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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2019 5:00am-6:01am +03

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it's. on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. follow on down in jordan as they are as they are a news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes or so down as army and opposition coalition agree on a 3 year transition period for transfer in power to civilian rule. russia's president meets with the u.s. his top diplomat but the 2 countries failed to agree on how to deal with iran. worries grow of violence against muslims in sri lanka 60 people arrested in the last few days plus. i'm challenging the cannes film festival where some of the cinema heavyweights will be competing with new talent.
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the band's manager leaders have agreed with opposition groups to a 3 year transition period as the country slowly moves closer to civilian rule the military council on the coalition for freedom and change held a press conference to announce their dream and after weeks of deadlock the 2 sides say a final agreement on the makeup of the sovereign council will be struck within $24.00 hours well general from sudan's transitional military council has promised to work quickly to secure a complete deal for the opposition groups i've been on the scene we pledge to our great people that our agreement will be completed and we will achieve the ambitions of our proud people within less than 24 hours god willing so that our proud people will celebrate the victory achieved by the people and the army in order to achieve the goals of the great revolution the movement has more now from khartoum. we've seen the protesters escalating there their methods of trying to put pressure they
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have reinforced their barricades on the roads that lead to the army headquarters today and they've erected barricades on new roads they've blocked streets some of the main streets around the state of khartoum they were saying that if they do not make the military council realize the power they have then the military council is not likely to make an announcement or a deal with the opposition coalition and it seems like it to work because when they started the escalation on monday that's when we started seeing the military council and the opposition coalition coming together making progress in their talks of course it was not easy monday night has seen loss of lives and more than $200.00 protesters injured and as well as security forces and military personnel so it did not come without loss of lives but then the protesters have been saying that they know they are the pressure cards that the opposition coalition has for the military council to hand over power but then again that power has not been handed we're going to hear from the transitional military council and the opposition coalition
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to morrow they said that it's going to take another $24.00 hours before the final deal is signed but we're going to hear when you and the protesters are also waiting to hear if that transition period will be headed by the military or by the civilian or from the from the opposition coalition that is going to be the decisive factor on whether this sits and this revolution is over or not well let's talk to john. nonresident fellow at the brookings institution's africa growth initiative and joins us via skype from the u.s. state of utah john how significant is this announcement by the military of this 3 year transition period i'm one of the main challenges likely to be going forward for the sovereign council. well it's a very significant development because it gives this. sudanese population some hope that the military will eventually to move itself from the government but i don't fortunate thing is that the fact that dilip today has decided not to move or sell concluded but once
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a state in this transition period doesn't bode well for the transition because if we don't really know what the composition of the transition commission is going to be whether or not he's going to be led by the military or will be led by a civilian but the fact that the military remains entrenched in the system there's always that there's going to be a had we had rule. a lot of challenges and one of the most important important challenges is how the military is going to leave. give the government completely to into into the hands of the civilians the economic challenges. they economy right now is completely has completely collapsed and the government needs a lot of money to provide subsidies to the civilians to . provide
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a. joint civilian they're going to eventually live ok let me just jump in and ask you i mean the protesters were calling for an independent inquiry into yesterday's protest the deaths and the military said they will set up this committee to investigate is that likely to placate the protesters do you think. i don't think so especially if the military is going to extend bush to the commission based sir because most of the atrocities committed in sudan during the last several years as they should it during the. regime of. bush were committed by dilatory so i really don't see how the military can convince a 1000000000 that it is good to investigate and serve and do a good job so i think that it dilute is really serious about moving sudan forward it should have an independent commission that doesn't have any military officers involved in the commission to investigate this outright. and let's just stay with
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the military just for a 2nd john because saddam's military has traditionally been extremely powerful in the country sense what's going to happen to them once it eventually hands back control to the civilian side because the army is far too entrenched just to go away silently it's not going to disappear is it. no not likely day and he has been involved in sudan east politics for as long as anybody can remember. either working from day from behind or actually involved in governing the country so i think that is going to be very difficult for them to simply fade away and go into the background but i think that if the military is serious about moving the country forward it must do what is necessary and that is to simply leave the country i think the discipline is military's like a lot of what it looked at us in africa they believe that they have been more locally owned governments and 3 civilians are simply incapable or totally corrupt
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and cannot manage the country i think that that that belief that thinking i would be given the just just a just a final thought from you john i mean what about the impact of foreign powers in sudan i mean we constantly hear that various regional countries have their own agendas in sudan and will considerable influence i mean how is that affecting events on the ground do you think well it was significant i mean foreign interests is very important right now for for one thing to. go states particularly saudi arabia. do you not to do for a pledged about $3000000000.00 to help sell guns now it is not likely going to give that money and stay out and not meddle in look up politics the european union the us they haven't made it a commitment is it but i think it must make commitments to have so done that said i believe that so then can only move forward if this was. allowed to manage their own
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affairs and moved a country forward by themselves without any foreign tough you know. it is true that international community needs to help so done especially in the process of need to . provide. foreign assistance providing for it so that a country can provide food for people and move forward but. there must be out of local politics and i allowed people to manage their own affairs john looking back we have to leave it there thank you very much indeed for talking to our desire. but unity russia's president has told the u.s. secretary of state that he thinks donald trump wants to repair relations putin and might pompei are met in the russian city of sochi the 2 men discussed washington's standoff with iran and their differences of a venezuela. they disagreed on nearly everything but my
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current players visit to russia brought hope for a new start between moscow and washington mutual fishley in your stupidity you have the impression that the president said for the restoration of russian american ties contacts and resolving problems together that are important for both sides for our part we have said multiple times that we would also want to regain full ties. it was the 1st high level meeting between the 2 superpowers since the miller report came out clearing trump from collusion with russia in the $2016.00 elections the only thing both nations agreed on was the fact that they want their relationship to improve on the iran nuclear deal their positions are far apart russia has raised concerns about u.s. military buildup in the persian gulf concerns bombadil could not dispel the u.s. secretary of state did not deny reports that the u.s. wants to send 120000 troops to the region i made clear that the united states will
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continue to apply pressure to the regime in tehran until its leadership is prepared to return to the ranks of responsible nations that do not threaten their neighbors or spread instability or terror. russia and the u.s. are also on opposite sides of the crisis in venezuela don't pay you urged moscow to stop supporting nicolas maduro russian foreign minister sergei laughed off reply democracy can be implemented by force and restricted mistral says. we are threats from both the official representatives of the us administration and from mr quite oh who constantly talks about his right invited armed intervention from abroad this has nothing to do with democracy. this by their 1st high level meeting in months the united states and russia are struggling to find common ground while no progress has been made to find solutions on a crisis in iran and venezuela or a new dialogue arms control shows that their relationship has somewhat improved
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after the collapse of the intermediate nuclear forces treaty earlier this year the superpowers now aim to start a new discussion on arms control because as both laugh off and bail pointed out if the u.s. and russia don't get along the world will feel it step fasten al-jazeera so i cheat well let's bring in richard wides he's a security expert at which is struck that's a global risk consultancy he joins us via skype from washington d.c. richard president putin says he senses that donald trump wants to repair relations with moscow how significant is the timing of this given the recent findings of the report. right i think he that is correct sussman i think president both president trumpington would like to improve the relationship they both have said that with the motor report finding no not extensive evidence of any of pollution between the the us and ministration and the russian government then this opens the
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pathway but i think that that's a misreading if that's what they really believe since the report was pretty clear that russia had intervened in the us election more generally i saw this as that as one of a series that secretary powell is making in foreign governments focusing a lot on iran and some other issues but i think it's a key bottom line i would draw as as the 1st sentence of your package they have why i just said they have why disagreements and i didn't see any evidence of narrowing of them and how how worried is russia about the u.s. military buildup in the persian gulf i mean there are reports that the u.s. wants to send 120000 troops there and might pump a i did not say deny this insult shiza how much of a sticking point is iran do you think. well it was interesting in that secretary foreign minister lavrov and other russian officials have been much very critical of the u.s. policy in iran in general particularly the sanctions withdraw from iran's nuclear
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deal and so on but in today's press conference the foreign minister at least was basically is trying to say what russia is is picking russia's bit of it in between the 2 parties trying to prevent escalation of conflict and so on and i think the russians are somewhat concerned but they say they also benefit from the right of the u.s. iranian attentions attentions to some extent it helps to keep oil prices high it brings in iran and closer to russia and so on so i suspect that they're not overly displeased by the current escalation and richard what about the crisis in venezuela i mean this is a huge problem on america's doorstep and the russians a supporting the u.s. majeure of the other guys so is there any common ground between both sides. i didn't see any but i guess you know what were seen in the russian position involved for ran and venezuela is that the russian government will make declarations attacking u.s. policy the russian government feet no resolutions in security council but there's
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no indication that if the u.s. were to engage in military operations in the golf or in venezuela that russia would try to intervene to stop that so i didn't see any you know i didn't think that the venezuela issue was going to present a major problem to improve relations or more i think that there are more are just greater barriers related to what the us perception about russia intervene in 2016 elections and other issues like ukraine that are going to block any real progress richard just finally what about other issues then like afghanistan north korea the i.m.f. nuclear treaty these are is that the more what needs to be done do you think yes certainly i think those are the 3 areas if i had to pick where i thought were the most opportunities for progress on arms control it was interesting that despite the collapse of the i.n.f. treaty neither side really seemed to dwell on that so it was just confirm my suspicion the russians didn't want this treaty either so we may still see progress
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in arms control afghanistan at the both president putin ends and other russian officials have mentioned this is a possible area for russia china u.s. cooperation and korea that i'm sure was a topic of discussion because we had the recent summit between president putin and chairman jim and a lot of awestruck and i'm sure and i think that secretary powell they wouldn't very interested in getting russians assessment of that richard why it's always good to talk to you thank you very much indeed thank you. iran's supreme leader. has ruled out talks with washington over its nuclear program but he also said there wouldn't be a war meanwhile iran's ambassador to the united nations has denied his country's involvement in an incident at a port in the united arab emirates that left 4 cargo ships damaged. in the immediate aftermath of a legend sabotage attacks on oil vessels at the port in the united arab emirates like other countries in the region iran was quick to condemn the incident demand an
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investigation and offer support on tuesday carefully worded statements gave way to pointing fingers during talks in india iran's foreign minister left little room for doubt about who to consider is responsible. we discussed regional issues and the policies of extremists inside the us administration and in the region who are trying to impose their policies we also discussed the concerns we have about suspicious. that are happening in the region that we had earlier predicted that they would carry out such measures. in the region. zarif comments followed a report attributed to an unnamed member of an american military team sent to investigate the alleged explosions and. the initial u.s. assessment seems to say iran had a hand in the incident but no senior u.s. officials immediately backed up the report senior iranian parliamentarian say there
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still isn't enough information about what happened. what happened at the pull to project is still begun unclear but it seems there are some in the region that want to drag trump into a war and we're dealing with the issue with a strong mind towards our historic responsibilities i think the talk about explosions in just a hasty scenario and it suffers many shortcomings who have a stands behind this is pushing for a failed plan after a closed session of parliament on tuesday morning another senior m.p. said israel may also be behind the alleged attack as a sort of false flag operation to turn up the heat on iran. neither side has offered any evidence of their claims and this is all happening as iran and the united states exchange strong words but prepare for a fight. earlier this month president hassan rouhani announced iran's plans to roll back cooperation of the 2050 nuclear deal as well as look at restarting enrichment activity at various nuclear sites his move came after the latest round
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of u.s. sanctions that targeted iranian nuclear activity allowed as part of the nuclear agreement itself to her on continues to call out to regional capitals to say that the united states is an outsider and that it is up to the countries in the middle east to maintain their own security and stability together while iran's neighbors seem reluctant to have more conflict in the region the path forward is still clear and tensions are still hot specially with more american military presence in the region. 0. lots more still to come here on the news hour including stock markets around the world are spooked as the trade war between china and the u.s. escalates even further. and we'll tell you why people in mexico city have been warned to stay indoors. and support this legend of italian football is forced to walk away from the sport will explain why in sport and in the late.
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twenty's when the supreme court has called for 4 more opposition m.p.'s to be stripped of their nudity so they can be tried for treason police have also locked down the opposition controlled national assembly in the capital just minutes before opposition leader was set to lead a session offices cordoned off the building and several surrounding blocks after reports of a suspicious package or one of those is the move well deter opposition m.p.'s. venezuelans have one problem the dictatorship embodied by nicolas maduro if today they kidnapped all of us we would show our faces time and again and continue to do it if today they close the parliament to national assembly building we will continue to insist in color systems tomorrow and the national assembly palace because they can't attempt to militarily occupy it the world should cut financial
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ties with me and mars military that's according to the united nations fact finding mission the panel has completed another trip to countries in the region it found evidence of continued violations against the ranger earlier the mission concluded that mean lars general should be prosecuted on charges of genocide. saudi arabia's state owned energy company around co has stopped pumping oil through a major pipeline after a drone attack the government says 2 stations were hit on the east west pipeline it's a crucial supply line that transports saudi oil from the eastern province to the port on the red sea with the rebels in yemen say they launched the strikes to warn the kingdom to stop what they called its aggression this is a group by iraq in which they are 7 drones belonging to the air force of yemen attacked the pumping station this relates to the strategic pipeline that carries oil from east to west in saudi arabia it was a successful operation we found assistance from people living in saudi arabia and
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we had excellent intelligence the attack is seriously damaged the economy of the enemy and you and brokered talks between who the rebels and representatives of yemen's government are taking place in jordan the u.n. says who the rebels i was drawing from 3 major ports partly as agreed by a cease fire signed last year it began on saturday it's all part of what's known as phase one of the peace efforts to end a 4 year civil war where the middle east analyst he says the talks are part of a broader geopolitical game. the us iran tensions saw coincided with the who these being able to carry out drone attacks really several 100 miles into saudi territory which so far for who these has been president that and it underscores that the who have now been able to escalate their capabilities and target critical infrastructure in saudi arabia so these 2 developments really underscore that. both
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the who thesis and the saudis are now logging heads on over how to. influence one another when it comes to this latest round of peace talks if you for instance look. at the prospect of direct talks between the united states and iran that would enhance u.s. pressure on saudi arabia and the united arab emirates to. be more accommodating to works a peace solution with with the who these on the other hand we're also seeing that oman has significant leverage over who these speakers there who think spokesman up to 2 salam is based in moscow at the end he's traveling from there to jordan to participate in the peace talks so mom is able to pressure the who these on there and so this is really part of a broader strategic game that is really playing out between the united states iran
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and riyadh and we don't quite know what the next phase will be donald trump insists that economic talks with china have not collapsed calling the trade war between the world's 2 biggest economies a little squabble the u.s. president says a trade agreement is still possible with china wants to strike a deal new tower some posed by both washington and beijing of rattled global markets the last round of talks between chinese and u.s. officials ended on friday with both sides unable to reach a compromise we're having a little wobble with china because we've been. fairly for many many decades for actually a long time and it just have been handled a long time ago it was a good one handle it now i think it's going to be i think it's going to turn out extremely well we're in a very strong position we are the piggy bank that everybody likes to take advantage of or take from and we can't let that happen anymore meanwhile china's foreign ministry has again when the united states not to underestimate his determination to
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protect its interests asian stock markets took a hit on opening the escalation in the trade dispute asian brown reports from beijing. well both the stock markets here in china were down slightly on tuesday but the falls not as great as you might have expected in hong kong though the fall was almost 2 percent that is a measure of the nervousness among investors in hong kong worried about where this trade war is now heading meanwhile the propaganda war has begun on the main bulletin on state t.v. last night the anchor read out a very strident commentary in which he essentially said china didn't want a trade war but it was now quite prepared to fight when he quoted president xi jinping saying that the chinese economy is not a pond but a sea a rainstorm can destroy a pond but not a sea we've also been hearing from the editor of the nationalist global times newspaper and he's saying that essentially it may be time for china to start
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selling the debt it holds in the united states in the form of u.s. treasury bonds and perhaps for china to start reducing its orders from aircraft makers like boeing now the 2 sides still have a window for negotiation because the new tariffs the china has announced won't take effect really for at least another 2 weeks and of course the terrorists that president trump raised on chinese goods last week well those tariffs were to fly applied to goods that left china for the united states after midday last friday so there is still a glimmer of hope but the time for those talks to happen is rapidly beginning to run out at least 60 people have been arrested after a wave of attacks against muslims in sri lanka so far one person's died and the united nations is worried the unrest could spread its will comes in the wake of last month's bombings targeting churches and hotels during easter well fernandez
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has more now from colombo. in recent days groups of people have attacked was in homes businesses and set fire to the hecklers. this is what's left of a factory that produced past police age was destroyed by what they called. one man was killed in the violence while another is critically injured and being treated in hospital the catholic bishop in vallance mendis visited the area on tuesday. to make sure no or maybe. because the common feeling that. people. are in the dark of what is. my personal. understanding is that it is better that maybe our freedom is so. police say in the
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3 worst affected districts north of the capital colombo young people walk together in what appeared to be planned attacks muslims and christians in sri lanka have lived peacefully for generations and many say the recent backlash against the muslim community appears to be an orchestrated campaign to create division they say the government must act to stamp it out some people in the violence hit areas see outside as a responsible for the attacks the. good man can still live peacefully with people in this village it's not the people here that attacked us we don't know who they were but they were all from the outside it became ready and they were armed with swords and holes all ready to attack. the monk as muslim community makes up less than 10 percent of the country's $22000000.00 population political leaders here are warning the violence will not only increase tension but could also hinder the
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investigation into the easter sunday bomb attacks that killed 250 people there fernandez al jazeera colombo. france is honoring 2 soldiers killed in a rescue mission became a fast last week the special forces commandos died while trying to free for tourists have been kidnapped journalist safari and been in the area considered a no go zone by the french foreign office well the french president was among those who attended the ceremony to pay tribute to the soldiers. it's a text 3 the hostages were extracted quickly but the enemy fired at close range 2 officers were killed the mission was a success but our 2 soldiers are no more they died as heroes for france died as heroes because for them nothing was more important than the mission nothing more precious than the lives of the hostages the time for a short break here now jazeera when we come back those considered to be at the
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bottom of india's social hierarchy turn to politics to be heard. and we'll meet a lake chad community struggling to survive after increased but around attacks in the jail. and tiger woods is preparation for the 2nd major the season overshadowed by a wrongful death lawsuit both here with that story and more more that. the web and sponsored by cattle and. hello there we've got lots of wet weather over parts of china at the moment in fact that system responsible is really pulling itself together at the moment as it works its way across shanghai this so plenty more wet weather to come as we head through the next couple of days particularly for the and hwy province and through the here now and who bay province is as well to the south of that for now looking largely drive but those showers will filter southwards as we head into thursday so it looks like even hong kong will catch i
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want to and they could turn out to be rather heavy of a feather towards the south and we'll see one or 2 showers around the west coast of parts of luzon there as we have done over the past few days now we more of them over the next couple of days to further south a little so be some showers over parts of borneo particularly in the west and further north as you head all the way up towards parts of thailand to be pretty wet here over the last few days i think the rains should eventually begin to break up as we head through thursday into friday we head across towards parts of india lots of cloud to cross in the northern parts and that's tracking the temperatures down a little bit so for us in new delhi then probably no higher than around 37 as the maximum temperature but for the south it is hotter not poor with dry air is getting all the way to 42 and the hyderabad were 41 i think for kara there will be a few more showers jaring the day. the weather sponsored by cattle and ways. sweden is his home. northern iraq his
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homeland. from which he ran. camera in hand he returns. to film diaries his tiny taste to run. a story soon transformed by a chance encounter. the gal who saved my life i witnessed documentary on mount to see a. major. piece of the city of. new responding 6 continents across the globe. al-jazeera is correspondents live in bringing the stories they tell me on the cover was done enough to know by this letter south. we're at the mercy of the russian camp for palestinian refugees al-jazeera fluent in world news.
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welcome back apart from out of the top stories here on the al-jazeera sudan's military leaders have agreed with opposition groups to a 3 year transition period as the country study moves closer to civilian rule the 2 sides say a final agreement on the makeup of the sovereign council was struck within $24.00 hours. of russia's president has told us sect of state that he senses president donald trump wants to repair relations between washington and moscow but i putin held talks with my pump a 0 in such. as saudi arabia says it's east to west oil pipeline has been bombed by unmanned aerial. yemen's to 3 percent thing. for more now on that landmark agreement in sudan that we just mentioned how to talk as i said nice
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academic and activist he says significant progress has been made between the opposition and the military. that agreement between the 2 actually leads the way to much better english asians ready specially in the next $24.00 hours ready to come where are they going to go. to not so pretty and. define the present. 3 year transition period the main or the important point in this case not who is going to lead but there are issues that council and the number of people in the council even though most of the authority is going to be in the in the early which is consists of light 100 seats 2 thirds of them are going to be for the forces of freedom and change and the ready other 3rd will be in an agreement with the force of the freedom and change horses and that in itself is ready going ready to lead the way ready to much better civil society and civil governments in the future to
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come. the u.s. state of alabama has passed a bill that would outlaw nearly all abortions including cases of rape the measure was approved by the state senate and now go to the governor to be signed into nor but she's expected to give her approval legislation to restrict abortion has been introduced in 16 states this year as part of an effort to have the supreme court reconsider the constitutional right to abortion. equality levels in mexico city have reached extremely unhealthy levels in recent days while faas in the southern part of the country are being blamed the air is so bad that the mexican football when they decided to postpone the 1st leg of the semifinal. reports. a nightmarish haze has taken over the skies above mexico city authorities say the dense cloud of toxic air is the result of dozens of wildfires burning in southern mexico and central america is it's the season for high temperatures and this year
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has been especially hot on the other hand we've all seen periods of prolonged drought. the air quality in the city has gotten so bad the local government has urged people to stay indoors as the air outside is unsafe to breathe apart from breathing it really stings your eyes it's very annoying. it's incredible you can see it in the air the air looks cloudy the amount of pollution you can see is amazing. in the mask because of the smart it's painful to inhale it i re days i have storage levels of pollution. more than 20000000 people live in this metropolitan area making it the most densely populated space in north america. exhaust from the nearly 6000000 vehicles that regularly transit the city isn't making things better. but some people are taking matters into their own hands been out of the world recently won a lawsuit against the city after proving air pollution from hydrocarbons is causing
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medical problems among residents will never work as we're going to see something that. no doubt this is an environmental crisis by any standard there are so many air pollution particles in some parts of the city that this would be considered a high contamination of fine particles. mexico's capital was once known as the most contaminated city in the world and although improvements have been made the city appears to be struggling to curb back pollution this lookout would normally guarantee a beautiful view of the mexico city skyline instead what we can see today is little more than a smoky haze you can even smell it and it could still be several days before the air quality begins to improve. the smoky air has turned the sunsets over the city blood red and with wildfires continuing to burn in surrounding states the problem appears to be far from over. mexico city what's referred a security breach in its software to the u.s.
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justice department the company discovered a vulnerability in its messaging service that's allowed phones to be infected with sophisticated spyware the company owned by facebook says it's fixed the issue and is investigating who's responsible and schapelle hasn't. nearly a 1000000000 and a half people worldwide use whatsapp and a few dozen of them at least appear to have been hacked by a military grade surveillance software prompting the company to encourage its users to upgrade their phones earlier this month whatsapp discovered hackers could use a vulnerability in its software to make a whatsapp voice call to a target's mobile phone and even if the cold went on answered spyware could then be installed on the device and the call log would simply disappear just like that emails text messages contacts browser history and location data could be extracted this software can also activate the phones microphone and camera for surveillance purposes now the company says it's fix the issue and wants users to update its
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application while saying the attack has all the hallmarks of a private company that reportedly works with governments to deliver spyware that takes over the functions of mobile phone operating systems it's unclear how many phones have been targeted now one israeli firm called and it's so group has developed a cyber weapon called pegasus that we know has such capabilities it's been licensed in the past to governments which have used it to spy on journalists dissidents and activists from mexico to the united arab emirates it was also implicated in the murder of saudi journalists. now the company says that its software has saved thousands of lives and that it's not involved in operating or identifying of targets using its technology which is solely operated by intelligence and law enforcement agencies but that it will also investigate any credible allegations of misuse however and see international other civil rights groups and israeli citizens are asking the ministry of defense to cancel inus export license and to seize says
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the company's list of clients includes governments known for what it calls outrageous human rights abuses. class divisions among india's hindus are still a source of hardship for millions of people as a country votes in the general election induced in the lowest cost are once again turning to politics to be heard as jamil reports from some poor districts in the state the top radish. it's been a life of labor for such things mainly working in farmer's fields to support his family. but it's also been a life dictated by caste hierarchy. thing in this family or low caste hindus known as delegates he says the government ignores the violence and discrimination they face at the hands of upper caste hindus. want to. treat us with disgust from childhood i've seen this. if you want to drink what they stop us and don't
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allow us to know what it. was because of that he only trust delicate political parties that have grown in size since india's independence. the most famous. bad guy who wrote india's constitution and advocated for adults rights that's the reason his statue is found throughout this region his legacy led to the creation of political parties to fight for rights and here is inspired a grassroots movement. they call themselves the march but there's nothing military about them i just want to do this and that they set up the school teaching children about the culture and history something organizers say they don't learn in the government schools they go to earlier in the day. against particular. mindset. that. the constitution that is relentless against the law will cost. some kilometers away is where many upper
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caste hindus live and they also complain of discrimination want to. hear the men say reservations for adults in schools and government jobs puts them at a disadvantage. they are lower than us but we are. barred off of our culture from the beginning we have always been on the right to do we have there have been more incidents recently of delegates. being lynched by so-called cow vigilantes hindus who take their own actions over accusations of smuggling or illegal cow slaughter going if this basic ideologies family by and large a political ideology i think it can come to the surface and. happen to know. the back it sings home he doesn't believe it's possible to break the centuries old mindsets of upper caste people in the area but he's hoping political parties can help him at providing courage meant for the next generation of delegates.
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district british india. north korea is demanding the return of its cargo ship which was seized by the united states jong un says the seizure goes against the spirit of the recent summit between the u.s. and north korea the vessel was detained in indonesia last year and towed to america on saturday washington says the best it was carrying coal in violation of sanctions against north korea has more now from the south korean capital seoul. the cargo ship the wise honesty is one of north korea's largest and it's now been towed to the u.s. territory of american samoa in the south pacific it was originally seized in indonesia for allegedly breaking sanctions against north korea by exporting coal which is one of north korea's biggest money so it's easier comes as a major blow to north korea's foreign ministry has demanded its immediate release
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saying that it seizure goes against the spirit of the summit in singapore last june between kim jong un and donald trump meanwhile north korea's a weapons testing and missile launches of last week seem to have put a strain on the whole process of dialogue and reconciliation the world food program's director david lee has been in seoul trying to organize a food shipment for north korea but finding problems with jay in south korea's president coming under domestic political pressure not to give such a gesture to the north after north korea's apparent provocations of last week north korea's food problems meanwhile seem to be getting worse it was confirmed recently that last year's harvest was the worst for 10 years and choose days edition of wrong symon the official party news paper confirming that things are no better this
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year with the whole of the country suffering in the 1st part of this year very badly from drought. a rise in attacks by the armed group boko haram has forced tens of thousands of people from their homes in the jail over the past few years the un refugee agency is warning of a growing humanitarian crisis and the reports people in one community near lake chad in the different regions are struggling to survive. lake chad is shrinking which means today's catch will be a small one but at least for now these men can fish legally in 2014 the governments of. chad banned fishing on the lake to try to prevent the armed group boko haram making money from the lake and its surroundings but restrictions have recently been east. the government's decided to lift the ban on fishing growing paper and exporting fuel into clinics for 2 lies is the time these things have been banned years ago was the biggest beneficiary yeah his 5 year ban has taken its toll
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on those who live around the lake and boko haram remains a constant threat it's always been tough living in one of the poorest regions in the world it's even more so now as part of its fights against the armed groups the government stepped up security which includes a curfew. before book ahora everyone used to go to the lake but not anymore the government has banned vehicles from being closed and the fish isn't enough to sell . one feeling red pepper industry is also struggling these peppers are turned into chili powder and sold all over west africa and although farmers are again allowed to grow them finding a market is not so easy the movement of goods between a geron neighboring countries is difficult because of boko haram attacks. these women are preparing incense as favorites in gulf countries where many of
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their customers are based and used to be a thriving trade but now only a handful of people buy their products at this local markets in us and i and i'm in the podium industry was profitable in deferred before the war because of the closure of the road between us and my degree we have to wait for months to get hold of the raw materials we rarely make sales. the number of boko haram attacks has increased this year triggering a major exodus near the southern border with nigeria there are now 250000 displaced people in the different of southeast asia more than 18000 have arrived since march with the ongoing conflict overcrowding and poverty aid agencies are warning the humanitarian crisis here is only going to get us sort of hideouts al-jazeera protestors in israel are calling on people to boycott this year's your vision song contest these are the scenes in the city of tel aviv earlier on tuesday they say israel is using the event to mask rights abuses against palestinians in the west
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bank and gaza artists and broadcasters have now come under pressure to withdraw from the contest for a force that sent us this report. this is the latest in a series of process that activists say going to be taking place throughout the week here in tel aviv tonight is also the 1st semifinal so coincides with that more broadly for the activists here it coincides with the 1st anniversary of the moving of the u.s. embassy to jerusalem and the border protest that took place and guys are on the same day within 60 palestinians were killed by israeli sniper fire the activists here saying that they want to make sure that that kind of message is attached to all the coverage of the year vision song contest it's an opportunity to a propaganda that like mike at israel as this war here more as a cultural european place where actually an apartheid state. and opposing if there is a political decision to. fight devices the 1st thing is really government is doing
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all it can to counter this kind of messaging it's set up a website that directs people who are interested in the b.d.s. moving boycott divestment and sanctions something that looks like that but turns out to be about use of a diverse sensational israel the con public broadcaster which is in charge of the events as it wants to make the best eurovision in history and there are performers it was saying it's important to keep these cultural ties out of this kind of music event can be a bridge and it doesn't mean they aren't interested in palestinian rights however as far as a protest is a concern the whole of israel needs to be seen of the state of israel as an occupying force and it should be boycotted in its entirety and they say that these protests their voice will continue throughout these weeks of us. financial break here not just here when we come back an apple a school a tennis player turning his back on his critics on the potence with a new style of play will be here with more.
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book about time from the sport has been thank you very much tiger woods has been named in a lawsuit over the wrongful death of an employee it comes as the american golf it returns to action for the 1st time since winning the masters last month woods had a practice run a new york ahead of the 2nd major of the year the p.g.a. championship a monday he was listed as a defendant in a legal action filed by the parents of a man who worked at one of woods's restaurants they claim their 24 year old son nick berg was allowed to drive home drunk after finishing work in december and
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allege that stuff served him excessive amounts despite a history of alcoholism and drink driving in his budget died in a crash after leaving the woods restaurant in florida. talk to yesterday in florida a lawsuit was filed against yourself your girlfriend and your restaurant over the wrongful death of an employee his family holding a press conference about that right now how do you feel about it well we're all very. that nick passed away it was a terrible terrible night a terrible ending. and just. we feel bad for him and its entire family and it's. very sad. english premier league title winners manchester city have hit back at reports they could be banned from the champions league city are alleged to have broken financial fair play rules set up by the european governing body. city released a statement in response to a new york times article which claims investigators feel wife want to ban city from
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european competitions for its claim the club falsely overstated the amounts they received from sponsors based in abu dhabi. sports correspondent lee wellings says the legal process is likely to drag on well this. could be a few months or even longer because where we've got so is a leak of the reported intention that the chief investigator for your wife the term i actually want. which wouldn't necessarily have to be next season it could be the series and after all we know that there is that failing your wife or that manages the city should be punished but that's just a recommendation and even when it's confirmed then you've actually got to put into place an actual bond from your wife when that would come into play i inevitably what would happen is it would end up at the cost of arbitration for sport yes another case where we've seen some very high profile ones were recently a manchester city would fail we can already say they have a case by can defend i would be defending it with extremely good lawyers already
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hit but quickly you can see how engaged and proactive they are in this the statement you referred to i was interested in the law in the new york times citing people familiar with the case that's extremely concerning really they're referring here to discretion and fairness this is going to be something that you for won't be easily resolved and we'll see if measures as you are actually banned from cycling part or not champions. one of the longest single club careers in european football is coming to an end the russy is leaving roma after 18 years the midfielder announced on tuesday he'll be leaving after his contract expires at the end of the season he wants to continue playing but roma only offered him a director's role with a. little of the i'm nearly $36.00 and i'm not stupid i have been living in the football world for a long time i understand if no one called the for 10 month offer a full year about
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a hypothetical contract that's the direction they're going in that i've always talked little partly because they don't like to partly because there's nothing to say and partly because i didn't want to make a noise that could have distracted the team the fans and everyone was the australian tennis player nick carey are says angered some fellow players in the past for serving underarm but that hasn't put him off he's taken it a step further in fact serving underarm in the very 1st point of his match against danielle medvedev at the italian open when the point is well curious not opting to show too much respect for a man ranked 22 places above him with some extravagant shots are out. even chose not to attempt a return in this point perhaps lucky that the ball was well wide of him and he went on to win it 633663 to earn a place in the 2nd round. yes well you know i think it's a good tactic in some of you doesn't it doesn't work people just. you know just play every shot he needs really so. you can be the. cricket world cup house angle
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and are looking impressive ahead of the tournament which begins in just over 2 weeks they've taken a 2 nothing lead over pakistan in their 5 much warm up series jonny bairstow starred with one $128.00 runs in bristol england chasing down pakistan's $358.00 with more than 5 overs to spare they were looking to win the world cup for the 1st time that story sport for now will have more later on. thank you very much mel 2 very different types of comedy films are premiering at this year's cannes festival in france famous directors will compete with promising newcomers for the big prize the palme d'or reports from. film stars flash festival magic. can is a celebration of cinema like no other and in its 72nd year it is still surprising audiences. this year its opening with a zombie comedy. packed with stars directed by jim the dead don't die seems an
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unlikely choice for the prestigious festival but the american director has used to sneak in big ideas that they sometimes get buried under all the bodies the festivals directed. explained his choice. the most important for cinema for many artists especially in the era of big studios it was a way for them to express themselves within a defined framework and today john are cinema continues. a man of many genres is director quentin tarantino who rushed to finish his new film screening can. once upon a time in hollywood is a black comedy set in 1960 s. los angeles fight to go to jail is called manslaughter many more heavyweight directors will walk this red carpet over the next 11 days including ken loach. terrence malick and. but they'll also be flanked by newcomers that critics anxious
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to see i want to see what. i mean it's kind of ridiculous that this is the 1st black woman to ever composition as a director. to see what women. men because i feel like. terrence that. kind of know their work and we know. film is going to be solid but are they really going to surprise us can is dedicated to cinema survival but in doing so it lost out to new films for martin scorsese and steven soderbergh this year that's because they were produced by netflix who refuses to screen in cinemas before going online but netflix now attracts the biggest names it spent $12000000000.00 on content and it's unclear how long can will be able to hold back this changing tide charlie and to add to their. well that's it for me down in jordan for this news hour don't go away sun is up next with much more of the day's news at you.
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but i am a physician every weekly news cycle brings a series of breaking stories and then of course there's damage from the town through the eyes of the welts generally that's right out of a hamas script that calls for the annihilation of israel that is not what that phrase means at all he joined the listening post as we turned the cameras on the media and focused on how they were brought on the stories that matter the most him better use a free palestine a listening post on al-jazeera. also one of our biggest strengths is that we talk to normal everyday people we get them to tell their stories and doing that really reveals the truth people are still gathered outside these gates waiting for any information most of them don't know whether their loved ones are alive or dead or miami really is a place worth 2 worlds meet we can get to washington d.c. in 2 hours we can get so on jurists in the rest of central america about the same
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time but more importantly why those 2 cultures north and south america beats have to teach it's a very important place for all to do it's a big. he added to. the passion the success and the popularity. and then he gave it all up. for the love of his homeland and. football rebels delves into the realm of footballing legend. rashid look through free. to the algerian national liberation front with his feet rashid macleish and the f l n t on al-jazeera. when the news breaks. when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told who will shout it out to all of them with the exclusive interview see dangerous for journalists to choose publishers all around the world and in-depth reports are real be canadian forces there with al-jazeera as teams on the ground are not my world to bring you
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more award winning documentary and life members. sudan's army and opposition coalition agree on a 3 year transition period for transferring power to civilian. i'm sam is a down this is just there are live coming up russia's president meets the u.s. top diplomat but the 2 countries failed to agree on how to deal with iran. is grow of violence against muslims in sri lanka 60 people are arrested in the last few days plus. i'm charlie rangel at the cannes film festival where some of the.


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