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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2019 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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to anything. even close like a pizza spearheading a global movement to democratize technology meet your make up part of the rebel geek series on out is iraq. this is al jazeera. has i'm sick of this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. we will escalate things using our peaceful civilian methods which is strikes protests and civil disobedience. a nationwide general strike in sudan as talks to form a silicon valley and government hit a deadlock. european leaders are in brussels to begin the tough negotiations to fill the union's top jobs. serbian troops on alert after
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kosovar police launch an operation in a serb dominated northern region. or. blaming drug companies for the deaths of thousands a landmark court case that could make them responsible for the u.s. opioid crisis. and sports several footballers have been arrested in spain's top 2 leagues over suspected match fixing and in the n.h.l. the boston bruins taking one of the stanley cup finals fighting back to beat the st louis blues 14 in boston. protest leaders in sudan are stepping up the pressure on the transitional military council to hand over power to a civilian government 2 day strike is underway with workers nationwide. walking off
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their jobs let's get the latest on this now from imran khan who is in hard to for a saw him on 1st day of the strike today to what extent has it been observed and what is the opposition trying to achieve with it. just take a look at the street behind me it's this is one of the busiest streets and you know it seem it's almost completely empty and that's really the picture across the whole of busy the capital the entire courtroom has almost come to a shutdown there are some shops very scarce very few that are all still open and there are some government offices open but generally speaking the strike has held let's take a look at the events of the day so far. on any other day this would be the main transport hub for the whole local 2 but the central bus station is shot in the general strike is holding disruption to the capital's airport would strike is displaying signs saying we will build our country shops and businesses are closed
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citywide and protesters are out in the streets a handful of shops and government offices did open but the strike is widespread enough for the organizers to deem it a success the plan today walkout was organized by the sudanese professionals association speaking on monday night before the strike started organizers said they were forced into taking action because the transitional military council are not negotiating in good faith. abundantly so what are the sole guarantor of the revolution are the sudanese people and the law and order in what we agree upon as a constitutional declaration or otherwise this is the guarantor of the revolution not a military rifle for the workers who have walked out they hope that the military leaders who replaced ousted president omar al bashir will listen to their demands for a civilian like government 2 2 really just like to do this right but we're going for more they don't leave without a little longer she was
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a little shocked when you know the 1st the transitional military council has criticized the strike saying it won't hand over power to an unstable civilian government it's also said that the army is the most popular institution in the country according to these people that's not true however the transitional military council will be very concerned that the strike is holding and it's quite soon wide the opposition coalition will be hoping that the strike gives them negotiating power and that the transitional military council will have to listen and we have been told if they don't opposition leaders say they will take further action such as more strikes for now the padlocks remain firmly closed as do the talks between the 2 parties. and iran the leader of the transitional military council had to fight to head on is on his way to ethiopia after visiting south sudan what is he trying to achieve that would they say. well this is part
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of a series of meetings that the transitional military council have undertaken in the last few days the vice chairman of the council actually met with the crown prince of saudi arabia mohammed bin selman just a few days ago and then. with his namesake of. egypt just 2 days ago minutes with him had been the leader of the crown prince story of abu dhabi and these meetings are being seen as gathering support for the transitional mr council to get their perspective given to those regional players however this is angering a lot of the protesters now there would divisions within the protest movement but they seem to be coming together because the protestors are very clear they say that the t.m.c. the transitional military council is almost acting as the defacto head the facto government of sudan by taking these high level meetings rob them negotiating with
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the protesters and putting into place a transitional sovereign government and that's really what the protest is for what's happening in these meetings we're not absolutely sure the statements are come that come out so very kind of an a dyna have to say they say very much we support the sudanese people we support the transition from military to civilian rule yet it's not the civilians of these people are meeting with this actually the military. thanks very much. well european leaders are meeting in brussels right now to talk about the new names they want to fill the union's top jobs the election source center right and center left parties lose support and populists liberals and greens taking advantage of the voter anger with the current direction of the european union backroom negotiations have already begun to appoint the commission's president and the other heads of the
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situations david chaytor is following this for us from a brussels so david we've seen a succession of e.u. leaders walk us through what's happening there right now. as he was saying the main point of these discussions and even full dinner this evening is to decide who exactly is going to be the replacement as young close as the president of the european commission now this is executive on the whole of the european union and this decision is more complicated because the fragmentation in the vote for the european union's parliament now normally according to the rules that were here in the 2014 it would have been the leading candidates of the european people's party that would have got the post now that is opposition from both a friend shandi the polls and many other areas at the moment against his candidacy
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and he's a 46 year old the varian and he's full of months that so let's listen to him and see what we see what he's like what his words are and what his feelings about the future and whether he's going to be a suitable candidate let's hear him now. well the european people's party is not celebrating a victory to succeed spots just build the biggest body to keep him alive for so that means they have a democratic mandate for future cruises and then that's my theory behind the others trying to sit together to find a common mending because if you chose that is that people expect us to build people up so much interested in a pretty disgusting people or a good thing for us to discuss not about. what the next that is again might remind of patients but the next the days and weeks ahead of us vital to see
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together to talk to you took 5 patients through to the. so david in terms of the outcome then what what can we expect from these meetings. well either they were going to get any early decision because of the new shape of the european union's parliament these are going to be long and extended talks to the newly empowered groups especially on the far horizon the liberals and the greens will want to take part in this decision making protests it won't be a shoo in like it was last time in 24000 for john produce so that his opportunity to explore the new power balance is going on over dinner over the cheese course of the day. and perhaps we will see some indication over the next few days and weeks of who will be chosen but it's not going to be easy it's not going to be fast and it's an indication of how things are changing here in the european union as
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a result of these elections. all right david chang to live for us there in brussels thanks david well john worth is a european union affairs blogger and visiting lecturer at the college of europe he's live for us from a burger lynn good to have you with us. so let me ask you 1st of all. with these kind of shifting power balances that we're now seeing in the european leadership what do you expect to see then in terms of who is going to take some of the top jobs the year the. unfortunately lost our connection with john there apologies for that will move on for now plenty more ahead on this new sound. and as it investigation tracks the military aircraft and spy planes that appear to be supporting the warlord laying siege to tripoli. brazilian
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police send reinforcements to prisons often dozens of inmates are killed. 2 people including a schoolgirl killed in a mass stabbing near the japanese camp. later in sport more bad news for a name on what's not been the best year for the brazilian. soul less than i have a 1st troops have been put on high alert near the border with kosovo kosovo police made several arrests in the north of the semi autonomous territory that is dominated by serbs police said they were targeting organized crime and serbian leaders who don't recognize kosovo's independence a police was sent to intimidate serbs there.
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all right we can now i understand go back to berlin and speak to john worth on the those meetings that are taking place in brussels right now to pick the top jobs in the european leadership there good to have you with us again i just want to make just want to double check this you can hear me yes. i can hear you correctly and i hope the picture is working fine too yes it's just fine from where we are thanks very much so how do you see this how do you see this developing nation in terms of who's going to take the the top jobs particularly the european commission president. with european commission president is the kind of the most important of these positions which are up for grabs and the process that we developed in 2014 which nominated you increase being repeated this time and
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after all the biggest party in the european parliament was still the european people's party so this is the classic center right conservative group so i still think their candidate munfordville is the most likely candidate what's then going to happen is some of the other top jobs represented for foreign policy and the president of the european council may then be given to smaller parties so that's probably the most unlikely outcome seen these from berlin you can't forget that angular machall still the most powerful politician across the across europe has been backing munfordville reasonably solidly so as i see it he's still the favorite to manage to get this post yeah we just heard from there a little bit earlier what sort of credentials does he bring to the job if he indeed takes it because the as you know the greens did very well in those european elections and they are seen as kind of the king makers in all of this they're going to have a big say on this as far as climate change policy. correct
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and ultimately there are essentially 2 problems with as you heard from the clip a short while ago he's not the most charismatic politician he's not exactly like lit up this race to be the replacement for john claudio so does he have the kind of personal characteristics necessary to give the european union some strong direction there's a question mark over that 2nd he's never really been very committed to doing anything about climate change so if the greens and indeed the liberals or indeed the socialists were to back him they need some concrete proposals that he'd be willing to go to greener direction being more committed to reducing sirrah to emissions over his term in office a 5 year term for the european commission so it's far from a foregone conclusion that either the socialists the liberals or all the greens would be willing to back the budgets now all right i've got to ask here. braise it's a subject that's unavoidable when we're talking about europe of course. is is is these i mean as far as the discussions are now with a with
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a new leadership in place at some point how are they going to be viewing the negotiations as much as they are negotiations with the u.k. at the moment is there scope for taking another look at this breaks it deal i think brussels is still waiting to get a clear signal from the u.k. about what the u.k. exactly would want and that's only going to be possible to resume a successor as conservative party leader is normally what we've seen in brussels up until now from the institutions there's been a bit of kind of good cop bad cop bonier the chief negotiator from the e.u. has taken a slightly tougher line to the president of the european council has been a bit more conciliatory towards the u.k. ultimately whatever happens however the unity of the european union is of utmost importance for all of the leading characters be that variable or someone else as commission president but ultimately i can't see anything moving or anything
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changing in that matter at least until the middle of july once when it's to resume a successor will ultimately be known or i could just because you john wirth in berlin thanks very much. now the month long syrian government offensive against the last remaining rebel held areas is showing no signs of a let up how many adlib provinces are under bombardment by syrian and russian warplanes their attacks are forcing hundreds of thousands of syrians to head north towards turkey in search of safety zone or harder as more. the intensity of strikes like these is increasing and so is the number of civilians killed across southern at lib and northern russian and syrian jets are carrying out more than 100 raids a day. was. and most are hitting crowded residential areas marketplaces are reduced to rubble hospitals clinics and schools
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have been destroyed in the offensive in northwest syria that is entering its 2nd month thank god the law but. many civilians have been killed the planes have returned to hit moderate to normal the people are panicking afraid. opposition activists are accusing the government and its allies of using internationally banned weapons like cluster bombs and white phosphorous they say it is part of a strategy to depopulate a belt of territory on the southern edges of it live province to secure 2 international wrote more than 200000 syrians have moved north towards turkey's borders seeking safety in open fields but tens of thousands are believed to be caught in the area of hostilities the russian backed syrian government offensive has barely changed the lines of control government forces are trying to recapture territory to connect cities under their control and revive trade but they haven't
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been able to take much ground russia too is trying to push the rebels north so that its military base in lucky i will no longer be within the opposition's firing range . opposition. he says have united and are fighting back and some of the armed groups say they are getting military support from turkey which wants to strengthen its negotiating hand many believe the offensive is about pressuring turkey which is trying to balance relations between moscow and washington there are reports that turkey is holding behind the scenes negotiations to try and revive the last year cease fire deal and create a demilitarized zone that fighters from the sham or h. the s. and the syrian army will respect. that's. all i ask. yes.
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actually that's how much a step up that i got on. us and our hearts hurry. up and. act yes that's our. although as the spire would save lives there's no sign of a deal but for now through their proxies russia and turkey i will fight each other how costly it is when they're not working together so what or else is it a big of. about to one of our top stories troops in serbia are on high alert after kosovar police made a number of arrests in the northern semi autonomous territory that's dominated by serbs jelena glue shirts joins us now from belgrade what more are we hearing amish . l. the serbian president alexander who tried to confirm that the syrian forces are
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ready to react after course of the police need a number of arrests in the course of which it said that cost of the police heavy use of used force against an armed service he underlined that this is doing everything to keep peace and stability but it will be fully ready to react to to protect its people of course of a police have arrested 23 people and they explained their arrested people are involved in corruption and crime and that the police action took place not only in those regions of possible with the majority of serbian population but into retore of all costs of all but still the end of dorothy's claims that the action was all denies to skeer serbian people in kosovo when we were talking about this event. let's let's talk about the context. in this moment kosovo issue is
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a big issue serbian parliament is where we are right now and for the 1st time in 6 years the members of serbian parliament are discussing the report of course of or and the serbian president said that normalization between syria and kosovo is only acceptable solution but let me remind you that the dialogue between belgrade and prishtina has been put on hold when cost of war has made a decision on 100 percent taxes on products from serbia so which underlined that taxes must be withdrawn for dialogue the to be continued. when we are talking about the latest events or let me just say it seems everything is peaceful now our reporter from costs of war from. there is everything
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is peaceful and from belgrade there are no new reactions but let me just say was again president which said that serbian forces are ready to react. elaine and lucius thank you and let's bring now to robert hunter he's a former united states ambassador to nato enjoys farscape now from washington d.c. good to have you with us thank you very much so let me ask you 1st of all what why is this happening now between between serbia and kosovo. well ever since kosovo became independent what not 20 years ago there have been tensions between serbia and what was a former province of serbia which is basically an albanian ethnic. group of people because you have won you have a mixed population secondly there are historic tensions and claims and religious
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tensions and claims at the moment it appears that there are some individuals some groups along the front or on both sides who decided to try to improve their own situation and both belgrade and pristina i've decided that. they had enough and they're going to push back and how does what we're seeing now compared to the time in the mid ninety's when you were a u.s. ambassador to what was then yugoslavia and the tensions that we're seeing now have had they really been addressed 20 years on from kosovo's independence well the situation in bosnia was really really somewhat different even though it's on the same errors of all when you had the war in 1999 in which a 78 day air campaign by nato fire and they brought the conflict to a halt where the service said displaced about
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a 1000000 people all dainian thank you both in kosovo one of the upshots was the independence of kosovo has a new state and also a nato european union peacekeeping force so it has never been stable but this is. what we can tell so far the worst ethnic clashes we've seen now for a decade maybe almost 2 decades so what needs to happen to kind of tamp all of they sit down and you know the subs for their part have never met ignites kosovo's in independence that's part of the problem isn't it well part of the problem is the serbs are never going to reconcile to this the broader issue whether to a broader term matters one there's not going to be a wider european war there is not going to be a wider balkan war everybody else is perfectly happy to allow the serbs in the cost
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of ours to go out $1.00 another without it do without expanding us number one number 2 both of these countries have ambitions in regard to the european union and to nato and this does not help either country so what needs to happen is the people with the big feet in brussels both the nato people and the european people to come into both capitals and with the people they have on the ground and say whatever your local disappearance are you understand you are paying a broader prize because it's not a way we're going to allow either country or to either of these institutions if you can sort out your problems with one another good to speak with you robert hunter in washington thanks very much thank you. the un's refugee agency says there's never been a surge of people fleeing north east nigeria around $20000.00 people made the move
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to neighboring media last month alone the un agency says there's been an increase in violence between farmers and heard as of different ethnic groups as well as a rise in the number of kidnappings for ransom. she is a spokes person for the u.n. a.c.r. which is the un's refugee agency joins us now from geneva thanks very much for being with us so talk to us a little bit about what is behind this movement of people. this is actually quite. quite a worrying dimension to insecurity in displacement inside nigeria let's not forget we know what the result of book her around wild lands in the north east was which so far have displaced 1800000 nigerians and has sent thousands and thousands as
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a few g.'s now we are talking about not to west and these are nigerian states. and zamfara and we are trying still trying to understand why these 20000 refugees have arrived the reports they bring with them is wyland and extreme attacks against civilians they talks about farmers and herders from different ethnic groups. fighting in each other it clashes and as we have seen the result of fallen since security in other parts of nigeria you're also seeing that $20000.00 refugees in last 2 months have arrived in which already hosts many other. refugees our worry is that with this insecurity and if people are not able to return home more could be displaced more could be affected and unit is trying to work with authorities in the
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cheers to support is a few days here so how much of a strain is this putting on on need here which is up to now been providing safety to these refugees and opened its borders to them. here in egypt despite the ongoing attacks close to its borders in different neighboring countries has kept its borders open the communities have been receiving refugees including from nigeria with this 20000 new arrival the number of nigerian refugees in the jail has now crossed across 240000 all these new arrivals majority of them are very an inch children they are injury more border religious we are trying to work with the authorities to provide assistance register them but currently they are with local communities and let's not forget these local communities are poor they themselves don't have adequate resources so we need to
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mobilize support fast to these refugees and also to the local communities and with these refugees in egypt is kind of a leading example in the region because at one hand it has opened its borders but it's also receiving a solemn seekers who really as unity are had to airlift from libya around 3000 of them who are currently in the jail trying to wait for for solutions for them. to speak with barbara pollack joining us there from geneva. our russian politicians have welcomed afghan taliban representatives with both calling for foreign forces to withdraw from afghan president hamid karzai have celebrate the centenary of afghan russian relations in moscow cause i said peace in afghanistan will ensure security worldwide russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov said there is no military solution to the 18 year war 6 round of talks between the
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u.s. and the taliban ended earlier this month in a cut up. let's get a look at the weather here is evident now with an update on the severe storms here in the u.s. yes right has and we have another $52.00 tornadoes yesterday which i believe that makes it over $300.00 in the past 10 days and i would expect to see around to 80 for the entire month of may so that's a lot of today's batch of storms well they're confined to the central and northern plains there are all in the way through the ohio valley and they'll continue to trundle their way further east you can see how the clouds showing up quite nicely there further south things of well it quietened down in oklahoma and also into arkansas or also into where maziar but that does mean flooding we have further flooding as we go on over the next couple days actually so although it is quiet down towards the deep south at the moment because more rain in the forecast the weather weather as i said this is further north cross the central plains up towards
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the midwest into the northeast and cold look at the temperatures 31 celsius there for d.c. when there are 11 resources there for denver and in dallas where we're around $31.00 degrees so we still have that temperature contrast and that's the thing to still causing as the problems and allowing those tornadoes to to breed next batch of storms they will make their way back into the deep south as we go on into wednesday little on the storm not quite as bad but they're still there nevertheless up towards the northeastern corner just around the appalachians still more heat around that stage as we go on into thursday with the wetter weather will make its way further northwards with more heavy showers and more tornadoes happen. all right still ahead on al-jazeera. how the war in yemen means its schools are out of reach for a generation of children. in forced disappearances an extrajudicial killings egyptian security forces used in sinai. and in sport we'll tell you about the small
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team from perlin that will be mixing it up with the big boys of german football next season. president trump will be welcomed by the queen and outgoing prime minister to resign may during his 1st state visit to the u.k. but how will the public receive him trumps views on breaks it global warming and other issues unlikely to cause controversy watch al-jazeera for full coverage and analysis. when a military coup overthrew chile's marxist president one stadium's became prisms and the hunters sole objective was absolute control one publicly refused to accept dictatorship episode 4 of football rebels expose the life of carlos. the footballer whose personal stories swayed of votes that altered the history of his
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country carlos caselli and the demise of a young day on al-jazeera. and again you're watching i just mind. of our top stories this hour today a nationwide strike is under way in sudan protest leaders trying to pressure the military to start a new round of talks for civilian government. european leaders are meeting in brussels to talk about the new people they want to fill the union's top jobs monday's election source center right and center left party supports while popular
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liberals in greens took advantage of the voter anger with the e.u. . troops in serbia have been put on a high alert that's after kosovar police made several arrests in the northern semi autonomous territory that's dominated by surface. power and al jazeera investigation in libya has revealed foreign military aircraft including spy planes are supporting the wall or khalifa haftar and his forces battling to capture the capital they're being resisted by troops and fighters loyal to the un recognized government in tripoli. libya divided. the half to his forces and nearly 2 months into a push to take the capital tripoli from the u.n. recognized government after his men have now reached the airport road just south of tripoli his will to the government are trying to push them back my government out because we have overpowered the enemy and we are now on the airport road we have
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overpowered them and they will return to where they came from. the prime minister 5 years as troops are not just passing hafter and his self described libyan national army and al-jazeera investigation has revealed several foreign owned military planes based outside the country have been supporting her for the aircraft to flown regularly between egypt israel jordan and libya the tracking devices were frequently switched off concealing their movements to and from eastern libya have to space private jets have also been used one carrying military equipment was seen in 3 libyan cities and a pro then tracked flying from egypt meringue huffed as advance towards tripoli on the 10th of may. and an egyptian military cargo plane flew west out of egypt on the 15th of april before we talk to right just off the libyan it's over the last few years a lot of countries have been supplying her without which he would not never have
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been able to dominate the eastern part of libya primarily it is the u.s. that has been pointed out throughout the last 3 years or 40 years by the united nation and multiple reports that it is the primary it's a supplier of weapons and munitions and so on to the hopped up side. last week the u.n. special representative for libya and salami called for immediate action to cut off the flow of arms saying many countries were sending weapons to libya's war in the country is under a u.n. imposed. both sides are violating their weapons in bargo and there are many countries supplying weapons to both sides but the primary. country for furnishing arms to have to are in the east is and the primary country supporting the defense of tripoli in the west is turkey. but this recent escalation in libya's 5 year
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civil war has killed. more than 500 people forced nearly 80000 people from the horrors prime minister phase alsa russian half to have a grease national elections are needed critics say with 3rd party supporting the conflicts they're not the only ones at the table shallop ballasts. new report by water charge u.k. says the conflict in yemen has had a catastrophic effect on children the charity says 2000000 children are out of school. has more from santa. tell in shark after she lost her sister in a bombardment a near call her father's a 2nd burns her to go back to school have proved successful. back. at the school from horror and later on i discovered the death of my sister
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now i'm afraid if i go back i could face the same fate. far. as the marsh has left students scared. the deaths of children. after the saudi year strike we found out about the death of my daughter along with other students we wondered why they targeted schools in civilian areas as brutal war should stop a mom or girl shrug and some of her classmates were killed in a saudi heiress while they were on their way to. become a symbol of their parts of the war on children. scalds inside the north of the capital sana'a are the worst at. that most of the infrastructure is being destroyed every 300 schools have been totally and completely destroyed 2 thirds of them have been targeted but such action has not prevented students from
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continuing their education. those students and the after region and the middle highlands of yemen have been forced to study under the shadow of a tax to score was destroyed many calls have been turned into barracks uncertain as for internally displaced people the coup yates another challenge for the country's current generation to have the right to an education. barb and jersey her son are. mass arrests in force disappearances an extrajudicial killings just some of the allegations being leveled against egyptian security forces in the sinai in a new human rights watch report thousands of soldiers have been waging a military campaign against isola groups in the region since 2013 there are now at
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least $40000.00 soldiers in sinai and the report says the military and police have made more than $12000.00 arrests human rights watch says the detainees often face abuse and as many as $1000.00 are being held without trial at one of 3 secret sites the report goes on to say violence in the sinai peninsula has forced tens of thousands of people to escape it blames both sides for human rights abuses against civilians amounting to war crimes since fighting flared up egypt's arms imports are grown by 215 percent making it one of the biggest arms importers in the world are there maggie is a middle east and north africa research or human rights watch she says the abuses highlighted in the report are widespread. we believe that many of these abuses are systematic and widespread. which means that it cannot really be. just. bad in the baskets or some bad officers acting on their own to have.
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and we also say that. there could be a responsibility for commander senior commanders and also civilian officials in the egyptian government who knew or should have knew about should have known about these abuses and should have stopped it and we called for accountability for all of these officials because of the failure of. government to really be in the loop in the abuses or even just like not it in your own doing in the sinai peninsula we actually call on the united nations human rights council to stop this independent inquiry of. independent commission of inquiry and also similarly the african commission to do the same and we call on countries to use. domestic loads of universal jurisdiction to actually pursue any officials involved in war crimes in
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the sinai region of politicians in iraq semi autonomous kurdish region have elected prime minister near chavan barzani as the new president his uncle masoud barzani last held the presidency person has been vacant since a failed independence referendum in 2017. and brazil dozens of prisoners have been killed fighting among themselves in 4 different jails the riots follow years of overcrowding jail break attempt and rival gangs battling for control where he has the story. as a deadly fights broke out between inmates inside this prison in my analysis on sunday anxious family members protested outside demanding answers blocking roads and clashing with police look at the watch i got what am i going to tell my mother in law and my kids when i arrive at home that my husband did prison guard say the attack happened during visiting hours. around 11 am an internal fight broke out
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billions 5 in 3 leading the warden to immediately activate the prison intervention group on the right calls the deaths of 15 inmates the prison intervention group's action was fundamental so we could maintain control of the incident started around 11 am 1140 it had been attained with. this prison is one of 4 in amazon a state where riots have started over the past 48 hours officials say 42 inmates were found dead others stabbed with toothbrushes which have been crudely shop and. gang violence overcrowding and breakout attempts are common in brazil's jails. result prisons pretty much governed by drug trafficking and when people. arrives in prison they have to basically choose decide between these factions full protection of the guards or not and law in and out that. area
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and when these fights break out there's an officials that are on the ground all control what is going on. brazil has the world's 3rd largest prison population close to 3 quarters of a 1000000 inmates is twice the capacity of what the jails were designed to hold. 3 weeks of riots and prison 2 years ago and did with nearly 150 inmates dead. the same year hundreds of inmates escaped in sao paulo after setting fire to their jail. government attempts implementor a form. were assisted by powerful criminal gangs with connections behind bars and outside 2 public buildings banks and petrol stations were targets in a series of attacks in january. president diable scenario has promised to build new prisons address underfunding to control the overcrowding and boost security reinforcements. as angry family members await for news of the recent deaths prison
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guards are on alert for further retribution attacks. al jazeera a senior white house adviser jared cushion has departed on a trip to the middle east he'll be presenting the u.s. latest plans for palestine and israel mike hanna is live for us now from washington mike what more we hearing about this. well the white house official has confirmed that jared accompanied by special representative jason greenblatt and iran specialist brian hawk is on his way to the middle east he'll be visiting morocco jordan. before traveling on to montreaux and then london where he'll join up with president trump on his state visit to the united kingdom now this would appear connected to a question is planned for the region the economic aspects of that particular policy
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a conference is planned for next month in a bahrain to discuss this particular economic aspect to jared krishna's plan but importantly the king of jordan abdullah has not confirmed that he will be attending that conference in bahrain this portion of the trip maybe to persuade king abdullah to actually take part in that conference of palestinian leaders have made very clear that they will not have anything to do with that particular conference despite the appears intent on going ahead with that gathering representatives to discuss the economic aspects as he puts it of his original plan for israel and palestine mike thanks for that mike hanna in washington for us now a test case is beginning in the u.s. on whether individual states can hold pharmaceutical companies responsible for the widespread addiction to prescription drugs there millions of americans hoped on painkillers which resemble other opiates including morphine and heroin as any
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gallacher reports now lawyers in oklahoma arguing that a drug manufacturer is to blame for the so-called opioid crisis. it's a drug crisis of epic proportions that's what i wouldn't busy die for it according to the center for disease control in 2017 close 250000 people died from overdosing on drugs more than a 3rd of those deaths were caused by prescription opioids given to patients for pain faced with a growing crisis oklahoma's attorney general decided to take action to big drug companies purdue pharma and tiva pharmaceuticals have already settled before being taken to court that leaves johnson and johnson who lawyers say are an opioid kingpin these companies we believe. made no effort. when this process began 20 years ago to ensure that they were providing in
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a clear and informed way what the downside was oklahoma's case is just the 1st of almost 2000 lawsuits brought by states local municipalities and native american tribes this then is an important test case for the entire nation if lawyers here can prove a multi-billion dollar company like johnson and johnson played a role in the opioid crisis the ramifications could be huge ultimately campaigners say it will save lives and could be the beginning of tackling a crisis has claimed so many legal experts say whatever happens drug manufacturer is watching closely and think it's going to have a really good benefit for the public as a whole in terms of the safety and the marketing of props in april president trump valid to tackle the opioid crisis by providing more treatment and oversight of big pharmaceutical companies we will end this terrible menace we will smash the grip of addiction we will make our cities safe our communities strong and our future
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brighter than ever before as one united nations we will work we will pray and we will fight. for the day when every family across our land can live in a drug free america. the opioid crisis has already claimed countless victims over the last 2 decades and continues to blight the lives of millions the pharmaceutical companies claim they're not responsible because it's across the u.s. and now primed to hold them to account and gallica al-jazeera oklahoma city school girls have been killed and injured in a stabbing attack at a bus stop in japan a bystander was also killed before the attack a committed suicide when a reporter from the scene. the attack happened just before 8 in the morning in this usually quiet suburb of kawasaki city as children were waiting to board
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a bus to go to a nearby private catholic elementary school a man attacked a group of girls with knives it appears he deliberately targeted the students but some adults were also caught in the violence eyewitnesses say the attacker was carrying 2 knives to stab himself and died in hospital not the 1st. assault kids screaming and crying other kids in people at the scene looked too shocked to do anything i didn't know what i could do for them. medical staff say most of the wounded being treated at several hospitals a children among those killed an 11 year old girl an attack like this mainly against children is particularly shocking in japan which is regarded as one of the safest countries in the world with one of the lowest murder rates in july 2016 there was another mass stabbing in the same prefecture on that occasion 19 people were killed in a home for people with disabilities by a former employee as the scene of this attack was cleaned investigators were trying
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to find out why children may have been the targets of such violence wayne hey al jazeera kawasaki japan all right still ahead on al-jazeera the world series might be far off but we might have already seen a must dramatic moment the baseball season. to.
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thanks. rob thanks. oh it's good old school know his flora thank you so much several players in spain's top 2 football leagues have been arrested over suspected match fixing it allege the
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players and officials from some clubs formed a criminal organization to profit from 6 games spanish police made the arrest after leader filed 8 complaints about matches in the lower nonprofessional divisions and international friendlies and says none of their complaints relate to games in spain's top clique. neymar has been stripped of the brazil captaincy ahead of the copa america next month he's been replaced by p.s.g. teammate danny alvarez for the upcoming friendlies against caps are in proof brazil are hosting the copa and their coach was under pressure to develop neymar because of disclaimer issues including hitting a fan after p.s.g. last the french cup final. and germany union berlin of made history by being promoted to the top division for the 1st time a goal is draw at home to stuttgart saw them win the been does lead a playoff tie on the way. it sparked great scenes in the stadium as the players and
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coaching staff celebrated the achievement along with thousands of fans who invaded the pitch this makes union the 1st side from the old east germany to reach the top flight in a decade. liverpool manager you're going club says he's excited to get out of the shot of the champions league title this weekend they're up against tottenham and clubs hoping to make it 3rd time lucky after failing twice before. so far if we control our emotions in a really good way we let them go and in the right in the right man i and all that stuff so yeah it's in a in a moment it's pure it's pure excitement really looking forward to it and being really happy to have that chance again that's what we wanted to have after last year and now we are here. soccer is just getting her 1st round match at the french open under way the japanese top seed is aiming for her 3rd straight grand slam title on the men's tour the 8 see that in one mark 10 del potro has advanced to the
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2nd round at roland garros but the 2009 u.s. open champion had to fight back from a set down to beat the 75th ranked nicklaus shari departure reached the semifinals at last year's french open. monte carlo masters champion fabio fognini one an all italian french open 1st round clash against the tripped on trails seppi 20 he'll be middel on the way to the monte carlo title also needed 4 sets to effects. the boston bruins have won the opening game of the stanley cup finals it wasn't easy though they had to rally from 2 goals down to beat the st louis blues held malick has the action. by. the boston bruins have come into the stanley cup finals playing some of the best hockey of the season based what the eastern conference finals for nothing against carolina but playing on home ice in the stanley cup open i guess they lose things in style well thank
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you they went one down in the 1st period with great interest in scoring for the blues. things got worse for boston has a lot of new tires john could double thing lose the advantage. of boston though with the lead to about dealing with pressure having gone to a game 7 decided in the opening round. on the clifton got the white back started reading. and then charlie mcavoy scored in a probably to go into the final period to all. from very often dominated shaun curry put them ahead. thank you and brad mush on through the comeback win with an empty net thank god final school for to
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boston has been resilient all your if you watch our group not necessarily from comebacks but just you know different guys in the lineup different guys producing we're generally going to you know up and down why don't get guys that are going to play hard to stand up the bruins the looking for a 7th stanley cup title or they'll have the chance to take a step closer to that when they host game 2 on wednesday. al-jazeera. all finished with some incredible reactions in major league baseball take a look at that. the shallow cut she placed next to the player on the line shot back to the narrow escape for the milwaukee brewers pitcher jeremy jeffries up against minnesota twins he did twice this day by day it could have been so much worse. a fantastic reaction there thanks for that far and that's all. that's it for this news hour but i'll be back in a couple of minutes with more of the day's news they list.
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al-jazeera was goes on a roller coaster journey in the wrong and discover how football can empower the g.g. community itself to lead and identity theft i'd like to prove to the world cup. i will be able to prove myself to my columns from friends and myself. able to decide child afghan units on al-jazeera. june on al-jazeera people in power returns with an investigation into why india's capital delhi has some of the worst air pollution in the world. 2 years into the blockade we look at the future of the g.c.c. crisis and its impact on life in qatar join us for special coverage the big picture
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examines the power potential unprejudiced of elegy official intelligence says it used to shape world leaders from the group of 20 nations will gather for the 14th g. 20 summit to be held for the 1st time in japan and in brand new episodes we follow people from around the globe who are risking it all just to make a living june on al-jazeera. the consequence of war i got to venture using drugs shoals he served in the marine corps for 9295 that just doesn't go away. for a living out of his truck for the last couple years. he's home was 0 follows a group of us veterans traumatized by war. as they struggle to get their lives back shelter.
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al-jazeera. where every year. that we will escalate things using up peaceful civilian methods which is strikes protests and civil disobedience. a nationwide general strike in sudan as talks to form a civilian government deadlocked. think of this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up serbian troops on alert after cost of and police launch an operation in a sad dominated region. european leaders are in brussels to begin a tough negotiations to fill the union's tough job.


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