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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2019 10:00am-10:34am +03

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percent of india actually goes to a cure to the water for the large majority of indians to watch his films on believe . if too many shows in india especially on news channels that engage in a good s. of journalism which is essentially intended to embarrass on needy or or know somebody and it should be assured that draws in the largest possible audience to discuss the issues that deal with all of us as indians in common. except that means that the pleasant can only be king in that sense that it brought very i'm comfortable questions into the drawing room. massage any sexual
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assault lack of access to education and dishes things like dolly being huge amounts for the good old format inch women being burnt to death at the v.a. gangaji. justices very fight and we. have been talking about them in changing some women getting educated women getting jobs be men realizing that they will be men fighting for this women fighting for that and a look at getting so lord ancient doing you have image in their heads or did aspirations award their will one day fugitives and what may not willing to allow them to make them and hold back the engine is leading to a lot of these atrocities. we had several drums of meetings 1st and don't you been
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with the army and essentially what i mean and got is just to do is he said why don't you guys woad and put your torts your resort's on camera and let's see what life is at us. team name would i not even limited that. india teacher leave us much fun to. me to study clearly are there on. their going to enjoy.
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belly pregnancy if he. wanted the tea was clearly tea. relatively. in. a field but the i wasn't there. but all people are just barely. been a hero. insulin official pregnant. in my. early. twenty's and a lover i think one of the men a school. name and i was in my. league. even though.
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getting by to feed on the shore was very very important she had no idea that had anything to do with this act or when the decision happened aboard i think by being on the shore i called her and i had a long chat with her and she said i'm better can you pulling a fast one. of these over the this. is. when the 1st episode went on air there was such an immense sense of expectation the streets were empty and people waiting and watching what is on that kind of being
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with. the most crowded object or would be so there may have. my arm or hand up so we go very. far if you thought it a rest of us have you yeah but. i don't want their. houses near the park area. jericho was there bob would be better served a psychiatrist that medical mask would be hurt by. if i thought that i did that he would love that as yet i was never a part of me so low and have their coffee you smoke either as i work.
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in sign if you know how you took the answer they use your sign. you know but we know remember when i met her she came across as a person who was very strong and very self-assured someone who had been through a very traumatic period but had come to really strong so she was some someone who actually really inspired a lot of people in the shore came out in the group and they heard her story and and heard her she used to do and how she educated itself and how she's looking after herself and her you know and her children. the met out there and you have a lucky maybe that i've thrown my name. i'm a good mother of here. get back
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a video of them do it the. everything bit the american it will be. on the 1st episode 1500000 people responded to us and initially everyone will see our movie love you on the radio the greatest you're the best you're my hero but within. the quality of the messages have changed and they were about the issue people were starting to talk about why is there so much massaging the wire goes not one did. we very early on realized that this shaw was actually more than television and since these were issues that were live in rio and there was a possibility of actionable stuff so we did pick up one actionable agenda point with
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every episode and we pushed for people who vote on that subject so that we could pick but asians for government or the right authorities and say look can you please do this now. when you want to sell ability when you have such a huge fan base and people just follow you without questioning you need to be more careful with the facts that you present you need to be more careful of the act most are going to applying to create this show actually contributed in creating it at last year which vilifies men which puts men negative a woman complained to are supposed to have is the man that's a kind of sin that you are that is trying to put on thought men if what if they just were bought or were you taking the chance to be pretty sure that you only 95 percent in so good market beachy you seem like you see most of the god heart with.
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issues like you should not be coming up on national television there are children watching would you like your daughter or your son to ask you daddy what is the rape how was it done even if such things are there people who have undergone this agony and this pledge really is implied for you to bring them on to the television to disconcert things if you have to claim that. it is in the. just but. on the market looks almost the. entire show is sold on the concept that aamir khan is the anchor and he is doing a very good job of it and he uses his cure glands to great effect by crying all the time and by emphasizing that men know it's a crime but he is using it as a commercial gimmick to make the show or commercial success celebrities are about this on the one hand they try to show different things in their films and on the
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other when they are coming on a reality show there is this big schism and their identities and it's very difficult to find out that or where the actor ends and the person begins. so we just give you a mini. me. of. maybe i'm mean or. have been here was a manic appeal get broadbent. you know. what i've got there last took up on putting up monica. in the back up and got there about one cup monica tom look at the. machine that was working in the digital to be famous. there were photographs of me
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. somebody religious looking people muslim who dig labeled as i'm a convert muslim terrorist it's dogs minorities new born want things to change who don't like what the shore is revealing. i'm a bit of the fact that i'm annoying a lot of very powerful lobbies and a lot of people from. these a small number but that extremely powerful and i'm aware that i'm doing more than knowing that i am affecting them economically sometimes i'm setting them in many ways. but that just tells me that i think it on the right track because there are people who benefit a lot from things that are meaning that we do. but i do get the necessity precautions in case of looking after myself and my family i do want to be stupid i don't want to be seen but.
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it's just the record get washed you. down. like they did. with. that. but you. just said. that. i saw a 2nd or don't make this so it was very hurting me really. guess ill and the king might know now yes edna. melech there's a damage yet there's a lot longer fadlallah barcelona get and that blood that me. started here you
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can only. guess i. am in again naming cushnie has said going to don't. begin is that they're not really here in the game eric is at those dishman. that should be abolished because again oh well there's always a cost i mean i know that there were times when it was quite frightening especially when he was doing things about criminalization of politics and things like that it was very tricky for us as a family and fairly well known criminals been spoken about and you know one is always wanted that there could be a backlash anything that you do especially in a country like india is bound to find some criticism especially a sure like this which was taking on so many you know institutions it was taking on you know powerful people and powerful existing establishment was going to come up
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against some criticism was. that a project outside mumbai resident koppen said that there's a sense of insecurity in the country and that his wife has even suggested leaving india during the day of their child we don't really to the people is what's happening b.c. good news what's happening and certainly i want to be alone i can't deny that i've been alarmed by. by a number of incidents. you know it's what any society. it's very important to have a sense of security it will be collected at the head site they've got it with their hat on. russia get a piece of it but he is so magical jordan we v.s.e. particularly i just maybe i didn't use a bob not with the panel eagle was but it could be a call up now will say look ok. we dish it out at the paper about ya in case you know my gave it to me. you know on the other hand was
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a kid. and put their children down a 2 year. indemnified ticket did not take him. to. dimes when he did didn't depressed and you feel you know what why are we doing this nothing's going to change like this you're entirely and we've only said to me rejected and done 2 films in this period but i'm going to live in short economically it's a loss for me to be really honest. and swati the other day just today is a good sort of a diode you need to stop doing the show. it's a bit lazy and it's very emotionally traumatic for me as we go to material which is
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very difficult to absorb and understand and come to terms with but for me to understand what a person goes to i have to seed it's very ready. oh . so. right now in the middle of total finishing one season. so i don't as i mean feel. i should. so i said we should take a break so i. as a beautiful brick you know. for the
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nomadic jock the tribe survival is about reaching their destination a little if we don't hurry well never be able to get the top up in the storm we follow the mongolian herdsmen on a treacherous migration running the country is dangerous to the ice and then as they strive to preserve their traditional way of life here the girls sometimes lose our cattle in the cold there with the cold war because of the storm risking it all mongolia on al-jazeera. it's my privilege to name al-jazeera english the broadcaster of the year the cartels are fighting each other and we've been told that we can still hear these is the largest demonstration that's been held by winter refugees since over 700000 of why we're seeing some of our nurses who is on the planet earth here or they think of that could be put to him. here in english proud recipient of the new crystals called costa of the year award for the say the iranian. rewind returns with
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a new series. and brand new updates on the best of down to 0 risk documentaries. rewind continues we have to be announced on another occasion i read about and this is the proudest day of my job my life that was a real turning point because that gives them a lot of confidence that they can beat any team in a shoe on al-jazeera. hello again i'm fully back to go in doha with the headlines on al-jazeera breaking news from hong kong where prominent activists joshua walang and andy chan have been detained it follows weeks of sometimes violent anti-government protests wayne hays
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on the line from hong kong wayne what more do we know. probably coming through from the political party joshua will give us use to that he was arrested at 730 you the morning local time say 2 hours ago and is currently being held at the one chart station in on kong on 3 separate charges according to. statements saying they will use 3 separate charges joshua was credibly prominent in all call of course because protocol 2 out involves going and keep government protests but it's not the. instigator of the protests but certainly was if you go back to the 2 ply protests in hong kong the clock the 79 days with its included included spent some time. gold in organizing those protests and chair and he's saying that he was declaring the hong kong. not repenting to leave of
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course your parent is the leader of the pro independence equality that you know that because it is due to be a threat to national security no indication to rest at least but of course it comes with a very simple apartment on call thank you wayne when he in hong kong in other news yemen's internationally recognized president has. to intervene and stop the u.a.e. from attacking government forces in iran dainton says it's a force has been targeting terrorists following attacks on coalition. ports the un security council is considering a draft resolution calling for a truce to prevent more violence in northwestern syria the 15 member council wants a deal for province where government forces backed by russia pushing into rebel territory the only ground they still hold colombia's government is offering a $1000000.00 for the arrest of a fokker rebel peace negotiator and 3 fellow leaders who vowed to take up again
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former rebels accuse the government of breaking the terms of a peace agreement signed less than 3 years ago those are the headlines we'll have more in under half an hour's time witness continues next here on al-jazeera. but there could. be discussing. a dollar bill this month please. show me. why you would is the law just fill in the action industry in the word inducing about 1000 feet and say. till there is a mob joining me is concerned i made cotton is not the only want to have contributed to the macho image in fact he is driving the mob dream it from beyond those who have already said who is number one to sell one card he takes off his chart at the dock. i think the films are becoming the a.t.v.
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that you are going to wait even. if woman. there's nothing wrong in being sexy or beautiful but don't consume news that just gonna be the only expectation from him that you just have to go for a song and just shake your ass and then just get out and the rest of the work is done by the main protagonist. i knew we did have more opportunities than one human going to object to and there were a lot more opportunities but somewhere in the eighty's and ninety's it just got really bad and women were just reduced to mere sort of sex object.
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i. chose to be the villain the bad guy you know aggression. 2 words of inman were common initial for us it's reduced all of the reduced a lot. worse namely i dislike all those individuals who have done or do any kind of aggression towards them. those individuals are to be looked down upon and punished but since cinema is a make believe we are acting we are not truly truly harming anybody their colleagues of mine friends of mine those female costars of friends of mine your dog the mick jagger. the mighty johnny but now don't look the.
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way we used to be so many tips earlier on. the audience and we're dealing with a very strong woman who's independent the ideal phone who knows our mind and wants to hold. that view over the uncomfortable but. and if a woman in a movie for example in a bollywood story is very independent people in the film. and the police do something to oppose justification she had it coming. rape has been portrayed in different ways but in recent times we are not seeing the portrayal of real because there are other things which are replacing rape and even in a film like 3 idiots the same army of khan who is running a reality show like september jet they were he's talking about against domestic violence he's talking against child sexual abuse monks talking in $100.00 different
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things and at the same time the same amida communist c.d.'s uses the word about the cattle in guinea which we every even if they're talking as couple after without trouble after with they mean use is one part of the honor to me of a woman's body to make a joke about. actually but these. e's college me but not. in the club it's about it's about me the r.g.p. cult leader here i. mean you're you're very. deep inside of. me. and everybody has a good laugh at it and even the woman in the audience laugh at it we don't realize in that it is reducing the whole concept and the whole reality of stupid joke so it is glorifying the repressed and it is abusing the rape victim 2000.
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i think with a better understanding of the politics you know gender politics is really learning experience for me and today i want to have the things on i mean a lot of the things that i do know that are a lot of things that i really feel unhappy about all of them and i think that when people see me on the shore i'm hoping that a lot of young boys when they see me on the show would would would get affected by the fact that this is how i am in real life when i'm doing a film i'm playing different characters and when i'm going to show i'm myself that's me. set up easily give up the 1st. johnny to 20 years in the good you know remember the you go through. every job you. could think of the. us made
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economy a pretty cheat sheet for the victim job he had. so then jordan went to a body one night to have a drink with friends and then she was leaving some people off at a lift for a short distance that's right don't doubt the beef eating. and then says it became the victim of a broken gang to be the shoved a pistol in the home moms. the. bitola violently brutally they were about to head in chunks and finally when they taught that she was unconscious and she would die the 2 had out of the moving god.
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i was there in the middle of it all my jeans wound up lost a limb practically naked i was in shock i didn't know record they'd come back and run me over and i just stood up and i ran. and i ran and ran and ran and darren and ran as fast as i could. so this happened on the 6th money and on the 9th i went to the police station and i tried to fire a fire because i did file v.f.r. they tried to rush it off they made me feel humiliated they made me feel like you know you went to the michael drank you drink you deserved it. but then i. mean and i'm so sad backstreet me message for the victim said i've been he make in son just geeks in the kitty and when it isn't. for me to come out and speak about it i want women to feel that way to feel
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courage is to feel strong to feel that they don't have anything to be shameful for then they can get their lives back once they start doing that they will break the ice. with them it looked to be a body findings with the warm so got to such arrogant the example of the 17 last time it is in the other 5 believe that a lot of the big white is against women. the idea of one stop the person becoming got that he was the minister of the men and. she is the last that she has been one stop to impress and that what the country actually made all her secretaries was that abyssal. privilege you meant is that it made so many people doing work in the field made them nor it made
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a change that we don't have to live with problems solutions are possible and in some cases where the government responded for example i nor off the medical tests done on drip with tim said waivers. because of the public opinion because of your no the recommendations made i will not say bias at the may with the recommendations made by the people of india who said to be able to. give you their story was hope once you know what other people think what town are the borders for what they want to know on the dam when one is down when we are not seen. and you can buy will look at me and i will find that and i will let that what do you mean we had to. cut back what you heard the
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focus of. what has been that you know or asked of me l. got to do with any of our shots or the. market up in hockey that began i asked and have it. not that it made me the near-line tactical advantage of the hot spot but imho not. cannot return to the meetings and the key to not display at the end of the. generally school because everybody i see. every 20 no minutes you know one demon is raped here in india i am looking for all you know prices you know like i said in every every district around india toilets for women so that you know we can reduce the numbers intervene into the ground level the ground reality is not changing i know that you are making people socially aware as
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important but as an activist i would prefer that what the victim is given a lot of that sure. the abortion. the ought to be happy your child minute in that he would want to be sure that it ain't just it is milking enough. that it isn't a need and relist golf i look and i g.'s. kind of but the cigar. they decide i'm like say
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is it can. be they do that was it would sit there now with. their. eyes how many at the. gate has been anybody that it is. not but a child maybe the. small. boys know this is a look at. the. daughter was she going to be sure sure to get the order was there was such a. woman. would talk about it to the gomer john mchugh don't you see don't the. subsidies in tokyo and he guesses. some. are.
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getting in but. you have. buddy who is here to support the look.


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