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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2019 7:00pm-7:33pm +03

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forward we were just playing some latest pictures from algeria where protesters still out on the streets demanding the resignation of everybody in that ruling elites in fact so how far the protesters and the military right now on the way forward. well the military is the big question well no one really knows what their intentions are they claim that they're there to defend the constitution and that they simply desire to follow the demands of the protesters but at the same time the chief of staff general salah is known to have his own presidential ambitions and the danger is that while the protest is a demanding that the whole of the system should be rooted out root and branch at the same time the army may be thinking about how it can exploit the situation to restore its own control that's always been the pattern in the past but on this occasion the demonstrators are so determined that if they only find
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a common voice they will be able to force constitutional change too and that's their real objective and that is perhaps one of the problems because some people say that one of the complications of algeria's protest movement is that it's largely leaderless do you agree with that that i do indeed there is no defined leader of it group or individual and the problem is that there's been competition amongst established politicians to try to take the movement over they're not going to succeed the movement is a popular movement and it's very widespread indeed the result is that in effect until there is a leadership with whom the army and the institutions of the state can interact it's going to be very difficult to know precisely how the whole movement can bring forward its own agenda of removing the regime as it stands at the moment ok george joffe will thank you for speaking to us from london.
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the british prime minister to reason may has asked the european union for another delay to brics it's in a letter to the e.u. may has asked for a three month extension until the end of june the u.k. is due to leave the wall in a week but parliament has not agreed on a withdrawal deal and in brussels the president of the european council donald to askin tends to propose a flexible twelve month delay he is reported to be against a series of short delays now joining us from london so how far apart are the plans being for put forward by to resume a and the e.u. . weltering perhaps not that far apart if you listen to sources close to donald tusk they're now briefing in fights although donald tusk is preparing to ask e.u.
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leaders at the summit next wednesday to offer brits in this one year extension and he vest saying that that also allows for what she wants which is for the u.k. to leave the e.u. by the end of june they're saying that it would be a one year flexible extension so it any time before then if the u.k. parliament did pass a deal then they could leave well before the end so it's basically not contradicting what to reason he has put in this letter you are referring to that she sent to donald tusk to pass on to the other e.u. twenty seven leaders of course perhaps her thinking is that it's better for her to ask for a short extension and that to be rejected than to be seen to be. weak if you like to be seen not to be not to be doing everything she can to try to get
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bricks it through particularly for the hard line breaks it is in her own party why do i say that because that date of thirtieth of june was already rejected by the european union when she asked for it before circumstances have changed slightly now the british government in this letter say that they are getting ready to see take part in the european elections in may although they don't want to they say they accept that will have to happen if the u.k. still a member of the e.u. on the twenty second of may so it's looking ever more likely it's very unpopular with people like jacob riis smaug of the hard line breaks or to movement within the conservative party who said that if this extension happens then britain should basically obstruct e.u. business including the forthcoming budget and. trying to he sees his efforts to form an e.u. only stop what he calls integration issues measures by people like french president emanuel so very unhappy there but. i think the reason mate has
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had to go for the short two sticks tension possible but with a with a future maybe being rejected and going for that one year extension ok with an update from london thank you once more head on the hour including life after the rwandan genocide we hear from one survivor who attacked her on how they're coping twenty five years on and zooming into their everyday lives south koreans become the first in the world with speed on their mobile phone and sport another title win for the reigning stanley cup champion sent us here with that story a little later. but first one hundred days and eight hundred thousand people killed it's been twenty
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five years since the rwandan genocide but the scars remain and the healing goes on this weekend rwanda will pause to commemorate the most violent period in its history and sunday once a day huzzah militia began an ethnic genocide against the to see minority and for simmons' visit the area that's where some of the worst atrocities took place just a warning some of the images of his report could be disturbing. as rwanda prepares to commemorate twenty five years since the start of its genocide the same images of horror dominate tears a low carb dissolve the sorrow and questions remain who shot down the aircraft killing rwanda's president from the hutu majority an act that started one hundred days of killing on a scale rarely seen in modern history around three quarters of the minority tutsi population were murdered. questions of why the international community didn't
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immediately respond still exist how many lives could have been saved or why didn't the united nations at least take early action against a highly organized campaign of hatred and incitement by the hutus. for alice. underground in one of the mass graves there's only one answer and that's to forgive despite her extraordinary loss she shows some of the seemingly endless lines of coffins containing the dried out bones of whole families in this casket are the remains of her mother father two sisters and three brothers i knew i vividly remember the death of my parents and my siblings i hear their voices in my heart i'm sad but i forgive their killer in a separate attack alice was hacked all over her body one of her hands was amputated with a machete she nearly died yet she forgives the man who did this as well. above her
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you see the tops of these modern day tombs they contain the remains of more than forty five thousand people killed in this district alone a family died in the church just here this is one of so many churches where people tried in vain to seek sanctuary but more than ten thousand people died here mostly women and children their clothes now spread out over the pews above shrapnel rained down upon this place and below here now you see coffins filled with the remains bones of victims twenty five years on what happened here still defies understanding. as alice continues with her visits here the man who attacked her is now free living with his family he served eight years in jail and completed community service aside from killing in a group he's murdered twenty one people in cold blood would you say you feel nucky
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that you didn't get a life sentence or you did even you for serving a life sentence. because it will be punishment for my crimes being alive is not lucky i kneel in front of those i have had and beg forgiveness this form of reconciliation is one of many initiatives aimed at trying to ensure peace can be permanent but not everyone is as forgiving as alice andrew simmons al-jazeera in rwanda. many palestinians believe nothing will change for them whatever the results of the upcoming israeli elections benjamin netanyahu if he wins will become israel's longest serving prime minister netanyahu benefited greatly when his close ally donald trump declared jerusalem israel's capital and moved the u.s. embassy there and just weeks before election day trump tweeted that it was time the
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occupied golan heights are recognized as israeli territory and just last year is really forces have killed and maimed palestinian demonstrators as they protesters in the gaza and the occupied west bank that's a now who has also approved new illegal settlements and expanded existing ones then there's a so-called nation state law which didn't defines israel as a jewish state's effectively downgrading palestinian israelis and others to second class citizenship. reports in the occupied west bank. fundamentalists aloft surveyed his damaged land and destroyed green crops. here and says living from this land on the slopes of the jordan valley in the occupied west bank the israeli army often effects palestinians from details temporarily the reason military trails activists tell us that israeli army has carried out more than twenty drills in the jordan valley already this year the war games have damaged large areas of farmland
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and forced four hundred palestinians to leave for up to three d. the most recent drills who's the most damage. this is where the tanks came through and made a path. the jordan valley makes up one third of the west bank the u.n. says that around half as this ignited as closed military zone. palestinians cannot imagine a future state without the jordan valley rich with water sources and agricultural lands highly and other farmers say it's bad news for them that israeli politicians are shifting increasingly to their rights. as a farmer doesn't make a difference to me they're all the same they're two faces of the same coin if they wanted to make peace they would have done so since we signed the oslo agreement twenty five years ago under the also agreement sixty percent of the west bank including part of the jordan valley was put under temporary israeli control those large pockets of land known as area c.
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were supposed to be handed back to palestinians this could be the west bank's only boarding area with the outside world that doesn't include israel and the main israeli candidate say that it's off the table when it comes to any future did with the palestinians but palestinian officials say that the israeli claims are not limited to the jordan valley first the jerusalem declination jerusalem as a scared little moving the embassy and then now putting their arab syrian. territories of the. under israeli sovereignty i think the third step would be to announce america's the mission of sovereignty resigned over the west bank and fourthly just a declared very commission of the state of gaza many palestinians here have similar fears they see that the faces in the israeli government might change after the election but feel their policies towards the palestinians want neither every email just the occupied west bank. so to arabia is reported to have detained eight people
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including two dual us saudi citizens in a new round of arrests of activists the associated press and reuters say the dual citizens are related to the use of she's a woman standing trial over her campaigning for women's rights a source says that all those arrested were targeted for having ties to jailed activists or supporting women's activism in the kingdom a unicef report says more than nineteen million children in bangladesh are being adversely affected by climate change rising waters are driving many families from coastal areas to the capital dhaka once they arrive in the city children are at risk of being used as laborers some even end up as prostitutes time your child has more from dhaka. among one of the older slum in dhaka is home to a generation of migrants who fled their village home due to some sort of climate change impact now the world bank says that nearly four hundred thousand people on
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an average move to the capital city dhaka among them seventy percent have fled their villages due to some sort of environmental shocked or climate change this is according to international organization of migration life in the slums are very difficult people do not like living he had the preferred their old home in the villages but for survival they have to stay here most of the men folks here as construction workers day laborers are rickshaw pullers woman folks if they're lucky they get a job in the garment factory some of them work as domestic help typically a house rent here ordered room rent rather just thirty dollars a month a very difficult environment most of them to cope with their children don't get to get free education that is another major challenge bangladesh barely contributes zero point four metric tons parked capita to global carbon emission yet it is a country that spears the majority of the burn on climate change experts say is
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that within next three decades the average temperature is going to be growing by two degrees centigrade this means a major challenge for bangladesh and its environment in coming years in south korea a wildfire has killed at least two people and forced thousands from their homes and broke out in the eastern province of gondwana on thursday night and spread to the seaside holiday city of sochi residents have been moved into things fifty two schools are shut down. in a few moments we'll have the weather with everything fox ahead right here on the al-jazeera news hour. the truth of what they really go through it's heartbreaking we hear from families who are desperately trying to reach the united states. an apology from belgium to children born to mixed race couples we'll tell you why. in sport the former champion aiming to win the second major golf tournament off her
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career. there we've got a brace guys across the good parts of north africa at the moment in the storm clouds really are brewing up there making their way from west to east and many areas up towards the mediterranean will see some flooding as we go on through the next couple days very heavy rain there through the remainder of the friday spilling out of algeria tunisia easing across libya as we go on into saturday things to brighten up a notice up towards out is up to us to this the heavy showers still in the forecast of this day so there is always the possibility of some the flooding as a result of that further south we got the heavy shower as usual seasonal rains there coming in across central africa into the gulf of guinea as they should do big
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downpours just around gabon pushing further northward southern parts of new just seeing some very heavy showers small southern parts of nigeria to all the way across into ghana will see some heavy rain as we go on through the next couple of days and some heavy rain still in the forecast across eastern parts of south africa much of southern africa as you can see is a fine and dry lossie clear skies now across much of mozambique that's good the showers pushing up into where tanzania now northern parts of the democratic republic of congo but really heavy rain there across the eastern half of south africa for friday we go into saturday and sunday it will brighten up. the weather sponsored by qatar airways. we live in a time of war and tragedies crimes against humanity. activist repression. enforced disappearance arbitrary arrests.
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extrajudicial executions brutal torture the list goes on. who investigates who judges the criminals. who compensates the victims the international conference on national regional and international mechanisms to combat impunity and ensure accountability under international law. organized by the national human rights committee. united nations human rights office of the high commissioner. european parliament. and global alliance of national human rights institutions.
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top stories on the al-jazeera news our forces of. government have been deployed to defend the capital as troops loyal to. closer to tripoli. algeria media reporting the. close ally of the former president. that announcement comes as activists are calling for more prose. the british prime minister to resign the european union for another. in a letter to the e.u. may has a three month extension until the end of june. u.s. politicians are stepping up efforts to end support for the so do you what you led war in yemen congress has given final approval to a resolution to stop all military aid to the conflict and some of the bill to the white house for the president's signature the donald trump says he'll veto the
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measure reports from washington. i don't want to see fourteen million yemenis starve to death harsh words for saudi arabia build the house chambers if the saudis don't stop their blockade and let food and medicine in within six months we will see one of the great humanitarian crisis in the world and with that in a vote of two hundred forty seven to one hundred seventy five the house joined the senate in sending the message the congress wants the u.s. military to stop supporting the saudi coalition's war in yemen this is the first time that he u.s. congress has rebuked a president on a war powers resolution which was a concern for some who voted no it really basically states yet again that the fundamental premise of this resolution is flawed because u.s. forces are not engaged in hostilities against the who has these in yemen which is what the war powers act requires if we want to cut off economic assistance or logistic assist assistance security assistance the saudi there's
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a way to do that but it's not through the war powers act the lawmakers made clear this is about much more than ending the war in yemen the vote in the senate and in the house makes. the united states will not continue to fall on the despotic and hard democratic leadership coming out of saudi arabia day how they are aggressive foreign policy their aggressive military policy i think it's a bad idea but at the very least the united states should not be led into a wall by a despotic undemocratic murderous regime this was a bipartisan vote the president is likely to respond with a veto the congress probably can't override still for many members of congress this was about much more than a message or a historic rebuke of the president it was a statement on congress's ever darkening view of saudi arabia pedicle al-jazeera washington. backing down from his threats a close the u.s.
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border with mexico and that he says he. give mexico a year to stop the flow of drugs and migrants and his war and failure to do so well it's a border closures and tariffs on mexican products members of the republican party say total border closure would have a devastating economic consequence for both countries. asylum seekers who say they're not giving up very dream of living in america sirrah ports in the u.s. border city of el paso. their first steps of freedom on u.s. soil are from a detention center bus to the doors of a church turned temporary shelter inside the view from the pulpit is a family's resting kautz a much needed respite after an arduous journey. i just see a lot of humble people. broken people strong people warriors people that they have a dream and people that they've been through
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a lot this family of four is from ecuador where in earthquake destroyed the store that was their livelihood i see no other way to survive they headed north they say the u.s. presidents harsh border rhetoric drove them to faster action my worry was if you don't go now lose your chance better to go now and take a risk the family says they tried several times to claim asylum at the port of entry in el paso that is the legal way to enter the united states and what the trump administration has encouraged people to do but the family says u.s. border agents repeatedly turned them away so they said to ourselves we are already here we can't turn back so we decided to cross the river. thousands have done the same in recent weeks after surrendering to us authorities many were held behind barbed wire fence under a bridge this mother and her two daughters slept two nights there hungry crying and
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exposed to the elements and. she's only three and she told me this isn't fair others at the shelter say they resorted to drinking bathroom water while in detention many are sick adults with stomach problems and children with fever once i sit down with them and finding out their stories the truth of what they really go through it's heartbreaking all of the men were released with ankle monitors the government will track them to make sure they'll appear for an immigration hearing at a later date only about ten percent of asylum seekers from latin america when their cases to remain in the u.s. for good but for these families they feel they've already overcome worse odds just to make it this far. castro al-jazeera el paso texas the african development bank has promised around a hundred million u.s. dollars to reconstruct parts of. all devastated by cycling. big
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sports city of barrow was all those flood. flooding ancora sanitation has led to an outbreak of cholera which is infected more than fourteen hundred people in the united nations has appealed for three hundred ninety two million dollars to fund the humanitarian response to the disaster for the next three months. joining us from so that pledge by the african development bank will fall short of the call by the u.n. for three hundred ninety two million dollars. well good the need is really quite immense here in bear as well as the surrounding areas going as far as to see which is one of the worst flood hit areas that that need is quite immense given the number of people who will need shelter at this point and also a number one concern for the united nations is around health and the provision of food we know the u.n. has also said that the w.h.o.
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specifically has said that it will need at least forty million dollars to deal with the really quite catastrophic conditions here in a vera were at a camp in the city it's one of several and this is one of the camps where people of flooding in fact the coordinators you have said that they can t. put up with the numbers it keeps increasing day by day just yesterday they had at least forty two pregnant women who needs urgent care but when they look at the numbers again that that rises vitals to no fifteen people in within our was a so the funds available and the international response really is quite important at the stage but one of the areas that people are looking at is food specifically in the provision of food and to secure us a bit i've idea of the need here in bera speaking to sam block of the world us central kitchen now sam we know that at this camp alone there are thousands of people there thousands of people act mini camps across the city you're providing food hot fresh meals for people here how big is the need it's it's huge i mean the
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local effect of such a large area of the country and while there's a high concentration of people here in beta there's also a lot of people farther out and while we can't feed you know half a million people the entire city of bayda we're being very strategic in the areas that we are feeding the camps are obviously the most vulnerable in the most impacted people that have lost everything and are now staying in the camps being able to provide them a nutritious dignified meal professionals a lot of the only real meals a day since the cyclon. we're also starting to push out farther into the schools rules open on monday and are a lot of the children are returning to school regardless of what classroom conditions are and we started target them to where we can really address the children's the nutrition and things like that but also with a dignified a plate of food and we're talking about perhaps a minimum of one point seven million people who've been displaced across these
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flood hit areas how long would do these type of operations need to continue to least make a dent in some of the lives of the people here it's really hard to say i mean i think the mozambicans are incredibly resilient and one of the things to really look at is how many crops were affected so there's also a lot of other organizations looking at the the replanting of crops and things like that but it's going to be an ongoing need people that have lost everything and in a country where eighty percent of the population lives under two dollars a day it's the needs going to be ongoing for a while i sometimes very much free time that some block from the well central kitchen and those important points that is raised this camp in particular will see more people coming in and the the rate at which these aid organizations work is really important given that they are major food and health concerns specifically around cholera and the spread of that disease we are ready know that about two thousand people have been infected and they is concerned that that outbreak will
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only increase ok a reporter from barrow thank you. demonstrators in the south african township of alexandra have decided to expand their protests in other cities a large demonstration is planned for monday and many are still frustrated with what they say is their leaders failure to deliver public services. has more from johannesburg. it's calm but still tense in johannesburg alexandra township as people slowly try to get on with their lives after wednesday's protests but it's going to take a lot longer for anger of a poverty rising unemployment and poor service delivery to end. is one of many south africans angry with the government she's lived in alexandra township for more than ten years and says she's not sure about voting anymore you know seeing next months are. you supposed to. vote for what.
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years you suppose because when you put me in the police. supposed to root out what we getting. no sleep you know not taking. students to human. beings that's why some residents protested barricading roads with burning tires and rocks demanding the government delivers better services and living conditions as possible become increasingly crowded the struggle to find jobs and housing is causing resentment between locals and other african nationals there is no significant british. all that of the region if you've gone on top of. their record for hope. you call us for. more than two decades after the end of apartheid some here feel conditions haven't improved for the poor. many protests in south africa often about government
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services and poverty and ahead of elections next month analysts say the ruling african national congress can't afford to ignore the swine. the a.n.c. party imported minister parity to the opposition in local government elections three years ago. cleaning up afterwards is the easy part but meeting the demands of the poor who are the majority here is going to be a mammoth task whoever wins the election in. thousands of government employees in argentina are protesting against austerity measures the state cut the salaries of civil servants last year and reduced its spending demonstrators marched to the congress. to denounce president policies. and the un is being urged to offer a full scale response for the collapse of venezuela's health system a report by johns hopkins university i'm human rights watch says all sorts of vaccines is leading to a spike in cases of preventable diseases or latin america. has more from caracas.
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just off one of his main highways the media the family collects as much water as possible from the mountain above it all this is my son this is my neighbor a cousin practically the whole family you know. they're lucky to have this truck because it's a long way from home. a nationwide blackout nearly four weeks ago left millions without power a regular water supplies. it's a welcome sight when the boys arrive but this water is not portable the health ministry is recommending people treat it with chlorine but with none available of the enemy hopes of boiling it first will make it safe for her family to drink. and that only the latest health hazard her five year old son has severe asthma. and you know yesterday the doc to prescribe medication that costs more than three minimum
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wages and obviously i couldn't buy it so i gave him an anti allergy pill that i had left over. than his will the hospitals are full of people in desperate need of medicine and treatment in many cases for diseases that had been eradicated such as to the area and measles but in the absence of vaccines in the last two years they've returned the combination of severe food and medicine shortages has led to dramatic increases of disease as well as infant and maternal mortality doctor. says the increased consumption of untreated water in the last three weeks is making an already catastrophic situation worse than a minority all right i think we don't have the precise numbers yet but we.


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