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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 23, 2019 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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thank you michael all about we're going to respect you i want you to develop the skill with which you speak by letting them choose the lessons they learned revelent democratic schooling united kingdom on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. and this is the news hour live from coming up in the next 60 minutes and therefore i give notice that boris johnson is elected as the leader of the. u.k.'s conservative party named boris johnson as the person to become britain's new prime minister. it is. brics it unite the country and
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defeat it he promises to begin with the completion of. russia carries out its 1st joint patrol with china in the asia pacific during a race for influence in the region. kenya as finance minister pleads not guilty to allegations of corruption. has promised to unite the country boris johnson has been elected leader of britain's ruling conservative party to replace tories a may as prime minister in a leadership election by party members he countered with over 92000 votes is rival foreign secretary jeremy hunt got almost 47000 votes reason may is pledged to full support. her successor she's due to attend her resignation to queen
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elizabeth on wednesday before she meets johnson far as valid to do or die over breaks and says britain will leave the european union by october the 31st i say to all the doctors dude we are going to energize the country we're going to get bricks it done on october 31st to take advantage of all the opportunities that it will bring in a new spirit of can do and we are once again going to believe in ourselves and what we can achieve unlike some slumbering giant we're going to rise and ping off the guy ropes of self-doubt and negativity with better education better infrastructure more police fantastic food fiber broadband sprouting in every household we are going to unite this amazing country and we are going to take it forward i thank you all very much for the incredible honor that you've just done me i will work flat out from now on with my team that i will build i hope the next few days to repay your confidence but in the mean time the campaign is over and the work begins john
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holl takes a look at boris johnson's rise to the top. you know we're going to see the likes of boris johnson and brussels have a history together and it doesn't point to a happy conclusion as a young reporter based in the city johnson specialized in sometimes fabricated front page stories belittling european bureaucracy he's editor at the time describes johnson's willingness to tell any audience whatever he thinks most likely to please heedless of the inevitability of its contradiction an hour later so mike johnson's declarations on similarly be promises made to win over his party without the substance or detail to back them up. of. course be pushing your plan into action so as to be ready to come out october. 31st a 1st come what may come of their. daughter who was head of communications
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under boris johnson when he was mayor of london boris johnson's time at city hall show that he's more than capable of doing detail he doesn't drown it he doesn't allow officials to come up with excuses for not doing things which is why he delivered almost everything he promised as mere and if he was to be that bulldozer if you like refusing to take no for an answer in number 10 then he could be he could be a successful prime minister as mayor for 8 years johnson was a flamboyant salesman for the city with a self-effacing charm that indeed him to many but the challenge of downing street will far outweigh city on both sides people are not all together convinced that he is as sincere about this as he has been in other things. but we're about to find out and frankly the way he's now been selected with a conservative party he's got very little room for maneuver so what however this
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journey started he is now the leader of the press. party in all but name and that's what he has to deliver or it'll all be over very very quickly boris johnson famously prepared to news paper columns favoring both leave and remain before opting to support the leave campaign ahead of the 2016 referendum some wonder now whether he'll be persuaded to opt for a soft breaks it compromise once the realities facing his heart breaks it promises become clear i think if he faces a huge challenge i mean any any party takes faces huge constraints in terms of both what the e.u. will agree to and what parliament will agree to and he might say that he's going to leave the e.u. on the 31st of october to deal with delhi fundamentally that is not an issue entirely in his gift and it wouldn't surprise me at all if behind the scenes his team are preparing for a possible general election in the autumn because it might will go wrong supporters compared johnson to winston churchill a crisis leader the e.u.
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won't call his bluff they suggest because no one knows what he might do next door. 7 but the resistance is strong he has absolutely no chance of getting his bricks through on october 31st yes he did say do or doing so on november the 1st if we fall in on this sort johnson has reached the pinnacle of power in british politics wielding it won't be easy. then tasha barclay is standing by in paris with the latest reaction out of europe but 1st let's go more from jonah hall who is live for us from westminster so jonah not a big surprise but how are the numbers being crunched at this point when it comes to interpreting his margin of victory. well it's a pretty thumping victory for boris johnson winning exactly double the number of
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votes jeremy and to his rival the foreign secretary no question he is the popular choice of the party quite possibly of the grassroots of the party but not necessarily a shoo in to unite either the party or the country let's talk now to buy guest tim duran joins me he's a senior researcher with the institute of government thanks for joining me your particular focus is on negotiations and preparations for a no deal bragg's it him i'm told are you expected to be busy in the next couple among the things that require a lot of things to be talking about over the next few weeks or months and obviously aren't sure chief among them of course will be boris johnson's campaign promise is tested deal or no deal october 31st how would you rate the risk now some would say it of a no deal breaker i think the poverty has gone up for shots it was clear that that's what he wants to do get us out by the 31st of october with or without a deal and he's also been very sort of severe about what he would countenance
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changing to the deal to make acceptable to him so that the window for a negotiated exit is now right when he speaks and he's really box himself in with red lines that almost certainly the european union aren't can't or won't meet. he says he's going to go all out as his 1st public act to prepare the country in positive terms for a no deal breaks it are there positive terms in which to frame a no deal breaker i think it depends on your point of view you know the breaks it is you support it will argue as it gets out of the kind of restrictions for me on trade on lots of different areas of sort of economic policy. regulation immediately but it does also bring big sort of challenges you know lots of disruption to to trade with you we'll lose access to a whole host of e.u. wide security measures so facilitating cooperation between police forces will get much more did and there's still the big question about what happens at the irish border both the u.k. and the irish governments have said they don't want any return to the borders of the past there's still no clear proposal to how to avoid that in an ideal world you
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know and indeed there's no clear way through parliament either it was interesting before the result was announced an announcement was made on stage an appeal to tory party and pleas for them to be perhaps kinder to the new prime minister than they were to to reserve made it seems to me inevitable that that can only take place until he disappoints either those opposed to no deal or those who think it's a good idea because he just can't satisfy everyone i think that's why it seems that washington is at this stage trying to see the same strategy that reason made it of showing to the great city is that he will get brakes it done and showing to be those who don't want to be what you want to keep a very close race if you did you do a sort of a man is very soft breaks it and trying to keep both sides happy ultimately though those 2 things will be in tension and he's going to have to disappoint one of those sites and in the process quite likely trigger or have triggered for him an election very possible the problem is as well you know the labor party is also divided they're not clear about what they want to do do they want to campaign for main do they want to campaign for a different deal there are many of them who are worried about their supporters who
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do want to leave so to the division over europe and over the approached regs it went through the labor party as it does to the conservative to thanks so much for your time for speaking to us they're very strong so it was just a couple of hours ago now that he so if you simply accepted his party's leadership channeling his hero winston churchill calling for a can do spirit to do what many people think is impossible and not giving much of the way of details of how he thinks it should be done all right let's thank joe hall there. is going there or cross over the channel and tasha bottlers in paris to give us some international reaction bars johnson got quite a bit of history you could say with the rest of europe how is the continent viewing this. well the french president emanuel mark karr had a meeting a short while ago with the incoming head of the european commission on laden and she they they spoke about boris johnson after but not in any way they would particularly surprise you these are matters of course of protocol when
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a new prime minister is appointed a man or my car said that he congratulated boris johnson and that he looked forward to working with him not just on break said but on other matters and those sentiments were echoed by the incoming head of europe's commission there's no doubt the european leaders will be watching boris johnson very closely indeed to see exactly what his next move will be when it comes to break that he has made it very clear that he wants a no deal brags that he's not going to shy away from that and that of course is some concern to european leaders who have been pushing not to have a no deal they say that that would be the worst case scenario that it would serve anyone's interest they've been working very hard against it and it was also interesting that a man or mark or also said that he praised the reason may the outgoing the former british prime minister now i should say and he praised her for the fact that she never blocked any of the european union's work that she always cooperated very closely with the european union and perhaps that was
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a little message to boris johnson who is seen as someone who could possibly block some of the work of the european union while across the atlantic ocean there's also been some reaction we've heard from the u.s. president donald trump he put out to tweet congratulating boris johnson again the sort of thing that you'd expect a president to say to a new prime minister also saying he'll be great and we know that boris johnson and donald trump certainly admire each other very much they both see themselves as political mavericks. a key challenge facing britain's new prime minister is to contain the ongoing tension with iran with france germany russia and china will meet iran in vienna on sunday to discuss how to save the 2015 nuclear deal u.k. foreign secretary jeremy hunt is calling for a european led naval mission to ensure safe shipping through the strait of hormuz
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and in the last few hours around vice president said international coalition to protect the gulf will only bring in security to the region cross over to joins us now live from tehran so those are our not exactly happy with this suggestion of a european naval mission. no certainly not the feeling here is that that will only exasperates already sensitive area and situation and we've also heard from iranian foreign minister mohammad javad zarif who has just tweeted the following in response to the events that have unfolded in the united kingdom he's said that quote the may government seizure of iranian oil at behest of the united states is piracy pure and simple i congratulate my former counterpart boris johnson on becoming the u.k.'s prime minister iran does not seek confrontation but we have 1500 miles of persian gulf coast line these are our
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waters and we will protect them this is in general the feeling that we've get here from the officials the 1st vice president also shared the feeling that any kind of a coalition in terms of monitoring the ships that move through the strait of hormuz would only make things worse that it is up to the iranians and the regional countries to secure this area and their waters around them that it's not up to the united states or the british government to send in any extra force us to patrol these waters it's a very very sensitive subject in the we've also heard from the head of iran's navy who said that any kind of interference in their international waters in this area would be seen as an intrusion and that iran is responsible for the safety of the strait of hormuz historically and they will continue to do that just now. at the same time we have with the with the foreign minister so what sort of message to the french president. well the deputy
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foreign minister is delivering a letter from iranian president hassan rouhani to the french president emmanuel micron this is a head of a meeting that is scheduled to take place on sunday the 28th of july in vienna it's an extraordinary session of the remaining signatories of the nuclear agreement of 2015 the e 3 plus 2 as they call them the 3 european countries france germany and britain as well as china and russia and iran will be present as well we understand that this will be a meeting in order to determine the implementation phase of this nuclear agreement iranians are not very happy with their signatories the european signatories since the united states withdrew from the deal last year they are demanding that the europeans uphold their end of the deal because the reins of the cited every 60 days they will scale back their commitment until they see some tangible results from the
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remaining signatories which they claim they haven't seen yet so this meeting which we believe the deputy foreign minister abbas arshiya will be attending on sunday in vienna what we another attempt to try and salvage what is left of this deal dosage of. russia says it's carried out its 1st long range patrol with china in the asia pacific region the defense ministry statement says the exercise was aimed at increasing cooperation in the region and not directed any 3rd country south korea had earlier said it fired warning shots russian military aircraft violated its space both russia and china have dismissed that allegation beijing says all countries enjoy freedom of movement in the region. japan is lodging a protest saying south korean aircraft operated in doctorow island tokyo seized as japanese territory. south korea later summoned the senior russian diplomat over the
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incident. the reason why we summoned the russian deputy chief of mission without prior notice is to lodge a stern protest on russian aircraft entering the korean air defense identification zone and violation of our airspace and strongly urge them to prevent a reoccurrence. and abrahamian is a senior junk fellow at pacific forum bats in asia focus think tank based in hawaii he joins us on skype from engine in south korea good to have you with us so how do you interpret we've got a situation now where china and russia are conducting their 1st joint effort troll in the asia pacific region is this a move to calum to u.s. influence well it's part of a longer trend there navies have certainly been cooperating in conducting joint drills for several years and. you would have expected at some point the air force is to begin practicing or conducting drills together as well i think what's
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interesting about the timing is it comes at a period where south korea and japan have an extremely strained relationship and where they chose ready to overfly and if the south korean accusations are true actually enter a south korean airspace is part of the east sea or the sea of japan that is disputed territory between japan and south korea so perhaps they were trying to highlight some of the differences be between south korea and japan broadly pour fuel arms fire so to speak and you think south korea is feeling vulnerable right now. they certainly must be in seoul. they trade dispute is brewing with japan as i mentioned their traditional patron and ally the united states has a president that has not been terribly good at alliance maintenance has put a lot of pressure on seoul to pay more for hosting us troops and to renegotiate the
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free trade agreement that was there was concluded a decade ago so. with things bad with china with that with japan rather at the moment to have this kind of incursion certainly puts more pressure on. how much pressure does this sort of relationship between china and russia put on the u.s. . well the timing is interesting again because john bolton has just arrived and perhaps if indeed russia and china were probing to try and explore fissures between japan and south korea in might backfire and bolton certainly is a man for all his is flaws understands the need for the united states that have strong allies if it is to project power around the world so perhaps this may spur him to get the president to speak out against what happened today in the e.c.c. of japan. will have to wait and see what happens tomorrow when the asia wakes up
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again. i mean ultimately do you do you think that joint chinese russian air patrols could become a rate of regular sort of feature in the region. well if you look at works china has done in the south china sea which is essentially create new facts on the ground by gradually building up new capabilities while the united states will its focus elsewhere you could imagine it trying to adapt the playbook for for air defense as well it's already a bit of an issue that's ongoing because what countries do is they designate air identification zone that is not a part of any treaty or or un convention anything like that it's just a unilateral space that they ask incoming airplanes to identify themselves in china as and south korea's overlap so it's pretty regular for china to violate. or
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traverse the space that overlaps as a way of demonstrating that they don't care or don't respect that south korean identification zone will see if flights that actually push up against actual airspace which is smaller than the identifier for cations i will see if that increases and if so what the response of the u.s. and its allies will be of the oh i could get your analysis on that. probably more still ahead on the news hour clothing. truly complete gas to break up protests against trees embattled governor. and how eating fruit in nepal could be bad for everyone's health. i want of cricket's most deadly bowls has some news that will make opposition batsman very happy details coming up in the sports.
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kenya's finance minister has appeared in court to plead not guilty to corruption fraud and abuse of office following the unprecedented arrest of a government minister. is charged with $26.00 senior officials connected to the spending of around $600000000.00 on 2 hydroelectric dams have yet to be built contracts were awarded to an italian company kenya's public prosecutor is seeking the extradition of the chief executive. catherine sawyer has this update for us. the minister and others when called pleaded not guilty to several corruption related charges including defrauding the government $244000000.00 abuse of office failure to comply with procurement procedures and so one prosecutors also
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said the government is going to seek the extradition of a power law for charlie this is the director of the italian company that was awarded the contract for the construction of this dams at a time when it was sick it was applying for bankruptcy this is a huge scandal with prosecutors say because struction of this has not even started years after it was commissioned that the costs were highly inflated by $170000000.00 that about a quarter of the total money has already been paid out some today talian company are the monies are said to have been paid for a land where this dams are supposed to be but according to evidence that the directorate of our public prosecutions has this land was never purchased in the same place in the 1st place and this is a case also that has been quite highly politicized already we're seeing some politicians saying that the fight against craft is only targeting people from sight
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in communities like some individuals like the minister being used as scapegoats but also hide from president hu over time saying that he's government is committed to this fight against graft and there's not going to be any. cows no one is going to be spared a lot of kenyans are watching this they want to see this. a true trial. conducted who wants to see people who are found guilty held to account. for at least 3 people have been killed in nigeria's capital abuja that's all the violence broke out between police and a group of share muslim proto. as you say one of those killed was an officer tried to stop protesters from vandalizing property the demonstrators were calling for the release of the behaviors that sacking the leader of the islamic movement of nigeria . has more. on the demonstration is the latest in a series of violent confrontations between members of this movement of nigeria the
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umbrella organization of shiites in the country and the security forces less than 2 weeks ago the shiites stormed the national assembly or the parliament trying to access that building which resulted in violent clashes between them and security forces it was reported that at least 2 people were killed and 2 police officers were injured alongside many members of the shiite groups and the most the demonstrators were actually pushing or applying pressure on the nigerian government to have their media you spouse and some other members of the organization release who have been in detention since 2015 after a violent confrontation between them and the military which resulted into hundreds of death now the have been demanding that the nigerian government release their leader who they say is ill and me in need of urgent medical attention that i don't government said on its part that believe that the members of the group should focus their energies more on the court case that involved their leader however they are
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saying that several courts have granted bail to their leader which the government refused to do next week the nigerian government and i generate high court in kaduna state is due to hear the bail application put forward by lawyers of their the team leader it primarily is a. high temperatures and strong winds making it tough to extinguish wildfires in portugal about a 1000 firefighters are battling the flames north of lisbon summit blaming a lack of resources and government inaction for the damage caused the e.u. is warning bad fires are already. serious sounding creasing threat across the continent tween 200-201-7611 firefighters and civilians died in wildfires in new in union countries because $60000000000.00 worth of damage portugal suffers the most recording more than 18000 wildfires the years since 2007
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climatologists say europe needs to prepare for major fires catastrophic events that kill and black in large areas the hard to stop tom burke is chairman of the climate change think tank the 3 g. he says the fires fit into a broader pattern of extreme weather events the picture is coming through pretty clearly and not just fires there are also hurricanes and floods as well so there are a lot of extreme weather events which are exactly what the scientists told us was going to happen so they were starting to see is governments politicians at least paying attention but they're not translating that into really aggressive enough action to stop the problem getting worse several things that can be done 1st of all i think you've got to keep people and forests apart so where it's appropriate as francis of that great grief thing you don't let regulated developers take place in vulnerable forest areas you also need to make sure that your emergency services are
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properly funded and that means basing the for the budgets not on what used to happen because we've changed the baseline so the problem is they're going to need much bigger budgets they've got now because this problem is going to get worse. well 1st new records of the latest heatwave are already made in france rama's labor yeah porch good results of high temperatures and dryness and we've already had one heat for so far in europe is the 2nd. where he's being eased in gently if you look at the satellite picture to my good night dear from the shave above our head is of why we're about to get warm once it gets big area of high pressure around which the air flows gently in the middle of which the air does nothing apart gets heated by day and by night night time minutely in toulouse and in boulder which is down in the south of france have been record about $24.00 degrees as the highest record so it being eased in gently but much of western europe will see daytime temperatures
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rise significantly next over the next 2 or 3 days when currently got around nearly 40 in madrid in 36 in process high but you don't really think that's particularly well the look at london 32 year londoners think that's quite high it is western europe is this is where is happily and they each creeping up over the pyrenees into central france for the summer really blaze the picture i think probably be at its hottest on thursday where paris has got a general forecast of 40 bear in mind this could be wrong by degree of the record for powers in july thank you 41 so we're pretty close to breaking down in fact if you close even a little bit on this part of europe we've actually got the potential of $42.00 in the middle of france and $39.00 and to up be talking more about this. thanks so much will still have here on al-jazeera crossing the border to find work how a rainy incurred sort of scaping the effects of the u.s. sanctions the lights go out again in venezuela so who is the government blaming
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this time and great charges against portuguese football star on aldo been dropped they tells coming up in sports. and the war on terror begins with but it does not end there no terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat than the regime of saddam hussein's regime that has something to hide they have here a significant propaganda machine and guess what not one w m d shite was found in iraq since 1991 iraq a deadly deception on al-jazeera. the latest news as it breaks it is long campaigned against what it calls attempts to undermine the state of israel from within. with detailed coverage called power
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being replaced by eco friendly plants all over the world environmentalists hear the pulse of what's confirmed. from around the world those things just as visible on the ground and on the surface underwater. and watching out 0 time to recap the headlines now far as johnson has been elected leader of britain's ruling conservative party and will become the next u.k. prime minister he's promising to unite the country. iran says it doesn't want a confrontation with britain over the seizure of the british flag the oil tanker
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britain's foreign secretary is calling for a european led naval mission to ensure the safety of shipping in the strait of hormuz. russia says it's carried out its 1st long range and patrol with china in the asia pacific region moscow says the exercise was aimed at increasing cooperation in the region and not directed any 3rd country south korea had earlier said it fired warning shots a russian military aircraft that violated its airspace. back to our top story now and boris johnson has become the new leader of the ruling conservative party that means will become the u.k.'s next prime minister ian duncan is the editor of politics don't you k. he joins us now live from westminster good to have you with us so does the results suggest to you that last johnson can take a firm kemal and of the conservative party 1st of all.
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no not really the result that he's got is the risk you know comes from members and he did get a very commanding result from men his problems now are about and he's now there's a room of moderate tory m.p. who are on the back benches who will fight his proposals for no do and they will fight them very hard they prove themselves again and again now we had some doubts about them in the beginning but now it seems like they really will hold the line against it and that problem is actually getting worse because even as we speak people that were in cap and who were sort of lashed to government discipline into voting with the government on the longer with the government leaving in some cases before they think you'll kick them out and they are now going to go to the bout benches and they were very sick and his plans from there do so he's got a lot of support in the membership his problem now is with m.p.'s and he does not have full control so what does that leave a divided country. still
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divided i mean you know as you pointed out and you're going to team he said he was going to unite the country there was no plans for how to do that in fact quite the opposite everything he said over the last few weeks as he's been appealing to conservative membership has been a more a more draconian a more more sort of muscular almost pressure size form of brecht's which ended with him refusing to rule out cancelling parliament will together and then pushing through no deal brix it now given that the country is split between and remain on the one hand and no dilbert's it is the most pronounced most vigorous form of rex you can imagine it's very hard to imagine anything he could do now to unite the country unless of course he goes back against the promises he's already made and that right there is probably the most likely outcome. do you think there is any child's. try anyway to renegotiate anything they've already agreed to.
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yeah there is so there's 2 parts to what the e.u. have done with the u.k. is 2 parts of the do one is the with george agreement that's the divorce that's basically what you need to do to split apart 2 is the future relationship document and that is the name implies about what you do in the future what kind of trade do you have now they are willing to do all sorts of things with the future relationship document what they're not willing to do is mess around with george agreeing with the divorce documents and that's a problem because boris johnson essentially said that he won't tolerate any form of backstop backstop is the new and on insurance policy and that is in the withdrawn agreement so we're not basis while they are prepared to mess around with the duo they're not prepared to mess around with a part of the deal that he wants changed so on that basis it looks like the negotiations they would have in brussels are not going to come to anything but if you i mean to get to a future relationship you 1st have to have a withdrawal and a withdrawal agreement if the if there isn't and the parliament. consensus for me
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off on that one and the europeans are not willing to renegotiate it what does that leave boris johnson heading into an early election another referendum. yeah exactly i mean the thing is you know look at it look at each eventuality is a flow chart you know anything and then this and then this and then this and all of those options seem to lead you inevitably towards an election because the truth is he convert to do it with the parliament that he has they've tried to get the deal through 3 times of the backstop in it that won't get through parliament take the backstop out the deal is impossible if you try to do never do which is threatened parliament will stop you so over and over the problem for him is this deadlock component but it won't vote for a do it won't vote for no deal so what does he do he has to go for a general election yes to change the numbers in parliament be he rode out a general election to sit for a sleep over and over and over again say he himself was blocked off the avenue isn't exactly the same thing with voting another referendum he said over and over
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again he wouldn't do it so the truth is now you took his permission you just think the great question is which of you will often stated promises are you going to break 1st because it's going to have to be one of them. are going to be interesting to watch then thanks so much for your analysis. of the economy in iran suffering from us sanctions many iranians crossing the border to find work in northern iraq name reports from the bill in the kurdish region the common language makes it easier for them to earn money for their families back. each room. wallpapers is bringing him closer to the day he can afford to marry his fiance the money he earns as a handyman in northern iraq is also supporting his parents at home in iran. how did it go it's been 5 years working in a before this kind of work wasn't popular now there's more of
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a demand and business is getting better every 3 to 4 months i take a break and go back to iran because i have a work permit. but these iranian kurds aren't so lucky with out work permits they enter the kurdish region in iraq on one month tourist visas work every day they can return home and repeat the process mohammad faruq says a lucrative month of work puts $800.00 in his pocket. and oh it's very hard for me to be away from my family but it's harder not to have any money to spend all to buy food what's better being away from your family and having money or being with your family and having no money the government doesn't keep an official count of the number of iranian workers here but says there are hundreds and that number has tripled in the last 2 years as iran's economy suffers from u.s. sanctions the director of labor in the semi autonomous kurdish region expects more iranians to seek work here will be taking advantage of an economy on the rebound
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following several tough years. yeah he had a good i proposed a plan to address the situation with iranian workers it would match them with jobs we have a need for we don't want to close the border with them but we must organize a situation that effects the local workers greatly and we have to give them a priority. he says for the time be the kurdistan regional government has no intention of barring these men bound by culture and language many people see these iranian kurds as their brothers and sympathize with their plight natasha going to 0. former chinese premier league ping pang rather has died at the age of $91.00 will be most remembered for announcing martial law during the 1989 pro-democracy protests in beijing's challenge and square rights activists used
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to refer to him as the butcher of beijing shanghai news agency says he died of unspecified illness if he says federal forces are being deployed to its southern region after violence that left at least 18 people dead over the weekend protests started last week when activists tried to declare their own state they had submitted a request for semi autonomy last july. has been hit by another countrywide power cuts the government says opponents sabotaged the power station opposition leader is blaming the government saying it's failed to invest in the national grid mohamed reports. another night in the dark as a nationwide power cut leaves millions without electricity. lights were out in more than half of venezuela's $23.00 states including the capital caracas canceled metro
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stations and disabled traffic lights caused huge traffic jams forcing people to find other ways to commute. as a citizen i feel terrible abandon because there is no contingency plan look we're all walking there are people who do not know how they're going to get hurt. the country's main airport was also in the dark leaving hundreds of travelers stranded the government blames the blackout on some of its opponents who it says sabotage a power station. in the 1st indications received from the investigation point to the existence of an electromagnetic attack that such with fact. generation system of ghana the main provider of the service in the country while the opposition leader tweeted the outage was a result of government corruption and incapacity the last major power cut was in march and that triggered opposition protests demanding president nicolas maduro
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step down as the 2 sides fight for political control venezuela has plunged into economic turmoil and the u.s. imposed sanctions. millions of people are struggling to earn a living as they face medicine and food shortages and hyper inflation. how does it affect me in every way i live on the 11th floor i don't have electricity i don't have water because without electricity you can't be pumped i can't buy anything with a debit card i don't have any cash. i'm hungry and i want to eat but there's nowhere to swipe my card because none of the machines work with the financial crisis i can't even buy a hot dog with cash. while authorities work to restore the power grid venezuelans struggle to survive day to day and say they urgently want to solution to the instability for healing mohammed al jazeera. protesters demanding the resignation of puerto rico's governor say they won't back down.
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place in the camp fired tear gas to break up a 10th day of protests outside the. home he said he won't seek reelection next year but isn't quite the leader of the u.s. territory protests began when messages were leaked of him insulting women the disabled and victims of horror canaria. government reports from san juan. they filled the streets in overwhelming numbers puerto ricans more determined than ever the 10th straight day of protests despite far the largest ricky martin many famous puerto ricans dishes and athletes supporting the protest. but it was every day puerto rican sprott together in their desire to see a new government we're here to show everybody what we want you know what is it you want done him to resign him is governor ricardo. who on sunday night took to
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facebook to again apologize for hundreds of pages of private text messages leaked more than a week ago where he seemed cruelly mocking the very puerto rican people who elected him to come up with new. to each puerto rican men and woman i have hurt you and i hear you today i have made mistakes and i ask for forgiveness i'm a good man who has great love for my island and for everyone. he refused to step down only fueling more anger on the streets these god our governor is taking everything that we're proud of we need him to step down he did something he asked for forgiveness that's ok but he needs to respond for what he did it's unprecedented the number of people out here on the streets this started as a protest against the governor and it still very much is but also has grown into
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something much larger the feeling of most here is that now is the time not only to demand a new governor but also a better government i mean here because i want to fight corruption in my country it's been many years that people have suffered the consequences of corruption and it's time that the young generation stands up it's we cannot say like oh no we're scared of the future like my parents and some people are afraid of change and it's normal that we have to tell the government that they have to have a social commitment. with health and education thousands of people shut down the main highway through the city but the road ahead for puerto rico now more uncertain than ever. san juan. now the u.s. government says it will deport documented immigrants from anywhere in america without her allowing them to appear before a judge previously the fast track procedure only applied to those detained within
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160 kilometers of the border and who'd been in the u.s. for less than 2 years the trial but ministration is been leaning hard on mexico to stop central american migrants from making their way to the u.s. washington says it's satisfied with mexico's efforts so far but critics of war and the crackdown could lead to human rights abuses minute reports from mexico city. over the past 45 days mexican authorities have stepped up a crackdown on migrants through an increase in immigration officers and the deployment of 1000 national guards troops to mexico's northern and southern borders . on average more than a 1000 migrants are now being apprehended in mexican territory every day so you notice in your disappoint that mexican foreign minister marcello abroad has consistently repeated. the deployment of national guard troops as well as our enforcement of existing market. have led to
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a 36.2 percent reduction in the flow of migrants. by showing the trump administration that immigration numbers are down mexico hopes to meet the conditions of a july 22nd deadline on a deal that removed tariff threats on mexican exports to the u.s. . for mr broder just before i came here we talked about the progress we've made on immigration with them to. expect good weed out the 404045. if they've made real progress was there but the strategy of cracking down on migrants the deployment of military forces and detention of asylum seekers in southern mexico have also sparked a concern among human rights groups immigration experts warn all of this contradicts mexico's own it national policies which promised to guarantee the rights of asylum seekers mexico is. sandwiched between 2 contradicting expectations logically this creates a complicated problem because you can't please one party without upsetting the
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other and in any containment measures for migrants there is a chance that human rights abuses that negatively affect migrants will occur having met the conditions set by the us in reducing migrant numbers mexico has also avoided the so-called safe 3rd country negotiations the country has been avoiding as part of the agreement with the us mexico plans to continue the current strategy for another $45.00 days while also calling on the us to invest in a more sustainable approach which includes a development plan for the countries migrants who flee mexico committed $30000000.00 toward development projects in el salvador last month but without a strategic international development plan that includes countries like guatemala and honduras were a majority of migrants originate experts warn that a policy of containment alone will not be enough to solve the migrant crisis went up a lot and jessica mexico city. people shopping for fruit and vegetables in the poll say they aren't sure whether it's safe to eat
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a lot most is imported from neighboring india where pesticides are used supreme court judges in the pool of water government leaders in katmandu to reverse their decision to stop testing imports for toxic chemicals so. in the capital. i there's anger in that central vegetable market these traders say sales have gone down drastically in june the past government decided to make pesticide residue test mandatory for imported fresh vegetables and fruits around 44 percent of fruits and vegetables consumed in the park comes from india but i got every food i answer has pesticides if pesticides are problematic why produce them last year india banned 66 pesticides that are outlawed in other countries but 38 including carcinogenic insecticides like mine are caught a 1st are still in use longer these pesticides are like a slow poison causing conditions from cancer to infertility the health sector is
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going to be impacted badly is the responsibility of the state to ensure quality but instead of testing the food items the nepalese government kuechly reversed its decision saying it doesn't have the facilities or capacity to do so many here suspect pressure from the indian government led to the backtracking. the supreme court has since weighed in on during the government to continue testing food imports doesn't have an independent facility to test pesticide residue and there is only one functioning government facility in order at the borders but here and this means trucks full of symbols of fruit are still stuck on the borders besides food items also imports pesticides from india it brought in more than $600.00 tons of pesticides last year most of it to be used in vegetable farming but the government insists it does not.
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i. it is little wonder. that many here say they now want all domestic and imported foods tested. on their way to. hold. those 2 towels for.
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all right sports fans follow us here with all that means yes thank you so much sam a gareth bale agent has ruled out any loan deal for the real madrid forward maintaining that the welt international is one of the best players on the planet meanwhile the spanish sides coaches in aiding the dam has hit back at allegations that disrespected bale bale didn't play in his team's 31 pre-season defeat to byron munich in houston on saturday zan revealed it was because the club were working on a deal for the welshman to be transferred to bails agent branding sadam a disgrace is whether this is a muse but you know it's true that sometimes my spanish is very soft into the word but i want to be very clear about it is a firstly i have not disrespected anybody least of all the players i've always said the same the players are the most important part of the club i will always be with them 2nd thing i said the club is trying to sell him. manchester city manager pep
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guardiola has responded to claims that his players have shown a lack of respect to fans on their tour of china a chinese state news agency said the team had also discriminated against local media apparently the champions are now in hong kong for a game against local side kitschy. i should say i'm not a diva they should say too that is false. so to to make an a stimulant is they have to know exactly what happened here in our club so will the players and were incredible timing shang ideas help they were committing all all commission you have to do with the people here in china the people from motel we take care of all of them we see new to this pictures. christiana rinaldo won't face charges over 10 year old allegations that he raped a woman in las vegas a woman identified as catherine may or ago who was 24 at the time alleged the un to star assaulted her at a las vegas hotel back in 2009 she reached and out of court settlement with ronaldo
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2010 but asked the case be reopened in 2018 ronaldo has always denied the accusations vegas police said the allegations were investigated but could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. now one of cricket's most iconic bowlers is set to retire from one day international sri lanka will play his final o.d.i. on friday in colombo will take part in just the 1st game 3 match home series against bangladesh bowling it is the templating o.d.i. wicket taker of all time with 335 dismissals in 225 games a 35 year old will continue playing t 20 internationals he retired from tests in 2011 just over a week after their world cup triumph the english cricket team are back at lord's but they have swapped the one day colors for test match whites they face ireland in a 4 day tasks as a warm up for the ashes series against australia which starts on august 1st players who are not in the world cup team or ensuring squads focuses on ireland and not on
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their recent success i think if you look down the squad think i met world cup squad and i went. and you know those guys there this is essentially the start of the summer in terms of you know test match cricket and get in amongst them there's guys there and see run the high safely you know the guys run in the 7 often again to push on them and the guys that are just starting i freaking out really in amongst the. with just over a year to go before the tokyo games and he'll limp activists are urging prospective host cities to reconsider their support of the multi-sport event as tokyo prepares for the one year countdown to the games on wednesday activists are planning several demonstrations the group believes the event doesn't benefit local communities and makes economic inequality worse one of the things we hear a lot is that if you host the olympics you become you can become a world class city have the world's attention on you but if you look back at some
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of the recent host i mean who hasn't heard of tokyo who hasn't heard of los angeles who hasn't heard of london go down the line here these are already world class cities they certainly don't need the olympics to burnish their reputation in major league baseball the minnesota twins are well on their way to smashing a league record the team had 5 home runs in their 8 that victory gives a new york yankees which garver scored 2 of them he's currently hold the record of 267 home runs in a season minnesota are currently on one $187.00 with $63.00 games left in the regular season and n.b.a. legend tim duncan is returning to the franchise where he won 5 championships the 43 year old has been hired as an assistant coach at the san antonio spurs a work under head coach gregg popovich duncan retired from playing in 22016 he spent 19 years with the spurs as a player. that's all yours for pronounce sammy bakhtiari so as far
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that's it for me for this news hour but i'll be back in a moment with another for both of. the palestine national locust was 1st founded in the 1930 s. but has had to be revived in 2010 all was very important for me to sing in palestine now musicians from all over the world come together to perform in the occupied territories so good for the theme it's like every palestinian living in the aspirant felt it was the 1st time they perform using their identity al-jazeera world hears music as a force for unity the diaspora orchestra. if you want to learn about the world might look like very soon regard 100 and hungary's in the extreme example of the predicament the whole world is going through. since mass immigration story we had
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bondage clashes between the cultures and the problem is that the culture of that is you guys should say some raiding the us is a is not comfortable with european culture this is not like the word fascist. triumphal march. dreams of conquest and of global tried. is a very very uneventful glide towards the precipice without resistance we are past the danger has already happened. it was then just 10 years ago. now this is it. the diagnosis he has been sick for around 6 months now the challenge ahead there when one of these $96.00 could be a new cure for a racist. the new cure for colors are. illness or disability
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al-jazeera examines priam meaning treatments so this is the explosive yes it's basically a wearable robot like iraq we visited on al-jazeera. it is deliver bricks it unite the country and defeat the global. boris johnson lays out his plan as britain's next prime minister. times i may say down this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up iran says calls for an international coalition to protect shipping in the gulf slowly bringing security to the region. russia carries out.


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