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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2019 10:00pm-10:34pm +03

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treatment centers are well equipped they have enough personnel but for hail in the theater which unlike their people are bound to worry for there's a lot of fear in goma right now and to adopt all of that the fact that to a certain extent awareness of a bowler as an issue is out there the information is there that's of some comfort perhaps in trying to contain the outbreak but it's compounded though isn't it going through sort of by the general security issue in that area of the world. absolutely and right now the current situation is that these huge of political problem you talked about that minister who resigned a health minister who resigned and one of the reasons why he's resigned is because he said the responsibility of a 100 ling blast theirs was moved from his doctor to a special task force and he's also been very opposed to this proposal by w.h.r. to have this 2nd new of x. involved out in the r.c.c.
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says it's in its experimental and should not be used on congolese people but i did speak to w.h.o. officials in goma who said look the current vaccine has an ethic of 78 percent so this new box and basically is going to get brought in on trial. and clinical trials of faces and beyond that as you mentioned there's a huge security problems health workers have been talking about it in the last year alone 10 workers health workers have been killed in a boiler treatment centers have been destroyed have been attacked by militia groups that are based in those regions people also do not trust health workers at all some relatives have been hiding loved ones when they fall sick and then to compound all of that is that this area is quite vast people are able to move around without necessarily passing through medical checks are some of these villages are remote the roads are very bad healthwise is having problems moving supplies to some of
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these villages and also just tracing people who could have been in contact with a boiler patient all of these issues making it very difficult for health workers and all those who are involved in this fight to do their job well believe that thanks so much corruption in nairobi force still ahead here on news switching nuclear power in japan the tsunami hit region it's decommissioned one of its reactors. that was supposed to. he was answer to the panama canal so why has it sunk without a trace and install caster semenya such as another setback in her legal fight with athletics as world governing body. iran is warning it will further scale back its commitments to the nuclear deal unless europe does more to protect the agreement foreign minister zarif wants the remaining signatories to shield iran from u.s.
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sanctions and allow it to sell oil tehran has already begun rolling back some commitments by breaking a limit on it reached uranium agreed the 2015 accord has more from tehran. the foreign minister following the weekly cabinet meeting that was held in the capital this morning said that the e.u. signatories of the nuclear agreement are their actions are not proportionate to their expectations meaning that what they've been expecting from iran to do under this nuclear agreement iran has done but the european signatories have not upheld their on the deal and the iran officials believe that that is because the united states withdrew from this agreement last year and imposed a series of sanctions on iran the banking and oil sector which has also affected the european countries that were supposed to invest in iran's economy that was one of the main points of this agreement that iran will freeze its nuclear activities to a certain extent and return it will get relief from
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a series of sanctions and vestments will return to the country but none of that has happened than iran has decided. since may the president announce that every 60 days iran will continue to scale back its commitment and the foreign minister today stress that that is indeed the plan they are going ahead with and the next phase which will be the 3rd phase of their scaling back their commitment will happen in early september the steps that they've taken so far are reversible immediately this is what the iranian president stress and that is the feeling here that once the europeans really decide to stand up against the united states and their sanctions then the iranians are more than happy to go back to the terms of the 215 nuclear deal israel's security cabinet has approved permits for the construction of 700 palestinian homes in the occupied west bank when it comes i had already planned to visit israel this week senior white house adviser jared cushman is expected to push both sides to join talks at camp david in the lead up to israeli elections in
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september. the latest was true so the. well just days after carrying out an extremely controversial series of demolitions of palestinian homes in occupied east jerusalem the israeli government is now sanctioning the construction of some $700.00 palestinian homes in the part of the occupied west bank which it controls known as area c. at the same time notably talking about the approvals of some $6000.00 units in illegal israeli settlements as well all of this coming at the same time as a tour of the region by president donald trump's son in law jared cushion or and his chief envoy to the region jason green blatt will be visiting both jordan israel qatar saudi arabia and the united arab emirates at a time when the israeli press is reporting that the u.s. intends to host a summit at camp david the presidential retreat for arab leaders to brief them on the details or at least the broad outlines of the trump peace plan now according to
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our reporting president trump intends to talk about enhanced seeing palestinian autonomy but stopping well short of palestinian statehood and that is a message that his ambassador to israel david friedman has also been putting out an interview on c.n.n. he said that autonomy would only be enhanced or increased up to the point that it does not affect israeli security so stopping well short of a palestinian state the palestinians of course will be entirely opposed to that in fact there has been reaction from the p.a. foreign ministry saying that this is all it intended to achieve 3 things to increase netanyahu is chance's prime minister netanyahu has chances in the israeli elections coming up in september also to consolidate normalization between israel and other arab states before the resolution of the israeli palestinian conflict and thirdly to try to achieve peace with the exclusion of the palestinians something which of course the palestinians will resolutely oppose a $50000000000.00 plan to build
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a rival to the panama canal can now appears to have sunk that 6 year. since the president of nicaragua and a chinese billionaire announced work was starting well the project should we well on the way to completion by now but our correspondent sean holden has been finding out the construction workers are nowhere to be seen you can blow it out. it was meant to be the culmination of a century of nicaraguan dreams the country's very own great canal linking the pacific and atlantic oceans when doing it by chinese billionaire handed a generous concession by the government in 2013 everyone is talking about it we found not a stone's been late and this point there was a big ceremony too in or great the building of the canal but as you can see 6 years later there's nothing here but a dusty road. why has the canal failed to materialize the short story the billionaire lost most of his billions before work could get started but the ripples
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still being felt particularly in the form of a law passed especially for the project that says any properties needed can be exported predated that law is still on the books. there are still other risks that thousands of campus senos could have their land expropriated and occupied by private interests that's why the citizens demand that the law be struck down. it's a permanent worry for custer lenore and her family when the canal was 1st planned workers showed up to measure out their house when they protested things turned nasty. but at that not the almost broke our heads the national guard had is lying down on the motorway and if we lifted our heads they stomped on them they swore at us hit us with sticks they broke my brother's ribs. just a full state of wide a state repression in the country when police ransacked and then occupied her office monica lopez fled to costa rica custer lenore's family still fears they'll
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be targeted again and they will yet while this government is in power we are not safe everyone that big rob them putting in jail is that risk and the government still budgeting for the canal authority it set up despite the lack of progress we went from office to office looking for the man who heads it money well coronel but couldn't find him or interview requests to the government also went unanswered. to all intents and purposes it seems this is now a ghost project but while it exists at least on paper it's still hanging over those who never wanted it in the 1st place john home and. in northern japan all nuclear reactors in the region devastated by the earthquake and tsunami 8 years ago were to be shut down tokyo electric power company has decided to switch off the 4 reactors still operating in fukushima prefecture there near to the daiichi plant where 3 reactors melted down in the tsunami disaster nearly 20000
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people died in the tidal wave destruction and 160000 people were forced to leave their contaminated homes many still haven't returned decommissioning means japan is left with $33.00 reactors to generate electricity nationwide compared with $54.00 before the disaster the estimated cost for dismantling and decontamination is more than $2.00 and a half $1000000000.00 and is expected to take more than 40 years jonathan cobb is a senior analyst for the world nuclear sociate sure which represents the global industry he says nuclear power should be part of the drive towards a low carbon electricity. it's correct that since the focus human accident it was important for the industry to look at why that reactor or those 3 reactors had by accident and to take measures in order to make sure that doesn't happen again so of course we should look at the way in which current reactors are being operated and
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make sure they're safe and that has already been done but there is a need because the world's energy demand is increasing and electricity in particular that we are going to need a new electricity generation and because of the need for low carbon generation and a reliable form of generation nuclear needs to be part of that mix i think people now are looking at what is actually happening in germany so they did decide to phase out the reactors by 2022 but in doing so they have had to keep open coal stations that should have closed and so those coast ations may not close until the mid twenty's thirty's much later than many other countries in europe are managing to achieve and by keeping those co plants open germany is doing much more harm in terms of air pollution and increasing greenhouse gas emissions so even though they have invested in renewables they're wasting their effort by keeping coal plants going instead of using all their low carbon generation. turkey's defense minister says his country will set up a so-called safe zone in northern syria with or without the u.s.
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and nato allies will resume talks soon in an effort to reach an agreement but as they met other reports from gaza into divisions between them run deep. more soldiers arrived at already heavily fortified positions the show of force coinciding with turkey repeatedly warning it might carry out a possible cross border operation its military wants a safe zone inside the y.p. g. controlled area in northeast syria it considers the syrian kurdish armed group a threat to its national security but it is also an ally of the united states which has warned turkey against taking any unilateral military action we know that there are officially $2500.00 u.s. soldiers and nearly $220.00 u.s. military facilities in the region so in case of a military operation there is a risk that too metalized not all military east could come face to face there has been a marked increase in u.s.
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army patrols close to the border with turkey in what seems to be a message to its nato ally they have deep disagreements this fight months of discussions over the creation of the zone turkey does not just want to wipe e.g. to disarm and withdraw from the border area it wants control of the zone that's at least 30 kilometers deep and would stretch from the syrian town of gerard loss to the iraq border that would include why peachey controlled cities and towns like co bonnie tell commission. as well as members. turkey says the u.s. needs to end its support to the y. p.g. which it considers an offshoot of the outlawed kurdistan workers' party or the p.k. case it is also not satisfied with the buffer zone solutions proposed by the united states those proposals reportedly involve a zone with a depth of 10 kilometers that excludes the main population centers along the border . right e.g. supporters have held protests against
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a possible turkish takeover saying they'll only accept an internationally enforced zone in turkey and the syrian opposition areas under y p g control are historically ours and a proposed zone means millions of refugees can return to syria in turkey in the pendant to. the u. s. or russia so. say bad and me it is hard to make a prediction about tokyo for dyspepsy. operation with russia has allowed turkey to clear the white b.g. from at least 2000 square kilometers along its border since 2016 but russia doesn't seem to want turkey to increase its influence in syria it says any safe zone needs the consent of the authorities in damascus for now it is under u.s. control but if u.s. policy shifts how long that will remain the case is unclear jennifer there. a roadside bomb explosion in west not gonna stand as killed at least 35 passengers on
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the bus many of them women and children the blast happened between kandahar and herat in the far province a provincial government spokesman is blaming taliban fighters for planting the improvised device to target afghan and foreign security forces. in all kong $44.00 protesters have appeared in court charged with rioting over protests on sunday but they face up to 10 years in jail if convicted of the 1st of the rioting prosecutions so far in months of mass protests against the hong kong government and china's influence most were granted bail until a further hearing in order to not to leave hong kong the charges relate to a violent protests near the chinese government liaison office. korean tensions are expected to be discussed such a regional summit in thailand foreign ministers from the asio the regional organization are being joined by the u.s. secretary of state alongside his russian and chinese counterparts china's trade war with the u.s. and territorial disputes in the south china sea among other talking points of
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course in phone calls scott has more from the thai capital as thailand hosts the foreign ministers of r c n n regional forums this week which due to be discussed won't just be about southeast asia one issue of particular focus the attention on the korean peninsula possible discussions on the next summit between chairman kim jong un and president donald trump could take place after 3 meetings the leaders have made no progress are moving toward an agreement over north korea's nuclear program. this after north korea last week tested what it said were new tactical guided weapons and released photos of a new submarine the meetings here in bangkok could be viewed as an opportunity for the 1st to trump him at summits were held in member nations singapore and vietnam so ossie on the can attempt to provide a kick to me wall for the talks looking forward to big. need to broker 3rd party media took some time to provide an environment
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a setting for for talks building in the past 6 party talks didn't go anywhere so perhaps if they can be persuaded that you know a 3rd party platform. would be the key catalysts the key confidence builder. long an issue for several of the aussie on nations china's claim of territory in the south china sea but there has been a lack of consensus about what should be done within discussions with china on a territorial code of conduct are due this week some feel that part of the problem is the rapid expansion of chinese influence and reach region wide through infrastructure investment and commercial and military deals and that's not just undermining the block critics say but also enabling china in its push for greater control over the south china sea it must be the collective. head to tell me is that from a historical public international law from the reality pyne no you have no.
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reasons no facts to support your claim to the whole of. but the meetings won't all be about politics as a group aussie on has the 5th largest economy in the world so trade agreements in the trade war between the us and china will no doubt be discussed on the sidelines it's not hard to al-jazeera bangkok. it's time for the his i have to we're going to focus on southern africa by the looks of it yeah that's right we'll start in southern africa places say we actually got some welcome showers coming into the fall so it's not all always doom and gloom a lot to bring some good news as well can you see from the satellite pictures philosophy clear skies plenty of sunshine for the winter sunshine it that is but some places of cloud the darker shade is there the clearing away that's the mist lifting off the high ground but a cloud that just around the southern cape rally eastern cape to just notice in say the mozambique channel got a few shower clouds just purring up a remove we'll see
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a little bit of wet weather just making its way into mozambique as we go through the next few days with that all not sure braised is pushing in from a southerly direction and with that suddenly direction the temperature just 19 degrees celsius on the cool side we go on into friday and it does pick up at 27 celsius and normally when the warm mortally wind fading into the showers there still very much in evidence into mozambique some of those showers just creeping up towards tans and there just some showers too into kenya and it joins up with the seasonal rains that we have floating out of the ethiopian highlands on those easterly winds eastley waves that just pushing the heavy showers through the heart of africa might see want to 2 showers just fading out of that's that western side of africa as we go on into the next couple of days could even develop into a tropical system in the atlantic certainly want to watch out for and there's also some flooding possibility into the southeast there as we go through the next couple days. thanks very much efforts and well still ahead here on the news are
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a prime minister boris johnson heads to the heart of the brits at battle northern ireland and the u.s. and china resume trade talks but they're overshadowed by comments made by president trump and a difference of opinion between 2 baseball players generates into a mess brawl the rubble of a stew tells in sport so don't go on. a conflict that is now considered to be the world's worst humanitarian crisis how many of the michael have to die like this or stop responses on are really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the coalition fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch the amount of money involved yemen war profiteers on al-jazeera. the latest news as it
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breaks it is long campaigned against what it calls attempts to undermine the state of israel from within. with detailed coverage called power being replaced by eco friendly plants all over the world environmentalists hear the pulse of lots of concern. from around the world there's things just as visible above ground and on the surface and underwater. welcome back to the al-jazeera news hour with me so romney a reminder of our top stories. calls across sudan have been closed indefinitely for
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more protests by students against the military and they're angry over the killing of at least 5 people at a rally in quarter found on monday. also a 2nd death caused by a bolo has been confirmed in one of the democratic republic of congo's largest cities goma it's just 2 weeks since the 1st case was found there but officials say they're unrelated the country is facing the 2nd worst a bowl outbreak in history. and the south korean government has held an emergency meeting after the north launched 2 ballistic missiles observers say the short range weapons tests could be aimed at increasing pressure on the united states for new denuclearization talks. and the british prime minister boris johnson is in northern ireland to discuss it with political leaders as he continues a tour of the united kingdom discussions are expected to send on the so-called irish backstop a contentious point of teresa mayes failed bret's a deal designed to avoid a hard border with the republic of ireland i expect may come up
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a little bit i don't rule that out and i think the crucial thing to stress is that i obviously attach huge importance to the letter and spirit of the of the belfast agreement and it will be in insisting on that. that is our correspondent in the northern island capital belfast and the team what really does or has prime minister johnson really achieved from this visit. so hell it's really hard to know what he has achieved apart from just being seen to be talking to the 5 parties involved in trying to get the power sharing government back up and running it's been 2 and a half years since stormont was in session he says it's too long and he says he'll do all he can to help the parties to come to an agreement but one of the problems according to shin fein the main nationalist party here is the relationship between
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or is johnson's conservative party and the democratic unionist party the main the main unionist party in northern ireland in westminster the d u p basically give the conservatives their majority in westminster and bush and shin fein say that that relationship has poisoned the groundwater here at these talks they say that it's making it very difficult for a breakthrough a breakthrough on of the sticking points such as irish language rights such as abortion rights and so in their oil ease that boris johnson is seeing the world in northern ireland 3 through the eyes of the d u p that was what another party claimed the d.-u. piece say that's nonsense boris johnson say he's strictly impartial under the terms of the good friday agreement officially known as the belfast agreement but if they don't come up with a deal by october then we could be looking at direct rule something he said wouldn't be the end of the world before he came became prime minister but something
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which would be seen as very very unpopular here well in terms of brics it being a sort of a pivotal talking point for those politicians to deem what are the subjects in areas in terms of northern ireland's own domestic politics you might say seem to have taken priority in those talks with the new prime minister. absolutely they've all been aware that northern ireland voted to remain and they have been stressing as boris johnson's allies the do you pay here have been stressing that they do not want a no deal breaks it that they want to a deal but there they like prime minister johnson want to see that backstop scraps now many of the other parties are saying that he hasn't really got a plan beyond that and they're extremely worried about the economic impact of a no deal great sit prime minister johnson has played down the the impact others.
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as far away as the u.s. congress are warning that a no deal breaks it could lead to them be towing a trade deal because of the threats to the good friday agreement particularly around the irish border they say that if there were no deal breaks that they would have to be infrastructure hardboard or the d.-u. p. disagree so there is no meeting of minds on that but certainly there will there's a lot of worry here that fly default by not having a plan b. very say britain could crash out of the e.u. and that would have an impact on this province chain faina saying if that happened then they would that would mean that there should be a board a poll in other words a vote a public vote on whether there should be a united ireland boris johnson has ruled that out but it would still be it would be something that would be talked about a lot more under that no deal bracks it scenarios did a great deal to to monitor for the rest of the day for the moment nadine thank you
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. well the logical divide amongst democrats in the us has been they bad joining the 2nd round of presidential debates for the party's nominee health care was a key issue with some heated exchanges between the parties progressive and centrist candidates john hendren has more from detroit. in what purports to be the party of civility the contenders came out swinging. on issue number one publicly funded health care top polling elizabeth warren sought to put rival john delaney's struggling campaign on life support. well why do we got to be the party of taking something away where the democrats we're not about trying to take away health care from anyone and that's what the republicans are. saying the republican talking points the revolutionaries of the democratic party
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warren and bernie sanders dominated the debate clock again and again warren went on the offensive you know i don't understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the united states just to talk about what we really can't do and should fight for. this round of debates could dramatically narrow the field of candidates for some the race is over 5 candidates failed to qualify for this round of debates and of the 20 who remain less than half are expected to qualify for round 3 and for some who failed to breakthrough in detroit. are likely already drying up the debates locale in the motor city was a reminder of the democrats' failure in 2016 their supposedly solidly democratic blue wall crumbled in their former strongholds of pennsylvania wisconsin and detroit's parent state michigan what are the candidates have to do they have to spend money here they have to wake up the populous get them how to vote with
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another debate to go on wednesday where front runner joe biden will stand directly between his 2 biggest critics harrison cory booker 92 was expected to be at least as combative john hendren al-jazeera detroit. civil rights lawyers all taking further action of the separation of like when children from their families at the border with mexico the american civil liberties union says the $900.00 children have been removed from the parents since last year and that's despite a coat ruling in 2018 that the practice should be stopped. well donald trump is accusing china of waiting until the 2020 u.s. presidential election to strike a trade deal he's threatening to be a lot tougher with beijing if he's reelected trade talks between the world's 2 largest economies have resumed after stalling in may overtime ruths when he has more from shanghai. before this meeting there wasn't a lot of hope that we would see any significant outcome from that as it was the meeting on wednesday lasted just a few hours it was though held in
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a fairly positive fashion according to reports some of that positivity may have been affected though before this latest round of negotiations took place because the u.s. president donald trump took to twitter again saying that he felt that the chinese may want to drag these negotiations out beyond the next presidential election in the united states next year he said that after he wins reelection any deal that he offers the chinese at that stage may not be as good as the one he is offering now no chance of course that the chinese delegation would feel pressured by those sorts of comments coming from the united states but there has been a lot of negative response in chinese state media including a commentary on state television saying that some people in the united states should do the job of building up the foundation for talks instead of demolishing it so another round of negotiations on this trade dispute between china and the united
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states has come to an end and still no deal in sight. groups in iraq have a few hours left to make a major decision they'll be breaking a new law if they don't integrate with iraqi government forces and cease political activity the head of iraq's popular mobilization forces say they'll comply but need more time to reorganize businesses are going to report from the new law follows american concerns about iran's influence in iraq. these former fighters used to plot attacks on ice soul with an iranian backed group called a side i had a hack or league of the righteous now that more than 1500 men are soldiers in brigade 43 of the iraqi army el jazeera was given access to their training camp about 85 kilometers north of baghdad iraq is under enormous pressure by the united states to raid in dozens of paramilitary groups operating under the umbrella
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popular mobilization forces or. it was organized in 2014 to help defeat eisel the groups are primarily muslim and many were said to be funded by iran then by july 31st iraq's prime minister adl abdul mahdi has given all paramilitary groups and ultimatum operate as part of the iraqi military and political activity or surrender their weapons and join a political organization doing both will become a violation of the iraqi federal law it's unclear if and how the new law will be enforced obama or any of the hundreds and the prime minister maybe address in a very specific group of loyalists to iran they believe they have no good you graphic bomb that is for that fight that means whatever to fix iran to fix them whatever to fix the shia on the rain lebanon haven't fixed them this is the
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religious ideology of ruta them to violence and this cannot be controlled by the prime minister. the pm a flag whips in the wind next to the iraqi one brigade commander ruf ali says their allegiance is to iraq's prime minister but the commander spoke repeatedly about resistance this was how he responded when asked about links to iran just seeing a personally i thank all who helped iraq defeat eisel and liberated iraq us during the time we were fighting the american invaders i would like to thank all who participated to support the resistance foreign influence in iraq has expanded from the battlefield to the parliament during last year's parliamentary elections the 2nd largest number of seats was won by the elf alliance it's comprised primarily of members of the popular mobilization forces with the current circumstances this new laws true intent is to to.


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