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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2019 7:00am-7:33am +03

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the boeing seven three seven max has been grounded worldwide pending a review into the software of its flight control system investigators in the hero p.s. say a full report into what happened could take up to a year to complete for he mohammed al jazeera almost nine hundred thousand people in mozambique are being vaccinated against cholera after last month's cyclonic die thousands of people are still living in displacement camps after the storm with little access to clean water or sanitation two people have died from the water borne disease and more than seven thousand eight hundred cases of cholera have been recorded from the tender and mozambique a minimal or of course. sarah chinoy can't sit up she's been suffering from stomach cramps all day and a visit to the nurses both noted this is a second week at the stem pretty sheltered never turned in wasn't bieksa fall a province alongside her another woman complains about
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a severe headache there are many here who have lost everything to floods and devastation after cyclonic die hit last month and now an outbreak of cholera is threatening thousands of lives it so far infected more than two thousand people across beira don doe and now here in your my turned. six month old just days had stomach pains and diarrhea for days some of the symptoms of the water borne disease his mother gives him medicine from the makeshift clinic but says it's done little to help. people with right after eating sores and its mouth and his body feels weak we're very worried. there are too many mothers to count here telling the same story there's no clean water for the two thousand four hundred people living here but health workers hope that nine hundred thousand doses of vaccine that arrived here recently will contain the spread of cholera that's passed through contaminated water and food so far more than thirty two thousand people at
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camps across flood hit areas have been vaccinated and while aid agencies are warning people of the dangers of cholera and distributing vaccines many are still using rivers for voth ing and cleaning some don't have any option but to drink water like this possibly contaminated with the disease. water and sanitation facilities were badly damaged if not completely destroyed by the cyclon unicef is working to assess and treat as much of the water as possible to make a drink or bowl the closest water source to the camp is a well left uncovered and contaminated they say more. likely by cholera and the cold line we have to walk on priorities at the moment because the scale of the disaster will be. priority number one is to make sure we've got what i say thirty two i think quite stunned him as i said then my strike this one and just going well is the fight against then we will communities to recover from the disaster
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it will take months to get these people back on their feet but now just as they did following the cycle that told their lives apart they're surviving a day at a time for every doubler al-jazeera never turned a muslim. so. god talk to complete my speech before i can still fly the water pouring from the ceiling disrupts business in the british parliament but there are purely through the main threats it talks with the opposition. and scientists mapped out a way to protect boss stretches of the world's oceans by turning them into sanctuaries. however the weather's lost he said fire across australia lots of pleasant autumn
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sunshine still some bands of cloud just rolling through the biases business pieces of rights and possibility up towards the top and up towards the northwest of the country this is where the next focus for unsettled weather comes through that area of low pressure may well develop into a tropical cycle i'm keeping a close eye on this one if it does get a name it will be called wallace and it moves very close to was the pope or coast as we go on into next week elsewhere it is fine and dry and glossy settled some showers pushing away from victoria but elsewhere you can see there's a fair amount of sunshine in place twenty three celsius for melbourne twenty seven there for sydney a similar attempt to fall brisbane at area travel make its way across the south island of new zealand so we got some disturbed weather here for a time let's see babbitts on the cool side at the freshest southerly wind pushing in thirteen celsius there for christchurch on friday just eleven degrees for saturday a little more cloud up towards the far more of the country but all claims should
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see some decent spells of sunshine with highs of around twenty degrees will see similar temperatures across japan over the next couple of days talking in time in the country there will be some bits and pieces of cloud and bright but clara by saturday. armored vehicles transporting plays. with god. and. it's a. prime minister of israel using his friendship with. and race. corruption charges and a trio of army chiefs trying to get a. chance in the upcoming israeli elections.
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of the top stories. u.n. chief antonio called for calm during a trip to libya as forces loyal to the eastern warlord. advance on the capital tripoli. representatives has approved a resolution to end all u.s. involvement in the. war in yemen. and ethiopian investigators say the pilots of a plane which crashed last month followed correct procedure as recommended by boeing a preliminary report says the ethiopian airlines jet repeatedly nosedived as the pilots battle to control it.
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the german chancellor angela merkel says the e.u. will work until the very last hour to avoid a no deal breaks it the u.k. is due to leave the bloc in just eight days but there's no agreed deal in place and even barber has more. i hope i can complete my speech before the rain stuff fly i'm going to suspend the sittings thursday and breaks it lands and it was a wet one at least in the commons where a water leak ended proceedings early so the sitting is no suspended and no fall to grab leaves. off of the house passed legislation forcing the prime minister to avoid a no deal brix it by seeking a delay yet the opposition is trying to rush the bill through the lords parliament's upper chamber not much by way of leaks though from closed door talks between to resume a's government and labor's shadow cabinet we've had further discussions with the government and discussed for now going to continue thank you very much on the question of whether to insist on any brics a deal being put to a referendum is dividing labor is it on wednesday emily thornberry the shadow
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foreign secretary wrote to colleagues insisting a failure to do so would breach party policy now twenty five labor m.p.'s almost all from leave voting areas have won jeremy corbyn not to seek a new referendum in a letter they called the talks an opportunity for a deal including a customs union and protecting workers' rights saying at the general election we were clear about respecting the twenty sixteen vote and about securing those labor goals therefore we feel it compromises necessary to achieve this deal and avoid fighting the european elections we should go the extra step to secure this with the government also split on the way forward it fell to the chancellor to make clear to resume a would need to make concessions some kind of customs arrangement is clearly going to be a part of the future structure but look when you when you enter into a negotiation like this to find a compromise way forward both parties have to give something up there's going to be pain on both sides minimising islands pain was part of angular merkel's trip to dublin before the german chancellor's meeting with her counterpart leo varadkar the
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pair heard directly from people from northern ireland and the border area no deal scenario could impact but we have to put their selves for all that comes. with that in my. we discussed planning last european and domestic level for no deal thank you to how we can work together to meet our twin objectives of protecting the good friday agreement on which peace in ireland is based and also protecting the integrity of the european single market in the customs union. this is too new to help us and we want to do everything we can until the last hour to prevent a disorderly breaks it will put every if it into bed that we have to do this together with the person so plenty of worries about no deal despite parliament's latest moves it did e.u. summit next week where leaders will want to know what britain intends to do more uncertainty is the only certainty but the barber al-jazeera paul brennan is live
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for us outside the british parliament in central london as a boy at the american veronica meeting still stressing the u.k. will need a good reason for any further delay yes i can say before that that has been the mantra of the european union throughout they're not just going to give an extension just for the sake of it with no specific purpose you know the they're not wanting to just prolong this endless process for no reason there has to be clear objective at the end of the of this long road i mean the irish have been pretty good about lobbying and staying close to their european allies. they have arrived there was in paris on choose day meeting in manama maccaroni brought the german chancellor to dublin on thursday so you can see he's standing shoulder to shoulder with the rest of europe and while anglo-american was there she actually got the chance courtesy of the irish leader to meet some of the people who live along that border area so it basically crystallized some of the issues that are going to be brought into
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sharp focus if a no deal comes to pass in the process so with a presence in the house of lords and also may in corbin second meeting. yes well the lords finally adjourned for the night just before about ten pm and they will come back on monday the expectation for the lords this is a bill that is trying to make it to legislation that would force the prime minister to avoid a no deal and seek an extension of article fifty from the european union is passing through parliament at the moment cleared the lower house in a day extraordinary leadership short period of time they couldn't get it through the upper house in a single day's going to come back on monday probably will complete by around eight pm u.k. time on monday evening parallel to that of course the prime minister and the main opposition party leader jeremy corbyn are still meeting or are still talking i didn't see mr coburn's day it was his minister secure starman who went into talks
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they've had two sessions no real detail as you heard in dean's report the plan the cards very close to the chest in fact that one of the best nuggets of information that's emerged on thursday night was actually from brussels it seems a high level your official is floating the idea that britain will be offered a a long extension but with the possibility of cutting it short of a deal is done and ratified so yeah it's still all it's a play for remember no deal is still technically a real possibility paul brennan thank you very much indeed a day off to protest as shut down roads and tires in south africa's alexandra terra ship things are slowly returning to normal and many are still frustrated with what they say is the government's failure to deliver services and to have a spec how much faster has more. it's calm but still tense in johannesburg's alexandra township as people slowly try to get on with their lives after wednesday's protests but it's going to take a lot longer for angle of
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a poverty rising unemployment and poor service delivery to end. is one of many south africans angry with the government she's lived in alexandra township for more than ten years and says she's not sure about voting anymore you know seeing next months are. you supposed to. hold for what. years you suppose because when you. stop posting rude but we get to vote. no. no not taking. risks and that's why some residents protested barricading roads with burning tires and rocks demanding the government delivers better services and living conditions as possible become increasingly crowded the struggle to find jobs and housing is causing resentment between locals and other african nationals.
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really if you've gone on top. of. your call us for. more than two decades after the end of apartheid some here feel conditions haven't improved for the poor. many protests in south africa often of our government services and poverty and ahead of elections next month analysts say the ruling african national congress carnivores ignore this one the a.n.c. party lost some important minister parity to the opposition in local government elections three years ago. cleaning up afterwards is the easy part but meeting the demands of the poor who are the majority here is going to be a mammoth task for whichever wins the election in may. the strain in man accused of carrying out the mosque attacks in new zealand has been ordered to undergo a mental assessment to determine his fitness for trial twenty eight year old
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brenton tyrant faced cross churches high court fire video link he's facing fifty murder and thirty nine attempted murder charges over the march fifteenth attacks. ukraine's presidential candidates will debate in the capital's main sports complex after incumbent petro poroshenko accepted a challenge by his rival comedian for dimia selenski. as king or to social media campaign asking pershing co to face off inside the unusual venue the political novice won the first round of presidential elections last sunday after campaigning on a platform of anti corruption or sugar has attacked events are being fundamentally unserious a runoff vote will be held later this month police are shot dead eleven people who are about to carry out a bank robbery in brazil the police say around twenty five suspects were preparing to blow up a.t.m. machines similar tenuously at two bank branches in sao paolo state one of which was
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next to a police station offices confronted the assailants who fled leading to a chase and shootout with police. scientists have mapped out a way to protect more than a third of the world's oceans by establishing a network of marine sanctuaries and they say it needs to be done by twenty thirty to safeguard wildlife and mitigate the impact of climate change this new report comes as negotiations towards a landmark global ocean treaty are underway at the united nations that clarke explains. the largest and least protected places on our planet the high seas that is the enormous areas of deep ocean that lie beyond national jurisdictions they cover more space than all the continents combined containing ancient coral reefs and trenches deep enough to hold mt everest base vos blue well of the highways for wales for shocks for turtles and for chooka travelling fowls of models it's home to
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an extraordinary array of biodiversity crucial to the health of our planet this life drives the ocean's biological pump capturing carbon at the surface and storing it. without this misfit would contain fifty percent more carbon dioxide and the world would be too hot for life but the global ations are under threat facing growing exploitation including unregulated fishing and the deep sea mining industry throw in climate change ocean acidification and plastics well we've got a toxic mix now at a new report commissioned by greenpeace scientists from oxford and york universities in the u.k. laying out how it's crucial that at least thirty percent of the world's oceans are protected as a chanson trees by twenty thirty this they say would protect habitats and species it would rebuild biodiversity and allow ecosystems to recover and crucially
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they say it would lead to an increase in fish stocks outside the sanctuaries helping to underpin global food security. the world's richest couple or reveal the terms of their divorce i was and founder jeff bezos and his wife mackenzie have agreed a record breaking settlement worth at least thirty five billion dollars ms bezos will retain a four percent stake in the online retail giant that will make her the world's third richest woman she will also give up her interests in the washington post newspaper. in mind of the top stories are now to zero in libya the eastern warlord holy for have to has ordered his forces to quote liberate the capital the un security council will discuss the crisis on friday but libya's interior minister says the
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u.n. backed government has lost its trust in the international community your inspector general is currently in libya trying to push for an international peace deal he's called for an urgent deescalation diplomatic editor james bays has more from washington the word from diplomats is that they are angry they are somewhat surprised that general haftar made his move at a time when the u.n. secretary general was visiting libya they are concerned about the situation and the highlighting the arrogance of this move at this time the united states house of representatives has approved a resolution to end all u.s. involvement in the saudi u.s. led war in yemen thursday's vote marks the first time both chambers of congress have supported a war powers resolution the bill will now go to president donald trump who says he plans to veto it if it investigators say the pilots of a plane which crashed last month followed correct procedure as recommended by
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boeing their preliminary report says the airlines jet repeatedly nose dived as the pilots battled to control it. the family of one of the victims of the disaster is now suing boeing for the crash the us aviation regulator says it's launching a new safety review of the now grounded boeing seven three seven max eight and most nine hundred thousand people in mozambique are being vaccinated against cholera after last month's die thousands of people are still living in displacement camps after the storm with little access to clean water or sanitation to people have died from the disease and more than seven hundred cases have been recorded. german chancellor angela merkel says the e.u. will work until the very last hour to avoid a no deal bricks it speaking in dublin not to talks with the irish prime minister michael said major efforts were on the way to ensure an orderly solution to britain's exit from the bloc. those are the headlines to stay with us when i one
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east is coming up next thanks for watching. africa's most populous nation the bloodiest economy has a youth unemployment problem in a bid to control the internet of the future some say a kind of digital. folding we bring you the stories to the shaping the economic world we live in. counting the cost on al-jazeera. indonesia football is a blood sport. but now it is about money. but it's not the players who are fighting for their lives it's the fact. that no. one does appear to think through what i'm looking to do so it's not about going to say that. about it imo. rolling between
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football fans threatens to close the lay down for good. one to one east if indonesia's cold feet about killing the sport. i. thought oh la la oh you got that go oh la la oh you got that go by that oh well you know that. i. think it's seven o'clock on sunday morning boot camp in the back lots of jakarta
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then call me and york and but i man woman tell us what the signalman balogna. are. i look like a militia loyal to their commander. but these are just football fans was these drills are about getting their team to win and getting home alive i'm rude i was supporters of jakarta's one and only football club procedure to carter. was strong. and call themselves. i was jack my. i.
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command airline all around cheers group is known as goodies cut outs literally the hard line so much i never. thought i had that money. spot though that's the amount of money that. every club has dozens of commanders like. ahmed's of fanatical foot soldiers to matches across the indonesian archipelago. i was just after midnight they've already walked through the streets here and you're caught up they're cramming onto this bus on their way to a match let me see. i. indonesia. is made up of eighteen clubs rivalries between fans can be fetus and violent somebody.
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then yeah. yeah yeah yeah so i said no i think that's a bad thing that it. jeff my arch rivals other vikings from the neighboring city a bundle. of clubs share a history of battles both on and off the pitch. was spot on your mind yeah yeah the pentagon. and they file you then that if i just think about that yes you are going to be with us but i don't know about you know much more damage here and. there. not only of the fans in danger the players are regularly transported to games in armored personnel carriers.
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and all. this one. among the my alleyways in the southern suburbs of jakarta live mirah and salome sera is son hunting go arre was a jack mania die hard. joe up. by joel ross allowed. up in de mint that eighteen. september twenty trade twenty itin procedure carter is playing its arch rivals persib bundu. to head off any violence jeff mania fans are banned from attending.
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earl's i am as a look and i were. among the. twenty three year old our egos to pound on incognito hoping to support his beloved procedure. instead these fingers as a jack mania member by arch rival viking fans. these sit upon by a mob i in a few minutes in an asian football fanaticism claims another life.
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think if this is. it then not so yes. because they. did. get this lady. who got it imo. well i mean that study that he did so no. symbol of the alleged attack is quickly rounded up by police. not at all. i need to get there by you know and that i think about. among them would. damage control the entire league is suspended for
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a fortnight. viking fans are banned from attending matches for the rest of the season. the club is forced to ply its remaining hundred games in a closed stadium thirteen hundred kilometers or why. borneo. my money the stock at another would have stopped it but not another six out of the bottom of the stock. you know pepsi beat me but obviously it's a good. job owner who is the vice president of this lee undersea. how did you feel when you watch the video. for the first time. that the truth of it is.
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that everybody. never expecting it will happen and hope that. until a loss. that you want to see you've had dozens of deaths in recent decades how can you say that no one expected the death of. and so. a little has a policy away fans called the little bundle no one expects expecting that but itself ensconced a bundle. in lessening. holly the head of local n.g.o.s. says he would rather see the game shut down than another
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life lost. about well i will say i'm staying up where there are suited up with the asika thing but no one is about. that. or was the seventh span killed at games between bundling and jakarta since twenty twelve. one lesson that you knew about when he would have any you know to get poorer parts of water thought of saddam winning is about well i know. it will but swap rest us it up you also want to come and. it's been two months since ariz death and while the league has recommenced its very
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survival remains on tenterhooks. with two games remaining barley united is preparing for a jack minor invasion. dutch important band of building isn't expecting any trouble. in bali you don't need a lot of police because we're one of the most reelection forces there are there are . only about the football game in the. thing else and the lots. at denpasar airport ari spam lee have just arrived as guests of jack mania. like upload the times they can battle highly you need not be asked. something something i am known to do and why did that day and i have taken batting. you know i'm not going to come out of my room while they get
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a laugh oh. shut. up. oh the match is a sell out. twenty thousand fans descending on the bali style i i. i was this is the my balance jack mine your fans have made it across the sea to be all of the gold stars of bali united project carter if i lose this man.


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