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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2019 5:00am-6:01am +03

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we created gun rights astray as a front in order to infiltrate the pro-gun lobby and understand how they operate by guys ya right i one here in louisville of the n.r.a. conference two thousand and seven saying that i conference to get a look at the website by soliciting so you say. wrote you used concealed cameras to film officials from the n.r.a. even broke shoulders with donald trump jr. he briefed me on what he'd seen and heard. over a period of three years roger handed over hundreds of hours of cuban camera recordings. ace in twenty eighteen roger attended a one nation function in sydney. and i read it needs education and we increased the time the school or in the sense that.
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when roger introduced himself to james ashby and told him about his powerful us context the one nation chief of staff said he wanted to meet the. people he thought might fund the party as it prepares for the poles with the promise to loosen a stranger's gun laws. guys. look at a special guest that i state dixon is the head of the one nation party here in queensland and a senate candidate they don't stay at for pleasure to measure. so i stay futilely a little bit more about the one nation gun policy first right before we are we are prague on the ugly people in this country awning on one nation's proposed review of jungle was was devised by steve dixon. he's a former state government minister now one nation's party leader in queensland mine and he's running for a seat in the. sinnott in a strange coming elections i had
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a week actually mike the difference between you know and. also the fact that cool and sensible a more people can actually get involved in shooting or thank you think if he always. said it harry say you know i'm nice with me just might lie down i. just wrote you infiltrated to one nation party the leaders wanted him to plan a trip to america to forge contacts with the n.r.a. . it was invited to the party headquarters and was greeted by james ashby. it's been. fairly. good up here to office here. in atlanta. should this be because why is it i feel such passion
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about america shuttle being a very good way to make country one of the struggles. it is for my country you know but really. like oh well i mean one of us right here the two got is that was our weather conditions here. aren't we going to. dixon says he dreams of changing history used jungle was to make them more like those in america. i watched them break away. but there were more one bottle of this. one and i could do it and what you find out it is because that's what it's like mana to be quiet kid in the eighty's go through anything. if you package it up with some other good lords a bit. governor perry said harry. the
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death toll continues to rise at port arthur where a gunman today when time random shooting spree the nightmare unfolded around half populations are moving again in a cafe but come up before a lot of the time was right gunman stormed around the area unchallenged people his victims in this crowd of great. to lose dixon proposes to soften or put in place following a message or a new strain in town a quarter of a nine hundred ninety six. odd neighborhood it got in the fall so my immediate thought was that it was a car backfiring. window. in what was then one of the worst measure things ever recorded in the world so he five people were mowed. i'm seeing people. being shot and then i saw him and he had this mess if very. large military were awful. and he was coming up
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behind my daughter. the killer was using an a.o. fifteen assault rifle it would become a weapon of choice in mass killings in america for years to come. no one's running no one's screaming. that with every shot that's fired is another life gone. and there's another life gone and is not a life gone. and you feel you're right ma. it will cost myself and my daughter i'm on the floor shoots in the back. and he shot my two shot in the back. and i could see his fate asked. the atrocity led to a swift and ready call revision of history used on the use. i will do everything humanly
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possible to get an effective tightening up a gun control situation in this country must strike he would find it. absolutely unacceptable. that weapons of his car and our bubble. about semiautomatic automatic and simian automatic firearms were banned and what became known as the national firearms agreement more than six hundred fifty thousand guns were destroyed. the gun laws are probably the standout social reform not in not its stride and in fact the club is significant because a striker is able to demonstrate a before and after a change of his skull in the run up to the port arthur massacre a strike that was trained sign level and right metrics as the americans but since not in ninety six and zero pressure groups of people but not known to be silent in stride. the poet author of paints is etched into the
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minds of anyone with a lot at that time it was a pivotal event to establish saif gunnels for astride the national firearms agreement covers everything from the style of our arms the ownership the responsible use and all of. us. and it's a very very fond document that will strike in some crowd and it keeps us safe. but we want your public. that is really the nuts and bolts because we've tried everything in this country and. one nation is excited about traveling to the u.s. and what a meeting with the n.r.a. might deliver. to get pretty good thing not what we want to get through you're right. right three million dollars us when he said question about statesmanship you
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might be a good model michael we are going to go you need your late edition today. dixon asks for guidance on how best to deal with the american gun lobby. it's better that we not you know but frankly i've given you all i want to. use that's not a reason i got. that i don't want to try to stop some really good is right up and up a good i'm even that would. i ask roger to hopes that you'll the n.r.a. is indorsements of pulling henson. we need to want to them this is about the suspect in china getting if we get stronger they can actually work but you know what it's types in the why did you know it's not because of want the invade with you know it's a bunch of not going to want to do much difference maybe. it's the left wing anti
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gunners who literally point to australia using the mainstream media as the shining model as to why we need gun bans and gun confiscation. the n.r.a. is so troubled by israel use strict firearms laws that it's targeted the issue in videos like this. suggesting that a stranger's national firearms agreement is a failure and must be scrapped america we have for an american will not stand for a government any government trampling our rights. dixon says that by funding is social media campaign the n.r.a. could promote one nation without handing over any cash. we can get a million dollars fuck you it would stalk me. i don't even need the five i just need one if we get one that's rush just for you. and if we need to touch the.
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that way the in a ray would promote one nation social media content while providing cover for their financial contributions just gives them the odd. hunch it will give up. the middle name and i mean it. is getting dixon believes that as a veteran politician he knows how to make deals like that have been. on. experience and work through you know him. on the. i'm not. really for many would. say oh. it's that and then we got to go. see it in the know it. in all of history there's always been a time and a place when patriots stand up and rise up against the decree of the elites
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and shout no more. and the n.r.a. convention in twenty sixteen brought you witnessed the power of the gun lobby's messaging and influence in u.s. politics. i'm officially announcing the honorees indorsement of donald trump for president was odd. my sons have been members of the n.r.a. for many many years and they're incredible they have so many rifles and so many guns sometimes even i get a little bit concerned is that that's a lot. to would be president follows a will and are a script america's second amendment the right to view as citizens to carry a gun is under threat. and he will make sure nobody ever takes anybody's guns away
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. i will not let you down remember that i will not let ya. honorees messaging to the gun community increasingly has been built on fear government's going to take away your guns they often use the united nations as a demon as they have demonized brooke obama and hillary clinton and bill clinton before them and using fear to gin up support fund raising new members and guns. hillary clinton wants to abolish the second amendment just remember that we're not talking about changes she wants to abolish the second amendment show we're not going to let that happen i can tell you that right now. from the inside roger loon state and iras playbook for influencing public opinion.
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i i. i i'm in the states a bit so maybe you should be right and we're going to fight the same fight my i got us me. when one nation landed in washington d.c. was there to meet the oh i got you know i think it's a it's a you know he had set up meetings for dixon and ashby using his tongue will be clean tech say. i'm going to get it used dixon's first visit to the united states. the thing that will fix feel the big apple is that is the washington monument.
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the trip is timed so they can attend one of the gun lobby's most influential gatherings of the here. the dinner is organized by the congressional sportsman's foundation. for the. yes. those. weapons up auction to raise cash for the gun lobby.
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the one nation visitors regale guests with tales of life down under. would normally be allowed on guns in a study to show protection to women and i believe that might be true in saigon that we've been in when it was mostly just got it we got quarry coming to you know like you got it when he bought it then it really kind of. like you know it was fun because it might be back and doing people but it's stealing their everything going on. it is the country's going to trial. they told them soul says front row cheerleaders to the u.s. president donald trump we still regarding the soviets and the good set of al assad of america the when we were out there on a bet with sam i know all the poor we should we are back i don't find my way out and i kind of went over it it was your child she. they don't work i wish and that's
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it from. sixty. six. thought on. my own times i'm not. gonna block. the one nation visitors till potential donors to their party that they want to change gondolas back. the people them in their country it's really yours but it's wrong because. dickson discusses the strenuous firearms laws with congressman ted bud here we are back to the much profit on the population or to gun obligation if you ever do commit to it every time he gives congressman a warning the banning of automatic weapons in a stretch is the beginning of a trend that threatens to take hold in the us yet the bellwether never. really gets
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at things that could be that. you get a look at the body both of. us like honestly i would favor that defense of steroids you know might. make it a bigger there except for. the benefit of having a little way in order to live. in power to one nation gets advice from the n.r.a. on how to sell a message of smear the critiques of gun ownership. they're used to various of those children but for all of cho yeah you know. and they discuss how an injection of cash would affect one nation's chances in the upcoming elections you're on a lot of house and off the bat of. an
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ancient land and one man's dream to transport hans have billions from europe and fly them over his beloved country. in a nation reeling from decades of violence. about history from. can an international team of pilots get this man's dream off the ground it means over babylon on al-jazeera. hello i'm maryam namazie and london just a quick look at the top stories for you three palestinians have been killed and more than two hundred injured during protests at a gaza israel fence forty thousand palestinians have mark the first anniversary of the weekly protest known as the great march of return. algeria's army chief has repeated his call to apply article wanted to the constitution which would remove
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and abdelaziz bouteflika from office well this comes a day after hundreds of thousands protested across the country demanding complete political change ahmed said that while most people supported the army's plan it was still some resistance it looks like we are into a new phase of us. with the army sending a warning to a group of people he accuses of trying to spread real wars and the stabilize the country but i have to say that there are opposition members and activists who have been very critical of the army in the past few days saying that by stepping in they could just further undermine the political process in algeria. in our other headlines the number of cholera cases in mozambique cyclon hit city bearer has risen to two hundred seventy one so i clone a die which is more than two weeks ago damaged water and sanitation infrastructure the world health organization is expecting nine hundred thousand cholera vaccine
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doses to arrive in the country on monday u.s. president donald trump is reported to have demanded north korea hand over its entire nuclear arsenal at the hanoi summit last month according to a report from the reuters news agency said to a present of kim jong un with a document calling for the transfer of nuclear weapons and all making materials to the united states the talks collapsed shortly afterwards. protesters have rallied in southwest yemen calling on saudi backed government forces to take full control of ty's province you see figes of besieged the city of thais for more than four years an estimated two hundred thousand civilians have been caught up in the fighting. and pope francis is in morocco for two day visit he was greeted in the city of robot by king mohammed ad of the roman catholic church is hoping to improve dialogue between christians and the muslim world last month he became the first catholic to set foot on the arabian peninsula when he visited the
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united arab emirates. lots more coming up for you in the news hour that's in twenty five minutes time do join me then al-jazeera investigations now continues i. feel like thank you so much for home as they. say the right way and these people that. sat in the well. and that they had a vision that they would name their decision on triumph i think here we give you all the glory and any troops you the best you can. in america's midwest in a raid volunteers are gathering to help promote the organizations newly endorsed presidential candidates. right here is republicans all good yeah i'm here is there enough of you that the police chief back or you know you does not. have yeah. roger funds a recurring message amongst those assembled here history is strict tumbleweeds said
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a disturbing international precedent and it's imperative that the legislation be changed. we want you to come back and i'm sure you're going to work toward ok i'm going to show you of my life right now to well turn it around to get them out there brian i'll send yours and i. will donate i'm doing. good job my son's a regular guy that the son of alexander why seriously i get everything. the volunteers told roger hell the n.r.a. sways public opinion. play how'd on the foam or ability of women women women you know women protecting themselves cd angle is it shouldn't she be allowed to protect her shine just so why are you trying to take this away from her somehow put it into the context i can ruin your. i take away her choice detectorists. you kind
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of barbarian are you right. my name is dave and i'm on tour with the n.r.a. i ask if you question about the watch. following a script written for them by the n.r.a. the ohio volunteer group will make hundreds of calls tonight the honorees a doorstop term for this from us to do everything in his power to protect our second amendment rights are you planning us or. one of the volunteers who's just twelve years old and has been working the phones in ohio for weeks. i doubt they. are shit and i thank you god for my his mother says he's now made more than two thousand cool urging voters to put donald trump in the white house. stage up to the finals and then they're not let's hear it we have to look at that chris thank you for taking the time to speak just write this call was paid. for.
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you thank you never greeting. the head of the n.r.a. recorded a widely broadcast message to its members celebrating trump's victory. on november eighth you the five million men and women of the national rifle association of america are more than tens of millions of. gun owners all over this country who followed your lead achieved a truly extraordinary story even a hard growing accomplishment you were the special forces that swung this selection and sent donald trump and mike pence to the white house. but in fact five never gonna happen five case i have it on and i'm so happy about it because this is putting out of a message to everyone around the world that the people palin is now happening.
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the one nation team gathers of the hotel. so was going to see who was just on a lot of them. they have more meetings lined up and they're feeling buoyant. so you that was sitting in. washington they said in the seven the story well you know how we want to treat what. should be calculates health money from the gun lobby can push one nation's future. it would be a should know the now if we look to see the law you know. i read that. if you were
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a twenty two you would you would you it on a lot of house afternoons you don't. get your trip might be legit we thought if one nation could get in here you know it's got to be because my state senate seats. you don't know i mean the better. the next day i should be in dickson visit the rays institute the legislative actions. so. brandy graham is a senior n.r.a. little beast it's a good tool to make sure congress maintains a pro-gun agenda. the united states a lot of times they don't look at all strong you know. there's a problem we have to make to knowing. she has
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a tip for one nation on how to mobilize pro-gun advocates work from the ground up. i don't care if you are right or only have six of your buddies. back to share as long as their twenty bucks for the organization or whatever it is trying to raise if we have it both need to spend forty dollars or more and that's the reason it was . come to this trial is probably one of the most important thing its first brother saw it comes with both drugs and you're trying to play. the n.r.a. would welcome one nation using the right to self-defense as an argument to change a stranger's jungle was. i think it would be very beneficial if you are all able to take steps in the right direction just start providing protection to people then again that helps us because the biggest target i would get from feds is
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a look at australia. that continually attacked us that's never ending. or want to kill al. lap dog trucks that are going to go pers try to go dark i'm going to. have to go for the quick weight problem and if it's one or two. or you know it will or hope wonders. and to help stop that dixon asks for brandy graham's assistance with other meetings in washington. people who might be aware of that have seen them both in for a while. it will seem good in stopping this infection spread if you can course or groups of people can you talk we like to think like mine where you are on the ground. graham offers to connect one nation to energy giant
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industries whose massive political donations helped put donald trump into wealth as . if he can talk about if that. gun policy and the other issues. whatever they were. are our core. but graham has a warning for one nation guests public support for gun rights can carry a risk particularly when news breaks of another mess killing. but fairly well this is how we start a death threats which is crazy you know these people they hate guns but they're calling they're going to shoot us it was. a gunman fires more than a thousand rounds from his hotel suite. coming. into a crowd attending a music concert below i've. not. everybody
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a good crowd. fifty nine like the political winners and four hundred before he won only. the less vegas massacre is one of three hundred forty six men shootings the took place in the u.s. that year. a children are being killed every day in this country over you know three hundred forty people are being shot every day. thirty nine thousand seven hundred and seventy three people were shot dead in america in twenty seventeen. really did we're just if we get your guards my sure it will still continue to go unconscious trying. how much of the one nation visitors are meeting the n.r.a.
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is p.r.t. . jaffrey just there the people who deal with reporters when a mesh shooting takes place. you go out with you see there's this big on the wall that says the size of my. lungs don't side is one of the n.r.a. senior media liaison officers if another measure happens in a straight he advises one nation to smear his supporters of gun control by accusing them of exploiting the tragedy there used to raise those children or. not is that if you. if your policy isn't good enough to stand still oh mr bush or. the really good that's a good liberal but you always do the right behind it and want to drag him into it and there's a bad story like a photo of a child gets further shocked when. they want to call the n.r.a.
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first for a home what do we have to do with this. that's remote. part of the and i'll raise public relations team. we will not comment because we don't know maybe that story may have nothing to do. so we generally just what. you say do comment the n.r.a. has a blueprint for managing the media hafetz hafetz office and that is an effective communication strategy and that's what the n.r.a. yes very well lead to people have had it we've had it with your narratives your propaganda your fake news. the n.r.a. a text critiques in the media it accuses them of being conscious of a detached elite. and being out of touch with main street america. we try very hard to promote that the n.r.a. is made up of average americans that look and sound like the rest of america that
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we're not like some sort of outlier one of the right label you have of it the farmers the cowboys the loggers the drug grabbers you don't know the mountain men live on the land or the brave cops who fight the good fight in the war zone the national rifle association of america. predicts safest place and we've had it with your pretentious tone deaf assertion that you are in any way truth or fact based journalism. the big thing right now is to get your message out there on filter. we want to speak directly to our members and supporters. that social media lies you. i pass. we're going to face the new york times and find out just what people which means to this old gray had were going to laser focus on yourself called honest pursuit of truth and sort we're coming for you
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to all those shoes why are all of those the sons of god so if you think this is something that we support inventors of some sort of policy that we hit bottom. of course our reaction is the same as any other birth marriage we're completely outraged that words are the only back and by war right now. that's the sort of stuff we're up guys you know them by right it was either going to get all of by the very very or or i'm tired of me or truck. and that's the white majors cross over. here something happens here not the style but it's like. when you try to look at it with children that were murdered without nashiri we're having not buddy who's in top another we don't know our wall of the compound what.
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would happen you know more people who kill trucks you know probably a lot of what will strike that's what i'm going to struggle with. my. fellow times today another mess killing this time it's a high school in pocklington florida the disk told seventeen. these are not just numbers these are faces these are family members these are people of the community. that are being slaughtered all across the country. six minutes and twenty seconds with an a r fifteen and my friend carmen would never complain to me about piano practice erin finest would never call kiera miss sunshine alex shocked or would never walk into school with his brother ryan scott
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beagle would never joke around with cameron at camp palin or mc would never hang out after school with. my colleagues today had to go pick up her daughter for eleven year old daughter from a damn good school in new york city because there was a threat of a school shooting to day. to day this is what i just think this is i get kids are texting their parents that there was going to be a shooting and i ran there to find a ton of parents so upset picking up their kids. that's today. how much more must be it for me more. to that you know a good loving thank you is crying from the grip of his pride from the school house how much more will be necessary just coming
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thank you when i'm going out to talk to the families of these loved ones that have been killed and you know sometimes i'll sit there and i'll just stare at them in the waiting room. knowing that what i'm about to do is going to completely change their life i'm about to. tell them that their loved one is never coming back. and i will tell you looking at the faces of those mothers sisters you know brothers fathers those faces are often chiseled into my memory. what was frustrating is that hollywood in the bankruptcy just dumped all this money in the one nation visitors who had the eno raise take on the student protests
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following the public in the high school shooting. brandy graham said the survivors have become the puppets of anti gun at you take his. basic classes and your organizes in time what to say what to do they do interviews a bit but so is all orchestrated by these into one word yes it was not. and to those politicians supported by the n.r.a. that allowed the continued slaughter of our children in our future i say get your resumes ready. the n.r.a. publicly mocked students who just witnessed the killing of their classmates. this kid ought to be marching against an hypocritical police structures they hate machines their constant except hold on no duty never going to take the car. you want to attack a teenager who went to a school shooting that's who's your enemy now is a school shooting survivor
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a kid who doesn't want to die. but that it is but that it we hear the first gunshot echoed through the hallways. our first response was not sounded a lot like a gunshot or that very day. and now they're getting or it's time to get on the side not this is going to be a mess to you for us it's like all this is that these people are going to walk away from his phone like i was believe or. not mine it was actually in our. back. yard that was uncovered they decided. it's not. but david was at the shooting he recorded a video on his phone is the killings were taking place. not.
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the claims videos like that a broadcast to boost ratings and to attack citizens rights. wasted not one second to exploit tragedy for political gain. in legacy media love mass. you guys are loving. crime mothers are ratings gold. care not about america's school system and school children. if they truly care what they would do is they would protect their goal is to eliminate the second amendment and our firearms freedoms so they can eradicate all individual freedoms. they've had
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enough. they've had enough and they're going to tell you to your face with. your peddling. painful look in the mirror and ask yourself if it's truthful because oftentimes truth is the most painful. we live. with pressure mounting for gun reform how does the n.r.a. maintain the support of so many members of congress. that. it really will ban the last act and you are playing caroline's role is to mobilize the in a raise five million members to support pro-gun politicians were
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a big organization were very good politically been doing it a long time to regain we actually need to appreciate their friends we have to replace them if you don't lawmaker with the program maker we do we have to realize though to keep the program on the group days. i remember when i was at the national rifle association i went in to see a couple of the senators and i remember very distinctly playing real hardball with them i handed the senate two letters and one letter essentially says dear fellow n.r.a. member when we came to see your senator he was walkin crn about what the new york times had to say then what you believe and. the other letter said the opposite dear fellow n.r.a. member when we came to meet with your senator he was far more concerned about your interests and your rights and what the editorial board of the new york times had to
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say now that's hardball that's how you play the game. we have to make sure that we're fighting on the presidential front senate front out front i guess we just can't afford to take a step backwards. you concentrate on one of the words that strategically you can have most impact. is to try to realistically strategically decide are there some politician who can't be correct in. one nation is james ashby knows how a stranger would react if it ever learned that the party was asking for american gun money gets if i'm. wrong about. this it does from my head every single minute of already done. so his meetings in washington were to be kept secret also he sort.
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of mentioned old in north america but i think it might actually sink one national as a political force in astride a. majority is trying population still very very strong for. for trying to unpick that with an argument that says i want a third party lobby group in another political jurisdiction to dictate terms to you mikes licensed this would be the last thing you try to pick through the back. and i don't care have you off i'm sorry but i find it funny they only know a factory to be asked to have this be an el al well they're out of a movie about the event. yet right.
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in the next episode of how to sell a massacre one nation lands a meeting with energy giant coat industries a. good job it gave us a bit if you get out there with the good. the n.r.a. gives one nation whole political advice he was messaging out there they'll get people out base get a nat easy to understand and a warning from ashby to roger to keep their communications secret the way to be thoughtful that stops at the erotic. was tracked by stream a few seconds or. a
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three year investigation into the pro-gun lobby we've been employing it was mostly just got to really. reveal secrets and you were. sitting out there oh good people out there you know math and connections some don't want exposed many in legacy media. mass shooting. documents one night al-jazeera investigations house a cell a massacre on al-jazeera. hello again it's good to have you back what we have been seeing some colder air coming in
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across parts of the south that is going to continue but start to moderate because we are going to start to see the winds start to moderate as well this is the final system that caused all the problems we did have severe weather on that front we have a lot of cool air coming in from behind it as well sunday looks like this still quite cool in melbourne at about sixteen degrees adelaide in one thousand in the severe weather is making its way out towards the tasman sea in the coral sea but for townsville we do expect to see probably some thunderstorms in your afternoon as we go towards monday we do expect to see some of these temperatures begin to come up slightly for adelaide twenty one for brisbane it is going to be a nice day few a little bit fresher with the temps are there of about twenty five degrees where across the north and south island of new zealand unfortunately that weather system that we were just talking about is coming into play of the next few days it's going to bring a lot of severe weather for you as well so first of all we're going to be talking the south island with storms coming in as well as some windy conditions some of these storms could be heavy as well as we could be seems localized flooding as we
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go towards monday that moves up here towards the northeast in auckland it is going to be rainy few with a temperature of twenty one christ church attempts go up more clouds as well with a temper of twenty four. elements this is the opportunity to understand a very different way where there is it's a little. zero . hello i'm maryam namazie this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next sixty minutes israeli forces killed three palestinian teenagers and enjoy more
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than two hundred others during protests in gaza on the first anniversary of the march of return demonstrations. algeria's army chief repeats his call to remove president abdul aziz bitch if he could from office a day off to more than a million protesters took to the streets demanding political change. aid agencies rush to stem an increase in cholera cases in mozambique in the wake of sight clonie die and we look at life for some of the hundreds of central american asylum seekers trapped in mexico by the trumpet ministrations hard line migration policy. peter with all your support is a new long pole in formula one moves ferrari's show all the qualifiers first for the bahrain grand prix.
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alone welcome to the program forty thousand palestinians have marked the first anniversary of the weekly protest known as the great march of return have been protesting at the gaza israel fence demanding the right to return to lands from which their families were violently expelled during the founding of israel in one thousand nine hundred forty eight while the demonstrations on saturday were largely peaceful three people were killed and more than two hundred injured homage on june has more now from gaza. on the first anniversary of the great march of return palestinians came out committed to their cause and as in anyone she is excited out of it at that we're here for the anniversary of land day and that has been stolen by israel we hate to tell everyone that we have rights and they've been taken by the israelis. for many here this is become a regular weekly routine a cycle of rubber bullets and tear gas all of it bringing death and injury to the protesters. as in protest past some demonstrators ran toward the border fence and
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others hurled rocks toward israeli forces but today most stayed behind simply observing waiting to see what happens next making a difference was the presence of hamas and islamic jihad volunteers who actively tried to keep things calm. despite the flare ups things have so far today been far less chaotic than many people feared they would be the question now what exactly happens next. the great march of return protests began on march thirtieth two thousand and eighteen when civil society groups called for action against the twelve year blockade on gaza the original aim was to break through the fence and reclaim their ancestral land the protests were later organized by hamas saturday's anniversary was set against the backdrop of a bid by egypt to deescalate the latest round of tensions between israel and hamas negotiations are ongoing a massive issue is on the scene said they'd arrived at
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a crossroads you had that must look with everything will depend on how israel deals with protesters will they stop attacking civilians and stop the aggression and airstrikes on gaza and also going to respect what's been a great upon with the egyptians last some were cautiously optimistic about the prospect of a deal others worry a deal won't ensure things will fundamentally change the mood of the us all the u.s.'s signifies that it had that attitude. the economic situation in gaza has been very miserable for a long time but in the last two years it's become more miserable and unemployment is very high there's no money in gaza the border is closed which means eighty percent of needed items come out and so goes the people aren't allowed to travel and there aren't enough hospitals for treatment of a sentiment echoed by many here who vowed to continue to come out week after week year after year until they finally get the rights and opportunities they deserve. gaza
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a palestinian political commentator who joins me in the studio now thank you for coming to speak to us on the news hour and we saw many thousands of people coming out in protests today explain to us what this first anniversary of the great march of return means to many people living in gaza. well the peaceful nature of today's massive protests was expected to some extent because we know the egyptian delegation is a present in gaza to strike a cease fire deal now the grik much of return means the palestinians the one the implementation of the united nations resolution one ninety four which called for the return of palestinian refugees and also the lifting of the israeli blockade that has been in a place for the past twelve years we know gaza is known the world's largest open air prison were nearly two million people live there so they have been protesting weekly for the past year in order to a send
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a message that we we want the sea to be lifted we want to have a decent life there collective punishment is not acceptable young people children journalists medical personnel were shot did as sitting ducks by the israeli snipers israel just defies it's at acts it's very very interesting what you say because you have a unique perspective on this story and i know that you follow it very closely what is your sense of how that message is being received by by the world by the international community well the message reached the international community we know that a number of u.n. organizations there is solidarity going on around the world to shore to be there to with the palestinians of gaza but nothing has i mean little has been done in order to pressure israel to lift the siege or to alleviate the suffering of the people of gaza more than two half of them two thirds of gaza pollution are reliant on either systems and distance of refugees so israel has been buying time of the siege has
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been in a place for the past twelve years and the people of gaza are they have no bright future what's happening in gaza is a manmade disaster it's not because this certain faction is against this for a certain faction of it today that. speaking about three palestinians have been killed but there were fears of a serious escalation after a week of airstrikes and rocket fire that appears to be an agreement of sorts between the palestinians and israel is that your understanding yes i think we will we might expect. some easy some lifting of the restrictions imposed on gaza because this was one of the conditions set by the egyptian delegation if you stop the instant the ruble loans and if used the nightly confusion and if you make sure this anniversary to be passed in a peaceful way then israel sit the might they promised they will make some steps on
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the ground to alleviate the suffering of the people of gaza. delegation was present . in the legation is a civil present so the people the president of gaza the pin their hopes on the egyptian efforts they want to see practical steps tangible steps on the ground in order to have a decent life they have had enough you know gaza is a pressure cooker israel waited three wars in gaza speaking of and those dynamics are fundamentally unchanged we've seen attempts at peacemaking through the decades after what you've seen over the past two years our peacemaking efforts completely dead and if so can it be can they be revived the palestinian people in general they have lost faith in the so-called peace process the p.l.o. has been negotiating with the israeli side for the past twenty five years nothing has been done on the ground israel is buying time so the palestinians say we are live down by the international community there live down by the arab countries and
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they pin their hopes on the peace loving people around the world civil society organisations the never raise the white flag this still have hope one day justice will be implemented thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and opinions with this use of the q. well now to algeria where the army chief has repeated his call for the constitution to be used to remove president abdelaziz bouteflika from power and medicaid solace was said that while most people supported the army's plan to trigger article wanted to i was still resistance on friday millions of protest has rallied across algeria demanding complete political change they want the elite to be removed and some are wary of military intervention has this update now from tunis it's remarkable the way the army chief. is becoming of the center stage of the political landscape he's the only person who
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has been issuing statements over the last few days while the entourage of president . is completely silent and isolated so that's the first remark to he seems to be very very angry about a group was in a meeting spreading rumors and media campaign against the military establishment in in algeria and the algerian on the still believes that the only way out of the crisis in algeria is through article one two which paves the way for the president of the senate to take over as interim president or that article seven and eight state that all. sovereignty of algeria and all the power resides in the people of the army by stepping in it is not violating the constitution on the contrary it is safeguarding the constitution of syria so this is quite remarkable it looks like we are into a new phase of us. with
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a lot with the army sending a warning to a group of people he accuses of trying to spread real wars and destabilize the country but i have to say that iraqi opposition members and activists who have been very critical of the army in the past few days saying that by stepping in they could just further undermine the political process in algeria this simply means that the political impasse in algeria will continue for some time until all the parties come together and try to negotiate roadmap for a transition to democracy in the country of more in a story we can speak. who has been affiliated with the european council on foreign relations joins us now live from algiers via skype thank you for speaking to us the army is attempting to diffuse the situation in algeria but the protesters have rejected that proposal is there a risk of a confrontation between the people and the army. well actually what's happening
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today is not not so much a question of the people in the army so much as the army and the clad around the president himself. on. social media now a lot of people are talking about these accusations by the army chief of staff rahm in the guide sana and suggesting that it refers to a meeting in that island. held between the president's brother is cited for defeat get and the former head of the secret services general two feet. so this is actually more about the different elements within the regime itself within what it was known as look who are the power and which is a series of caverns that held power collectively and that until now have worked side by side and which now.


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