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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  June 19, 2019 10:00pm-10:34pm +03

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before the murder of jamal khashoggi along with saudi arabia's involvement in that ongoing war in yemen thank you mike mike hanna in washington d.c. let's get some analysis now and speak tomorrow on bashar our senior political analyst in london for a small one 1st of all you've seen the report you've heard what i've missed colum i had to say what do you make of this and do you think it's going to lead to any accountability in the murder of jamal khashoggi. well certainly it's proved to be a process not an easy one but certainly. not an ambiguous one the case is being built whether the leaders like it or not clearly despite all attempts be are and. mohamed bin solomons all eyes in washington he doesn't seem like he's able to escape accountability the idea that there is evidence that they're now requires further investigation on such high authority by
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an international body like the un human rights council i think probably not just the case forward and put some more spot light on on the saudi leaders and demands of course more answers now or whether the saudis will comply doesn't seem like it but whether they will also try to shift the focus on something else within the kingdom like today they're trying to. you know stop the religious police from exercising what used to be controversial activity within the kingdom or as we've heard earlier maybe something on the yemeni side or something on the bahraini side for the good of the century certainly the saudis would try to refocus their attention elsewhere but i think this is an important day in this accountability a process for the killing of us with the saudi crown prince monod bin salman has claimed that the matter of jamal khashoggi is being exploited for political gain d. think that is resonating anywhere at all in the world right now he is expected to
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be at the g 20 summit of course in japan next week how do you think he's going to be received now that this report is out. you know if i may say so what if it's if it's exploited for political purposes since when anything is not exploited for political purposes does it make it right i mean the whole point of it is this that arrogance that preaches a certain degree of idiocy of getting such an extrajudicial killing in a consulate in a faraway country i mean this is the issue it's not the issue whether it's going to be exploited politically or not we're live in a world where of course there's lots of cynics some pragmatists and competitors that would always use whatever there is for political purposes but the point being this this is these are not mutually exclusive issues if so and you arabia is responsible for the killing of a journalist which seems it is then there needs to be accountability not the
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problem with all of this foley is that until only a few days ago a former editor in chief of a newspaper in the kingdom close to the authorities. have called for the bombing of al-jazeera have called the for the bombing of a network next door in cutter so there's no repentance here i mean the idea that saudi arabia continues on the same path. demoralizing journalists after the killing of a journalist. talking about the bombing of a network so this has to stop juba lists need not be targeted for reporting the facts about what's going on around the world we are doing an essential service for people around the world for democracies are not democracies so the idea that we are targeted as a journalist the idea that jamal khashoggi was killed for fulfilling his mission someone needs to be held accountable for that and also apparently as we heard from
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the u.n. special report is so do officials and notably the crown prince mohammed bin sultan thank you very much marwan marwan bashar is a senior political political analyst in london there for us now more now from my interview with agnes kalamata the un special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings she also said she thinks the united states should be more involved in investigating jamal has show just met. the sick consensus of the killing of mr cashel are so grave in terms of the violations of international law that in my opinion meet the threshold of a of seriousness required for universal jurisdiction so that the 1st point i am making with regard to the responsibilities of states besides turkey i am suggesting that the united states has a stake in india killing nice and solving the killing mr cashel he was
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a resident of the united states his words a norn and re known member of the press corps in the united states and in many ways in my opinion the embodiment of full dominant taller freedom and principle within the american constitution which is a 1st amendment for those reasons i believe the united states as a state in full swing all means the polls all to ensure that accountability is delivered including a trial period let's hear from robert ford who is the former u.s. ambassador to syria and iraq via skype from maine in the united states thank you very much for speaking to us all eyes on washington now and the trump administration they've been reports that it's been pressing saudi arabia to show tangible progress towards holding to account those behind to my shirt is killing do
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you think this reports now by the un special rapporteur or will put more pressure on the administration to put more pressure on the saudis. i don't think the united nations report by itself is going to change the trump administration's approach on the. murder or its policy on saudi arabia in general more than anything else more than anything else the trumpet administration wants to maintain good relations with saudi arabia because of the american concern confrontation with iran it's no secret didn't do that the us administration has prioritize security and economic interests in relations with saudi arabia but what about the us congress this seems to be a complete divide between the tribe but mr nation and congress could the response the answer come from the us congress well you're absolutely right there is
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a divide between the democratic party in the congress and the trumpet ministration democrats in the house of representatives are trying to block arms sales to saudi arabia the trumpet ministration is trying to get around those democratic party efforts in the house and representatives there's quite a bit of. dispute between the white house and the democrats in the congress not clear yet where that will go and play a way that will go what do you think it's going to take for the trump administration to point to directly point the finger of blame at the saudi leadership and the crown prince mohammed bin salman. frankly speaking i don't think the trumpet ministration will ever do that. it is not an administration which is
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particularly concerned about human rights in general and it is especially now concerned about human rights violations among allies in the middle east if for example hasn't even commented yet on the death of mohamed morsi in egypt and it's not going to go punish saudi arabia for the. murder i think the trump administrator would be happy if the saudis themselves punished a few of the lower level officials involved in the murder but i think people will be disappointed if they are waiting for the trump administration to take a very tough action against the saudi crown prince and they're going to be disappointed frankly if they're hoping the americans are going to open a big investigation they will not if not the americans who then do you think good deeds action here i mean the special rapper tori is calling for an international
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criminal and international investigation where could that come from. i think the only possibility would be for an individual nation perhaps in europe or. in some other place to have its own investigation. that has been done for example with some of the syrian officials involved in crimes in syria war crimes in syria and then to bring the complaints to the courts of that particular country i don't know which one that would be germany spain there are different possibilities but i think above all viewers to the program should understand that there is no international mechanism for holding the country responsible for human rights violations and oppression taken against its own
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citizens ambassador ford thank you so much for talking to us very good to get to get your thoughts and insight on this robert ford is a former u.s. ambassador to syria he was joining us there from maine thank you for your time my pleasure. and other world news arrest warrants have been issued for 4 suspects in the shooting down of malaysia airlines flight 70 dutch investigators say 3 russians and one ukrainian national being charged with murder all $283.00 passengers and 15 crew were killed when m.h. 17 was shot down over eastern ukraine in july 24th rails i need some of. even though they have not pushed the button themselves there's suspicion they closely cooperate to obtain the missile and position to launch site with the goal of shooting a plane therefore they can be considered suspects together for shooting m h 17 in
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dutch criminal law persons who weren't present for a crime played an important organizing role or just as punishable as the person who committed the crime by just at boston in moscow for us so step the suspects are known a trial date has been set what is being said then by who well fully this is quite a breakthrough nearly 5 years after after the downing of i'm a chaplain dean on july 17th 2014 there finally are names there are suspects and there is a trial date and there are international arrest warrants and of course this is a somehow a great relief for the relatives of the victims who have been waiting for some kind of justice for nearly 5 years so for a name to have basically 3 russians and one ukrainian they're all former the 3 russians are former military intelligence officers and the ukraine national has been how big they were all in the eastern ukraine during the war which is still going on right now between government forces in ukraine and russian backed rebels
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basically what happened is that the investigators found that the book mistrial launcher was brought in from russia it was basically the section of the 53rd anti missile brigade that was brought in just before the shooting down happened and basically the people on the ground have fired that missile as the investigator said he doesn't know exactly at the moment who has pushed the button but he said those people have some kind of responsibility but the investigation doesn't stop here the investigators also say they want to know who from russia from the russian federation has given the order to bring the lethal weapon into eastern ukraine thank you steps and in moscow for us. iran's defense minister has rejected allegations that tehran is behind the suspected attacks on 2 oil tankers in the gulf of oman last week a maritime a disputes a video released by the u.s.
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navy that it says links iran to the incident the u.s. says the boat scene next to the tanker is iranian owned tommy says the boat was already there when he rescue as arrived at the scene national to the u.s. navy said it uncovered fragments of a mine used in the tanker explosions commander sean kitto says the mine bears striking striking resemblance to those displayed in iranian military parades dr barrett is our correspondent in tehran tell us more for a store say about the defense minister's comments. yes the defense minister following the weekly cabinet meeting with president rouhani came out and address the local media and he said that it is very very disturbing and absolutely categorically denied any involvement in the attack and he disputed the accounts of been provided so far as evidence of the iranians
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involvement in this attack the defense minister said that this fight all the evidence that have been that has been provided there are not enough clear information about iran's involvement and he denied that they had anything to do with it the defense minister said that prior to the iranians actually arriving to the vessels to help the sailors that were stranded on board the ring in navy saw that there was another smaller ship that was circling the vessel so the iranians are saying that they were not the 1st ones on scene when this attack took place the defense minister is hinting here that there is another player involved in this incident and according to the radio an official strengthens their version of what happened in the gulf of oman on june 30th and the president has some rouhani has been talking more about the nuclear deal dorset. yes he's been talking about it almost on a daily basis now as we are approaching the deadline that he set for the european
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signatories of this nuclear agreement of 2015 hassan rouhani has said that the europeans have 60 days for me to come back with a response of the iranians because they have not held up their end of the deal and iran is slowly reducing its commitment to the nuclear event and the president following that cabinet meeting today have the following to say. quote you can more enjoy me game despite what some countries say what we are doing is the least we could do the other side has not only violated its commitments but also reduced it to the many spirit of the g c p or the nuclear agreement is to strengthen economic and trade relations that spirit is under question due to actions from the other side. so all those things that they were on wanted to see from the european signatories of this deal has not been seen in the islamic republic all the economic benefits they wanted to see in exchange for them freeze
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in certain parts of their nuclear program or scaling it back they say they have not seen and now it is up to the europeans to see whether or not they can salvage what's left of the deal and for the iranians to see some of those benefits door said thank you dosage of barry life force in tehran. said ahead on this news hour. the only thing these corrupt politicians will understand is an earthquake at the ballot box light on plants but heavy on attacks donald trump ranch as his bed for another 10 in the white house and in sport frustration for a whole spread is a lie because america as a how to a controversial goal is strong against venezuela. freezing winds and rugged terrain and at times seem impossible. but for afghan traders who brave the will concur that it's no choice. combating the impossible to sell their
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goods in isolated areas. we follow that daring journeys as they overcome the extremes. risking it all afghanistan on al-jazeera. i've always been fascinated by space but the story of the space race isn't just about the man who risked their lives to travel into the unknown but the ones who held those lives in their. grandfather and his colleagues worked on the space suits their designs species to know 11 was his triumph. and the perfectly designed space suits his legacy. on 00.
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you're watching the news on al-jazeera with me fully back to remind of our top stories the matter of jamal khashoggi is an extrajudicial killing for which saudi arabia is responsible that's according to a damning report by the un special rapporteur or the 100 page report details taped conversations about body disposal in the moments before i show g.'s arrival at the saudi consulate in istanbul everest warrants have been issued for 4 suspects in the shooting down of malaysia airlines flight 75 years ago investigators say 3 russians and one ukrainian national are being charged with murder all 283 passengers and 15 crore were killed. and iran defense minister has rejected allegations tehran is behind the suspected attacks on 2 oil town because in the gulf of oman last week i
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mean her time a disputed video released by the u.s. navy that it says ling see iran to the incident is. and under this cloud of regional tension the mayor of kuwait is making his 1st state visit to iraq since saddam hussein's forces invaded the gulf states in 1990 iran of chefs about ahmed outside but in baghdad is being seen as an attempt to no attention in the gulf iraq has close ties with both iran and the united states. joins us now live from baghdad wanted a very significant visit by the man what are the expectations. just one quick point of clarification this is actually the 2nd time that the emir of kuwait yes about has been to wear it up but it's the 1st state visit that he has ever taken here in he was here once before in 2012 for an arab league meeting this of course has much more import mainly because it's coming at a time of such tension in the region that it offers feeling increasingly squeezed
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right now because of the tensions that are escalating between its 2 main allies the u.s. and iran and in an attempt to try to calm things down the emir of kuwait has come here today and of course there are other things on that agenda kuwait is trying to it to enhance their relationship with it at all because they've been trying to do the last few years they are trying to invest more in iraq they are trying to get more funds for the rebuilding of mosul's since eisel was defeated there but high on top of the agenda rather is the fact that this is coming at a time of such tension now if there were any doubt about that just take a look at what the kuwaiti news agency said yesterday when they announced this visit they said that shift a surprise visit comes amid rising and unprecedented tensions and developments witnessed by the region particularly the acts which targeted the safety of oil supplies through destruction and strikes on oil and commercial vessels now the emir is currently at the palace here in baghdad he was received at the airport when he
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arrived by prime minister i've been mad that he has since met with the prime min. he has also been meeting with the president but i'm sorry and we expect that there will be some type of press briefing in the hours to come to find out a little bit more about what was discussed and any plans the kuwaitis and the iraqis have put together to try to do something to get the tension to lessen in this region follett thank you mohammed mohammed jump july forests in baghdad. to mali now where victims of interethnic attacks are demanding better protection to prevent what they call massacre entire villages have been wiped out in the war between nomadic herders and farmers trying to protect their crops some survivors have been telling our reporter malcolm webb they had to run for their lives. on a society as has she liked life in her village before armed men set it on fire she's just 7 years old he shot her neighbors and stole cows she fled with her
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family a lot of. the walk was very difficult it lasted 5 days we had nothing to eat or drink we carried what we could it's but the militia found us again and took everything so we arrived here with only the clothes we were wearing. i said and her family were among nearly 50000 people who fled violence here in central mali militia connected to the fulani and gone ethnic groups have attacked each other's communities in recent months. people here for lonnie herders now they stay in this camp on the edge of the town of severity they left behind the houses and made of bricks now living in shelters made of dry grass. only the lucky ones were able to bring their livestock they depend on for their survival many animals were killed or stolen in the conflict and the animals really need to be taken out there on to the
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plains to be grazed but it's not say. conflict in the north and the lack of presence of the government based in the south and then influx of homs have fueled the growing violence in mali center about a 150 felonies were massacred this village 3 months ago. and nearly 100 guns were massacred in this village last week after the attacks villages deserted. and the camps for the displaced steadily grow people here need help and. when these people come here they need everything they lost everything it is often people who had to leave quickly and urgently they've left everything behind everything was destroyed the needs are enormous especially those of children dozens of children have been killed in the massacres those that survived the attacks and lead to the camps to miss school. children funders organized classes in
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tents like this one not just to resume education but also to provide a safe space for those who witnessed her reflect violence. you guys are all part of i mean i think with education we can minimize the trauma they come with really atrocious memories but since we started the classes and activities the education games it minimizes. before the conflicts for lani had as grazed cows for them bought food programs farmed. inside many of the cams 2 groups mix but outside once peaceful coexistence is falling apart malcolm webb al-jazeera the region mali. the un has demanded a thorough independent investigation into the death of egypt's only democratically elected president mohamed morsi he never regained consciousness after collapsing in court on monday the u.n.
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human rights office says any inquiry should examine how he was treated one in prison the statement went on to say as former president morsy was in the custody of the egyptian authorities at the time of his death the stage is responsible for ensuring he was treated humanely and that is right to life and health were respected any sudden death in custody must be followed by a prompt impartial far and transparent investigation carried out by an independent body to clarify the cause of death while morsi was buried in cairo after the government refused to allow a funeral in his hometown mourners still gathered in a more his native province of childcare to pay their respects a rounded by security forces and people throughout the middle east have been remembering mohammed morsi politicians in tunisia held a prayer for him despite concerns it could be seen as a political gesture elections are being held there later in the year hundreds of people also gathered to remember him in libya's capital tripoli and in turkey president juan attended prayers and raise concerns about how morsy died soon and go
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see a little has more from istanbul. this is a special food rule service for egypt's former president mohamed morsy hundreds of people gathered in a stumble spot to moscow to honor his life and struggle. which officials here already agree. i was something since it is after him and. we never forget him because he was a us. people here believe despite the loss of a leader the revolution will continue to be shows their leaders created their leaders is another leaders will continue or. the words are millions. in the capital ankara hundreds gathered outside the egyptian embassy in protest one with tokyo's opposition leader criticized the charges morsi had faced
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and said the former leader should have been buried with presidential honors earlier to say mosques like this one held prayers for deposed president mohamed morsi to accuse soft religious but it had called for the nationwide special service many people here to parch remember the gypsum leader and protest against his treatment while in prison. former politicians in morse's cabinets believe the egyptian government's neglect of more so while in prison led to his death they have in mind either the force of what was it the surrender of the and that knowledge the regime otherwise they would kill or so they waited for years you know killing him through a slow process of medical negligence where howard's providing any basic health care and having an independent international transparent investigation of the circumstances of his that. this is the least the international community should do after all very years of many years of negligence. of the good did you suppose for
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taking care of him he. took his present treasure typepad john attended one of the special prayers in istanbul he said there are doubts about this case and blamed egyptian president dr fatah hull city for moshe's death and thought of other dissidents. when i'm sure i do not believe that morsi is death is a natural one such cowards that they are they did not hand over mohammed morsi is body to his family that one has spoken out strongly against each of 2013 military coup that toppled morsi especially after turkey's own failed military coup nearly 3 years ago. al-jazeera stumble. he has friends in donald trump has launched his campaign for re-election next year by attacking his political opponents and the media our white house correspondent kimberly hulk at her white house the president had to say at his supporters to his supporters rally to his supporters in orlando
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florida. some started lining up at the rain and heat more than a day to advance just to attend donald trump's official 2020 presidential campaign kickoff most for exactly what you'd expect to find at a truck rally white older conservative voters but there were a lot of exceptions like jessica newberry i'm 100 percent strong supporter and yes i'm a lesbian and yes i have biracial kids go to rome. it's conducive to making money the people want to live all. for free i think he's going to win the presidency or get reelected richard. pryor. support between democrats and republicans is almost an even split in florida the state will be critical if trump hopes to capture the white house again in 2020 i stand before you to officially launch my campaign for
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a 2nd term as president i ended. the campaign's efforts to register independent voters are more sophisticated than a 2016 trumps also counting on his advantage as the incumbent we've really done it and we've rebuilt our military are still in the process we've taken care of our vets we've cut the hell out of regulations you know i've cut more regulations then any president in the history of our country regardless of the leg of their tour the whole show worrying signs like if the election were held today against former democratic vice president joe biden would lose and despite a strong economy trumps approval rating is at just 44 percent much of the country loathes his policies and continues to protest his rallies that is a la the fake news back there that's. trump is also under investigation by democrats energized by their takeover of the house of representatives last year
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. still among trump's supporters none of that seems to matter donald trump is counting on supporting their spouse. and next day is still within 16 months away that's right on the tropics traveling to miami for a high dollar fundraiser the minimum price of admission 1st $100000.00 can really help get houses here are orlando. u.s. police a sees more than $1000000000.00 worth of cocaine from a ship that docked in philadelphia it's a largest drug seizure in a series of raids along the east coast the drugs were stored inside a cargo ship that sails from chile to the u.s. via panama and the bahamas. the canadian government has approved a contentious pipeline expansion project to deliver oil to the pacific coast for shipping overseas it sets the stage for a new legal battles with conservationists and indigenous people people ahead of
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elections later this year the pipeline was 1st supposed in 2016 but a judge ordered the government to take another look after significant opposition. the transmission pipeline has been in operation for more than 65 years we approved the twinning of that pipeline so running a single additional pipe alongside the one that's already there this project has the potential to create thousands of solid middle class jobs for canadians people in b.c. alberta and right across the country would have more opportunities to earn a good living. boris johnson is leading the race within the ruling conservative party to become britain's prime minister the pro breaks a terrorist promising to leave the e.u. in october come what may need frock i reports on the contenders latest t.v. debate raise your hands how to get there is a guarantee really was it was a time to kick off any of voices and opinions but all of these contenders say
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they'll do well the outgoing prime minister fails to do deliver breaks it we got here we can hear you this is the 2nd t.v. debate between leadership hopefuls in 3 days 5 m.p.'s made the latest cut to become britain's next prime minister after a 2nd vote by conservative m.p.'s on tuesday boris johnson 126 leading the pack by a large margin is arch brag city johnson really out of the limelight he was absent from the 1st t.v. debate on sunday preferring to make his debate debut against this pared down group of rivals we must come out on the 31st of october because otherwise i'm afraid we face a catastrophic loss of confidence in politics we've already kicked the can down the road twice and i think the british people are getting thoroughly fed up with johnson's promise to negotiate a new brics a deal.


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