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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 30, 2019 12:00am-1:01am +03

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president spared no effort to show how much he supported the saudi era parents widely believed to have been behind partial trees killing a recent u.n. report slate blamed for the murder with the saudi states and called for an investigation of involvement at the highest level. despite both u.s. and saudi attempts to ignore last october's murder in istanbul turkey as president roger tabor to one raise the case at a media conference during the summit insisting that the international community has a duty to bring those responsible to accounts the wheezy maybe. they don't need to look elsewhere for the perpetrator in fact there are the lies that the former foreign minister said and the lies they made in b.s.a. it's so clear what else should i say they need to reveal this the documents are there the recordings are there 1st and foremost a human was killed. asked again later in the day and president trumped this time trolls not to ignore the question saying he had faith in saudi arabia's criminal
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justice system did you raise the killing of jamal can show he went in and why was there yes yes i asked him what was happening and he was telling me that i think he said 13 but it could be more and i think he said more in the works that there are large numbers of people being prosecuted he's very angry about it he's very unhappy about it despite the photo ops and the warm welcomes there is still a great deal of stigma associated with mohamed bin said a man who many believe is responsible for the killing. unless an international investigation is carried out questions will continue to be oscar especially who gave the order to murder the journalist and what happened to his corpse. osaka so as we've already mentioned now president tom is in south korea he's hoping that they'll be a meeting with kim jong un the north korean leader at the d.m.z. bride reports from the south korean capital seoul. president donald trump in seoul
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for his long anticipated visit with the future direction of relations with north korea in the balance. he is the guest of his south korean counterpart moon j.n. who's been a significant influence in encouraging dialogue with the north but since fabrice failure of the hanoi summit between president trump and kim jong un the processes stormed north korea has returned to some of its hostile rhetoric and seems to blame south korea in part for the failure in hanoi for south korea a successful trump visit would help restore moon's position as an important intermediary with the u.s. administrator or i think they're also interested in sending a message to north korea. the moon still has some sway with the administration. when the administration is perhaps willing to move and be a little bit more flexible than the north koreans can believe him the highlight of
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this trip is expected to be trump's visit to the demilitarized zone separating the 2 koreas and the intriguing prospect of a meeting with kim jong un after a saturday morning tweet that he would meet him at the border just to shake his hand and say hello. trump's visit has been greeted by competing protests on the streets of seoul right wing groups among them veterans of the korean war a firmly in support of the alliance with the u.s. and welcome its president although some are uneasy about the prospect of a handshake with kim on the d.m.z. . we've been fooled for decking i think the fact that we're still talking to kim jong un and trusting him at all is a problem in itself. but a number of liberal left wing groups are also out protesting in opposition to transfer is it they say here standing in the way of peace by keeping in place sanctions against north korea by continuing military exercises between the u.s.
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and south korean forces. after the 1st u.s. north korea summit north korea destroyed their nuclear facilities but the u.s. did nothing and trump sank the hanoi summit more pro and anti trump protests are expected as this weekend unfolds with everyone it seems unsure exactly how this visit will play out robert bright al-jazeera sold. we've got a lot more to come on this al-jazeera news hour including reports in the u.s. that investigations underway as to how some of its weapons got into the high end of the libyan warlord. and the threat of a major earthquake in the philippines we'll look at how the government is responding to that threat. in sport argentina set up a blockbuster semifinal at the copper america in brazil will be here with that
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story. now according to the new york times the u.s. state department is investigating how america made weapons got into the hands of fighters who are loyal to the libyan war after a number of antitank missiles were found on friday after forces allied to the u.n. backed government in tripoli retook kerri-anne that's a city about 80 kilometers south of the capital now libyan media showing these images which appear to be american made weapons branded with the u.a.e. as the recipient now if indeed the emirates did provide these weapons it would be a violation of arms sales agreements with the united states. to weapons and ammunitions have been sent to the specialized experts and have been
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documented the military commanders and political leaders are now fully aware of these weapons and ammunitions to make the right decisions that will be announced. right we've got 2 correspondents on this we've got rob reynolds in washington 1st so let's go to the libyan capital tripoli and our correspondent there mahmoud up to what and mahmoud this recapturing of gary and has provided evidence what some are suggesting is evidence of u.s. weapons having been sent to the u.a.e. and they're now in the hands of his forces. we'll. now according to the spokesman of the army there were some army led by the government there are experts and concerned commissions are now investigating those weapons and the spokesman said today in a presser from city that the fact finding mission is going to
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investigate those weapons and send reports outside of libya maybe possibly he means to the united nations and the united states but as you know the a.t.g. missiles these are observed missiles anti tank misses were found dozens of them were found by the government forces as the recaptured this through egypt town of of it again about 80800 kilometers to the south from the capital tripoli but we know martine that the united arab emirates has according to the government spokesman today the united arab emirates has supplied those weapons and other weapons including get drawn and. fighter jets to the world have that we understand that the united has been providing have to do with weapons ammunition
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and fighter jets since he launched his military campaign not only to recapture or to take control of the capital tripoli but in 2014 when he 1st launch of his military campaign known as operation dignity in the east of libya martin mark would thank you very much for that let's go to our correspondent rob reynolds in washington now if indeed this is the case and klute is talking about dozens of anti missile. anti-tank missiles or other drones and of fighter jets if this is indeed the case that u.s. weapons sold to the u.a.e. have found their way into the hands of her leave how big a breach is that of u.s. regulations. well these are very sophisticated weapons 14 the javelin. tank rocket is manufactured by the 2 u.s. defense giants lockheed martin and raytheon they're capable of taking out any battle tank on the field anywhere in the world and so these are sophisticated
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weapons and this would be certainly a serious breach we did reach out to the u.s. department of state and we received the following from a spokesperson telling al-jazeera we take all allegations of misuse of u.s. origin defense articles very seriously we are aware of these reports and are seeking him additional information we expect all recipients of u.s. origin defense equipment to abide by the end to use obligations now and use obligations means that if the united states sells an item such as this weapon to the u.a.e. it requires the u.a.e. to keep it and not pass it on to another. country another armed group a warlord or what have you the statement also says that a lasting peace in libya is only possible through a political solution it calls upon all parties to return to the un guided political mediation talks and for
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a ceasefire in and around tripoli it's unclear martine what exactly the united states would do because it. would do if the usa were found in some very specific and concrete way to of violated these end user agreements because the u.a.e. is after all a very important ally of the united states and president trump has indicated that u.s. weapons sales are for him a priority rob reynolds live in washington thank you very much. now 5 children are among 8 people killed in yemen in air strikes led by the saudi u.a.e. coalition warplanes struck a residential area in a hooty controlled part of thais fighting in southern yemen killed 12 yemeni soldiers and 8 the rebels the u.n. special representative for children in conflict says the yemeni people are being held hostage by the war which is now into its 5th year. now to sudan where the
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military rulers have accepted proposals to work towards a civilian led government the proposals for mediation by ethiopia and the african union now this is an apparent breakthrough part demonstrations on sunday are being planned to keep up the pressure for change rights groups want safety guarantees from the military following the killing of around 100 protesters earlier this month the military claims infiltrators impersonating security forces were to blame for the violence. the soonest possible a government that is accepted by all sides and its people i want to say to those who have called for more massive the most versions that we are not against the people and we're not against peace but we have to understand that infiltrators is there and they're willing to upload their hidden agendas we don't need troubles on the. right let's have a look then at what this new proposal contains
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a sovereign council to oversee the transition would be made up of 7 civilians and 7 military officers one more seat for an independent member a legislative assembly is proposes nominated by the people and excluding members of the former ruling party and its allies and the executive body would be made up of ministers and the prime minister nominated by the forces of freedom and change so that main opposition group thing though hasn't issued a statement on these proposals because some of the factions refused to make further concessions to the military rulers. right let's speak now to david shinn in washington he's a former deputy chief of mission at the u.s. embassy in sudan a former u.s. ambassador as well to ethiopia it's a new knows the region well. first of all i'm just wondering do you think do you trust the transitional military council in their apparent agreement to follow this mediation proposal put forward by you and the a. well the key is always to trust but verify or frankly no one has
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any choice but to go forward with this and hope that indeed the transitional military council is about pursuing an agreement with the opposition right and what do you make of the. freedom and change coalition they haven't been exactly kahira and it would appear in terms of what their demands are and how they engage with the military council would you agree with that well to some extent that's true but one must keep in mind that it represents many many different groupings and sudan's that's really not realistic to expect them to be in full agreement on everything is to some extent a disorganized group but on the other hand it's surprisingly well organized in view of the pressure they continue to put on the military and to move forward with this
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important breakthrough of genuine negotiations and trying to pursue an outcome that will avoid the the deaths that occurred on june 3 s. so it's a very important step forward right so how fragile would you say is the revolution and the demands i mean how how delicate is this moment insofar as it could be lost the military could needs to they just need to sit there and play a waiting game surely. well it is very fragile and you're quite right the military could play a waiting game and this is where organisations like the african union the government of ethiopia which deserve great credit for moving this issue forward come into play in addition to the entire international community on the united states putting pressure on the transitional military council to take all of this seriously and to move forward with a democratic transition in sudan which is in the interest of everyone and also countries like saudi arabia egypt and the u.a.e.
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that have been supporting the military council that need to get on board with this program right. and similarly we could also look at what appears to be disengagement on the part of the united states if the united states and other big play as i'm not prepared to to step up and really support the transition process to civilian rule what chance is that given that they the military council has such powerful reasonal backus both in north africa and the gulf well the united states the european union china russia others all need to get behind this process i wouldn't say that the united states has disappeared from the scene the assistant secretary of state for african affairs to barnard and on both this new special representative for sudan were were in sudan and ethiopia recently and i think behind the scenes they're putting on pressure but we need to continue to up that pressure and be very
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vocal and supporting this process. ambassador david shane in washington thank you very much. we've got a lot more to come on this out is there a news anchor leaving the west african leaders to take steps to address one of the worst massacres in mali's recent history. a self described neo nazi sentence for driving into protests as in a racist attack. and in sport find out about the player is fired a warning shot ahead of wimbledon details coming up with far. hell i would commit to july nice attempt as are about the highest possible level that will spark a few showers if you get a water source like the caspian sea it's of a sudden caucasus yes eclipse at this heading towards tashkent maybe
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a shower to hear thunder storm from the oversea local damper could be a flash flooding situation otherwise it's dry baghdad's bit little bit colder it's all relative and less hot in the fall but down towards the south $4648.00 is typical in southern iraq and kuwait may be a cooling trend with that breeze it's coming from further north aleppo's down to $33.00 for example though in the sunshine it is hot still and again and surprisingly in the arabian peninsula 46 me at 45 and there are long shore breeze keeps it cool in abu dhabi and onshore breeze in the southwest could increase the cloud in some typically along the coast from which is a seasonal thing event she was set in permanently in solid africa rain is not the thing this time of year some saw some pretty stormy weather trying to cross the the cape here and cape town does exhibit that in the forecast you go 14 degrees more especially that line of green is significant rain on its way in through sunday
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elsewhere of course it's dry and sunny. they wanted for 2 screen 1000000000 pounds with a weapon that was 6000000000 pounds in commission. there's no hope of any more because there's always a small cobbles people for really really good business. in essence we in the united states have privatized the ultimate public function more shadow on al-jazeera. my name is. always thought of yoga as part of my heritage. understand it to be about transformation. seems to be transforming western mentality a lot about this and that's very different from eastern traditions and what you know there was originally yoga should come out every but i'm afraid that simple
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truth is getting lost in a world that's so commercial to decide who owns yoga on al-jazeera. tarvaris it take a look at the top stories here on the news out of the summit of the world's biggest economies has ended with china and the u.s. agreeing to restart talks and try to end their trade war president trump says he won't impose new terrorists on beijing for now. president chavez now in south korea and he's invited north korea's leader kim jong un to meet him at the demilitarized zone to revive talks on denuclearization. the new york times says the u.s.
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state department is investigating how fighters loyal to the libyan war the lever have got hold of american made weapons and the attack missiles were found after forces allied to the u.s. backed government in tripoli recaptured the city of gary and. a caption of a migrant rescue ship is now under arrest after defying italian government orders she dumped the vessel in lampedusa with refugees or migrants who had been stuck at sea for more than 2 weeks several european countries have agreed to accept them as schapelle now reports. judging by the welcome that she received on the italian island of lampedusa corona rickets 8 was seen as both a hero and a criminal. the captain of the sea watch 3 was arrested after defying the italian government and bringing the german charity rescue ship into harbor she could face up to 10 years in prison for defying military orders. 40 migrants were finally
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allowed to disembark 16 days after their rescue off the libyan coast 13 others had earlier been allowed to leave the ship for medical reasons the rest were left marooned in the mediterranean during a fierce heat wave there's a lot of chairs sleeping on the meadow floor and they were going up every morning realizing you are still in the middle of doing. this story italy's far right interior minister condemned the ship's crew as outlaws accusing them of people trying to place the shuttle building for a rest it was the young lady who said i'm white rich and german and i don't know how to spend my time i mean what does she do she tries to sink a patrol boat of the financial police with agents on that night in lampedusa the great thing is they say we save lives and then they risk killing human beings who are doing their job and i want to pretend that evil no one can lie anymore as these a criminal thing. italy's government had told the ship's captain to take the
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rescued migrants to mull to tunisia or anywhere else instead the german charity that operates the watch 3 says the captain declared an emergency but was ignored by the italians captain ricketts they said she had no other choice because of the worsening conditions on board i'm sure that the courts well recognize that. it's much more important at the right of the people to safety and that lives. and undisputedly is more important than the right territorial waters. the migrants are expected to leave lampedusa soon other european countries including france germany luxembourg and portugal have agreed to allow them in. the sea watch 3 is the latest symbol of the refugee crisis on europe's southern front here but the challenge is much greater than one ship and its defiant captain hundreds of other migrants landed on italy's coast over the last 2 weeks despite cell beanies
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warnings to stay away and schapelle al-jazeera. that regional security is top of the agenda at a summit of west african leaders echo wes's the block is known is increasingly concerned by fighting in the whole saheli in region violence has escalated this year particularly between the full lonny people who are traditional herders and others who are fun as this is one of the great areas of conflict in the region our correspondent is covering the meeting of the nigerian capital abuja his name is ahmed interests. only a few west african leaders are absent from today's summit one of the president marcus allen is unavoidably absent because it's not tending the g 20 summit now a lot of leaders who are here in person to participate in this summit and one of the common denominator in all the speeches delivered at the opening ceremony of this summit is the issue of security from the current chairman of the organization
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mohamed wadi of nigeria to the cause commission chairman and of course the special representative of the united nations the issue of attacks on the rising violence in this hell and the west african sub region as a whole has occupied a very prominent place in their speeches president mahmoud abbas said despite the progress of my head the issue of violence that is spreading across the region is a source of concern. or allude to this. intel community relations. there's conflicts then to terry and terrorist attacks you know all. these threats. with me have consequences one of the keys for the court is this is to know when meat is in. as well as the hoots so leaders are desperately trying to find solutions to these problems which the united nations by the way has promised to
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assist in stabilizing the region however i exposed believe that the regional leaders need to do more to tackle the cases of rising violence in west africa. the local elections in albania don't really make the headlines do they but the ruling says this policy says voting will go ahead on sunday despite an opposition boycott and a presidential plea for a postponement the controversy follows months of mass protests allegations of political corruption which are linked to organized crime and arguments over joining the european union correspondent john psaropoulos has more now from the capital tirana. which 75 percent approval ratings erion believe is set for a 2nd term as socialist party may be nears capital tirana was once the springboard to national power for villages mentor socialist prime minister eddie rama the main
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opposition democratic party is refusing to field a candidate for mayor saying the ruling socialists are corrupt and need to hold a general election instead really me is the president has cancelled the local elections and asked the ruling party to hold them in october but they're proceeding regardless though it's a one sided race here in the capital socialist party leaders believe they'll win thanks to their hard work started with small things cleaning the city making sure but show up in time make sure kindergarten nursery school swore and build new ones on top of that to make up for the demographic growth tirana is now a 1000000 people and 50 percent of the g.d.p. it has a g.d.p. growth of 11 percent in the last 3 years so clearly it is the engine of economy of culture of anything 2. with as mayor to run a has attracted investment sports facilities have been built the city's main
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squares and parks we landscaped tourists are expected to outnumber residents for the 1st time this year to cope with the tourist boom $75.00 star hotels are under construction the socialists have term. in this election into a contest of political will staging it's a tool is a victory demonstrating their resilience against their opponents they believe most albanians are on their side and that their popular majority has grown since the last general election 50 percent of the vote total vote. but many albanians complain that much of this prosperity doesn't reach them by going against the president's call to reschedule the elections the socialists have created a constitutional crisis. and if you don't. the general perception is that you are against the government i don't think so. the government. at the same time i don't know. the opposition.
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the main opposition's boycott means socialist victories will likely be challenged in the constitutional court so the political contest is likely to turn into a contest of legality. al-jazeera to iran. now the crisis in venezuela has dominated the latest meeting of the organization of american states the oas a new report says it could become the largest migrant crisis in the world by the end of 2020 and a sandra has more now from the colombian city of many. immigration crisis on the u.s. mexican border hundreds of thousands fleeing poverty in central america deadly upheavals in nicaragua known. as you're going to station of american states annual assembly got underway in may be there was no shortage of urgent problems to deal with. a ford attorney for nations represented here there was one issue overshadowing them
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all the young going political and economic crisis in venezuela and the fate of millions of its desperate migrants integrity of public official the secretary general of the organization promised to continue pushing for president nicolas maduro to step down. we must continue to work on applying increasing pressure and this meeting is part of that increasing pressure. but a number of countries protested the decision by the oas to receive representatives of business where less political opposition after the government of nicolas maduro withdrew from the group earlier this year the good way took it a step forward abandoning the general assembly altogether. but i thought here in the prepared we phase and over the last couple of years we've seen an internal dynamic taking place inside the us that we can't embrace that undermines erode to us institutionally the simmering divisions in the region on how to move forward venezuela have now clearly come to the surface and they're showing after months of
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. just crippling american sanctions and then attempt and an uprising in venezuela that have failed to provoke origi change in the country it was not what all members do agree on is the magnitude of the crisis a report presented here says the venezuelan exodus could reach 8000000 people by next year making it the largest in the world even surpassing the 6700000 people who have fled serious conflict or u.s. representatives appealed to the international community for more support. were extremely worried because so far we've only been able to raise just 21 percent of the one required by the united nations response plan which was presented at the beginning of the year funding legs far behind what's needed. my daughter's maintaining his grip on power the oas is saying the time has come to end all restrictions on the movement of venezuelans forced to flee in the region
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recognizing them formally as refugees something so far receiving countries have avoided doing listen to them. now in the united states the man who drove his car into a group of protests is in charlottesville virginia has been sentenced to life in prison for committing federal hate crimes if oracle sentenced him james alex feels expresses remorse for the 2017 attack in which one person died and others were injured party culhane reports. it was the moment the country realized white supremacist were involved in taking to the streets of charlottesville virginia in mass with tiki torches they shouted a chorus of racist and anti-semitic chants was they protested the removal of the confederate statue there would not go unchallenged hundreds of
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counter protesters met them head on there were clashes and then. there was this crime. james alex fields was behind the wheel he was found guilty of killing heather higher and injuring dozens in this chaos he pled guilty to federal hate crime charges in exchange prosecutors dropped the death penalty and now he's learned for his crime he will spend the rest of his life in prison susan bro as hires mother she says she believes her daughter's death and his sentence sends an important message the last time i saw my daughter was to identify her body and to sign the papers for her to be cremated and i held her bruised pain and bruised arm and i said i'm going to make this count for years and that's what i've done and i will continue to do you don't get to not my child down and silence that voice without 500 more raising up. this was a moment where the country's divisions were on full display and it provoked
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arguably one of the most controversial comments from a u.s. president provokes controversy often leaves a very different group but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides but the courts disagree at least for one saying he is not a good person he's a murderer a racist and now a prisoner for life political gain. washington and saying in the u.s. voting rights activists in the state of florida say they've been full spot quids by a new amendment which imposes restrictions on people with criminal records well than a 1000000 convicted felons had their voting rights restored at the beginning of the year but now thousands a struggling to get to the ballot box and the gallagher explains from miami. registering to vote is not normally an emotional affair but desmond made this was a moment he fought hard for like over a 1000000 florida residents desmond has
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a criminal record something that prevented him from voting for decades last november all that changed when residents overwhelmingly approved a groundbreaking ballot measure restoring the voting rights of people with convictions so i get to take my affair with a lie could go vote with my family for the 1st time in the case that means a lot to me that means not only that i can vote but this is a state this this is an opportunity that we have busy now to stimulate a conversation about how important voting is since in the state's republican controlled legislature to change the language of the amendment ruling that extra ones must pay outstanding fees and fines before they're eligible to vote the vast majority of defendants are poor when they're arrested and even more financially challenged after they released from prison to add their legal fees and fines to where they may fit in a case pretty almost the same disenfranchisement though it was to begin with and that the voters that a vote for i just received this. for those without legal fees or who've managed to
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clear them the news is good. and his campaign to restore voting rights says she was released from prison and says while the controversial ruling will affect hundreds of thousands of people she's excited at the chance to finally cast her ballot her it makes you feel. close to that. invisible like you don't matter like you don't count like you're not good enough. cause a lot of course about yes yes florida has the highest number of people campaigners say have been disenfranchised because of the criminal records last year's vote change that but the fight to restore voting rights continues critics say what the republican legislature did here essentially goes against the spirit of how floridians voted last november his thought many with criminal backgrounds ofan thousands of dollars in legal fees in. this is century prices them away from the ballot box civil rights campaigners say they'll continue to fight and say last november's victory is something that will eventually come to fruition i may go
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across his era miami florida. now the philippines is a country in constant danger of earthquakes now if a big one a really big one strikes the government wants everyone to be prepared to meet our lindo the reports from manila. the philippine red cross shows us the different kinds of emergency response needed when a major earthquake strikes it's a 3 stage process extrication ambulance operations and 1st aid the philippine government says it is preparing for what it calls the big one a quake of magnitude $7.00 or above these is misleading might not be an earthquake like that would devastate not just the greater metropolis of manila but the many provincial regions surrounding it the philippines has experienced regular earthquakes the last few months it's a big worry for the people who live here and there the big one is very frightening
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actually how ready are we the government is doing their share our favorites is doing their share we are doing the hazard maps and we are educating the public. this is a simulator meant to show people what to expect when the big earthquake strikes. that. the philippines is one of the top 10 countries in the world most vulnerable to natural disasters it is also within the pacific ring of fire an area prone to violent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions the earthquake in bohol in 2013 devastated not just the province. but the many other areas in the region more than 200 people were killed and millions more where this place. the west valley fault
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line has been identified as a major hazard area by the government it covers more than a 100 kilometers it cuts through the manila metropolis and extends into provinces further north and the biggest concern millions of filipinos live on and around these fault lines only for a minute and of course we are afraid we feel in trouble but we have nowhere to go so we'll just persevere below. now the government says it is trying to include the sas are prepared and emergency response in school curriculums helping to equip families to better respond to disasters similar to the ones that have devastated the country in the past jim duggan al-jazeera manila coming up in this fall we'll have the latest from the cricket world cup plus. an oddly worrying any longer we're my job. is about as we played for the bulls between the famous red sox and yankees
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. on counting the cost trump deal of the century $50000000000.00 to kickstart a more about this really palestinian peace process but not a single dollar pledged plus the chinese electric car maker about to take up the german auto industry counting the cost on al-jazeera. i mean this is different. whether someone is telling someone it's very red. think it's how you approach a vigil and that's what it is a certain way of doing it you can't just buy a story and fly out. from cutting edge medical technology. could be over. the development of lifesaving drugs to advances in the most difficult regions of. new.
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innovative solutions to global health care probably did make a difference maybe all of those were good sure the cure on al-jazeera. the sports news now with. thank you so much major league baseball's global page for new fans hits a london soon it's the 1st time the league has held a game and year up the new york yankees will take on the boston red sox at stadium which hosted the 2012 olympics the amel b. has previously taken games to mexico japan puerto rico and all strangely for the people here are going to see 2 of the best teams in the big leagues. you know
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between knows there's a lowering a lot of tradition and it's something that people enjoy watching. back home and i know other people here in london are going to have a fun time watching these 2 teams play in the next 2 days. our correspondent lee wellings stadium ahead of saturday's game i just a little over an hour before the game starts lee do you think baseball can really win over a european crowd. it was an incredibly. successful event for the people here. trying to catch up with the.
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very very successful. so. you just. around hope. it will be pretty much full of knots because they resign loyal and devoted. in london in the u.k. in europe. ok and are the games themselves important in the season. when as you know a lot of. this
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is so refreshing for us to bring in. 27 times. successful the words. all the child. follow the columns. he's the one for looking like it's 6 and 7 because there's so softball and somebody ok very interesting lee wellings reporting live for us from london thank you we'll talk to you soon. at the cricket world cup rivals new zealand and australia are playing at lord's in london australia batting 1st or 224 for 6 after 47 overs over in leeds prox on lucky to keep their semifinal hopes on track they're chasing afghanistan's 227 for 9 and are
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in serious trouble pakistan are currently 142 for 5 ferrari's chars leclaire and has secured pole position for sunday's austrian a formula one grand prix leclerc set in the lap record to claim for just the 2nd time in his career championship leader lewis hamilton was 2nd against while red bulls max for shoppin will start there. and the netherlands are through to the semifinals of the women's world cup beating italy to nail the last of the quarter finals is between sweden and germany and that's kicking off in about a half an hour time sweden are looking to improve on their previous world cup best of runners up in 2003. meanwhile germany are looking to add to their 2 previous world cup titles they've seen it all before as they get ready for their 8th quarterfinal in a row at this tournament. you know messi has admitted he's not playing well for argentina the copa america despite that his team still beat venezuela to set up
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a clash with brazil and the last 4 friday's game saw argentina produce arguably their best performance of the tournament so far back to tour martinez set them on their way. giovanni less celso scored the 2nd after the break taking advantage of a goal keeping mistake. argentina win to nail they're looking to reach their 3rd copa final in a row but they haven't won the trophy since 1903 a chile stayed on course to successfully defend their title they twice had a ball at the final against colombia only to have the goals disallowed things to the video assistant referee with the game still goalless after extra time it went to a pouty shootout colombians columbia's wm to c.e.o. was the only player to miss and that gave alexey sanchez a chance to put chile through the play either europe y. or through in the last 4. and reigning wimbledon champion and chile kerber has
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suffered a minor setback in the build up to this year's tournament the german was beaten in straight sets by well the 1st 3 carolina places in the final the east won international. is yet to win a grand slam title wimbledon gets underway on monday. and that's all you sport for that more later thank you very much indeed that's all for this. news hour but don't go away because i'll be back in just a moment so to stay with us.
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across china millions of cameras are watching citizens every move and score their behavior one i want to east investigates china's surveillance crackdown on how does the. cultura downs thrives here every day generations of tobacco continue to brace and maintain their cultural heritage it's a reminder of who they are a whether. this is a suburb of the idiot capital new delhi so be refugees here since 964 buttons here have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasn't signed up to the 1951 un convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the indian welfare system so they become self-sufficient such a better business says i'm looking for work independently but for some it's not enough. the produce is mexico's most watched soap opera continue to talk
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of real women's issues and the audience is now reacting. emboldened by the show a woman freeze or herself from the horrors of sexual abuse. in a deeply emotional demonstration of the back and forth between reality and fiction that he's real stories played out on saturday episode 2 of soapbox mexico on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. wherever you. were going to work with china on where we left off. an escalation in the u.s. china trade war averted is donald trump and she going to resume negotiations
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following talks at the g. 20. hello again i'm a senior editor with al-jazeera life and also coming out of all told. the protests in south korea where the u.s. president's hoping to meet kim jong il in the demilitarized. caption of a rescue boat is arrested in italy for defying the government by bringing dozens of refugees ashore. and we report from flint michigan where people whose drinking water was contaminated find out they'll be no prosecutions. for the summit of the world's biggest economies ended with world leaders agreeing
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to present a united front on global trade really the main developments took place on the sidelines with a possible breakthrough in the trade war between the u.s. and china here's our white house correspondent kimberly how it. with fears of further escalation in the trade war between the united states and china chinese president xi jinping issued words of warning to u.s. president donald trump. in the. china and the united states benefit from. and loose in a confrontation. of the united states donald j. trump those words may have resonated following that meeting on the 2nd day of the g. 20 summit trump announced a breakthrough no new u.s. tariffs on chinese goods and a restart of stalled trade talks were going to work with china on where we left off to see if we can make
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a deal but the 25 percent tariffs already on 250000000000 in chinese goods into the united states remains in place the threat of tariffs on an additional $300000000000.00 more in chinese products a potential risk to the global economy have been delayed for now still unresolved the issue of huawei the chinese telecoms manufacturer the u.s. is banned from its markets and accused of facilitating espionage and intellectual property theft you mentioned while away i said we'll have to save that till the very end we'll have to see tensions have also been escalating between the u.s. and turkey over its purchase of the russian s 400 air defense system the u.s. warned the buy in from the russians would threaten turkey's role in the f. 35 fighter jet program and could trigger u.s. sanctions on saturday truck blamed his predecessor president barack obama and defended the purchase by turkey's president he wanted to buy the patriot missile president obama's group said no he kept wanting to but they kept saying no no no.
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couldn't buy it now he needed it for defense he knew so he then went to russia it was these types of bilateral controversies that captured headlines during the 2 day meeting of leaders from the world's 20 major economies so much so the leaders final declaration stopped short of what many had hoped it was going to mean in this summit we were able to agree on fundamental principles backing a free trade system which is to ensure free fair nondiscriminatory trade and open markets as well as conditions of fair competition but the g 20 declaration failed to denounce protectionism and its impact on global economic growth perhaps because this was a meeting dominated by bilateral issues making resolution of global matters a struggle kimberly help at al-jazeera osaka. well president trump also met the saudi crown prince and it appears they are as close as ever. he will very much
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for being here thank you another meeting between friends as u.s. president donald trump sat down with saudi crown prince muhammad ali son man for breakfast and was like our own sock today the true leader is demonstrating just how from they are of each other and with you mr president we did a lot of great achievement in the political side security side. military side and economical side specially if we never been before so i believe that will contribute in a lot both country good for g.d.p. growth job creation and more safety for both countries trump who has consistently been asked by u.s. politicians to sanction saudis implicated in the murder of journalists. try to focus attention on other issues instead crown prince of saudi arabia a friend of mine a man who has really done things in the last 5 years in terms of opening up saudi arabia and i think especially what you've done for women and seeing what's
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happening it's like a revolution in a very. positive way journalists however insisted on raising the issue of their murdered colleagues each time they did no trump ignored them and thank you all very much appreciate. it very much and. thank you very much at the start of the g. 20 summit the crown prince made a point of demonstrating that he still had a place at the center of the international community the u.s. president's feared no effort to show how much he supported the saudi heir apparent widely believed to have been behind push a cheese killing a recent u.n. report slayed blamed for the murder with the saudi states and called for an investigation of involvement at the highest level despite both u.s. and saudi attempts to ignore last october's murder in istanbul turkey as president roger paper to one raise the case at a media conference during the summit insisting that the international community has a duty to bring those responsible to accounts we she may going to go overseas.
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they don't need to look elsewhere for the perpetrator in fact there are the lies that the former foreign minister said and the lies they made in b.s.a. it's so clear what else should i say they need to reveal this the documents are there the recordings are there 1st and foremost a human was killed. asked again later in the day and president trump this time trolls not to ignore the question saying he had faith in saudi arabia's criminal justice system gigi to raise the killing of jamal khashoggi with him and why was there yes yes i asked him what was happening and he was telling me that i think he said 13 but it could be more and i think he said more in the works that there are a large numbers of people being prosecuted he's very angry about it he's very unhappy about it despite the photo ops and the warm welcomes there is still a great deal of stigma associated with mohamed been some man who many believe is responsible for the killing. unless an international investigation is carried out
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questions will continue to be osc especially who gave the order to murder the journalist and what happened to his corpse. osaka. now president trump is in south korea and he's hoping to meet north korea's leader inviting kim jong un via twitter airfare hello and a handshake bride ripples there from the south korean capital seoul. president donald trump in seoul for his long anticipated visit with the future direction of relations with north korea in the balance. he is the guest of his south korean counterpart moon j.n. who's been a significant influence in encouraging dialogue with the north but since fabrice failure of the her noise summit between president trump and kim jong un the processes stormed north korea has returned to some of its hostile rhetoric and
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seems to blame south korea in part for the failure in hanoi for south korea a successful trump visit would help restore moon's position as an important intermediary with the u.s. administrator or i think they're also interested in sending a message to north korea. the moon still has some sway with the administration. when the administration is perhaps willing to move and be a little bit more flexible than the north koreans can believe him the highlight of this trip is expected to be trump's visit to the demilitarized zone separating the 2 koreas and the intriguing prospect of a meeting with kim jong un after a saturday morning tweet that he would meet him at the border just to shake his hand and say hello. trump's visit has been greeted by competing protests on the streets of seoul right wing groups among them veterans of the korean war a firmly
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in support of the alliance with the u.s. and welcome its president although some are uneasy about the prospect of a handshake with kim on the d.m.z. if you're called we've been fooled for decades i think the fact that we're still talking to kim jong un and trusting him at all is a problem in itself. but a number of liberal left wing groups are also out protesting in opposition to trump so is it they say he's standing in the way of peace by keeping in place sanctions against north korea by continuing military exercises between the u.s. and south korean forces. after the 1st u.s. north korea summit north korea destroyed their nuclear facilities but the u.s. did nothing and trump sank the hanoi summit more pro and anti trump protests are expected as this weekend unfolds with everyone it seems unsure exactly how this visit will play out robert bright al-jazeera so they knew times is reporting that
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the state department is investigating how america made weapons got into the hands of fighters who were loyal to the libyan war after and you tell missiles were discovered on friday after forces allied to the u.n. recognize government in tripoli really took a city south of the capital libya media has been showing these images showing the american made weapons which are branded with the u.a.e. as the recipient now if the emirates did. the weapons to libya. of the rolls. mahmoud. is our correspondent in the libyan capital tripoli. the 80 missiles these are jervy missiles anti tank misses were found dozens of them were found by the government forces as the recaptured the strategic town of little ghana about 880 and kilometers to the south from the capital tripoli
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but we know martine the united arab emirates has according to the government spokesman today the united arab emirates has supplied those weapons and other weapons including draw and. fighter jets to the world have that we understand that the united has been providing have to do with weapons ammunition and fighter jets since he launched his military campaign not only to recapture or to take control of the capital tripoli but in 2014 when he 1st launches his military campaign known as oppression dignity in the east of libya all right let's go live to washington now and a chorus from there reynolds rob if this is indeed the case that united arab emirates have received american weapons completely legitimately and then they sold them on or pass them on.


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