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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2019 1:00am-1:34am +03

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you and it makes you talks like cross border any fun anyway targeted by text on al-jazeera. china's government issues a warning to washington insisting they can withstand a trade war and could retaliate against trump's tariffs. on the tail of this is live from london also coming up the united nations says yemen's rebels are withdrawing from the major port of her data as the country's government says the pullout has been faced. with cocaine production at record levels colombia's police launch one of the biggest anti narcotics operations ever and. article our reporting from the 1st norwood's i want to ignore it was
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a propeller prized. streams surface from around the world. in the last hour u.s. president donald trump has dug his heels in over a trade dispute with china taking to twitter again claimed beijing would be paying the bill for fresh charis he's imposed on chinese imports but china too is refusing to back down warning the u.s. not to underestimate its ability to weather a trade war however long it lasts an editorial in the global times of communist party run newspaper warns quote no one should expect china to swallow bitter fruit that harms its core interests president all trump escalated tensions on friday by raising tariffs on billions of dollars worth of chinese goods from 10 to 25 percent and the white house says top economic adviser expects china to retaliate with
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countermeasures. natural jordan in washington d.c. zeros and take us through what trump's been saying on twitter. well in the last hour loren the president took to twitter which is his preferred mechanism for talking to the u.s. public and he basically repeated a claim which economists across the political spectrum say is not true which is that china is now facing an additional 25 percent tariff on some $300000000000.00 worth of goods and that that money is going to go to the u.s. treasury what economists saying is that when tariffs are increased on goods made outside of the united states and then those products are sold in the u.s. what usually happens is that the companies pass on the higher tariff to their customers and so that is a real concern for the health of the u.s. economy of course it is a contradiction of what his national of what his. council of economic advisors
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chief larry kudlow was saying on sunday we want to be as sure as we can be we don't think the chinese have confident enough we'll wait and see the talks will continue and i will say this is a g. 20 meeting in japan toward the end of june next month and the chances that president trump and president xi will get together at that meeting are probably pretty good. in fact during that interview on sunday larry kudlow did concede questioning that in fact it is u.s. consumers who would be paying the higher tariff ultimately that money does not end up in the u.s. treasury $1.00 other point lauren there's been a lot of talk here in washington about whether the negotiations between beijing and washington have actually fallen apart and that there is no prospect now for some sort of bilateral trade deal well mr kudlow also said during that interview that
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the chinese have extended an invitation to both the treasury secretary steve minutia and to robert light hisor the u.s. trade representative to come to beijing for another round of talks on this bilateral trade deal no date has been set yet but he did say that the process is still continuing even though everyone is focused on what has happened in the last 7 days here thank you very much indeed for the trade wars already taking a toll on america's finest with soybean exports to china at the lowest level in 16 years according to global business he's active run patel continuing trade disruption could hurt trump's bid to get reelected in a year and a half's time i think the narrative for him has been within his republican party the to be tough with china and he's obviously held that party line and i think you see many republicans and even democrats say that there needs to be a better deal but what happens to this is if this drags on to the end of the year
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and we are we are sitting where we are today where we're not close to deal i think it can hurt his chances for 2020 so he choose to run because he has tied himself to you know i think his legacy is tied to this deal did to broker the biggest deal in the world with the the top 2 economies i think he wants to do something around that and i think he's very aware that he needs to be a deal that is not just a little better but something that's better for the u.s. as well. united nations says the withdrawal of yemen's the rebels from 3 major ports is going according to plan this despite the yemeni government saying the pullout is just a ploy it accuses the who sees of handing over control to allies the redeployment of fighters as part of a un brokered deal and is expected to continue over the next few days or about money reports. the heavily armed and defiant
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pleased with the fighters and leaving the vizsla important port of hard data under u.n. mediates to agreement they have 4 days to leave 3 ports data salif and russia. and the u.n. says so far the deal is going to plan but he say they are moving under a unilateral u.n. agreement so coalition forces led by saudi arabia and the united arab emirates should also move. the agreement in sweden actually stipulates that all forces must be withdrawn from her data completely we have withdrawn our forces from the 3 ports it's a partial withdrawal and of course will continue with hearing and implementing the swedish agreement in full will withdraw our ports from the red sea by one kilometer and this will continue like some government ministers have accused the who to supply a king a pullout and handing the port to some its own fighters but in
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a tweet government negotiators sadik the weight of noise it was implementing the stockholm agreement he wants clear time frames for the un to inspect ships clear mines and remove military installations. plans for the who the fighters to withdraw were brokered by a un led committee under the stockholm agreements a pakistan placed between rival combatants last december. but after 2 similar agreements failed the ceasefire deal was fragile sporadic fighting student in and around her they. it's clear that this is a very tragic awesomest it's a difficult process it's a complex one and it's very fragile what i think all humanitarian so probably expect is that this is the 1st step in the world to ending this conflict. is the main gateway for food and humanitarian aids which is keeping millions of yemenis alive. fighting between rival factions has caused the world worst
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humanitarian crisis with more than 2 thirds of the 28000000 population up in need of 8 the u.n. will assess on tuesday whether the 1st redeployment is a success but it's taken 5 months to kick start the whole data deal and with the fighting continuing across yemen there's no clear plan on how the country will end the 4 year war. or about a man the out as there are. more than a dozen u.n. linked aid groups have suspended their operations in syria's rebel controlled province after several hospitals and buildings belonging to aid agencies came under attack in recent days more than a 1000000 displaced people are believed to be sheltering in the last major opposition stronghold. the united arab emirates says 4 commercial ships have been targeted by quote sabotage operations close to its territorial waters according to
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the state news agency w.a.m. it happened just outside the strait of hormuz it's a vital oil and natural gas card all the global energy market the casualties have been reported at in respect to. state and it takes to see what's at stake in the region. as the white house is intensifying its so-called the maximum pressure campaign on the islamic republic officials in tehran are also considering what options they have to put pressure on iran as adversaries for a long time people have speculated about as soon ario whereby eve ronnie and his close the strait of hormuz located right next to this incident and this is certainly something that raises the stakes for all players internationally given how much oil transits this artery separating the arabian peninsula from iran
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according to iraqi officials they are conducting an investigation by cooperating with international authorities as they do so hopefully that investigation will give us some more concrete information about what took place but i think there's no doubt that you're going to see. many voices not only in formal media but also in social media trying to spin this episode to further their own narratives in their own interests during this very sensitive period of time. well the incident comes as relations between iran and the us deteriorate even further a senior commander in iraq revolutionary guard has described a u.s. aircraft carrier and waters near the country as a target not a threat and a major general hussein tsunami said to the u.s. it doesn't have the ability to wage war against iran and he has dismissed the deployment of more u.s. warships in the gulf as psychological warfare and again says increasing iranian
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aggression is the reason for sending its u.s. 5th fleet to the middle east as well as a fleet of b. 52 bombers which have landed in qatar samus ravi has more from tehran. while it is a matter of routine for the new head of the islamic revolutionary guard corps to address iranian members of parliament and answer their questions major general who since a lot of these turn comes at a time of heightened tensions with the united states the new i.r. g.c. chief is sure to m.p.'s that a war with the united states is unlikely because americans know the closer their military hardware comes to iranian territory the more vulnerable it becomes to iranian defenses and iranian firepower the head of the air force was also present and reinforced his boss's comments saying warplanes and warships that represented a threat in the past have since become an opportunity and potential targets since moving closer to iran shores following the briefing a senior m.p. and the head of parliament's national security and foreign policy commission said
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iran can hit targets up to 2000 kilometers away and estimated that american ships are at most 500 kilometers away that might put them somewhere in the arabian sea or perhaps in the gulf of oman so the message this day is that iranian forces are watching and waiting and are ready to respond to any perceived threats from u.s. forces at their doorstep still to come on the program christian worship a celebrate mass in sri lanka for the 1st time since the easter sunday attacks. and . india's matter with election is its final phase we take a look at one ruling party candidate is getting a lot of attention. hello again and welcome back well this i do want to start here in australia because we do
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have a tropical cyclone this is a and making its way towards queensland now you can see it here on the satellite image not a very big storm and we do have a couple more days before does potentially make landfall on the queensland coast but we do think it's going to be a weak storm there it will bring some clouds as we go from monday into tuesday and also we searched see some storm surge as well across much of that area a little bit further to the south though cool for melbourne at 70 degrees and plenty of sun here on monday and as we go towards tuesday we do have a little bit of the front that's going to be pushing through maybe a sprinkler to through tasmania but melbourne will stay at 17 degrees in sydney will be at 21 degrees there well across the north and south island of new zealand we see a major system that's pushing through right now bring a lot of gusty winds as well as some thunderstorms pushing through that area as we begin the week though that will finally make its way towards the east will start to get a little bit better here across parts of the north and south island but it's only going to last one day because by the time we get towards tuesday we do have another system coming in to christchurch with rain in the forecast and about 60 degrees
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there and then very quickly across parts of japan really not looking too bad for the northern part of japan but it's could be cloudy down here toward the south and for the korean peninsula we do expect to see some rain with pyongyang at 16. capturing a moment in time. snapshots of how the lives. of the stories. providing the temps into someone else's well. inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers i'm at the front lines i feel like i know it i have the data to prove. witness on al-jazeera.
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one of the top stories. president has reiterated his claim that china will end up paying for fresh tariffs he's imposed on chinese imports. warning washington not to underestimate its ability to withstand a trade war. the withdrawal of. 3 major ports. the redeployment of fighters began as part of. their senior commander in iraq as revolutionary guard has described a u.s. aircraft carrier in waters near the country as a target threat. doesn't have the ability to wage war against iraq.
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police in colombia running one of the largest anti drug campaigns in recent years it's aimed at reducing the cultivation of coca the plant used to make cocaine the u.n. says colombian cocaine production is at an all time high. reports. angering u.s. president donald trump. from the sky the coca fields. story of failure the inability of the country's government to control the cultivation of . remaining greed and for cocaine. according to united nations estimates we are dealing with the 171 had to have coca that's more than 1000 metric tons of. our president ordered a frontal assault against drug traffickers. producing more cocaine before as a new criminal groups fight over territory under the control of who signed the peace deal with the government in 2016. the conservative government.
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the drug traffickers. in the existential threat and promising an iron hand. but it wasn't enough to avoid the ire of the united states president who's blamed colombia the us is best ally in the region for flooding his country with drugs and i'll tell you something colombia you have your new president of colombia a really good guy i met him we had about the white house he said how he's going to stop drugs more drugs are coming out of colombia right now than before he was president so he has done nothing for us ok. in response colombia launched one of the largest. operation in recent years going after poor farmers making a living cultivating the coca plant as well as the drug traffickers selling the cocaine. since the beginning of the year the colombian police has destroyed $8000.00 of these smaller burra tori's the farmers use to process the coca leaf and
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dozen of the larger ones to produce the final product of the cocaine that it's then sold on the streets of cities across the world. but most experts say the increase in drug production is being driven by a number of global factors from the rise of the us dollar to an increase in demand . the previous government created an integral ambitious plan for crop substitution but this government already said it will not finance it anymore so an effort that needs years lasted only one year only a comprehensive solution can make a difference unless all regions get roads infrastructure access to markets for legal crops people in there will have no alternative but to grow coca to survive military strength might bring results in the short term and help placate the united states but if history is any guide the success might be short lived.
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police in sri lanka have imposed curfews until 6 am in 4 different areas. holders guarded catholic churches in colombo as they reopened for the 1st sunday mass services since the easter bombings worshippers were searched for explosives and surrounding car parks were emptied tension remains high after last month's suicide attacks on churches and hotels which killed more than $250.00 people and injured hundreds more and local group of muslim fighters linked to i saw said it was responsible now for anders is in the northern town of. churches began to feel love this morning despite these sort of heavy security presence i spoke to a number of people who were tended the morning services one said she was unnerved she was sitting through the services in the church and at some point she looked outside the church doors only to see someone from the military bearing a weapon and for a moment it really sort of threw her off god i mean she was wondering you know what
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it was about but people very sort of confident about going back to church doesn't mean they're one concerns but people resolving to go back to resume. their usual church services to worship basically under obviously a heavy security blanket and not the church reporting heavy security sort of a set up where everyone going into the church was being scrutinized there were church vigilance committees that were checking who was coming in anyone that they couldn't recognize was asked to produce their national i.d. cards people had been warned not to take extra baggage handbags so people went with the ban minimum of those things into these churches very much a case of business as usual even though it was with a heavy police presence here in killeen archie in the north obviously where there has been war for many many years however stopping 10 years ago people are much more used to this kind of thing we pass this judge than to resolve this morning where
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people were streaming in there was a military presence outside but people getting on with things elsewhere in the country into a couple of hours outside colombo there have been some tensions basically a sign of how much of a tinderbox things are. reportedly of course on social media sparked off clashes there has been a police curfew that has been clamped down to the early hours of tomorrow morning at least 7 people including a priest have been killed in an attack on a catholic church in booking a fast so. in west africa a gunman entered the church near the town of cairo northeast of the capital where the dugu witnesses say the attackers opened fire on the congregation before knocking people inside and setting the building on fire. poles in india have closed in the penultimate phase of its 6 week long general
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election the final seats will be voted on next week with counting taking place at the end of the month it's been an acrimonious campaign and one ruling party candidate has garnered a lot of attention as scott highly reports from the city of bhopal praga tackler is facing terrorism charges but that hasn't stopped her campaigning. the prague year tuckered is a 1st time candidate running for parliament in the central indian city of bhopal one of the ruling baath party or john the party or b.g.p. baron or she the party the prime minister narendra modi has sent to their campaigns on hindu nationalism. but also has passed last year a terrorism charge was laid against her as a suspect in the $2008.00 mosque bombing that killed 6 people she's out on bail due to poor health. visiting a bhopal hindu temple for a cleansing ceremony she adamantly maintains her innocence in the case and points to the opposition. there are many from the opposition congress party out on bail
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and also fighting the elections these people want to break the country but i am 100 percent innocent. on these attorney explains it's illegal for her to run she's not yet convicted but it brings into question the decision by the b j p to field a candidate facing terrorism charge. but little if it's proved that she is implicated by the court and gets a prison term then she would never be able to run for elections and. it's not just the b j p that's pushing hindu nationalism in bhopal albeit a softer version the congress party candidate has also been promoting hindu ideology in this community with a 20 percent muslim voter base 35 years ago one of the worst industrial accident in history happened here in the union carbide ghastly thousands were killed and now
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more than a 3rd of 2000000 residents are still affected and some who work with victim support groups feel that the ruling party due to its nationalist agenda are ignoring them and other minorities. even though abdul-jabbar his health is failing he still runs an organization that trains women impacted from the gas leak. with creating a toxic atmosphere to hate speeches just like that a $984.00 a poisonous gas leak all of hate speech that destroying that makes most of flexible between hindus and muslims it's creating the tension it's creating hate. so when the people of bhopal cast their ballots they are not only choosing their next leaders they could also be deciding whether their community will become more divided it's got harder al-jazeera bhopal india. some villages say a new road being built along the border with thailand is an opportunity but others see the chinese construction project as a threat to life as they know it. has more now on how development is threatening
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a fragile peace. state. when a road was built through his property to transport crushed rock from a nearby quarry sounding in few decided to take action. because. the vibration of the mine explosion is very strong and the neighbor houses and wells cracked with the series 5 gratian from the explosions these houses are a few yards away from the quarry whatever the situation is they didn't come and see the damage. to save his crops he's attempted to break up the road on his land and is now being sued by the contractor. the quarry began operating in 2070 and people here say their landscape is now being chipped away at a rapidly increasing rate. the area is under a fragile ceasefire agreement between warring ethnic groups and government forces after decades of conflict while some people were compensated for damage to their
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properties by the road construction most were not which is added to preexisting tensions between villagers. most quarries on the mountain are small and locally operated but the much larger chinese quarry was never assessed for social or environmental impact. except the asian development bank suspended funding for the project and quarrying has stopped. which has left some without work on the other leg right now knowing what i would like to demand now is to restart the mining process we've been praying for this and people work in mining their livelihood is in good condition but now they're facing challenges everyone is in a difficult situation. numerous attempts to contact the china road and bridge corp were unsuccessful civil society groups say the chinese state owned company has been doling out excuses instead of compensation. they chose to
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disobey laws that are already in place with the c.r.b. c came to construct a road they didn't respect the rights of the local population. while smaller quarries continue to supply road builders observers say large scale projects in korean state should wait until a final peace agreement is reached between the government and the region's armed ethnic groups until then a project meant to unite is instead sowing seeds of division. and disease. on the northern tip of norway there's an unexpected new industry in a photon items a usually known for their rich fishing waters where people still make a living from the sea but it was rather more extreme clock explains. 0 degrees. you won't find too many called an halibut fisherman here one of the northernmost surf beaches in the world and one of the coldest day you can surf at noon in the phrase in winter darkness or under the midnight sun in the slightly
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less freezing summer it is thing in the tree where north where iceland were north of the arctic circle the rule is there is a brawl only 7 degrees celsius you go to and yet they come here from all over the world. from south africa all the way down south. for the love of this place because it says so if you know people in the role and i'd try. today's the day of the norwegian cup and it draws a crowd become well prepared for the entertaining hours ahead the waves are pretty reliable it and study the shape of the bay funneling in the ocean rollers perhaps one of the most dramatic beaches anyway. this is marion france and he runs. a prize destination for any self respecting surf and this is tool probably the 1st. way back in the sixty's he had an
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idea build a surfboard using only the cover of the beach boys album as a guide and went head 1st into the waves wasn't 63 the 1st time he was here but of course you have you know you have. a last week tour again but i 1st started to surf in 1970 buddy in the willis were coming out to the beach it was like what are you doing be careful no no no no don't go out they were every time we were here there were people on the beach watching now meet the 3rd generation that's marion and confronts and pretty much born and raised on this beach it's cold it's really cold in the winter. it's more like training to get out in the water than to like me in the water surfing in the foton has changed things in this form of fishing and farming habit but not much in standstill lately has a resident winter population 11 but that's the time of year you can do something
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extraordinary under the swirling wonder of the northern lights you can't do that in hawaii. al-jazeera and start the night and. and you can always watch stories again if you missed them on a website. our line of the main headlines u.s. president donald trump has reiterated his claim that china will end up paying for fresh tariffs he's imposed on chinese imports beijing to as hardened its position warning washington not to underestimate its ability to withstand a trade war president trump escalated tensions on friday by raising tariffs on $200000000000.00 worth of chinese goods from 10 to 25 percent the white house economic adviser says he expects beijing to retaliate against trump's move. we want
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to be as sure as we can be we don't think the chinese have come for enough we'll wait and see the talks will continue and i will say this is the g. 20 meeting in japan toward the end of june next month and the chances that president trump and president xi will get together at that meeting are probably pretty good united nations says the withdrawal of yemen's hooty rebels from 3 major ports is going according to plan that's despite the yemeni government saying the pullout is just a ploy it accuses the who sees of handing over control to allies the redeployment of fighters as part of a un brokered peace deal. the united arab emirates says for commercial ships have been targeted by sabotage operations close to its territorial waters according to the state news agency w.a.m. it happened near fujairah just outside the strait of hormuz a senior commander in iran has revolutionary guard has described the u.s. aircraft carrier in nearby waters as a target not a threat. earlier the group's new head of major general hussein selami said the
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u.s. doesn't have the ability to wage war against iran he also dismissed the deployment of more u.s. warships in the gulf as psychological warfare the pentagon says increasing iranian aggression is the reason for sending its u.s. 5th fleet to the middle east. polls in india have closed in they've been ultimate phase of its 6 week long general election 59 seats in the lower house of parliament were up for grabs including several in the capital new delhi the often acrimonious campaign has been dominated by economic concerns including a lack of jobs growth and 14 crop prices for farmers. there's been stories next on al-jazeera witness do stay with us for that thanks for watching by for.
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hard. in north carolina undocumented grandmother funnel arteta is seeking sanctuary and as a church community in greensboro has come together to provide sanctuary protection for a woman who was scheduled for deportation yesterday. nor take is checked in with immigration officials here and they have allowed her to stay until now last month she was given this ankle monitor and told she needed to leave the u.s. .


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