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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2019 5:00am-6:01am +03

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did you guys like. the other. is like reed's group. so it's. like.
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when they receive these package. bill. there was only one short cannot finally working alone check out the stapes and keep them safe. al-jazeera is a place you can travel to the northeast of mali and met up with a group of migrants on the 1st leg of their journey across the sun hard smuggling
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of people is a big business here and you couldn't risk filming in town that's why we're out here in the desert trying to meet up with the travellers already on their way to tell gerry this was the north mottram you know trip or 2 you would see on t.v. ringback but it is the same words and now as obvious a region of france age. something that would never be broadcast something you might never watch again and said. ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback look the smugglers car shows up seems like you know we have a breakdown now. because if. you know but.
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now find the live. thank you. you know. quite a bit if. you listen to the phone connie the sort of comment to my comments are. good medical ones and i'm going to funk it gets me said you have to do it is your to live deserve the money just keep going. because you're going to get people. who don't believe that i'm any good get what you put a block but a typically wanted he says he says he says. it better the. movie but the many men get going to. declare
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it defeated the u.s. economy don't go to that. and they're covered with the shield of it don't go to find out this at the economist or to. you know going to be part of. the with the you're in the family and noone would. like that not that i've got a little i'm going to run on. the one i didn't like i don't have the money you and i don't want you and you were traveling on the smothers route we came across this broken down vehicle with about 20 guys inside all going to algeria and then on to libya and some even to europe. let me just give us a c.
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. oh you can't put it into that it is it. going. to put it on the machine and the. your boss should get off i don't it is a symbol of that i think i don't think not. fighting for it in the way. that government not schooled us in a safe if. that is in. the middle of nowhere in the going to move on.
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when i was a little boy you know got a school. yeah we wanted to see this our ideas it yet. good luck man thank you very much and i'm coming with you ok you said it was the only good nose they got into the desert yet it does it you does it does it go to you. like you wouldn't of it but what do you want it i'll find it is a. club on the on the. books because i'm not on the top of the moment that's it up i'm about to tell it was just off the autopilot move on the home of a lot of. stuff then they bent. up and i heard it's not just the amount. of those look i know that the women hook
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them up with them coming out of that on. some. want to live. the life. of your. what question you will feel without a man no man no i'm here and bomb a commodity where many africans from the sub-saharan countries are stuck they can't move forward to europe and they cannot go back home. there's only going to. hear book but if the they don't keep you around today. to posit to know baron's is lined with them because also i did not shine you told me dalin so she should i know
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she would not i mean by do it in a good moment largely because you want to vomit that you for the truth so some good news with truth is on topic in the song by now but i could do it on a bush as over the last chance because it is a pa system and i probably. will grow because my shit is one of the 1st to feel the stuff comes up with a lot of the possible. about this ballot. yourself. to. suss it gus and gus in the walk and the 20 minute could see. i think. what you see that i shall miss the listener. suddenly i felt i was with my friend again. like can build
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a syndrome going to hear wrong. i asked him to send me everything he was not using for the sort of ports. the film about my flatmates was becoming something bigger. than a good. movie even. in. the . league.
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people turn to. you did. you lose your money. joe much to do when you resort to the may animation class we have yet since another one that he and some others. but but you are not supposed to be like on the ball and he's really a document gaza story i mean they're usually i mean as the israelis are we say they're targeted airstrikes but of course the reality is that you know targeted strikes but you know he's doing missiles from the sky you're firing decisions
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there's always somebody around you know i mean. it's. ok that double blast was about 5 minutes before this moment.
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that. i can shut. yeah yeah yeah bits yeah. the moon is the medium of the. bus you will get out of it about an island and then you'll be.
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in the same room. 3 years have gone by since we both left rome is and i'm at the again back in the
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thirty's when visiting our families. i love that picture that in the 4th period of. me of the time. you know the time i was 19 i was child all these groups of west africans that were traveling. up towards mali towards this hell countries who are basically going on the scene trip that i did end of
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filming 10 years later you know at the time i just thought there were just groups of. young nigerians traveling like that and these guys were going on a huge clan this beagle trip you know from country to country and i was just traveling with them i had no idea but in a way those experiences the help me to rob because you realize that you can just do it you know. you can just travel and people you can move how they move and stuff like that and there are a lot more like you than you actually think. here she is there without a focus weight and there was queen a coder queeny and she was nigerian clue from nigeria so we connected because i'd just been a jury and you were home was she was the friend i made during the trip i mean she was the person i spent most time with these guys taking the life in their own hands and they're going for and these guys are furious. you know. but to defend like them
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. i mean this is an important point i mean at the end of the day you can always you know relate. to people as much as you want and live with them and empathize with them but i mean let's not fool ourselves i mean you know i have white skin american passport and i can cross the border and good you know the most i have to do is who gives you permission here is your piece of money. i found a way to cross the border and. and i never found out what happened these people because it was made to use too stupid to stay in. the consequence so. i got the pictures and roger shoals he served for 99 to
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95 that just doesn't go away. for a living out of his truck for the last couple years. he's homeless. follows a group of u.s. veterans much iced by war. as they struggle to get their lives back shelter. news is happening faster than ever before from different places from different people and you need to be backed you need to be able to reach people wherever they are and that means being across all social media platforms this is where our audience lives as well as in front of a t.v. they're on their smartphone they're on the tablet they're on the computer. and that's the way al-jazeera is a fall into a true media network. these explosions were not an act of war. these nuclear bombs were experiments by the
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soviet union. to the kazakh people who lived in the vicinity the motives might be little difference rewind silent phone use amount to see. how that i've been a staple in london with the top stories on al-jazeera u.s. special counsel robert muller has made his 1st public comments since releasing his proposal possible russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election milla says his 2 year investigation was never going to end with charges against president double trump and its own constitution to charge
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a sitting president but he said it's approved did not clear trump of all wrongdoing responding on twitter trump declared the case closed if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so we did not however make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime. the introduction to the volume 2 of our report explains that decision explains that under longstanding department policy a president president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office that is unconstitutional even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view that too is prohibited israel's prime minister is running out of time to form a coalition government or face an unprecedented 2nd election of the year binyamin netanyahu is right wing coalition has just haul off an hour to secure the support
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of i've got doored lieberman's nationalists yisrael bethanie faction without him netanyahu has no parliamentary majority and won't be able to form a government within the $42.00 day deadline iran supreme leader ayatollah navy says terrill will not negotiate with the u.s. over its nuclear and missile programs it comes after the u.s. national security adviser blamed iranian naval mines the damaging oil tigers off the coast of the united arab emirates earlier this month john bolton did not provide any evidence to support his comments he's currently visiting the u.a.e. what he said america has been successful in the terry what he describes as threats from iran and cast as prime minister is due to attend a security summit in saudi arabia on thursday the 1st such high level meeting since cass's neighbors imposed a blockade on it's 2 years ago shake up the loop enough have been khalifa colony will join diplomats from saudi arabia the u.a.e.
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bahrain and other countries in. and those the headlines to stay with us witness continues next. the in. the in. the in. the be. above. the law.
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we're going. we do and he's given. me the i'm on air for his and i were flatmates 15 years ago in rome he became a journalist and was always traveling but we stayed in touch and he sent me his food page from around the world how do you feel to go to gaza yeah yeah just get a good kid back there. you know i would defer to your town and i see that that was definitely not allowed if you find if you're to go to. jail for what i thought i. was joking
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where you were. in the film. he. was. was was i was getting used cases of your people and places but on that trip something changed. she said. oh what's going on like a treat for a visit trying to court yes i am going to gesture she days filming please east sleaziest story well you know in the case yesterday you know it turned into one submission if you want to do a story on patients to me children you need to
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get israel to get some kind of medical treatment operations something like that. it can't go they're not they're not allowed not given the permission because actually their condition isn't bad enough. so this is. going to have been tough to sort of. he has not given enough time that's time you know. so anyway i mean we're there getting to know each other and all that and weeding for this trip in israel and i was going you can within. this i'm going to process in israel and the whole thing it didn't fit does little boy started to get sick very quickly. the thought i mean i want just. to have all of the filth of law ok but if you. i mean if you can to come to their little bit of.
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oh yeah you hope you'll come back but you will come back to me so i am one thing you'll. bye bye now here's what you do though but i think you want to go but i think you know i want to go i thought i'd tell him talk to him instead of just popping the ambulance and driving to the hospital like you would in any other country always send parents in the doctors and all that this big bureaucratic process started to just to get fit i was out of guys. who. can. tell you more. or less of them without. looking to get with you about something else but i saw the way
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this sort of the implication of a push for sex without a shot to the minute. or so you should know that. the leaders of the revolution i love what i join in not want to show sort of us the young. men who are in the audience and they are dealing with the hope it is going to sabotage it because of that they got some sort of on the table when. will they you know none of you know that you're not of the game that one of the sort of the blow up some others who don't know yes to get it in bins and get to a hospital fast in this case turning up passports and stuff like that. i'm all about that a lot a lot of policy. and then i'll bet you get that again about the money that.
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you. i think you might be going to my wall for. giving you my. life. but i hope you. fall asleep just a little bit of. along with it from the plains fishtown as for example that all who did it i think. we already knew that this process is coming to an end. to the 100 promises and while i'm on the subject. michelle more so than the head of the humph. and then they got the phone call to a chair and immediately reached the hospital. followed
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. live with. the ballot so 2. that it out. there now that i have known all along. the above.
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legal hotdog or whatever the way it will help the alabama you're going to come on the last minute because you know my if you're going to be a player would you have a little bit of a little bit of. the ear. we never talk about for us again. because it just kept on working and working where was it here. i forget now where are the liberals not. after after i'm coming out there.
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you know. pick.
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just. the simplest of just simply can't say it's because it's. for the most one song that. sounds like a consummate lushes of a mother singing and it. said to my to work with the other was done. just a submissive. somebody says mrs. or that said i thought of me you. should think that you're the old. it's. always the mother you knew that was a. salsa
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every just sort of this interesting was that it. might have been missed. a lot in. little shop you know jane honey for me to going to show. me something to be. sent to him to stay. with us so many things to go. see you. see on t.v. i dream of that without that i would go. separate but if it doesn't do any good to see you. see if you survive this if it will.
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i was having doubts of my own i couldn't tell if berlin was the right place for me anymore. i want to to be close to my father but that the noise i should move back home he didn't need 1st it. you had everything it's your dad. because your mom to me. i don't know. i would just like to breathe some beads you believe thoroughly and for a while he'd taken me. with you where you have to be like work and travel plans no i have nothing no not because i'm going to us and saying. i don't know the landscape wrong that's alice. right.
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here where in the shelter door this is where our ladies are whatever this is where we are sleeping and that we have the t.v. back to you because. as i said this is the. question you asked me. my job i just travel around the whole world. just doing just moving people in talking to them to want to practice me in the news report. someone in south america. i know we're so sorry did laugh when you think you. know he's going to stay here. in south america there was one during a tornado and i did like his job it was fun yes very good we were there for kids his job but they couldn't tell if he was even working he spent 2 days like
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this while genesis the little girl was getting closer and closer to him i was up there with the chain and. i even thought it was as if they think. but then he finally decided to make an interview really you see a little kid has. every almost every single gopi i'm going to be probably the meat in 8 years i never had a big dipper you. i mean. i like to. along all by myself a lot. i think a lot of stuff in my head like right now so things lengthy.
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and getting out. so i might have. and i myself if i'm a new book coloring or writing something. if people are lying on the eye itself and there's something i just look over and see i'm a long as they can see what i'm doing and i like to be in rome that's like a box. asked small area oh i have my home i will stuff. oh no i'm just. into doing. this because. you insist. i went ahead and did it left a bit of an event tonight or whatever but to do it. which.
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i am again. i don't want to blame i wouldn't you know. when it's nice to. let it in. just you still believe you cease to pursue it. take a trip to sponsor. the spot to mississippi the books you should see out. because you could be the interior minister there soon. put your. pain. pain.
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after many years i was about to leave their name. there was not much to bring back with me apart from the big bucks. spent the better. but to have this done no. i did not. but you know she. will be given the stone the visit to see some of the dentist on time to my throughout the. day we. don't have to over there and i know you have to live there it's a long letter you going places with your dad and it's actually happening something . that i didn't expect i mean you know my that i feel it's the 1st time
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in our life that we are talking you know about things about. he's asking me about you know my personal seeings about my job about girlfriend he's probably feeling that it's close to the end you know so he. touches me it's 1st time in my life i have my father. all you know like you always hire you have your camera when you when you guys hang out and when you go visit him and stuff like that no no that's. that's a strange things because i. we're not filming and you know you know if it was you you will never thing that. i know i would like and i'm on the other side i'm completely block you know i mean it's. i cannot you know that sometimes like sometimes you know you film things and you film
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people in the film in situations that can be traumatic or uncomfortable and all that you don't exactly know why right and you end up realizing later that you know what you filmed in those situations even though it's tough it's something that you keep then you know it's like something you keep it's something you cherish something that's part of yourself. a few weeks later i get the surprise after a long time kids you send me again you see midges. i do not know. this that you know yes i got that this is. us do you. not when it's all over that. son yeah. yeah you do this.
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this is your job was there was a god they. got married. you know. who . you oh you. good good excellent it's good to hear you can't you see you. told me this. was a. person thing in. many ways. so they must have given. my. way. of life.
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to. see. a member. of. say she said someone.
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came in and it's hard to believe that this could be my last video from. i resigned so i'm going to be live here come the next few months. you know i always film people just trying to live their lives and. get it try to have in mind. for years ago this point.
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i remember a time when all i wanted to do was get out of displace. and now both to me and kids it at leaving back in florence. because he asked me to keep the state safe many years ago. and they did. well know if you lose the right moment to give them back to my friend. nah i just don't know if there's still a. pretty high no. what. do . you think.
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we've had something of a wintry blast across the southeast of australia belle been having its coldest i'm a day since 2012 you see that rattling of shallow cloud which is that it's way through some snow i was just right in alf's on the 11 celsius there for melbourne is really struggling to get into double figures not too much but at that for some website which was a west getting to 24 the pub. type code was going into friday but still not see
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bedroom. clouds just coming in just damp in those temperatures down a little temps will edge up for victoria so we get up to 30 degrees by friday and heating in sydney the 19 the person that wet weather that disturbed weather that's running over towards new zealand on friday going to see some increasingly cloudy skies coming through here where it's and windy weather coming through piling into the south arledge initially they will gradually make as well across north as we go on into friday so just fall back to around 17 in all clint high of around 14 a little further south meanwhile we've had some right into the eastern side of japan recently clear skies now coming back in 25 celsius therefore to cloud will make its way in from the west.
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this is al jazeera. that i've been on welcome to this news hour live from london coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's parliament votes on whether to dissolve itself sparking new
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elections all to binyamin netanyahu runs out of time to form a coalition also ahead. if we had called confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said. in his 1st public comments on his investigation special counsel robert miller says charging a sitting president with a crime was not an option. to a gunfight between members of saddam's security forces kills a pregnant woman on the 2nd day of a nationwide strike. on british leadership david boris johnson is ordered to appear in court at a cleaners here nice during the practice it but i wouldn't count. on paul reese and doha with the sports big scoreline in buckaroo as chelsea be there long. the rivals arsenal and the rightfully cry.
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valerie israel's prime minister has run out of time to form a coalition government and may face an unprecedented 2nd election of the year in human netanyahu is right wing the could party has just missed a deadline to secure the support of of adore lieberman's nationalist israel but a new faction without him netanyahu has no parliamentary majority and in the last half hour the knesset has been voting on whether to dissolve itself another election well it is swales april election netanyahu likud party won 35 of the knesset 120 seats the opposition blue and white party that says by the former army chief benny gantz also won 35 seats netanyahu needed to secure support from both united torah judaism which won 8 seats and yes well that's a new which won 5 seats along with several other smaller right wing parties that would have given his ruling coalition
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a $65.00 seat majority but scary live to western speak to al-jazeera as harry force it so he's missed the deadline parliament is voting right now tell us what's going on. that's right it seems the the 2nd hit reading of this bill has just been voted on they will count on that they will decide on the date of the election under the current terms of the bill that would be september the 17th and then there will be a 3rd and final reading of the vote and that will be the confirmation finally that israel will be going to as you say an unprecedented 2nd election within the space of just a few weeks the mandate or election period is 90 days so it will have to be a 3 month period before votes are cast in that 2nd election the scenes we've seen in the in the knesset the israeli parliament today have been really quite
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astounding benjamin netanyahu trying all he could to try and avert this this situation we're seeing at the moment even offering the center left labor party position positions in the government they rejected that he tried at the last minute to get on board his long time political associate of a dual lieberman his former defense minister by saying that he would back him up on his key issue which is the seeing through of a of a bill which would see the increasing of the numbers of people from the ultra orthodox community who were drafted into the israeli army lieberman is a secular politician he wants to make sure in his words that israel is a jewish state but not a religious state the on the other side of the argument within the perspective coalition the ultra-orthodox parties they want to soften that bill to make sure that as few of these religious students male religious students are signed up into
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the israeli army as possible and it seems that the attempts that netanyahu made to try to align himself more with lieberman but say that there could still be a cause. from eyes later that unsatisfying either of the parties and so that point you know he decided it seems that his best option was to try to go for another election rather than allow the israeli president riven rivlin to try to get somebody else to potentially form a coalition instead of life a momentary force it there and western islam force thank you let's talk a little bit more about this breaking news that you'll see michael berg who's a senior consulting with such fellow with the middle east and north africa program at the chatham house think tank here in london good to see you see thanks for coming in so it's looking like kelly that there will be another election possibly in september but is the result going to be any different from the one we sort of work it's very difficult to know but the question what happens between now and
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september because the issue of the drafts or the coalition agreements i think it's a side show to the main thing which is the future for it and you know the entire political system needs or was hijacked or is kidnapped by the interests of one person one family which is the nathaniel family and in the past all this kind of fish would have been resolved it wouldn't go all the way to the wire maybe the midnight but the be the result the reason they're not resolved because the subtext to all of it is to let ernie els attempts to avoid justice to avoid indictment so changing what is the way that he feels he can do that is by being president because he feels he has immunity yes the immunity is one thing which is again. on any level try to have a low that's actually a little speck to give just to avoid to prevent him from facing justice facing courts when the when the attorney general was it was the 1st of him actually
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decided to end that pending hearing this is one then the effort to undermine the supreme court that even if there is an immunity did that the supreme court in user won't be able to overturn it. so netanyahu. has decided to come what may they will undermine is a limo cosi all the indians to the democratic institution as long as you can see in power and i think some people in the knesset in the israeli parliament in politics are just fed up with it and probably it will take someone brave within the likud party to say enough is enough because there is still a possibility for the easily president to nominate another member of knesset any of the 120 enough of them to form to follow them religious support of the many parties to be able to do that i they will but what happens if actually this happens and it and you know is a move because he failed there is a it opens
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a lot of options if you look at delhi phonetics it opens all the options including the parties the said we are not sitting in government if the likud when one where the one wants it or not as long as an attorney that is needs to face the courts is is the prime minister if he goes there is met exchanging the might to clean the top and other options the cases the corruption cases have been hanging over him and of course his wife as well but isn't the reality is that he still has is very popular among many israelis have been they would still vote and again well depends how you read it at the end of the day yes it was successful campaign for him but he got less than 3rd of the vote $35220.00 doesn't make him beyond reproach it makes him popular properly enough maybe to form a coalition but this one in a way i think that at the end of the day. all the enduring from the stories of
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around on the family and the co-option and the way that is ready to sacrifice any values of democracy we firmly little achievement actually is a prime minister i think gradually it would bring 2 to isn't it takes longer than one probably could have expected but i think on the corner there is the indictments i will insincere probably you know pending hearing but this probably will go on and then the elections and i think the big decision right now is for we saw on party do the won't actually to immerse themselves for the next few months for all these allegations another election campaign which duco optional legations so on the nathaniel family all they want to move on and present what difficult is standing for compared to the other parties you'll see the moment thank you let's get set a very latest on what is happening in the knesset back to how it forces in west jerusalem they just had a 2nd vote harry. that's true although the vote
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the 2nd reading of the bill the 1st 3000000 and the 1st one that already taken place before this evening the 2nd reading of the bill we've had the result for that 74 in favor of dissolving the knesset the israeli parliament 45 against one member abstaining and now in the last couple minutes we just had the the members voting on the 3rd reading of the bill very unlikely they'll be any difference between the numbers in those 2 readings so it's all over bought by the shouting it isn't law until that 3rd reading of the bill is finally confirmed with a majority but it's almost inevitable now that yes this is what's happened and israel will be going to further elections as far as netanyahu is concerned it's as your guest was saying it's actually vital for him for his own survival that he manages to try to win that election and do so convincing enough fashion to try to
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remain in office and fight his legal battles from office the big question though even if he wins will be able to get through the kind of immunity provisions that he was trying to get through according to all the indications even before he managed to form a coalition it really does hamper that effort the 1st hearing in his case is due in october so if he's elected in september and he wins that election again presuming that happens it leaves him very little time to try to stave off these corruption allegations so and the hearings and the potential indictment that would follow so what will what will then happen is the likelihood of real pressure on him even a few wins to step down so this could be very shortly a victory for netanyahu honest caring kerry that it hasn't always or are just just you know hearing this they just want to explode perry in the. yeah that that 3rd
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vote has come through now 74 to 40 five's of the 2nd and 3rd votes having exactly the same numbers so that is the final confirmation of what we've really been expecting very strongly now for the last hour or so a 2nd election in a year unprecedented in israeli history ari thanks very much go back to you'll see michael back with me here in the studio so we're all getting election as you had predicted means israelis of course now have to go through another 3 months of election campaigning having to have an election in april in the heat of the summer you have there you've probably also the temperature of the political system we need is and we will go up this is the best case or the 2nd biscay scenario for that and the l. the best case scenario for him was forming a coalition the worst case scenario if someone else is nominated and this is the end of his political career he has just one more chance if you wins the election
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and decisively but what it exposes that these weak and what seems only a month and something ago is big victor we actually expose how weak is the mini did this 2nd.


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