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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2019 1:00am-1:34am +03

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it's a people al-jazeera investigates the origins of the coorong on al-jazeera. israel's opposition leader benny gantz and prime minister benjamin netanyahu claim victory in a tightly fought election. i don't acknowledge this is a line from london also coming up the program algeria's interim president addresses the nation calling for unity alger's appointment support for the protests. in sudan seven protesters a killed a major demonstrations calling for president and i'll bet she had to resign. and the u.k. prime minister seeks european support for her plan to do a break sit down again. the.
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main kind of it's in israel's election have claimed victory exit polls show the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and opposition need to benny gantz on neck and neck netanyahu is trying to remain in office for. his main rival guns as the country to embrace a new dawn when he calls his ballot intended he said we're not. several winners and losers in elections but we have to win as we might be new but we're not naive we understand we've got to wait for the true results but within a few days we'll what's called a government as big as possible when israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is expected to speak in the coming hours box he's already declared victory over twitter which he said the right wing blogs led by and could could party won a clear victory i thank the citizens of israel for that trust i will begin forming a right wing government with natural partners tonight. well studying to be loved to
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go home into the headquarters of benny gantz is a blue and white polities so we heard from benny gantz when claiming victory. but yet the final results are still not out so yet claim victory benjamin netanyahu also famed victory it could be a little premature we're just going to have to wait for the final results and probably those the king makers here are going to be told the attention rather would be just smaller parties just who would be able to go through that minimal threshold to enter the knesset the israeli parliament and those who would fall behind and then also you have the soldiers voters oppose that have to be counted and that will could make also a huge difference here pot benny gantz was standing on the stage behind me less
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than an hour ago next to him is kosher. feed and then did two other military and what part of this list are most lonely gabby ask him as a good clear victory but he also need to make it his message that his will be a a list or a government in case he gets that that will bridge to the visions that israelis have told against these divisions now and it's time to move forward you have a bit of a jab also at prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the prime minister would be busy from tomorrow morning to go over old files that have been submitted to him by the state's attorney general now that was one of his mantras during the electoral campaign that the country nice clean politics that the president. prime minister has that indictment looming in july after a hearing and that the country has no time for all of this in this time. have
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a clean slate but this is certainly not elitist or. that much more fire away or completely different in essence to be crude by it isn't it is it positions itself in this sort of saying the idea end of the day in essence have their toys substance have we still have to see if there is a their friends there if it's just not a matter of my defense or in the way of putting forward a message to these three people a baby again saying that he was to be a foreman ages and not really just jews and no news but apart from that we haven't heard much about how he plans to do all of that i go to thanks very much and let's switch over to the new netanyahu who's a look could party headquarters are a force that is standing by right there in the area tell us what's the mood like there. are the mood is a slightly strange one there is
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a sense of people if easy as to be declaring victory just as there has been benny gantz says h q a but there is yet to emerge a real sense of a victory party underway that might change in the next few minutes we've got a tweet from benjamin netanyahu to say that he is on his way here and so the crowds who are moving closer to the stage in anticipation of that will soon see the man that they say has done it again but has brought together enough of a right wing votes not just the likud vote but the other right wing parties to guarantee another term of the kind of right wing government that they argue is what israelis want and what israelis have come to expect from benjamin netanyahu in the past but all of this overlays the fact that we don't yet have a proper accounting of all the votes and there are a lot of small margins which could be very important there are. at least two small
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right wing parties that appear to be in real danger of not passing the three point two five percent threshold of the vote a share of the vote that rick is required for a party to make it into the israeli parliament the knesset he has had support declared already from religious ultra-orthodox parties but we don't yet have the kind of absolute firm commitment from all of the right wing parties that he would require however if you take the past as some kind of reference point the sorts of parties that he has been color coalescing with in the past do outweigh in the average of the of the exit polls that we've seen the kinds of parties that benjamin benny gantz rather could look to to try to form a coalition so he does seem at this point at least to have that as an advantage and he is hairy of course have been when netanyahu was to. it was able to form a government he still has personal problems of his own to consider in the months
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ahead tension. well yes and that is i think evidence to in the really no holds barred kitchen sink way that he has conducted this campaign he is portrayed his opponent benny gantz as weak left he has used the race card he has used some of the most extreme voices and parties on the right wing of israeli politics he's engineer a coalition of right wing parties including some that are the descendants of racist harnessed parties which were banned previously in israeli electoral politics and so the reason that he's doing all that is because he has these charges hanging over him the attorney general of israel in the middle of this campaign at the end of february recommended said that his decision was his intention was to indict netanyahu over three corruption cases pending hearings those hearings if you will.
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ns or least if he builds on of a coalition government those hearings will take place with him in office and obviously as far as he is concerned it's much easier it's much more viable for him to defend himself from the position of power that he might have as prime minister of israel potentially even there is talk of drafting a new law which would give him some kind of immunity from prosecution in those circumstances so a lot rides not just politically not just in terms of his constant messaging that only he could do the kinds of things for israel that he's been able to do in the last ten years so it's not just about the political philosophy it's also about the personal and political survival of the budget of benjamin netanyahu as well so that's why he's been fighting so hard is why he's declared victory and will do all he can to build a coalition apart her neighbors maybe thanks very much did her forces in tel aviv.
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algeria as interim president has called for unity and transparent and fair elections people have returned to the streets to protest against the appointment of ben salah the seventy seven year old was chosen by parliament after weeks of demonstrations forced abilities beautifully could to step down. as this report. this is the man who will lead for ninety days until a new president is elected. the speaker of the upper house of parliament. was appointed interim president by the parliament a few days after of lies these beautifully designed his decision followed weeks of unprecedented protests against his will but with a political as a replacement faces a daunting task he's widely unpopular and seen by many algerians as a member of the same elite accused of corruption begin votes and inefficient
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governance eager to build bridges with skeptical opponents made to public statements on tuesday and announced the setting up of an independent committee to oversee the presidential elections in any actually i want to unify the nation and carry out elections which are transparent and proper the government will also instructed the departments to supervise these elections honestly in a fair and impartial fashion i urge everybody to overcome our differences and work together to cooperate to lay the cornerstone for a new old area the interim president also emphasized he had no intention to run in the upcoming elections but on the streets the discontents cont'd years the same protesters who wanted to flip out are unhappy with ben salles appointment and they are determined to push for a real change as we have come out today in order to oppose ben salah then so i
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leave we don't meet you. we are here so the ones who are governing the country leave because they are robbing and not building the country they are destroying and i a serious political crisis began in february when president but announced he would be seeking a fifth term in office he had been in power since one thousand nine hundred nine but barely seen in public since some. during a stroke into thousand and thirteen after weeks of protests calling for him to step down the army withdrew its support for the eighty two year old president and the serious longest serving president eventually resigned but for many are serious their fight is far from over they want a clean sweep of the political establishment and the national unity government to lead the transition to democracy about al-jazeera. nachum the charity is an
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algerian journalist and he says demonstrations will continue until all of beautifully because administration is overturned and the regime is trying to regenerate itself. and the government especially in the government that may come in it. it's the last government. and we can't we can have a new very new interim new transition in a new name a critical election as we did with the regime so people now are only in for a new. president seem that new person only is and they are according to massive four tests and that's going to sudan where seven protesters have been killed on the fourth day of a mass city and on the headquarters the crowds in khartoum are demanding the removal of president term our pushchair after three decades in power police commanders have ordered officers not to confront peaceful demonstrators bittorrent
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and we have the latest. was. standing firm outside ami headquarters in the capital khartoum protest as chant down with the regime and . six thousand security force personnel opened fire on demonstrators in an attempt to break up their four day long mass sit in soldiers who saw the attack intervene to protect protest is letting them into the headquarters and shooting at the government security forces. a spokesman for the military says there is no splits in the armed forces and security forces remain united. the mo of the hope but i mean what about the police national security and intelligence forces are supported by the army we needed to consider certain things before moving the enthusiastic protesters outside the area very well prepared plan has helped us to control the situation in a peaceful way. some offices that have been openly siding with protests was over
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i need to get all of you let me say that we are here now because we're taking the side of the people we are standing with the people nobody else. protesters and the opposition sudanese congress party a calling on president obama al bashir to resign they want the military's help in forming a transitional government the leadership of the army if they. are disposed to the name of the people they lead there is falls to the. the whole of the opposition they are in then getting the unity of god yourself on this will lead the country for chaos so i think they have no other option but to this ball positively to the demands of the people the governments imposed a state of emergency since february after that crackdown failed to stop the largest outcry during alba she's thirty year room. he's asked the ruling national congress
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party to help restore stability and. the government says change can come through the ballot box but protest is on the streets insist they want change now that tory gates and bay al-jazeera. so to come here or not is there the united nations wants is becoming increasingly dangerous for refugees in libya. and russia's president vladimir putin puts forward an ambitious program to secure russia's foothold in the arctic. or. have another cold front from the bite is gong through the southeast corner of australia in tasmania there it is as a cat heading towards new zealand that patchwork of speckle cata the showers
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building over the water and heading your way down not many will come over land be mostly sunny picture twenty fifteen in melbourne and fifteen in hobart you will notice rather warmer in sydney but it's all relative if you go to the west of that twenty five in person much more enjoyable and all that cloud that spread over the western half a strategy more or less is courtesy of a small circulation the tropical cyclone want to switch will stay offshore that might throw some showers at northwestern coast eighty mile beach as an example in the kimberley now new zealand and you know what's coming your way as that cold front a lot of cloud with it so this rain falling in the south island that's light to the picture throughout wednesday attention went into the twenty but you're in the sunshine as the rain comes up his light as you get rather cold and that rain probably reaches the north and by says it leaving behind cotler clad a small drop in temperature for the feel more of a drop it actually looks because you lose much of the sunshine rain is still the story in japan i think quite significant rain for wednesday but during the day it
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will travel fairly rapidly eastwards so it will be miserable. they join one of their wild smiles not tory. but found a way out rebuild their lives a man will help us. attain of course recruitment child soldiers and have the fake exploitation of women dorton is a. part of the radicalize nude scene and its tunnel designers.
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are going to remind of the top stories here on out here and both main candidates in israel's election of claim victory exit polls show opposition leader benny gantz and prime minister benjamin netanyahu are neck in. algeria as interim president has addressed the nation calling for unity of his appointment spot for the protest a build up and seller will be the country's leader for ninety days until elections can be held. in sudan seven protesters are being killed on the fourth day of a mass sit in at all me headquarters demonstrators at the monday the removal of the president bashir. britain's prime minister has met key european leaders ahead of an emergency summit in brussels on wednesday she's hoping to convince him to back her request to delay price it until june thirtieth but e.u. leaders have shown a resistance to a short delay with growing support for the boat to grant a longer extension until december or even to the end of march next year for
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a challenge as this report. can anything save britain from its bricks in misery the government's withdrawal agreement has sunk beneath the waves in a compromise talks with the opposition labor party show few signs of compromise where heads continue the discussion somewhere looking forward to hearing what the government has to say those calling for a second referendum or increasing the hope with surprising new faces are joining their ranks like hugh merriman a conservative m.p. who wants bricks it and the people's vote that was my message in the whole that i wasn't preaching to the choir was he they want a people's vote because they want to go the complete opposite way that i do my message so they almost two hundred m.p.'s they voted for the deal conservative he's three times like i have is that if you want this thing through you've got to find the best operators for it and that's going to be the people it's not parliament we don't know majority for the reason may has travelled to walk europe for
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a june thirtieth rex's extension it's been called her begging tour in germany in virtually and there was nobody to me to. handle the merkel corrected the unfortunate mistake and. then on to paris the e.u. seems minded to give the u.k. longer to find a bricks a plan b. perhaps till the end of the year bracks or those who want the u.k. out on friday with no deal hates this idea and they are receiving warnings if we were trapped in against our will i believe we would become a trojan horse within the european union frustrate cheats annoyed and likely to cooperate such language is being heard in europe so ahead of wednesday's bricks at summit in brussels they're drafting conditions for any long extension. france for example doesn't want the u.k. taking part in the budget so so choosing the next european council president there's even talk of some sort of headmasters review in
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a few months time to make sure that the u.k. is behaving itself and it's difficult to see that going down in parliament or the country as anything other than another humiliation britain still technically leaves the e.u. at twenty two g.m.t. on friday but as the hours tick by rex it has never seemed so far away al-jazeera london now in less than twenty four hours time the un security council is set to hold another emergency meeting to address the escalating violence in libya conflict is seen an airstrike on tripoli's main airport carried out by forces loyal to the warlord of the four hafter that's prompted the un's envoy to the country to perspire a national reconciliation conference due to take place next week well the un has been evacuating refugees from detention centers near the capital but as the head of the body told the fighting is making those efforts increasingly dangerous you know
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it's always been quite difficult to conduct this operation in libya which is an extremely fragile country not just in security terms but in institutional terms of as well with many parts of the country controlled by militias by armed groups but now the danger has escalated this morning in spite of that my colleagues braving the bullets really literally managed to evacuate a hundred and fifty refugees from one of the of those terrible detention centers to a safer place but for how long will we be able to do that unless hostilities sees us the secretary general has called i don't know whether to know. who's in tripoli and has the latest. here in the city center of the libyan capital life looks normal it's totally different from the situation on the outskirts of the capital where the fighting is going on between forces loyal to the warlords cleaver have on the
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one hand and forces loyal to the chip really based government of national accord on the other hand but people here are still there are still very worried they say that they're worried that their fighting in the outskirts of tripoli might affect their lives here especially economy they're afraid that the value of the libyan dinar might be decreased again because of the fighting also they're worried that other sectors might be affected by the fighting like education and health sectors many people here are counting on the u.n. sponsored peace talks as a way out of the ongoing crisis but as the united nations support the mission in libya has postponed their general national conference that was supposed to be held and the city over the dam is on the fourteenth of this month many people here are now uncertain they were counting on that that conference as
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a way hour to put an end to their ongoing fighting and their transition transitional phases in libya by sitting dates for general elections their own president has come out with a strong response own throats after the u.s. decision to label its elite revolutionary guard a terrorist organization a sign rouhani called the trams unprecedented move a mistake it has warned that his country could develop more advanced nuclear technology if washington continues to exert pressure. the u.s. attorney general has told congress he will release a redacted version of the miller report within a week william barr is being pressured to publish the full report into russian meddling in the election of president told trump says some information will be blacked out because it's deemed to be too sensitive new york city has declared a public health emergency over an outbreak of measles there have been two hundred eighty five confirmed cases since october compared with just two cases in two
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thousand and seventeen i was on the at the latest from new. it's very rare and unusual for the city of new york to issue a public health emergency like this but it goes to show how worried city officials are about this it's the biggest easels outbreak in the city in decades and it's really focused right now on two communities in brooklyn one of which i'm in right now both have large orthodox jewish populations there are common vaccines against measles but some groups of orthodox jews are more reluctant to get vaccines and that's why health officials think that community is being hit the hardest and new york city mayor bill de blasio said there are almost three hundred cases of measles in brooklyn alone and he said in normal years the entire city maybe sees one or two cases a year we don't take any of these steps lightly they're it's not unusual action for
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us to take but it is entirely related to both the danger of losing use and how highly contagious it is this is a disease that can spread just in a few hours once someone is infected it can spread and be visible very very quickly . and the results can be devastating now measles has been eliminated from the u.s. since about two thousand but health officials believe travelers brought it back to the u.s. after trips to israel now rockland county new york which is about an hour north of new york city is also experiencing a measles outbreak in the orthodox jewish community there were more than one hundred fifty cases have been reported in new york city says it's now prepared to shut down any schools violating the ban on unvaccinated students. thought to be a putin as the international community to help develop the northern sea routes
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which connects the arctic from the far east to the west the russian president spoke at the fifth formants and petersburg attended by leaders from several countries the route which is frozen most of the year has become more accessible jus to global warming steadfastly reports now from moscow. nowhere else is the impact of global warming felt as strongly as in the arctic ice is melting at a fast pace the effects of climate change are calculated to be at least twice the rate of anywhere else on the planet and while it is seen as a reason for huge concern some see it as a business. navigating through the northern sea route between east asia and europe has now become a possibility reducing travelling time significantly compared to the southern route through the suez canal and developing the arctic route has become one of president putin smain policies he wants to see a ten fold increase in cargo in the next five years. only ten or fifteen years
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ago this number seemed totally on reachable now it's a realistic calculated and concrete task to accomplish last year the amounts of cargo on the north sea route reach twenty million tonnes which is three times the soviet record from one nine hundred eighty seven for now most of the ships used in the northern route our oil and gas tanker us but to help commercial cargo ships maneuver through the arctic russia is building three nuclear powered icebreakers and aims to produce thirty more by twenty twenty five this part will be. this at least three years so if they speak well for a lot of cooperation it's just a very scientists have raised serious doubt about put in supplants this estimation are certain they're all just wrong some people which present to look to. go through or so-called pink glasses. they expect the
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arctic is even the climate is. gentle and what a pleasure. global warming it's not it's something like that scientists like therefore this number looks like impossible now see the problem and of the arctic and the northern food as an opportunity for konami growth but neighboring countries in the region have other concerns they say they want to protect what they call the vulnerable part of the planet and home global warming instead of exploiting it. the heads of states of finland norway and iceland and sweden are all at the former instant petersburg with a keen to have their forces hurt warming and its effect on the arctic. may not only lead to an environmental and ecological disaster potentially they are a security threat of global proportions russia has downplayed concerns of
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a possible military buildup in the arctic but with gas and all reserves still untapped the arctic is no longer an undisturbed isolated part of our planet it is rapidly becoming a geo political you frontin year step fasten al-jazeera moscow. a reminder the top stories here on al-jazeera both main candidates in israel's election of claim victory exit polls show prime minister benjamin netanyahu and opposition leader benny gantz are neck and neck netanyahu is trying to remain in office for a fifth term his main rival guns the country to embrace a new door. if you want to be in this if you want to several winners and losers in elections but we are the winners we might be new but we're not naive we understand we've got to wait for the true results but within a few days will work to calm
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a government as biggest possible. syria's interim president has addressed the nation calling for unity after his appointments but for the protests. will be the country's leader for ninety days until elections can be held it takes over from former president of the lizzie's pretty flicka who stepped down after weeks of anti-government demonstrations in any i wanted to unify the nation and carry out elections which are transparent and proper the government will also instructed the departments to supervise these elections honestly in a fair and impartial fashion i urge everybody to overcome our differences and work together to cooperate to lay the cornerstone for a new all geria in sudan seven protesters have been killed on the fourth day of a macit in that army headquarters the crowds in khartoum and demanding the removal of president bashir after three decades in power police commanders ordered officers not to confront peaceful demonstrators. the united nations has postponed
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a national conference is scheduled to take place in libya this sunday june to the ongoing fighting in the capital tripoli the conference was planned to weigh up the possibility of elections as a way out of the country's eight year long conflict britain's prime minister has met key european union leaders ahead of a an emergency summit in brussels on wednesday the reason may held talks with french president emmanuel and germany's angela merkel hoping to convince the two to back her request to delay breaks it until june the thirtieth but leaders have shown resistance to a short delay you know today with headlines on stay with us radicalize youth is coming right up by from. africa's most populous nation a blog just economy has a youth unemployment problem in a bid to control the internet of the future some sad kind of digital. folding we
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bring you the stories to the shaping the economic world we live in. counting the cost on the era.


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