tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 28, 2019 5:00am-6:01am +03
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in dollars in bribes were paid to senior politicians. and sadly to the african national congress the a.n.c. my own party. i was called in by a senior member of the n.c.s. national executive council he said to me look at hundreds this is a battle you cannot win because this money the bribes we used to fund our 999 election. and almost immediately i'm asked to make a statement to the press that says there's nothing to investigate. it's all over. and i looked at him last said no it's not. i won't be able to live with myself if i stop this investigation but at the same time i'm also realizing that this is the end of my political career. the heads of government of the sales
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people in chief of their countries large arms contractors. and this is the template used by large defense contractors around the world. companies might be another me sort of effect to be part of a government but they're effectively above the law corruption is not merely a dirty little detail on top of the arms trade it's actually in a lot of cases what drives the international arms trade many of these deals would not happen if they did not provide opportunities for personal enrichment i would be offended if i thought. we had the monopoly on corruption. to pay more for the right drugs we made a run to run for 20 years it was they paid $6000000.00 every year to mine or. as i was being dragged out right at the last 2nd i'm going to still fail
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remind everyone that this guy is a war criminal and i just say actually called the record what he said about iraq and j.p. morgan is completely and totally untrue i've never had a discussion with them now i'm not suggesting that it was a phone call between gay people who've been in blair that is actually what happened was j.p. morgan and the consortium of other banks didn't fact prop up the whole iraqi economy to the tune of about 2 and a half 1000000000 not 20000000000 other bit nervous that day then 6 months after he left office blair some a sign by j.p. morgan for $5000000.00 every year i was just trying to enlighten the public that there was corruption involved and not just bad decision making i'd like to find out how this. managed to access the call there must be a back door in because they don't want to tear time and there was a court room directly underneath the court room the player was in and it was left on not so i went through that run up 2 floors by the fire escape and then to the
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door of the court itself by this time my heart was pounding like a really going mad and i actually lost my courage for the moment i went and sat down in a low in a bathroom i found a gent's toilet that i didn't see ring my mother and said listen i'm here in washington do you think i should still go when my mom said you're gone you won't get another chance and i thought that's it i mean the man or. sustained. that hope has 2 beautiful daughters anger and courage anger at the way things are and courage to see that they don't remain the way they are. when you hear. you can serve 2 sets of principles privilege and power justice and truth the more you make compromises with those who serve privilege and power point diminish the capacity for justice and trust. and. i think
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that the rebel seeks to keep those who have our fearful. under they. have been. ordered to go. unappreciated and listen gentle to vitaly of the city well but of all that the feud has antti. get there which we will see t. the opportunity but it does appear to be a year of have to wash it look to feed the study. now we are humans in what i don't. swim. no not a computer mustapha could be a. human hope under george bush. and the washington side and the minute i see them coming to school she. who work on. the
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general anyhow the man who will cut in. peace that's what we want freedom and peace not. a few of those who feel who were left who want to see. when the whole dollar an hour just to her feet. and they just push them and the kind of you can bet because of that good luck and the how they get bought girl in the shop at up they say something will never do it but how can him if you want too much coffee now want to t'other can even be full. damage how about a lead up to a silo let me allow to be a diamond how about that up how well it had healed you let your color do to bush and then tell us all in there not be a circle let me come to what i can accept that we had the end and then look at it but if you so if you do what i feel it to john then add up dean let me say
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i'm going to reach is the sourcing of the l a times report paragraph one of us authorities say column one still u.s. officials say said one u.s. justice department counterterrorism official column 2 officials say u.s. authorities say u.s. officials say those officials said the officials confirmed american officials complained they said that u.s. officials. u.s. officials stressed column 3 u.s. authorities said jordanian officials said we're going to slide. no laughter please we haven't finished yet several u.s. officials said column 4 u.s. officials said several american official said officials say say u.s. officials but u.s. officials said one u.s. counterterrorism official said i'm not joking there it is that is the journalism you're getting fed i sometimes think the l a times the new york times should be called american officials say. i denounce the cultivator
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a publicly in their times issued me a form. written reprimand which is what you get before you're fired under union rules to stop speaking out against the war i've been the middle east bureau chief and i'm better iraq than 7 years in the middle east. how can you come out of gaza not being very. what's being done to those people how can you come out of the sudan solider on and on dozens of other places i've been and not being green. i've seen the bodies of a lot of children which i can't forget. you know especially having done it for 20 years and.
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dostoevsky 7 i was the inability to love that's what kills people. i fully get why people blow their brains out it's really you. and i don't use love as a kind of all mark schmaltzy and i we all gotta love each other. i'm saying that the only way you're healed from those experiences is by re-establishing a connection. with that kind of power with another human being and if you can't do that you don't survive and i have friends couldn't do it they're not here anymore. it's you know the power of love. to transcend time.
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that looks like a ga you'd be too out for the $38.00 that we used to have on our lucas a mini gun that fired $4000.00 rounds per minute at one of the manifestations of the national security state especially in the in the sort of apple j. it's arrived at today is that it destroys the plums it destroys the will to diplomacy and it destroys the skill for diplomacy. if you're a small state like we were for 150 years in in essence these of these spain france england and even russia you've got to be exquisitely good at diplomacy you've got to be able to talk yourself out of lots of things and make deals and compromises
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and so forth but if you're the world's handelman you don't deal with anybody you smack him you your military and you smack him. on may 3rd of 2003 the ambassador of switzerland to tehran delivers a letter from iran to the united states. in that letter the iranians essentially offer negotiations to open up the nuclear program for full transparency. the proposal came in i happened to see it's because i called it was also given to a member of congress that i worked for at the time. he sent it over to the white house and called rove. call rove called back he said that he found the proposal intriguing he wanted to know if it was genuine were a promise to put it in front of the president i would call karl rove a dear friend. i've seen a man of far sighted courage put america on a war footing. and protect us against a brutal enemy in
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a dangerous conflict that will shape this new century no formal response was given to the iranians at all i'm grateful to have been witness to history. and the argument was that whatever could come out of a negotiation with the iranians even more could be achieved by simply removing the regime in iraq. in a way to sum up the argument however a principal in the bush administration said that we simply do not talk to evil. and as tony zinni said former central command commander if you like the rock you'll love iraq. that is a 10 to 14 year 3 to $4.00 trillion dollar invasion at the end of which the world western asia will look not much different than it does right now it'll still be in turmoil and still be in chaos and 70 plus 1000000 iranians will hate our living guts. in the pentagon and i wanted to see undersecretary difference the
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idea is that wolfowitz shared with me in surgery cheney in 911000 packages to retool and went to the white house briefed people like president america needs a new strategy of force regime change. so here this idea springs back up again in 2001. i went through the pentagon in november of 2001 and one of the general said sure i got this memo on the oscars. we're going to go after 7 countries in 5 years . i said is that a classified memo he said yes sure we're going to start with iraq and then we're going to move to syria lebanon libya somalia sudan and iran. i think it's highly probable the administration has already made the decision to go
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to war against iran there are already u.s. troops inside iran want to repeat that there are already u.s. troops inside iran the u.s. has long had its eyes set on trying to impact regime change in iran and much of what you've seen the u.s. doing with regards to iran has been on a covert level we've seen a report in a new yorker by seymour hersh that a u.s. source told in the u.s. marines who are operating in the blue key missouri and kurdish regions of iran have you ever heard of that report i've never heard of the report i've never read the article nor do i intend to do you have any end. christe as to whether or not as the u.s. ambassador i don't have any interest as to whether or not u.s. marines are actually operating in iran right now and i said i had not heard of the report and i didn't intend to read the article in the new yorker if i gave you this article right now walked it over would you look at it i don't think so honestly congressman because i don't i don't have time to read much fiction. we have
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teams inside iran and these include joint special operation forces mostly commando unit it has been given executive authority by the president as many as 12 countries to go in and kill we're talking about high value targets. they're operating now and they go into a country outside of the war zone side of afghanistan and outside of iraq without telling the american cia station chief or the american ambassador they go in sterile and they kill people. we have to work to sort of to the dark side if you will spend time in the shadows in the intelligence world. a lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly without any discussion using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies. thanks
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. to. the doctrine that has endured from bush to obama is that the world is a battlefield and that the united states has the right to go into any country around the world to conduct what they call kinetic operations lethal operations regardless of what international law says. what is president obama's response to that how is he going to deal with it he embraced the very covert shadow forces that a decade earlier had only been talked about in hushed tones in the pentagon not just as the implementers of a policy that said we should decapitate terror networks and engage in preemptive strikes but they became the policy itself. selfless act human bravery 10000 precious pieces of literature rescued
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from being. besieged sorry. it's the both mean women and men who risked everything to save their it's imperative. the love of books on al-jazeera. i remember the 1st time i walked into the newsroom and it felt like being in the general assembly of the united nations because it was so many nationalities. it's just that we all come from different places but it's one that gives us and gives us the ability to identify the people at the side of the wall but we can understand what it's like to have a different perspective and i think that is a strength for al-jazeera. the producers of mexico's most watched soap opera continue to talk of real women's issues and the audience is now reacting.
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emboldened by the show a woman frees a cell from the horrors of sexual abuse. in a deeply emotional demonstration of the back and forth between reality and fiction vickie's real stories played out on saturday episode 2 of soapbox mexico on al-jazeera. i know i'm i am in london a quick look at headlines newly released testimony by the former u.s. secretary of state shows he was kept in the dark over foreign policy rex tillerson testified in front of the house foreign affairs committee last month white house adviser jared cushion of negotiating independently with world leaders without telling the state department also in jordan has been what this 140 page
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transcript illustrates is a confirmation of what many here in washington have suspected which is that under rex tillerson the u.s. state department is not driving u.s. foreign policy that u.s. foreign policy was being driven out of the white house by the president's top advisers including by his son in law jarrett cushion or holds the title of senior adviser to the president one person has died after twin suicide attacks targeted security forces in tunisia capital the 1st explosion happened in a busy commercial district near the french embassy killing one police officer and injuring several others a 2nd suicide bomb went off near a police station on the outskirts of the city injuring 4 government has called for calm the attack has not yet been identified 20 of the world's most powerful leaders are gathering in japan ahead of what is likely to be tense talks at the g.
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20 summit u.s. president donald trump is set to meet one on one with the chinese president xi jinping and with russia's vladimir putin. iranian officials say their main demand in talks on saving the 2050 nuclear deal is for the country to be able to sell its oil senior officials will meet with the 5 remaining members of the new plea agreement in vienna on friday u.n. inspectors believed to iran is on course to breach the nuclear agreement within days by accumulating more enrich uranium than permitted. and the european union is italy to allow 42 people rescued attempting to cross the mediterranean 2 weeks ago to be allowed ashore the rescue boat scene watch 3 is now and could just off the island of lampedusa after entering italian waters in defiance of repeated warnings from the interior minister the captain has spoken out saying that their hand is being forced by worsening conditions on board. well more
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on all of our headlines in the news hour that's coming up at $2100.00 g.m.t. in about half an hour's time the leaders of the world's largest economies are gathering in osaka for the g. 20 summit at a time of growing trade wars and rising tensions in the middle east with. free trade and reducing inequality be overshadowed follow us on out to syria for full coverage and analysis. thank you thank you. the doctrine that has endured from bush to obama is that the world is a battlefield and that the united states has the right to go into any country around
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the world to conduct what they call kinetic operations lethal operations regardless of what international law says. what is president obama's response to that how is he going to deal with it he embraced the very covert shadow forces that a decade earlier had only been talked about in hushed tones in the pentagon not just as the implementors of a policy that said we should decapitate terror networks and engage in preemptive strikes but they became the policy itself. president obama's administration have built up something called the disposition matrix is an algorithm for determining who should be killed or who should we seek to capture and one of the more sort of grotesque aspects of this is that there were actually meetings on tuesdays in the white house that have been nicknamed terror tuesday meetings where they're going through rosters of names to put on or take off the list maybe someone within that group has been in contact with someone that the u.s. is watching they went to the musée mosque is someone they keep ordering pizza from
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the same place as a taliban leader and you decide these guys are probably up to no good and so on this particular day we're going to remove them from planet earth that we're getting into minority report into the sort of size 5 world of p.j. did where it's justifiable homicide even though it's for that that might take place in the future it's ok to kill from a distance without a warrant without a trial without a jury and the execution takes place off screen. where appropriate we will bring terrorists to justice. and. when we. do you want to answer. why and.
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we went on. a this is face there were. the most of the woman. is worth paying attention to obviously i do not agree with much of what you said the president is not implementing policies that we need to see change for example that he would stop the authorization of think interest rates which means killing people on the basis only of suspicious behavior that's led to the killing of many innocent people who posed the question on my facebook page and asked them what they wanted to ask you when a lot of them said that you were hurting your own cause because one you appeared rude to the president of the united states and 2 you just seemed. a little crazy well i think killing innocent people with carolyn's is rude i think not apologizing
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to the families of innocent people who are killed is rude there are a lot of rude things about our policies i want to make sure that people understand actually drones have not caused a huge number of civilian casualties for the most part they have been very precise precision strikes against al qaeda how do you expect to be but with pakistan not do have an american sentiment in and day out we had about doing that act. more innocent than militants how do you explain that well i do not believe that. there is any basis for your comment maybe you need us money. go. that is so i didn't date my money they apparently live with a little cash were locked. up us month of blood and now from them to the astral collaterally. yet he does feel the make he said
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a little bit easier don't let us look the it. took me a moment up no new human. on the he. gave me a groan and they said the lockheed martin boeing dime corp international computer science is corp and aero vironment all told eric about 70 companies are interested in this $1000000000.00 contract as we look out 35710 years this market remains a very much a growth market. it's
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the disease of permanent war the destroy the waste. islamic fundamentalism. could empower all of those who profit from permanent war politically economically and militarily. make no mistake a nuclear armed iran is not a challenge that can be contained it would threaten the elimination of israel the security of gulf nations and the stability of the global economy at risk triggering a nuclear arms race in the region and they are raveling of the nonproliferation
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treaty. and how close is iran to getting it let me show you. brought a diagram for. here's a dark room. this is a bomb. this is a fuse. where should a red line be drawn. a red line should be drawn right here. the threat from iran is a political football what was interesting was that many israelis including people from the military said as long as there is an extensional threat somewhere somehow that is certainly helping us expand our budgets in ways that it's not possible to do in the absence on anything that can be defined as such a threat if you were iran what would you do i mean israel has what 3 or 400 nuclear
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weapons they're the ones who started the damn arms race in the middle east anyway they've had in synanon player for asian treaty they built this program in secret. india and pakistan then went on to do the same thing and iran would you did sign a new killer non-play for ration treaty looked around and realized they don't screw up your bomb administration wants to sell bunker buster bombs which can penetrate 20 feet of solid concrete to the u.a.e. the deal is the latest us arms sale to members of the gulf cooperation council 6 nations that neighbor iran i phone could be in a homicide case what i call bomber i see when i asked him what i mean why has become a commodity for several reasons one is because you need somebody to buy the stuff you bring us another us arms deal with saudi arabia isn't the point the biggest in history this deal alone it's a pos is the time i close the lob sails already $57.00. saw that it does this enormous service a recycling trip. but was also
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a business in another sense there is a business that uses war to get its ends established the. says george orwell's 19042 power is always going to be in battle and guess who's making out really well of course of the weapons dealers and the people in power. while the ultimate manifestation of the national security state is that is not only seeks a perpetual state of war it will even go to all eons to create that perpetual state of war i'm always reminded from look at it long time ago called them is a map. and that book has a beautiful sentence. i am an invisible man not because they don't exist but because you choose not to see friend do you know the ben lomond family this is ironic and mid eighty's if you remember we had been on state who were supporting
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the mujahideen to liberate afghanistan from the soviets. belair then came to thank me for my efforts to bring their americans our friends to help us against the atheists he said the communist. when i last saw bin ladin in this camp high in the mountains of afghanistan. with an air raid shelter built into the living rock of a mountain 2530 feet high. camps built by the cia later they tried to fire cruise missiles and of course when you were it was they built it. no wonder you kept smiling no wonder he did. american sorry if you put $1000000000.00 each to give them arms training equipment we are the ones who cleared all those people to go we had you.
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there must be something wrong with the way we think that we can say that the grammar of the past is operating today we have been pumping money a great deal of money without congressional authority without any congressional oversight prince bandar of saudi arabia is putting up some of this money for covert operations in many areas of the middle east where we want to stop the shiite influence they call it the shiite crescent. i think the arabic word is fitna civil war we're in a business right now of creating and some places sectarian violence. not because we're trying to destroy and liquidate in mali of a crime to give mom training them in northern syria. it really is a world gone mad but oddly enough you have to be in the 100 to realize how mad it is. when you go around here and you read from for the news coming out of
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washington like americans are living in a kind of fantasy world of no relation to where i'm going to reply i was. trying to say. i see. any chance. today there are good terrorists and. the bad terrorists those in yemen who the united states deems to be a threat the good those who are in syria the joke here is we've been there before i mean if you consider the us done a stunt story they've learned nothing. today
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if i see that the saudis are giving money to groups that are in syria that are not only a looser but also the. people who say you want a conspiracy theories or what i'm just trying to say is in the moment of the contemporary this is graham. of dangerous politics sounds insane that it wasn't you know you have a. pattern. to what appears to have been a conspiracy at the time. when documents appear duns out to be true we must address the cycle of conflict especially sectarian conflict that creates the conditions the terrorists prey upon in public they say we have to end terrorism meanwhile this drive. of getting involved in conflicts still is the part which
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produces characters that appear to become terrorists which is reinforces the public narrative and then makes things like intervention ok. good morning everybody. last night on my orders america's armed forces began strikes against isis targets in syria #. just ahead of airstrikes in syria defense firms lockheed martin northrop raytheon and general dynamics corp all set stock price records their shareholders are making money off the unusually large number of conflicts around the world. every 2 years or so the early military attacks the gaza strip and right after there is a trade show in which israeli weapon companies show their technologies. all of these
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israeli companies which are becoming an increasingly important and very significant part of the israeli army depend on those wars and the 1st thing that they say when they try to market we've already used to add an actual human being by making that claim they're able to compete with weapon manufacturers from other countries. the united states is the biggest supplier of military aid to israel this attack on gaza is also trade show for the united states arms industry. iran and horses are competing for the crown of militant islam one calls itself the islamic republic the other calls itself the islamic state both want to impose
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a militant islamic empire 1st on the region and then on the entire world they just disagree among themselves who will be the ruler of that important in this deadly game of thrones there's no place for america or for israel. today after 2 years of negotiations the united states together we're international partners has achieved something that decades of animosity has not a comprehensive long term deal with iran that will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon this was a very difficult negotiations and part of it is because of this trench and compounded mistrust that we have between ourselves mutually for the last 34 decades but i'm happy that the reason people at diplomacy pretty great people exercise great deal of restraint and patience and reason and we are very automatic hope this
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will be a good beginning. as this nuclear deal goes through we're still dealing with the problem that the states of this region are collapsing and they're void that they will fail you will see more violence and you will see more weapons just important to understand that that's not a result of this deal that is a result of the paradigm not shifting towards demilitarization and collective security soon enough the saudis in need israelis around the same page they worry about iran and then they do anything that's not new they've been worried for can they do anything about well they can get their own weapons. this is a region that has more arms per copy than any other region in the world much thanks to the defense industry israel and some of the arab states are going to be able to buy more weapons and more advanced weapons. if the nuclear threat from iran is decreasing why should these other countries get a chance to actually arm themselves more pakistan is
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a friend of saudi arabia pakistan has nuclear weapons are you in discussions with pakistan about perhaps getting a nuclear bomb from pakistan that's a wolf we've known each other for 25 years you don't really expect me to answer this question. we're not going to have a truly demilitarization in the region unless israel's nuclear arsenal also is addressed. and the significance of this peace deal is that it is a game changer in the region and it's going to be a question about the political willingness of leaders to whether they will pursue these opportunities or whether they will fall into the patterns of the past.
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and once you start a war. you open a kind of pandora's box you don't control it and control geo. the use of that kind of violence has unforseen consequences that no one can protect and it propels you. in directions you never fight you've got control or guts. so the images. are very carefully controlled and counter by the lies that have to some unaided through every institution in society schools government entertainment the press. when you shatter the meth and when you understand especially what techno war industrial war is about which is
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seat. he wanted. as a main financier says. we'll see you. he told the local in the tier russet the be. the robot on the moon. scene about oh. the such thrown out us morning couldn't get out of i love you enough when you're the leader of. me bro mance us today's your mouth us me a good answer for all to. see no time in the new man. going to. see that king not the other way around. most importantly i don't. sit i get in the.
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plenty of dry weather across australia at the moment but also on the cool side for some we have had some problems with frosts down towards the southeast in kona recently slight e-mailed us like cloudy where making its way through the bite and that will drive its way through winds coming in from more of a northerly direction always a touch warmer here of course we're getting up to around 70 celsius in melbourne a 20 there for adelaide i thought saying in perth picking up to around 68 celsius as we go on through saturday coming into the south of wy that more rain coming into the south all victoria as we go on through sas states that wetter weather will make its way in 15 celsius for melbourne and for i'd like 21 for a 75 and try here looking fog in try for the time being across a good part of new zealand lotty clear skies coming through here 9 celsius in private crisp sunshine then before fighting a 14 therefore all clear as we go through saturday night more cloud just coming
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into south island as we go on through the weekend affair with a cloud making its way across japan of the moment crowd and right lots of heavy rain pushing its way through study dry weather now coming in across the korean peninsula still going to make his wife eastwards as we go through saturday. across china millions of cameras a watching citizens every move and score their behavior one i want to east investigates china's surveillance crackdown on al jazeera. july on al-jazeera will the conservative new democracy be victorious in the snap elections we bring you the latest as greece votes a new documentary examines the use of modern technology and policing its impact on individual rights and civil society on the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 lunar
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president's son in law jerry. security forces a targeted cheering twin suicide attacks in tunisia capital one officer is killed and at least 8 people injured. the u.s. supreme court blocks donald trump's proposal to add a controversial citizenship question to next year's census and of course in indonesia holds president djoko would go to his election victory clearing the way 1st 2nd term in office. in doha with england beat norway to reach the semifinals of the women's world cup and a big win for india in the west indies hopes of a place in the law school at the cricket. we begin in the united states where testimony by former secretary of state rex
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tillerson to the house foreign affairs committee last month has been released one of its key revelations is that trump's son in law and senior white house adviser jared cushion are operated independently with powerful world leaders without coordination with the state department keeping to listen fact in the dark or to listen also commented on the gulf crisis which saw a land sea and blockade imposed on cats are in june 2017 he described being blindsided when key arab allies seva ties with also a key u.s. ally he was in australia at the time with the then defense secretary jim mattis and said they would be. surprised to listen said he was not aware of the meeting between question and the leaders of saudi arabia and the u.a.e. just one month before that blockade was imposed former trump advisor steve bannon was also present to listen describing angry at the meeting having taken place without his knowledge he said the state department's views were never expressed on
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this well john hendren joins us live now from washington john tell us more about rex tillerson is testimony and what we've learned about his time heading the state department. well tillerson outlines an administration in which donald trump kept foreign policy close to him with jared cushion or doing much of it and often the secretary of state had no idea what was going on and he testified that that was a real challenge for him if i can just read you one excerpt the bit about the gulf crisis he's told in the congressional hearing that there was a meeting between steve bannon jared kirschner and the rulers of the saudi arabia and the u.a.e. and he asked did you know about that this happened well before the gulf crisis and he said no i did not. he said we understand as part of the dinner the leaders of
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saudi and u.a.e. did lay out for mr kushner and mr bannon their plans for the blockade he said he had no idea about that and he said his reaction was that he was angry or a foreign hearing that in this congressional hearing which took place about a month ago and that gives you kind of an idea he said that the krishna would meet with the the crown prince of saudi arabia with whom he had a close relationship but he wasn't able he wasn't even able to say how often they had these kind of meetings it's an extraordinary way to run foreign policy in every administration of different centers of power and it's not unusual that in this very unusual case in which the son in law of the president sits close to him and maintains his confidence but it's very unusual for the aide to the president and the secretary of state not to really know what one another are doing in tiller's and expresses frustration in that hearing and of course it's not just that they
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didn't know what each other was doing but the. tensions between rex tillerson and jack question would tell us in describing his anger and frustration at various times. that's right jared krishna being very close to the crown prince of saudi arabia was often pushing a different policy then you were hearing officially from the department of state and so you would have in the gulf crisis the administration speaking with 2 voices the president taking questioners side criticizing kids are and on the other hand it at the state department rex tillerson was trying to make things work so he's asked in the congressional hearing this is what you were asking me about a moment ago what's your reaction to a meeting of that sort having taken place without your knowledge she says it makes me angry why is that because i didn't have a say the state department views were never expressed and there's another incident
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in which he finds out that the foreign minister of mexico is in the united states in washington d.c. and the only way he finds this out is he walks into a restaurant and the owner of the restaurant tells him hey you might want to go back and say hi to the foreign minister of mexico and as he does so he sees him at the table with jared questioner and says welcome to washington next time you're in town want to give me a call he said that was very upsetting and later on he brought it up saying we cannot have these kinds of conflicts where i don't know what's going on and according to the transcript christian or said he would try to do better. thank you very much from washington john hendren well i'm now joined by political analyst eric campbell also in washington what on the implications or perhaps even the risks for u.s. national security to have an individual conducting and driving u.s. foreign policy without any clear official or transparent role in the administration . well here's what's so surprising but also so impactful about this at the
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time that all of this was taking place jared cush there had not secured a top secret security clearance so you wonder how much information was he gleaming from these meetings and how much was he passing on in terms of u.s. information within these high level talks that he was having more importantly giving that he was having these meetings it's not only surprising that the secretary of state was not aware but also you wonder if the national security adviser to the president at that time it was h.r. mcmaster but as well as the wider national security council were they also were they involved at all in these meetings so you have multiple lanes of foreign policy being conducted in washington but in also 2 you have to think about how the rest of the world is seeing that we're looking at multiple streams and it's confusing and also to to say nothing of what it means for our national security implications well
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so explain how how would the rest of the well perhaps see something like this what does it mean to have the u.s. secretary of state who has no control of u.s. foreign policy and diplomacy and who is well it appears that we have now learned it's been was actively sideline and bypass. sure because the the idea of the secretary of state it is the mouthpiece for the united states it speaks and it gives the united states one voice which which to project to the rest of the world and now you have the the president's son in law conducting foreign policy so the secretary of state one of the most powerful members of the president's cabinet in the line of the session also that voice is now muted and it's being turned over to the president's son in law someone mind you who is not well versed on many of the issues many of the policies and of course the regions that he's engaged in and
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so it it seems it makes you wonder if in fact. the united states was being well served by having of the president's son in law. taking the forefront and having the secretary of state side lot sidelined as a result of these meetings but of course this is rex to listens account of his time as secretary of state we now have secretary of state might pump aoe in place do you think that this testimony reflects the way in which decisions and policies are made now do does might. not have a better working relationship would you say is there more coordination between these 2. well i think it's more important to recognize that secretary of state might pompei o has a much closer relationship and a much better and more productive relationship with the president than rex tillerson with the president and i think whoever has
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a closer relationship gives that gets you closer to the orbit of power which is the white house and i think what you're seeing now particularly as you look at situations like iran and even north korea you see secretary of my pompei o at the forefront of u.s. foreign policy which is very different than what we saw during the tillotson of days and so i think that allows itself and it allows the secretary of state allows the united states to project and speak with one voice thank you very much gary can in washington. or now another story we're following this hour hundreds of iraqis have marched on the bus raney embassy in central baghdad to show that anger over the u.s. sponsored manama conference on peace in the middle east demonstrates has raised the iraq and palestinian flags and burned u.s. and israeli flags a $50000000000.00 economic plan for palestinians and the region was unveiled by
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senior white house advisor in a rain this week it was part of a larger middle east peace plan the trumpet ministration has been working on on hama jam june joins us live now from baghdad not i'm just seeing a line here mohammed that bahrain has recalled its ambassador to iraq off to for consultations after that what's being described as an attack on the on the baghdad embassy now what do we know about events here in protest as a managed to breach the outer perimeter how how far inside the compound did they go . all right and we're still waiting more for more details but what we know at this hour is that that protest is over that those angry protesters have been dispersed we were told by police officials here as well as eyewitnesses that there were a few 100 angry demonstrators angry because they felt that this conference and my momma was not doing anything to advance the palestinian cause was actually doing
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more to hurt the palestinian cause and this is it's important to remember this is all coming at a time when a lot of political parties and politicians have been very dismissive of that plan introduced in my mama when they have been critical of it when they have said that that this plan is something that would end any hope of establishing a palestinian state so not so much a surprise that this would happen at a time when this rhetoric is flying about in political circles nonetheless still a very significant development we're told that there were security guards that withdrew from their posts when they were confronted by these by these angry protesters and that's concerning in itself we're told that they did breach the perimeter that some of them got up on the roof and that they were able to take down the flag the question now will there be more and more protests.
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