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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2019 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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and that's when the countries were homage on june reports. iran will suspend some of its commitments under the landmark twenty fifteen nuclear deal president hasn't rouhani telling world powers his country is stopping its sale of enriched uranium and could restart high level production if world powers don't keep their promises under the joint comprehensive plan of action the united states wanted to pull out of the j c.p.o. way to make iran withdraw the day after so that they could refer the case to the un security council in order to redouble pressure on iran however iran did not fall into this trap and did not play in the united states as court our friends including the european countries asked us to give them some time and we said yes because we wanted our people to know we are patient and work in a calculated way we know how important the deal is and scuttling the deal would be costly and detrimental to the region and the world some of it the move comes on the anniversary of the u.s. withdrawing from the agreement since then tensions between washington and tehran
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have risen substantially. in a letter to the ambassadors of the u.k. france germany china and russia rouhani said those countries had sixty days to implement their promises to protect iran's oil and banking sectors from u.s. sanctions he said iran was still committed to the deal but analysts say it's a signal iran's patience is running out for the iranians are saying that we cannot continue like this we've been waiting for a year since the americans have exited the agreement and we have been waiting to see what the europeans will do and now that we see they're doing nothing nothing we have to take some steps iran's announcement comes as washington continues to exert what it calls its maximum pressure campaign against ever on with u.s. secretary of state mike pompei or making an unannounced visit to iraq where thousands of american troops are still based american warships. have also been
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deployed to the region in response to what the u.s. says is the threat posed by iran. he said. it's nice. i think for me to sit. next to. him and that is they were texting. the same. thing about taking action. that is disconcerting all eyes now on a nuclear deal that was already in serious jeopardy more than ever the question now will it be possible to salvage it mohammed. for more on this will bring in same us robbie his joining us from tehran and domestically zain how much pressure was the iranian leadership under to respond to what some say are the u.s. as attempts to strangle the iranian economy.
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well when the united states pulled out of the deal this time last year a lot of iranians did say that the civilian leadership the elected government that had negotiated the deal really should have seen this kind of thing coming since then iranians i think it's come to realize the ones that we've spoken to say that they realize that this is american pressure that it is against iran and a lot of a because aggressive policies towards iran has united iranians not just behind their current leaders but it is also a push sentiment public sentiment towards hardline politicians that are much more hawkish in their approach to dealing with the united states and if they are to replace iran's current relatively moderate and reformist oriented leadership than the united states might find itself the next election cycle here in iran dealing with leaders that are much more retaliatory and resilient to their aggressive policies towards them now must be said that this deal what's happened today has to do with a nuclear deal that was negotiated was a sensible about bridging the trust deficit between to iran and washington there
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has said all along its nuclear program is peaceful washington people in the united states did not believe that the deal was designed to bridge that gap and what rouhani has done today is effectively take away an important part of the deal what the deal what the under the j.c. if you ate the stockpile of of nuclear material that could be used to someday make a bomb if iran decided to do so washington said at the time of the negotiations that iran was months away from a potential nuclear weapon this deal this puts limits on the stockpile that iran could keep to move that marker closer to a year or more now a nuclear sanctions that the united states passed just a few days ago earlier this week took away the option iran had to dispose of that stockpile sending it to russia sending it to oman and effectively have boundaries hands so what president rouhani has done in his speech today is basically say that we will not abide by those stockpiles and we will not abide by those limits. produce whatever we. do with an update from to thank you and there has been some
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reaction to announcement we heard from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu accuses iran of resuming its bid to build nuclear weapons he says such efforts will not be allowed invalid to fight those who threaten israeli security china's foreign ministry says all parties of the agreements are responsible to make sure the twenty fifteen deal is fully implemented then france has warned iran that more sanctions could be reimposed if it fails to keep its commitment to the deal that is restarting high level production of enriched uranium for more on that reaction by france so we'll bring in a social butler she's joining us from paris so a clear warning from french authorities that. yes well what the french defense minister forms has been saying is that look european powers want to try and save this deal france wants to try and save this
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deal but if iran is to violate it in some way that european powers could consider re imposing sanctions on iran that's not something they want to do but she said it would be on the table and of course the fact that iran is into kate it that it may suspend some of its commitments to this accord well that certainly puts european powers in an extremely awkward position because they have been fighting so hard to try and save this deal ever since donald trump pulled the u.s. out of its a year ago and started to reimpose sanctions what european powers say is that this deal is absolutely vital to try and ensure some level of peace and security in the region ok natasha butler with an update from paris thank you. voters in south africa are casting their ballots in national elections opposition leader my money from the democratic alliance party as well as julius malema from the economic freedom fighters have cast their votes the governing african national
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congress is expected to win but by a smaller margin it's been hit by a series of corruption scandals in recent years and accusations it's failed to provide basic services. more from johannesburg. we're outside a polling station in the township of alexandra in johannesburg not a wealthy area a lot of people in this area live in housing small not in good condition many others live in shacks made of iron sheets side this polling station political parties set up desks are allowed to do this to make sure that their members. come to support and this is the desk for the ruling african national congress the a.n.c. which has won every election in south africa since it became a democracy in one thousand nine hundred four but it's vote share has steadily declined over the course of those elections as has voter turnout some policemen
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here a couple of police cars we've seen not every polling station we've been to receive a protest in this area recently the protests over seas poor the livery of public services actually began in the early two thousand and have been seen in townships all across south africa ever since but in the lead up to this election there's a whole series of protests here in alexandra and for the last hour or so this morning has been a police helicopter circling above keeping an eye out for any signs of unrest but so far haven't been any today it's been peaceful here and across the country but it's not perceived poor delivery of public services and the series of corruption scandals that have cost the a.n.c. some of its supporters over many years. some of those votes have gone to opposition parties such as the democratic alliance and the economic freedom fighters. others have been lost to people who just don't want to vote anymore a lot of people don't find the opposition politicians any more convincing than
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those who are in power in this election only about three quarters of eligible voters have registered to vote and of course not all of them are going to turn up but over the coming days as the ballots. counted up we're going to find out quite how high or low that turnout has been the a.n.c. is expected because they empower him to keep its majority according to the opinion polls but he's expected to win with a smaller majority that it's ever had before the taliban has claimed responsibility for an attack in afghanistan's capital one of several happened close to the attorney general's office in downtown kabul and there are also reports of gunfire. and a faction of the pakistani taliban has claimed responsibility for a bomb blast at a popular shrine in the city of lahore at least eight people including five police officers have been killed in that explosion of data darbar one of the country's
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oldest sufi shrines it was also targeted by suicide bombers in twenty ten killing more than forty people when i lamas a security and political analyst based in islamabad here's what she had to say. i personally think that there's been a confrontation with the section of the follow up on ever since the pakistan army to be jihadist. that they have been and i think some elements all. the movement here in pakistan which is another political party so it did has been the sort of confrontation with the finest done in recent days we've also seen some serious commissions along the pocock on board. and as it is art of which she had three of our soldiers but also mark to dispose of our own two weeks ago from now and all of the setback has come again on the sufi shiny which is which happens to be one of the or disk we did member of the recall that some got in two thousand and fifteen it has been
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a similar attack in one of the shrine in sindh which which again is one of the or disc shrine in the country and it's very unfortunate that the faction or or some people with a certain religious belief. in the new when you go through that just an act of then have been some devious attempts in the past this event which have been forwarded by the security agencies so that also speak to that the national action plan because of the heat up on by all the medical part even done after the unfortunate ugly public school massacre it is being implemented but it has to be implemented with the new will torquey with the news that it now and political parties are to get to come on board regarding this particular national action plan which happens to be off national importance. and a pakistani christian woman who spent eight years on death row and. left the country. says she's landed in canada six months after her acquittal by pakistan's
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supreme court the verdict lots of protests in parts of the country bibi was originally convicted in two thousand and ten after being accused of insulting the prophet muhammad's during a fight with her neighbor it's. still ahead on changing lives the treatment plant that's making a difference for refugees in bangladesh. there is still a circulating storm in the timor sea now it's drifting slowly south towards australia has produced a great deal of rain recently other than that easing well there's not much going on in the knees here is there and that's true from this satellite picture is more of a concentration further north up towards the main in the southeast asia but for the forecast for dealer showers could occur version anyway certainly an increase in both the humidity in the clouds there for the potential for rain right up through
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thailand laos cambodia and the philippines but the showers could exist anywhere further south is where the good doctoring of them the concentration might well end up being in the philippines and in southern thailand or even cambodia hard to say to be honest anyway could get hit be nazis and rain in northern australia northern territory did not have a good with season but is just off shore to be honest since more active weather than in victoria new south wales these fronts are certainly picked up what was on the ground from the dust and sand have been dropped a lot of rain recently that could be rectified on thursday with rain coming into adelaide which will make its way across victoria probably thursday night curses enjoying the sunshine thursday and the friday gently warming up unfortunate is not the case to your east.
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becoming a living legend to the young was simply not enough. he transformed his influence on the pitch it's a political clout piece to the ivory coast. by eric. begins with a look at the life of. the football team succeed it with politicians not. for you. now does it. follow again the top stories on al-jazeera iran says it's stopping its sale of enriched uranium and could restart high level production if world powers don't
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follow the terms of the twenty fifteen nuclear agreement. voters in south africa have begun casting their ballots and parliamentary elections the governing african national congress is likely to win but the party is expected to get fewer votes than postelection at least eight people have been killed in a blast outside a popular shrine in the pakistani city of lahore police say the death toll could rise some of the injured are now in critical condition. and returning to one of our top stories that is on the iranian nuclear deal simon maybe the rector of the richardson institute at lancaster university is joining us live via skype from there and so i made when you're saying that you're not surprised by the announcements made by rouhani earlier on today tell us why. we look at what's happened over the past year or so since the trump regime has withdrawn from the j c p o e the nuclear deal we've seen a great deal and rhetoric coming out of washington and coming out of. the us
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allies including israel of course and what does the un is that it's called into question the very survival of the deal without the u.s. and it's created a sense of fear amongst many in teheran and across iran more broadly that the deal is dead that this diplomatic effort is dead and that they're being backed into a corner we've seen sanctions being placed on the state and all of this adds up to a climate of fear we've heard people talking about the so-called b. team. talked about this so-called b. team that wanted a war with iran and all of this creates a climate of fear where rainy and are worried about the future worried about re about american intentions worried about u.s. intentions so it's hardly surprising then within all of this all of these actions that iran would start to say you know what we need to do something in support of ourselves the iranian economy has been damaged incredibly badly by sanctions and so
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it's decided that it needs to do something to try and reassert itself on the world stage and rouhani is now clearly questioning the actions of european nations and their intentions and what he said is that he's giving them sixty days to hold talks with iran and that iran will stop at sale if enrich uranium and could restart high level production if the world powers don't follow the terms of that twenty fifty nuclear agreement so what do you expect to happen in the next sixty days this is push your country is in an awkward position. it does the european powers were incredibly instrumental in getting this deal off the table to actually make it happen the u.k. in particular exerted a great deal of diplomatic capital to make this deal happen and they were furious when the americans pulled out not just the brits but the europeans more broadly and what is done is it's left the europeans the british in a delicate position caught between iran on the one side and the americans on the
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other side now the europeans would generally rather see the deal continue and i think what mr rouhani speech has done is it's called on those european powers to watch lee live up to the spirit of the deal to commit to what they have said that they would do and actually try and help the iranian economy this was a diplomatic deal this was a deal to bring iran back into the international community and what rouhani is saying is right now the european players need to live up to that and make it happen to help the iranian people right simon maybe and we thank you very much for joining us from lancaster. the international court of justice is here in qatar as a case against the united arab emirates for violating human rights cats ours government says the u.a.e. targeted its citizens based on their national origin when it expelled all catteries and stopped them from entering the u.a.e. ofter the twenty seven thousand blockades cats are says rights to marriage medical
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care education property ownership and employment have all been restricted and a rights group has registered more than one thousand one hundred complaints over the last two years the u.a.e. claims qatar is hampering its efforts to improve the situation a charge that cats are has denied stephanie decker has more from that hearing in the hague. yesterday we heard from the united arab emirates exactly that how they are of how bring what the court had suggested last year which is to allow citizens back into the united arab emirates the reunification the reunification of families and also students saying that culture was hampering efforts through blocking a website that the emirates now need to call to the citizens to apply a visa for and also other different measures so today we will be hearing a response from the companies they've got three hours to do that this morning and then tomorrow we have closing statements from both sides they each have an hour and a half to do that then the court will go away and figure out whether the
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immoralities have a case it was a sidebar to the main case jury which is of course taking the u.a.e. to court here saying that it is discriminating against its citizens the bigger picture is this this is a political dispute that is almost two years in the making a blockade of qatar by four countries closing land borders closing its airspace you have the national carrier qatar airways when it flies down having to circumvent saudi arabia the united arab emirates when it flies anywhere it's costing all these countries millions and millions of dollars but also it's become personal they've expelled citizens a company citizens from their country making it far more difficult now to access their studies or families in a region where there's a lot of intermarriage and a lot of family links so this is why we are here this is the biggest court in the world let's say when it comes to disputes between states both teams of hires the best lawyers there are and they are now arguing really into semantics sudan's military council says it could hold elections in six months if an agreement can be
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reached with the opposition differences remain over the length of the interim period and who will lead the country during the time morgan has more from the capital hard to. nearly a month after ousting its president of three decades army bashir sudan's military council and the opposition coalition's attempts to form a transitional government don't seem to be getting easier the opposition presented the ruling council with its vision for the transitional period in early may on tuesday the military council responded. and with. the document doesn't mention the other political forces that are partaking in the transition that would elect a prime minister and sovereign council members as well as other ministers it doesn't even mention the transitional military council which alongside the alliance for freedom and change and other forces we see as important in the election process for these important posts. the opposition coalition is made up of political parties
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civil society groups and the sudanese professionals association they have been leading protests in sudan since december. the demonstrations were initially over price hikes that then turned into anti-government protests leading to a sit in in front of the army headquarters in early april the coalition says their vision for the transitional period is based on the demands of the protesters it's includes a four year transitional period a presidential or sovereign council an executive council headed by a prime minister with a civilian majority representation as well as a legislative assembly made up of one hundred twenty to one hundred sixty members forty percent of which must be women and an independent judiciary. this is our message to all demonstrators the peaceful work is what has led to our victories and that's what will help us achieve all the goals of the sudanese revolution and we shall not respond provocations meanwhile the sitting continues with protesters saying they'll keep the revolution peaceful and keep their demand
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for civilian transitional government. we are the people of the revolution here we're all demanding a civilian government no matter what will be here to the demand is met and the popular demand. is to continue. the military council and the opposition coalition may have more talks in the future as it tries to steer sudan out of the impasse it's currently with the ultimate decision makers are the protesters here who say if the outcome of the negotiations doesn't appease them they'll continue with their states and until they see the change they've been demanding. people here say they started their revolution that ended a regime of thirty years and they're happy to continue until the military council hands over power no matter how long that takes morgan al-jazeera. we were telling you a short. while ago we're getting news out of afghanistan and there's been an
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attack in the capital kabul let's speak to bar should worry he's a producer with al-jazeera as a bureau in travel and for what can you tell us about this attack indeed it was a huge explosion this morning when a number of attackers attack an organization called contra party international this morning eleven forty at the beginning and next the explosive explosion took place at the entrance of the building which paved the road or perhaps for the other attackers to get into the united nation we are told that we don't have any we cannot have the exact number of the casualties up at the moment but the ministry of interior is different we are going special forces arrived at the scene and they are in charge of the operation right now they are also told that a. hundred and fifty employees of the organization is iraq related by d. of them special forces on the other hand part of one of the responsibility for very
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serious. counter counterpart international organization for their future. and their brand their organization. truck exploded into. all right we'll leave it there are more thank you for that update from kabul. the largest sewage treatment facility ever constructed at a refugee settlement is providing a safer and cleaner environment for displaced rabindra up close to a million of them fled violence or mean more than twenty seventeen they're now living in camps in bangladesh. reports a lack of sanitation has been a major concern. from a distance it might not look like much but this treatment plant is changing lives in the world's largest refugee camp in cox's bazaar human waste is often dumped in the open becoming a breeding ground for diseases as well as contaminating water supplies. close to
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a quarter of a million cases of acute diarrhea were recorded last year in the overcrowded range of camps in bangladesh or spiritual infections and skin diseases were rife two or related to pour sanitation and hygiene the potential problems in the camps are huge this is an area which is endemic to cholera and other water board and. disease so this was a major investment with our partner and it is we hope to be a major solution to stop the transmission of disease outbreak. as the hot sun beams down on the refugees its energy powers pumps providing clean water to a quarter of a million in the camp was drinking water especially in the dry season is scarce in the thirty six areas were hidden just have settled in bangladesh it's expensive to supply the camps but with the help of solar panels the
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united nations humanitarian agency aims to provide twenty liters of water daily to every refugee in cox's bizarre was. begun is one of many getting clean water for drinking cooking and even. washing. we used to get cold and allergies frequently but thanks to god it doesn't happen to us anymore we're now using water that is safe we're much happier the challenge now is not a great thing the labyrinth of tends to write on the web to provide clean water and sanitation to the entire population of more than a million refugees in bangladesh. al-jazeera the u.s. state of georgia is banning abortions once a fetal heartbeat time be detected which could be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy similar restrictions have already been passed in four states this year georgia's new law and set to go into effect on january the first next year but it's
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likely to be challenged in court and one nine hundred seventy three u.s. supreme court ruling legalized abortion nationwide today is just the beginning. we have too many children that are stuck in foster care. the adoptions process while we've made great strides in georgia we have more to do but because it's still too expensive in too cumbersome for georgia families the elderly are being exploited and abused and communities throughout our state and our nation in countless victims of human trafficking remain in the shadows. they deserve justice that is why we must all continue to fight we must protect life at all stages we were we must remember our higher calling and we must remember to work in the days months and years ahead.
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hello again the headlines on al jazeera iran says it's stopping its sale if enriched uranium and could restart high level production if world powers don't follow the terms of the twenty fifteen nuclear agreement ambrose more namely call him as we don't want to pull out of the j. c.p.o. way iranians and all people around the world should know that today is not the end of the nuclear deal today it's a new step for the j c p o way and is within the framework of the j c p a way that the deal has given us this right that if the other party violates its commitments we can raise it in the joint commission in a scheduled time and that time it was passed we had meetings at the level of deputy ministers and foreign ministers and europeans and our friends several times emphasized that they would compensate it somehow but practically they didn't meet their commitments voters in south africa are casting their ballots in national elections the governing african national congress is expected to win but by
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a smaller margin it's been hit by a series of corruption scandals in recent years and accusations it's failed to provide basic services opposition leader lucy my money from the democratic alliance party cast his votes. as polls opened in the township of soweto afghanistan's capital has been hit by several explosions one of the blasts happened close to the attorney general's office in downtown kabul there are also reports of gunfire at least eight people have been killed in a blast outside a popular shrine in the pakistani city of lahore police say the death toll could rise as some of the injured are in critical condition and a pakistani christian woman who spent eight years on death row in a case has left the country. lawyers say she's landed in canada six months after her acquittal by pakistan's supreme court the verdict led to protests in parts of the country. the international court of justice is here in qatar as case against the united arab emirates for violating human rights cats are as government says the
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u.a.e. targeted its citizens based on their national origin when it expelled all categories and stopped them from entering the u.a.e. after the twenty seven thousand blockade. those are the headlines on football rebels is coming up next to stay with us. the official story is apparent on a will surely i don't care about the official story what has the media been telling joined up front of my guests from around the world take the hot seat and we debate the week's top stories and think issues here now does it. because i'm going to. do this i'm going. to munch on the concept you can see. that you don't see. this. man is all substituting. emotional but at the same. body develop. this on.
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the board. so that. the. chemical. could was a nice addition. they got me. going on and she was at me. but i feel.
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i'm. the lucky you'll see them for the love it wasn't just a small follow. up question on the fed did a scan of something you know some of the stuff. gets my think six months to mark the spot. some luck with just.
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going to if it is going to be good it did. me good to. see this is to do with. you but it didn't but it is true but. it is easy. to get into. he did didn't you tell you that he did it he did look anybody that beat up i mean by did. he did that stupid to say good luck. since you said. you see i said i was you go on t.v. you have to go to the u.n. . it's released this week you're doing stuff like that he's with his own you know the other guests you. know meets you because people who do. what you do do do do
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for fun you got serious about going to dawdle doesn't mean you're gong to schools they're already down to do or don't do. well on the minimum you such as for the. third bout because they'd love to get a shelf it up as well if a lot of.


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