tv Broadband Bruce Al Jazeera May 20, 2019 1:32am-2:01am +03
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would we believe around 70 percent of the wall population in new south wales is directly affected by mange. but the worst recorded outbreaks of that nature can be found on the southern island of tough night and the ranch approved national park is ground 0 for the disease. the woman population in its national pop declined by non to 4 percent in just 16 is all because of mines. now locals feel without major intervention other one populations who go to the same why we've seen them disappear in the hundreds just in this area admittedly this is the worst area probably but it's not oscillated and today syria see has made things at a caravan park me a by the main you showing me a graphic example of the problem. to wombats with badly advanced marriage looking
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for water and grosse that's one that we've been training now on and off for a year because we count found his bar he doesn't seem to be responding to treatment really well. to try and save the local wombat population the works with the community action group. in a last ditch effort by swap one of the one bats backs with side deck to a chemical used to treat sheep last. how do you feel when you see one but it's like got to me it's quite confronting to say he's in tears and if we say one that's died and we often do that it's just heartbreaking. the mites which cause mange can thrive in a borrowed for up to 3 weeks. holding up another volunteer lauren for. yes or more.
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victims to treat them. but we feel they want to wake with subject and it's with god in us. it's a chemical that treats the mind the tips of the flap which dispenses the chemical exactly where we want it on the back to how healthy is part of. this method is very simple one can be done by almost anyone the beauty of it is we're not having to disrupt. that. can continue about their normal daily life but they getting treated. cameras monitor their behavior but the volunteers admit the success of the treatment comes down to locked and at best is a bandaid solution because one bats use multiple borrowers and often mice with
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infected animals of say no they are healthy when going in the same bar was a mangy one he would go again. that sort of thing just capering infecting each other we're quite despondent we go up and down we feel some days we have making a difference and then on the days when nurse. undeterred big keeps making more borrowed flops in her garage using ice cream can time. she says demand for her mange kids is higher than ever across tasmania. the volunteers believe the government should be doing more so far all the government's really done is just monitoring why aren't they treating the animals seriously if you would be prosecuted if your dog was walking around with mange and you just looked at it and monitored it so we're saying it's a conservation issue and that we are saying the decline of one bats one bats at a statewide level are not decreasing in tasmania the numbers are increasing or at
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very least stable dr rosemary giles' is a biodiversity expert who works with the tasmanian government department responsible for mind control she says while the parasite is bad in warm baths across the island there is no reason for a long we're confident that several populations are increasing. we have evidence and we're happy to rely on that it's robust we do know there's been a regional and a very localised decline there's no denying that's true but our one bats endangered absolutely not for anyone but affected by mine just normal welfare issues it's a terrible thing to see an animal so severely afflicted by mange and so that's a real priority to try and find. and effective treatment we need a drug that doesn't have to be applied as often for as long. dr scott card from the university of tasmania hopes he might have the answer with
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tasmanian government funding he's trialing a new topical treatment for you. at the moment if we want to treat along that from the manger while on that we have to use treatments for we have to deliver every week and it's really challenging to do that consistently to a lot of that so what we're trying to look at as a longer lasting single treatment that can protect individuals for up to peps 3 months. manage causes perhaps the most animal suffering of any disease i've ever worked on and one by the same particularly susceptible one of the reasons is that they live in a bar and in that bar the mines are able to survive off the warm beds for long enough that it can reinfect and one but it's done mount a very good immune response against mange disease and end up getting a very severe form of of the disease called custom mange there's probably no one solution at the moment we don't have any technique that really controls it and
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while populations and that's perhaps the key challenge. back at the sleepy borrow the secretary don't regret he's more of a solution to be. the whole approach to the current epidemic needs to change we need to remove. emotions and know that the reality is. that the majority of these animals need to be euthanized in the best interests of the other. that's the harsh reality of where we're at. i know a lot of people want to accept that. but with mainstream bets that we work with for every 100. probably around 90 percent that's the reality so that 10 percent that do survive those are your core animals to concentrate on those have
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a stronger immune system that can recover and that can be reintroduced to the wild and that's the gene pool that you want to work on. it's unfortunate that we got to this position. it is what it is we need to work smarter before we really want out of time. they've got the welcoming committee. marcus foth is a professor of industrial design he's working with donna to create an alternative treatment solution for manged wombats brought into care so this one hears rumors and closure. for 2 years they've been testing whole baro hospitals many quarantine stations built on top of natural barros if i open this book down here you can see there is a very regular normal natural woman. that a woman a healthy woman has constructed for us and that's how the zine started then we can
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build the pot here and so this is where a woman can call me when it wants to feed wildlife carers could use these borrowed hospitals to treat one bats with a pill while they are feeding because it's a very quick to administer treatment just once a week the rest of the week there is no other stress factors and we're trying to limit any other influence of human contact so the main purpose behind this is to create a less intrusive process for a while. yeah but the sad reality is that a lot of warm beds in the walled if the mange infection has progressed to such a stage that they have secondary infection they eventually sometimes turn blind or deaf this particular treatment methods is not going to save them in fact the humane thing would be to put them down or a hospital from what i understand of them fantastic for tracing individual one that somebody in and one gets into captivity but they're never going to manage or
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replace disease management at the population scale those things always have a limitation on the number of animals that can go through them we know it works we use it here for the last 2 years if we could recreate that over and over again in the different states managed by the people who currently put their energy towards maine that's in the wrong way they could become their own quarantine centers that people could utilize the results would speak for themselves to be able to police the long haul it just wasn't. going to be very way. so initially. huge drug. dealing with problems has become a part of everyday life but don't and professor paul says he couldn't have done the project we've now done is completely amazing having worked for so many years day in
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day out and night and night although she is a beautiful woman whisper and understand some quiet quite naturally. middle eastern country. people on the lower the interest me. stronger. rockiest you get a certain structure yet. you are the grassroots one about conservation groups are sounding a very similar warning about mange yet the government and academics are saying the population nationally is stable and there is nothing to be concerned about the people who sit at desks. spend one week with me
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those people who are saying and making those remarks they are not working every single day with the magnitude that we see that makes me angry i almost want to say hair day because what they put out as academics and so-called experts is what the world is believing and it's not the true message of what's going on. so don't tell me there's not a problem. rather come and see what we deal with directly tell me this or sorry. wow. despite the challenges they face the sanctuary's work doesn't stop when you want bats ways of drawing. dead lady 10 minutes from going to reveal each so i'm going to have to go down. get this one that you mean come back pick up
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putting it. through heads to a nearby town to pick up the one back from the best. in the boy oh boy really annoying corridors. need to be spain. clicked away your lease joey was found in his dead mother's power to move you know move to a nude. that's growing smaller and this morning you will have. to introduce you to as good as another mouth to feed that sleepy barros but phil says don't take the challenges of sanctuary laws even though strong. she's a trooper she just chug along down there she does it. all it's just the love for animals are only in. the ring that's why this.
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speech was told. despite the growing bird donna never releases a while back until it's ready but i don't push any animal i let them go at their own ties. through the rehabilitation process and. that we must be doing something right because our success right is 9095 percent so everything that i do. good way around getting them comfy getting that getting them confident it's not to do a one but factory and to get them in and get them back out that what the center is about. don't know hopes in the future but more sanctuaries will emerge you know strong. modeled on the principles of what this is all right. because she knows this.
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if you won the lottery what would you do with this century. but by as much money as i could to the tiger woods. is not a question about that. millions of dollars of being stolen in a scam that stocks in the philippines and stretches across the globe one i want to use against exclusive access to this cop throat on the world through a criminal turned whistleblower on al-jazeera.
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just a few months after journalist jamal a special she was killed another arab dissident was under threat norwegian security officials had to take him from his home in oslo to a secure location after attempt that the saudis were targeting him. rights activist . talks town jazeera. the latest news as it breaks local communities here importing are very frustrated because the lack of post storm services with detailed coverage this last night of the 5 though people often say this struggling to make ransom notes and just want a better life from around the world as agassi has been offered to those who rebel against the government often except those involved in human rights abuses a war crime. 20 years of china's transformation. told through one young girl's journey. from birth to adult but it is the.
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2 decades following the development of her life and nation. rewind returns to the story of k.k. the girl from going joe do you love me on al-jazeera. a nationalist agenda versus more jobs in the end have made their choice. in an election seen as a referendum on the rule of prime minister narendra modi. and fully back to boyer watching al-jazeera live from doha also ahead a roadside bomb explodes in egypt a bus load of tory's among the wounded near the world famous pair mates saddam's
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military leaders prepared to resume transition talks with the opposition days after they were called off because of violence and another blow to boeing's reputation the aviation giant it made strong as in 737 max simulate is months after 2 crashes killed over 300 people. india's general election is finally over after nearly 6 weeks and preparations are begun for thursday's vote count the election was dominated by the ruling party's nationalist agenda and the opposition's call to fix growing unemployment sunday was the final day of polling when 100000000 people across 8 provinces were eligible to cast their ballots prime minister narendra modi's seeking a 2nd term in office saying rahman is in modi's consiste and see environ asked. states and union territories across india have now all completed the election
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voting on the 17th general election is well and truly over all that's required now is the vote count which we'll have to look forward to on thursday politicians will now perhaps have a nail biting time trying to wonder whether they were actually able to sell their idea of a future india to the electorate what was the electorate needs and wants we've been finding out environ r.c. . they've been queuing up since daybreak it's the 7th and final phase of india's general election on sunday people from 59 constituencies across 7 states and one union territory head to the polls more than 900000000 people were eligible to cast their ballots in the world's largest democracy over the past 7 weeks voters waiting here are excited that their day has finally come should be given andrew regularly and more infrastructure his physical situation is that it should be given to. the very 1st time would be i felt really nice voting for the 1st time i want prime
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minister made to come back to power and move the country forward and develop it so that the unemployed can get employment. environ arcee is one of 13 seats in the state of pradesh that's being fought over on sunday it's the parliamentary seat of the incumbent prime minister narendra modi there are many issues the electorate has had to consider communal politics unemployment the economy education and national security. for some small scale manufacturers the issue is clear this factory produces fans and it's been severely affected by the monetize ation and the introduction of the new goods and services tax g.s.t. which is added to the manufacturing cost and impacted on the workforce there that gupta wants the new government to revisit the amount of tax small cottage industries like kids have to pay as a result of about $50.00 to $60000.00 people depend on court. industries like us here my sales are down and property margins too by about 60 to 70 percent when it
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comes to work force i used to have about 30 employees now i can only afford. analysts suggest there is a disconnect between what the public needs and what politicians say they can deliver i think one of the reasons is that the political class in india has been quite an immigrant from the masses they don't have things to offer as the economy is unfolding i think we are going deeper into a crisis and the promises that they are making the bodies. is very difficult to fulfill the promises so they don't want to talk about the concrete delivery while these voters wait patiently in line for their turn to vote the country will have to wait until thursday before the national vote count begins. so all that's left to do is the vote count but will happen 1st and then they'll be a better indication of what india's new parliament will look like and who might lead a new indian government for the moment the exit polls are suggesting that the b j p
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might just sneak in with another victory along with our allies but indian pollsters have been notoriously wrong historically they were in 2014 so we wait and see how the indian public voted and what the reaction will be from politicians north south east or west now the world news at least 17 people have been injured in an attack on a tourist bus a need did happen near the grand egyptian museum that's under construction near the world famous pair made at giza police say the bus was hit by a roadside bomb some of the injured are thought to be tourists from south africa the government is hoping the new museum will help boost the tourism industry which is recovering from the 27 revolution and several attacks on foreign visitors timothy count asked from the terrier institute for middle east policy he explains why such attacks are damaging efforts to rebuild egypt's tourism sector. the psychological impact of the attack that can still be quite substantial is the 2nd
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time that a bus of tourists attacked and the last 6 months previously in december 28th it was the last time we saw that and so it will i think jaw a number of governments who have been lobbied by the if you government to withdraw sadly by streets for their citizens who are considering a visit egypt the number one suspect at this point will be ice so this really sickly they've been the primary actor that's been targeting civilians and orders with their attacks most of the other militant groups have focused on security forces in their operations and so in all likelihood it will come out speaking of isis however they don't always take responsibility for their attacks so there is a possibility that we won't know at all we're talking december 28th you know what responsibility for all the possibilities for worse and you know certainly be an announcement of increased security and i think it's been the free the the more but nature of these attacks up particularly in. this one or the last 6 months and and parties to in the last. newton for we need focus on ramping up
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the ability and the expansiveness of security presence in the area and trying to sweep for any possible i've used before they are a native they have caught some in the past so they didn't come to this one before it went off so don's many terry bonus and protest leaders are due to resume talks which were postponed following the killing of protesters a few days ago demonstrate is that containing the sit in outside army headquarters in khartoum demanding the military hands over power to civilians the 2 camps are on to over who will run the country for 3 is before new elections are held by morgan is at the sit in in katu him and sent us this report. talks between the military council and the opposition coalition as the declaration of freedom and change is set to resume and protesters here say it that they have followed the orders of the military council they have removed all the barricades that were set up on the main streets when they were escalating their protest against the transitional government
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now they're saying that they want the military council to offer similar concessions and their concession is simple they want the military council to announce that it is not going to be in charge of the transitional period and will hand over power to a civilian independent transitional government today the 2 sides will be talking about the sovereign council which effectively will be the presidential council the military wants to be the one in charge of that body with either an equal to or a presentation or a military majority while the opposition coalition wants to valiance to be leading that body with a civilian majority or an equal representation so with that point of contention in front of them the 2 sides are to come together and to try to sort it out to try to establish the transitional period now other political parties are also saying that if the 2 sides agree and they are not included in that agreement then they will not recognize the deal and they will be demanding further negotiations so even if the 2 sides reach a deal sudan still has a long way to go before being able to stabilize during a transitional period that will eventually lead to an election period now
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protesters here are saying that regardless of what comes out they will continue to back the opposition they will be waiting to hear what the opposition will see if they see that there will be civilian government and they are ready to call an end to their sit in but if that doesn't happen they will continue with their system which is now in the 6th week and which they say they're ready to go on with for as long as it takes. regional rivals iran and saudi arabia say they don't want a war as we had the united states builds up its military presence in the gulf the leader of iran's revolutionary guard says his country is not pursuing a conflict his comments came after the saudi foreign ministry said the kingdom doesn't want to escalate tensions but will respond if iran chooses to engage in conflicts can. and that's call for 2 emergency summits involving golf and later this month to discuss a situation in the region when you have a plan to move saudi arabia does not want war in the region and is not seeking it
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and will do its best to evade it but at the same time if the other party chooses war then we will respond with all strength and determination and will defend itself and its interests with the kingdom hopes others to be wise and the iranian regime and its agents to stay away from recklessness and stupid acts and spare the region instability saudi arabia ask the international community to take responsibility to stop that regime from destabilizing the world. iraq's oil minister is criticizing exxon mobil's decision to evacuate all its foreign staff as unacceptable and unjustified timea got baan says the decision was made for political purposes and not because of security concerns the us energy giant fuel dozens of mainly american workers at an oil field near basra to dubai on saturday bahrain has ordered all its nationals to leave iraq and iran because of what it called unstable conditions rob matheson explains why decision has angered the iraqi government. exxon mobil's said
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on saturday that they would have vacuum waiting for members of the stuff taking them to basra airport and flying them to dubai we understand that 16 members of staff made that trip at the plant they were working out just outside basra is still functioning 1700 iraqi employees are making the plant work and producing roughly 440000 barrels a day. exxon mobil did not give any reason specifically as to why they had evacuated the stuff but they had said it was because of the situation in the region and also potential security threats no this has really angered the iraqi government in particular the iraqi oil minister who called the move unjustified and unacceptable the oil minister has written a letter to exxon mobil asking for more details about what they thought the security threats were on to invite the stuff back but he says there is a wider issue at stake here this is not about security he says this is about
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politics he believes that the u.s. government is using exxon mobil to try to send a message to foreign investors in iraq that iraq is not safe that's something that the iraqi government categorically denies however the oil minister has also gone one further. exxon mobil was due to sign a deal worth $53000000000.00 which is a joint deal with china's petro china with a rag in the days running up to having made this decision but the oil minister now says that whole process has been slowed down he's quoted as saying now they are out of the country why should i run after them oil producing nations have met in saudi arabia to discuss prices and production limits us resin donald trump says saudi arabia and other opec members had agreed to his request to boost oil production to combat an increase in fuel prices falling when you sanctions on iran but at the meeting the u.a.e. saudi arabia and nigeria.
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