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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2019 2:00am-3:01am +03

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counting the cost zero. zero. this is the news hour live from joe coming up in the next sixty minutes stepping down after months of protests against president. bashar. and in the streets of. the president's time. we must find the compromises that will get the british people.
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back to the drawing board for british prime minister theresa may as she tries to buy more time to save her deal. and the u.n. warns that conflict and climate change are threatening millions of africans with hunger. i began with our continuing coverage of the resignation of algeria's president. a few hours ago word came that after twenty years he is stepping down a comes after the army chief demanded the eighty two year old be declared unfit for office fourth term was due to twenty eighth will take a decision to celebrations across algeria and the capital crowds gathered in. had gathered over the past few weeks people weighed flags and traffic came to a standstill and a statement announcing his resignation has said this. i decided to end my term as
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president of the republican affective on tuesday the second of april two thousand and nineteen i made the decision to call in the minds of my citizens and to allow them to collectively transition algeria to a better future all my work efforts and sacrifices aimed to strengthen the national unity independence and envelopment of our country demonstrations against the algerian president began on february twenty second when delegates fulfill announced his bid to run for a fifth term within days algerians living outside the country also call for him to go and france algerian said to the streets demanding politically his resignation by march eleventh the president was forced to reverse his re-election bid but he postponed april's polls also made the interior minister his new prime minister and promise political reforms but that did little to convince protesters who wanted a national government of consensus instead of the army to manage the transition period out of serious permits this takes
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a look back at beautifully because twenty years in office it was all juries longest serving president abdulaziz beautifully will likely be remembered for ending the civil war that lasted ten years hundreds of thousands of people were killed beautifully to one praise for restoring stability that led to an economic boom a major development projects across the country. he also managed to hold the country together during the arab spring there were protests in january twentieth over poverty and unemployment. the government responded by creating thousands of small business opportunities with generous incentives to young entrepreneurs reducing food prices and ending a decades old state of emergency. despite this riots continue and a sign that not everyone was happy with how beautifully qur'an algeria. beautifully
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could is considered a national hero by his supporters he fought on the battlefield during algeria's war of independence from france and then served as foreign minister until nine hundred seventy nine. in the early one nine hundred eighty s. he was accused of corruption and went on a self-imposed exile the charges were later dropped and at the end of the civil war in the late one nine hundred ninety s. he won an election with the backing of the military the opposition so the vote was raked beautifully because critics accuse him of clinging to power and cracking down on his opposition during his second term in office he managed to change the constitution to allow him to run for an unlimited number of terms so with mounting control of a sea in popular unease among his opponents who to flee to won a third election in two thousand and nine and the fourth in twenty fourteen by the time he won that election he was frail and rarely seen in public and some said he
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was no longer fit to govern western leaders considered him an important ally in the fight against armed groups in north africa who to flicker had zero tolerance towards these groups and the heavy handedness linked to that approach sometimes cost civilian lives in twenty thirteen thirty foreign workers including western nationals were killed when beautifully ordered the army to storm a gas plant in the algerian desert the aim was to rescue hundreds of hostages held by an armed group affiliated with al qaeda. critics believe beautifully could have saved lives how do you negotiate a safe exit for the civilians. but beautifully his grip on power started to slip when he announced his bid to run for a fifth term hundreds of thousands of algeria has poured into the streets in the biggest demonstration seen since independence from france in one thousand nine hundred sixty two for five weeks the protesters demanded the president and his allies resign beautifully
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a first try to placate the protesters by reversing his decision to stand again and perspiring april's elections the eighty two year old who suffered a stroke in twenty thirteen said he'd stay on until a new constitution is adopted. but it wasn't enough to stop the revolt and the protests continue. any decision making capacity beautifully had left was taken from him by the army high command the chief of staff call for the implementation of an article in the constitution which allows for the president to be removed because of ill health. of which to flee his opponents say is main legacy is one of economic stagnation and widespread corruption his supporters insist he brought much needed stability to algeria bernard smith al-jazeera let's bring in algerian journalist in algeria i mean thank you so much for joining us so what has the the mood been a sense this major announcement of the resignation. the mood has been
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one of jubilation of triumph of victory of all the joy out of you know a sense of victory all over the president that has you know had a tight grip over the country over the last twenty years and so people are really. feeling a sense of pride because it was six weeks only pursued demonstrations just to pick protests and they have been able to to to put enough pressure on and one of the strongest regimes in the region. and seoul and people are to this hour to this late hour at night still on the streets of every major artery is not a dance in harm that there are winds are waving their flags chanting big to slogans and so i think that today. has been reminiscent to independence day one
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hundred sixty two i think it will go in history as a victory of the people make a good point when you say that this all happened in six weeks which is really a an amazingly short period of time for something so major to happen having said that they think the protesters anticipated that this would happen so quickly and when do they pivot to what the next step is. well definitely not already starting to come in i think i'm not even exaggerating when i say when people took out of this cheese the first couple of weeks they were not really expected in. major changes to happen this quickly yes they were hopeful yes they were knighted the yes they knew that the strength would be in there a unity unity and their unbelievable organization and disappear. i should point out that there was no incidents of violence ever during these protests enough some isolated cases but you know even those isolated cases the police the national
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police who according that they were not demonstrators that they were. that came after the protest have finished and so this is a testament that people were extremely civil in their protest look and i think that was the strength of the protest as opposed to what happened in the so-called arab spring countries where you know it took longer and it didn't have as much as much result as the algerian revolution do just because. it's unprecedented to have this level of the civic protests and this is why the government was so pressured in front of the entire world the entire world was largely lehner how pacific the protestors were and saw this was she had believed no choice but to cave in to the demands of the people to the second part of your question was was was a what's next and that is a great question that i think people now are not really thinking about this hour
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live in the end sinking in the jubilation to have been as the in florida but i think this is a very very hard question to answer and i think anybody pretends to even begin to have the answer to that because it's really complicated yes the president has stepped down but the people around him are still here and one of the major slogans of these protests have been since the beginning has been you should go away magic. president is that loose chanting again if the president had only been with her the first two weeks and then you know literally never heard of it i should step down again we only heard that you should all the stars around him you know entourage. and his appointees and everybody that had any sort of connection to this government whatsoever should go away this is that we have to challenge how we do that who will do that exactly the transitional government this is the real question those are exactly the right questions and that's going to drive our discussion for the for
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the next a little bit here. thank you so much for joining us from three appreciate it well all right let's bring in robert ford and you have in connecticut acer mr ambassador to algeria from two thousand and six to two thousand and eight he now teaches at yale university so let's pick up on some of those questions mr ambassador that that laid out what is next as you see to get algeria to the next the next step yeah well i think that is the big question exactly as rami a said. the army forced president beautifully his hand and compelled him to leave office the army chief of staff said that article one zero two of the constitution should be applied if that is applied strictly it means that the president of the upper chamber of the bi
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cameral algerian parliament takes over as interim president if that article is applied strictly the army chief of staff also mentioned two other articles in the constitution and so it's not exactly clear if he insists on a strict application of the constitution or if there's wiggle room. do you see that this is kind of an area where need to keep an eye on the on the army are you concerned that in the next few days or weeks they may overstep in some way well i think absolutely you have to watch the army it is an important if not the most important part of the algerian state and it is what the army did that compelled president beautifully to abandon the idea of an indefinite
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extension of his fourth presidential term so you must watch the army what is not clear is exactly what the army wants in terms of a transition and the army itself may not be divided what some of the younger officers in the army want as compared to what some of the older more senior officers want the chief of staff is seventy nine years old. we don't know yet do you anticipate that at some point there is going to have to be some unified voice on the opposition to to be the go to person to be the voice to to lead this in some direction because it seems that so far there really hasn't been that it's been clear that we don't want this but it has the men exactly clear what they do want. yeah so it's been very clear what they don't want first they didn't one program beautifully can as rami a just said they don't now they've said they don't want the entire government
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system there's a cabinet that beautifully appointed over the weekend they don't want them they don't want this interim president from the upper house of the parliament they don't want him so we don't what they don't want it's not so clear what they do want and in a transition process you would think there would be some kind of negotiation about who would be named whether names are acceptable so that the street protests subside we don't know yet and so it's not clear when the head acas what they call themselves in arabic the street protest movement it's not clear who would lead them and when such leadership will be determined so this has a ways to go what ways to play out we hope it stays peaceful indeed and mr ambassador robert ford joining us from new haven connecticut thank you. professor
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of science and international relations at qatar university he joins us now and you've been listening to some of the discussions we just had what is critical at this juncture i mean this exact moment a president is stepping down it's not exactly clear that there's a voice leading to the next step what needs to happen right now. before you answer this question that i'd like to make it clear that the president didn't stop when he was forced to stop the point this is available because gates last week suggested or. should be triggered nobody listened to him but when he said it has to be done the president that he's done in his speech you'd like to say that i did it for the sake of the nation blah blah blah words matter your point is there so but the thing is the. genius of the beginning
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i guess nobody knows what's going up but people enjoy it it basically is called the . test was just called the first goal a very important goal the president is god decide what about the people around him i don't mean to interrupt but what about the people around him obviously the hillock is saying that we don't want anybody. because. the gates has been talking about the constitution so. we saw pictures of him with the president of the constitutional council giving him dictation with the been solid the president of the appellate chamber of the counsel for the nation who called who took the constitution should take over so these are the images so if we followed the constitution to the little. we'd be president for ninety days presidential elections will be. but this is not what the protesters want because of
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the carbon is not point of beautifully he has always been his yes man the constitutional council has not done anything despite to do pull her out of the president of the blue one or two before all the governors of the forty eight departments in algeria well appointed by the causes and they have a history of elections so if we followed this constitutional rule would the heloc fail the pilot from basically thought so where is the voice of the opposition to to step up in this process. some almost of the opposition i would call it the best opposition money can buy of liquor has used. his opponents and most of the so-called political parties have been. to the tune
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of what for the most been so some leaders or political parties go into the most of it in the streets and they have been kicked out ok but at some point they will have to sit together and talk about three months four months transition i don't think it will take you to this short because transitions usually take a longer period i would expect the transition in algeria to take eighteen months give and take few months he'll a few months but what i would expect maybe some figures. about acceptable or credible we did the. people and people who have been for instance because. he has been the his name has been. around he was the biggest of defense general in the. president most importantly he
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cut his shot he didn't even complete his. first one date. established a constitution well by the president could only sell for. two mondays five years each he has not been been volved in the crimes or in the financial scandals to say this is for instance somebody. have some kind of consensus that the people will be joined in people from the iraq as well like most of the bushes you for instance. there are people who have been who have been the militants for human rights and so on and so forth for quite a long time and they have some credibility within the population so considering how much they army has driven a lot of this. are you concerned about their role going for the same question that i put to the ambassador. i am not this is if you will to trying to say we go in to see a new sisi in algeria i would say you know yes the military stepped in because it
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sees itself as the gusto didn't fall the nation they see them to basically gave in so many statements that we we do people and we are going to make sure that the wishes of the people with materialize we're not going to sit and watch the currently go in. turmoil so they ultimately will be watching the situation very clearly it will be a major player but we will be more of a supervisor than anything else because the algerian army is image was punished in eighty eight flow to the ninety's there were allegations that the army has been involved in so many muscles and know the move that the gates made today especially forcing the president to quit on him and the algerian military feel below news with the people they don't think that. is going to go but with deliberate action in the
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world is watching as well. thank you very much i'm a calling on you again thank you thanks. we'll have much more on algeria later and the hour there's still more ahead on al-jazeera including the fight between benjamin netanyahu and his former army chief gets better just ahead of israel's general election. six months after the murder of saudi journalist look at where the case stands today. manchester united suffers a major setback as they look to qualify for the champions league. britain's prime minister theresa may has offered to sit down with the leader of the opposition to try to break the deadlock over bricks it u.k. is due to leave the european union and ten days but so far parliament has not agreed on a withdrawal plan theresa may says she'll ask for a further extension to avoid crashing out without a deal on a go reports a softening of the prime minister's previously it movable red lines in
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a bid to end the brics a deadlock i've always been clear that we could make a success of no deal in the long term but leaving with a deal is the best solution. so we will need a further extension of article fifty one that is as short as possible and which ends when we pass a deal embattled but determined to keep going to resubmit a offer to meet with the opposition leader jeremy corbyn to find a new bricks it plan and attempt perhaps to leave behind a deeply divided party to seek a national consensus and a softer breck's it the big u.k. more closely aligned with the european media so far she hasn't shown signs of compromise but i'm pleased that today she has indicated she will accept the view of parliament and is prepared to reach out and have that discussion earlier on in downing street one by one they arrived members of the cabinet gathered attempting to plot a course through the chaos no deal is in sight at the u.k.
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is running out of days to make one this is the current state of bricks it a high risk game where one side is waiting for the other to blink first and time is not on anyone's side the stakes are higher than ever as is the risk of the u.k. crashing out of the e.u. what happens here over the next ten days will be absolutely critical parliament so far has been unable to make up its mind of what kind of brics it there ought to be but as the clock runs down so too does patience in brussels where there is little appetite to prolong an already over due process for the e.u. there is little comfort taken at the ever increasing possibility of a no deal divorce. with her desire or. never my desire. but you know prepared.
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to do more like. meanwhile ahead of next week's e.u. summit ireland's prime minister met for talks with a french president it might call has been vocal on the u.k.'s need to come up with a deal as soon as possible not least to safeguard its fellow e.u. members from the fallout of a no deal scenario it has taken two and three quarter years for the u.k. to reach this point attitudes have hardened as has the anger at the impasse police on cheese day said they were investigating two bomb scares on the rail network which they say bricks it related many are looking to the end of this chaotic period in british politics but the forces it has unleashed have already cost the shadows over the u.k. . al-jazeera london as a bit as commissioning editor for the telegraph says may is exploring all available options to get her breaks
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a deal through. the european council president donald tusk. tweet today he remarked for the european leaders that they should have patience as is calling for the time of course how much time that is the more subtle question given that it seems that they could very well agree a short delay potentially up until may the fifth for example near where i guess they may the twenty second that's where i guess preprogram matic because of the e.u. laws then the u.k. would have to start an e.u. member start preparing and very much taking part in e.u. elections which would be horrendously embarrassing for treason by because of course she's meant to be pulling the u.k. out of the e.u. rather than having british voters send people into the e.u. and its institutions namely the e.u. parliament so it seems like as a result the promise to what she said this evening was that she wanted to have a delay of course didn't specify how much but she has suggested she wants to get all the legislation through about her deal by may twenty second so it feels like
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from my reading that she's happy to try to ask that or if not sure to ask for an even longer extension but then she'll be able to say to her colleagues this that if they want to have happen before that you can break it much earlier if you just get the stuff done and be ready to leave because if not you have to see the whole delay through and go through your elections and all the rest of it. in a week from now israelis will be electing their next government fourteen political parties are competing for one hundred twenty seats prime minister benjamin netanyahu of the right party is seeking a fifth term in office is the first sitting prime minister jew to be indicted on corruption charges has continued to expand illegal israeli settlements and no progress has been made towards establishing a palestinian state his biggest challengers are former military chief benny gantz in your lap that of the blue and white coalition and slight israeli forces during
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the gaza war in two thousand and fourteen on the campaign trail as focus has been on issues such as the rising cost of living and fighting corruption then there is abbottabad a from the labor party which hasn't won an election in twenty years two palestinian israeli parties are also running harry fawcett reports from leicester islam on the battle for power. which of these men do israelis want as their prime minister for all the myriad parties and themes to loomed over this campaign the real fight remains benjamin netanyahu versus benny gantz israel has never had a better friend than you for israel's prime minister the strategy has been clear portray himself as the only politician capable of playing in the big league keeping israel safe and scoring wins such as last week's u.s. indorsement it was really sovereignty over the occupied golan heights like his friend in the white house he's gone on the attack against the media and the legal establishment whose investigation into lavish gifts and alleged media manipulation
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he calls a witch hunt nonetheless in the middle of the campaign his attorney general decided enough real witches were found to recommend indictment for bribery fraud and breach of trust which netanyahu denies it remained an issue for a few days on the agenda and then and then the agenda when the news agenda went on elsewhere if you are very adept at moving the news agenda and inventing are using events that happened to to change the public discourse he switched the focus to the mobile phone of his opponent benny gantz after report it had been hacked by iran insinuating it might contain incriminating personal information and you know me not only from my cell phone in recent days the attacks of switch to ganser is mental stability and stamina to go with the mantra that the man netanyahu made army chief in twenty eleven is weak and of the left in response cancer is focusing on new corruption allegations and what he calls netanyahu weakness over gaza nonetheless
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one former senior israeli negotiator sees gantz taking a different approach on the palestinian issue he doesn't want to continue to rule in the people and this is in israel one of the most important litmus this between. liber us and the conservative blue and white party is a last minute creation with two other former army chiefs and netanyahu is former finance minister at its helm it's an unashamedly pragmatic project to get netanyahu out of office but winning the election in itself isn't enough it becomes about putting together a governing coalition of parties represented in the israeli parliament the knesset and even if his likud party comes second at the polls that is where benjamin netanyahu has a distinct advantage but there have also been persistent leaks not totally refuted that dance could under certain conditions agree to serve with netanyahu in a unity government that would be the biggest twist yet in this bitter election
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season kerry force it out zero western. still ahead on al-jazeera this is prime minister visits his northern neighbor to finally put to rest an ugly dispute. photos fit for a top prize is he leading contenders at the famous american institution. i'm ashamed that here in europe not the weekend goes by without that this could mean a tory acts taking place on a football stadium and then sport the head of the european governing body speaks out against and students every says. we live in a time of war and tragedy is crimes against humanity. activist repression. enforced disappearance arbitrary arrests.
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extrajudicial executions brutal torture the list goes on. who investigates who judges the criminals. who compensates the victims the international conference on national regional and international mechanisms to combat impunity and ensure accountability under international law. organized by the national human rights committee. united nations human rights office of the high commissioner. european parliament. and global alliance of national human rights institutions. hello again welcome back to your international weather forecast we're watching one storm system right now making its way up the east coast united states and that has brought quite
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a bit of rain to parts of the area that is now making its way towards the canadian maritimes and with that we do expect to see widespread snow across that region but for new york you're not going to see any cold air about seventeen degrees and better conditions in terms of sky and then as we go towards thursday we start to pick up another storm here across the midwest and the south and with this we could be even seeing some severe weather look at the temperature for dallas twenty nine degrees with the rain in your forecast as make your way down here across much of the caribbean we are picking up a lot more tropical moisture now that means thunderstorms generally in the afternoon and for kingston we expect to see quite a rainy day for you at about thirty one degrees they are up to us now it is going to be partly cloudy at about twenty seven staying that way but finally has been yola is going to be seeing some sun in your forecast by mid week and then here across parts of central america and then down towards south america we're to still see very heavy rain across argentina that has been a big problem as well as up towards ecuador we have seen very very heavy flooding across much of that area quito is going to be a rainy day for you at sixteen degrees in for lima we do expect to see mostly
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cloudy conditions there with a temperature of about twenty four degrees. you're watching al-jazeera electric at the top stories for you now president has resigned after twenty years in office for six weeks the space mass protests calling for him to step down fourth term was did and on april twenty eighth. news of the resignation letter celebrations across algeria and the capital algiers crowds
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gathered on the square where protests have taken place over the past. britain's prime minister theresa may has offered talks with the leader of the opposition to try to break the deadlock over breakfast it. in ten days but so far parliament is not agreed on a withdrawal agreement. and spent six months in saudi journalist was murdered inside the saudi consulate and istanbul his body still hasn't been found the killings are international pressure increase on the saudi leadership specifically the crown prince who has been accused of ordering his murder and her sentence reports the cia may have pointed the finger of suspicion of mohammed bin salma ruler of saudi arabia but nevertheless it's the state itself that's in charge of bringing. to justice maybe other investigations but no one show any sign of taking the case away from saudi officials who vehemently deny the
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crown prince ordered because she is murder. turkey has worked relentlessly is attempting to get extradition of the men saudi arabia had accused of being part of a rogue plot to murder. from the very outset turkish investigators suspected the saudis were more engaged in a whitewash than an inquiry and the un has acknowledged that turkey was prevented from getting access to the murder scene at a crucial time. turkish leaks to the media showed c.c.t.v. pictures of the names of fifteen men suspected by turkey of having been part of it jeem that killed in the saudi consume it. turkey asserted that it had stronger evidence tape recordings out of the gruesome murder it passed on to foreign governments and the cia but body couldn't be found. last november the saudi public prosecutor announced that out of twenty one suspects
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taken into custody eleven had been indicted and he said five could face the death penalty on charges of ordering and committing the crime and the motion is agreed to u.s. senators have provided some hope for those campaigning for an independent investigation but last month a closed door briefing at the white house ended with little achieved senators including republican lindsey graham said the meeting was a waste of time like many he believes donald trump who on different issues as a close ally won't ever accept intelligence information from the cia that mohammed bin solomon ordered the mud. the u.n. initially reluctant to get involved is now attempting its own inquiry led by agnes kalmadi special rapporteur extrajudicial executions yet made a request to the saudi government for access to the consulate later she said saudi arabia is grievously mistaken if it sinks its secretive trial process conforms to
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international standards the accused haven't been named but one man known to be one of the suspects is reported to have been freed he's souled al khatami who was a close advisor to bin psalm the washington post has quoted unnamed u.s. and saudi sources as saying the crown prince still seeks advice from. andrew symonds. venezuela's rival assemblies are meeting after the supreme court struck the parliamentary. opposition leader won quite zero constituent assembly dominated by government supporters is expected to approve the court's ruling earlier in the opposition controlled national assembly passed a motion accusing president equipment or of promoting terrorism. senegal's president macky sall has been sworn in for a second five year term won fifty eight percent of the votes and february selection opponents accused him of preventing some of his rivals from running but the results
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were not contested the united nations says war and climate related disasters are leaving millions of people around the world fighting against hunger every day a report by the un's food agency says that in two thousand and eighteen more than one hundred thirteen million people across fifty three countries experienced acute hunger and needed food aid countries in africa are particularly vulnerable catherine story reports from to qana and kenya's fourth west mozes not hesitate when you lose calls to help unload aid trucks arriving into qana their car you modern sea food supplies to help thousands of kenyans on the brink of starvation. the construction worker lives in the administrators capital more but he is not fairing much better than villagers in remote areas back home and he walks out his family's weekly budget moses reckons he'll need to make at least ten dollars to buy basic food supplies on a good day and that on building sites but those days are increasingly few and far
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between. has become so difficult the drought has made things even and this time last year we could get jobs more frequently than now it's tough for everyone no matter where they leave commodity prices across the country have gone up in the last few years but it's was in areas like this because traders buy their goods from other far off regions and then mock up their costs to make their margin one in three kenyans don't have enough to eat reported a global hunger index last year. some of the cultural experts estimate african farmers suffer forty eight billion dollars of losses to their harvests every year kenyan firmest lose half a billion what mr b. don't if you can my policies that actually help to drive. the engine of development because there was a good outcome be able to reduce poverty two to four times more effective than what
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i said one of the top priorities for government leaders is ensuring all kenyans have enough to eat but critics say corruption and mismanagement of funds meant for development projects has made this difficult to achieve this government tells us he's trying the best he can with limited resources one thing that we are focusing on now. it is to set aside and to commercialize and this is a discussions we'll be having with the farmers and the people living in those areas so there's a lot to commercialize where we invite the private sector to come and do all my sure if you should using new technology with the hope of increasing food availability government workers maintain these enough food for bruce in drought affected areas but many kenyans want more to be done to make sure that no one goes to bed hungry catherine soy al-jazeera to kana north western kenya and the us
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president has accused germany of failing to pay its fair share into nato it after talks with the organization secretary general and washington on all trump warn that members contributions to the security alliance will have to increase early reports . when germany obviously is not paying their fair share calling out members by name donald trump didn't hold back as he sat down at the white house with the nato secretary general crediting himself with the uptick in defense spending if you go back ten and fifteen years and it's a rollercoaster ride down in terms of payment and since i came to office it's a rocketship up the u.s. president's criticisms aren't new he's repeatedly attacked the nato alliance at one point calling it obsolete he's walked back those criticisms but routinely complains the us shoulders nato's defense burden it helps them there in europe helps them a lot more than it helps us trumps views have made nato leaders wary of their
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partnership in twenty seventeen he refused to endorse the mutual defense commitment in place since one thousand nine hundred forty nine known as article five of the nato treaty some reports and suggested president trump has privately told advisors he wants to withdraw from nato potentially destroying the alliance that's why many nato members remain suspicious of the u.s. commitment to nato members fear a weakened alliance without the united states would be powerless to contain russia's advance into ukraine and threats to its neighbors that's why steps have been taken to strengthen the pact as a result of trump's threats spurred on intentionally perhaps a little bit towards european autonomy greater european autonomy so it's been happening for a long time but i think maybe help the europeans pick up the pace a little bit of building their own capability separate from nato but for all of trump's criticisms the u.s.
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congress still supports nato january bipartisan legislation passed in the house of representatives blocking tromp from withdrawing from the twenty nine nation pact there similar legislation in the senate knowing this nato as leaders sought. reassuring members from the oval office over the years over cutting the from submergence naipaul was almost told to invest more and by the end of next year they will add the hundred billion more. into the defense budget since you go for it it's a message stoltenberg who will preside over a nato meeting in washington this week hopes to impress on an ambivalent u.s. president in order to preserve the alliance kimberly helped get al-jazeera the white house and the u.s. acting defense secretary patrick shanahan says he believes nato ally turkey will cancel its order of a russian air defense system a monday washington announced a halt to the liveries of its thirty five warplanes to ankara the u.s.
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has been warning turkey over its plans to purchase the russian s. four hundred system saying it compromised the security of the f. thirty five program greece's prime minister alexis tsipras has hailed new ties and during his landmark visit to north macedonia that happened ten months after both countries ended a dispute over the name macedonia north macedonia as prime minister zoran ziad says he's looking forward to cooperation between the two countries. ervice a mosca has more from scope the capital of north macedonia. it was a historic day for greece and for north must have gone you know first time ever a one greek prime minister used to visiting these countries let me remind you that two contrie sketch more than three decades dispute about they used to call the term macedonia in about the name of this country which was the republic of macedonia but after the prince spoke reman he was remained in republican north. boat prime
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minister today here in scope yet said the display really important message had to say and to this region three you wrote to balkans as well that these countries need to go forward and not to even to the history dozens of contracts are signed today by the same court on the economy called duration between two countries in deadline here is called will be held one business forum and each for real will be attended by more than four hundred representatives of the companies from both countries when a very important contract was signed in two days here in skopje at the recovery's shown real quick thanks to. air space let me remind you that north korea's don't have doesn't have its own. as to be hear from the prime minister here
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zoran zajac macedonia east respecting the same held for its feet became a member of european union. or arms government has ordered the evacuation of seventy villages and an oil rich region threatened by flooding set of emergency has been declared in some provinces following the heaviest rain in ten years at least forty seven people have been killed in the past two weeks. former malaysian prime minister now goes on trial on corruption charges on wednesday after a delay of nearly two months of trial as the first of several criminal proceedings against who faces forty two charges reports in kuala lumpur. criminal breach of trust money laundering and abuse of power just three of dozens of charges facing the former prime minister of malaysia. the last few years of his administration had been overshadowed by allegations money had been stolen from the
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state investment fund setup known as one and the. cabinet ministers who questioned him was sacked or made to resign but investigators cleared him of wrongdoing then last may he became the first leader of the party that ruled malaysia says it gained independence more than sixty years ago to lose an election and a new government led by mahathir mohamad reopened investigations into one and properties linked to niger were raided us he and his wife were banned from leaving the country while this new mission government of being came into power on the back of strong with a backlash from what they perceived to be corruption and abuse of power in the previous administration so i think this new government one can be seen that it's acting on these issues that i think often corruption is i think tough on abuse of power i think that's why the reopen this case at least six countries have ordered investigations into one and be in the united states prosecutors allege at least
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four and a half billion dollars was stolen from the fund in total not to places forty two charges he's pleaded not guilty to all of the following wednesday is the first of several against not just in this one he's accused of pocketing more than ten million dollars from a former subsidiary of one mt be among hundreds of millions allegedly transferred into his bank account if found guilty he could face. decades in prison florence li al-jazeera kuala lumpur. prizes for prestigious photo competition have been announced in the u.s. capitol or than forty eight thousand pictures were submitted for this year's contest at the smithsonian institution to team members whelp organize the contest explain how it works hi i'm jeff companion i'm a photo editor at smithsonian magazine and i'm melissa wiley i manager of special projects for smithsonian dot com smithsonian's annual photo contest is a competition for photographers worldwide and the purpose of it is to
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find photography that inspires and captivates our readers every year we have six categories american experience natural world travel people altered images in mobile when you get down to sixty final last all of them have technical elements technical excellence and one thing that i think it really boils down to is impact oftentimes look for something that an image that has many layers of meaning so that if you want to go back to it and look at it again and again and again and get different different different points information each time you look at it. almost like listening to an album over and over again and learning hearing new bits there's an image where there's a group of folks are reenacting the passion of the christ and it's i love it
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because it's almost like it's almost a painting at school and it's in its creation the. the most grotesque emotions that are effect on people's faces to the extreme emotions that are affected on the faces and the layering of the composition is. really draws the reader in or there are many people who have not seen the world of these crossing over them are river what i love about that image in particular in comparison to other images of the world of these crossing is the fact that you have those two will the beast almost emerging from darkness you see the world at least on the shore that i've made it over and then the two just appearing through a very dramatic cloud of dark and that's what i find powerful about that image photography transcends language right we have people who don't speak english very well who are submitting to our contests and it's beautiful that those stories can
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be shared universally and i think that's power photography. we have.
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thanks very much montenegrin football officials have apologized to england players that were racially abused during a euro twenty twentieth's fire last month they boligee came during a conference on antidiscrimination at wembley the general secretary of the montenegro f.a. says he didn't personally hear the alleged racial chance but said if they are
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proven by you comply with any punishment handed out while you have one or the diligence i would like england to come to montenegro again so we can enjoy watching them play so we can greet them with cheers if it's proven that they were insulted then this was the next of a few individuals a few full weeks for whom there will no longer be any place now stadiums ahead of football's european governing body says he's ashamed that acts of discrimination continue to happen at all levels of the sport every week i'm ashamed to see extremist movements use our sport as a vehicle for their messages of hatred and intolerance a stadium must not and must never be a forum in which people are allowed to express their sickening fascist. wells have been manchester united for the second time in two weeks stealing
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a major blow to united champions league hopes united open the scoring as they look to put their f.a. cup a limitation behind them but wolves equalised ten minutes later united were then put under more pressure when captain ashley young was sent off for a second yellow card with half an hour to play an own goal having wolves the two one win leaving united fifth in the table. meanwhile fullam has been relegated after their four one loss to watch furred it's the ninth consecutive defeat for full on who have scored just seventeen points all season. the famed motor sport names of schumacher and ferrari have been reunited more than a decade since his father michael last race for ferrari son mick made his f one test debut with the team at the twenty year old proved right at home in the car as he managed to set the second fastest time in bahrain the german is part of ferrari driver academy and is currently racing in the formula two championship but there
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has been talk that he could race in af wind as soon as next year if he does well this season the mission is a good i can tell you it was it was nice it was really. feeling like who were ready . it was beautiful to see to make this is laps and see see all the guys working. with communities i feel very comfortable i feel like i want to arrive into a big league race you know being as prepared as possible and i think time will tell if that's the it's a photo. earlier we spoke to afghan writer luke smith about the early impact schumacher jr is making. we saw the saw the fullness he writes of the weekend was on the pole position and really cut across the line and the commentator said it was a schumacher chop quite reminiscent of his father which was quite cool to see. in reality i think it's a little bit too early to tell i think when dr is coming through the ranks are
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still really sort of honing their driving styles and things like that he's always got a very very cool head out there even on his act today to the weekend he was in the series for the first time his first time racing that car and he was so cool he was able to deal with all the pressure very very well brought home to good finishes and eight and six life and did really well so i think it's it's a promising start and certainly the important thing i think has always been crucial through may express so far is he can't be rushed because of his name he can't be put into a former long caught earlier than that he's ready for ferrari said he's ready this week and i think he is he has an opportunity to get ready strive that's going to be a big big step up i think he will need a bit of time realistically with hops looking more towards twenty twenty feet off he can have two full seasons in form or to get more experience get used to it and perhaps fight for the championship the schumacher family has been very very private regarding the condition of michael following his his skiing accident five years ago
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now which is understandable i think that is to be expected but also is respected by the media and by the press is something that we know is a. wished for by the family make though he wants to prove that he's lying man and he is ready to race in formula one in the near future obama's i'm right and that is really refreshing say he's not making too much with a name which is which is good. has dominated day to a rally in morocco the five day race takes competitors through the big dunes of the moroccan desert twenty one thousand dakar rally champion l a t along with partner max mal won the two hundred and forty kilometer second stage in a time of four hours and two minutes to extend their overall lead to more than eight minutes. to all your support for now more later that's all for the news hour i'll be back on the other side of the break with more of the day's news including the latest out of algeria.
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a three year investigation into the pro-gun lobby i've been in florida has me and she's got a really. revealed secret see what messaging out there i mean people outweight internet. connection some don't want to expose nanny in legacy media love the mass shootings. mess with my al-jazeera investigations how to sell a massacre on al-jazeera teach it strongman is ruling within
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a fire and faced and the silence from his allies is deafening the us was perfectly happy to trade off tomorrow for c four security why are western leaders turning a blind eye when even their own citizens have fallen victim to his repression executions torture or censorship is not acceptable and you won't hear such strong words from let's say berlin or paris or london or man in cairo on al-jazeera a city defined by military occupation there's never been an arab state here at the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but the default structure that meant there is because on a project that's what we defuse it was one of the founders of the settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the twenty first century jerusalem our rock and a hard place on al-jazeera. letting
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go algeria's ailing president file a quits after weeks of protests. about what they want to in the streets at the president's time. i'm richelle carey this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. we can and must find the compromises that will deliver what the british people voted for. a political rival for help to save her breaks a deal. i had just lost generations course of.


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