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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 26, 2019 12:00am-1:01am +03

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where am. i in. the. this is al jazeera. hello i'm barbara starr this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london thanks for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes this effort is better referred to as the opportunity of the century jared push their launches america's $50000000000.00 formula for peace in the middle east at a conference in bahrain which has been boycotted by the palestinians president trump warns of overwhelming retaliation to any attack by tehran after his iranian
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counterpart dismisses the latest u.s. sanctions as idiotic. growing anger in the u.s. over the treatment of migrant children after hundreds are found in appalling conditions in texas. and i'm still in doha with all of sport australia have qualified for the cricket world cup semifinals victory over england at lord's sings the minutes of the final 4 and piles the pressure on the hosts. it's been 2 and a half years in the making and it's being billed as the opportunity of the sentry for palestinians the us president's son in law jared kush there has presented the economic portion of america's plan for peace between the palestinians and the israelis at a conference in bahrain it relies on donor nations and investors to contribute
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$50000000000.00 to palestinian territories jordan egypt and lebanon although no one has actually pledged any money yet it aims to create a 1000000 new jobs slash unemployment rates and improve living standards for palestinians within the next 10 years and among 179 proposed infrastructure and business projects. a 5000000000 dollar transport corridor to connect the occupied west bank and gaza but the long awaited proposal as a way to been sharply criticized by palestinians and arabs across the region for not including a political solution roslyn jordan has more business leaders and government officials are in mahna mahna to discuss the us his latest effort to resolve the israeli palestinian conflict a $50000000000.00 economic overhaul for the palestinian people and the region the us president's son in law has been working on this plan which relies on both private and public funding since 2017 this effort is better referred to as the
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opportunity of the century if leadership has the courage to pursue it this is about creating opportunity for the palestinian people this is about creating opportunity for the people throughout the middle east if implemented correctly and competently the economic plan i will go through now will lead to growth and better lives cushion or end other u.s. officials say this could be the solution to decades of war occupation and mistrust the israelis and palestinians disagree they're not at the conference the white house plan ignores a strategy supported for decades by the international diplomatic community negotiated borders and land swaps a guaranteed right of return for palestinian refugees an agreement i'm a legal status of jerusalem and security guarantees for israel even so repeated u.s. brokered talks have not succeeded in 2 states living side by side in security and
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peace by direct message to the palestinian people is that despite what those who have let you down in the past tell you president trump and america have not given up on you this workshop is for you. the vision we developed and released if executed correctly will lead to a better future for the palestinian people a future of dignity prosperity and opportunity is the gathering worth it if only to highlight its importance alternately everything will have to be settled between the israelis and the palestinians but what is important is that this meeting illustrates regional support for dis process in other words the arab states are unified. in their support for. peace plan the israeli palestinian conflict once again is getting attention but it's not clear this latest effort will be the way to peace for the palestinians and the israelis
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rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington as well rami who are a is a professor at the american university of beirut and is palestinian jordanian he joins us live via skype from they would serve thank you so much for joining us here on al-jazeera 1st of all your reaction to at least the economic part of this deal is it really the opportunity of the century for palestinians. you know it's absolutely not and i think that's been made very clear by palestinians and most of the people in the middle east and really most of the sensible people around the world who know and saying that about the middle east it's not a very realistic plan it hasn't been supported. very much at all by people who count in the region and this is a very bizarre attempt by the united states to give the illusion of serious mediation while all of the actions that the united states government has taken in
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the last 2 years of the trumpet ministration have punished the palestinians pressured them. put economic stress on them close political doors to them and then virtually every saying that the israeli right wing government of benjamin netanyahu wants done so it's not a very serious process at all. it obviously hasn't had much support of any really across the region what they've tried to do is to separate the economic part from the political part now the politics of it apparently they would deal with in a couple of months what do you make of that argument is it possible to separate the 2 and doesn't make any sense to deal with the economics before you deal with the very thorny political issues. it doesn't make sense because the economic stress that the palestinians are suffering is largely a function of the political occupation exile and refugee hood
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that they suffer so you have to deal with the 2 things together the attempt to promote economic growth has been tried before by tony blair on the united nations and many others and it just doesn't work because that's not unlike the economic stress is a consequence of political denial you have to address the political side you can address them simultaneously they could have held this workshop and behind in and held the political negotiation in geneva that might have worked palestinians want to live a decent life but they want equal rights so the question or talk today was he was talking about security for the state of israel and dignity for the palestinians well dignity is there is fine but security is what everybody needs statehood security sovereignty and unless those 2 issues are dealt with together there's never going to be any progress and obviously the palestinians have boycotted did
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this means and we saw from both the west bank and guys and gaza you know basically people dismissing any of it where do you think this leaves the palestinians and for any kind of solution to state or not do you think that ultimately the only thing to do is to wait out until this trumpet ministration is no longer in office. that's a short term option the palestinians are in a really difficult situation because not only are they being continually colonized by the israelis and assisted by the americans for instance of the golan heights which is syrian has been found next in israel was long ago and the americans recognize it now as part of israel so the pressures from the israelis and the americans are very intensive but there's also troubling signs that some countries in the gulf like the united arab emirates and saudi arabia and by the end are willing to slowly normalize ties with the israelis and that might weaken some of
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the support that the palestinians need so there's not much the palestinians can do right now they're politically very weak so they have to be steadfast and they have to come up with a better leadership and a unity unified palestinian leadership that can mobilize the enormous support that exists for palestinians equal rights with israelis all around the world and this is something that the palestinian leadership really has to work on it's one of the great internal failings of the palestinians and just to pick up on that last point do you see any sign of that a stronger united palestinian leadership not really they keep talking about it on the other are countries the so it is the qatari is have tried to step in and help the smooth this out with some funding but it hasn't it hasn't worked and so there needs to be some kind of internal change within palestine where maybe grassroots movements or something happens and turnley where the palestinians and unite in one
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government which has always been the case until around 78 years ago or so 10 years ago when the when the split and took over again strip but it will happen eventually but it's there's no immediate signs of it but that doesn't preclude the p.l.o. which still is supposed to represent all postilions from trying to work out some kind of mobilization process for public opinion and political support from all over the world. i mean who are saying today near professor at the american university of beirut us are always great to get your views thank you for joining us thank you. well as we were just discussing there the palestinian authority and its rival have us have united in denouncing the u.s. plan accusing trump of trying to buy them off in return for not having their own state how massa senior political leader dismissed the meeting in bihari as a farce the conference held at the moment in bahrain is a political conference with an economic coverup it is totally
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a political event with the financial and economic camouflage simply for the reason that this conference and the deal called the deal of the century is aimed at achieving the following 1st to lay the foundation for terminating the palestinian cause 2nd giving the green light to the zionist enemy to extend its occupation and control over the entire west bank robertson has more now from gaza city. before judge stood up to deliver his opening remarks a speech had already been started by ishmael honey a the leader of hamas the group that controls gaza he was making a very impassioned speech to a group of palestinian faction leaders here in gaza city and reiterating the point that palestinians have been making ever since details of this plan 1st came out a few days ago that there can be no economic solution to this situation until the political solution is found in his speech he describes the buckling conference as
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having been dead already because it carries the seeds of failure he said that the conference did not dictate the fate of palestinians now there was an interesting side note to this speech because he also held out an offer of unity to the leadership of the fatah political party and the fatah and hamas have been at loggerheads for about 13 years ever since hamas took over gaza but this was highly a saying to the leadership of fatah now is the time to come together now is the time to form some sort of unity government so that we can represent palestinians in the face of this particular deal we are expecting protests to be held in gaza on that whedon stay there is a march that's being arranged to go from the u.n. headquarters here in gaza up to the main square but also later on on wednesday that are expected to be protests at the border with israel and everybody will be watching very carefully to see how israel decides to react to those protests given
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the level of intricacy and comments that have been happening since this conference in back rain began the conference itself is expected to finish at the end of weight in the city but whether or not the fury that is currently felt by palestinians will end then to as yet to be seen. but the blockade of gaza has led to high levels of unemployment and the lack of basic goods and services and many palestinian businesses in the occupied west bank have suffered under israeli occupation but is needed abraham now reports many palestinians say financial incentives alone cannot solve a decades long conflict. israeli restrictions on palestinian businesses are so tight even salt can sift through the only palestinian salt factory is feeling the pinch palestinian businessman who believes his company's problems cannot be solved by economy incentives only the military area so we are restricted in getting any type
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of permits to. expand with existing buildings things that we want is not giveaways but actually business opportunities not only does the company need israeli co-ordination to pump water from the dead sea it also takes him a lot of time and money to export the salt using israeli controlled ports the factory that employs $25.00 workers is the only palestinian owned business on the shores of the dead sea and has hardly changed or been improved since it started in the early 1960 s. owners need israeli permission before they can build any structure in this area sometimes they never get it it took 30 years before the go head was given to. the factories the main source of salt for palestinians including many businesses in the occupied west bank like many other palestinian businesses the owner of this food pickle in business says profits could triple if he had under strict access to land and water as well as free movement of products. israel controls all water
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supplies in the west bank the palestinian water authority estimates the palestinians can only use 15 percent of their water resources israelis use that 85 percent of former economy minister for the palestinian authority and businessman. says that economy prosperity needs to be in parallel with the political process so we don't believe and. we believe in lifting occupation that that means lifting the siege on the west bank. this will give us the space the space to work in a further restriction to cripple the economy the israeli government restricts palestinians from using 60 percent of the land in the west bank to build factories or anything else in. the core of the crisis goes back to the establishment of the palestinian authority gay sions of the people in yaki pide territory has been transferred to the palestinian authority at the same time it inherited
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a weak economy. is or is the tax revenues which it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority is at the heart of the authorities financial crisis that says palestinians coupled with reduced aid from foreign donors as well as the long standing restrictions on businesses further blocks the road to economy progress in . the occupied west bank as the behind conference is getting underway the un agency responsible for palestinian refugees was asking for more than a $1000000000.00 at its annual pledging conference in new york it's been struggling to cope since the white house cut $300000000.00 of funding last year. more now from the u.n. in new york. after the trumpet ministration cut off all funding for the un relief and works agency $42.00 countries stepped up and increased their share of funding it will to make up the shortfall this meeting in part is to remind and should be those donors to ensure that funding continues in 2019 what's fascinating about the
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timing of this is it does happen on the same day as gerard cushion his workshop in bahrain for the financial aspects of his deal of the century and the same arguments that were being used by gerard kirshner for his deal were being used by jason green blatchley trumpet ministration negotiator for ending funding for the un agency that looks after refugees we're doing this for the palestinians the un refugee agency isn't good enough for them we want the palestinians to prosper even though there is a result of that funding shortfall there could be a numerous humanitarian consequences it is also interesting that there is a suspicion here that it is intimately connected to the question of plan that there's a stall in washington perhaps if you end funding for the un refugee agency the relief the refugee agency that works for the palestinians then perhaps you can say there is no longer a refugee problem there's no issue of the right of return and that's very much on the minds you can tell of delegates of this conference that they want to keep the
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funding for the un relief and works agency to make sure that the issue of refugees doesn't disappear that the trump administration got to be saying look now that the unruh has gone maybe there is a refugee problem and we can just move on with the deal of the century coming up on the news hour from london the u.n. says the world there is on course for a climate of high paid where the rich save themselves while the poor bear the brunt this says all 11 republican senators in the u.s. state of oregon though on the run to stop a landmark climate change bill being passed. and the wimbledon champion looks ahead to the defense of his title peter but had that in what he tells in sports. the u.s. president has threatened iran with overwhelming retaliation and obliteration if it attacks anything american don't try made the comment on twitter after the iranian
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president suggested the white house was idiotic for imposing new sanctions on the supreme leader ali how many there are aimed at denying iran's leadership access to financial resources and support but compared to the measures already in place they're likely to have little impact iran's lifeline that's its oil exports were targeted in november last year after washington withdrew from the nuclear deal the sector was worth $50000000000.00 to tehran annually in april last year iran was shipping around $2500000.00 barrels a day but the sanctions have dramatically reduced its oil exports in the 1st 3 weeks of june they were down to just 300000 barrels a day u.s. secretary of state might pump ale says around 80 percent of iran's economy is now under american sanctions but instead of forcing the country to negotiate their own says the new measures new measures could spell a permanent end to diplomacy between the 2 countries same bus driver reports now from tehran. in his 1st public appearance since iran shot down a u.s.
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surveillance drone last week president hassan rouhani did not hold back he said the latest sanctions targeting iran's supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei are the irrational actions of a confused government. they are suffering from mental disability the white house is afflicted by mental retardation and does not know what to do. the supreme leader occupies such a protected position in public life that in iran insulting him is illegal in the u.s. applying pariah status to someone so highly revered has angered leaders into iran your damning a person loses his mind and does something insane and stupid so what they say they will put sanctions on our leaders property but what is our leaders' property a simple house and a ceremony home. iran is under such sweeping sanctions that the latest american move is entirely symbolic but later this week washington has said it will add iran's foreign minister zarif to the sanctions list attacking the country's top
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diplomat is something to her and says permanently closes the path to diplomacy making an enemy go. if you're being honest and want to negotiate why simle teeniest lee do you want to impose sanctions on the foreign minister so it is clear that you are lying as the u.s. continues its pressure campaign russia has vowed to help iran counter new u.s. sanctions here. in the us from say iran has been and remains our ally and partner and we consistently develop our relations both bilateral and multilateral which means any attempt to portray tehran as a main threat to regional security or to bring it into line with isis or other terrorist groups is unacceptable to us. but some u.s. officials remain undeterred the president has held the door open to real negotiations to completely and verifiably eliminated iran's nuclear weapons program
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its pursuit of ballistic missile delivery systems its support for international terrorism and its other malign behavior worldwide. all that iran needs to do is to walk through that open door. on tuesday foreign minister zarif said once again iran's religious views mean it will never pursue a nuclear weapon and he also reminded people that america is the only nation to ever drop nuclear bombs on another country world leaders want cooler heads to prevail and washington keeps saying that it wants to calm things down through dialogue but the decision to sanction iran's supreme leader is something so insulting that for to her on it might make a negotiated solution nearly impossible same bus ravi al-jazeera to her. the acting head of the u.s. customs and border protection agency is to resign from his post next month amid an outcry over the treatment of detained migrant children the relocation of more than $200.00 children from an overcrowded texas center prompted protests on capitol hill
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and more deaths have been reported among migrants held in camps along the us mexico border by can i reports now from washington. protests on capitol hill as public anger mounts at the treatment of immigrant children on the southern border the hardline policies of the trumpet ministration held responsible not housing people you're putting them in cages and the truth is that this is all manufactured that ministration is creating this crisis if they actually put the resources where they could put the resources they can support all these individuals the fraction of the cost the number of children were removed from the spill a tee off to a team of lawyers reported they were being held in appalling conditions and accompanied children as young as 2 were said to be covered in filth sleeping on cold concrete floors with insufficient food and water we cannot wait we cannot wait we've got to keep our eye on the ball which is reforming t.h.'s but we have to meet
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our obligation as human beings and find the needs for the care of these. children president trump has voiced his concern about the situation but denies his administration is responsible claiming the democrats are holding up a bill providing for $4500000000.00 in what is described as humanitarian aid a lot of these young children come from places that you don't even want to know about the way they live the way they've been the way that the poverty and the up and but with that if we can get this bill signed we'll be able to do it we can you know the democrats don't want to say anything this is the latest in a series of reports concerning the mistreatment of migrants attempting to cross the u.s. border 3 months ago these migrants were held to the makeshift camp under the bridge in el paso texas a few weeks ago others held outside in the summer heat without access to basic services the department of health and human services says urgent funding is needed
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to deal with a crisis created by what it calls a broken immigration system the customs and border protection agency is coming under particular attack as the acting commissioner john saunders is expected to step down in coming weeks and in a move that's likely to fuel even greater public concern the agency has confirmed that more than 100 children are being moved back to the facility they were rescued from a few days ago mike hanna al-jazeera washington but they're along as a senior researcher of human rights watch and she was one of the group who saw the conditions in the tension center during a visit last week she joins us live from san francisco madame thank you so much for joining us here on al-jazeera so you went inside firsthand tell us a little bit about the situations that they found and how these children were living. the situation that we found in at the clint border patrol
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station was that all of the so-called unaccompanied children in that region in that area were being concentrated in this one detention center and when we arrived there on monday we got a roster that said there were over $350.00 children in the facility and so we started asking to see children you know we don't have the right to see the facility under the terms of the agreement that we were inside the facility on but we could speak with them so we started calling the young children we started calling children who appeared to have been there for a long time and what we found is that kids were living in overcrowded cells they were eating the same food bland unpalatable unhealthy food every day they were not allowed outside for significant periods of time there was nothing to do no no sort of child friendly activities at all. and they were dirty they didn't have access regular access to showers or toothbrushes they were wearing the same clothes they had been wearing for weeks and then you know most worryingly there was no there
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appeared to be no provisions for childcare you had young kids who were just being taken care of by whatever older. child happened to be in the cell with them including kids as young as 2 or 3 years old which is shocking really because a child that's 2 or 3 you know often they would even be toilet trained then we need adult supervision and colston supervision did you see any sign of that. well. as i said you know we couldn't we don't have. we could i can tell you what i heard and what i heard was no there is no one takes care of you here was the refrain over and over again if you take care of yourself and you can and the other kids are taking care you know older kids are taking care of younger kids changing their diapers helping them eat 114 year old saudi i'm taking care of a 4 year old i help or eat and i tell people who are bothering her to back off same
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with you know 2 year olds and 3 year olds in that situation i just want to say you know we are focused on the facility in clinton texas because that's where our monitoring team went but as of today i understand that there are still according to reporting in a 1000 children up to a 1000 children in border patrol custody and i want to say it's not just the current facility it's the system as a whole where you know as the reporting that played earlier. mentioned there have been serious abuses documented over a period of years having children in border patrol detention for long periods of time or even for periods of days is not appropriate in any circumstance no matter for its client or another station it does seem there does seem to be reaction to it now obviously to what you've found in the articles about it but also there's a claim to going viral a department of justice lawyer effectively arguing that you know kids don't
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necessarily need soap for toothbrushes or toothpaste now in light of all of that do you see this outcry having any kind of impact on the administration to change its policy on this or at least to try to handle the situation better. yeah i very much hope so and i think congress can take action to make things better congress can and not by appropriating more money for what the government what the administration is calling humanitarian funding because the package that they've ministration has put forward is not about humanitarian funding so much is about detaining more people more children in more jails building more tent cities like the ones we've seen along the border pop up and then you know also holding children in former military bases where they'd like to build you know large institutional child detention centers that's not the answer congress can do better or it can it can appropriate money to focus on release and reunification getting children out of
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detention and it can ensure that that separate the children's best interest to terminations and where the children should be for immigration enforcement. as it stands now the administration has been using information gathered during the reunification proceed procedures to arrest deport and detain the family members of unaccompanied children clear along senior researcher a human rights watch and one of the group who managed to speak to some of the children held at the detention center in clinton madame's thank you still to come in this news hour the end of a decade of competing currencies in zimbabwe but we'll tell you why trade unions aren't happy and are planning nationwide protests scuffles break out inside georgia's parliament days after clashes outside the building left more than $200.00 injured and the new company the premier league winner goes into management peter
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has more in sport. hello the damaging thunderstorms have been around in southeast asia in particular in the last week or so are rather less frequent than they were all we have says is now further west you may not see it snow much clout here atoll draggy cross the british isles with this is where the temperatures are increasing it's a point of middle to even high surtees next few days border on here about 36 degrees for wednesday seems extraordinary highs so close to the coast but that's a general area i think france spain lifton's stein let me bits of portugal and search and will see this extreme rise in temperature some that will spread across germany as you see there's a breeze coming into northern germany which tend to cut off any further north with
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movement but it might get to $35.00 which isn't extreme but it is high we are talking about june and paris is that 3 that might be conservative value you have to watch these close these records could well be broken somewhere in france but i get to say same sort of thing has prevailed on those $39.00 down in madrid but there has been a bit of a cooling trend again running through germany and poland with this great a sort of frontal system wrapped around that low just west of moscow and moscow is a 20 degrees and it's raining these green dots able to add 3 thunderstorms that came in southeastern europe. madagascar. a breathtaking tropical paradise. well it's former protectors. are now in its interests. we followed their journey as they put their lives on the line took a. risk and gets on medicare.
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on al-jazeera. we are going to announce the biggest a stab in the monk recipe in decades activists in seats of government we didn't want to be part of this institution and all we really didn't want technologically challenging politics and implementing direct democracy open source code to use the free for one to look we are innovators we are activists we are. talking madrid and i'm just you know. i've. i've.
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welcome back here's a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera senior white house adviser jared kush nor has unveiled the economic part of the u.s. middle east peace plan speaking in bahrain cushion or dubbed the plan the opportunity of the sentry for palestinians and called for $50000000000.00 from investors to make it work the u.s. president has threatened iran with obliteration if it makes any moves against america trump trump's threat came after the iranian president said the latest sanctions against iran were the quote irrational actions of a confused government and there have been protests in washington over the treatment of migrant children detained in texas more than $200.00 were relocated from the overcrowded border facility after they were found to be held in appalling conditions. of palestinians going back to our top story have been protesting against the bahrain conference including in the shitty live refugee camp in lebanon
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where the 1000 palestinian refugees live in the overcrowded urban camp it was established in 1949 after families fled to palestine during the war of independence or the nakba in 1988 zain holder spoke to people there. the children of the $948.00 palestinian refugees now living in lebanon they're taking part in this demonstration to protest the conference taking place in bahrain which is this causing the trumpet ministrations middle east economic police plan people here are angry because they believe the trumpet ministration is pushing for a peaceful settlement that does not involve their right to return these refugees have been living in exile for 17 years now and they believe any solution to the israeli palestinian conflict house to involve the rights to return to life is very difficult here they live in urban camps in very dire conditions and so the feeling
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here or the message from the refugees is that palestine is a not for sale no matter how much money you offer us we are not going to give up our rights to return home i was you know the whole of. the deal of the century in the rejection to the buffering summit eccles the thoughts of every palestinian around the world we stand behind the palestinian national leadership and its decisions we say no to the deal of the century palestine will not be sold we cling to our right of return to palestine we claim to the land of our ancestors this is our right till the end of time when. the deal of the century is not new for the palestinians are 5 who continue whether they agree or not we don't care about what's happening we have men and refugees in europe and all around the world and they will never let go of palestine everything that's happening now is nonsense our weapons are pointed at the zionist enemy and palestinians feel the united states is
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not an honest broker and they believe that its alliance with israel means that any settlement that they propose will be tilted in favor of the israelis and the question they ask here is that if they care so much about our economic conditions then why don't they live to see. on gaza and why did. the united nations relief and works agency which is the only organization providing help to these people living on the host country is also not attending the conference in solidarity with the palestinians lebanese officials fear that the deal of the century of the so-called deal of the century will involve naturalizing and resettling palestinian refugees in the host country something that this country says it will not accept. in the heart of reporting there the world food program says yemen's who the rebels have blocked of food shipments intended to reach at least 100000 families the u.n. agency is in talks with the group after accusing it of diverting food away from
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those who need it and partially suspending its aid program last week the war in yemen has pushed millions to the brink of starvation more than 10000000 people there rely on world food program aid every month. egyptian police have arrested 8 people in connection with the 2011 uprising and for their alleged ties to the muslim brotherhood in what amnesty international have called a chilling wave of arbitrary arrests they include the human rights lawyer. journalists and activists there accused of plotting protests to mark the upcoming anniversary of the military coup which overthrew the elected president mohamed morsi he died last week after collapsing in court. the state funeral for the head of its military who was killed by his own bodyguard as part of a coup attempt on saturday the prime minister joined thousands of mourners at the service in addis ababa the military chief and 4 other senior officials were killed
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while a failed rebellion was underway in the northern region. zimbabwe has banned the use of multiple currencies ending a decade of using the us dollar south african rand and the british pound president . a call the reintroduction of zimbabwe's dollar as the sole legal tender as a return to normalcy but trade unions aren't happy and are threatening nationwide protests as more now from. zimbabwe's government says the batting the foreign currencies will stop the black market. inflation until a new local currency is introduced the government has made the temporary. the only legal tender some might say using multiple cards was not sustainable business is. limited foreign countries for the imports and not to pay the salaries of local employees.
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including. richard. richard. this is the shift. to be sustained. for the. zimbabwe stopped using its own dollar more than a decade ago after the hyperinflation exists of printing and shortages people can still keep foreign currency but they must change it to local money before purchasing goods. last. 50 years. too often the stuff used to sit in a physical store people with it you know are used to us laws that are more stable they tend to become what you could call them it's addicted to divorce doodlebugs and so it's going to take a long time for people to fully trust the difference to be in the hands of other
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economists disagree big he's moved into the room he's reached out to alternative current still pretty easy to cheat because that right now the region may not help or trouble managing one of the regional banks could not control the money supply could be coming because he is not all in power and this gives him an opportunity to return the money supply and actually begin to redirect money to productive between the judge and the conservative it's region which is the problem our. union leaders are against the ban on using foreign currencies if the government does not reverse this reunites police immediately and are now wants us to last a lot of payments we will immediately mobilize way cause for my section monetary policy changes often need to uncertainty in zimbabwe this latest one is no different all most people can do is wait and see how the markets react how al-jazeera. in georgia scuffles
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a broken out between lawmakers inside parliament and the latest bout of unrest after hundreds were injured at an opposition rally last week politicians clashed with each other after georgia's ruling dream party refused to discuss calls for the interior minister ga ga caria to step down demonstrators blame him for the violence dispersal of last thursday's rally. the french authorities have introduced safety measures as temperatures rise in a europe wide heatwave the alert level in paris has been raised to orange as temperatures in the city climb above 30 degrees celsius cool rooms that been set up for the elderly and charity organizations have started patrols providing water to homeless people nearly 15000 people died in france during the hot summer of 2003 forcing supermarkets at the time to be used as more chilies for meanwhile the u.n. says the world is on course for a climate apart hate where the rich buy their way out of the effects of global
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warming while the poor bear the brunt in a new report that says corporations cannot be relied on to look after the poor and climate change threatens to cancel 50 years of progress in poverty reduction the un special rapporteur on extreme poverty that's philip alston warns that even in the best case scenario hundreds of millions will face food insecurity forced migration disease and death. what the problem is that if there is going to be any. revenge or if they will have a warning we need to be undertaking dramatically measures now all the sort of things that have been doing in most countries not doing currently. and think in terms of the scale of the need politicians are not focused on what needs to be done and not focused on the extent of the challenge or the change that
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needs to be brought we asked almost sleep or going into a climate change horror story. also more about this now with ashfaq he's the law and policy program director of amnesty international and works on their climate advocacy thank you so much for joining us here thanks on al-jazeera i mean obviously it sounds horrific just explain to us in your view what this climate apartheid looks like right well actually i think philip alston is right and wrong to use that analogy to south africa is right in that if you look at what a country like pakistan. about 1200 people died from a heatwave in 2015 this is a country that is facing the 7th highest impacts from climate change but contributed one percent of global greenhouse gas emissions to look at mozambique where earlier this year 5000000 people were affected through the loss of schools
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hospitals' about a 1000 people died due to the floods there. the impacts are much worse in the global south the countries that have done very little to contribute to the problem . and if you look at the economic data there was a study came out early this year that showed that the warmer countries in the world i should benefited from from a little colder countries in the excuse me close with the cold countries that benefited from global warming whereas the the the warm ones have have have been hit hardest of mauritania's g.d.p. per capita is lower by 40 percent because of this i suppose even countries that sing europe because that's what we're speaking we're just using the example of france i mean obviously you know many people died there as well which is obviously a tragedy but it's for a shorter period of time and it doesn't create a long term impact for the population whereas in other parts of the world we're looking at mass migration as well unless absolutely we are in the disk the scale is huge but i mean and this is where the thing you mentioned most of you mentioned
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pakistan where else specific india. massive you know heat wave and an impending income low blow them 30. obviously you know all about the small island states that are all going to be facing sinking but where i think alston is actually wrong is that a part of south africa isn't the best comparison a better comparison actually the titanic if you're a 1st class passenger on the titanic your your chances of survival are twice that of anyone else but you but it still was the case that a 3rd of the passengers on the titanic died with. climate change we don't know the extent of the problem it could be it could be horrific it could be actually much worse than what all some has said you know massive conflict societal collapse even if you are a privileged upper class. and you it will be a very uncomfortable situation and yet in light of all of that it's proving incredibly difficult to get some kind of global agreement on a proper enforceable reduction of carbon emissions so if all the countries in the
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world or certainly that the key polluting countries in the world are failing to do this i mean realistically there's ever going to be a fair system whereby a lot of the countries that will be worse stayed on the permanent in a permanent way will get some kind of assistance it will it will happen when countries around the world realize that there is no alternative to to doing that i mean the emissions need to be reduced by half below billy by 2030 and with 2 thirds of the missions now coming from the south it will not happen unless they're a year also asking store the global north say the industrialized countries to help the countries that will be affected it cannot happen unless they do that and so it's a matter of. it's a matter of survival for everybody i mean climate change has made has created us in a global village we now need to start acting like global village. here's hoping how
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shaq a cow fund director law and policy program for amnesty international thank you so much for having joined us thank you. now 11 republican senators in the u.s. state of our. again have refused to turn up to work for a 6th day in order to avoid voting on landmark climate change legislation state gov kate brown deployed a police to find the republicans last week but many have fled the state the proposed legislation would dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in oregon by 2050 and require businesses to buy or trade pollution allowances republicans though believe the bill would affect their rural voters and damage energy intensive industries 5 invent endangered eastern black rhinos have arrived in rwanda after a 30 hour 6000 kilometer journey from a safari park in the czech republic the relocation of the 3 female and 2 male rhinos was part of a years long project to return the animals to their natural habitat the herd are
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expected to remain at the active gera national park until they're ready for life in the wild after decades of poaching fewer than 1000 eastern black rhinos remain in africa. still ahead in the news hour the world's top players gear up for wimbledon will have action from the warm up events in sports class. to. the nation's space age structured blasts off with 24 satellites on board and the ashes of 152 people. business updates brought to you by qatar airways going places to get the.
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business updates brought to you by qatar airways going places together.
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welcome back and now it's time to cross to please her. barbara thank you australia are the 1st side to qualify for the cricket world cup semifinals and their victory over england has put the hosts and the huge pressure at their own tournament australia made a strong start had loads and never looked back david all over the mark of $5031.00 is the leading run scorer this tournament but aaron finch is just 4 runs behind him australia skipper hit $100.00 here as they posted a total of 285 to 7 in the 50 overs. england were in trouble from the 2nd ball of their reply when jason baron doff bowled a james don't want to take a 5 wicket haul and the wickets kept coming a great catch by pat cummins the end of captain owen morgan one of 4 victims of mitchell starc only ben stokes put up any real resistance with $89.00 but england struggled to get partnerships together in the end they fell $64.00 runs short
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a 3rd defeat of the group stage for the hosts has left them in big trouble. so australia's 6th win in 7 games guarantees them a top 4 finish semifinal place england remain 4th in the table but bangladesh sri lanka and pakistan below them all have a chance of overhauling them and getting into the knockout stage italy continued to enjoy their 1st women's world cup for 20 years and or into the quarter finals they were 2 no winners over china in the last 16 tire valentino. and their daughter girlie scoring the goals the last time italy reached this stage was in 1901 it was late drama as the netherlands beat the 2011 champions japan leka martin's last minute penalty clinched a $21.00 victory for the dutch japan made to pay after failing to take their chances the netherlands who are the current european champions qualifying for the quarter finals for the 1st stone. so here's how the last 8 stage of the terminal
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lines up on thursday night no way will take on england friday evening it's the most anticipated match so far as the hosts france go up against the holders the united states of america the round concludes on saturday with italy against the netherlands followed by germany versus sweden. after a chaotic build up which included a pay dispute settlement defending champions cameroon have made a winning start of the africa cup of nations they were $2.00 no winners over guinea-bissau with goals from ja banana and stephan bokken camerons players were a day late arriving in egypt for the tournament while a bonus of $35000.00 per player was negotiated of that happening manchester city to the premier league title than some companies it sees more than ready for the next chapter of his career he's been introduced at anderlecht as the club's new player manager company returns to the belgian side where he began his career he
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believes his experiences in and out of football will help him in his new role of being a player manager for most of my career people to know i just be managing of the stuff now i get to manage something related to football which just happens to know to be something i know more of than the other stuff i was managing so in reality you know it's. just same old same old a conservative christian group a set up a fresh fund raising drive for australia's rugby star israel folau a day after the go fund me website shut down he's page on the site it's raised $1000000.00 australian dollars in less than a day for now is trying to raise $3000000.00 to fund a legal fight against rugby australia who set him for a social media post attacking gay people he and his backers argue he sacking was an act of religious discrimination. we believe that this is a principle is a principle in this case that's relevant to all australians it's that freedom to be
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able to live freely expressing yourself without facing you know the cricket bat of political correctness getting you out of your career and spilling your job and telling you to go to the margins of society will move only is less than a week away on the top players are making their final grass called preparations in england defending champion oh that joke of it was a straight sets win to close the on got at the exhibition eventing buckinghamshire is one of them victory last year started an incredible run of form and success for the world but. things change you know when you win a grand slam regardless of your ranking just facts your life your confidence and the way you feel on the court so that mental argument that it was. afterwards right for the last 12 months or. less 2 to be number one in when 3 out of 4 slams so i mean for me i'm playing really good tennis wimbledon is defending women's
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champion and julie of germany came through a student test to reach the quarter finals of the school international events she beat australia same story in straights. and that's where we'll leave it for now most for coming up again later barbara peter thank you so much thanks now it's being described as the most powerful launch vehicle in the world has voyage to into space 3. yes space x. launched its falcon heavy rocket from the kennedy space center in the united states among the cargo or 24 satellites and the cremated remains of 152 people who wanted their ashes to remain in the earth's orbit the launch as part of space x.'s grand ambition to bring down the cost of space travel. the u.n. right is a space analyst he says the launch marks a major unfound spent in space technology well this really was a spectacular launch as we just saw they turned night into day at the kennedy space
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center it's been compared to the final launch in the apollo moon landing program which did something similar and so this rocket is very very big they've combined tree of their smaller rockets to produce what they call the south can heavy capable of loft. military satellites among other things into earth orbit on this occasion as you said they put into orbit about 24 satellites these are mostly military satellites designed to experiment in for new uses of outer space and how to project american military assets in orbit and. that is it for they say means our do stay with us them going to be back in just a few minutes with more of the goals thanks for watching.
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in news year new immigration laws and projects funded by european governments have seen a rapid decline in the migrant transport trades people in power travels to agadez to explore the realities faced by the drivers left out of pocket and the migrants who are choosing to return home who would like to go back to the country where they are from you know it is going to get more going on one bottle and when i got one i'm told that yeah. europe migration on
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a 0. the countdown to the 2020 us democratic primaries has begun the 1st televised debate sees candidates go head to head to define themselves on the issues from climate change to foreign policy john is in miami on june the 26th and 27th for the 1st u.s. democratic debate on al-jazeera. from cutting edge medical technology toxic venom could be a vast resource for the development of lifesaving drugs to advances in the most difficult regions of the world. against scott because they have the worst kittens in the new home upside. down an innovative solutions to global health care problems if you will to make a difference and maybe out of all these words get it sure of this all the cure on al-jazeera. we understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the wound. so no matter where you call home
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al-jazeera international bringing the news and current of families that matter to you. al-jazeera. this effort is better referred to as the opportunity of the century jared kush near launches america's $50000000000.00 formula for peace in the middle east at a conference in bahrain boycotted by the palestinians. hello i'm barbara starr you're watching out as they are alive but also coming up on the program president trump warns of overwhelming retaliation to any attack by tehran after his a rainy and counterpart to the space is the latest u.s. sanctions as a deal like.


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