tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera June 26, 2019 11:00am-11:34am +03
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we can't see them yet but there are plenty of signs all around of of trouble brewing. i think there is no doubt that we are going into another crisis of a greater stability than we have just been through. i can't predict what the instruments are going to be i can't predict the specifics but i know it will be driven by greed and misbehavior has no consequence we have shown that. we the public and decision makers. basically haven't learned because we never so much understood the crisis of the bankers have learned the lessons. and the lesson was this is wheat. this is perfect this is a sure thing i will be fabulously wealthy and i will not pay any price for it
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thank you lord. however the hottest places in the world at the moment are southwest around the iraqi plane and q 800 around the 49 to 50 mark it's not a typical course a good bit above 50 we start to head towards record breaking territories otherwise nothing much is happening a dusty breeze every now again some showers still up in the attash can't one of 2 in the halls and turkey around the southern caucasus aleppo's up to 14 berets to 30 mark baghdad's $47.00 will probably start to try and rise in next day or so and that hot air is drifting down in the breeze towards q 8 dusty but not particularly
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dusty and the hot air and still dry air is heading down towards bahrain and counts i was 40 one's a max a hint maybe of more humidity in the air but it's generally dry struck the regen peninsula even 30 the tide is not reliably in just yet science of all the action which is around the equator we're back to the dry bit of africa now and apart from the coast to right now has been some disappointing coastal road i say disappointing because it's just cold and grey and the possibility around it but apart from that in lands looking fine a mostly sunny temps in the high teens or low twenty's cold at night of course but the sun returns to durban reliably on thursday.
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news is happening faster than ever before from different places from different people and you need to be backed you need to be able to reach people wherever they are and that means being across all social media platforms this is where our audience lives as well as in front of a t.v. they're on their smartphone they're on the tablet they're on the computer. and that's the way al-jazeera is of all into the true media network.
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agreeing on an economic pathway forward is a necessary precondition to resolving what is a previously unsolvable political situation. it's an investment that will lead to stability in the middle east but palestinians aren't buying it. hello it's a whole robin you're watching al-jazeera life my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 30 minutes president trump of ours to veto or for the half 1000000000 dollar bill passed by the house to keep migrants detained at the border . also activists in hong kong continue to pressure the government over a controversial extradition bill. and we look at why it's getting harder to see insects that could threaten the entire planet.
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could have you with us welcome to the program the u.s. president's long awaited middle east peace plans been met with derision and anger from palestinians the 1st economic part of the plans being rolled out in bahrain's capital white house advisor john cushions calling it the opportunity of the century for palestinians and says there are exceptions is a precondition for peace but his role in jordan recalls washington d.c. palestinian leaders weren't at the meeting. shows that their business leaders and government officials are in mahna mahna to discuss the us his latest effort to resolve the israeli palestinian conflict a $50000000000.00 economic overhaul for the palestinian people and the region the us president's son in law has been working on this plan which relies on both private and public funding since 2017 this effort is better refer to as the opportunity of the century if leadership has the courage to pursue it this is about
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creating opportunity for the palestinian people this is about creating opportunity for the people throughout the middle east if implemented correctly and competently the economic plan i will go through now will lead to growth and better lives cushion or end other u.s. officials say this could be the solution to decades of war occupation and mistrust the palestinians disagree they're not at the conference the white house plan ignores a strategy supported for decades by the international diplomatic community negotiated borders and land swaps a guaranteed right of return for palestinian refugees an agreement i'm a legal status of jerusalem and security guarantees for israel even so repeated u.s. brokered talks have not succeeded in 2 states living side by side in security and peace by direct message to the palestinian people is that despite what those who
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have let you down in the past tell you president trump and america have not given up on you. this workshop is for you the vision we developed and released if executed correctly will lead to a better future for the palestinian people a future of dignity prosperity and opportunity is the gathering worth it if only to highlight it's important ultimately everything will have to be settled between the israelis and the palestinians but what is important is that this meeting illustrates regional support for desk process in other words the arab states are now unified. in their support for the. peace plan the israeli palestinian conflict once again is getting attention but it's not clear this latest effort will be the way to peace for the palestinians and the israelis rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington struck the palestinian authority and its rival
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hamas have both denounced the plan accusing president trump of trying to eliminate the palestinian cause. the conference held at the moment in bahrain is a political conference with an economic coverup it is totally a political event with the financial and economic camouflage simply for the reason that this conference and the deal called the deal of the century is aimed at achieving the following 1st to lay the foundation for terminating the palestinian cause 2nd giving the green light to the zionist enemy to extend its occupation and control over the entire west bank. well day 2 of the conference is now underway on the head of the international monetary fund says any solution must focus on creating jobs for palestinians. what is high and awfully would be low is unemployment where we have 30 percent unemployment in the west bank and about 50 percent unemployment in gaza and the background of that which i think is critical
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for what the plan is pursuing is the working population you have a very very. quickly growing population about 5 millions at the moment between the 2. territories probably going to double from 5 to 10 millions in 2050 that's the estimate and in 203060 percent of the population will be working age which is great and bad great if the jobs are there difficult if there is no climate nor can patient for those young people coming through the market will bear the smith is our correspondent following events for us in west jerusalem bernard we know it's not the unity to talk for talking saying but no one really is addressing the fundamental point that there is a lack of senior palestinian and israeli officials really to give the conference room the proposals that the cushion or wants the credibility that he wants for this
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particular event. i think we certainly understand that initially the hope was by john cushion of the white house that there would be israeli officials at this conference but pressure from the palestinian leadership on arab states and gulf states that they then put on the white house stop those israelis being invited to the palestinians pleased in a way that that didn't happen but of course palestinians not pleased at all the conference is going ahead who sums on lot of senior palestinian official he's a centrally set up to day one he said look the idea is that this is a real estate deal with israel getting the property and the palestinians getting the cash but the problem is that palestine is not for sale but what the americans are trying to do this is essentially an israeli idea which is to make peace with the rest of the arab world 1st and then solve the palestinian issue with israel
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rather than the other way round which has been for israel to 1st reach an agreement or deal with the palestinians and then get peace with the rest of the arab world this is the israelis would prefer the former the palestinians the latter because otherwise it takes a lot of leverage away from them so indeed of course i suppose the long term aim that of this conference if if well what is the long term aim of the conference if the political part of the deal of the century as it's been described won't be released until after the israeli general election in september i mean the tables could be turned totally couldn't they really depending on the political landscape of what happens in tel aviv and across the country. well it is that idea that you can present the palestinians with this this idea that $50000000000.00 in pledges could be made to revitalize the com their economy and nobody's disputing the fact that the economies in the west bank and gaza gars
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especially are in desperate circumstances and desperately in need of investment of course while they're hoping for $50000000000.00 in pledges pledges is one thing the actual cash turning up is another so that's one of the other issues with this cash ever come forward in the 1st place but again i say the very least the minor success of the white house might attach this conference is that you have publicly meeting in a gulf arab country israeli businessman and politicians from the gulf and the arab world now that have been for many many years but channel meetings out of the out of the public eye but this is the 1st time in public in the same conference in the same space that you have these 2 groups israelis and arabs meeting together that's very very unusual and that is something that the white house might at least take away from this that it will leave it there for now of course follow developments there at the conference through the day with the thank you. well as the boring
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conference got underway the u.n. agency responsible for palestinian refugees was asking for more than a $1000000000.00 at its annual pledging conference in new york donors close to $113000000.00 which the agency says is welcome but falls short of alleviating a crisis caused by the wind has cutting funding last year she returns and has more from the u.n. . after the trumpet ministration cut off all funding for the un relief and works agency $42.00 countries stepped up and increased their share of funding in order to make up the shortfall this meeting in part is to remind and should be those donors to ensure that funding continues in 2019 what's fascinating about the timing of this is it does happen on the same day as gerard cushion his workshop in bahrain for the financial aspects of his deal of the century and the same arguments that were being used by gerard kirshner for his deal were being used by jason green
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blatt the trumpet ministration negotiator for ending funding for the un agency that looks after refugees we're doing this for the palestinians the un refugee agency isn't good enough for them we want the palestinians to prosper even though as a result of that funding shortfall there could be enormous humanitarian consequences it is also interesting that there is a suspicion here that it is intimately connected to the question a plan that there's a thought in washington perhaps that if you end funding for the u.n. refugee agency the relief the refugee agency that works for the palestinians then perhaps you can say there is no longer a refugee problem there's no issue of the right of return and that's very much on the minds you can tell of delegates of this conference that they want to keep the funding for the u.n. relief and works agency to make sure that the issue of refugees doesn't disappear that the trump administration can't simply say look now that the unruh has gone maybe there is no refugee problem and we can just move on with the deal of the century called saudi military officials say they've intercepted and destroyed
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a huge the drone targeting homes in the south of the country the drone was brought down near the residential area of the shade which is also home to a military base it's the latest in a series of attacks on the airports and infrastructure. a photograph of a father and daughter who drowned in a river on the us mexico border is highlighting the dangers migrants face trying to enter the united states we do warn you that you may find the following images disturbing scarborough martin is near theirs and is 23 month old daughter livia from el salvador died last weekend the photographer says the father tried to cross with the area on his back while his wife returned to the mexican shoreline but he became tired and the pair were swept away by the current their bodies were recovered on monday. the u.s. house of representatives of that proved a $4500000000.00 aid package to help asylum seekers coming across the mexican
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border the bill includes money to help shelter and feed migrants in custody and improve standards for their care trying to veto the new legislation that comes out as the acting head of the u.s. border protection agency announced its richard resignation and more than 100 migrant children have been returned to an already overcrowded detention center in texas despite reports of appalling conditions lawyers who inspected the facility say children didn't have access to so toothbrushes and haven't showered since they crossed the border about 250 children were moved away from the facility on the outskirts of el paso a few days ago cover along is a senior researcher at human rights watch last week she visited that texas dissention center where hundreds of children have been held. situation that we found in at the clint border patrol station was that all of the so-called unaccompanied children in that region in that area were being concentrated in this one detention center and when we arrived there we got
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a roster that said there were over 350 children in the facility and so we started asking to see children you know we don't have the right to see the facility under the terms of the agreement that we were inside the facility on but we could speak with them so we started calling the young children we started calling children who appeared to have been there for a long time and what we found is that kids were living in overcrowded cells they were eating the same food they were not allowed outside for significant periods of time there was nothing to do no no sort of child friendly activities at all. and they were dirty they didn't have access regular access to showers or toothbrushes they were wearing the same clothes they had been waiting for weeks and then you know most worryingly there was no there appeared to be no provisions for childcare . well still ahead here on al-jazeera the films they have murdered saudi journalists demands the u.n. take action on a recent report about his death that story after the break. how
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the damaging thunderstorms have been around in southeast asia in particular in the last week or so are rather less frequent than they were all we have says is now further west you may not see it it's not washed out here atoll draggy cross the british isles with this is where the temperatures are increasing it's a point of middle to even high surtees the next few days of border on here in about 36 degrees for wednesday seems extraordinary highs so close to the coast but that's a general area i think france spain lift and stein let me bits of portugal and such so we'll see this extreme rise in temperature some of it will spread across germany because you see there's a breeze coming into northern germany which tend to cut off any further north with movement but it might get to 35 which isn't extreme but it is high we are talking
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about you know paris is that 3 that might be conservative value you have to watch these close yes records could well be broken somewhere in france doesn't get to say same sort of figures prevailed on those 39 down in madrid but there has been a bit of a cooling trend again running through germany and poland with this great a sort of frontal system wrapped around that low just west of moscow and moscow is a 20 degrees and it's raining these green dots able to that 3 thunderstorms that came in southeastern europe. madagascar. a breathtaking tropical paradise.
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