have a right to protest without fear of reprisal i call on or member states to join the united nations in condemning such acts as i have repeatedly emphasized to ation in gaza is untenable and the latest protests further highlight the need for the return of a unified palestinian government to gaza i call on all palestinian factions to engage in earnest with egypt in order to implement the two thousand and seventeen cairo agreement and end internal divisions or the united nations is continuing its efforts to deescalate the situation progress on the reconciliation track and the lifting of closures in gaza remains essential encourage member states to support these vital efforts the lack of resolution of the p.a.'s funding crisis threatens to further destabilize an already volatile situation both parties should continue to implement their bilateral agreements and avoid taking unilateral actions that
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undermine the two state solution. the situation in the old city of jerusalem mr president remains all source serious concern i urge all parties to work towards the escalating tensions i encourage israel and jordan to work together to uphold the status quo of the holy sites noting the special and historic role of the hashemite kingdom ask stored in of the muslim and christian holy sites in jerusalem lastly i remain deeply concerned by the lack of progress towards the realisation of a two state solution in line with relevant un resolutions longstanding international parameters and prior agreements there is no viable alternative to the two state solution given the interconnected nature of conflicts throughout the region and the palestinian israeli conflict potential to fuel extremist narratives creating the conditions for the parties to return to meaningful negotiations remains critical what is needed however first and foremost is necessary is the
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necessary really to ship and political will to take concrete steps in support of ending the occupation and realizing a lasting peace until that can be found another generation of israelis and palestinians is destined to spend their lives searching in vain for an elusive peace thank you. i mean it. i'm concerned we may be facing a dangerous escalation of violence in garza a warning there from nicholai mlodinow of he's the u.n. special coordinator for the middle east briefing the security council there meeting in the united nations of the recent developments in a regular review of the situation. in the palestinian territories and israel he went on to express concern for the deaths and injuries of many palestinians along the border fence during those demonstrations which have been held since march and he went on to condemn as well indiscriminate firing of rockets into israel he noted
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in reviewing the progress or perhaps better put lack of it in implementing resolution two three three four by the united nations that no steps have been taken by israel to stop settlement activity you know to the expansion of settlements in occupied palestinian territories including east jerusalem saying had no basis in international law that it should seize. as well as the israeli seizures of palestinian structures should cease forthwith. talking about the situation a very bleak picture painted there in the u.n. or a force joins us from that border fence between israel and gaza as i pointed out harry expressed concern that we may be facing a dangerous escalation how does the situation look to you on the ground there is there a build up towards dangerous escalation there that you can see. well
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i mean we have seen israeli troop movements in the for at least tanks being arranged close to the gaza border that was something that we were expecting given that they move allies to two extra brigades excuse me on monday but no since the daylight hours began here around gaza things have been a lot more peaceful than last night that would in normal circumstances lead one to suppose that perhaps this is the latest time that we've seen in recent months of an escalation which is being quickly deescalated thanks to egyptian mediation thanks to what most analysts agree on both sides is a disinclination towards a full scale war especially now on the israeli side at a time just leading up to a very hard fought election however there is also contradictory evidence as well and israeli senior official talking to israeli media saying that there is no cease
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fire that there is that this current situation has not ended and so we wait to see exactly how things will pan out now that benjamin netanyahu is back in the country one thing from inside gaza that we have heard though is that hamas has decided to call off the choose day protests at least against israel one sign of that so there is maybe some willingness to try to ratchet down the tensions there but sir all eyes really on the political decision that is coming up from benjamin netanyahu talking about benjamin netanyahu let's thank harry very much there from on the border and let's take this conversation to stephanie decker she joins us live from west jerusalem to talking about benjamin netanyahu we know that he's been having meetings what kind of scenarios do we know stephanie that the israelis are looking at right now is that restraint or more escalation as the u.n. is warning there. that's the million dollar question i
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think it's difficult to predict anything in this region savvy we did hear briefly from prime minister netanyahu he addressed the apac conference just around an hour ago where he spoke in the past tense he said we responded with major force saying it was the most force used on gaza since the two thousand and fourteen war and that they were prepared to do whatever it took and to do more to protect the people of israel and the state of israel so that is quite common language but yes as you heard from harry it's been quiet today people were quite surprised that the ceasefire came relatively speaking so quickly into the evening last night everyone expected a bit of a stronger response let's say he is coming under criticism for that a lot of people accusing netanyahu of looking weak of having lost control of how massive having no terence power over the group and over the other factions in gaza
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so i think we're not sure whether we're going to be hearing an official statement usually at the end of the security cabinet meetings there might be a short written statement but i think we always with these things the ground will tell so for the moment since around five thirty in the morning it's been quiet and we'll have to wait and see if whether that changes over the next couple of hours into the night and see we will find so much stephanie decker let's go to our diplomatic editor though james bays joins us from the united nations headquarters in new york and james if one was fearing but how is a very bleak review of the situation in the middle east well your fears would have come true listening in that's what the north had to say right. yeah absolutely niccolo not not has been in this job for some time and he's given some bleak briefings before but the situation really a pretty grim situation that the security council is hearing about now in this meeting worth telling you this is not an emergency meeting so often they call
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meetings in response to events this actually is a planned monthly meeting they meet every single month to discuss the situation in israel palestine it just happens that the meeting is taking place now under the french presidency of the security council discussing the situation in garza in particular although the scope of this meeting is the entire israeli palestinian conflict and related regional developments i didn't hear all of mr levin off comments but i understand that he didn't mention the go land on the u.s. recognition of the go land that may well increase criticism among palestinians of mr bloom out of north somerset the former bulgarian foreign minister is not done particularly evenhanded job as the un's man in jerusalem the special coordinator the reason i didn't hear all of the security council meeting inside the room was
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there was actually something taking place at the same time outside the room and that was an address to reporters by the u.n. secretary general antonio good terrorists and he mainly wanted to speak about the site clone in southern africa i though asked him a question about our main story that we're covering i asked him both about the situation in garza and about the u.s. recognition of the gaulin armed guards or he's condemned the hamas rocket but he then said he also is very unhappy about the ongoing violence and he's called for total restraint the secretary general basically saying that this violence needs to. stopped calling for total restraint from all sides in garza then moving on to the second after of my question he said he didn't think the two issues were related but he wanted to restate the un's position as laid out in un security
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council resolutions and that is that the goal is part of syria occupied territory occupied since one thousand nine hundred sixty seven by israel this is an issue the security council going to have to grapple with in the next twenty four hours because they're actually having a specific meeting about the goal and about the un peacekeeping force there which mandate its mandate comes up in june that's under off form of thousand peacekeepers there who are in between the israeli and syrian side scaredy council meeting continues in fact the arab representative on the security council the kuwaiti ambassador speaking now sami and on that point you have to wonder james how much more complicated the task of the security council becomes when you have now a trumpet ministration that move the u.s. into a position that many would say fly in the face of some of those resolutions and u.n. positions that lead novels referring to about occupied territories and illegal activity in occupied territories. absolutely
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everything that we have taken for granted really was regard to a two state solution status of jerusalem the go land even potentially the west bank i think is being put into question by the trumpet ministration of course there's a big piece of the trumpet ministration jigsaw we don't know and that's the cushion up plan which we keep being told is nearly ready people have read it is ready to be rolled out well it's not being rolled out until after the israeli election at the very earliest it's worth telling you as you watch these security council pictures that the security council in morton more than two years that donald trump has been the us president has let the us even more so the normal leave the diplomacy on israel palestine because the u.s. keeps telling the rest of the security council leave it to jared cushion or he's got a plan i can tell you given some of the recent developments of the development with
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regard to jerusalem the most recent development with regard to the golan the fact we have fresh fighting in gaza other members of the security council privately including some of the u.s. is closest allies are really losing patience it's not clear whether that will come out in some of their speeches but behind the scenes they are losing patience and some are saying really the u.s. said it would lead the way but it's just making things much worse we'll leave it there for now thanks so much james base our diplomatic editor syria described trams decision to recognize the golan heights as israel's as a blatant attack on its sovereignty and territorial integrity damascus says it has a right to reclaim their territory russia warned the move would further deteriorate the situation in the region now turkey called the decision other acceptable and plans to take action against the move in saudi arabia says it's a violation of international law. still ahead on al-jazeera. with
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just ten days and it is our hope our beautiful abio. and all the others fall into such sentence times with violence. weeks months and even the years of the mass shootings a number of suicides occur possibly linked to post-traumatic stress donald trump bypasses congress in an attempt to stop building the wall he promised along the us mexico border. and we're going to fair amount of rain expected over passage china over the next few days the satellite picture is showing a little bit of cloud just drifting its way eastwards but this is the patch it's going to be picking up as we head through wednesday in the day through the who bay province and across towards shanghai soaking pretty wet and that system just nudges a little bit further south which as we had three thursday and intensified as well
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so there all some outbreaks of pretty heavy down towards as we head through the day on thursday to the south of all of that though it's fine in hong kong our temperatures topping at around twenty seven degrees out towards the west and we've been watching warm weather system work its way eastwards here it is ivan nepal and eastern parts of india at the moment giving some rain that a bit of wintery weather mixed in with that as well that's clearing away and on wednesday will get a good deal model for us in katmandu will be up to around twenty four degrees and it is completely as we head into towards the west there we'll figure little bit more unsettled weather ahead shipping its way through possibly iran and across into parts of pakistan and they could be a few breaks of rain from that we're seeing a few here in doha as well rather gray for us that will clear in the day on wednesday though it's clearing southwards in behind it it will be a little bit brighter and we've got used to it up temperature on thursday of twenty eight degrees.
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when they're on line. it's to be able to. express things exactly what is happening in the moment and what it means. or if you join us on say israel partite engage in the ethnic cleansing of the palestinian people this is a dialogue everyone has a voice and we want to hear from you join the conversation amount is. you're watching al-jazeera time to recap our headlines this hour the united nations
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is warning the world may be facing a dangerous escalation of violence in gaza and the u.n. special coordinator for middle east affairs expressed concern amongst the death and injury of palestinians along the gaza border fence and also condemned this indiscriminate firing of rockets into israel he noted the lack of progress in implementing security council resolution two three three four. returns home to handle tensions with the head of elections strikes were launched by israel across the gaza strip on the other side launched at least ten rockets into southern israel attacks began on monday after seven israelis were wounded by a rocket landed north of tel aviv. world leaders have condemned decision to recognize israeli control of the occupied golan heights syria is calling it a blatant attack on its sovereignty russia turkey and saudi arabia also oppose the
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move the united nations says the golan heights. still syrian of hide territory. of the pentagon's plans to spend a billion dollars reinforcing the border fence with mexico are expected to provoke opposition from congress the acting defense secretary and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff are due to testify at armed forces committee hearings this comes after the us army was given the go ahead to build ninety two kilometers of fencing congress voted to overturn trump's declaration of a national emergency to use construction money to fund the war trump vetoed that bill let's cross over now to kimberly how good she is live for us in washington d.c. so let's start first of all with the pentagon money which they're now using how all of that just break it down for us how that's going to go towards the trump war will you. yeah we've been talking about the wall and how much money
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you know mouse stories on television can often be a little bit difficult so let me try to simplify you know we've we've been talking about donald trump has been talking of building this border wall something goes way back to two thousand and sixteen he finally said he needed five point seven billion from congress he didn't get that money congress said no we're just going to give you one point three billion and so i'm going to be for your wall is going to be for other security projects that made donald trump very unhappy so what does he do he declared a national emergency to get that money from the pentagon money that had already been approved by congress for other projects now as you pointed out in the intro to this segment that in fact congress tried to stop the president from spending this money there was concern in the house of representatives as well as the senate they put in legislation to block it donald trump vetoed that and now the money is starting to be spent so what we're seeing from the pentagon the pentagon notifying that in fact one billion is already under way in terms of money that they're going to use for that ninety two kilometers along the southern border it's going to
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affect all fifty states projects like building schools on military bases barracks for soldiers some of them going back to the one nine hundred fifty s. and even repairing fire stations of some military fire stations this is a real gamble for the president because the military and often some sort of the conservative leaning voters in the united states are suddenly going to feel the real of facts of this of donald trump's policy so this is what's happening it's taking place now and it could potentially have some blowback for the president all right we'll leave it there for now thanks so much kimberly how. and some news just coming in another round of u.s. sanctions against individuals and businesses with links to iran the u.s. treasury department has sanctioned twenty five entities based in iran turkey and the united arab emirates some of those sanctioned had obtained millions of dollars
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worth of vehicles from the defense ministry the treasury department has said in its statement straightly is from minister says he's very concerned over algeria's investigation showing links between the u.s. gun lobby and then a strain in political party andrew thomas reports. this is denise is. one in four nothing we're. trying to trade on what started as an al-jazeera undercover investigation into the united states is national rifle association is now dominating australian news and the top of politics there we have reports that one nation officials basically sought to sell australia's gun laws to the highest bidders to a foreign buyer and i find that apart one nation is a far right anti immigration party to its growing influence in australia its
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officials caught trying to get donations from the us gun lobby is big news that's because first for donations to political parties were recently made illegal in australia with one nation foremost among those calling for that ban and second because most australians are proud of their strict gun laws and are concerned that any political party suggesting they could be watered down or changed. that is particularly true right now in the aftermath of the horrific mosque attacks in neighboring new zealand this month on tew state the one nation officials caught on camera trying to turn the tables pointing at the undercover reporter of al jazeera and never ever ever suspected him or wildest dreams that this guy employed by middle eastern country while just. let's bring you some breaking news coming into us from algeria now where the chief of staff of the army is calling for the implementation or activation of an article in the constitution one zero two which
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basically means the post of president becomes vacant and he's saying that the people's protests against president of the us these beautifully should be taken into consideration let's bring in our more on bashar seen here political analyst here that's a very significant development right absolutely the army calls the shots in algeria essentially i mean we will see what exactly it means and if they're going to completely sidelined the president with a fluke of what we do know about the about the army chief of staff. who is been speaking is that he's been a loyal for many years to the president the president who actually brought him out of obscurity and put him to be chief of staff and until yesterday i've been hearing and the list talking about how the the armature stuff would remain with the flicker so this is a bit of an about turn isn't it this is
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a change radical chance break it down take it one step at a time so we don't get ahead of ourselves here marwan first of all he's calling for the activation of article one zero to that doesn't mean that the army has actually deposed him at this point all right so theoretically he's ugly idolizes beautifully it is still the president of algeria exactly but the question is is. is the army chief of staff acting on behalf of the president. or is he acting as if the president no longer in his role we don't know that yet and yet it's still a major turning point for algeria because only two weeks ago the president have cancelled the elections and appointed a new government and basically set the stage for a new national dialogue in algeria in order to pave the way to further democratization in the country so what is happening today from the looks of it is
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quite the opposite of what we were promised two weeks ago in terms of national dialogue and new way forward in algeria or and as we're talking here i think we can see pictures of the army chief of staff talking about. calling for article one zero two to be activated saying that that's should be a solution to the crisis they're going on in syria either way as you said you know is he doing this on behalf of the president or is he doing this despite the president either way if the army as turned as it clearly looks like it has that means the days of beautifully really over right absolutely i mean look i mean just again from experience of you know a number of decades of those sorts of things if he was acting on the behalf of the president now i am just guessing he wouldn't be doing it alone to his army cadets right so the president is nowhere to be seen this is the sort of thing if it happens will be announced either by the president or with the army chief of staff
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to his side the fact that now quite solid is speaking on his own i think that by every possible measure is a major escalation and it's a turning point in modern algeria because as i said until the last two weeks we were talking about the incredibly wonderful relationship between the peaceful demonstrators for the last several weeks and algeria with the security forces with the military. and we were talking about a national dialogue that basically should have started two weeks ago when the president removed the prime minister appointed a new prime minister noda dmn by the way in order to start that dialogue the national dialogue that paves the way for more democratization does this look like democrat isolation to you so what i'm afraid of is two things one is that this is again is done without the president and two is that this is not done in order to pave the way for security and order in order to pave the way for democratic
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elections so we don't exactly know what are the implications of this yet but clearly to have an army chief with army cadets speaking about him about the implementation of an article that sees basically sidelines the president is not does not bode well no it doesn't answer i when you look into article one zero two it talks about removing the president from office because of medical on medical grounds so this do you know to support your analysis here i guess it's looking increasingly like this isn't some sort of agreement that's been reached when the president in the military it sounds like the this is the military saying this man really needs to go we need to get rid of him because he's no longer medically up to the job right absolutely because a soon as we saw the pictures of the army chief of staff speaking alone without any civilians around him this basically means that the army has taken over one too as i
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said until just a few days ago until last night algerians had been talking about how and now we're looking of course at the picture of the army chief of staff with that with president put the flicka and he presumably has been loyal to the president a president who brought him out of obscurity and appointed him chief of staff in order to continue the reform within the country after the. of the civil war in one thousand nine hundred nine so this is been twenty years now with present beautifully trying to move beyond the civil war in the country that basically rechts algeria between one thousand nine hundred ninety one ninety two and the end of the century so for the maid to the chief of staff not to jump in is basically he would be justifying this on two grounds one as we've heard the president is no longer able to carry his authority until there's so much this order in the
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streets or within the system that the army needs to intervene and to control. anyone who knows as you do the history the modern history of algeria and military intervention when we've had army intervention we think back to one thousand nine hundred ninety two when the elections were cancelled after the fees stomach salvation front won the first round of those elections it didn't lead to a greater degree of democracy in the eyes of most algerians at least led to an era of more all for tarion rule is there any time is there any reason now to believe this sort of military intervention is not going to lead to more all flora tarion rule well certainly algeria has had a very complex relationship between the army and the f.l. and from you know the national liberation front that ruled a jury a sense liberation from the french and i think a jury on so many ways suffers from similar. issues if you will
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that the likes of egypt turkey and pastimes pakistan and other developing countries face whereby the military plays an oversized rule in the running of the country and in was even more so because as you said. after the cancellation of the second round of elections in one thousand nine hundred two the army basically defacto took control of the country and the security services began this confrontation with various islamist groups especially the islamic group the groups that make as they were called at the time and with the feast of the islamic front and that as i said took almost a decade and since then with a flick a try to bring the civilians back into at least the fronts and beautifully for it
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to his credit in the past especially in the first decade of the twenty first century did bring in new changes to the country after the deep implications of the military in the running of the country and as i said that's when he brought. to head the president's military chief of staff of the army in order to help him bring back stability and security of the country and what we've known about card saleh is that he had no political ambitions what we've known about him is that he has been. quite loyal to the president so now the number of questions of course need to be answered sammy one is has he acted in his own is there any original or. european countries behind this. as you said it will this lead now to more instability and basically defacto control of the army of area how
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will the people in the street respond all of those of course remain open questions of big questions let's pause for a second marwan let's bring our viewers up to speed for those just joining us with what has happened in the last few minutes ok so we've had an announcement by the army chief of staff in our jiri are calling for the activation of an article in the constitution it's called one zero two now that article allows for the removal of the president from office on medical or other grounds where he's unable to fulfill his functions that's coming from the army chief of staff that's of course very important because the army's seen as the most powerful institution in running the country this also comes on the back of weeks of protests in which people have been out on the streets of algeria in largely peaceful protests asking for the president to step down saying they don't want him to have another term and it's there have
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been some concessions announced by the president but this is quite a significant development in our if the army is saying we want to see the presidency vacated obviously a very serious development. now let me let me bring it back to our political senior political analyst here in this studio marwan bashara and let's. analyze this situation with model one now the fact that the army is perhaps turning on the president is that going to be enough though to satisfy the protesters because surely what they want is a complete changing of the guard and not just a changing of the fast side which is how the president of algeria was always seen he was seen as a as a facet right or wrong but that's how people saw him for the real powers that govern the country absolutely look again just to add to some of what you just said about the very recent history. to remind our viewers around the world that this
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whole. civilian uproar if you will started only a month and what three or four days ago it started all in february twenty second when people descended to the street of all jury or and began what seems to be a nonviolent popular peaceful uprising within the country demanding that president will to flee not run for a fifth term when he obviously everyone around the world is not able to carry his job as the president of the country and the last month two thousand and thirteen we should point out he had that stroke he's barely been seen absolutely doing anything let alone saying anything in public rights only that iran basically took for the fifth term from a hospital in geneva so i mean i was and now the army suddenly has realized that he might not be able to fill the void.
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