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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2019 8:00am-8:33am +03

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the chief of the un it's massive they have the audacity to do so what he's really doing and what was really going on beyond the scenes of obama seems where the emirates is magicians are met with the withdrawn over the last we going to be meeting with after several months have been trying to get into that incident should and to libya now the likelihood and the reason the likelihood of them using it for support now could lead to a catastrophic reuters and the number of casualties and the number of this place and that's what this mission really is about those already in tripoli the emraan as an egyptian and that's where they'll be supported and it's given the number of casualties and the number of different groups fighting in different parts of libya how much support does have to have at this stage how is he being perceived by the public in libya. well i launched when he launched the invasion he came onto the libyan radio stations and television and said all those that stayed in their homes were protected and all those away the white flags will be safe then loads ground missiles into people's homes or the last few weeks many of whom have been killed at
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least in the last three days at least twenty three were injured and seven were killed in grad missile strikes which again a you know the most clumsy and the most old school way of waging a war but it's really about making sure that he intimidates the population who he is what we should be very clear here is the civilian population that has taken up arms there is a conventional army in western libya those armed groups and i'm fighting on the defense of the civilian backed government came from cities from towns i'm trying to ethnic groups of all the for most of my life and i've come to the support and the defense of the city and that's who he's fighting against and that's why he wants to ensure that he's waging a war in the most densely populated civilian areas to try to ensure that he can return with that move from coming out they go through and move coming out that's the specter of violence and that also shows you. the degree to which he enjoys popular support in benghazi the city that he controls the west wing media has already come out and has already told people that if they come out and comments on facebook if they come out and comment on social media against the operation they'll
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face arrest someone and again he's also made protests and is the libyan leader was and the moment the idea that you enjoy about oculus little has an acid test there's no way of verifying it and it also shows how thin skinned he is that remove the rope remove the libyans troll for the last eight years and is ensuring that he can do the same unless the limits are you know your circle i think is a magic currency are author and from the static institute thanks for being with us on outta there. well plenty more ahead on this news hour including a look at how flooding in iran is draining two and a half billion dollars from its economy. humanity is standing at a crossroads meet generation climate change and the activists determined to save the environment. and in sport the king of clay wins again but there's a big upset at the monte carlo monsters will be here with all the action.
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now to the fallout from the public release of the morning report in the last hour the u.s. department of justice dismissed a subpoena requesting an uncensored copy of the report as premature and unnecessary a redacted version was released on thursday can be how could has more from washington d.c. . as u.s. president donald trump arrived fur golf game at his club in florida back in washington democratic members of congress renew demands and issued a subpoena for an unproductive version of special counsel robert muller's report by may first on a working visit to northern ireland during a congressional recess nancy pelosi the top democrat in the u.s. house of representatives again play down talk of impeaching the president that this time she didn't rule it out the congress of the united states will honor its oath
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of office to protect and defend the constitution of the united states to protect our democracy we believe that the first article article one the legislative branch has a responsibility of oversight of our democracy and we will exercise that the conclusion of congressional democrats after reading what they call the selectively redacted four hundred forty eight page report is that while the special counsel declined to prosecute a sitting president did call on congress to investigate whether trump obstructed justice and tried to stop the investigation into russian interference in the twenty sixteen u.s. election on friday morning trump tweeted using profanity he lashed out at recollections of his statements in the report calling the fabricated and the investigation an illegal hoax congressional republicans are promising their own investigation into whether law enforcement agencies like the f.b.i. may have exercised political bias to destroy trump's presidency democrats have
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announced they will hold a conference call on monday to discuss next steps this is far from being over and i'm sure that the house and the senate oversight committees are going to be looking at every piece in turning everything because just looking in the special counsel looked at. the possibility impeachment i think everything's on the table and. this is not the end of anything but what happens next is now in the hands of congressional democrats newly empowered by the special counsel to act potentially dictating not only the terms of transfer mating time in office but also whether he might win reelection the twenty twenty presidential race can really help get al-jazeera washington and now the first member of the democratic field of presidential contenders has calling for donald trump to be impeached senator elizabeth warren says the house of representatives should begin proceedings. joins
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us now live from washington d.c. is anything likely to come of warren's calls from peach. well it certainly caught a lot of people by surprise in some regards but also it was significant to she's actually one of at least two democrats running for the democratic nomination that have called for trump's impeachment after the mother reports leon castro. a candidate for the democratic nomination also called for a trump's impeachment on friday but really a more significant it was elizabeth warren because she really represents the more progressive left wing of the democratic party right now and she's also considered a very serious candidate one of the top candidates of the pool of more than fifteen that are running for the democratic nomination so there's and that's where we stand there but the bottom line is is that a really comes down to one person and that's nancy pelosi the house speaker she
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really controls everything on this and as of now she has been very cautious on this issue of impeachment of trump really saying in her words that it's just not worth it right now as we saw from that last story there though it on friday she did kind of leave the door a little bit open but overall she's alternately the one that's going to lead this lead the democratic party in the house and right now it's she's giving really no strong indications that they plan to pursue impeachment against donald trump they just think it's going to be too politically risky going into the twenty twenty election and gave we've also been hearing from republicans including former presidential candidate mitt romney and i believe. yeah there were very strong comments from mitt romney after he went through and read all of the motor reports he gave the strongest comments to date. for a republican and this is what he said he said while he was happy that the miller report did not find any. illegality by donald trump himself he said and i'll
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quote he said even so i am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and mr action by individuals in the highest office of the land including the president he went on to say regarding the report referring the mueller report it's a sobering revelation of how far we have strayed from aspirations and principles of the founding fathers so mitt romney the senator from utah republican clearly pulled no punches there as he did in his words he is absolutely sickened by what he saw in this special counsel's report that really laid bare the trump white house and all of the dysfunction and problems and lying they were going on within the trump white house. across all that reaction in washington d.c. thank you kate. well protesters in sudan say they'll name
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a team that will take charge of the country by sunday there have been calls for a civilian that government to take over from the military rulers who ousted president m. al bashir earlier this month ramadan reports. that joining the sit in is like stepping into a new sudan people are taking power into their own hands these civilians are now guarding the border and they're greeting people with songs and smiles i was soul being searched is almost a pleasure and they'll work involuntarily i. have while this crowd braves the heat to put out a message of change others help to keep them cool money is also being donated drinking water is provided i food is served for free for a while but they medical doctors have left their paid jobs on joint efforts to set up makeshift clinics to help those who protested last night just yeah we
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worked in hard conditions there were days when we couldn't handle the sheer number of people who came for medical help we could hardly sleep for days we were doing both the humanitarian and national juta by being here. these people are here in front of the army headquarters to make sure a complete revolution is achieved and a military coup doesn't just lead to another period of rule like that and ahmad bashir. in the middle he said the military council most tend of power to a transitional civil and government which protected by the army will fulfill all the objectives of derivatives so far we have only cut the head of the tree we still need to remove the roots a message that's being eco that on sudan as ordinary people now take center stage the blood that's been shed for this moment the. on the walls as are the young women
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who acted with courage and leadership this is where some of the deadliest losses took basically the morning. when thousands of protesters took to the crossfire members they took you to those classes they displace the special facilities where protection came from destruction a lot of water it's not a place of the future aspirations of this uprising it's like a fire that's building up to the presence of the old regime. the uniforms of those snipers who are caught hank here as a mark of shame to those who fought change but many here say the deep state is still intact and only the facade of the former regime has been removed i think that was that. they didn't go they just removed some dirt and put more dirt in its place we don't want any national congress members in the government and that's why the protest must and and they are the slogan whether or not that is she has fallen here
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. turkey has arrested two suspects who allegedly confessed to spying on arab nationals for the united arab emirates it's also investigating whether the the arrival in turkey of one of them was related to the matter of saudi journalist jamal khashoggi last october that's going to aim has more from istanbul . two palestinian men have been arrested in istanbul they've been charged with political military and international espionage the palestinians were initially detained in a hotel in is stamboul officials confiscated an encrypted computer stashed in a hidden compartment sources say the men allegedly confessed to being intelligence operatives working for the united arab emirates and they were here specifically gathering intelligence on arab dissidents and students after the arab spring in two thousand and eleven many arab dissidents came to turkey to live in exile sources
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tell us the men were under surveillance for six months during that time they contacted turkish analysts made inquiries about qatar's foreign investment in turkey the two countries are close allies the u.a.e. is part of a saudi backed blockade against qatar intended to isolate the country the men also allegedly contacted a suspect in the. murder case. was murdered inside the saudi consulate in istanbul last october there was international condemnation at that time the u.a.e. and saudi arabia are close allies now sources are saying that shortly after could show g.'s murder the first operative entered the country the second soon after to help with the workload but the focus of the investigation appears to be on spying on arab dissidents in turkey and there's a thought that given the strained relations between turkey and saudi arabia turkey
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and the u.a.e. and turkey and egypt that perhaps the u.a.e. was attempting to open up a new avenue of intelligence gathering in turkey still ahead on al-jazeera. i'm going to survive in the costs in eastern fronts rebuilding not saddam would be easy but this. there think that it can be done. and coming up of course we've seen many golfers hall incredible shots but not many like this. how the weekend does look promisingly quiet or at least quiet given that this is the satellite picture showing the storm with the still going through the southeast and it will keep going overnight it's going to be daybreak on saturday voysey the
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back edge of it tight green lines quite dark so there are significant thunderstorms you already know this now daybreak on saturday should see it offshore for the most part kerning back in through canada and snow in newfoundland still with the back or showers could be quite poky in the appalachian mountains and it's not that warm though the sunny side of london the twelve degrees however florida's fine twenty six in the sunshine in miami much the same through much of texas and oklahoma the cloud that you see coming in from the pacific so for washington state california to have it set you're running through the northern plains will it become more obvious during sunday but it's still nice and warm unsettled and much nicer in georgia by the time we get to sunday around that green line obviously is going to have some effect for the side so through the bahamas cuba and then towards honduras a chance to be quite stormy thunderstorms during saturday they're likely in jamaica
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as well and gives a slow moving front this fast repeat procedures on sunday. when the news breaks when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told so you should be sure and discrimination injustice this is a very good look for the first century with the exclusive interviews has almost equal to the lowest point in its history and in-depth reports al-jazeera has teams
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on the ground it takes to bring you more award winning documentaries and life on a don't know. how again i'm. reminded of the news this hour u.s. president donald trump has offered support to libya's warlord khalifa haftar in a phone call recognized tough does role in fighting so-called terrorism and securing libya's oil resources have to as forces have been fighting to take control of tripoli from the internationally recognized government. the us department of justice has dismissed a subpoena by the democrats requesting an uncensored copy of the report as
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premature and unnecessary an edited version was released on thursday that appeared to clear trump of collusion with russia during the twenty sixteen camp. pain but suggested he may have tried to obstruct justice. protest leaders are expected to name on sunday the team that they say will lead their country forward protestors are stepping up demands for a civilian that transition just a week after the military ousted president omar al bashir and took power. the funeral of prue's former president alan garcia has taken place two days after he committed suicide hundreds of supporters accompanied garcia's casket in the capital lima the sixty nine year old shot himself in the head on wednesday garcia's suicide note was read at the funeral in which he said he had fulfilled his political mission well al jazeera is marianna sanchez joins us now live from lima marianna alan garcia daughter i believe read her father's note at the funeral what did he
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say. that's right nastasia well today was the last part of the week it lasted more than a day and a half awake were thousands of followers of people who loved his political allies and family members accompanied the coffin through the streets of central lima the capital. during this long way can this funeral. one of his daughters read a letter it's a letter that he left behind with. after he planned this suicide. there were hints a few days ago that he gave that this was going to happen telling for instance students in his university the class would be the last class he would be with them he also told his personal secretary that to one of the guns he owned would be
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a gun the gun that would save his honor but this morning lucianne i have seen read this final this farewell letter that i left behind a letter for his children and for all peruvians in which he mentioned that he did not want to be humiliated he did not want to be shown as a trophy or accept it as a trophy with handcuffs and that he would no one would ever see him like that he also said sent a message really to his detractors to his critics saying i leave my body as a sign of contempt for my adversaries a very strong words from alan garcia there his adversaries however have said that many people see his. act to suicide as a. coward act for not facing justice. in his letter
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said as well as what he had been saying all along that no evidence will be found against him however the case against him continues to be open and marianna given that there is corruption allegations haven't gone away and the case does remain open what about others involved. well the. carwash investigation has probably hit hardest in peru not only is the result of it. suicide a president former president. who's eighty two years old was in hospital after spending a few days in detention in iran now a few hours ago a judge has ordered him to goal to jail he will be in. britain in a detention or an arrest for thirty six months or up to thirty six months he is not
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the only one former president or young spent nine months or nearly ten months in prison last year with his wife nadine the most prominent politician him to do keiko for humanity the daughter of former president morsi is in jail for the same reason as well and former president. living in the united states hasn't come back to face justice there is an extradition pending on him so perhaps as i was saying one of the hardest hit countries of this car was a car wash investigation here in and as i say all these all these cases are under investigation there hasn't been any indictments yet however prosecutors are actually seen before anyone can flee and that's why they can't that's why they have asked all of these people to be sent to jail. as marianna sanchez there
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speaking to us from lima thank you for that update marianna. well the governor of the u.s. state of new mexico is expressing concern over video of members of a militia group illegally arresting migrants at the border the video was posted online this week and quickly went viral it shows members of the group dressed in camouflage clothing armed with semi automatic rifles holding groups of migrants a civil liberties group in the state has called on the government to investigate that group of the july nineteenth calling themselves the united constitutional patriots well and risotto is a south attorney with the center for constitutional rights and he joins us now on skype from new york city angelo just how long has this kind of behavior been going on at the border. since the borders inception going back to the mexican american war the border has been rife with anti migrant anti mexican did you land here as white supremacy in fact when the texas rangers in order to troll
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found. one of their main goals was to raid the area of mexicans and migrants this is been going on for hundreds of years and enjoyed these and now groups with guns and then now filming the arrests as well. yes under normal circumstances any group of citizens who are on and took another group of individuals in custody would be considered kidnapping and detention address to terrorism because the trouble ministration has made it clear that they have no interest in protecting the lives or safety of migrants they're looking the other way just what kind of an impact has trump's immigration policies had on this kind of behavior on the border and we've seen an increase. absolutely i think in two thousand and five they began something called the minutemen project which is a loosely affiliated group of vigilantes over one hundred branches over ten thousand members whose sole purpose is to enact domestic terrorism and violent acts
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against minorities especially against migrants we've seen a huge uptick in reports of vigilanteism along the texas mexico border texas new mexico border and indeed in california too and i what kind of authority do these groups have i believe they've been calling a citizen's arrests. close to none in fact if it were any other group that was about to immigrant rhetoric native this right if it were vanishes and they would be facing federal kidnapping and potentially domestic terrorism charges and how does the border patrol feel about all of this. well you have to remember that the border patrol founded in one nine hundred twenty four was responsible for scores of murders deaths disappearances indeed lynchings and so many border patrol members themselves were former vigilantes many have. same vigilantes in their
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communities and they're certainly looking the other way i think the other thing to keep in a consideration is that the border patrol views these individuals as actually helping them do their job. or patrol has had a hard time filling positions to execute trucks need of his vision and i have to imagine that they're happy to see or do they have enough to try to patrol that length of border. well i think that's the wrong question to ask i think the right question to ask is whether the united states should sanction billions with assault rifles take individuals under no pretense whatsoever other than color of their skin and the language they're speaking to terrorize them i really think this is an instance of domestic terrorism and under any other circumstances would certainly be considered kidnapping and i'm sure what's happening to these groups of migrants who are coming across the border what happens after they've been offense to be arrested . by the by the militia by these different vigilante groups
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i believe handing them over to the border patrol is there some kind of procedure. that i'm not aware of if you go back to the history of vigilanteism at the order you have to understand that the united states had a long history of a militarized very violent order where state officials look the other way to this sort of immigrant. groups and shiz violence and so i have to imagine that while they said that they called the authorities what happened off camera was probably more akin to violence and we saw from the center for constitutional rights thanks for your insights thank you well a vigil has been held for a journalist who was shot dead after riots erupted in the northern island town of londonderry late on thursday lara mackay was killed just days before the anniversary of the east uprising of irish republicans against british rule in one nine hundred sixteen and the hayward has more. only twenty nine years old larry
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mckee was a rising star in journalism she just signed a book deal and had a promising future instead she's the latest victim in northern ireland's long running conflict. after police raided a property in london. as it's commonly known more than fifty petrol thrown at police and several vehicles hijacked. the key was watching events and in the hours before her death tweeted diary tonight absolute madness. the journalist was standing close to a policeman. and she was hit she was taken to hospital where she died we believe to be a terrorist act. carried out by violent as republicans. are sas men of this time would be that the new ira are most likely to be the ones. primary line of inquiry
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overnight. to try to piece together the events that led up to her. earlier this year the new ira was blamed for a car bomb attack. it also claimed responsibility for sending possible bombs. the killing of the journalists to shock the community and devastated her friends and. our hopes and dreams of her amazing potential. act. this cannot stand britain's prime minister to reason that the murder was shocking and truly senseless condemnation to from the leaders of northern ireland's biggest political parties this is a tragic loss of a young life and our hearts are broken for although all those concerned those people who carried out this and this attack have no place in society those people who carried out this attack do not have any support those people who carried out this attack have attacked all of us they have attacked the community they've
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attacked the people of diary they've attacked the peace process and they've attacked the good friday agreement of course violence criminality terrorism was always wrong and is still wrong today in twenty nine chain we can damage whole heartedly we hope that everyone will work in london derry and indeed further afield with the play service to give them all the support that they need many people in northern ireland to concerns about the renewed ballance in derry and what led to it there were many tributes being paid to lehr mackay all praising her as a seeker of the truth emma heywood. climate activists have gathered in a number of european cities at the start of the easter break they're demanding that politicians act in the face of what they call a climate emergency trying to haul reports from london. to change protests that began in london on monday spreading.
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by friday greenpeace activists had appeared in paris aiming their actions of multinational companies with government links from assamese action we want to send the message that we need to act urgently there's a climate and social crisis that needs to be tackled and at the moment we're not even close. and in rome the young swedish climate activist gretta from burg told the crowd that time is running out she manatee is standing at a crossroads we have decided which parts we want to take. and now we are waiting for the others to follow our example. at the start of the easter holiday weekend a small group of teenagers tried to block access to london's heathrow airport police were quick to intervene they were part of the london based movement extinction rebellion that drew the attention of one celebrity dame emma thompson to help make its message heard. the london protests have been shed deal to last for
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two full weeks or until the government promises to confront what protesters describe as a climate and ecological emergency but there are signs the police will send for london's busy oxford street and other locations three it will be full there. is a very fine balance being struck here between the interests of this very peaceful passionate crowd and public order with roadways in the capital obstructed now for five days it's three and nobody here wants confrontation with the police clearly friel but they've got to do something to regain control of the police have been fantastic. i say far of what i've seen how far are you prepared to take this as far as needed as long as it remains peaceful nonviolent atmosphere and it's been here is what they have been a number of arrests but all my whole it's all been pretty good natured so young and
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old in the city and for the earth for humanity and a better future china how al-jazeera london. rebuilding the not should on the paris won't be easy but a famous cathedral in the french city of proves it can be done also called the not should on the wrong cathedral was almost destroyed by fire and shelling during world war one and as natasha about reports it took twenty five years to restore the building to its former glory. it's not as famous as not a dam in paris but not a dam in a castle is equally. impressive a towering gothic splendor soaring into the sky built in the eleventh century france's kings were crowned here but in world war one it was left in ruins by german artillery the cathedral was eventually rebuilt with.


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