tv Glances Al Jazeera May 26, 2019 1:32am-2:01am +03
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but people wouldn't read that part or wouldn't. we try to respond with out without getting sex so the risk the response here is vaccines do not cause autism that misinformation has been thoroughly were purely debunked but if i'm a parent how do i know it's been working i get where this other guy's giving me all these leanne's doctors these studies we have had other posts where we would you know link to vaccine safety information another thing we would run into is commenters repeatedly posting the same thing over and over and over on every single you know they go back for the last 2 weeks and post the same comment over and over and over it can very easily overwhelm. the misinformation that we're seeing on social media is not just about the vaccine it's about measles itself it is explicitly contagious if you have measles and you're with a bunch of folks who are susceptible for example not immunized 9 out of 10 of them
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will get infected airborne and can stay in the environment for a while the early symptoms are running nose cough conjunctive virus which is pinkeye red red eye in fever after a few days you develop a rash on this starts on the head and goes down to the rest of the body it's not a benign disease before we had measles vaccination the united states we had 400 or 500 deaths every year for measles in the united states. here we still focused on was $153.00 people there have missiles yeah right right last year because it's so so with so little pieces of him put him out and stressed or mano or like there's a so many other infection why are we just going to need for their what if we immunocompromised aren't even that deadly for them they would be worried about the comic too we're not saying. that things are the only cause of autism we've got
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a lot of talk that are impacting our children that are genetically or otherwise susceptible to something. sort through the deaths of from a show out there to figure out what is for me as a mother i'd say a lot of it was just my get into a sort of right. the defense of vaccines in this country false just to a handful of academic scientists and pediatricians and were totally outgunned by this incredible media juggernaut that's become the time vaccine movement dr hotez is a vaccine researcher pediatrician an infectious disease specialist he's also the parent of a child with autism which led him to write the book back seems to not cause rachel's autism to counter the myth that that seems cause autism we have now 99 genes that have been linked to on to some of the growth of the early fetal brain to go in but
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the full clinical expressions often not manifest until one she wanted 3 years of age but you see that takes time to explain it's not a quick sound bite and it's very important to get that information because one of the vaccine lobby does is they keep moving the goalposts 1st they said it was the measles mumps rubella vaccine in the scientific community responded with large studies under its children showing there's no link between the m.m.r. vaccine and autism so we've been doing now is playing this kind of look very global of whack a mole game where you knock one down another one pops up so do you still believe that autism can be caused by the m.m.r. shot yes and you don't big tree a former daytime t.v. producer is one of the leading voices of the n.t. vaccine movement. she hosts a weekly internet show that focuses just on this issue. again in 2016 he produced a documentary called faxed it was directed by and heavily features andrew wakefield
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the c.d.c. had known all along do this this and this in the us wakefield was the main author of a fraudulent study linking the m.m.r. vaccine to autism good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you won't the study has since been widely debunked and wakefield was stripped of his medical license. but not before sparking an anti-tax movement online. amazon pulled backs off of his video streaming platform after pressure from doctors groups public health advocates and at least one member of congress but here's the problem they're going to try and make it so that i can tell you about it on facebook this is what is what number show is this 105105 right now talks about vaccines big tree often brings up something called pears it's a program run by the u.s. government we're anyone can report any adverse reaction after being vaccinated yet when we go to the various databases this vaccine adverse events reporting system
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this is the only system that we have in america where you report vaccine injury so in 2018 alone the various reports had over 58000 reported vaccine injuries over 400 reported back seeing deaths in the united states alone in one year alone the numbers the way you're using them though it's explicitly warns against using them that way yeah you're saying that there were 412 deaths last i don't know what i'm saying is there are 412 reported deaths i've never said there were 412 superbus some of those losses a death on various you know one was a drowning one was from closely being one was a preexisting heart condition the there's no doubt because a death is reported and fears there's no way to show causation ok vaccine but in watching your. if you watch your show you will come away thinking 400 people died from vaccines last year and then i can start to see ok where they get the number and then i go to the source of the 4 says don't use the number that way but in 2016
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big tree founded the informed consent action network. a nonprofit dedicated to investigate in fact seems. in its most recent tax filings i can't took in contributions of nearly one and a half $1000000.00 so you're a journalist yes but you're c.e.o. of a company that has a position on the only issue that i think you're actually journalist on right now is that a conflict of of interest what. one can't be a journalist and be c.e.o. of a company that like has a side on an issue our side of the issue is the informed consent action network we seek to eradicate manmade disease in so the the nonprofit so you better get all you can to journalism but you can't do you can't be but. i don't even be honest with you i'm simply finding the information as i find it. victory has been touring the
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country giving speeches to cheering crowds of vaccine opponents like this one in austin texas in march. he stirred controversy after wore a yellow star similar to what nazis forced used to wear during world war 2 to compare new york county's ban on vaccinated children in public spaces to nazi treatment of jews. not the pharmaceutical industry oh my god. this is now become a very well organized very powerful very dangerous anti science movement in the united states yeah i believe it is a fact i think is probably one of the fastest growing movements in the world. the movement is finding a foothold in texas where activists are trying to loosen vaccine laws. we've taken those social media warriors we're taking those i think with keyboard warriors that
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are in there and we've gotten into the capitol and we've trained them and we've gotten them in front of their legislators in 2015 jackie sleazeball founded texans for vaccine choice a political action committee focused on opposing required facts seems. she says they lobby state legislators here weekly and their success has become a model for other states every single day our phone rings with people in other states wanting to know how we organized how we became so effective and i don't know if there's any secret other than you just show up when you learn the ropes when you get it down not content with just lobbying for now putting up candidates for elections who are opposed to required vaccinations even though texas already has some of the most lenient action nation laws in the country from a public health perspective though we've interviewed a lot of state public officials their job is to prevent breakouts not wait for a break up to happen but there's a fine line where they say ok you can still make your choice for your child they just can't be a part of this and my child or any of the other children who could potentially be
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opting out of vaccines that doesn't necessarily mean they have a disease they can't share. they formed their pack they started showing up at the capitol and after that legislative session we realized that the one voice that was missing that was really important was the voice of the regular everyday person to be sue founded a group called immunize texas in a rare case where parents have come together to politically organized in support of vaccines to address what she says is an alarming troponin immunization rates across the state the most common story for someone that supports vaccines as i have x. in my kid and nothing happened and it's not that compelling but it's important and people have had enough i think now that we're seeing things like measles come back we're seeing one thing cough moms on the rise people are starting to wake up and say you know what enough is enough. it's gone too far the situation is crazy and we need to we need to rein it back in like many people we met during the reporting of
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this story soon became aware of this issue soon after having our 1st child i went into facebook groups i tried to join you know various moms groups and that's when i started to realize that there are people who choose not to vaccinate living in our communities and at that time back in 2012 the sentiment was that you weren't supposed to judge them i look at the mothers and i don't want to invalidate their anxiety about their child i feel very i feel a lot of empathy for them and their fear of x. it has and i understand i mean if you don't have a training in biology or medicine and you see some of the stuff on facebook or the internet it sounds scary and it's especially are dealing with a diagnosis that maybe doesn't have treatment or a cure or even really unknown cause i can understand why you're looking for an answer and if everyone's tired it's vaccines after a while it sounds true for me it's really the activists that are the problem they
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take facts they twist them they don't they don't show the whole story they. sometimes just tell blatant lies. texas has i think some of the lowest vaccination rates there are some cases the music is in texas but it's not really there are not connecting the dots into the full blown breaks what's happening it's only a matter of time the situation we have in texas 3 daughters we have the texas department of health we have 60000. kids not getting their vaccines the state of texas and those are the ones we know about these are highly vulnerable communities now and we should be very recently said to be. at the game in just a moment. if that happens children like 4 year old giuliana crepes who lives outside of houston. texas will be at risk. it's very much life or death as soon as she contract
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a chickenhawk so she can talk to musicals and she contracted the flu if she contracted months those are all life threatening diseases surgery. right after she was born giuliana had a heart transplant. and since then she's been on medication it's left her immunocompromised. that means she can't receive live virus vaccine is like in the market for rotavirus. she looks like she's a normal child but she's not we already had 2 hospital stays this year and it's just barely able and one of them is from a vaccine preventable disease that she's not able to be vaccinated against most brutal violence. she voted for have no idea i have no idea we were i mean she could have gotten it from the grocery store or she could have gotten it from a part i mean i try to keep her away from certain things but i can't she can't live in a bubble not why we live close to our hospitals i had to rush her down to the hospital
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a week ago a week ago today i was in my car driving the costs i could to get emergency center and she was in a trauma shock for a. little thing yes we're going to go that are very. you. giuliana will begin public school next year and recuse nervous about the other children she'll be exposed to want to daily basis the same school that my son goes to and i have to make sure that i know that school is at least 95 percent back and they're all she can go to school there have you been able to get the vaccination numbers for that school not recently now you know what do you say to the mom who's going to be in the kindergarten class or who chooses to not that silly i just feel really sorry for their child in case they get a disease that's really painful or harmful or they can bring i would tell her about my experience with giuliana being. and i see you and how terrible it was and how she was on a breathing tube and how i would never hope for that for her child and. try to see
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as they might look at the research and change their mind. it breaks my heart that i even have to do this to protect my daughter life is hard enough for us and most of the parents that i know that have healthy children it's stressful and hard enough that we shouldn't have to worry about any kind of public health issue living in the united states. after decades of being programmed with instructions data hungry computers can now
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learn on their own identifying patterns and predicting human behavior artificial intelligence can monitor our movement. and decide on a future the big picture codes of the world according to ai and exposes the bias inside the machine coming soon on al-jazeera. with stories generate thousands of headlines with different angles from different perspectives juliane as scientists stand up with international borders is finally over separate the spin from the facts the misinformation from the journalism protesters complain about the underreported of police violence the sensationalizing of the demonstrations with the listening post on al-jazeera. the pollution is palpable. delis shares the symptoms of many modern
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metropolis but its unique features have been gotten a crisis. people in power investigates the toxic mix feeding the city's invisible killer and asks why more is not being done to relieve its citizens to these deadly aired on al-jazeera. iran accuses the us of a danger in peace by deploying more troops to the middle east. i'm fully back to boyer watching al jazeera live from doha also coming up renewed fighting on the outskirts of libya's capital where warlords forces are trying to capture the old a court a u.n.
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maritime tribunals rules russia must release ukrainian ships and seen as it sees me a crimea costs. of food oh quarterbacks are to go to syria on a pole size soreness topic us president promising to solve the problems that plagued his predecessor. thank you for joining us iran says the u.s. decision to send more soldiers to the middle east is quote extremely dangerous for peace prize and donald trump insisted deployment is needed to better defend his country and its allies from iran will get more reaction from driving in tehran shortly for a 1st his alan fischer without a report from washington. initial reports suggested the u.s. was preparing to send an additional 120000 troops to the middle east to combat the perceived threat from iran the president donald trump is no confirmed he's sending
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$1500.00 we want to have protection of the middle east we're going to be sending a relatively small number of troops but the u.s. defense department says the troops are going to include an anti missile battery additional intelligence and surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft it's also sending fighter aircraft for deterrence. the pentagon says the move is defensive and not meant to provoke war but adds to another rushed deployment of this month the u.s.s. abraham lincoln carrier strike group started to move to the gulf we would continue . to call for caution and restraint both in terms of actions and in terms of right and. the threat from iran is also being used to push through $8000000000.00 in weapon sales to saudi arabia the united arab emirates and jordan normally congress would be given 30 days to approve foreign arm sales but it's already put a hold on earlier sales so secretary of state might pump decided to bypass congress and to clear the seal necessary to bolster regional allies against iran in the
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statement he said delaying the shipment could cause problems for key partners during a time of increasing regional volatility he says he sees this as a one off event the state department's decision to do this implies are very intent on increasing the weapons flow to saudi arabia but they did it within what i think they would argue is politically acceptable frame by adding jordan to the mix question now of course although it may have been there originally these 3 countries together it's looks like a more robust package of defense against iran the sale has provoked criticism from both republicans and democrats in congress but it appears there's little they can do to stop it the president insists robust u.s. action sent a clear message to iran right now no i don't think iran wants the bite and i certainly don't think they want to fight with us trump maintains he wants to strike
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a new nuclear deal with iran having pool the u.s. out of the existing deal he's cranked up tough financial sanctions to force them to reopen discussions alan fischer washington. the united states already has tens of thousands of active military personnel stationed in and around the middle east so $1500.00 more is a relatively small addition even billions of dollars in weapon sales to countries in the region could be seen as par for the course but in the current climate of conflict through the prism of tension with the united states iran is taking every move that the americans make in the region very seriously foreign minister jihad zarif said american decisions are endangering international peace and security he said u.s. accusations against iran are only designed to justify hostile american policies and raise tensions in the middle east he also said once again that there will be no talks with the white house of u.s. president donald trump but reports of emerge the during
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a recent trip to the united nations in new york in april job odds are if met with democratic senator dianne feinstein who sits on the senate intelligence committee the foreign ministry in iran released a statement saying the meeting was consultation of and routine but should not be seen as any kind of a negotiation the goal of the statement said was to maintain a line of communication with non governing political players in the u.s. to try to curtail the influence of pressure groups the so-called b. team as iranian leaders called a made up of the leaders of the united arab emirates saudi arabia and israel as well as u.s. national security advisor john bolton people that leaders into iran blame for pushing the united states towards conflict with iran as a mention the meeting that u.s. media reporting between jobs or a fence senator dianne feinstein. has more details about that. the trouble bit of structure news reaction to news breaking about dianne feinstein's dinner with the
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report at least on the face of it appeared to back up what the iranians are saying this wasn't some back channel negotiations using feinstein as a goober between between the administration and the iranians or top of an assertion says a very angry about dianne feinstein ad other democrats like john kerry the secretary of state communicating with the iranians and undermining trumps foreign policy of course if there was a back john in the ocean that would be was what the americans would say but it's very difficult to tell what is going on if feinstein is the secret conduit which is all to terribly good drop because she was reported to be walking around congress with the contact information pulled up on her i phone if you days ago she said she was the keeping all of this terribly secret and these for the moment is just adding to part of the trumpet ministration i'm told from zone stump stump speech and that narrative that that kerry john kerry and other democrats are undermining undermining trumps foreign policy and should be prosecuted. gerard's ray the iranian foreign minister meanwhile is in baghdad for talks with iraq's leaders
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protesters there are demanding their government stay out of the u.s. iran dispute rob madsen has more on that from baghdad. iraqis filled baghdad's tucker square chanting yes yes to iraq demanding that their country should not become a battleground in someone else's war so that they have started to set out our messages for peace our message is to say no to the iranian agenda and now to the american agenda as iraqis we should make independent decisions and that. we reject war by any shape or form iraqis including sunni and shia people from all of iraq's ethnic and religious groups came to talk we are square to make our voices heard iraqis don't want their land to be a battleground by the iranians or the americans and iraq and its eastern neighbor iran share trade cultures and religion iran also supplies about 80 percent of the
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electricity and gas needed in the south of iraq but iraq also relies on u.s. and foreign troops to combat the threat of eisel it also means foreign investment. this rally is being called by mcdonnell saw that these are shia cleric is also a leader of one of the biggest political blocs in all of it is also a nationalist he's made no secret of the fact that he wants troops from the u.s. and foreign countries out of iraq but he like many other iraqis across the political and religious spectrum i said that they want iraq's safety and security to be paramount and they want iraq to be central to any negotiations not have my journey been empty we are having discussions with the u.s. and iran and will be sending delegations in a few days to various foreign countries especially tehran in washington to try to push for calm. iraq has been relatively quiet since the threat from ice. began to decline last year iraqis like these now feel their country could be dragged into
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another conflict. al-jazeera back down. to libya now where at least 14 fighters loyal to warlord 24 have to have been killed in fighting on the outskirts of the capital tripoli. forces loyal to the un recognized government say they have pushed back against have task forces near the old international airport more than 500 people have been killed since have task forces began advancing towards tripoli in april mom or dad dead 100 has the latest from libya's capital. several fighters were killed on saturday morning as clashes that in you would between forces loyal to warlord khalifa haftar and others loyal to the . government of national accord in southern tripoli namely in the vicinity of the. international airport which is controlled by have their forces and also in other neighborhoods like ns are and
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a little for the german sources with the government say that the government the government's jets targeted have to the forces locations in civil areas in southern tripoli and also the government forces say that they have managed. a new offensive by how this forces have those forces tried to proceed on the highway linking the airport the interactive airport to the capital city center also in the city center in the main square on friday night many people took to the streets and the main a square protesting military attack the military campaign but have to his forces on the capital tripoli. so dan's military chief has arrived in neighboring egypt in his 1st trip abroad since the army overthrew former president omar bashir the visit comes after another top general of the transitional military council met the saudi crown prince in jeddah on thursday meanwhile protest leaders in sudan have called
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for a general strike on tuesday and wednesday they reject any interference from egypt saying they don't want another sisi in their country. in yemen 7 children are among at least 12 people killed in an airstrike by the saudi u.a.e. coalition in the southwest according to who the rebels and witnesses who say a fuel station was bombed in the district of tice province there's been no comment from the military coalition which intervened in yemen's war in 2015 and there's been more fighting near ties city between who fees and saudi backed forces have been explosions and clouds of smoke seen rising from the area elsewhere in yemen funerals have been held for those killed in an air strike in the capital sanaa last week. the details. the family friends and neighbors performing last islamic prayers for those killed in last week's coalition air strike in sanaa the coffins lined up one by 14 of the victims were children from one family 3 brothers
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and a sister the family's only surviving son was in the same house as his brothers and sisters when the airstrike hit. my 4 siblings were killed my sister my brother abdul rahman and wassim my father and i are the only survivors we are here to bury them our home is destroyed. in the way as other family members said their last goodbyes. the children's father sat quietly seemingly loss in despair but soon turned to justice. the aggression on human isn't just may god avenge them they killed my 4 children for. reason. this attack is a reminder that no one who see controlled areas in yemen is immune to the salicylate strikes was dozens of others were injured in the attack including 2 russian health workers.
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