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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  July 17, 2019 8:00am-8:34am +03

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pontiac illinois remain hopeful in the past couple of years i think our economy has been booming especially here in our area where we've got a very vibrant downtown we've got route 66 we've got the interstate here so this community has been growing but even here economic threats on the horizon have deemed that hope or in some tough economic troubles in agriculture and when agriculture is a tough economic troubles the rural economy is going to suffer to obviously have been undecided right now here in conservative rural america president trump remains popular but all the controversy and the growing economic uncertainty have taken their toll and so has the president's bare knuckles diplomacy especially his trade war with countries that buy what rural america sells right now i think with the tariffs on the soybeans and stuff in china and mexico i think it kind of scares people that it could get worse i think some of our. relationships with some of the
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foreign countries is marginal at best you know if it is one to 10 probably 5 to 6 but trump voters are stubborn lot we can't necessarily count on all the support he had in 2016. 0 i think that he's got to he's got a huge base i mean his base still follows him still believes in him and i think that. that will stand true whether enough voters here along route 66 in dallas where remain in that piece or turn left could decide the election for the next u.s. president john hendren al jazeera pontiac illinois. south african singer and n.c. apartheid activist johnny clegg has died at the age of 66. clegg was one of the few white artists who defied segregation laws and openly criticized
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the apartheid government nicknamed the point zubrin he was feted for blending traditional african rhythms and western musical styles african seeking short term visas in the united kingdom are more than twice as likely to be refused than other applicants that's according to reports that found the home office responsible for financial discrimination and careless decision making the parker reports from london. is twice the london bar of enfield before entering local politics she spent 40 years working as a midwife to many she's a pillar of the community but her success hasn't helped her only sister to visit the u.k. from nigeria she's been denied a visa 3 times on financial grounds despite showing evidence that her costs are being covered by her sister in london on the way says her family of victims of a prejudice a visa process. you know when
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i die and then. you know she's not. and if there's anything that dawn which is the reason why they want to know according to a new report african visa applicants are more than twice as likely to be refused the people from other parts of the world the authors blame a catalogue of careless often offensive decisions the cost applicants sometimes hundreds of dollars per application the home office piece or processing system is broken and africans are paying the price this has been outsourced to private sector and we all but. so you have a scientific delegation some of them fused with exactly the same background qualifications finance. this is british gambian performer. she's a rising star in the world music scene she recently attempted to bring over session
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musicians from gambia to record a new album they weren't allowed in and she's not alone leading academics diplomats ngo workers and world famous performers. from entering the u.k. for seemingly arbitrary reasons we've just found it really difficult. when we were planning to have people come over. long it's so expensive sometimes they're having to go to neighboring countries. to get the visa sitting around waiting for interviews in those countries hotel bills flights i mean it's really a big hurdle we contacted the home office for comment and they gave us the following statement that the u.k. welcomes all genuine visitors from africa and wants his visa system to support our important and increasing business and trade ties with the continent these are applications from african nationals are at their highest level since 2013 said the statement and decision makers do not discriminate on the basis of age gender
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religion or race the statement also says that the home office remains committed to making the right decision on beezus 1st time every time after 3 successive rejections kater louise determined to challenge the home office's decision regarding her sister a move she believes is anything but right back out 0 london every year tens of thousands of mobile phones are stolen in the mexican capital and it's become such a huge problem that the government has been forced to act when all republic has more from mexico city. thank you yes see i never thought that. this video is of a robbery taking place inside a commuter bus in mexico city in less than a minute everyone on board has already handed over their phones to armed men robberies like these have become exceedingly common in the city. with mobile phones
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and other personal electronics being the top prize for thieves in response the city government has launched a new initiative to stop the sale of stolen phones at street markets don't get us anywhere in the end if you know if that in that body can get what i knew that we look at this is a government call center that handles everything from missing persons to suicide prevention recently they've been tasked with assisting robbery victims in blocking their stolen phones you can also register your device using its unique number one recommendation they give toward reducing cellphone is for people to stop buying stolen phones having what's in the street or hearing to city we all know that when you go to the market you can buy a phone without a box and without a receipt and where do you think it came from you don't have to be a genius to know that these are probably stolen phones. while the new measure seeks to punish the sale of stolen phones at street markets most actually end up at indoor elec tronics markets like this one t.v.
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cameras however are not welcome inside. we're not allowed to film where secondhand electronics are sold so we're going to have to hide the camera and go undercover you can find just about anything you're looking for here it's an open secret that most of these goods are stolen. one. i asked one vendor if i could get into any legal trouble for my purchase he guaranteed me there would be no problem. ironically there were several police officers present some of them doing a bit of shopping themselves critics of the new measure say authorities are going after the wrong people but they only back them any i think this is a populist policy that will only have an impact in the media there are other questionable as speaks regarding the policies such as banning the sale of stolen phones and street markets as if that is the only place you can buy one more than 5000 people register their mobile devices with the city within the 1st week of service authorities estimate that 2000 cell phones are stolen every day in mexico
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city alone many are now opting to purchase a 2nd dummy phone just in case of a robbery i dreaded up and i just see the mexico city. as exactly 50 years since the apollo 11 blasted off on a mission from the man to the moon for the very 1st time to mark has a astronauts michael collins returned to the spots he was launched into space with neil armstrong and buzz aldrin it's the 1st small step on the moon and dies in 2012 but the space since he war is back on public display for the 1st time in 13 years unveiled by his son and vice president mike pence. this is al jazeera and these are the top stories the u.s. house of representatives has voted to condemn president donald trump for racially charged comments against 4 minority congresswoman truck told them to go back to
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where they came from for republicans backs the democratic revolution these comments from the white house are disgraceful and disgusting and the experiments are racist how shameful to hear him continue to defend those offensive words words that we have all heard him repeat not only about our members but about countless others. the european parliament has narrowly elect said ursula vanderlei and as president of the european commission the german defense minister will become the 1st woman to hold the post when she replaces sean called younker in the family. the u.s. government is imposing its stronger sanctions to date on myanmar's top military leaders that's in response to the mass killing of rank of muslims in 2017 the sanctions target me and my as commander in chief and several other senior officers former peruvian presidents $100.00 toledo has been arrested in the united states and faces extradition on corruption charges so they do is accused of taking
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$20000000.00 in bribes from brazilian construction company or the brecht exchange for lucrative contracts. iran says its ballistic missile program is not open for negotiation with anyone or any country that contradicts comments from the u.s. secretary of state michael pale he said teheran is prepared to talk about its missiles. new york police officer will not face charges for killing a black man he was trying to arrest the justice department made the announcement on tuesday 5 years after eric garner died in a chokehold garners last words i can't breathe for a rallying call for the black lives matter movements. and south african singer and anti apartheid activist johnny clegg has died at the age of $66.00. mick named the white cilla he was famous for blending traditional african rhythms and western lisa cult styles that she updates the news continues and al-jazeera
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after the stream. there are. problems and besides the instability is corruption we listen. benighted station president into conflict we meet with global newsmakers and the stories that matter just 0. ok and i'm really you're in the stream today in the philippines what's the human cost of president with rigo to tell tales from war wisconsin a geisha of human rights abuses and what's being done about them are you personally impacted by the philippine war on drugs we want to hear what you have to say on this issue let us now via twitter or in our live you tube chat. i mean. journalists advocate for women's rights and you are in the.
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thousands of crime suspects have been killed in philippine president the dream go to 10 days war on drugs over the past 3 years but rights groups believe the number of casualties is much higher than the 6000 some deaths the government admits to amnesty international says the killings disproportionately affect poor communities about to crimes against humanity last week the un human rights council voted to investigate alleged abuses in the country those abuses include extrajudicial killings disappearances and police coverups authorities say those killed were crime suspects who were armed i am resisting arrest the philippines human rights commission says there could be more than 27000 deaths from extrajudicial killings the government denies that supporters and sisters strong campaign is necessary to reduce crime and they say that it's necessary to reduce crime so. in this episode
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will learn about the people impacted by various policies and whether the nation's approach towards fighting drug crime needs reform but with us to discuss this in manila carlos condé a researcher with human rights watch also in manila. political and security analyst with the think tank asia pacific pathways to progress and in hong kong al jazeera correspondent. we reached out to the government for a representative to join our program as well but they declined our request so welcome to all of you and i want to start with our community because at the top of the show we asked people for their experiences if they've been impacted by this war on drugs we heard responses so this is in the al to process who writes on twitter if it had not been for deterred drug war my brother would have been a drug addict until now he goes on to say my brother was fairly incarcerated by
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authorities there also reported cases of killings here at our place where we are due to the administration's anti-drug campaign and that's because some drug addicts have illegal possessions of firearms which give the police the right to protect their lives so a viewpoint that may not hear often at least outside of the philippines what do you make of his take on this drug war because he seems to think it's success. well it's hard to make a judgment of his personal experience but just based on my experience as someone's covered the drug war from the very beginning i'd like to say that it's very hard to measure. the sentiment of people when they live in a climate of fear we we it was obvious from the very beginning there was always an issue of security safety physical security in so many neighborhoods across the country this is why when the president promised during the campaign and we've
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covered the can be quite extensively his campaign in particular i produced a documentary on president to terry does president will campaign and another documentary of his 1st 100 days he promised to end the presence of illegal drugs narcotics for within the 1st 6 months of his office so this campaign this promise presidential campaign promise is actually really essentially what propelled him to power and really what got him the presidency i guess a year after he sat in office he kind of admitted that he's not going to be able to fulfill that promise and more than 2 years on as the drug war continues so-called drug war continues he himself admits that it's not going to be he's not going to be able to stop the presence of illegal drugs here so yes there are so many people who feel that their lives have been transformed positively by the war on drugs but from my experience i have also been witness to this so many families who have also
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suffered because of you know the kind of loss that they've had you know losing somebody they love somebody they knew because of the so-called war on drugs so there are many different narrative but it's hard to determine that when everybody lives and do this climate of of fear and and you know and so it's we have to respect that a lot of people do feel the same similar but from my experience of covering their war drugs that's kind of a minority perspective cause i just about to get in there let me just play some of . whom started off supporting the war of drugs she's from the philippines and then she had a tragedy in her home in a family and then she changed her mind have listen to her in the culture pick up of the fact that. well not up on the bum on them but i was even saying that the tears of the families of those killed seem to fake but when that happened to us i felt the pain they were feeling which we were now experiencing been. fair known by my
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direct and i was really supportive of what was happening in the drug war if it doesn't happen to your family you won't wake up to the truth singing. the has. that's something i think that sentiment is something that we're seeing increasingly happening in the philippines because of the impact of the drug war and just to go back to. the killings on the family i mean this is something that the researcher for human rights watch has been spending considerable amount of time on trying to determine how. the killings the violence affected children particularly in poor families is that and so far what i've seen from doing this and of course there are others who are doing this and particularly journalists as well but what i've seen is that it's just some of them bearable. i think to watch to hear them. recount what happened to. the killing of their father their brother and more
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importantly what happens afterwards to be a lot of lost lives a lot of the children of stuff going to school a lot of them. basically just started working some of them a lot of them started living on the streets in the streets because no one can take care of them anymore so you know these drugs. may seem justifiable because of the many intractable problems that we've been facing for decades now but these drug war houses. in the copper scruffy. you know it has dominated generation of filipinos so i think you can. see is that particularly the poor one and that is exactly where community is picking up on so geo here on twitter says it's not really the before paying the highest price but rather only the poor are paying the price figure drug lords are still free to roam around while the poor become collateral i wrote an essay for this for my human rights class last week he writes
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and a turkey is becoming one knows most of it so there is an extreme example right there except extreme analogies that he's making right there that i don't think all the people in our community would agree with but the point he's making about who this a fax lucio what do you make of that point that this is mostly and mainly affecting the poor. sure. the drug war is that is this thing being launched by the government opinion poll busy shows hussein public support for the don't war since there are $179.00 of them to be this argue this war is after the there in support of speed.


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