tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera May 13, 2019 5:00am-6:00am +03
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this is al jazeera. hello i'm daryn jordan this is the out as it were news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes in fact both sides will play both sides will take in these things one of donald trump's top economic advisors admits americans will also pay the price for u.s. tariffs on chinese goods. filipinos vote in midterm elections seen as a test for president rodriguez to turn to his controversial policies. how people are dealing with the destruction left behind by a powerful cyclons in mozambique. and in sport and just
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a city been pumped about english premier league titles with a resoundingly treat on the final day of the season. we begin this music with the escalating trade dispute between the u.s. and china one of president trump's top economic advisers has admitted that american businesses and consumers will suffer from tower of song chinese goods larry could lose comments contradict trump's claim that it will only be china that pays well the u.s. slapped a $200000000000.00 tariff on chinese imports on friday that amounts to a 25 percent tax on goods it coincided with a failure by both sides to reach a deal in the latest round of trade talks in washington both sides will take in these things and of course it would be such a tariff on goods coming into the country the chinese are paying no but the chinese will suffer g.d.p. losses and so. 4th with respect to
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a diminishing export market and goods today may need for their own history in this because the president says china doesn't china it pays the terrace they may suffer consequences but it's us businesses and us consumers who paid correct and yes to some extent yeah i don't disagree with that again both sides both sides will suffer on this may not trump a sense restated his claim that it will be the u.s. that benefits from the new import tax a few hours ago he tweeted we are right where we want to be with china remember they broke the deal with us and tried to renegotiate will be taking in tens of billions of dollars in terrorism china buys a products could make it themselves in the usa or buy it from non terrorist countries well age and brown is standing by for us in beijing but 1st let's go to roslyn jordan in washington d.c. it was so long he could live there that u.s. consumers would be the ones to suffer from these trade towers but that's in direct conflict with what his boss donald trump says. and aaron it's probably fair
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to assume that whenever a senior u.s. official makes some sort of declaration it's almost a certain bet that the president is going to contradict that senior official and in this case it's larry kudlow that mission that yes it's ultimately u.s. consumers who end up paying those tariffs on goods made in china to only be contradicted by the president in those tweets and which he is doubling down on an argument which most economists regardless of their political affiliations say simply does not compute and that is that somehow the tariffs would be charged on these goods and that the money would end up in the u.s. treasury economists say that isn't the case for all the businesses that do the importing of these chinese made goods may have to pay the higher fees they're going to get their money back by charging their customers basically what they had to pay in terms of tariffs because this the u.s.
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consumer makes up about 70 percent of the u.s. is g.d.p. really keeping the economy afloat that according to economists could really have a negative impact on the u.s. economy it could stop consumer spending it could have the spill on effect of in fact slowing the economy down and with the presidential campaign now in full swing that could bode ill for the president as he tries to run his re-election bid yet and how much political pressure is there now on trying to get a deal rosa many lawmakers on both sides a worry that i put track to try to will will undermine economic progress. that's right and certainly the voting population here in the u.s. will look at their representatives in congress as well is that whoever is sitting in the white house if the economy starts to go south now certainly they want to see a deal because they say look the fact is the u.s. is part of
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a global economy the chinese economy is the 2nd largest next to that of the united states and that it makes good economic sense as well as good diplomatic sense to have a trade deal that gives both countries some of what they want and reflects the fact that there is a lot of not just economic trade but intellectual trade and political trade between the 2 countries and so there is a real concern that if this hardens into an all out trade war with the u.s. imposing another $300000000000.00 worth of tariffs on chinese made goods it really could have a devastating effect on the u.s. economy and that's not something that any politician wants to have to explain going into a key election year all right to ross let's cross about out sue beijing until to adrian brown the agents on both china and the u.s. side say talks will resume but but still no indication of what china's counter
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measures will be. that's right daryn they have warned as you rightly say of necessary counter measures but i think that's still a work in progress no official response so far from china as to what it's going to do next what we are though is seeing plenty of comment in state controlled media so perhaps they getting a guiding hand there from the country's propaganda part of the global times newspaper which is very nationalist in leading and always comes out with belligerent commentaries and editorials at times like this has called the current u.s. approach useless saying that china was now preparing for a worst case scenario and the china would never trade away its core interest in the the thrust of the editorial is essential e the chinese people have a far higher pain threshold than people in the united states so what china is saying is bring it on bring on the worst of it we are prepared to deal with
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whatever you throw at us also in the people's daily newspaper which is very much the the paper of record here in china takes a very similar defiant tone but the language from from chinese leaders themselves is so far been very measured and very moderate knew her who led the chinese negotiating team in washington has simply stated again that china is not going to sacrifice its core interests he concedes it has been disagreement over the expectations of what china is going to continue buying from the united states and that when any deal is done the text of that deal has to be balanced and i mean is it possible to gauge how chinese people are reacting to the growing tensions with the u.s. not not just of a trade but other things as well. yeah it's interesting i mean there is no kind of panic here in china the trade war is going
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from bad to worse we were in a a busy beijing market just a few days ago trying to find out what ordinary chinese people thought about worsening relations with the united states and you know there was this sort of defiance but also a little bit of sort of nationalism there just beneath the surface one person said to me an elderly man you know china is much stronger now you can't bombers like the united states did before by that he was referring to the the bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade 20 years ago last week and you know another man said you know china or we're you know the united states always behaves like a bully at times like this so yes that there is a little bit of nationalist feeling and you don't have to scratch very hard to find that beneath the surface here in china down or into a drone brown then beijing adrian thank you. within the last hour the government of sri lanka has banned some social media platforms following violence in parts of the
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country an overnight curfew was imposed in some areas after mosques were attacked all this comes just a month after churches and hotels were targeted in bombings on easter sunday well let's cross live now to al-jazeera was mel fernandez he joins us live in the city of killing nazis in northern sri lanka so what more do we know about these latest restrictions on the use of social media in the country. the government's direct information told me years short while ago or that one of the main reasons behind this latest restriction on social media was to get a handle on the tensions that seems to be bubbling and erupting basically sporadic incidents there and it's not a sort of a full scale kind of a wave that spreading but obviously tensions between communities between groups we did see something in. shell out with the north west of the country a city later on in the evening 3 or 4 other locations having similar incidents now
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one of the main things has been people's fears and the basically use of social media platforms is being seen as threading concerns fears and we saw this even in. a city where there was the 1st police curfew where someone had me to social media was very quickly people reacted to it crowds gathered outside so according to the government this is a measure that is basically to get a handle on the situation because it's such a tinderbox there are concerns there are fears there's tension and all it takes is one spark so the government has said they don't see this as a long term measure but will use this type of restriction to make sure that they get a handle on the situation they clamp down on any spread of rumors i mean even sort
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of earlier today just on my phone i got a number of forwards obviously one on security all kinds of stories about impending attacks you know huge things where people are really worried so as much as people are conscious that we are living in pretty trying times and they need to be aware of this surroundings you know being on alert despite assurances obviously from the government from the military you know the watching their back so to speak this kind of sort of fear spreading is not helpful darren thank you. the commander of iran's elite military unit the revolutionary guard says the u.s. does not have the ability to wage a war against his country he also described appointment of extra u.s. warships and fighter aircraft in the region as a psychological warfare the pentagon says a raid in aggression is the reason why it did so the increased u.s. military presence was discussed in the iranian parliament on sunday the president
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hassan rouhani urged unity in the face of pressure because unprecedented meanwhile a former u.s. defense secretary has criticized u.s. president donald trump tightening sanctions on iran and milledge deployments to the gulf robert gates said washington and tehran need to return to the negotiating table i think that. there's a conflict between the united states and iran would have tremendous unforseen consequences in the middle east i think would be very dangerous so i think that the strategy needs to be how in fact do you get the iranians back to the negotiating table and understanding that the agree that whatever agreement emerges has to be broader and has to deal with some of these other issues well lawrence korb is a former u.s. assistant secretary of defense he says even if the actual conflict isn't the intention the latest deployment increases the chances of a possible skirmish. when you will the chariots taskforce plus another chef plus
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you know of bombers that are capable of carrying nuclear weapons into an area you take a chance on this getting out of hand with the iranians themselves as saying you you know if you drop it we're tackling oncet you know if you're not going to be very successful we you know we can handle it so you really do have to be careful you put a lot of forces in there and something could happen even if you don't intend it to john bolton has been talking with 20 years about attacking iran and getting rid of the car car got car got government trump on the other hand i think even believes that was putting these forces and you can pressure iran to come back to the table and get a better deal because he sees himself as the ultimate deal maker which is what he for example has been trying with north korea for the past year very unsuccessfully i might add there's no doubt about the fact that we have crippled iran's economy by
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wanting to sanctions on ending the waivers for companies to bahrain and all i know and this is what they might think is a way to get back at the united states and its allies for for doing not and then of course you could have a global international crisis and there would be demands on the united states to use its up carry a task force to reopen the straits it's got to be up to the europeans and even the russians and the chinese to convince the united states to get back to the table as bob gates says there are a couple of technical issues you might work out without changing the essence of the deal but if you could chain you this was the sanctions and iran starts a nuclear rising again and you have a real problem i see also that the threat in that area is to have a nuclear arms race. green rand and some of the u.s. allies like saudi arabia the u.a.e.
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are lots more to come here on the news hour including why syrians living in the world's largest cluster of displaced people are facing a new crisis plus. in the f.a.q. islands want to norway which has become a prized destination for streaming service from around the world and sport find out if one of football's most feared strikers could sign off his pro career with a gold. now the united arab emirates has confirmed an attack on 4 cargo ships off its eastern coast the government says the commercial ships were in its words subject to sabotage early on sunday it happened close to the port of gera there's been reports of explosions on 7 ships in the port on sunday morning which officials denied at the time authorities say there were no casualties the regional bloc of gulf states the g.c.c. has condemned the incident for georgia here as
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a fellow with gulf state analytics he says the incident raises the stakes in an already tense region. as the white house is intensifying its so-called the maximum pressure campaign on the islamic republic officials into iran are also considering what options they have to put pressure on iran as adversaries for a long time people have speculated about a sonority 0 whereby eat ronnie and his close the strait of hormuz located right next to this incident and this is certainly something that raises the stakes for all players internationally given how much oil transits this artery separating the raby in penisula from iran but i think there's no doubt that you're going to see. many voices not only in sort of media but also in social media trying to spin this episode to further their own narratives in their own interests during this
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very sensitive period of time filipinos have begun voting in the midterm election more than $18000.00 posts are up for grabs including hoffa summit wins for candidates allied to president reagan to tend to will make it easier for the president to push through his controversial policies among them a crackdown on illegal drugs his critics say he's using violence and intimidation to influence votes as well john allen dugan joins us live now from the capital manila donna so why are these elections so critical for president to tax it. what midterm elections basically daryn can determine whether the policies being put in place of the administration over the past 3 years should be carried out in the remaining half of its term as you can see the president over the past 3 years has put in place controversial policies the war on drugs his approach to the claims in the south china sea and this and the governments out there ever closer relations
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with china seem to be a major security threat for the philippines now with a super majority it to me. it's a busy and whether this is acceptable to the public and this midterm elections will be the bar on which or of just how much grip he will be able to have holding power over the last few days there and we have been following members of the opposition those running for the senatorial slate they face an uphill battle to make to a for u.s. senate seats but they tell us why they remain optimistic. entertainment has long been a fixture cheering elections in the philippines and it may seem as though these midterm elections will be no different but many observers say there's more at stake this year president with the good attorney does political machinery has the backing of candidates from various political parties some are new to the political scene but are known allies of the territory but most are returning politicians who have established names in government the president has devoted most of his time recently
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publicly backing his candidates and this election will be seen as a test of his popularity more than $18000.00 local provincial and municipal positions are being contested but none are more critical than the 12 freakin senate seats the philippine senate has long been able to keep political powers in check even those of the president this is why it is expected to be a key battleground in this elections is pushing for a change of government to a federal form which critics say is merely an attempt of the government to perpetuate itself in power there's an excessive number of endorsements of himself as well as his family political coalition really talking about an election that could deter me in the possible landscape of competition for 2022. but those in the opposition liberal party which was run by former president bill remain
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undeterred the party's influence has been severe. really weakened over the past few years and it's now taking a risk lining up new candidates with one main goal to counter the growing power of president to go to tear to the president is so powerful that we need checks and balances we need an independent ringback without that. anything they want because. it's true violence and it's. big news in all the surveys that were conducted. some were saying that there is the fear factor of the people you may believe vision board but they don't want to be the surveys that have been carried out so far suggests a win for deter to and his allies but the political winds are still blowing and the opposition remains confident it can clinch
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a few seats in the senate and john almost from the mood on the ground as voting gets underway that. well there are now i'm in downtown manila in one of outside one of the voting precincts here and you can see all the asli that it's still quite busy here the election commissioner earlier had a press conference where she admitted that there is rampant vote buying across the country as a candidate running for mayor was arrested last night for vote buying and even here outside the precinct were still being handed out sample ballots of the list of possible candidate is that's actually illegal under the election code and rules but it's still happening across the country one more example daryn of another problem here is machines are to make that machines have breaking down earlier today there was a report that the former vice president vice president jejomar binay was unable to vote because his machine bogged down twice so it remains to be seen just how
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effective this will be people remain hopeful but you can see there's very strong narrative here basically that people are worried about the outcome and the credibility of this election so far there's been no major reports of violence although we heard a few hours ago the 2 bombs exploded in mud on the province in the southern philippines although there are no casualties at the moment daryn general sun to. thousands of people are struggling to rebuild their lives. in mozambique it was a 2nd storm in as many months. from one of the worst affected places. this is the 1st time doug combat evil island since it hit last month his family home is gone so to have all his belongings. before.
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now the rain has eased aid workers a sturdy managing to reach more remote areas and small islands in some places the damage is extensive patients had to be evacuated from this hospital when the storm hit thousands are now homeless. in schools and community holes even in this old fort. the 16th century building survived the cycloid people who lost their homes say they feel safe leaving india because it's so strong but conditions families drinking water clothes and food. aid are started to arrive by road but many people are still waiting for help. many crops in northern mozambique.
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we are grateful for the help we have received so far but we need more it's not just food people also need medicines clinics and hospitals were destroyed. mozambique was still struggling to deal with it. when the 2nd one struck this is already considered one of the poorest countries in the world and the building will cost a lot of money and people's will. if i learned i sent. more than a dozen u.n. ling to a group of substance friend of their operations and syria's rebel controlled province several hospitals and buildings belonging to aid agencies have come under attack in recent days more than a 1000000 displaced people are believed to be sheltering in the last major opposition stronghold the u.n. says since late april a syrian government offensive in the areas forced 180000 people from their homes for david swanson is a un regional spokesman on the syrian crisis this is the government offensive in the north has put severe strain on hospitals and schools that are providing critical aid and shelter we've had since april 28th more than 180000 people
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becoming newly displaced and on top of that we've had since april 28th we've had 18 hospitals that have come under attack and that are remain out of service so the situation on the ground is particularly dire so providing assistance in the context of that is going to prove credibly difficult challenge for all of us in the humanitarian community while cross border operations from turkey will continue which is credibly important for the people in the area sadly 16 n.g.o.s have suspended their operations in the area which will of course have a knock on effect impacting tens of thousands of people in the area well i think it's pretty interesting i mean you need live it sell we currently have a population of about 3000000 people this is against a pre-war population of approximately one and a half 1000000 people now all of the 3000000 people living in this area
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approximately one point $2000000.00 people are displaced and this is an area approximately double the size of luxembourg but 5 times the population so it's a particularly densely populated area which puts and increases and hansen's the levels of vulnerability for these residents even more so. at least 6 people including a priest have been killed in the attack on a catholic church in bikini a facet in west africa about 20 gunmen into the church near the town of dublin that's northeast of the capital what to do group witnesses say the attackers locked people inside and set the building on 5 security forces in pakistan and cleared a hotel of gunmen in the port city of daraa day after an attack there left 5 people dead separatists in the southwestern province of baluchistan have claimed responsibility for the raid a security guard 3 hotel staff and a special forces soldiers were killed. time for short break your knowledge is there when we come back jemison saddam say they have never felt more free to do their
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jobs in such a long time. despite efforts by the government colombia has been losing the war against cocaine trafficking and in sports it was held in the rains in spain and as i say these claims the 5th consecutive one to grow in pre-market state. hello again and welcome back to international weather forecast well here across china we are seeing quite a bit of rain particularly up here towards the central part of the country down towards the south is going to remain quite warm we're talking about temperatures into the low thirty's but there is the rain right there across much of the central areas we're talking about temperatures and the rain keeping into the low twenty's in some locations shanghai at about $25.00 but it's going to be quite nice for shanghai as we go towards tuesday because the wind's going to be coming out of the north it's going to stay about $23.00 and plenty of sun in the forecast there also
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plenty of sun over here towards to show you're going to get attempt to go about $32.00 degrees well as you make a way down here towards the south there is a lot of thunderstorms to speak of across vietnam cambodia laos as well those thunderstorms are acting up in the heat of the day as well and bring some heavy rain across much of that area we do expect to see bangkok temperatures coming down you were into the mid thirty's coming down to about $33.00 degrees there with a lot of rain still in the forecast as we go towards tuesday maybe tapering off but for the central parts of indonesia things are looking a little bit better live a drier across much of the area so for bali we're looking at plenty of sun and then very quickly across parts of northern india we are seeing some showers pushing through and for new delhi we do expect to see a shower to enclose with a temperature of about 38 degrees. sponsored by countdown and. once welcome now. fear. dividing a nation. al-jazeera explores germany's long term economic strategy of pursuing
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immigrants from the arab world to be sure i feel more judgment on syria and the. money of those or if it you get those people you. think. any german and american the new germans on al-jazeera. in the united states i learned that the 1st amendment is really key to being a freedom of. the point of. the resources that are available but your story is that we just don't tell you what the subject of the story wants to know the government is not going to do the one thing the demonstrators want to apologize for what al-jazeera does we ask the questions so that we can get closer to the truth.
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welcome back to the top stories here on al-jazeera one of president donald trump's top economic advisers says that u.s. businesses and consumers will suffer from chinese goods. comments contradict. that it will only be china that is the us up to $200000000000.00 tariff on chinese imports on friday. media platforms and imposed overnight curfews in some areas following violence in the aftermath of last month's easter sunday bombings mosques on muslim shops were attacked in the western town of just north of the capital colombo. and filipinos have begun voting in the midterm elections. the test of president want to get to tertius controversial policies including a crackdown on illegal drugs as critics say is using violence and intimidation to
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influence voters. let's get more now on our top story be ongoing trade war between the u.s. and china let's bring in pauline newman she's managing director of the asia analytical research out she joins us live on skype from hong kong poorly and there was a stern warning from beijing to the u.s. not to underestimate china in these trade talks so what sort of retaliation can we expect from china to these latest u.s. tariffs. well there are 2 points to be made one the tough talk it's meant for the west to consumption it is to show the chinese people hey when don't push of this you know we're going to fight but the other thing is that the is that china does not have any cost effective options to retaliate i mean they could do a lot of things they could say don't us treasure but to do that it would mean that
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they would in the process decimate their own the whole days and you know the loan crisis and the dollar the remember if everything goes into freefall so yes they can retaliate but i cannot see any options that are cost effective that will hurt china as much if not more of the united states if they feel it's ok i mean some u.s. analysts say that the chinese president xi jinping has overplayed his hand in these talks by trying to move the goalposts but how much pressure is on him to get a deal and what sort of tactics are the chinese using here. there is a lot of pressure are the chinese leadership to come to some sort of it arrangement with the united states mainly it's because the chinese economy is on a knife edge i don't care what everybody else says but the chinese economy is not doing that well a tall it's. even before the trip was started there had
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been a lot of the vested problems from its own levels of debt and non-performing loans now everybody looks at the band performing loads ratio and they say all of us to reasonable yes but you're only looking at one number but if you look at the whole picture in the industry i mean for instance in 2015 non-performing loans the absolute amount was lower than net profits last year 2018 non-performing loans were high and were bigger than net profits so you know this is a potential time bomb and all the other things that are going on in the chinese economy which means that if exports tank yes well it's going to be a very very big problem for the leaders in a final thought from you i mean over the last few weeks we seem to sense that
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a trade deal is pretty much in the making and now things seem to have gone back to square one so what happens next. i do not agree with the view that it's got back to square one i think what happens is that with a deal that could mean a lot of changes in policy in china that could change maybe even the structure of the economy this is not something that an envoy going to washington could agree are his son he's got to go back to and the steady income between the of the the top 7 people ruling the country they may have to take a vote what to do because as i understand it there's a lot of disagreement internally about how to deal with this so i do think that maybe in the coming week maybe next week we we might have some sort of deals as to
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how the chinese are reacting to do this whether they say yes or not pauline newman thank you very much for talking to us. now there's been violence in the 2nd to last phase of parliamentary elections in india a candidate of the ruling party the b j p was targeted in the opposition ruled state of west bengal almost 60 seats are up for grabs on sunday including those in the capital new delhi more than 100000000 people across 7 states were eligible to vote over a 6 week period the last round is on may 19th and counting will take place on the 23rd prime minister under modi is hoping for a 2nd. the opposition and the west african country have been is refusing to accept a post parliamentary election results members are now calling for president. to resign after days of violent protests. in the commercial capital. this is the been president the world to see not just soldiers patrolling the
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capital shooting at protesters arresting members of the opposition. here it's a different parade of younger lete who for the most part support the man who has ruled for the past 3 years. i think patrice alone is working for our country he's doing the right thing for our country and he isn't hurting anybody we just need to do what he's asking us to do because he is our king our president. since the parliamentary elections boycotted by the opposition president calderon has ignored the violent protests against him and made any public statements but his government didn't congratulate the restraint of the armed forces after the shot at an armed protesters demanding his resignation. before entering politics became wealthy after taking over been in state run cotton mills he financed the election campaigns of. president until 2060. returned the favor allowing him to take stakes in the
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management of the lucrative port of cooking. but the 2 men fell out when they became political rivals not only. a rich man he's also a political outsider who took many by surprise when he won the 2016 presidential election he's often referred to as the donald trump of because he campaigned on a promise to change what he describes as a corrupt political system promising a greater share of. been ignored by politicians. but the poor are getting poorer and are growing in numbers despite the economy. at the rate of 6 percent in the past decade the number of people living in poverty has risen to 40 percent according to the world bank. the newly elected member of parliament or dean dean says only the president can reverse the trend. if i. get sick will take a plane and go to the u.s.
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or europe for treatment by the state the hospital is always on strike that's why we made going on strike eagle i know it's not popular but we have to do it to help the poor. the opposition is accused of sweeping away basic freedoms so you can tighten his grip on power his supporters say he's just got a different style of governing. al-jazeera. a magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck panama near its border with costa rica the epicenter was 50 kilometers northwest of the coastal city of dublin there are reports of several damaged homes and businesses at least one person been injured so far there are no reports of fatalities. lithuania's prime minister has been not out of the presidential race of analysts conceded defeat a few hours after the polls closed a runoff vote will be held on the 26th of may an economist who's promising to build
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a welfare state will be up against a conservative former finance minister bread and butter issues dominating the campaign in the baltic states where despite strong economic growth there are high levels of poverty and income inequality. several states in germany have indicated their support for a so-called mosque tax it's aimed at making muslim organizations less dependent on foreign funding the scheme would mirror a voluntary church tax according to newspaper reports. it's being proposed as a way to reverse the influence of foreign governments of the 5000000 muslims who live in germany around 900 mosques in germany are run on biologists union that some of the authority of the turkish government. colombia's infamous for its cocaine cartels and the latest estimates from the united nations suggest they're selling more than ever before despite the army targeting coca farmers and destroying hundreds of trees had in the jungle. reports on how the end of the war against fork
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rebels is fueling the supply of the drug worldwide. from the sky the coca fields that scarred this one spurgeon jungle in southern colombia tell a story of failure the inability of the country's government to control the cultivation of coca plants remaining greedy and for cocaine. according to united nations estimates we are dealing with the 171 had to have cocoa that's more than 1000 metric tons of possible cocaine our president ordered a frontal assault against drug traffickers. producing more cocaine than ever before as a new criminal groups fight over territory under the control of gravels who signed a peace deal with the government in 2016. the conservative government. years elections calling the drug traffickers. and promising an iron hand. but it wasn't enough to avoid the united states president whose blame to colombia
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the u.s. is best ally in the region for flooding his country with drugs and i'll tell you something colombia you have your new president of colombia really good guy. we had at the white house he said how he's going to stop drugs more drugs are coming out of colombia right now before he was president so he has done nothing for a. response colombia launched one of the largest. operation the recent years going after. farmers making a living cultivating the coca plant as well as the drug traffickers selling the cocaine. since the beginning of the year the colombian police says this troy $8000.00 of these smaller bora tori's the farmers use to process the coca leaf and dozen of the larger ones to produce the final product of the cocaine that is then sold on the streets of cities across the world. but most experts say the increase in drug production is being driven by
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a number of global factors from the rise of the us dollar to an increase in demand . for the previous government created an integral ambitious plan for crop substitution but this government already said it will not find it's not any more so an effort that needs less than only one year only a comprehensive solution can make a difference in. regions get roads infrastructure access to markets for illegal crops people in there will have no alternative but to grow coca survive military strength made bring results in the short term and help placate the united states but if history is any guide the success may be short lived. venezuela's opposition leaders seeking the support of the u.s. military to help topple president nicolas maduro from power one has failed to gain the backing of venezuela's powerful army after appealing to them last month in the past few days than the government arrested glider's deputy and stripped at least 10
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politicians a parliamentary immunity well that's forced many of them to seek refuge in foreign embassies it's. the opposition coalition says it will work to resolve differences with military rulers by tuesday the 2 sides remain deadlocked over how to proceed with the transition following a military coup last month since then journalists and enjoy the new freedom as al-jazeera as mama doe reports from the capital khartoum. on demand television the news coast is preparing to rid the iranian news the past few weeks of ushered in a new era for journalists here with censorship and media harassment gone with the deposed omar al bashir the topic is limits anymore the fear of retaliation journalists just washed at least from. the helot. for a long time we festering and controls and injustices from this day but something that made our jobs almost
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a necessary before the revolution and there was no media to speak off and sudan and . sudan is ranked 174 out of 180 countries in reporters without borders 2018 world press freedom index the biggest crackdown on the media came last december when up to government protests began across the country. according to reporters without borders at least 80 journalist was arrested the authorities also confiscated copies of a list 16 newspapers between december pool. the people's confidence in both public and private newspapers television and radio stations is slowly returning. we need to be a more responsible media now more than ever before we need bodies to govern us in law as necessary to guide us we have a runaway media who can't hear progress. but there are growing concerns about abuse of the newly found freedom of expression by some media organizations accused of
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censorship and even spreading fake news the minnesota assume that because. in the past the state security apparatus used to dictate what a journalist could write or not we're seeing a steady change the media is freer than ever. a lot of sacrifices have been made by journalists throughout the past 30 years in sudan recent progress towards a more free and open media has given them hope for greater freedom to report the news sudanese journalists understand too well but the change of leadership in their country does not necessarily mean an end to their struggle for media freedom all redeem has been replaced by a military council which they say could take them hostage once again but now but they have tasted freedom they say going back is not an option for them.
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now they are 1st in islands and no way are traditionally famed for their rich fishing waters people are still making a living from the sea but in dramatic new ways the clock reports. 0 degrees. you won't find too many cold and halibut fishermen here one of the northernmost surf beaches in the world and one of the coldest here you can surf it nude in the phrase in winter darkness or under the midnight sun in a slightly less freezing summer it is surfing in the street we're not all there iceland we're north of the. the rule of thirds they call me 7 degrees celcius you go to b.k. and yet they come here from all over the world. yeah i'm from south africa all the way down south. for the love of the space because it's just so beautiful in the role and i'm touched you know today's the day of the norwegian company and it draws a crowd become well prepared for the entertaining hours ahead the waves are pretty
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reliable it and study the shape of the bay funneling in the ocean roll is perhaps one of the most dramatic beaches to suffer anyway. this is marion fronts and he runs to apprise destination for any self respecting sefer and this is her dad tool probably the 1st a week away. back in the sixty's he had an idea build a surfboard using only the cover of the beach boys album as a guide i went head 1st into the waves wasn't 63 the 1st time it was you but of course you have you know you have. to live last week when i 1st started to surf in 1900. 80 in their way to the beach. but they did be careful no no no no they were every time we were here on the beach watching
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now meet the 3rd generation that's my son i'm confronts and pretty much born and raised on this beach it's cold it's really cold in the winter. and surf didn't. even like it's more like training to get out in the waters and to like me in the water so i think in the fighting has changed things in this form of fishing in farming habits but not much still any has a resident winter population been 11 but that's the time of year you can do something extraordinary under the swelling one of the northern lights you can't do that in hawaii. that night and in the. barn that stay with us.
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talk about top of the sport. thank you very much city have been crowned english premier league champion they've sealed the title for a 2nd year in a row pep guardiola side by beating brighton 41 on the final day of the season finished on mine 8 points just one point ahead of liverpool the reds needed city to drop points in their last game to stand any chance of winning the title amazing so in this league is the best managers that are here and cold players and. especially
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this rivalry phase the season so give more more credit would have done so unless it was the 1st one it was incredible good for it to be the 1st one. but in the beginning we realize we were pulled it was incredible so being in the kind of woke up if it helps you in the help and play you know let's get it as and i would encourage consistent and. where the. liverpool did manage to beat wolves to a nail on the final day but their wait for that 1st english top division title since 1990 goes on. their ground. of same that same produced football miracles one of the. barcelona 4 nil to reach the champions league final political hadn't been english champions since 1990 before the premier league was formed and. has come from behind to win the title.
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the fans still came in hope and expectation that. the city would slip up. if we got faith in brian helping us. liverpool needed to do their job in the food sunshine and fast against wolves something i'm honest going in the 17th minute a new wave of euphoria swept time filled with news of a brighton go but it was swiftly doused by manchester city equaliser by how time city were ahead and the reality was sinking in that liverpool were going to fall just short a light 2nd goal for liverpool by mon i secured the victory but not the title. liverpool lost i really want premier league the vital one at manchester city in january and with a record amount of points for vaughan as up there was frustration. and pride yet. oh it was a great day for knowledge too little very much in
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a way that is there is no problem with the liberal always guides all over the web next issue is based on everything we can come yes very proud of the same liverpool now face tottenham in the all english champions league final at the start of june i want to be seen as the kings of european football and also to finally win you're going cops 1st trophy as manager of the kings of english football off 50 kilometers away in manchester they welling's al-jazeera live a poet. the korea of one of the world's most feared strikers a hass concert and robin van persie run out for his last professional match on sunday he said 5 year old played his final season at the club but where he began his career of pain or discordant 16 goals in the dutch division well he didn't manage to net in his final game though losing to neil to down hard on percy is best known for his time in england or he won the e.p.l. an f.a.
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cup he also played in the world cup final for the netherlands. he had a 1000 in football association is urging spanish team athletic madded to cancel upcoming friendly game with the israeli side. jerusalem. alyssa has sent a letter saying israel is politicizing a football by wanting to play the game in west jerusalem is our correspondent harry fossett. this isn't the 1st time that a match take place here at teddy's stadium has been hit by controversy just last year the argentinian national team pulled out of its world cup warm up match against israel under similar calls from the p.f.a. the palestinian football association to cancel that match at that time the head of that institution calling for the shirt of lino messi the star player to be burned in protest well this time around the issues essentially a twofold one of them is the fact that beta jerusalem which cause this stadium home
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in which a political madrid is due to play has a history of racist chanting by its supporters it's the only team in the israeli league never to assigned a palestinian or arab muslim player but more importantly as far as the palestinian football association is concerned is the status of jerusalem israel calls it its undivided capital the p.f.a. sees events like this is attempts to part of attempts to normalize israel's claim on jerusalem ahead of any final. settlements out of any potential 2 state solution and that is why they're calling for this game to be called off we don't have any problem in. blade think incentives that are. inside the borders of israel proper but. there will be huge implications. on many other levels for a game played in. israeli billionaire who part owns a better co madrid has insisted this match will go ahead telling local media that
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sport should be about a bridge between nations and not a divider but in that statement he also talked about jerusalem being israel's undivided capital the political controversy about that notion is also at play this week with another high profile event taking place the eurovision song contest which israel won the right to host last year originally that too was to take place in jerusalem but that proved too controversial and they moved out of vent to tel aviv . well number one about djokovic has won the madrid open is the 3rd time he's won the event djokovic beating stiff honors to sister in straight sets in the final it was his 2nd title 2019. it was hamilton has won the spanish gone paid to go back to the top of formula one world championship the briton dominated the race from start to finish edging out his teammate of all tell you brought us the winning continues mercy this is record breaking run of 5 successive want to finish is that the season
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but both max their staff and finished 3rd. is on see an interesting start with 2 very close i saw a red you know the see the red card go around the back of the both of us and and i so i had no idea how whether they were for their head i assume they might be and i knew that fell through the break in super deep so yeah it was in there it was in the replay and luckily this world rally championship leader to survive the horror crash and the latest race in chile the belgian driver emerged from that this smash with only a minor leg injury while his co-driver was unhurt your village is out of the race but has already said he'll be back for next week's rally in portugal and that's all from we'll have more later on. that's it from me in jordan for this news hour don't go away the cosmic log is up next with more of the day's news stage at that source
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but. subzero temperatures could stream altitudes deadly roads. this is where the hard part because of the extraordinary journey from polish pathetic you start braved ordinary joy to the world of what we do high up there is no oxygen. just to experience life simple pleasures. risking it all in kurdistan on al-jazeera. one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know is that it turns out it is but the good because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues. people believe to tell the
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real stories just mended is to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. people have to weigh your own record on this trouble in fact a few years ago there was place only for one state on the land of israel i do not believe in a 2 state solution the official story is that there are no i'm sure we will show you i don't care about the official story if you were to go visit today you would say what has the media been telling you now the world isn't black and white there's lots of brazing here join me mad the hot sun on our front of my guests from around the world take the hot seat and we debate the week's top stories and big issues here on al-jazeera. when the news breaks. when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told who will shout it out to all of them with the exclusive interview very dangerous for journalists to editors publishers all around the world and in-depth reports are real be canadian forces their way. as teams on
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the ground are konami world to bring you more award winning documentaries and life means. in fact both sides will play both sides will take and these things. one of donald trump's top economic advisers admits americans will also pay the price for u.s. tariffs on chinese goods. hello i'm nick this is live from doha also coming. from the people's votes in mid-term elections seen as a test for president roderigo to turkey's controversial policies. calling.
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