tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera May 3, 2019 8:00pm-8:34pm +03
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i get that often. the most powerful cycling for twenty years in india is battering the east coast cycling funny has killed at least two people in addition state one and a quarter million indians have left their homes to seek higher ground scored higher has more from new delhi thing with one hundred eighty kilometer per hour winds cycling funny slammed ashore in the distance state in eastern india . twenty first made landfall friday morning near the coastal city of put a holy place for hindus the strong side clone is expected to move north of through and weaken as it hits west bengal and my colleague states it will then head to bangladesh. a big concern is coastal storm surges and resultant flooding about a million people have been evacuated india's navy air force and disaster response force are on standby. cyclons hit that would be so cost every year so we are really
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suffering due to this the government officers have advised as not to venture out into the sea since the access to the sea a closed boats and crowds are getting destroyed in this. airports and schools were closed before the storm hit funny is the most serious like loan for the region in twenty years in one nine hundred ninety nine a super cycle and devastated and killed ten thousand people across the state. the coast of a state is prone to cycle and storm surge and tsunamis in banquets and shelters have been built over the last seven years before he will be the first test of how they stand up to an hour full cycle. got harder al-jazeera new delhi. meanwhile people in mozambique are dealing with the aftermath of cyclon canis it was the second major storm to hit south east africa in six weeks it's killed at least forty people now disease outbreaks threaten more lives i would toss the
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reports. they survived last week's cycle and now they struggle is finding food the heavy rains and floods destroyed the crops now after days without much to eat aide workers are finally overcome flood damaged roads to reach them. to sunday once a speck of maize to last at least a month long enough for his family to live on until he makes a plan his home was destroyed during the cyclon dam making. i run into the house to help my children or pull them out when i went back inside to take things out of the house collapsed i was injured. and my legs. cyclon kenneth struck while mozambique was still struggling to deal with the impact of cycling aid workers say many remote areas and small islands are still waiting
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for supplies aid has started to arrive but it's slow partly because of bad weather some trucks have managed to reach remote areas by roads and some areas can only be reached by i am back to pins on the weather. the united nations says hundreds of thousands of people are without shelter food and drinking water the eye of the storm was narrow but it was ferocious it took out everything in its path so those are the people that were targeting this food assistance already going out to nearly twenty seven thousand people so this operation is moving at a pace and scale but we need the international community to care we know this is a part of the world that often doesn't get attention it needs the world's attention and it needs the world to care. more rain is expected and that could be already swollen rivers people living in areas at high risk of flooding have been urged to move to higher ground but some families say they have nowhere to go they just hope the worst of the with the has passed so they can begin rebuilding their lives.
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michael mia mozambique so ahead for you celebrations in uganda after the pop star turned politician bobby wine was to press on with his campaign for change. hello again it's good to have you back well over the next few days we're going to be seeing plenty of rain here across parts of thailand take a look at satellite image you notice those clouds are really beginning to develop specially in the afternoon so for bangkok even though the temperature is reaching up to thirty seven we are going to be seeing some rain across much of the area all the way down here towards pocket as well across much of sumatra the rain is going to continue we are going to sing some rain across the area and also some cloud. down here towards the south where it's not going to be too cloudy it all is down here across parts of java over here towards bali here on saturday and really staying quite nice as we go towards sunday but up here towards the north manila
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rain in your forecast with attempted there on sunday about thirty four degrees well good news across much of southeastern australia this frontal boundary that you see right here with all the clouds pushing through brings some very much needed rain to the drought regions of south eastern australia but in fortune once that front pushes through we are looking at that back to drier conditions over the next few days here on saturday notice the temperatures dropping down to about fourteen degrees from melbourne up here towards sydney the front is pushing through you so we're going to be seeing the rain ending by the time we go from saturday into sunday morning britain you'll see some showers as well but by the time we get towards the weekend it is looking quite nice across much of the area over here across much of the west we are looking at a front coming into perth clouds coming into play there with the temperature of twenty two. caliber change since you mr have been.
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charting the lives of the children of apartheid twenty one. each story reflecting a history of dramatic social and political change twenty eight on south africa three on al-jazeera. i'm reminded of our top stories this hour the u.s. sanctions waiver on eight major bios of a rainy in oil has expired that includes china india and turkey and now face the prospect of u.s. sanctions if they continue to buy crude oil from tehran. in the most powerful cycle
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for twenty years in india is battering the east coast from funny has killed at least two people in addition state. protesters of back out in big numbers in the streets of sudan cities and towns as demonstrators continue to press for civilian rule protest leaders say the military isn't serious about handing over power. the president of afghanistan has accepted several recommendations for peace talks with the taliban on the final day of the loya jirga assembly of regional elders afghani approved seeking an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of u.s. troops he's ordered the release of one hundred seventy five taliban prisoners shallot ballasts as more from couple. president danny has agreed to all the recommendations in the loya jirga more than three thousand participants have met for the last five days in the white building behind me coming up with what is important to them as representatives of the afghan people what positions do they want the afghan government to take in future negotiations with the taliban
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prisoners all of the recommendations directly address the taliban in his in his speech in the closing ceremony this morning saying we have fought for far too long sometimes we have one sometimes you have one in the meantime people have suffered so going forward he said that he will accept that there needs to be interest and tweaks it is now an afghan government position that the u.s. troops should withdraw that they should be a ceasefire as soon as possible that the taliban should open a political office in kabul all choosing as long as it's in afghanistan and they should be moved from door where currently is that any legal demands of the taliban should be accepted during negotiations and that this should be a prisoner swap so this started to come out of the committees yesterday that this was something that was important to them and ashraf ghani saying that he did agree that taliban prisoners should be released from afghan government trails and vice versa and he said he's already started that agreeing and ordering the release of
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one hundred seventy five taliban prisoners from the afghan government jails he said i'm willing to do this wherever the taliban would like i just want to hand over their prisoners with honor and dignity he said that it should be a trust building measure and that he hopes that the taliban reciprocate with a similar similar gesture during the muslim holy month of ramadan meanwhile in u.s. and the taliban amazing is the sixth round of negotiations the last time they met was about six weeks ago where they discussed the first two steps and what is a have a four point to go between the u.s. the first two steps being that there should be a foreign troop withdrawal and the second state being that the taliban shouldn't allow afghanistan to be you. as a staging ground for attacks on foreign soil now they did get through the majority of those negotiations six weeks ago this is some logistics to sort out which is why they've made it now however we believe that they have a sticking point over the name of the taliban if it's to formalize these first two
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steps they would not be agreement but the taliban want to be referred to as the islamic emirate of afghanistan which was their name when they were in power the u.s. saying we cannot refer to you as that in this agreement because that would mean that we are negotiating with a foreign government and that would undermine the current afghan government in kabul we understand they are meeting again tomorrow in doha where they hope to try to push past the sticking point. is back home soon prism the pop star turned politician was granted bail after the arrest for incitement ones accused of encouraging an attack on the president's motorcade his supporters say the chargers made up we spoke to him earlier in kampala. we have gone to every legal avenue trying to get our freedom our we have petitioned the court we have gone to parliament and all the recently sions all the pronouncements of parliament have been disrespected are the times it's going to court our cases have not been
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heard and we have resolved resorted to another constitutional means of our airing our voices of dissatisfaction and that is protest because it is provided for in our constitution as particle twenty nine so whatever we are doing is within the know and even our protest against injustice against police brutality and against impunity is justified as bad they know however the police and old security organs of continue to break the law and to crack down brutally on the peaceful citizens britain's governing conservative party and its main opposition rival labor have sustained big losses in local elections as brigs it weary voters expressed frustration with a country stalled departure from the e.u. or honestly reports from northern england. well there will be definitive results in these local elections until later in the day here in yorkshire for example this count has only just begun but by and large the national picture so far as
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anticipated both the main parties the conservatives and labor suffering heavily because of breck's at the conservatives because they haven't done bracks it's labor because it has such an ambiguous position towards whether or not it support seats in response some of the smaller parties have done well as people search for alternative parties to vote for but the other big trend is simply has been people not turning out to vote at all because they've simply lost faith in politics things will become much clearer in a couple of weeks time when the european elections take place much more important obviously than these local elections breck's it was spawned brand new policies one which demands bracks is a major league there already polling about thirty percent for the european elections and others which say they don't want it to happen at all and that i think will give a much clearer indication as to whether this country actually still wants to leave the european union or not the king of thailand will finally be crowned on saturday
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two and a half years after becoming monarch king maher why should a long corn or ten paid homage to is and sisters as part of the preparations for the elaborate colonization ceremony when hey reports from bangkok. in a ceremony lasting three days thailand will march into a new royal era king my house which you are long gone will be formally crowned inside the grand palace in bangkok his father king a do new day died in october two thousand and sixteen paving the way for his only son to ascend the throne thailand is a constitutional monarchy meaning the king is supposed to have no political power but it's strict less majesté laws designed to prevent defamation or criticism of the royal family or instead used to stifle political dissent landing many in jail. among them some your prick sarkozy who spent seven years in prison before being released last year he doesn't see the laws changing any time soon william deciduous
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has to change because the last two exist the mechanisms that the state used to abuse people rights are still there all at least a situation to same it can take a turn for the worse but many thais view the king as a father figure and bought commemorative pins to mark the coronation ahead of his crowning ramattan as he's known made a surprise announcement that he had married his fourth wife is the deputy head of his personal security force and is now queen. at the time of king kong we pointed to new day's coronation in one nine hundred fifty there was political instability in thailand and instability around the monarchy itself there are similarities today the first election since a coup in two thousand and fourteen was held almost six weeks ago we still don't know the results and like nine hundred fifty the army is in control of the. brain for more than seventy years so few thais have experienced a coronation ceremony historian sulak see what i did he supports the monarchy but
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has campaigned for its reform attracting several complaints against him felice majesty the monarchy. is the only it's a douche an industry. that large for all work so one hundred years to get into it is very easy but i think to preserve it is much much more difficult but it's worth preserving. i think the new king means really real about his country and you want to build something significant. he's already done that taking control of the palaces fortune and changing a constitution that was passed in a referendum to give him greater power many thais look to the king to provide guidance in times of crisis kingma how would you along corn may be called upon to do that early in his reign given the uncertain political future wayne hay al-jazeera bangkok. days ahead of south africa's elections debate about land ownership is contentious the government is planning to expropriate land without
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compensation from of the miller reports from course on a tall province over your head in the roof a nuclear program or two lee and his family have lived on this land for generations he says the lid to the clan other rightful owners but they lost their rights to the land when he was placed under the administration of the in a trust in one thousand nine hundred four when a part date ended and a democratic government came into power we must fight. by any means necessary to do to get bit over lint because this is not midget. we should if. we wrote the trusted ministers about three million hectares of land across the whole province some of the largest tracts of land in south africa this community says the trust under king goodwills realty me is abusing its power by charging people rent the problem is that that sized is asking people to pay rent or lend they already
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all on lend they inherited from their ancestors the argument we have been here for so many years in ways that in working on the trust coming from to get to ten hours into tenants on our own ancestors lived through the trust says it uses the money collected to run its board and for education and development projects but people in the meanies say they've seen little in the way of development last year a parliamentary report recommended that the trust be disbanded it's not a clash of systems is the. off should periodicity of cultures question will be from one culture thinking he will she can dictate to other cultures the government says it plans to amend the constitution to allow for land expropriation without compensation how when and which land will be expropriated remains unclear here to
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remains a major political issue with the governing african national congress promising that the policy will empower the landless changes to the law could remain land administered by the trust could be appropriated by the government and redistributed some communities say they want to own the land themselves and not rented from the trusts but the government has assured the zulu king that the trust land is safe for now. the assurance came just months before national elections commentators say the government is worried about losing support from the zulu people over which. king has significant influence while the trust may be appeased people here say this is their insisted land and they should own it. al-jazeera. this is all jews here are these are the top stories the u.s.
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sanctions waiver on eight major bio's of iranian oil has expired that includes china india and turkey and now face the prospect of u.s. sanctions if they continue to buy crude oil from iran protesters are back out in big numbers in the streets of sudan sittings and towns as demonstrators continue to press for civilian rule as leaders say the military is not serious about handing over power. to the most powerful cyclon to hit india in twenty years has made landfall on the east coast site from phony is lashing the city of poorly with winds more than two hundred kilometers per hour more than one point two million people have been evacuated from low lying areas across the state over disha the state capitols airports schools and colleges have been closed. meanwhile people in mozambique are trying to rebuild their lives following the destruction caused by cycling canis sometimes are dealing with a cholera outbreak up to several cases were recorded in some hard hit areas
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a delivery has been slow to get to many because of the ongoing bad weather cycle in canada was the second major storm to hit southeast africa in six weeks and it's killed at least forty people the president of afghanistan has accepted several recommendations for peace talks with the taliban on the final day of the loya jirga assembly of regional elders ashraf ghani approved seeking an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of u.s. troops he's ordered the release of one hundred seventy five taliban prisoners. and uganda bobi wine is back home after three nights in prison the pop star turned politician was granted bail after her arrest for incitement once accused of encouraging an attack on the president's motorcade and supporters say the charges made up the king of thailand will finally be crowned on saturday two and a half years after becoming monarch king maha watch it alone corn or rama ten paid almost to resign as part of the preparations for the elaborate collimation sodomy
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the sixty six year old succeeds his father king paul who reigned for seventeen years the news continues here on al-jazeera after inside story of a. not so fast champion run a pass this to many a is ordered to take drugs to lower testosterone if she wants to keep competing is the decision set or is it needed to ensure a level playing field in the sport this isn't a story. hello
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welcome to the program on the wrong custis ammonia is an inspiration to many women around the world but the south african olympic and world champion athletes is accused of having an unfair advantage because her body produces more male sex hormones than most females. to stay in the race she's going to have to change your life she's lost a legal challenge against the governing body of world athletics which issued a new rule forcing her to take drugs to lower testosterone levels supporters say that ensures fair competition critics argue that semenya is unfairly targeted because the rule only applies to middle distance athletes like her the court of arbitration for sport admits the regulation is discriminatory but say it's necessary the president of the international association of athletics federations praised the decision sebastian coe is here in doha for friday's diamond league
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event where so many are is due to compete i think this is pretty straightforward and it's very straightforward for any international federation in sport athletics has to classifications it has age it has gender we are fiercely protective about both and i'm really grateful the court of arbitration has not held that principle so many years lawyers and the south african athletics governing body are considering an appeal. so it was extremely disappointed in the outcome because it's not correct to have a law which close out in a way that nobody knows yet into it does play out and you can't have the person who makes the law also be the person implementing the law and deciding how it blows up so that is not the way we see fairness so what exactly is her condition it's called a hyper androgen ism which causes her body to produce more of the male sex hormone
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testosterone the most women between five and ten percent of females are thought to be affected the u.n. says that up to one point seven percent of babies worldwide are into sex meaning they don't fit typical definitions of male and female testosterone boosts the amount of red blood cells increases muscle mass and strength doctors are divided on how much it improves an athlete's performance. i. let's bring in our panel joining us from london is sylvia account but se senior lecturer in bioethics and society at king's college london from high wycombe on skype john breaux a professor of applied sports science at buckinghamshire new university and also on skype from oxford students have a lesson director of the oxford euro center for practical ethics at the university of oxford welcome all to the program i would like to start with you dr sylvia so many was born a woman it's not her fault that she has this imbalance of testosterone surely
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should she should be allowed to compete it's not an unfair advantage is it. hugh really touched an important point because a discussion that hinges on whether an advantage is unfair or not and we just heard the boss down because the case is straightforward pretty straightforward and actually is anything by straightforward because it's quite complex we need to all distinguish whether they are bonded derived from that is unfair or not and this is not what the court for arbitration for sport as done the court for arbitration for sport as requested that i've been asked to investigate to do it is search on levels of testosterone and performance advantage and they come up with some results which by the way i've been demonstrated by several team include in my team to not be
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replicable and this is been highlighted in the verdict of the courts that i've titian for sport where they know it of the difficulty are reliant on a concrete advantage by they do rely on necessary ethical advantage between that a soft test us around and performance how have the pint i've been making as a scholar working in attics and sport and as a former middle distance as a not a professional one is that these advantages not unfair let me bring in. just right now from high wycombe it's not unfair says dr sylvia kemper also she should be allowed to compete in so he's always out of the whole problem with this case there's never been lucky with some of the common children. it was clear out of this. situation indeed they were. serious maybe it was shortly was he you know it was one until he was so you.
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need to be able to say the less we want to so that's just leaving us to see. many and soon with all of these will fema who recommended recognition i have to live is that then to sponsor who you choose to not just picking on one individual i can see one since it seems that way it is still a very grey areas the extent to which the levels of testosterone who performs i think we have to bear in mind that you said testosterone is a growth hormone causes as you said of the outset. of forwards and so as we increase muscle muscles muscle evokes to strengthen our will we don't lose because it is quite arbitrary is the exact cut off point where the performance starts and where it stops and i think particularly we've been where we know there are variations in homeowner who's on a monthly basis huge need where he was
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a problem for example it is something that again is the cuatro she also is going to be very very difficult so more uncertain and to police and which is because i want point that you made about that so many not being allowed to compete because she will be allowed to compete but only she and other conditions can demonstrate that his her stance rooms are sort of the who's lower on the speaking and so her concede the last night as i was asked the next step for her should be i genuinely think that she now is such a great athlete that she has the ability and hopefully will desire to carry on with her training carry on doing what she has done so well for so many years that in some way to prove the doubters won by showing that she can still win or will her big stage so we go locals and break world records even when it comes to lower level interest or so because she may also decide on our own. people but i believe she's a great runner a great athlete and we're in a sense people now even with
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a slightly lower testosterone but what we're asking her to do and other athletes in her position to do. is to take performance reducing drugs not performance and hans and drugs about and from the sport completely so this seems to be an ethical question let's bring in julian savulescu in oxford one of the what's the morality of all of this we're actually in effect somebody at the top of their game to not be at the top of their game is that what we're doing well as exactly what sylvia correctly pointed out is whether this level of testosterone represents an unfair advantage and if it does what you should do about it. so in the first question i completely agree with that the science hasn't established the degree to which are elevated testosterone level provides that with an unfair advantage you've got to remember that that she probably has
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a condition which means the receptive protest auster are don't work properly we don't know what a normal level of testosterone would be for her we don't know how her body functions or indeed her bright functions this level of testosterone so even if you reduce that performance by reducing it testosterone it could be two to effects on her brine it could be due to the side effects of the drug it could be due to a whole bunch of different factors in english you can give a really accurate story about what what part of logic cool features were in taught him to do and what we're not and how testosterone works in a complex situation like this you shouldn't be ruining somebodies career a lot which brings me to the second point that even if you thought there might be some significant advantage. this woman has been brought up under a parent's set of rules she's trying to has been treated as a woman she's been allowed to compete and it shines those rules midway through her
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career denies her the right to work and the right to leave the fictive really a much better solution would have been to introduce row. that affected athletes in the future are for example when they're about to start their career not midway through their career i sort of foreground renmark course but the problem all together is this sort of cool little hormonal playing field which. has in the i double i want to establish isn't really a level playing field because you don't know the response of the receptors to testosterone you don't know the complex biology of the individual athletes national or simply hasn't been worked out so i think it's a very severe let me bring you let me bring you in here dr sylvia the science seems to be problematic so why not julian savulescu said allow her to compete whilst you figure out the science yes definitely that could have been an option indeed i mean
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i must say when i saw was this back to live calm everybody else out there very did yesterday and i was disappointed but not surprised and i think it's important to say this is such a complex and not straightforward issue is that to understand yes it is very good one is to go back a few years and i understand due to the case i did it on was the indian sprinter also targeted by the farmer but on drugs an ism regulation which were put in place in two thousand and eleven in response to caster semenya case so you have a case that goes back ten years so you had caster semenya at the billion where temperature two thousand and nine but she was not able to appeal to say i've had hundreds of his own regulations that required her to lower the test to surround that sense to due to time and to the court for arbitration or sports articulation where suspended in time to fifteen on grounds that there was not enough evidence
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about the correlation how have as i had knotted in the twenty fifteen they grounds on with segregation where suspend it was a wrong. sounds a lot to me splaying why cofer a petition for support in twenty fifteen wrote very clearly that they believe they either belair have reasons to have this regulation that this is a collection where necessary this language or a cause yes in this language about necessary discrimination but in twenty fifteen cassel ruled that there was not enough evidence about a proportionality as that regulation now is either be laughed was given two years to do this additional research which as i've submitted it was most is a new regulation which targeted district a set of events from the four hundred meter to somalia were based on is a study published in the british journal sports magazine in twenty seventeen weeks but then defied the middle distance event as events in which women with
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