tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 10, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm +03
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cause to realize all the things that have been happening to me as a child growing up and other things that i now realize were part of that's like the movies you know that all of those things were part of that psychological attack to make us feel inferior one has to realize that to carve the person black kinda fifty's and sixty's was an insult and thing to did it was mathematics who are most single handedly trance for their racial consciousness of black people. so that they no longer were ashamed of being black the honorable elijah muhammad us that they're from stealing . and we did steal he stopped us from gambling and he stopped us from line stealing runs rampant you know gambling runs rampant in home oh title evils in
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places that care product immunity run record you know. in harlem everyone knew the story of mull committal the young hoodlum who discovered the nation of islam and its leader eliza mohammad while in prison it was muhammad who made malcolm x. the spokesperson for this black separatist movement with its racial vision of a world where black muslims would live apart from whites thanks to markham x. the nation of islam became popular in the ghettos of the northern states but organization was always one there was concern about offering an an option an alternative to black americans you know here's and here's something what we're talking about in terms of the goals and objectives we have as far cry which you hear you know you following christianity for example well as connected to the slave trade that's connected to your slave holder you know he does not have your best
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interests in mind he's given you a religion it's that tamps down your your potential for violence and raising up. mr x you have described a muslim moment as a religious organization and you said that there are a great many misconceptions about your attitude and stated views can we press for a very simple answer to one question do you hate all white people i don't think it's a fair question. mike had it right my head in the white man doesn't even come into my attitude he did mr mohammed teaches us to love our own kind and let the white man take care of himself for the right man to days after kidnapping millions of black people from africa stripping them of all human characteristics and relegating them to the role of chattel cattle animals commodity merchandise that could be bought and sold it will and then 100 years since the emancipation proclamation using every type of deceptive method to further us into slavery call 2nd class
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citizenship i think that it would take a whole lot of nerve for white people today to ask negroes do they hate them ok maqam spoke to the white media but he was not trying to convince still by media then what he was saying was true because he knew that they were going to distort what he said. by caving around of the hand and artists of the spoken word he warts i always try and get the attention of the needy yet to use the media to support he is non violent approach to social change was after seeing the repeal of segregation laws on the alabama busing king pursued his action in other states the son of the emerged as the leader of the
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civil rights movement. we do not want to wait 50 years for our rights we don't want to wait 25 years for our rights we don't want to wait 10 years for our rights we want all of our rights we want them here and we want them now. the young pastor became a celebrity the media hailed the effectiveness of his nonviolent approach king and his lieutenants used television to effect in front of the cameras they saw to provoke the violence of the authorities demonstrators were told to show no hostility towards the adversary but to resist peaceful. method of interest in this is one of the most if not the most potent weapons. chris. froome. in the cities of the north nonviolent resistance was
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a message that fell on deaf ears in new york malcolm x. famously visited a police station to denounce the violence i'm not satisfied with the fact that the police in this downtown area has punched one of our brothers in the mouth and their brother wasn't breaking any laws he was only selling papers and it would be dangerous for them to get the impression that we endorse martin luther king the last of the of turn the other cheek malcolm represented the kind of attitude and political perspective of many of young black so-called militants and radicals coming out of urban areas in the north they have a different common attitude it was hard for them to swallow this notion of nonviolence you know so i go inside my head then retribution is coming i can see myself falling down on my knees and given any kind of extra advantage to my
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enemy malcolm says somebody here to you send him to the cemetery the nonviolent strategy of modern new thick king jr from now come back was a week philosopher it was a philosophy of turn the other cheek it was a philosophy of not hidden back and now come comes from a black nationalist tradition that does not but the that you can can't show freedom yell seth respect yo get me to buy sit play the lead in somebody beat up on you and you not shy to defeat in yo say that's why he malcolm emphasizes seth
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defense. but. emphasize nonviolence because if blacks had responded trying to defend them sad that would a brought down the pole least department down our own those demonstrators and whites would have loved to have the chance to kill black people in distress. so king and malcolm had that tension. i am happy drawn with you. will go down in the rear. as the greatest demonstration read on in the history of. television played a central role in the african american struggle for equality in 1963 a series of events covered by the national networks reveal the scale of inequality
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in the south to millions of americans well they're right there in alabama 963 was the year of martin luther king's try and his relationship with president kennedy who had been in power for 2 years was key to his strategy but it was this alliance which ween king and washington this idyllic picture of reconciliation between blacks and whites that provoked the ire of marco makes it all started in birmingham alabama in the spring of 1963 king and another pastor ralph abernathy were filmed being arrested for organizing an unauthorized demonstration the arrest was part of a strategy that king would use in future campaigns it was important that the cameras captured the unrest birmingham was a city that embodied a southern racism where whites like to repeat the governor's slogan segregation now segregation tomorrow segregation forever can you believe that alabama
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would not and could not polisi it seth and that what he wanted to do was to show that so that the federal government would have to become involved and their body make a family a law that would over rod anything that any of that jim crow laws that's in birmingham alabama in 1963 it was in prison where martin luther king wrote the text that encapsulated his struggle the letter from birmingham jail king wrote the purpose of a direct action program is to create a situation so. crisis pact that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation. president kennedy intervened and king was soon free and a few days later king and his followers found a way into the national consciousness. one of his lieutenants suggests
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well why don't we have school children they don't have jobs they don't have mortgages. a lot of controversy about that within king's circle. but the decision is made and so we have hundreds and hundreds of children marching. and that's also the moment where the bull connor the public safety commissioner decides to bring out attack dogs and high powered fire hoses vose picture is go around the world.
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malcolm x. is quoted in the media being very very critical about king and the movement allowing children to march and be arrested and be brutalized that was our main crucible berman here. i mean the fact that it would you the children would be put in this and after what i understand even some of the king people kind of you know had a problem with that initially they initially they had a problem with interesting lee it's it's at that moment that the coverage of king starts to change because very shortly after this particular campaign it it's now it's called the children's campaign very shortly after that the white power structure in birmingham basically collapses
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a green is to basically agrees to king's demands. the media coverage of king then very quickly changes he's not the militant anymore he is the hero 2 days after his victory over the local authorities martin luther king was the target of an attack several buildings were burned down by white extremists leading to riots in the black community in the face of the unrest john f. kennedy sent the national guard to the outskirts of birmingham in harlem markham xscape full voice to his anger we are not integration. and we believe that your food to try and mix with someone who doesn't love you well that doesn't mean that we in any way condone what those predators are doing in birmingham alabama people should know that it is no accident that along the gulf were writing negro
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women to grow babies a negro children kennedy said nothing it was only after the negro began to strike that. it was then it was then that kennedy called in the on the don't you be going by kennedy don't you people by the don't go down negro bridges when i don't think you get that good i get the 4 legged dog. after the events of burning martin luther king and malcolm x. were interviewed a few days apart for a program about the race issue brings us an interpretation it was an opportunity to share their opposing vision was to put the black caucus malcolm x. has said of your philosophy that it plays into the hands of the light of practice that they are happy when you talk about love for the oppressor because this is far from the negro well i don't think of love as
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in this context as emotional bond i don't think of it as we see what i think of love as something strong and that's all the nice in the south and powerful i direct action and i think some of the criticisms on nonviolence of some of the critics fail to realize is that we are talking about something very strong and they can few nonresistance with nonviolence is. king assumes that people are reading know that he is right about what he is sand so he is using the intellectual tradition of why it's in order to make his point malcolm does not use the intellectual tradition of whites
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to make his point malcolm uses the experiences of black people in the ghetto the people that he's talking to reverend martin luther king. preaches a doctrine non violent insistence upon the rights of the american negro what is your attitude a lot of white men have been martin luther king subsidises revenue luther king so that they haven't martin luther king can continue to keep the negroes to be defenseless that's what you mean by not valid we defense must be defenseless in the face of one of the most cruel beat that has ever taken the people into captivity that's the american way. america is divided like never before each side is so convinced that they are absolutely correct that the other side is dangerous heaven has a wall and strict immigration policy elders not people in power investigates the
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partisan politics eroding civil norms vital to american democracy are you concerned that the political divisions today could lead to violence. this strange death of american civility part 2 on al-jazeera. this is a really fabulous news from one of the best i've ever worked in there is a unique sense of bonding where everybody teams in that's something i feel every time i get on the chair every time i interview someone we're often working round the clock to make sure that we bring events as i currently as possible to the viewer that's what people expect of us and that's what i think we really do well. rewind returns with a new series. and bring you updates from the past to bounty series documentaries by would compel you to wait a minute you know you've done. the hard. rewind the games
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we've faggy sin city under siege we're sick of. these young people. is one way after you shot 60 on al jazeera. i'm richelle carey and these are the top stories on al-jazeera some breaking news out of yemen government forces are being forced to retreat from key positions in aden southern separatists are reported to have taken control of a number of military camps belonging to the internationally recognized government by adding has been intensifying for the last 4 days and dozens of people have been killed the president of tanzania says the nation is in shock after dozens of people were killed in a fuel tanker explosion and at least 60 people have died but it is feared that
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number could go much higher that happened after the truck overturned and crowds gathered to take fuel. much needed to because i do you know unfortunately fire broke out in burned a lot of people a lot of people have lost their lives in this incident over 57 we are continuing to follow up on the items burned and businesses so that we have a conclusive number of those perished but so far we can confirm 57 or dead and you to minister kashmir remains on lockdown that's after the worst unrest since the region was stripped of autonomy thousands of people defying government forces to march through the streets of front are thousands of people were injured when police fired tear gas and rubber bullets. placed in hong kong have fired tear gas at anti-government protesters there rallying into the night on the 10th exactly the consecutive it is weekend of demonstrations meanwhile a sit in at the airport continued for a 2nd day and there was also
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a march in type ho that's in the north of hong kong the demonstrations have plunged the city into its most serious political crisis and tech aids and there have been anti-government demonstrations in the russian capital and other cities for the 4th consecutive weekend testers are calling for free and fair local elections next month they also want those detained during recent demonstrations to be released also says the protests are being influenced by quote foreign meddling at least 13 people have been killed by a landslide in china after super typhoon leukemia hit its eastern coast around a 1000000 people have been forced from their homes after a made landfall in the province of she's saying there have been widespread power outages and more than $200.00 houses have collapsed a storm is now expected to move up the east coast towards shanghai so the headlines keep it on al-jazeera to return you to face to face.
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ready malcolm x. and martin luther king 2 legendary figures with opposing visions for american civil rights and their rivalry plays out on prime time television in the united states. dr king is for equality and all right citizenship for the goal of dr martin luther king is to give negro the chance to sit in a segregated restaurant plain white man alive 400 years the goal of dr martin luther king is to get negroes to forgive the people who have brutalized them for 100 years but by lulling them to sleep and making them forgetting what the white have done to them. criticize martin because he was trying to we end our ballo to sick nakes to why people are in
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a restaurant but man says i think that's not freedom sitting next to white people is not freedom said whites freedom is black people having their own self-determination where they can buy their own restaurant and they don't have to worry about whites not serving them. june 11th 1963 marked a major victory for king and his movement president kennedy gave a televised address in which he presented the plight of southern blacks as a moral crisis affecting the whole country but we decided the world and much more importantly to each other that this is a land of the free except the negroes that we have no 2nd class citizens except negroes we have no class or caste system no ghettos no master race except with respect and they go. now the time has come to this nation it will
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fill its promise events in birmingham and elsewhere and so increased the crisis requalify that no city or state legislative body can totally choose to ignore them . a few days later at the white house civil rights leaders submitted their plans to the kennedy administration for a major political rally in washington their aim was to draw attention to the injustices that continue to affect 20000000 blacks the administration was afraid the unrest would spill over onto the streets of the nation's capital king reassured the white house and the event took place but on the terms set by kennedy. on the day of the march the whole of america could follow proceedings and. thanks
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to cameras set up along the route the 3 national networks gave wide coverage to the event which was the culmination of a decade of intense struggle for civil rights. what you see is an emphasis on black and white together. the march was about 3 quarters african-americans one quarter white but if you look at the coverage you would think it was almost $5050.00 so one way that television news was framing this monumental phenomenon is of blacks and whites coming together each see images of marchers and the emphasis is always on dignity. so you see these framed portraits of marchers. you know the t.v.
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cameras are always looking for well dressed marchers and and this was part of the organizing of the march where your best clothes right you're going to be seen by the nation so the impulse seems to be on the day of the march to portray this for television viewers as non-threatening and you know this is the ideal this is what integration looks like that to me was i was like a picnic it had almost like a picnic like atmosphere to i of this like totally unimpressed and although i was you know i had already accepted brother malcolm interpretation of it from listening to him speak but but. to me it was it was i was i when you look when you when i was there and i was it must of why would anyone object to this this is a great this is great. for the kennedy administration
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makes them look as though they're doing something and something major is going on and i have a 3. time my. friend one day live in a nation where they will not be deterred by the color of america yet but by the content of back aaron i haven't i am god now you have 250000 people you know gathered in one place seemingly on the same page. see many there to idolize the kind of iconic value that dr king represented at the end and even people who are going to eyes of mars recognize that king would be the centerpiece you know a philip randolph in particular you know exactly what he was doing that dr king would come on and move that crowd is such a way that no other speaker in this country could do on capitol streambeds one day
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. home in alabama are with that fish race with the governor having him conniptions tripping with the words up into position another fictitious one day night that in alabama the little black boy was in fact won't be able to join hands and i'm afraid gordon right good at this is going to drop a bomb a free. everything is i have a dream. i have a dream i have a dream and and to me the greatest lines from that speech that should be embedded into the minds of especially of young black folks is the full fathers of this country gave us a promissory note and we have come here today to cash that check that to be that's bothered me and in terms of an image created in the my that was
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a powerful statement. totally even though. we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is backed. by we refuse to believe that out ion the fission products and the great of opportunity of it. so we come to cash this check check that will give up the pun demand the riches of freedom and the security of stuff. from uncle max the march on washington was an event to be rejected in a famous speech he attacked what he calls the farce on washington. the click to put kennedy in power during the march on washington is just
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like when you got some coffee it is too black. which means it's too strong. what you do you didn't agree with cream. it used to be hot it becomes cool it used to be stronger becomes weak. it used to wake you up now what you just did. this is what they did with the march on washington they joined it became a proud of it took it over and there they took it over the last us militancy they seized me angry they seized me hot they seized me uncompromising why even seized to be a mom she became a picnic a circus were nothing but a circus with clowns and all. they control it so sorry to hear of negroes one time to time. how to cook. where to start. caring. what fun to see what species they could make you have
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a speech economy and then told them to get out of town by sundown. the march on washington sealed an alliance between king and kennedy. from now on it was king who had the ear of the white house. according to the media the 2 men were going to write american history but it would be written without kennedy. monday nov 25th 1963 america is in shock following kennedy's assassination as the nation watches his televised funeral king and the black cause have just lost their most powerful political ally but markham x. upsets the mood of mourning. when kennedy is killed.
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because the grief for the nation was so intense any quote or sound bite that seems to be critical of kennedy. is just not going to be tolerated malcolm x. 2nd in command of the black muslim movement expressed joy at the assassination of president kennedy at a manhattan rally last sunday night and said that the killing of the president was an instance of the chickens coming home to roost he added and we quote being an old farm boy myself chickens coming home to roost never make me sad they always make me to let in chicago today a larger mohamad the leader of any white muslin movement suspended malcolm x. and this about his state you know you little chickens out in the morning they go around and they always come back. what it was what chicken was basically words was
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the same as saying what you reap is what you sow and brother malcolm position was with dedicated it ministration had allowed all of that violence to occur in birmingham in other places and had not done very much about it but the way that the media of course takes up that quote is malcolm is saying kennedy deserved to be shot i personally wish he had not sit now because it was not true because i believe every word of it but i because he was able to it brad ammunition for his enemies both in the you know in the larger world and in the nation of islam to use it against after 3 months of silence imposed by elijah muhammad malcolm x. was finally banished from the nation of islam from now on he had to speak for himself you consider yourself a militant. i consider myself malcolm. i
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think when he left the nation of islam in march of 1904 he felt it too was a great degree i feel a kind of a liberal tory he felt liberated in fact he had some point said something about the strait jacket is no longer on him now he can move and become more political because i understand that the nation of islam tended to tamp down any kind of political expression to stay clear of that that's what god malcolm in trouble when he said something about kenny's assassination you know about the chickens coming home to roost got him into deep water so and inept precipitated a number of other moves but he was already as far as i'm concerned he was beginning to step outside of that any way he saw him saw of in a larger picture and making a greater contribution. what will be the difference between your new movement and
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the nation of islam well the basic difference will be probably more flexible and it's not my intention to teach among muslims those who are already muslim but to take mr mohammed's message out among the non muslim so-called or your work then with negro groups that are working for integration but we won't be joining them nor will they be joining us but we will work together on any objective that we haven't come all that will be for the common good of the negro community. in washington martin luther king continued his political work with a group of senators sympathetic to his ideas he joined the debate on the civil rights draft bill initiated by kennedy the bill was the most progressive legislation yet regarding african americans during a press conference which he gave capitol hill king saw an unexpected visitor at the back of the room it was markham x.
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. malcolm x. always wanted to meet king. and debate with. king our ways refuse to meet with. larger maybe car he knew that if he met with america. support from the white community would be our most eliminated so king had to carry himself in such a way that the support for which he gat from the world why community would not dry. after the conference the 2 men met face to face. this encounter that king had always avoided it unfolded in front of the press and photographers. the meeting only
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lasted a minute but these images that capture them side by side like this photo what is smiling became a strong symbol of reconciliation between 2 opposing visions of the black caucus those 2 people martin and mack simple live is something that is in our our african-american each of us has a little bit of martin add a little bit american and us see malcolm represents that blackness enough's that sand's that we are all white even messing with us we are the david now come represent that fayyad that fight that refusal to let any bad
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a define who we are can represent side desire are to get along with everybody and couldn't quite our desire are to want to create a society for all people define by nonviolence love and care for our people and the society. on july 2nd 1964 the civil rights bill was signed at the white house what king saw come into being that day was a federal law that punished all racial discrimination in the u.s. he appeared alongside president johnson as a victorious hero at last this law was washington's response to king's dream. a few days later america was caught up in another crisis following the acquittal of
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a policeman who had killed a black teenager riots broke out in new york for 2 days and nights violence reigned in the black neighborhoods king's lieutenants try to ease tensions but to no effect . c one rioter was killed $118.00 injured and nearly $500.00 were arrested several police officers were also injured from marco max it was a sign that blacks were no longer prepared to turn the other cheek the spiral of violence had begun 1600 was the donkey. and 30 team 65 of us leave. in a dizzying 100 however the next. least that was my name.
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in a team 60 how was the negro. and then run them out all came along. and then some nigger shot man i'm down. but the bitter truth lives on. on february 21st 1965 malcolm x. was assassinated at the start of a political meeting in the audubon theater in harlem 3 men shot him at close range . one of the killers a member of the nation of islam was arrested the same day his violent death abruptly ended one of america's most famous political debates. martin luther king gave his public reaction a few days later i think malcolm x. . of a role i think he played a role in pointing out the problem calling attention to it but his great problem was an inability to emerge with
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a solution he had slogans that. were captured and that people listen to but i don't think he ever pointed out the solution to the problem. didn't know was that in death marcum x. would become much more than a rival he became a memory the revolutionary consciousness for a generation of young blacks. word of his death spread through the ghettos and resonated like a revenge on king. 6 days of rioting in a negro section of los angeles left behind scenes reminiscent of war torn city more than $100.00 square blocks were decimated by fire and looters as the national guard
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moved in to restore comparative calm in the 2nd half of the 1960 s. america entered a long cycle of race riots media attention shifted from the south to the ghettos of the north king following this movement he campaigned to denounce the economic injustices that blacks faced in america's major cities. king described riots. as temper tantrums of children i'll people who don't have an option can put that effect cry out to say i am somebody and hear this sent to me you know what you don't want to mean and can i understood that and he realized that the sang a staff. of resistance is dead he it used in the south would not work in the know up is that everyone isn't in washington i
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senatorial committee was set up to investigate rising violence in the ghettos the king was summoned to put forth his position on the talking basically. economic and social yes that's correct 100 because i think. that it is necessary to see at this point that the issues which we confront all the hard. core economic issues for about a decade we worked on public accommodations and the right to vote and as i said earlier it was necessary to do this an audit to remove a stigma or an audit to remove the humiliation of a caste system but now we moving into an area where we must demand basic reforms that will deal with these
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basic economic issues our whole problem of housing and education and i think we've got to see that this is much harder it was easier to integrate public facilities it was easier to gain the right to vote because it didn't cost the nation anything he was moving into the arena of economics. at konami justice. and that was a whole different arena and a lot of people who supported him in trying to get rid of the laws about sitting on the back of the bus and being able to eat at the lunch counter when they start talking about the economic board some of those people who will start pulling away this is that there was a new ball this is another ballgame when you see kang in his lane ally he begins to refer to our leaders radical black sand i have tradition who are so challenge the government and so you see cain talking about they've turned
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man dream into a night man to begin to take a stand against the war in vietnam he began to pour our organize a poor people's campaign and fight against poverty that can. was the king who became the radical king and that's when he began to move to america max. on april 4th 1968 martin luther king was assassinated in memphis. a few days later at his funeral the black community was not only mourning its national leader 3 years after the violent death of malcolm x. it was laying to rest the 2 dreams that shapes the history of african americans.
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al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how viable his influence the course of history felt that he did not get enough credit for ending a button you want to be the biggest star go figure but he was mandela the biggest con in the world the prisoner and the president who came together to end apartheid in south africa nelson mandela and f.w. de klerk face to face on al-jazeera.
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hello again welcome back to your international weather forecast for picking up a few showers down here across parts of argentina as well as into southern brazil this is all dealing with a funnel boundary that's making its way through the region right now but by the time we get towards the end of the weekend really the rain on that front is going to start to die down and we're going to see most of cloudy conditions pushing up towards southern brazil for rio expect today on sunday of $26.00 degrees in ascension a nice day at $28.00 degrees there well it is going to be quite rainy here across parts of southern mexico over the next few days and those showers have been a big problem all the way over here towards the yucatan as well down here across much of central america it is going to rain all the way through the weekend and some of those rain showers are going to be quite heavy across nicaragua as well as into guatemala for the rest of current though it is looking quite nice mostly cloudy conditions across much of the area particularly in the afternoon but up here towards the bahamas we do think nasa is going to be seeing a rainy day with a temperature of $31.00 degrees and across the southern parts of the americas we are looking at some very hot conditions there temperatures are into the high
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thirty's for many locations over dallas expect to see a day of 38 degrees there over towards atlanta at 32 and as we go 20 sunday things don't really change there with dallas at 38 and chicago at about 28 degrees. the weather sponsored by catalona. in a country with high youth unemployment one of the nice asian helps john. i mean by i. empowering them to reclaim their futures we teach them how to operate bestowing my ship was how to make the best mates and build more prosperous communities some of the invest the money into the business of school from life uganda part of the rebel education series on al-jazeera. an estimated 100000 lives cruelly ended over a century ago. a distant past not to the descendants of the sultan.
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a tale of colonialism and racial supremacy unravels in the quest for justice and recognition of the sacrifices of tribal people in the media. the skulls of my people a witness documentary on his ear. this is al-jazeera. i'm richelle carey this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes and overturned fuel tanker explodes in tanzania killing at least 60 people . a busy shopping district is the new plash point in hong kong after a day of protests and another airports in.
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fear merges of the crackdown in india the minister kashmir a day after thousands protested in sports human rights groups and boxing fans in uproar as it's revealed the world has the right target a rematch between argued always an end to the joshua crisis saudi arabia. we begin with breaking news yemen's internationally recognized government says it has lost control of all of its military camps in the southern port city of and says they've been occupied by u.a.e. back southern separatists it's been battling since wednesday a miss the temporary seat of yemen's internationally recognized government fighting has been intensifying for the past 4 days now dozens of people have been killed will continue to follow that story and bring you more information just as soon as we as we have it. a fuel tanker explosion in tanzania has killed at least 60 people
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and there are fears the number of casualties may rise after the blast a few hours ago on the outskirts of the city more goro about to enter climbers west of dar es salaam these pictures from the scene of the blast right here soon after the explosion that truck it earlier overturned and the crowds began to gather to collect the leaking fuel tanzania's president has released a statement providing more detail he says the lorry overturned near a bus stop and some who after the driver of the lorry tried to avoid a motorcycle rider the fuel that was leaking and then caught fire and engulf those who were affecting and the president since his condolences to families relatives and friends who have lost loved ones and this accident and he also wishes those ensured quick recovery. joins us from nairobi monitoring the story malcolm tell us more about about what happened and in fact this actually is is not that uncommon.
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survivors say that when the truck to petrol started rushing from it to not true a crowd of people trying to collect the fuel using thought kids and jerry cans it was important to understand that in the small towns and rural areas that these fuel trucks drive through many people a poor and some free petrol which is otherwise going to go to waste anyway for somebody like a motorcycle taxi driver this can help keep children in school help to feed a family with a large crowd of people gathering trying to collect fuel this went on for about 20 minutes that's enough time for the fuel to soak into the ground in the surrounding area a lot of it to evaporate into the air and then of course just one small spark will flame is enough to ignite it that's what happened there was a very large explosion and as we've heard 60 at least 60 people have been killed in a similar number and now in a nearby hospital many of them in
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a critical condition in the medical officials have made a cool out for people to go and donate blood because they're now facing a severe blood shortage there as well. all right malcolm lad live for us in nairobi malcolm thank you protestors in hong kong have now taken their rally to the popular shopping district of cologne the crowds have barricaded themselves in the busy areas riot police moved in here gas has already been fired at the protesters who are rallying in defiance of the police and earlier our correspondent robin fried was at a protest in another part of hong kong where he filed this report. we are in a place called typo it's a medium sized town up in the new territories as it's known close to the border with mainland china until about a half an hour or so ago this whole section of highway was completely full of protesters. all the way down to a barriers that they had constructed further down there opposite them was
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a police line of riot police where everybody was expecting there was going to be some sort of clash and then just as quickly as they arrived the word runs around the wall knows exactly where these words originate from they say is as we know meant to be a leaderless movement everybody said no we're going somewhere out there to a place called highway it's a couple of stops down on the train so they have vanished disappeared and have moved down there and leaving behind the barricades that they had spent the last hour or 2 building we often see this when they move into places build move along roads they quickly strip these barriers off the sides of the roads and they've become very adept at using plastic ties and then to create these barricades moving straight across the road that's what we're left with here but no protesters they are down in this place called highway that's where we will go to next as the along with the rest of the media who are following them to see what they do next and then
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some of them have said that after that they may go back to hong kong airport where they have this continuing rolling protest that goes through today saturday into tomorrow sunday trying to tell business visitors to hong kong about their campaign and russia there have been more anti-government protests in moscow and other cities for the 4th consecutive way can attest are calling for free and fair local elections next month they also want those detained during recent protests to be released the government says the demonstrators are being implemented by foreign meddling step us and joins us live from moscow with the latest so it seems that the protests are. gathering steam step. well there are a dollar that $40000.00 people have gathered here in this until moscow area and that is by far the largest protests that has been seen here in russia for many years so basically what started as
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a rally against this election that the opposition candidates will ban from running has now turned into something bigger a lot of people have gathered here today from all walks of life all the people younger people from anywhere basically to show their anger at the government crackdown for the last couple of weeks which has also intensified just last week with people being detained and being charged with very serious offenses which could add them up in jail for many years for basically peaceful protesting so people are fed up with this kind of repression and that's why they have shown up here today this wasn't officially also rice protests so people didn't run any risk here but there are also people asking for an unofficial protest now starting around now to show that they actually should have the right to protest anywhere and anytime they want. and live in moscow step thank you very much for more on these protests let's talk to victor all of it she's a leading expert for the center for actual politics
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a moscow bake based think tank he joins us from the russian capital and thank you so much are you surprised that these protests have gone into a 4th week. it's not surprising the protests were provoked by the decision by the moscow city election commission not to register most opposition candidates for the upcoming elections to the moscow city council in early september so. a number of muscovites felt disenfranchised this caused the start of the protest movement and to the we have seen probably one of the largest demonstrations largest protests in this series yet. the police reporting about 20000 protesters the some independent counters are reporting from 324-0000 protesters so these figures these numbers
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will probably change somewhat within the next several probably within the next 10 to 20 minutes so let me protest has eluded you and it let me ask you something so there has been this this place crackdown there been people that have been arrested there has been. violence against protesters on behalf of police and we've seen on camera is that having the opposite effect perhaps the purpose was to to quell these protests but it seems to have just made people more determined to come out. some of these measures by the police are helpful they are somewhat counterproductive and. we are seeing the tendency for the number of protesters increasing of course in the city of more than 15000000 people in its urban area 40000 or 20000 protesters is not
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a lot but because to look at that they do not mix of this protest and of course it matters because the more protests there is at these events the more influence they protest leaders are going to have to reach some sort of a compromise with the story to use the city authorities and the government or storage is over all because the question is are the elections that are coming up in september for the moscow city council or are they going to be considered legitimate by by by these protesters or by their supporters who are not coming out to protest or a significant portion of muscovites going to consider going to be to feel disenfranchised also another option for compromise may involve changes to city election laws that's me fix this you know ways. that would make sure that the in the last next
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election cycles this is not repeated so whenever the wide ranging or long term process usually ends in the compromise that. probably doesn't suit everyone but. if not the majority of the people that feel disenfranchised and we are going to see in the next weeks and months what that compromise is going to look like all right victor victor all of it joining us now with their insight from moscow we appreciate it very much. saying in russia there's been a series of explosions 2 military installations the state nuclear company says 5 of its staff were killed when a rocket engine exploded while radiation levels temporarily rose in towns and northwest russia the military has blamed lightning for another blast at a tivo in siberia bellus reports. an investigation tain meets near a military facility in russia's far north moscow says they're investigating the
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explosion of a rocket engine at noon your site is used for testing missiles for the russian navy russia's state nuclear company staff members died in the blast u.s. analysts suggest it was likely a new nuclear powered cruise missile president putin said russia was producing in march last year the united states formally withdrew from the. intermediate range nuclear forces treaty with russia last friday russia's defense ministry said no dangerous substances were released in the explosion well the local authorities closed waters north of the site to shipping for a month greenpeace site of government data showing a radiation spike 20 times above normal in a city 30 kilometers from the.
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