tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera July 31, 2019 10:00am-10:34am +03
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of southeast asian countries there in thailand's capital bangkok for the meeting of . they will also be joined by the u.s. secretary of state might compare trade talks between the u.s. and china have resumed as well after they scold back in may over the issue of tariffs the world's 2 biggest economies of impose taxes covering more than $360000000000.00 worth of imports more than 40 people have appeared at a court in hong kong on allegations of rioting this is the 1st time such charges have been brought against the anti-government protesters rising usually carries a jail term of up to 10 years protesters have been battling rain and standing outside the court in support of those inside. democratic candidates hoping to take on donald trump in the 2020 presidential race have finished their 2nd round of televised debates bernie sanders elizabeth warren better rock among the front runners appearing in that debate in detroit those are your headlines here on
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al-jazeera the listening post starts right now. the wilderness of cambodia is under threat. for profit by an illegal timber trade. investigates the plunder of cambodia's forests. 100. justice minister said you're right i. said. one. of the chance to. talk about. the actual process. hello i'm richard disparate and you're at the listening post here are some of the media stories we're covering this week brazil a new scandal relating to the carwash corruption case a judge turned politician now faces a journalistic brand of justice an exposé by reporters in puerto rico brings down the governor there taking of
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a civil action while on line the enduring and rising popularity of d.p.'s and comfy hour come of the mom boris johnson takes office in the u.k. setting at least one media heart aflutter it's not often that an investigation into a corruption scandal becomes a scandal in and of itself but that is exactly what is unfolding in brazil last month an online news outlet the intercept brazil began publishing a series of exposé about the wheeling and dealing of the minister of justice moore in a previous life morell was a judge in charge of operation carwash an investigation into the biggest case of political corruption in the country's history it resulted in the arrests of hundreds of politicians and business figures hasten the fall of one president and landed another former president behind bars morals work on that case and his depiction in the brazilian news media as an anti corruption crusader helped get him
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the job of minister of justice appointed by president jaya are both on audio now the news outlets that help create moral we're having some serious 2nd thoughts on the journalists at the intercept who broke this latest moral story are starting to feel the heat from the brazilian authorities our starting point this week. is rio de janeiro. the cast of characters in this case of corruption is long the terminology confusing but the story is simple back in 2014 the judge appointed to preside over the operation car wash investigation the case brazilians call love a shuttle was surgery or more the probe uncovered money laundering bribery and corruption at the state owned energy company petrol price several members of the ruling party under leftist president dilma rousseff were jailed for their part in
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the scheme. moro was cheered on lionized by brazil's mostly right wing media. t.v. channels like global and. magazines like fish or he was seen as a future president now he is fighting for his political life because of an investigation into his investigation known as vast as shocked and a series of text messages between him and prosecutors that strongly suggest that legally speaking the fix was in. the most important revelation is that certain moral wasn't with the prosecution it's entirely for a bit to have a judge who is in constant conversation with the prosecution in order to arrange all the other media the media didn't create more of the superhero it just gave invisibility put a flashlight and a judge she was indeed doing a rather heroic job by brazilian standards however surgery did have
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a party ideology and he was manipulating the investigations rather than taking a step back and being impartial which is what we expect of a judge or jury but as you said. brazil found itself in a historic moment where it could clean itself up and the media really bought into the image that moral himself was constructed they absorbed it they deliberately boarded this shit because strategically it was good to join the right side the side of the people fighting corruption. sergio morrow's reputation as an anti corruption crusaders scrubbing brazil queen of graft was demolished by the intercept its secret brazil archive includes leaked. sent over the telegram messaging app between moral and prosecutors investigating the carwash the messages are explosive and
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potentially game changing they clearly show a judge legally required to be neutral working with prosecutors in some cases advising them on how to present various legal cases to him they also appear to confirm the suspicion that throughout the carwash investigation morrow and the prosecution were trying to manipulate press coverage to turn it against members of the p.t. party morrow's work in golf the government of president dilma rousseff hastened her downfall and led to the jailing of. the silver party colleague poster is considered the favorite to win the next presidential election. behind bars legally prevented from running a path was cleared for right wing populist. he won last year's election but also not all then made more of his minister of justice which in light of all of that collusion in the car wash case was the least he could do what this whole all of us
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are paying as a media campaign produced was a devaluation of institutional politics of party politics and to a degree in which the electorate became so skeptical that the extreme right wing of the side of also now so both. in his election should be seen as a product of the. institutional politics having contributed to the rise of an anti politics anti establishment rhetorical that in the end did not just criminalize the left but started to criminalize the whole of the political system and started to also weaken the legislative and the congress powers basically saying that we need someone from outside of politics to take this so it very much pave the way for the rise of the right extreme right and for also nado specifically so it has had not just political implications have had political economic and social.
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brazil's media system hasn't fared much better the most powerful broadcaster in the country is global it has a history of supporting right wing governments even the military dictatorship from 1964 to 85. global went all in on the carwash story which was justified to an extent by the scale of the corruption but the partisan tone of much of global coverage rang alarm that. global's conference of the as a shuttle leaks has been more selective and less exuberant version is brazil's best selling news magazine a right wing publication that was pro morrow and has now swung the other way partnering with the intercept on the leaks vicious change of tact followed by a change in their mission meaning brazil is mostly private and they all belong to
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traditional families powerful families. on top of that they are all conservative very belonged to a tradition one of these traditional family so until recently very was some sort of fox news and brit vitriolic giornale is right and they went bankrupt and they sold to a businessman and this guy apparently wants to give the news magazine a different orientation editorial titian so i think that's the main reason that vegas is now collaborating with the intercept them egypt the reaction of the media was incredible lots of international outlets followed up on our reporting with articles of their own but others such as the global group made a point especially in the 1st few days to emphasize the perspective of the justice ministry and to settle your moral himself now some of us out there will minister a business just a social model. daily for. blew up because she was
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a male sizing static it presented all the possible things that could be wrong in our revelations in brazil there exists a section of right wing media that invested a lot in the car war story and there is no way they will ever let go of that narrative. to global end to version with questions on their approach to the olympics vision declined to comment on its editorial about face global wrote back with a detailed defense of its. average especially the significant amount of air time it is devoted to the legality of the journalism this past wednesday a judge ordered the arrest of 4 people on charges of hacking sergio morrow's phone the 4 are accused of being the sources of the material as global put it it would be considered bad journalism in any part of the worked including in qatar to ignore that the cell phones of the authorities were hacked even though back in march of
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2016 when morrow released a tape of a private phone call between dilma rousseff and lula da silva global was less concerned about the journalistic ethics it ran with that story as did vasher and so many other brazilian news outlets ringback though i could you do q in a story of such magnitude as was a shocker which involves the hacking of several authorities including the most famous judge and preserve the current minister of justice the biggest news is not the content of the alleged conversations but rather the hacking of these conversations this is very serious well much more serious was when morally a conversation between. ringback the presidents this was not in the public interest moreover the chance of a lifetime to go down in history as someone who has combat corruption had all the power disposal all the media attention all the public support and no instead of
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that you chose a political project you chose to align yourself to a particular group. sujit or moral can complain all he wants about the latest leaks and the news coverage he now receives but having done what he did leaking information and manipulating the media a stance oblique in the name of justice and been exposed by an act of journalism he is no longer in a position to judge. we're discussing one other media story on our radar this week with one of our producers full of celebs flo the governor of port authority called the caliber or say you know was announced that he's resigning next week as a result of a scandal exposed by local journalists who are these journalists and what did they reveal richard russell is down for is in large part a result of an exposé by puerto rico's center for investigative journalism the centro de petit a d a small investigate tivo or c.p.i.
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it's a not for profit news organization that relies on donations similar to the american outlet pro publica it's produced a number of big stories over the years but nothing quite like this one on july 13th c.p.i. published nearly 900 pages of leaked messages chats that much like the story in brazil took place on telegram between the governor and his in the circle now i would read out examples but many of them are pretty obscene sexist homophobic exchanges about political opponents celebrities like ricky martin even some journalists including the c.b.s. reporter david begnaud and puts a rican journalist but his mentor is gotye and what was the reaction to these revelations on the puerto rican streets i mean it was huge which had hundreds of thousands of people hit the streets to protest calling for resignation for years now putting reconsider been dealing with alleged government corruption mounting
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debt prolonged recession and a number of natural disasters 27000 hurrican maria among them more than a dozen government officials have resigned in the wake of c.p.i. is exposé well say oh himself however took his time this past wednesday 12 days after the protests began he took to facebook live to announce his resignation of the us we're told that there this thing you tell him see in the saloon ritual and leave it there but if you or you see him talking and get up as you see him represent don't know if you could but but i can actually talk i'm so the dude and without the work of a group of journalists at the c.p.i. i would almost certainly still be in the job ok thanks larry. here at the listening post we've sometimes wondered how many of our online viewers are watching us over a v.p.n. how many of you are discussing your location changing it from beijing to boston from riyadh to reykjavik to cover your tracks virtual private networks have been
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around for more than 2 decades now and they were not originally developed to circumvent surveillance and censorship they were too for corporations and governments to connect their offices in different countries to make it easier for people to work together but as the monitoring and control of the web have grown a market has emerged and expanded for people to work around internet blocks and to hide their location online particularly popular and countries with authoritarian tendencies such as iran china and turkey v.p.n. is are now getting downloaded in more and more countries like sri lanka across the arab gulf as well as the u.s. as data theft online tracking and web blocking grow increasingly common listening posts i mean actually ravi now on the use and uses a v.p.n. it's.
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3 months ago in sri lanka social media platforms including facebook whatsapp instagram and you tube were suddenly inaccessible. to cities about a tax across the city of colombo had security forces on high alert. the government said the online docs were necessary to prevent misinformation from spreading this was the 2nd time in just over a year that social media access was cut off across the country and it did not work very well she lankans rely on social media as a primary mode of communication so about a 1000000 of them turned to their v.p.n. rebooting their way brutally back onto those platforms. we p.m.'s virtual private networks. 1st came into use in 1906 and beyond among the most enduring innovations in online browsing popularity on the rise around the world countries like vietnam indonesia and turkey rack up some of the highest numbers of software downloads
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turkey is notorious for its internet censorship over 240000 websites are currently blocks from turkey and in addition to that all were 150000 euros of well known newspapers and online news media outlets like. a live b.b.c. news new software site to more it. and others so if you're trying to access alternative news you can not see them from turkey unless you hear it has become part of the daily internet use which a very recently for example during the protests in sudan do you authorities issued an internet shut down and a lot of people were using v.p.n. to circumvent the censorship it reading and mabel thousands and thousands of people to have access to social media to share pictures videos to communicate between each other but also with the world about what was going on in the country and one side
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your tests and the journalists who are using v.p.n. to get information elsewhere country then you have ordinary users who just want to watch pornography or sports and people do that all the time i don't know it has a legitimate use of obviously some legality but people use weekends for all different sorts of reasons the parents used to be quite complicated and difficult to set up now it's a matter of downloading your app pushing a button and even the best services are just a few dollars a month so we certainly don't think it's a luxury i don't think privacy and security is a luxury so we peons are no more luxury than saying having a lock on your front door. over the last few years the number of v.p.n. services has boomed nord v.p.n. hotspot shield express b.p.m. tunnel their cyber ghost these are just a few of the most popular names on the market by each b.p.
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and says it offers something different the underlying principle is the same for all of them it's about setting up an intermediary a distant one between you and the website you want to access so the way the peer works is it's essentially a computer elsewhere in the world so you 1st connect to before going to the end so if you're in trying to connect to. the country us and then go to facebook and then that way you can actually access the services they also encrypt traffic as well so anyone on the same work be that in your home or if you work. a public cafe or even your internet service provider they will not be able to see the websites are you going.
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