tv Bill Gates Al Jazeera April 27, 2019 7:32am-8:01am +03
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cuts now everybody knows and as of where of the need for oil prices to move lower the global economy is struggling and it's facing headwinds at six thousand once and there is a multitude of different external challenges so the longer term picture is actually that oil prices should come back and sullen mansome but not in so it is known and confirmed where this cut in supply from iranian oil being sent off will be filled so this is why over the longer term picture many still remain negative on oil prices which is why our everyday viewers everyday consumers do not have to worry too much but over the net some some chip political risk has been priced to back in soil this is why over prices are rally and they fit the highest level of two thousand and nine scene but it's still a dramatic distance away from what oil prices were a couple of years ago so no need to worry no it's a panic buts we do need to monitor the day to day news narrative around oil prices and specifically what happens next door is what happens next isn't it jim
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a lot made to join us from kuala lumpur thank you so much for your time and still ahead on counting the cost why musicians at iraq's national symphony orchestra are trying to hit the right note. right now though the battle and it really is a battle over the next generation of mobile technology on the one side you've got china's huawei love for its phones but feared over a perceived threat of chinese spying which the company's always said is totally untrue and on the other side the likes of australia canada denmark new zealand and the u.s. who've all banned the company from their networks but in the u.s. there is a really curious tale of his involving while away a u.s. stocks up some so-called unbreakable glass and an f.b.i. sting operation john hendren picks up that story now from goni illinois this is a story about a small american technology start up a giant chinese conglomerate and industrial espionage she. it starts here in
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illinois where adam kahn formed a company a con semiconductor where they make a kind of glass for cell phones that is said to be six times stronger than the industry standard so you can drop it and it won't break and it looks something like that he was looking for a manufacturer to make it and among the companies he talked to were hallway of china they had a facility in california so he sent them a sample with two provisions first they could not damage it that's standard protection against industrial espionage and second they couldn't take it out of the country because it's made with a kind of industrial diamond like material that has military properties and is illegal to export from the united states nevertheless it was returned months later and broken that was when the company thought perhaps they were being ripped off by the chinese so they spoke to the f.b.i. you examined this sample and determined that it had been cut by a military strength industrial laser and there were pieces missing which suggested
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the chinese had held on to them to examine it and the f.b.i. went one step further they asked officials at a con to become spies to meet with chinese officials at an industry conference in las vegas which they did wired for sent chinese officials there said that in fact the sample had been taken to china and they questioned out loud whether the u.s. government was listening to that conversation and that is where that case lies but it's part of a wide ranging probe into huawei by companies and the u.s. government in fact the c.f.o. of qual way faces charges in brooklyn the company just settled a suit in washington state where it is alleged to have stolen part of a robot owned by t. mobile the robot was called tapi by the way and the trumpet ministration is urging american companies not to use while weighs five g. technology that's because they're afraid that the company is installing a backdoor that would allow them to listen to americans and possibly engage in
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cyber warfare as for the a con technology you see here you might look for it one day soon on a cell phone near you. and we'll have more on that story in the coming weeks and counting the cost because this new mobile technology five g. as it's known it is coming it is worth billions the competition over it is fierce and while it's right at the center of it as you already see it is a company which attracts a lot of attention and controversy just this week it came out fighting against allegations that it is funded or controlled in any way by the chinese government report is in chains and we're told there is no state capital in the company at all while they also filed a lawsuit last month against the u.s. government's restrictions on its product saying congress has acted unconstitutionally as quote judge jury and executioner cases ongoing it did appear to have a partial victory in the u.k. however where a leaked report indicated huawei would be used to build some of the u.k.'s new five g. mobile infrastructure but it would still be excluded from the more sensitive parts
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of the rollout and despite all the pressure the company did report first quarter revenues were up thirty nine percent to nearly twenty seven billion dollars all goes to show how significant the five g. race is and the concerns about china gaining any first mover advantage we have to talk about debt now and the extremely profitable yet morally questionable practice of making money out of bad debts now take the case of mozambique one of the world's poorest countries there is a huge pool of natural gas offshore but on shore the country's been on the brink of financial collapse mozambique's economy has been reeling from a debt crisis triggered by two billion dollars worth of hidden loans that were never approved by its parliament this was the so-called tuna bond scandal we've covered in the past money raised to fund a fishing fleet which never caught me fish and plunged the country into a crisis it is now hugely expensive for mozambique to borrow and yet it is still borrowing it owes money to everyone from china to libya and for the people living
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there it has die of consequences not to mention the terrible devastation and loss of life brought by site clone i recently which again require. foreign cash to help recover from well surging clifton's joining us now from london she is the director of the jubilee debt campaign it's a u.k. charity working to end poverty called spike just dead it's nice to see sarah jane i am going to play devil's advocate here i'm going to play the part of a modern day capitalist who simply says this is how it works the country or the institution which has the money loans to the one that doesn't it's the way the world goes round present the other side of the argument for me well i suppose to some extent we wouldn't necessarily argue with you we're not opposed to that we think it can be useful for by people and countries and businesses to spread the cost of payments for large purchases of countries things like infrastructure. the issue is if it's commission responsibly and spend it responsibly for countries
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whether it's invested productively so if it's invested in things which can regenerate generate or generate sufficient cash to repay that that unfortunate in the case of mozambique this isn't what we saw. secret you were talking about a two billion dollars u.s. as he sat they went to mozambique's parliament they were publicly disclosed to the people of mozambique and what we found out is a large amount of the money is believed to have gone missing various of the bank officials involved and it's important to note that these loans were issued by two london based banks so some of the bank officials involved on the government in question fish was involved are now under investigation by u.s. authorities say so authorities and mozambique coast are ities let's go back to the point you made about responsibility is it a case of there just being more transparency so we can see and everyone can see exactly which money is going where or is it actually the practices which need to
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change or actually the books so this is a quite unique case we think hidden relation to mozambique we're worried that there are other cases like this but they just have. and come to light yet because of the secrecy that there is around a lot of lending and borrowing we think there's a kind of there are two issues here really the transparency accountability but there's also the wider structural issues which are pushing a lot of countries like my sam big into that crisis in the first place so we live in a world which is still very unequal with large amounts of resources concentrated in some countries and not in other countries we've seen countries in the west not really deliver so far and the commitment to either mobilize enough finance and development to poor countries to help their mates just a little development goes well mobilize enough climate finance symmetry that has been a basis of progress on tax dodging but not really enough by any means so that's still a lot of illicit finance out of poor countries developing countries so there's
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still a very strong need for the countries to do that based development because there are no other sources of funding available so actually tackling that crises in the situation that countries like mozambique find themselves in a quiet progress on these much bigger structural issues we believe but then we also do need to look at every sponsible and corrupt lending and borrowing that's happening i think transparency has to be the starting point so that at the moment there's no obligation on banks to actually disclose the money that they're lending to governments pushing for action at the international level but also in the major global financial centers in the u.k. and u.s. and spending you're probably this is the point you made as well before about the infrastructure of the things actually making sure that the money gets used properly and i believe your research is showing that it's not in many cases that that's true we are seeing. a lot of the borrowing not translate into gains in terms of positively in investment in public services. but we do think that the big issue
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here is the finance gap it's the lack of development finance available for countries to actually spend in. sustainable development and the fact that they are having to to borrow as a result and then how there is the debt crises which. pairing how that being that way by the end fashion situations certain clips in a pleasure talking to you thank you for joining us thank you very much finally this week iraq where musicians at the national symphony orchestra are locked in a pay dispute the government i haven't seen a paycheck so far this year some of left but those who haven't so they will continue to perform despite the odds and sounds like a name has their story now from baghdad. a ballet studio with peeling floors of the clay or of dust and ramshackle chairs is that her sole space for the iraqi national symphony orchestra somehow the musicians maintain their focus
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seemingly oblivious to the inevitable power cuts that have become common in iraq since last year the orchestra has been involved in what the conductor calls a war with the ministry of culture the staff hasn't been paid so far this year and spent most of twenty eighteen without a paycheck until they were eventually paid in what weapons at the staff of the ministry of culture acts as if they are living in another world they are disregarding the fact that the musicians haven't been paid we have suffered and we are still suffering there are one hundred ten musicians and support staff with the iraqi national symphony orchestra their average salary is eight hundred dollars a month since the pay dispute began last year ten members have left. for years the conductor says the government has attempted to slash the annual one point four million dollars budget of the orchestra then in two thousand and
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eighteen an anti-corruption law was implemented it banned staff from working a state job and also getting paid to work with the orchestra since the one nine hundred seventy s. members had been granted a waiver i mean the government should be you know supporting us like because we are to be the you know cultural you know front of the whole country i mean we're the only symphony orchestra in the country and we were one of the first symphony orchestras that were established in the middle east still but you know of course they wouldn't consider it that which is really devastating. the ministry of culture says it's at the bottom when it comes to federal funding and is struggling to pay for its entire portfolio. about reaching an accurate oval agreement with the musicians and noble the ministry of culture needs to have an inclusive vision for the future of their i.q. symphony orchestra need to overcome their outstanding issue in order to rise up
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with a new talent to generation that embraces art and music by all their archy's. the orchestra has continued to perform this year. to be completely honest with you were defined were playing against all. the musicians say their passion is fueling them but they know they can't live on that alone natasha getting al-jazeera back. and that is our show for this week to get in touch with us though if you got a comment or a story idea you can tweet me directly on. the hash tag a.j. c.t.c. or you can email the team directly counting the cost of al-jazeera dot net and a special mention to our editor maria daily up to three years with us and five at al-jazeera she is on to pastures new in the area we wish you all the best with your next venture you can also check us out online at al-jazeera dot com slash c.t.c. that will take you straight to our pages individual ports links and entire episodes
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for you to catch up on when if you'd like but that is it for this edition of counting the cost on canal santamaria from the whole team thanks for joining us the news on al-jazeera is next. stein world of illegal trade what you have here is not just archaeological objects you're talking about a political dimension where the spoils of war are smuggled and sold to auction houses and private collections carrying or selling iron artifact is worth finances the beheadings and muslims in the middle east don't sound don't cry that's one quick solution. trafficking al-jazeera.
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stories. provided attempts into someone else's work. inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers and the front lines i feel like i know if i have the data to prove. witness on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. has i'm sick of this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes the whole of explosive force sri lanka's police after issue. with the suspects of the easter sunday bombings.
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drumming up support for civilian rule in sudan military leaders are denying they've released former ministers from jail. warnings of widespread flooding after a powerful cyclon hits mozambique a month after he dies devastation. and it is the u.n. ignoring the plight of china's we get secretary-general fails to mention the persecuted minority in beijing. follow a stash of explosives and other bomb making equipment has been found after a shootout in eastern sri lanka the gunfire and erupted as police hunt for those behind the easter sunday bombings which killed more than two hundred fifty people the raids were carried out in the eastern city of kalman i a curfew has now been
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imposed in the area may now finance is in the capital colombo. security authorities basically having a raid conducted in sign the mother do in the eastern flank about three hundred fifty kilometers from the capital colombo where there was an explosion when they came upon a certain group they were closing in on there was a gun battle that ensured away hearing from the police spokespersons office that this explosion and shootout didn't sue for a certain amount of time and then just about thirty kilometers from in just before this there has also been detection house which had had a number of things including a uniform very similar to that worn by the alleged suicide bombers that released a video claiming responsibility for the easter sunday attacks also a banner with the ice of flag that was displayed in the background of that
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particular video over one hundred fifty sticks of gelug ninety explosives more than one hundred thousand metal ball bearings notoriously used in suicide kit so all of these things coming together and reflecting that the authorities are closing in on these assailants that are on the run now earlier today we had several people talking on the latest the head of the catholic church here in sri lanka but also we heard from president might of allah serious in a. bombed but not broken the two hundred year old son anthony shrine called the church of miracles in ruins cameras allowed in for the first time since the easter sunday attacks to see the extent of the damage the head of the catholic church in sri lanka is struggling to comprehend the loss of life many people whose lives have been shattered and b. i have personally feel great loss for me personally because i have my
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community he says survivors of the blasts and relatives of weak tims are heavily traumatized and in need of psychological and spiritual strength and rebuilding the churches will be a different challenge but there has been an offer of help for worshippers in the meantime we're overcoming the bridge. where one where they're marked by market hope but what they. have on their part i mean bertie already and serving their water to what might be a prayer prepared to protect their part of them and their it would be what our. religious leaders have worked hard to keep their communities calm and united politicians have accepted some blame and apologized prison my policy to siena says he won't shy away from responsibility but was quick to point to what he said contributed to the intelligence lapse and the lack of response to warnings of
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attacks like the bargain about the civil society figures who weakened the intelligence sector should take note the intelligence services have been undermined i fought to protect them against being jailed and we couldn't. for the families who lost loved ones in sunday's carnage words are of little comfort it could be some time before samantha and his church reopens its doors for families of victims it will never be quite the same again will have an end as al-jazeera colomba. says the attacks six days ago some muslims have become worried about their future that's despite calls from religious leaders for unity and calm a lot of slowly reports from the gumbo. they fled persecution in pakistan and thought they had found refuge in sri lanka some of these limbs have been here for seven years or more but they're once again looking for
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a place to accept them they say they no longer feel safe in the gambo after the easter sunday bombings some people here blame them for the attacks on my house or attack my oh it is at the very end of my door and. their windows all damaged i've gone to florida and there is turned on me and a priest done that by going there cannot be stationed hundreds of them are sheltering in a community center in a nearby town but they'll have to move again because the locals here don't want them either and moving back to niggle boat isn't an option for now. emotions are still running high after sunday's suicide bomb attack on st sebastian church. the white flags lined the streets a symbol of mourning banners hang as a sign of remembrance for those who died. on the streets are reminders that security remains tight. worried about reprisal attacks the
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government has advised muslims not to gather for friday press at mosques were in the heart of negaunee town which is normally busy and bustling instead many businesses are shut people choosing to remain at home because of the fear of more attacks. is a mostly christian town in buddhist majority st lanka for generations muslims have lived here without incident and many here want it to remain that way. we don't want to blame anybody when peace and harmony be all religions and. i think the government will have to ensure security and peace so that the relationship between the different communities don't deter me. no one can say for sure how badly the easter sunday bombings may have damaged ties between the mix of
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communities here lawrence leigh al jazeera the gunboat sri lanka sudan's a transitional military council is denying reports ministers and members of the former ruling party have been freed from jail thousands of protesters held friday prayers outside army headquarters in hard to they've been demanding an immediate transition to civilian rule hammered out a report from. under the scorching sun falzon self will test as governor outside the sudanese army headquarters in ca too old for friday prayers. the someone is heavily laden with political messages condemning the rejean of deposed former president omar al bashir messages to the demonstrations continue until the protesters achieve their goal a return to civilian rule in sudan. a soon as the press over the now familiar chance feel the road it will not then we need a civilian government to set up
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a foundation for a modern sudan followed by elections that have integrity and represent the will of the people. and there's not a seven hundred of the former regime divided the people through segregation and racism and today we are united as one nation without tribe creed or color we are ready to develop a progressive sudan the protesters walk compt outside the military portals even before bush it will soon move from the interests of all the transitional military council has given in to some of them to be amongst the protestors last till digging in for a fight and refusing to discuss the feeling here is that the council is simply invites i'm hoping the protesters won't be disappointed and then go home despite international support for the protest as the ten member military council has so far resisted calls for transition to a civilian administration they argue any small vacuum could propel sudan into
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a civil war three council members submitted their resignations on wednesday under pressure from protest leaders who say they have presented the interest of all bushie to aldridge and the three good jubilation among the protesters who mostyn that tens of thousands for what organizers hoped would be a million strong march in the past few days the numbers have been bolstered with many people arriving from other parts of sudan to join the sit in. khartoum sudan. in algeria thousands of demonstrators were back on the streets for the tenth friday in a row they want all those associated with the old regime of president. to go he resigned earlier this month after pressure from the military police have been unable to stop protests despite the announcement of a presidential election in july so we should all of them will be gone and they will be judged and the money of the properties will all go back to the people that's
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what we're looking for we don't want them just to lead we want to be judged so that's what we want to learn. this corrupt system is playing a dangerous game my dear brothers algerian people we must remain united i swear to god if we separate because of risk as i'm originalism i swear the system will not only last for years but it will last for centuries and we will go back to marginalization corruption and the abuse of power. plenty more ahead on this news out. but the real piece of work that needs to be done is on the fundamental reason why the people that. the u.n. calls for support for nearly a million refugees in bangladesh scaped a military crackdown in me and plus. rajon are only surveilled heartland of the anti immigrant nationalist party making spain now the ladies of the european
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country free to i.r.i. politics it is election day i go back and rafael nadal takes one step closer to yet another clay court title and bosler leah will have more later in sport. so a lot still to come but first the interior minister of libya's un recognized government says his forces will launch an offensive against war after us forces within days the tripoli has been the target of his forces for more than two weeks now on friday the u.n. said rockets and mortar shells hit residential neighborhoods in the capital the international committee of the red cross said thirty nine thousand people fled. the. now the ministry of interior had to assign a large force of coast guards to secure our coasts and shores against the invading groups who were sent by.
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