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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2019 5:00am-6:01am +03

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this from the classroom to keep you. on the dishes you saw in the songs. i was. thinking. that spoke and security said yes. he was. going to see you that's. my job was to get his own back and. was ok i am a lover that's because you know what i. make but if i didn't see their duty to believe . 2 it and. many of them enemy i think ready i have a dozen i don't know quite yet that many get that i may be stupid to stuff that the make up to be. not but. thank.
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goodness i got to the middle bit back and they're coming up here but that wasn't as good back get them back up. there back when i looked at that i didn't remember that it does i've read about yelp that way the fact that the new banana leaf over just did that i have bottled it take care take it take a bit more to do it any maybe my neck right now knowing that they're ok if we get bigoted model. and you know but. looking back i'm seen as
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a young girl. is the 1st photo she's ever owned of herself now. but the fun of attacks. it was early in the evening when ben most men broke down the door. in 2008 jimmy our 1st meeting. tells us what happened that night 6 years ago. on a cattle man and. run to an engine at. night i mean. well i'm from riding on a mission. you know and that should be you know young and budget you need to. run wrestling and i don't. like you to downwind meaning you swim beat us how to shoot. a scene and i was it was just so i don't. i don't. think they dumped me
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or in some sense and seem to water some names. and. i like it. that's awful. i think if i get more kids should i michel those who are. a kid could. see it. coming in sort of logical and i do and above all by dumping. things. i did it. was a little bit. like that i thought about going to bed but with that. said
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a 1000 off that i'm not going to have any. you can let me tell you i don't know. how much i like a minute and. i guess. instead they say our love for me and scrambling and and on top when they all move when a new skill and let alone a washing of homes in limon of seeing what was going to. get me know i want it in the last year or a night in the in the good and me i'm out of bounds i don't smoke i'm a definitely not less than kind of a low score but it can seem on some up swim. in the night because i again i mean. i was on the scene and i know he must not be done now but i'm going to get i mean that i won him by one point at. the house right now like santa i want i had been
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i was phantom when i was released on a home listening and when i think i'm home and never do you know i meant that. i was thinking moon. when you do my. own steam leave. you to move on. to new name i mean come on man and do not know the show no member on a bunch of their division. that's a great. many you know what i am all high i mean you know are getting 100 on the moon. and indeed defeated. and that would have needed a wait. and i shift the theme from. a
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lot of who actually knows and want to think that when chandra levy was. on that. yeah must push me a little political i mean some women i don't know. who she for most humans will go. from good fortune to the cool dad. in the rodeo so. it's just.
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that. my. own food.
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the youngest face depicted in the book. and lets photo of her as a child he says when it happened it was dog i heard gunshots and screaming then a bullet struck me in the leg. there are. also some of them but one couple for picking up a fallen. a bit difficult when you go. in with your own tough on the bullet. to put stuff from if that's what.
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any continued to pose and. it took until the spring of 2012 to get all the documents together. all that flew to germany to have any operators on. whether the pain would ever let the child goes on clear said the dog has a balance charité hospital because pain ingrained itself in the brain. for the long day she spent in hospital the nurses gave arlette a camera. on the window panes the home sick child left opaque traces of hours spent standing by the window looking out into the alien environment. returned home with
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a pain free me. i've. hair . oh cool. i
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think. he. was the. first the limb that a victim. the messiah of it you. seem to have. misinformed the police because don't come on think of it not to propagate as us knew them as specifically or not i mean that is just. enormous and fucking a point that is not common often want to push it not a moment don't want to read and you did not know man. a school for my opponent is just. as an issue of vision the movie listening to that much as at the moment because it was only good to from now. on the open door policy last if anyone. should enter vote and elected from city to live it did
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not put an evil. compound of says all symbols of forest. suppose like other tippi mess was a beauty of punk a change of which you need us to tell you suppose that project from a stronger ship a puppet of one is the sum of one. sinfulness one on one with him $0.06 some people can confirm the game set in an open ended to monte. word of an exercise book of photographs some witness statements is heard on the other side of the the accused. the international criminal court in the hague believes the document holds great strength of evidence in the case against the congolese rebel leader jumping. the i.c.c. sends his staff member jamal to bangui he has to bring the book to safety. jamal works for the evidence unit and must not be recognised here ange is
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a discreet handover with burna dead. and. 2 that very same evening the book is on his way to your. in a rucksack chained to his wrist jamal carries the book into the vote of the international criminal court in the hay. was. a one. way.
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c. half a year later we returned to bangui. new tenants have moved into the small back yard where the book was once created. all the remains of the victim self-help organization are pieces of a signboard. what has become of been a dead saying the president of the association. searching for clues.
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where will the small timid boy in a dark men suit and oversized trousers lead us. an african career than it did so has become the minister of tourism president office had this office in exchange she had to give up her commitment to the victims' rights just one. more a son matt. i don't tell you that i bond with me and remember. that what he did to son is best for them i'm not going to be. in the house it will
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face an issue. that's a sunday just this song. that young when. we get it. in the pictures would have been replaced. there won't be any tourism or safaris anymore. the frame will hold the poor trait of the next pooches. and. she will disappear on the frayed edge of history and so will the donation funds of the victims organization. selfless act human bravery 10000 precious pieces of literature rescued
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from being. besieged sorry. it's the bosnian women and men who risked everything to save their rights and heritage. the love of books on al-jazeera. there is growing in a very short time to be a trusted news source wherever you are in the world he really want to know what's going on there and you can find out very quickly we don't look at the news some nations prison. we are probably international everybody will learn something watching our coverage. be showing that we can be the best international news and mistrust and source of stories that people actually can't find elsewhere and that's going to continue. in the year 1271 i can tell you to set out on an extraordinary journey carrying letters from the great kubelik on
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marco polo travelled through. following dangerous votes from the holy land and beyond today chasing the shadow. of a struggle trying to divine what searching questions about the relationship between east and west has changed. marco polo on al-jazeera. hello i'm now in 10 and under the top stories on all jazeera we start in libya where forces allied to libya's u.n. recognized government say they've retaken the town of gharyan 80 kilometers south of the capital tripoli from forces loyal to the warlord busy holly for have to. it's a major setback for have to his campaign to take tripoli which began almost 12 weeks
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ago gharyan was his major forward base just a couple of hours drive down a main road to the capital after tax and unofficial rival government based in the eastern city of to brooke after claims he still has control of gharyan the u.n. special investigator and yes kalama has called for a criminal inquiry into saudi arabia's crown prince and one of his main advises over the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi she's delivered her final report on his killing it found saudi arabia responsible and she says there are legal grounds to launch an international inquiry to show she was killed inside the kingdom's consulate in istanbul last october. excellences state trust sponsibility begs a question as to whom is or to metra be liable for skilling the inquiry was a human rights inquiry not a criminal investigation it does nevertheless found credible evidence yron teen
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further investigation of a high level saudi or few shorts individual liability including that of the crown prince of saudi arabia and obvious key advisor saudi. palestinians have rejected the u.s. administration's $50000000000.00 economic proposal for peace in the middle east a plan was unveiled by a senior white house advisor jared kirshner at a conference in bahrain on tuesday thousands of palestinians marched in protest in gaza and the occupied west bank they say they will not trade their rights for money a german charity ship carrying 42 people rescued from the mediterranean 2 weeks ago has entered italian waters captain of sea watch 3 said they decided to sail towards the island of lampedusa because the situation on board was so desperate it is interior minister mateo so is barred the ship from its waters saying it would be seized. probably back with
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a full news out right after the 2nd half of witness which is next meantime our website out there dot com by fire.
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world are areas where we were touring. we hear from the north of the central african republic he recounts his observations concerning a new muslim rebellion. that has broken out it's spreading across the country. he writes at 1st there were very few but more supporters of jumping on the bandwagon with every mile. leaving behind a swathe of destruction. on route we saw hardly any campfires not
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a good sign he writes in time strips of land of depopulated the rebels for a cause i could say to the famine one has to worry that the people will not eat the seeds because no one believes in the harvest and. this morning the 1st date supplies arrive the best option for anyone suffering from hunger is to move towards conflict areas it's easy to survive. to my. room and within anything we can get pathetic he demagogic what he dug out by you see what a bottom i've got you to wasn't going to see very much could you believe. use a jab like you know you need it in a guess you know they deny any additional dignity. i do know as i didn't because i said i got guys that are less i think i got good somebody i like and you tell i'll
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give you the. c.b. to parties i was going to get abit more but you'll tell me. if you saw going out to guy. you know i go walk. out of there to never a mom you were going to use up on and didn't is up oh come on a diggin it. you want to go to. me the bus i'll go through shawnee 2nd i'm going to talk to you about but i'm going to get in one of these on and you got to go but i want to be you better. go. they're going to have a model as a. sort of fog but what she giggled when a saw that came but that was saying well done and. there was a particularly in. here that was a little rough you know with the mother but the minute. it's.
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a lot of places i think the. mother had the better stuff. you know no more where should include a washer to a number or her model of the who was who to whom a good 100 who thought it was you but you. do need among the hallmark of my dismal on nothing more than i thought a modern medical help with a little bit off you couldn't when i had him on law you know how the whole mobile home that of me feeling the letters that were involved in that got a little bit of a lot of them will go on for me some of it is either not a mother not a you also use in terms of primal development little more you see them sort of build models and. i didn't show who said what to do if you didn't believe that i've said to come by
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the 7th day i'm dressed out for the con the silver there mindedly that's behind as i said roughly no 6 to say the mind of the fleet on a ship that was into. mission and got a bottle. we should think about going to the skies here and nasa sold a new one on top of the. book on and sold you know the political how to ship then you know i didn't get in a minivan in the u.k. and i'm already up and going to protect. his job and i know that the mine didn't let even in chicago that in 52 did it feel. not mine none of. us who could have lived. to pick a holiday this year if. these
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are the kind of the i want to share with you don't you don't you initialed you need nor want to get screwed but i will give you sessions and f.s.f. weekend and morning that. are sick.
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as i'm stuck home when it. everybody. he sees you know he's on. he's on to this message to plymouth like you please not. to new designs was enough. reason to decide they do to new. position to see the good but it goes on to do give it up who are you to see the good. will fail. if we leave. to a place that they seek. with every plant. you opinion it's a lot of. good. new pilot.
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in the early hours of march 24th 2013 muslim silicone rebels march into banking. they have occupied the barracks in prisons and directed they come said. militia leader. has made himself president and set up his headquarters in the city's 5 star hotel. his bodyguards come in the empty swimming pool. the rebel leader has promised his put soldiers he will bring electricity to their remote villages in the hinterland. and so the men rape every socket and light switch out of the walls in the belief they are the source of electricity and light
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. a multinational peacekeeping force brings about deceptive. president goes easy flees to a neighboring country rumor has it that $150.00 kilos of rough diamonds found in a minister's looking at the airport. look effective voted to suffer a very very custom. dip below the sauce in the movie loving. you nobody locally saw the sun guys you know where you could get into the bed without their. the.
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city can visit such a feat you know that's a 2nd feat but. isn't this good to see. even to busk involved. be the. owner got a little money. i don't know. oh. well it does. look a. little after the 1st. battle of the. morning.
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i know. that. oh. yes. oh. oh. and it was. the only thing god it was the. one the. aussie hit. the good with the. bottle that. lasted all over me.
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to do rather well you could. believe that you know that you can eat it all up on the float it on the was a good boy. he. was orderly was. i. might. eat him enough for anything about the so-called secret killers who killed my . life if i did this when the good people does she.
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lifts live . she. would think i would like. to. was. was. thank you thank you scott i think. you will if you say you will get it well you'll go even though we're never going you know we're only a little bit and never being that good at the road for
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a little very very is the way you go ready any way to fix. the. uk on a beanie many middling i mean you still go in he he can i'm going to look. at him more i'm a new baby got to go now one team in a money thing lendl you know. i mean or soon. benumbed in the museum will. have been moly. oh i learned
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a lot i don't quite enough to look 14 years old politically important knowledge child what are you focusing on with heat the desire to me was in the inability for that i got more not i'm going to now telefónica brain activity from a knuckle not in bang let me close inactive if only for 5 days or bear up under the leg bone wolf i don't go move too much on one loop of board games i've got a telephone and often look if i'm alphonsus i'm in a crowded become in the fog of fog i'm a mink in 2 to 5 who lives on a body to a local edge in the new novel of the buying lucky day and i got me he's all i see on a diva. in a not for no song i love to fall in the living room that she finds it equally the thing one of the new moves finding it.
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before so so you see a different you go through a defense because you don't want to know. the feeling some of us tell you sort of able both here a protocol that will be judged. first but then the more subtle the. this is so awkward she said to all these 630 at 1st or that if she gave me a particular. photo i said to the jury. of your people who are going to visual. such a feature here the kid is from the us it's an issue if you suffer the boil the from going to be pretty.
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i want. to i let him. go. and let them know this implies that these are some of these yeah i love above i've done this a good outcome. but this is so good. midnight and they're going to know do good but the bus is in the desert there's nothing.
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like the past and present love. ready and then he did. and he repeated your call. me because you didn't read about that because 3 i think you're a bit silly emotionally immature something about lack of self-esteem acca. you know
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. see . luke. was. losing. sleep.
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lately. was. her. name. missing mom. you know say. something. that's not.
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much good. in of m.m. got to vent to said to. me don't you you know gee you know it is it is only the soft side. and then started to see. baghdad. the hake since jamal it's a bank. even before the perpetrators of the post or a sentence the i.c.c.
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begins to investigate the crimes of the news. a witness from the group of perpetrators is expected. he agrees to divulge what he knows about the latest pillaging murders and rapes. their. own condition that his face remains covered jimoh allows us to watch as he sets up a mobile interrogation room. i'm going to. her. room.
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she tell me so we can yes or no guns and if you come by scene he tells us about all the places he has what he says he has recorded thousands of hours of interrogations and testimony shows he tells us about the quality required in terms of sound and images to ensure the material can be admitted as evidence before the call approximately through the budget on zebulon simin. early. jimoh works methodically he sits down in the interview his place and moves in all directions he wants to make sure the witness is still on camera when he feels cornered while being interrogated by the investigators the suspect callouses does hope to show come to me to say i'm going to need to hardcore someplace to live for myself. it's about abusing me it was over at the clinic.
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hello we are approaching or you could say we've even reached mid winter in australia and the temperatures reflect that but actually they're on the low side even of winter we seem to record lows as finals as darwin far south as tasmania that's clear skies at night is kept on top together and the pressure is largely hard to sitting higher than here which means things don't move but the daytime warmth is there for adelaide 90 degrees increasing in sydney and even though you've
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got that suddenly breeze up the queensland coast there are no significant showers and still $25.00 in times though in perth we're down to 16 again on coming frontal system brings a bit of rain through on thursday night and go on friday leaving 15 degrees behind is warmed up in darwin and even in hobart 16 degrees adelaide 20 in the sunshine ahead of the incoming front not really midwinter retaught least by day equally in both the major ons of new zealand there's a very slow circulation of wind and air across it's a bit of cloud in the south maybe otherwise his average temperatures and by day we're talking about almost wall to wall sunshine are never short days but by night where you might think well it's going to be frosty no tension wanting to a nice 3 or 4 degrees.
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the final session. this is al jazeera. hello nor intended this is the al jazeera news hour live from london coming up. forces allied to libya's u.n. backed government say they've captured the town of kerri-anne a forward base for warlord holly for have to and his plans to take control of
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tripoli. you're an investigator yes kalama calls for a criminal inquiry into the saudi crown prince his role in the killing of journalist. the deaths of a father and daughter on the us mexico border highlight the dangers migrants face while trying to reach the u.s. . our stimulus project a $50000000000.00 economic proposal unveiled by senior white house adviser jared cushnie. and i'm here to serve in doha with your supporters pakistan reignite the semifinal hopes of the cricket world cup double rods i'm fine as a century as they beat new zealand by 6 wickets at it's best to. restart in libya where forces allied to libya's u.n. recognized government have retaken the town of garrion 80 kilometers south of the
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capital tripoli from forces loyal to the warlord holly for have to. it's a major setback for have to his campaign to take tripoli which began almost 12 weeks ago and was his major forward base just a couple of hours' drive from the capital after bax an unofficial rival government based in the eastern city of to book he says he still has control of the city we'll have more on that story as we get it. the u.n. special investigator has called for a criminal inquiry into saudi arabia's crown prince and one of his main advisers over the murder of journalist. and yes killer mars delivered her final report on his killing she says there are legal grounds to launch an international inquiry has more from geneva. she led the un investigation into the killing of saudi journalist jamal how shocking. it took months of intense work very firing evidence
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and studying information shared by many governments to establish the society arabia bears responsibility for the killing of the saudi journalist excellences state try sponsibility begs a question as to whom is are to mentally liable for its killing. the inquiry was a human rights inquiry not a criminal investigation it has nevertheless found credible evidence yron 1000 further investigation of the high level saudi officials individual liability including that of the crown prince of saudi arabia and of his key advisor souder. says the santa crump prince should be investigated for his possible role in ordering the killing saudi authorities have dismissed the u.n. findings as inaccurate and contradictory to say that war is we are amongst the 36
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countries that have complied with all the obligations under human rights mechanisms that in kalmadi as breach procedures that need to be adopted given to the special repertoire this is something which has skewed the procedures i should in as part of the procedures and trials in saudi arabia we don't believe she has respected her mandate in full integrity and therefore has not been able to do her work professionally riyadh had initially denied her she was even killed but backtracked when turkish authorities will east police footage of sandy agents who travel to turkey days before the murder more than 8 months later the turkish investigators are still trying to figure out what happened to her she says remains and who gave the order to kill him his fiance had these are kids was with him in the moments before he entered the saudi consulate in istanbul last october. he was
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going to retrieve documents for their upcoming wedding frustrated over internationally in action how does just the un must step in and punish those who killed her fiance. who didn't it's been 9 months since jim marrs murder so i think it's enough of talk and it's time for action i am also expecting the world leaders to take a concrete step about this matter. as pressure was piling up against saudi arabia after the killing why the authorities arrested 11 suspects and sars therm with a murder 5 of the suspects could face death penalties the un special rapporteur. on e a top aide to the crown prince police suspected of being involved in the murder he's not facing charges this case has sparked international condemnation and talks of sanctions the us president has denounced the murder
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but resist growing congressional calls to stop selling weapons to riyadh now that the special rapporteur has delivered the findings of a inquiry into the killing of hush it will be up to the united nations secretary general whether to launch a criminal investigation but many worry the u.s. might use its influence to stop any attempt to investigate senior saudi officials including the crown prince mohammed bin so man. geneva colleen josh and is the executive director of the arab center of washington he says it's now up to the international community to take action. all fingers point or evidence points in the direction of saudi officials who either order or ready dissipated in this crime however as you have indicated in your report earlier the
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saudis deny that behind the haphazard judicial process that they have pursued thus far the mastic clearly that's not enough this is the conclusion of the quarter and their responsibility now is she's making it very clear belongs on the shoulders of the international community that means that you and itself needs to pursue this matter and then countries on that are old enough i think of the only countries that irrelevant. stake at this or relevant role in this whether turkey or any other country can actually sue this based on its own kind of legal constraints and possibilities including the u.s. if it chooses to overcome the political opposition biased political position taken by the administration. coming up on the news after london democratic presidential
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candidates all 20 of them got a chance to debate why they want donald trump's job. activist in hong kong begin a crowd funding campaign to draw international attention to concerns of the human rights. and its quarter finals time at the women's world cup peter next had to simply get. a photograph of a father and daughter who drowned in a river on the us mexico border is highlighting the dangers migrants face while trying to reach america and i'm warning you may find the images in this report disturbing story i mean of course. oscar martinez and his 23 month old daughter valerie a died last weekend crossing from mexico to the united states a journalist who works for a mexican newspaper found their bodies on monday she hopes the photographs she took will focus international attention on migration to the u.s.
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. it was something that moved me deeply because it showed that up until her last breath she was joined to him not only by the shots but also in that embrace in which they passed together into death 25 year old martinez was from el salvador he was crossing the rio grande with valerie on his back tucked inside his t. shirt when they were swept away by strong currents his wife was waiting on the mexican side of the shoreline and survived. them something bad like this happen before you see the river and it appears very calm i think that's why the father thought he could cross at the rio grande has a lot of deep powerful currents downstream. earlier this month mexico agreed to tighten its southern border with guatemala after president donald trump threatened to impose tariffs on mexican goods critics say the new measures have led to migrants taking even more dangerous and isolated routes the photographs of martinez
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and his daughter a reminiscent of another tragedy that made headlines 4 years ago the image of alan cody's body washed up on a turkish beach sparked global outrage he was a 3 year old syrian refugee the images of martinez and his daughter may have a similar impact serving to highlight the plight of those fleeing war and poverty in central america victoria gates and be al jazeera downhaul when he joins us live from. desperate photographing us president astray ssion that it's often family is now traveling together in this way. that's exactly right over the last year also there's been a huge surge in the number of families that are trying to get across the border there into the united states and that obviously means there's a heightened risk of accidents like this one happening and there has been that huge uptick in families trying to get to the united states crossing over and then trying
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to ask for asylum because it's been understood by those coming a lot of people coming from central america that that's a way to ask for asylum of the family and then instead of being kept in detention they've been sort of let free to go in the united states at least while they were asylum process is concluded that that such a no changing in the make soko has agreed to take back the people that ruskin for asylum in the united states that being put back across the border into mexico while that process is resolved so now they're not staying in the united states we have to see if that means less people begin keep crossing over with their families because now obviously instead of being let free in the united states just going to be here on the border territory in mexico with the united states something else about we've talked to a few of those families that are now waiting in to quanah they've just been dropped
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back across off to waiting for asylum and they say why don't really know what to do here it's very dangerous here in part of the border they do know that and it's true there's been more than a 1000 murders in tijuana so far just this year and other sites that they're planning to drop people back in see it out of what is that's a well known sort of cartel battleground in the past especially i mean tim thomas leap has a state that's become basically a black hole where gangs really control that state so now for those families instead of possibly being let free in the united states they've got a very different pena rahma they could even if they make it over there been dropped back into mexico in the midst of a country that's really ensuring requit violence right now so there's a lot of different programs here john heilemann thank you very much indeed when i hear from a migration policy institute joins me live from our washington d.c. studio thanks for being with us as are these images of a huge.


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