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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 4, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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no. next question battlefield washington on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm adrian finnegan this is that is a live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes mass shootings in 2 u.s. states in ohio 10 people are killed including the gunman. while in southern texas a suspect has been arrested after allegedly killing 20 people at a shopping center. turkey's president says his country's military will move into northern syria setting up a potential fight with america's kurdish allies. and protesters keep up the pressure in hong kong as police fired tear gas for a 2nd day and i'm peter travers of all your sports lewis hamilton wins beyond
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garion grand prix and steve schmidt schools the 2nd century of the match to put a strain in a strong position against england in the 1st ashes test. 2 mass shootings in the us a little over 12 hours a rig night in the debate over gun control they have now been 22 mass killings so far this year on saturday a man opened fire on crowds at a shopping center in el paso texas killing 20 people police searching the home of the 21 year old suspect a white man arrested at the scene is believed to have posted a documents online talking of what he calls a spanish invasion of texas hours later a popular downtown area in dayton ohio was in lockdown after a man shot dead 9 people at a bar he was killed by police at the scene. i really want to you on the to think
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about that a minute if the officers were not in the oregon district. the officers were there less than a minute from the beginning of the shooting this. the shooter was able to kill 9 people and injured 26 in less than a minute we don't know the thoughts of the shooter at this time we know that he was wearing body armor and had high capacity magazines and extra magazines it's been it's been a tough tough 6 months for our community. but you you work through it out and right now our focus is on the families and friends and friends frankly that went to went to town town on a saturday night and thought that they'd go home safe and they didn't happen in a moment we'll be live with alan fischer in washington d.c. for more on the political fallout with rob rentals in el paso but 1st his reps reports on how the shooting in texas unfolded. heavily armed police move through
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a shopping center in el paso texas after a gunman opened fire in a crowded area in other parts of the hall shoppers were held in place while people tried to work out what was happening. you know your. heart you know have you there there and then there was what has become a common scene in the united states winds of people being led from the scene of another mass shooting. on a on a day that would have been a normal day for someone to leisurely go shopping. turned into one of the most deadly days in the history of texas. lives were taken. who should still be with us today. 20 innocent people
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from el paso. have lost their lives and more than 2 dozen more. are injured. we as a state unite in support despite reports of multiple shooters police say only one man is in custody and will face charges that could if he is convicted lead to his execution but needless to say this scene is arifin unfortunately because of the nature of the situation the scene will be in play for a long period unfortunately to see school remain at the scene until the scene is process properly for. evidentiary purposes to be gathered for later prosecution the state of texas will be the lead agency or into deep prosecuting this particular individual. that has a nexus s.
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this point in time to a hate crime the f.b.i. will be looking into that with the other federal authorities right now we're looking out for tension with capital murder charges for this individual he is a 21 year old white man who allegedly posted a racist rant on line on an extremist website just an hour or so before the shooting an emotional democratic presidential hopeful that oh all roark who is from el paso announced he was canceling further campaigning and heading back to his city and so i just ask for everyone strength for a passing right now everyone's resolve to make sure that this does not continue to happen in in this country u.s. president donald trump called the shooting an act of cowardice and promised the city and state any help the federal government could extend but democratic
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presidential candidates including o'rourke linked trump and his rhetoric to the shooting senator bernie sanders wrote on twitter we must reject this growing culture of bigotry espoused by trump and his allies rob is with us now live in el paso robles the status of the investigation into this mass shooting. well adrian police are still combing the scene we expect to get a briefing from some of the authorities later this morning here in el paso but they haven't released any new information as of yet we do know about the suspect that public records filed with the court here in el paso show that a man named patrick percy this age 21 cruciatus excuse me was arraigned booked on these charges and he's in custody we are getting some reports from
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curse yes's crissy this is a home area near a suburb of dallas schoolmates of his when he was younger say he was an extreme loner rarely talked to other students and was also was bullied at least verbal by classmates as far as the wounded in this incident as you recall those 26 people who were wounded the el paso del sol hospital reports 11 patients ranging in age from 35 to 82 years old are being treated there 8 of the patients in stable condition 2 in critical condition and several already undergone surgery and are likely to undergo further surgical procedures university hospital another area medical facility is also treating gunshot wound victims and says that there are a number of mexican nationals among the wounded they were not able to give the
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number of mexican citizens but the mexican consuls office has been to the hospital and also the mexican foreign ministry confirmed yesterday that several of its citizens had been involved in the shooting have been victims of the shooting it's a popular place there's a lot of cross border traffic and it's a popular place for shopping from people. from the nearby city of c. a dud water is in mexico so it's a not only a national tragedy in the united states it's also spilled across international borders rob one you've been talking we've just got wood a capital murder charge been filed against the mt arrested in this shooting incident do we know any more about this. alleged gunman's background and motives not that much i mean as i mentioned we got some reports from the
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dallas area he lived in a suburban area called al and that is a largely white suburb of dallas dallas is about a 1000 kilometers away from el paso so the suspect drove a great distance to get here if in fact the. online screed that was filed on one of the extremist web sites sites 8 chan under the name of p chrysis if that is in fact his work then we know that he a harbors a great deal of hatred for latinos especially. talks in his online diatribe about. the replacement of the white population of the united states by latinos and how they're going to achieve total political power within the democratic party he also criticizes the republican party
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but the main theme of that online screed is one of rid and bigotry. al-jazeera as rob rattles reporting live from el paso texas wrote many things will gun control is always a contentious political issue in the u.s. of course the presidential election is now just over a year away one democratic candidates pete but a judge has said that america is under attack from what he calls homegrown white nationalist terrorism let's bring it out as here is alan fischer who's live for us in washington d.c. allan president trump called the el paso shooting an act of cowardice there are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people he wrote on twitter but there are those that would accuse the president and his rhetoric of being part of the problem. well i can't think of any point where the president has described a shooting of this kind if indeed the racist streak that was posted online was by
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the el paso shooter as a case of domestic terrorism but there are democratic candidates for the presidential nomination who are quite happy to point the finger at a donald trump and say he is a racist and his rhetoric has not helped he. comes from el paso says that the president has made americans scared of immigrants and that has inflamed tensions we have julian castro who is also from texas who is also running for the democratic nomination saying that the whole tone of the conversation would be different no if the shooter was muslim and so donald trump is under pressure to change the way he talks about immigration and the way he tweets about immigration but might move any who is his chief of staff in the white house has in the last hour or so say it is says it's nonsense to try and blame donald trump for what has happened and el paso he says quite rightly there has been mass shootings in america going back several
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administrations and to suddenly say the president is responsible for that is bordering on the ridiculous and there are plenty of around the president who will say he is not responsible for what has happened and el paso is not responsible for what happened in dayton ohio the people responsible for the people that pulled the trigger will the events of the weekend in el paso in dayton be enough at least to get congress to try to do something about gun control. well there are those who would suggest that if the death of more than 20 children at an elementary school in connecticut the sandy hook shootings back in 2012 if that won't change congress and change the gun laws in the united states then nothing is going to change but there are those who still try sherrod brown who is the democratic senator from ohio he has called for the senate to reconvene this week to at least debate discuss and
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packs pass new background checks as long as the senate is controlled by mitch mcconnell and the republicans that's simply not going to happen what may change though is the fact that we have 15 months away from a us presidential election and so gun violence may well become one of the key talking points maybe something the democratic candidate runs on and me well be something that they use as a stick to beat donald trump and others in the race so is there a possibility that things would change if you look at past history recent history experience would tell you that is highly unlikely but these are volatile times people are very upset about what's happened remember most of america went to bed on saturday night trying to come to terms with what happened and el paso and walk up on sunday morning to news of another mass shooting in america and 29000 i was there
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as our reporting live from washington d.c. out of many things iran's revolutionary guard says that it sees a foreign oil tanker in the gulf which they accuse of smuggling fuel to quote some arab states this would be the 3rd season of by iran in less than a month of gulf war since i was a 0 source of your body reports into iran. they say that the vessel along with the 7 crew members have been taken to the port city of share where the 7 crew members have been arrested in iran now the nationalities of these individuals have not been released yet this is just yet another example of how the revolutionary guards are currently showing their willingness and capabilities when it comes to patrolling and policing the waters that surround iran meanwhile earlier on sunday we heard from the government spokesperson i lead robbery where he commented about the latest sanctions the u.s. government has imposed on foreign ministers about serif let's hear some of what he
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had to say in. the u.s. action on foreign minister zarif is against all diplomatic procedures and is an unprecedented event in the history of diplomacy that one government keep claiming to be ready for negotiations and then to put sanctions on a foreign minister of that country well isn't it ridiculous he was invited by a senator to have a meeting at the white house then they imposed sanctions on him foreign minister zarif is responsible for foreign policy and the diplomatic path should pass through him. apparently this meeting will never take place between foreign ministers of arts or if an any u.s. official because the iranian position is that until these sanctions that have been imposed on iran by the united states government since they withdrew from the nuclear agreement last year until those sanctions are lifted the iranians are not going to have any kind of dialogue between with u.s. officials this is just yet another example of how. tense the situation is between the 2 sides the iranians are adamant that the u.s.
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government is putting economic pressure on iran to try and force them back to the negotiating table and that is something that the iranians have said will never happen. was not a question is a lecture at the university of applied sciences in tehran he joins us now live from the iranian capital thanks for being with us who would be smuggling fuel in the gulf and to which arab states would it be heading it's not as if any arab states except perhaps yemen would be short on fuel and if the vessel was bound for yemen some may conclude that it would most likely be coming from iran what's going on here. hello adrian and thanks for having me oh well as a matter of fact and ever since oil was found and discovered in iran. the governments before and after the revolution they have been subsidizing fuel prices heavily because the people believe that no they have the largest or 2nd largest oil reserves in the war so they shouldn't be paying much for fuel so iranians are not
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paying even 110th that's 10 percent of real prices and the persian gulf or in any other open market for each leader a fuel that has encouraged me in all smug link and. it has made it a very lucrative illegal business activity and there are been thousands of iranian and foreigners who have been smuggling huge cargoes in order to make a fortune and after decades of fighting by the law enforcement police coast guard and others they call the i.r.g.c. navy for help in especially considering that huge cargo is like 1000000 liters or discipline that they just seized today that was 700000 liters they've been seized you know and these huge cargoes have been found.
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in the sea in the persian gulf by the i.r.g.c. navy of throughout the last couple of years they have been finding more and more but this is not a question i observe any judge is going to make it clear you're saying that this vessel could have been coming from it could have had it raining an oil on board. it has sure as has been a smuggling fuel out of iran of course to a number of countries the whole countries around iran if you go there you will see the prices the fuel prices are 10 times more it's been carrying fuel not oil of course it's been carrying probably gas i don't know but one thing is for sure if you just remember last month before the british ship was taken into custody this the 9 peril before that and we carrier than that ship over seas it was a foreign ship it was seized in iranian waters for smuggling fuel it was carrying
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1000000 live there and it was operating on their panama flag but panama took back the flag after they they were convinced that the ship was involved in smuggling activity there are been some unofficial and informal reports saying that the actual foreign ship was involved in. illegal business activity that that was a one of the ships in the supply chain of the sense come and it was taking the fuel the smuggle fuel out of iran for the sense come warships in the region but of course there are been no official reports confirming this so far but this is something you know that has made these 2 activities i mean these 2 developments the political development that ended up in the iranian and british
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you know ships seizure that's a completely different issue because that last month cargo was somehow suspicious it is made the whole situation somehow ambiguous so when they say this $700000.00 will be their cargo that was being smuggled out of iran and seized in the iranian water near the for. r.c. island in the persian gulf it was heading south were to. some arab states on the southern rims of the persian gulf we are not sure exactly if it was headed to the sand or to some business activity legal business people somewhere else a case of perspective we haven't heard before midst of a concession many thanks indeed for being with us. this is that he's on from up 0 still to come on the program sudan's military joint opposition coalition agree a power sharing deal that paves the way for a transitional got. to be why this anger in pakistan is deadly since thousands more
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troops into indian administered kashmir. place a school flying high the best of the action from the championship ball but details about that. actually make that 30 minutes now turkey's president rich of time but i want to send in troops into an area controlled by kurdish y p g fighters in world in syria why p.g. has been an important u.s. ally in the battle against eisel but turkey sees it as a terrorist group let's go live now to the end tip of the turkey syria border of syria is in a hot as that what's the significance of this saying oh. well turkey is growing increasingly impatient it believes that there is a national security threat along its borders president or dog on threatening a cross border operation in the east of the euphrates area it's not the 1st time
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turkey makes this threat erdogan believes the y. p.g. is an offshoot of the kurdistan workers' party a group which is outlawed in turkey it has been at war with the p k k for decades so for turkey this is a national security threat and it wants to clear the border area from the presence of the y.p. gee now turkey has carried out cross border operations in the past in syria since 20162 operations but those operations where in the areas under the fear of influence of the russians and the turks and the russians actually cooperate in syria but in the northeast east of the euphrates this is and the area under the control of the americans the americans are allies of the y p g in syria which makes it really. difficult for turkey because these are nato allies and that they could risk confrontation if they do carry out their cross border operation but his statement coming on the eve of the arrival of a new military delegation from the united states to hold further discussions in
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ankara all right so how is this going to ultimately impact upon the already frayed relationship between turkey and the u.s. . yes it is a strained relationship it has been testing the relationship to almost 2 weeks ago jay jeffrey the u.s. special envoy was an anchor holding talks with turkish officials turkey has been accusing the united states of stalling there is no agreement on this plan safe zone the americans are ready to agree to a zone of the proximately 5 kilometers what turkey wants is a zone of 20 kilometers and not just that turkey wants to control this area it is something that the united states is not accepting so the proposals are on the table the differences remain deep so definitely this is going to test an already strained relationship between these nato allies have 0 reporting live from the turkey syria borders and in many thanks protesters are making their way through hong kong after
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police used tear gas to carry them from a different part of the city it's the 4th straight day of demonstrations the marches in both central hong kong and in the outlying suburbs activists angry over a proposed thanks traditional and the police response to process was the result of thomas was that. the protest is tactics and to change rather than choosing one target and surrounding that like a police station on sunday did we could simply moving it around in your hand starting at one end of august to getting this russian that they were heading cool beijing's liaison office here but when they got there and found lots of right place they immediately got into the metro system and went to a totally different part of hong kong marlo's way that's not shopping district and probably would have been a round here with no police to be saying i don't think i have now caught up with the use today just ahead we're. proud of this crowd now says they're going to go to
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another area again. to the police station where the confrontation saturday night you can see now there's a fire up a hades. these bright scientists which now seemed to end in the audience showed no sign. of going away. without a weather update next here on the news out then as a bonus spreads to a border city in the democratic republic of congo we look at how other countries preparing to talk to the disease. will tell you why this year's fake news is the subject of a number of performances at the world's biggest festival yet for a french. added sport the bad boy of tennis gets a little help from the craft in the flesh rug the best of the action coming up peter in italy.
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however we've seen some wet weather pushing up into where pockets down recently a fair bit of cloud just easing up towards the south of the country like his pulse of the monsoon rains running right up the western side of india and into the south of pakistan there but by and large in the trade tonight it remains dry across a good parts of the reason that said in the cases we push over through iran into iraq quite gusty winds from time to time having said that not gusty winds driving is way down across cuba way 30 celsius in the sunshine for beirut notice fun in try just around the black sea over towards the caspian sea and stay strong in karate $32.00 celsius here by gusty winds will make its way a little further south with sand or rolling down across northern parts of saudi arabia towards us here in qatar $46.00 celsius on monday some attempts as you go wanted to choosing to see that wind just starting to pick up clouds thickening to
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just across the other side of saudi arabia around the southern end of the red sea might catch a spot or 2 of light rain here into the southwest of yemen as well charles have a spouse or 2 of light rain into the fosse out of south africa but for the most part it stays dry fine and sunny as at the cloud just easing its way through the southern cape. the wilderness of cambodia is under threat. for profit illegal timber trade $1.00 and $1.00 east investigates the plunder of cambodia is of course. 1020. al-jazeera. and. captaining
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a leading used team at 16 years old takes determination. to that staying on top of your game at school. the whole family bands together and shares the sacrifices necessary for a son to have a shot at becoming a professional footballer. my tunisia home game on a jersey. and i guess it's good to have you with us everyone for the good here in doha but the news for about is there are the headlines police in the u.s. charge the 25 year old man with murder over
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a mass shooting in el paso texas at least 20 people died but a gunman opened fire at a shopping center on saturday meanwhile officers a searching the home of a 21 year old man who allegedly killed 9 people in dayton ohio. to a case president to one is sending troops troops i'm sorry troops into an area controlled by kurdish y p g fighters in northern syria why p.g. has been an important u.s. ally in the battle against eyesore but turkey sees it as a terrorist group. and it's the 4th straight day of demonstrations in hong kong protesters marched in both central parts of the capital and the outlying suburbs activists are angry over a proposed x. . additional on the police response to the protests. let's get more now on our top story the shootings in the u.s. the been the 13 mass shootings in america over the past week alone the shooting in ohio was the 251st attack so far this year that's according to a u.s.
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based group that monitors gun violence which defines a mass shooting as an incident where formal people or killed $270.00 people were killed in such attacks this year did 2018 at least $368.00 people were killed in gun violence making it the worst year since tracking of these types of incidents began political analysts eric ham joins us now from washington d.c. eric a nearly 5 hours of democratic presidential nominee to base a few days ago the issue of gun control was mentioned once will be events of this weekend at least force it back on to the agenda i believe it will in fact when you look at the shooting in el paso that's the former congressional district of democratic presidential candidate better or war and we know that now he has removed himself from the campaign to return to the city of el paso to confront them and help with the situation on the ground and also to one while we don't know
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for certain if this manifesto that was posted online actually is linked to the shooter i do believe if in fact it proves to be the case a given some of the language that we have heard from president donald trump and from his administration as relates to emma grant and the latino community in general i think this could be tied more directly to the president which i think will raise the conversation around the issue of gun violence and what the what lawmakers in washington are doing to confront it is that conversation going to help democratic democratic campaigns but surely the president is just going to say look at look here come the democrats they want to take it guns away again. sure and i think you know there's always that are you man and unfortunately this issue has now like many other issues issues have been divided along partisan lines you have ridhima kratz and republicans who are striving and their response to this issue
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where i think we could see this actually have empath is if you go back to what took place in the wake of the parkland shooting the school shooting that took place in parklane florida and the fact that you had many of those children began to mobilize and play a role in the election process beginning 1st with marches and registering people to vote well in the wake of that shooting we saw democrats take control of the house of representatives and many actually believe that the impetus or of the catalyst of that park and shooting along with the organizing that took place around that helped with the outcome and that election and so now that we're heading into the all important presidential election many believe that this could be an issue that that law makers and candidates can and prosody will use to mobilize voters. around gun control ultimately tends to to run into a war. and we see no change could be different this time.
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well i think where it could be different is typically one of the key allies for this fight for maintaining guns is the national rifle association the n.r.a. and the n.r.a. is one of the most powerful and influential lobbying groups and all of washington but we know that right now the n.r.a. is coming under heavy fire both terminally and externally and internally because there is a an ongoing massive power shargel within the organization externally we know that the new york attorney general is actually looking at the charter of the organization itself so you've got an organization that is fighting on both fronts and now is in a fight for its own very survival and i think that could do wendel the amount of influence and impact that it has on this ongoing debate and you mentioned the president how much pressure will he be on the to change his language but he's been
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on the come to pressure before to do just that and he has oh sure he gets ready he has and in fact when you look back at the senate got shooting and pittsburgh pennsylvania many believe that much of the president's language around immigration and talking about immigration was the and was one of the catalyst for that shooting and i think we will see where many will try to tie the president and his lame which to what took place in el paso texas of course you're going to have a number of people coming out condemning the president and saying the president should changes changes language but again i think much of how the president will moderate his language on this issue will be a result of the enormous amount of and fluence and lobbying that we see from outside organizations bringing their forces to bear from a political standpoint both on the president and on lawmakers to act. eric always
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good to talk to you many thanks indeed for being with us eric ham there in washington now to the bowl outbreak in the democratic republic of congo a doctors without borders says that they lead 2 thirds of those who've been infected have died one in 3 patients is under the age of 18 now other countries are trying to prevent the disease reaching their borders mozambique which is 2000 kilometers away is setting up disease checkpoints along its border with malawi rwanda briefly shut its border with the democrat democratic republic of congo on thursday after 4 patients in the eastern congolese city of goma just a positive for the disease to all the others are being tested for possible infection al-jazeera stephanie decker reports now from rwanda's capital kigali. it's a health workers nightmare a busy border crossing thousands of people in close contact and constantly on the move and have an army going oh you're going to get this medical worker tells people
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to wash their hands they're going to know your. health checks and hygiene measures of titan between the democratic republic of congo and rwanda ever since multiple cases of the abode of virus were discovered here in goma the congolese city of more than 2000000 people. people are washing their hands as a precaution to the outbreak of disease to tell us it is spreading through their homes that's why they're asking us to wash water mixed with medication. the virus is paul through body fluids including sweat there is a vaccine that has been used for quite some time the world health organization says it has a very high success rate and you only need one shot but there's a problem when the. vaccination is not approved for mass use it's usually given to those exposed to the virus and it's also given to the doctors and health workers as they are handling those cases to protect them from contracting the virus there is still no officially approved vaccine on the market but we're told this one is
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expected to be officially approved at some stage there is also a lot of confusion around the virus and a lot of suspicion of foreign health workers here in eastern d.r. see. it's a remote region that has been neglected by the government and torn apart by years of conflict. it would have been better if our leaders and those who are concerned would give us more information they have not informed us where we can get this vaccine so that all of us can go and actually get it. all of us need to be vaccinated. this is the 2nd worst outbreak on record more than a 1800 people have died of the virus in the d.r. c. over the past year but the fact that it is now reached a border city is what's causing. the problem to the government here in rwanda to close its western border for a few hours on thursday as it beefed up its health screening procedures on the problem with this virus is once you identify someone infected by it do they need to
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trace all the people they have come into contact with them vaccinate them and potentially it is a highly infectious disease and containing it is a real challenge stephanie decker al-jazeera. the opposition coalition of signed a deal on the constitutional declaration the african union's envoy to sudan says the document outlines the division of power until elections can be held in 3. ports . after months of violence and protracted negotiations the people of sudan finally how about roadmap to a peaceful future. at a ceremony in the tomb general mohammad tom dunn the deputy head of the military genter and be our protest leader signed the declaration. dear honorable citizens today we turned a page a very difficult page in our country's history that was full of conflict and fighting we agreed to move forward to build a new state in the transitional phase there greenman provides for
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a joint civilian military council to oversee the formation of a transitional cabinet and parliament to govern for a period of a little more than 3 years until elections can be held our formal signing in front of foreign dignitaries is to take place on august 17th in ca to the following day the generals and protest leaders are expected to announce the members of the new ruling sovereign council opposition leaders are promising to investigate past injustices and crimes committed against civilians in sudan. the priority during the transitional phase will be transparency and the investigation for all the crimes for the sake of justice in order to put on trial the perpetrators who killed our muscles we have to have pace because without pace we can't have democracy based on today's declaration the transitional government will be committed to finding justice for all it's a sentiment echoed by the ethiopian mediator. in new york on. this
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day will be highlighted in sudan's history as a disturbances of civilian democratic rule that aims to build a state of law and equality and a state that doesn't marginalize its citizens. agreement is also a huge boost to the african union's mediation efforts under the montreal african solutions to accompany. reactions to it signed it will swift. in the whole of the present both sides shook hands and celebrations on the streets of the couple. civilian. come together to form a joint transitional 40 it's likely to face some difficulties. some say. for sudan. algis either. the former 2nd in command of cambodia's camero rouge regime has died at the age by 903 known
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che was serving a life sentence for genocide. crimes against humanity a tribunal convicted him for his role in mass killings that wiped out a course of the combat it come body and population during the camaro his rule in the 1970 s. pakistan's prime minister has warned that tension with india over kashmir could blow up into a regional crisis like a stance as india used cluster bombs in an attack that killed several people in pakistan administered kashmir india denies using such weapons new delhi has deployed thousands of soldiers to indian administered kashmir saying that it had found evidence that fighters it believes aback by pakistan were planning attacks some are accusing the indian government of preparing to broaden its control that zeros come out to reports now from islamabad. any prime minister. meeting all paid national security committee of the cabinet but one that tended by
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all the faults to geve he said that the united nations security council should day ignored all face. that did developing in the region budget on had blamed india for sending. troops into india and whitefish mean that it's been done in prague it sounded india may go for another day drain on the other hand india has denied that dave you and your nation which are banned under the geneva convention august on war and the international community the old of the few years right there was giving the prime minister that time for now and the us president should mediate but india has said all along that it is not by lead to an issue that has to be affected between islamabad and new delhi let's get more now on the indian perspective from. china
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charlie i'm sorry professor and dean of the gentle school of international says. so there is a lot of you had the stock to be a lot of a fundamentalist groups that are teaching to attack muslims so i think that is a problem he'll be trying to resolve and at the same time i must say that india does have a plan as you mentioned i think they want to integrate it as simply a question of fully into india because gosh we just had a special status on autonomy within india a long time under the indian constitution under the new and newly reinvigorated leadership of prime minister narendra modi after the elections they're looking at you know taking preemptive measures to sideline the separatists and the secessionists and to use security as well as other developmental means to train you know integrate kashmir better so i think that's the long term plan what you are seeing now at the border what you're hearing from because it's going to be some about that did you know preparing for war all beasts you know visa theatricals and
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i think what didn't really happen in the long run ease you know be a cleaner assimilation of course we're into india which is i think just a moody's long time go the us defense secretary has accused china of aggressive behavior in the pacific region speaking in a straight into my casper said the china's military and economic activities a destabilizing the area we firmly believe no one nation can or should dominate into pacific and we're working all alongside our allies and partners to address the region's pressing security needs we also stand firmly against a disturbing pattern of aggressive behavior the stable destabilizing behavior from china this includes weaponize in the global commons using predatory predatory economics and debt for sovereignty deals and promoting state sponsored theft of other nations intellectual property and the in the pacific power should not determine position and debt should not determine destiny the united states will not stand by idly while any one nation attempts to reshape the region to its favor at
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the expense of others. and we know our allies and partners will not either at least $25.00 people are dead after 3 small ferries capsized in the philippines police say that bad weather caused the boats to overturn in waters between lolo city and silent 6 people are missing 55 other passengers and crew were rescued. power has been restored in parts of indonesia's capital and surrounding towns after a 9 hour blackout hundreds of people were left stranded after commuter trains shut down of the passengers had to be moved from jakarta's transit system the state's energy supplier says the outage is due to a problem at a number of power stations. to edinburgh where the world's biggest arts festival is on the way almost 4000 shows from 63 countries will be performed throughout all this often political this year's this year fake news is the subject of a number of performances. has been to see how artists are interpretating post truth
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. beginning with a bang the edinburgh fringe festival a month of arts and culture capturing these guys and holding up a mirror to society. the show conspiracy is a study in how facts can be unpicked if you sound convincing enough to find one that. was a comedy inspired by the statistic that 60 percent of britons believe in at least one conspiracy theory the idea sort of 1st came to me i was from picking a president and realizing that we had a conspiracy theorist in chief in the white house felt like a sort of instigator but i think as we've just as we've dug into it more it's become it's become bigger and it's not just about the sort of people who we think might be soft on lying on reddit. you know spouting things about the movie that actually we all in all of us have this propensity for wanting to believe in
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something that perhaps doesn't seem immediately real audiences in edinburgh seem drawn to performances about how truths the manipulated and capitalized on. those men bega form a news producer plays an ambitious journalist in his sold out show fake news where the audience play his in terms you will be hated on 3 things editorial accuracy style of writing and herschel marketability what i want to do is to show people what the media is really like what a news room is really like exactly how it operates kind of warts and all but show people that it's not some sort of there's no conspiracy theories yeah you know it's . there's no agenda that is being pushed it's not some sort of people in an ivory tower who are disconnected from the public it's ordinary people trying to do their jobs trying to do the best they can it's a cautionary tale and a jet to exploring how journalists can make innocent mistakes these festivalgoers
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will be able to explore every facet of fate news at this year's friends from false information to genuine error through to foreign interference one show will even teach audiences how to dismantle false claims with logic so that all sin wells infamous radio play were of the world also get an update for the digital age the way. the drama allegedly caused mass panic in america in 1938 but its effects were exaggerated like so many examples today just fake news born from fiction charlie angela al-jazeera edinburgh. just ahead here on the usada cyclist hoping to make it back to the tour de france after a horrific crash piece or will be that the rest of the sport will be here with us and the rest for just a moment. a
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conflict that is now considered to be the world's worst humanitarian crisis how many did not know how to dive behind this stall his heart says all are really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the coalition fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch because the amount of money involved yemen war profiteers on al-jazeera america is divided like never before each side is so convinced that they are absolutely correct that the other side is dangerous heaven has a wall of strict immigration policy elders not people in power investigates the partisan politics eroding civil norms vital to american democracy are you concerned that the political divisions today could lead to violence or it will the strange death of american civility patu on al-jazeera.
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when i get time to sport history thank you very much the ashes to come but 1st to formula one lewis hamilton has extended easy leads in the world championship with a victory in the hungary and graeme free he started 3rd with red bulls dutch driver max for stepan on pole step and lead for most of the race but he's tires degraded too much and as much as he tried to hold them off hamilton eventually passed him to take the lead with 3 laps remaining it's his 8th win of the season extending his chairmanship lead to $62.00 points it's also the 7th time hamilton is one in hungry and he now moves to within 10 of michael schumacher all time career record of 91
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race wins. speaking of shoemakers they were great scenes in the preceding for me to race make sure america son of the 7 time f one champion michael clinch these made in victory on the if 2 circuit the 20 year old had started from pole position at the hungover a ring on the formula 3 champs of last year and is a ferrari academy driver and before performances like this it might not be too long before we see him following his famous father's footsteps to compete at the highest level. from 4 wheels to 2 world champion marc marc is goes from strength to strength in moto g.p. he won the 50th race of his career in the czech republic to take his overall lead in the standings to 63 points it's the 6th victory of the season and becomes only the 4th ryder to achieve 50 premier class victory it's. motor sport doesn't get much more spectacular than really in. the driver's flying through
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the a in the latest leg of the world championship in finland in the end it was a stone years often tannic finished 1st to extend these lead at the top of the overall standings to $22.00 points it is his 4th win of the season so far. let's go to their cricket now and steve smith has produced batting master class in the 1st ashes test in birmingham at age bastien he's many 2nd century of the match against england and australia are building a healthy lead of matthew wade has chipped in with a ton of his own 407 for 6 now the score for the australians that puts them more than 300 runs ahead of the english steve smith was the star of the show for the aussies with 142 to follow up with these 144 in the 1st innings smith has now scored 1116 runs in his last 10 ashes innings at an average of $139.00
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that includes $600.00 former captain is playing in his 1st test since serving a ban for ball tampering. that's one of the men being to take over as england coach after the ashes out as gibson will not have his contract as coach of south africa or new to gibson who's a former england bowling coach was tasked with winning last month's world cup but the south africans performed poorly to wembley where they're in to the closing stages of the community shield which is the traditional curtain raiser to the english football season it's all square at the moment between manchester city and liverpool city had led with a goal from raheem sterling in the 12 minutes but liverpool hit back in the 77th with a header from joel matic 11 at the moment. the bulls local rivals everton have signed 19 year old italy's striker moyes they can from you venters the deals reported to be with $33500000.00 ken scored 6 goals in 13 games to help eventers claim last season city our title he also became the youngest player to school for italy since
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1958. love him or hate him the bad boy of tennis nick kyrgios served up some great entertainment as he reached the final of the washington open the australian age par stephanus to pass with a little help from a friend in the front row david stocks as the action was that he cut through the controversy and carry us has more talent than his number 52 ranking suggests that this was always going to be a tough match against the top seed stephanus it's a pass they played doubles together this week but never faced each other in singles and it was curious who looked most comfortable early on. i several crowd pleasing shots including this one to wrap up the opening set 6 ball i was back came sits a pass though the greek began to dominate the key points and he broke serve twice to square up the match at once at all was it could have been much closer in the decider and it went to a tie break curious saved
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a match point before fighting back to set up one of his own was still time to play to the crowd and then for the 2nd match running he asked a fan where he should put his serve and whatever was said worked curiosus put it out right. setting up an easy winner to secure a place in the final i was tied to 1st of all the australian but over to thank the front for his help before going on to embrace his opponent after such a close match it's impossible feel hard done by but consoled himself knowing he'll move up to a career high world number 5 when the rankings are released on monday here we are aiming for a 6 a.t.p. title will face russia's daniel medvedev for the trophy later on sunday. they did stops al-jazeera. but here it gets better and better for teenage sensation corey goff a 15 year old won her 1st senior title in the women's doubles in washington alongside katie mcnally who is only 17 gough was the youngest ever qualifier in this year and
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reached the 4th round 3. chris froome says he's hoping to return to cycling in time for next year's tour de france the 4 times when it broke his neck leg elbow hip am ribs in a horror crash that forced him to miss this year's edition which was won by he's any us teammate but now the accident happened in june when froome hit a wall at 54 kilometers an hour during a practice ride they said looks like your legs your legs broken and your arm doesn't look good either. so now you're not going to be you know going to be on your bike and i think those 1st moments were the moments that really sort of hit and i took it on board that. i'm not going to be racing the tour de france this summer i have made a lot of progress but at the same time i have to be patient and this is yeah it's bones can only grow so fast the only go upset myself personally is to get to france next year week by week i can set myself little goals in terms of. allowing myself
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a little bit more movement or. small goals but. for me the underlying goal here is to get to the start of the tour de france next year 2025 people stop they all have some more sport again a little bit about he thinks the now before we go take a look at this a french invest in best inventor has crossed the english channel on a jet powered hoverboard in just over 20 minutes frank zappa's stuff for speeds of up to 170 kilometers an hour on the 35 kilometer journey he had enough kerosene in his backpack to last just 10 minutes but stopped halfway across to refuel for wasting both a 40 year old landed safely on sunday near dover becomes something. office of cities are back in just a moment. thanks top stories so you. adored
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by millions for challenging social issues head on what women don't say is mexico's longest running side. as the program celebrates its end of vassar and the producers revisit one of them as powerful storylines. and discover how the show has affected the women who inspired it in the 1st place. now i have a voice some box mexico on al-jazeera. new leaders place children in this refugee camp the latest victims of the unending sectarian violence
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in central african republic among them are survivors of unspeakable violence 10 year olds in work as mother is dead her father is gone killed because they were christian by their own muslim neighbors this is silliness do you hope an overcrowded refugee camp of 23000 people surrounded by armed militia groups celine wants answers she says she wants to be asking the questions and so we traded places inch took the microphone will we find peace how can we make the violence stop when will i be able to return home. through a shared passion for elephant conservation colleagues have become friends but with civil war descending they must now protect themselves escaping deep into the rain forest all back to the west and wild. for the elephants surviving the cultures is a lifelong challenge now too they must out last
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a rebel militia elephant a witness documentary on al-jazeera. a 25 year old man is charged with capital murder after one of america's worst mass killings. hello i'm adrian figure this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the case president says his country's military will move into northern syria something of a potential fight with america's kurdish allies. a change of tactics by protesters in hong kong as they try to keep police guessing. of the whole ring on a historic feat the french but notice the flying man finally crosses the english channel the needed to fuel stop halfway.


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