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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2019 10:00pm-10:34pm +03

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saying that nothing should hinder the process of trying to form a transitional government but fully a lot of people are not happy about the fact that there's that big mission is talking and negotiating with the military to enter in the 1st place their thing that they want accountability and justice 1st before any transitional government is formed so it's not clear if the students and the activists and the protestors on the streets will accept the fact that the opposition coalition is resuming talks with the transitional military joint down what we do know is that the protesters have called for more protests more voices to be heard and to a reject the fact that there was violence in a great town this morning thank you for that paper morgan reporting there live from in ethiopia. there's much more still ahead on this al-jazeera news hour supporters of kremlin critic alexei navalny say he was poisoned during his latest stay in prison plus. i shooting at a u.s. school festival least 3 people dead police say i suspect has also been cleared and
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in sports out west and the wire german grand prix for the world champion any steve brown will have the details. now u.k. prime minister boris johnson has told e.u. leaders he'll discuss breck said when they are ready to shift their position if they don't johnston says britain will leave without a deal he made the remarks during his 1st visit to scotland for the 1st time as prime minister the prospect of a no deal bracks it is strongly oppose in scotland its 1st minister has warned it would lead to a new independence referendum let's go to live for us in edinburgh boris johnson 1st talking tough to europe will he follow through with his stray. i think that it's clear even before he got here that there was
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a great strength of feeling across the political parties about a no deal breaker on sunday the leader of the scottish conservatives ruth davis had wrote an article in which she said that she generally would support prime minister johnson in his efforts to get a break to deal if in fact he made any efforts but that she could not support a no deal breaks it and that's very that's a very unwelcome development perhaps predictable though he's expected perhaps in the next few hours to to meet with her he'll also be meeting nicolas turgeon the scottish 1st minister she wrote to him last week saying that if he took britain out without a deal he would be the last prime minister of the united kingdom her views are well known and this the scottish national party do not want breaks it they believe it will be damaging. and a bubble there they're feeding into reports like the one that's come out of the confederation of british industry on monday saying that most businesses are not
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totally prepared for a new deal breaks it is a problem as john said he's trying to reaffirm the fact that he is committed to the union he's coming with pledges of around $370000000.00 for certain parts of scotland as well as northern ireland and wales other places he'll be visiting sometime in the very near future again is that that he's going to be spending all his government will be spending around $12030000000.00 just on a public information campaign getting people ready for the idea of a no deal his critics say that with those mixed messages he really is scaring businesses he's scaring individuals people here who are worried about the chaos that a no deal breaks it might bring then take in his words in the last couple of hours in scotland directed to people in brussels where he's been saying that unless he's part. the european union are willing to re revisit and renegotiate the withdrawal
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agreements of the backstop for the new border then he will be going for the new deal bricks so people really think he's playing hardball here and it's making a lot of people quite nervous thank you for that. for us in edinburgh. now britain's foreign secretary has warned iran it must follow international rules if in dominic robb's wars it wants to come out of the dark his t.v. interview coincides with the arrival in the gulf of him as duncan the destroyer is joining a british fagot to escort u.k. flag vessels in the strait of almost a protection force was ordered after iran travel guard captured a british oil tanker 10 days ago meanwhile iran's negotiator says sunday's emergency meeting in vienna over the fate of the 26 year 50 nuclear deal was constructive but about iraq she says iran will continue to reduce its nuclear commitments if europe fails to salvation the pact the remaining european
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signatories have been trying to keep the deal alive after the u.s. with joe last year in the past one month. has several developments. regarding the implementation of. some of that was regarding. you know the duction of. commitments which reported by the. i.a.e.a. and also we have some complaints about. you know proper implementation of the witness by the other side i mean the europeans in particular. the lawyer for russian opposition leader alexina bonnie says his client was poisoned in prison the man is personal doctor says he was suffering from a severe rash and other symptoms caused by an unknown chemical substance the high profile kremlin critic was taken to hospital on sunday is serving a 30 day sentence after calling for large demonstrations in moscow on saturday where more than. 1000 people were detained you almost feel that almost. everything
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has been done to removed so the nothing is seen he has been injected prednisolone in huge amounts of course to a demon is practically gone but what is next or how does the body react is unknown this is a poisoning by some unknown chemical substance what it is where it was nobody can tell now has not been the term and for now. i urge my colleagues that he should be left under medical supervision for at least 3 more days when the key tests and research is ready however sadly by order from above he was just a school to police to the detention room. from moscow. off to strong indications that nivelle me would be moved from hospital to back to the jail to serve the remainder of his sentence that's actually now happened and that's caused real concern from his medical team his doctor has been tweeting saying that she was were very concerned because. he hadn't been given the
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right test of figure out what was actually wrong with him when he was in the hospital and they're very concerned that if he goes back to the joe that he will simply become ill again because they don't know what caused it in the 1st place now the doctor the medical team are all insisting that the valley actually stay in hospital intel has been given the play and he's been given all the tests that you need to try and figure out what was wrong with him now they say that he's broken out in hives that's unusual play him say his medical team they say he hasn't ever had an allergic reaction before and that means that they're very worried that there may well have been some sort of poisoning involved now other people who have been in that jail have come out and spoken they say the conditions in the jail very dire and people do get ill there also there's been real concerns that he has been able to meet with his legal team properly he wasn't allowed to have a private conversation with his lawyer his lawyer says that was only off to
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a number of arguments with the hospital and with the authorities that was able to have a very brief meeting with his client so he's now back in jail so there's real concern from his medical team the whatever made him in the 1st place absent been diagnosed properly and he could well just become ill again. now returning now to our earliest story in sudan where protesters have been shot and killed by security forces joining us now is his jewish kuka was a filmmaker and member of a nonviolent resistance movement he joins us from khartoum thank you so much for being with us until now most of the focus has been on demonstrations in khartoum but these latest protests is said to have happened in north korea fon how significant is this and what are you hearing about what's happening there. ok so it's crazy to know one of the main cities over there and get the news are just coming in and people are getting really angry so incredible and there's all these
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parts people are out of the streets and there's marches and things are being planned and it's all the reactions that's all that anger towards what happened and it comes a day after we heard about investigation report or the u.n. 3rd massacre where they claimed that it was the band that it was this rogue group and stop the people to be angry at the port that can be put down the numbers of people who were by although it was all filmed and now again we have something that's very filmed we see we still are a separate groups the rapid response force the people who are ruling right now in the school and they shot a quote that says who came out to actually protests one of their main things in sas for civilian government across there is that report that came out and they got shot and all these people got bad so to us this is not acceptable specially that we got to the point where we are after signing with the. opposition that with the f.o.c. that now we are in a state where we have. a government that's actually going to have military and now
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that they're shooting at us we are like we have the right to corpus so we're surprised and we can expect a lot of escalation and people out in the streets angry asking for justice and asking for the truth to be told about what happened and we're asking for whoever is part of this and we know it's our so we don't want to hear this is like part of the ultimate or these are militias or something we want to know what word is happening and you say you're going to continue protesting that they're going to be more people on the streets but this one also mean more deaths i mean 8 people killed according to doctors in north korea fonda i don't see that the response from the military could be a very deadly one. so the part that's a really start and it's something that started from the ground up so it's like it is not a political or this this is anger and a reaction so it's already started so right now we need to know do we actually have a government that it's f f c with the military so we have the right to protest this
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or we don't is this something that only happens outside of any areas that are not part of the center is that like even the center going to come out on protests and they're ok but people in the 33 can't so we need to know the answers to these questions so right now people are going out to the street we have the right to protest we are going to be going to numbers and they cannot do anything for us we were not scared of dollars and they do not have the right or the power to actually treat us like this anymore so the numbers are going to be big and people going to come out but the big problem right now and what we are trying to organize is what are what is our us and our main ask is we want our civilian government to take over now we don't want. to show that continues killing people because they don't treat it with us when it's part of that about them you want to see the police force not artistic and the police force need to be trained to protect their people not to get out you got to beat us mistakes and the art that they need it's very noble to be to
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do good to those with sticks and they're using live ammunition definitely. i'm able to to allow people ok thank you so much for speaking to us. sudanese activists joining us from cotton thank you for your time. to the united states now and facing allegations of racism donald trump is now a touch us civil rights leader reverend sharpton the president fired off new tweets just hours before sharpton is due to speak in baltimore the mostly black city derided as a rodent infested mess part of one of the tweets reads i have known all sharpton for 25 years is a con man a troublemaker always looking for a score of intimidated comcast n.b.c. hates whites and cops. kimberly hawk it is live for us now in washington d.c. she's our white house correspondent kimberly the president doesn't seem to be
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backing away from his racially divisive rhetoric why is this happening now. yeah no he's not backing down and many people are scratching their heads trying to figure out why this continues to happen because this really coming on the heels of a series of tweets by the president just last week where he was criticizing for democratic congress women of color telling them if they don't like the united states to leave so certainly there are a lot in the united states that are disappointed that the president has now chosen to attack a predominantly african-american city the city of baltimore now attacking a very prominent civil rights leader reverend al sharpton who as you point out will be speaking in the coming hour defending himself against the criticism by the president the reason the president may be doing all of this has a lot to do with the fact that you know we're on the campaign trail for 2020 and this is a predominantly liberal city and as well as chicago that he is also criticized in
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the past he's already the president not well liked in these cities he's got nothing to lose and everything to gain in terms of trying to galvanize his base so it appears that this is a bit of a political strategy the president is pointing out what even the baltimore sun has pointed out is that baltimore does have trouble in terms of violent crime most recently it's one of its mayors left in scandal certainly it's well known but it appears that the president is trying to highlight that in order to galvanize his base in advance of the presidential election if this is a strategy then can we expect it to escalate and also how have republicans been reacting to all this is going to. i think we can expect this to escalate because. it's going to be a long long campaign season if that's the case because it seems to be working. the president has and did this on the campaign trail in 2016 and it allowed him to win
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the white house. because while the president lost the popular vote folly he won the white house through the electoral college so by sort of isolating different areas of the united states geographically it is a political strategy that the white house thinks can help the president win again and we should point out in terms of these tweets that many people have been calling racist in the united states the white house is defending them saying this is nothing more than a hyperbole this is how the president speaks but obviously this is upsetting many in the united states and this sort of fall out continues and we'll be watching very carefully to see what reverend al sharpton says when he speaks from baltimore in the coming hour thank you for that can really help it live for same washington d.c. time now for a check of the world weather and the rains over china have moved north and west strong with some speed as well leave me weak you're talking about potential flooding in japan and now these things over siberia anyway have
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a look at some live pictures see what i mean this angle here other to my eyes is quite unusual the mar your body front nobody goes from japan that's in the middle of china it warm to slowly northwards so the korean peninsula and it's really rocketed northwards in the last one to us 3 days to be honest not where it lies there along its length there are still floods it's the quezon stationary front just say it's called by you by depending on which part of the world your in which means has been followers like some of the most dramatic which are couple days ago is in you know and you see this is this is result of flooding in this hard ground in parts of china have so much flows you can see now the picture as it stands at the moment has produced a mass of thunderstorms it looks as though there is talk of hong kong nearby well yes it looks so we've had some to go like 70 minutes the last 24 hours that's nothing to be honest this time of the heavy rain is still back in the hills here but i bring you down to this part of the world because i think this will be focusing on the next 23 days this circulation just west of luser one of the worst
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the northern philippines is a potential developing tropical cycling at the moment is to. they recognize just looks like it's got to do something so it moves slowly north west which was the chinese coast next 2 days for i think its main threat is rain and probably to lose all 40 rob thank you very much for that among the stories we have coming up on the news our holy site all rubbish dump a program is polluting a shrine in indian administered kashmir and in sport will show you a world record performance at the u.s. a flag stamp in chips to stay with us. going behind the scenes of one of mexico's most love soaps using fiction to mirror the struggles of real life. this week the story line focuses on the butt ways of systematic violence in mexican society and issues close to home for the producers
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and actors alike as they struggle to portray in fiction the maggie face a reality soapbox mexico every day mafia on a disease. a conflict that is now considered to be the world's worst humanitarian crisis hollywood not all have to die this horrible stuff is hard says all are really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the coalition fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch the amounts of money involved yemen war profiteers on al-jazeera.
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and again. you're watching the news hour on al-jazeera with me for the back he brought a reminder of our top stories china's government has reiterated its support from kong's leader kerry lamb following weeks of mass protests the hong kong police hong kong policy office in beijing says the no longer peaceful demonstrations are a challenge to the rule of law doctors in sudan say 8 protesters have been shot and killed by security forces in north korea fon high school students and activists were demonstrating against the findings of an investigation into last month's deadly crackdown on is sitting outside military headquarters in khartoum and the president of nigeria has ordered a military operation to hunt down suspected gunmen who attacked a funeral at least 65 people were killed in my degree the capital of borno state in the northeast. we're now on that story and opposes what it calls western influence and is seeking to overthrow the nigerian government its fighters provokes global
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outrage in 2014 when they kidnapped more than $270.00 schoolgirls in chibok tens of thousands of people have been killed by book and millions more displaced the nigerian government had previously said the group had been driven out of northern nigeria but it's attacks have continued to show is every time a jury an air force captain earlier he explained what he believes was behind this latest attack. it is very important to note that what led to this attack 2 weeks into a community in that area in the reports though is something that was not you know where delayed reported our book as they usually do they came for 4 days attacks that is to gather food or collect levy or animals from the groups if that is called budget the village just courageously decided to resist that attack and they were able to inflict a heavy casualty on the book footage and party killing 10 members of the book and
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collecting 10 some raffles from them which was going to be a 100 over the office to the police now it is this attack i think that boko haram came to surprise on and to shore their communities who might think of. defense to defend themselves. in the united states police have shot dead a gunman after he killed 3 people at a food festival the tech tunes in the california into the of looking for a motive and a potential 2nd suspect 15 people are in hospital for injuries some of them critical stephanie has more. it took a while for the reality to sink in. the unmistakable sound of gunfire at a popular food fair the 3 day gilroy garlic festival in the small city south of san jose. really scary i was i couldn't run anymore and i thought he's coming behind me and i'm going to get hit because i can run anymore those of
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a burst. like he was really like you reloaded i don't know how many maybe. maybe 15 each time i don't know those rapids that's a section so. pretty secure did you see the shooter or did you hear anybody who did see them i didn't see him the woman that jumped in the back of the truck with me she had saw him so that he he was in fatigues and he had a machine gun the shooting started just after half past 5 in the evening police say the gunman cut through a fence to gain access to the festival grounds officers confronted him within a minute of him starting to shoot they say and he is now dead and we have one suspect we know that is down right we have some witnesses reporting that there may have been a 2nd suspect but we don't know if that says back whereas encaged in any shooting or whether they may have been in some sort of a support role for the person that we have accounted for there is still no motive
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no more detail on who the gunman was or why he opened fire on people enjoying a food fair on a late summer afternoon but these kinds of shootings are becoming a regular occurrence in the united states they've happened at a music festival in. schools places of worship offices and shopping malls this latest incident may again reignite the debate about gun control and gun rules in the u.s. people running it with a powerful gun lobby most people don't expect anything to change stephanie decker al-jazeera donald trump's chief of spies is leaving director of national intelligence dan coats has clashed with and contradicted the president over russia iran and north korea mike hanna has more from washington. this was the moment that it would appear most and good president trump flanked by soprano intelligence chiefs dan coats presents the annual worldwide threat assessment to the senate
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intelligence committee and essentially says that the basis for the president's enthusiastic endorsement top north korean good intentions is not just flawed but wrong we currently assess that north korea will seek to retain its wm d. capabilities and is unlikely to completely give up its nuclear weapons and production capabilities because its leaders ultimately view nuclear weapons as critical to regime survival. in response the president angrily tweeted that intelligence should go back to school today. no i disagree with certain things that they said i think on the way but time will prove that time will prove me right probably then an oval office meeting with the intelligence chiefs followed by this version of events and they said that they were totally misquoted and they were totally it was taken out of context so what i do is i'd suggest that you call them they said it was fake there so which frankly isn't surprised that this was not
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the 1st time they'd been disagreement the director of national intelligence repeatedly did mining the president's view that there was doubt about the level of russian involvement in u.s. politics and on at least one occasion visibly surprised that news coming from the white house we have some breaking news the white house has announced on twitter that lattimer putin is coming to the white house in the far him again i dan coats was the last national security figure left from the very 1st time cabinet and even though he had no intelligence background he'd earned bipartisan respect in congress with many messages of support in recent weeks d.n.i. ident coats is a good friend to former senate colleague and leader of integrity who's always served our country well said senator susan collins i served on the joint economic
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committee with dan coats as representative done by a he was widely respected and trusted by everyone on both sides is a man of integrity but trump doesn't want integrity he wants people who tell him what he wants to hear and intil leaders who will agree that 2 plus 2 equals 5 and i beautiful spring it's unlikely that dan coats will read to children with his wife at another white house easter egg roll. it was a boy. was a girl and enjoy a disagreement with no consequence to like the story. washington. rang a muslim refugees in bangladesh have rejected offers from a high level delegation from myanmar to return to their villages 750000 fled a military crackdown 2 years ago and their child reports from refugee camps in kong they want safety guarantees and full citizenship before they go back. they came to
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the camps in bangladesh to convince the hundreds of thousands of rohingya to return to me on march that country's government sent a 14 member high level delegation for the job but many refugees here say they're not willing to go back without full citizenship and security guarantees but for the few him the refugees there seems to be a window of hope. we're very grateful to the bangladesh government if the letter was we'd like to return to myanmar the delegates told us they'll give us back our land and property however the best majority of their own don't seems to know what was discussed in the meeting they came here looking for safety after me and mars army launched a crackdown that the u.n. has called an ethnic cleansing from which you know i understand that a delegation is here to solve the crisis and i feel good about it but i don't really know what they will say and discuss though several community leaders say me and most delegation was unwilling to give citizenship to their own even at the
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meeting me and my us government has never recognized the rowing as a community often treating them as immigrants from bangladesh in response to a question asked by al-jazeera in regard to the citizenship issue this is what the representative maurice ministry of foreign affairs had to say of course according to the law it may not be entitled to full fledged citizenship but they are entitled . naturalized citizen ship and eventually their sons and daughters and grandsons and daughters will be entitled to citizenship full fledged citizenship nearly 2 years into the crisis there has not yet been any remarkable progress regarding their repatriation of nearly a 1000000 rowing or refugees living in what is now the world's largest refugee camp the latest talk between i me and my delegation and community leaders for owning a refuges here in cox's bazar have ended without any major breakthrough both friday
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grit the dialogue should continue in an attempt to resolve critical issues still causing concern trenberth child ray i'll just go to poland cox's bizarre protesters have been to australia spawn meant to highlight how many refugees have spent years living in limbo it's 6 years since a conservative government started granting asylum seekers temporary thesis instead of 10 in refugee status some have been sent back to their countries of origin. pope francis is calling on the international community to act after the latest in the mediterranean is up to 150 migrants and refugees drowned when boats capsized off libya's cull some 30 say dozens of bodies have been recovered it. up it is so. their brothers and sisters it is with pain and learn the news about the shipwreck that happened in recent days in the waters of the mediterranean sea but dozens of
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people including women and children lost their lives or renew a heartfelt appeal for the international community to promptly and decisively to avoid a repetition of similar tragedies and to guarantee the safety and dignity of all. the murders of 2 young women in romania have prompted a presidential place to punish police who fail in their duty on sunday revolution square in bucharest was packed with protesters furious about the case but many a split sheet has been fired after officers took 19 hours to respond to const for help from a teacher she was later found raped and murdered a 65 year old man has confessed to her murder and another killing in april. now growing numbers of hindus a flock into a cave in indian administered kashmir to look for in light but environmentalists are alarmed by the way stayed the behind china belize has a story. of high in the himalayan mountains an indian administered kashmir
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these 100 programs a travelling 14 kilometers of a hostile terrain the hitting one of their fates holiest shrines inside. in past decades just a few 1000 pilgrims made the journey each year now these hundreds of thousands. well wendy i would pray at the cape that peace and tranquility should remain in our country and everyone should live in a brotherhood but the environmental costs are severe. this is such a beautiful holy cave but pogrom scepter in the sun to a picnic spot pilgrims should give a contribution towards the environment and prevent pollution there is not much weiss management here rubbish is littered everywhere on this western tip of the himalayas locals have set up small restaurants and kitchens with little government regulation the waste they produce is dumped in glassy is streams in is it pollutes
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the tributaries that flow into the light and send rivers kashmir's main water so it's then this the human waste the impact of their number of polygamists undergoing looted number of pilgrims in the system is that there are impacts adverse impacts every aspect of the ecosystem there and we have to keep in mind that this of course assumes very frail but. the poverty here is pervasive and those supporting the programs say they need to make money outweighs the costs. if the number of pilgrims is restricted and we don't work for these 3 months it will have an impact on our livelihood we earn for only a few months and then must live off that for the rest of the year. the government believes it's doing enough to counteract any environmental damage we have a preview of the pilgrims we have welcomed them made them aware that we have
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educated them and every year he said that after the. images over the. top of his death and whatever garbage is there it is collected by the board authorities and is disposed of. the shrine is only accessible for 6 weeks this year i made all this the weather will close in. date was hearsay can't come quick enough charlotte dallas. india's prime minister is hailing the latest count of wild tigers as some historic achievement the government says nearly 3000 are in reserves nationwide that's a 33 percent increase in 4 years but poaching for chinese traditional medicine man habitat destruction remain major threats to the world's biggest cap it's. may rocks government want to see a big increase in oil production more than 90 percent of the country's revenue comes from oil and gas but years of.


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