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tv   Romania People Power  Al Jazeera  September 2, 2019 3:00pm-4:01pm +03

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it is the new 40. season was firm and i can still hear him say i will not leave you this was his this and he never parted for me. to do that for the ones he cared about his key to the fanaticism looked around. if you have here to these principles you appear to be so personality and doubts what makes these rebel army an indivisible block. just 3 months later in mexico for dell customer and say give out for the grandmas a boat packed with 82 revolutionaries on the morning of december 2nd 956 in a food store the boat reaches cuban shores if it. does among the whole of extra. scene. is a full cannot develop a need to have done that on the. east also feel.
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some for me. when you come out it engaged me. for. a. enjoy the death. toll go sample. only a few men survive the onslaught of the teamsters on me the rebels find refuge in the sierra maestra where the meet their leader again. gets towards the. way you. defeat keebler t e d. c the 0 g. of our good guess was. to get counted revealed the film.
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better. to use your body while me. mean what i'd do you by the cover. yes we know who. i mean but immediately any other. one going to hold to if from the number. she did guest will come for because it doesn't sit down 40 give us this one any mrs feel to you now key votes easy to sit on raw they tumbled then to get real with all this ya. in the summer of 1956 almost 200 men have joined castro and dividers rebel are. brought. in
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a symbolic gesture of fidel promotes his argentinean comrades to comandante. their. new field catherine you can see you can literally. sit on the front of the need for 3 april found some more international. leading his own troops into battle and cheat sets up his 1st victorious ambush. in the area under his control he starts shaping the egalitarian society of his dreams. troops are told to read and write a field hospital is built a rebel radio station is put in place give out of the marxist is gearing up.
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to a few little castro but socialism simone disease the. thing won't bother you or. they will. isn't interested in political positions he was far more ideologically driven he was far more obsessed with achieving these ambitions and images of the future he sought to get thank you. so they are under sail for unknown. not to prepare. this radical vision of the revolution is criticized by members of the rebel army they are deeply anti-communist and fidel has promised them a liberal revolution far from al cheney's marxist ambitions. is stunned and threatens to leave but castro can't let his victorious champion retire he reassured his friend and pledges his support blinded by friendship l.
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cheney goes back into battle. but i. remember. she did get it on the double key to open prison i sit back to their. point many clearly she didn't guess who it refocuses she again archy decreased if acquired due to the c. guilty yo he don't see communities. thanks to his nonstop political play castro manages to avoid any massive military intervention from the united states a few americans have even joined the rebel army. who are all fighting together and
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i was in america i was one of them and you know it was. there was no true animosity . who was the cuban revolution coming this way and certainly not feel castro feel castro is a feeder least another communist or. during an interview with american journalist in this new era for del castro promises he will establish a liberal democracy should the revolution be successful at least not i mean. in iraq. our right of political. represent the people. and. plan economy field gets to look a 1000000 more for show news isn't only critter i did put in the film though. oh
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played we desire journalists a lot don't like getting a guest list if you don't see. the because she did guest who wants you all to our eventual commute in on top of the all you do feel like i'm city had no latino the local boy does america sis could see quite a samoa if she had guessed who less quell as it should be on. this strategy pays off in the summer of 1958 but east is offensive against castro's get real army valles. castro sends his faithful comandante to create a new front lines in the center of the island castro's troops are right in santa clara the last 2 t.v. cops to kill before hot on. the end i know that he's. having some.
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4 calls the. morning. well if the name which are effect of the other not that it. should or should by you of course a lot for me i don't think you can see this yank and say mono and when i was shocked. by that shortly. after given his victory in santa clara is defeated and flees. for del castro takes santiago de cuba the 2nd biggest city in the country el che's troops will face no resistance when they take the capital city. but also its march down just to give our kids a little yes for maura i mean she did guest who in the final phone could get up put
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it behind us if i mailed it even met with the old with it only if i didn't own the given. that they only needs to be achieved in the arrives in the city to proclaim the revolution. and being large and time and there'd be skepticism within the core of the rebel army itself clearly this is something that could be politically very sensitive the revolution is moving from the phase of war and war politics so one of real politics. on the 8th of january 959 when the town has been liberated castro marches in in triumph givati remains in the shadow. people cast. ran a loss could. go on the school. measure in
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yeah in color on the branch. surely the feeding for a lot serious a big group. of work here's the quote if you get 4 young good old bush he'd give a desire for the telly good uncle to lead this he. said they thought a deal icky that dooney and extolled in their back as tall. 6 years. of. shells. in february 1959 fidel castro becomes prime minister his provisional government is even recognized by the united states. castro is still indulging the liberals but somehow manages to convince cheney to stay in cuba he promises him and he
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imperialistic revolution but needs to affirm his power 1st fidel grants a nest to give out of cuban citizenship and appoint 7 as military commander ritchie . and then may. that you're the least. then less dubbo richey dollar for us like a bad idea don't mean love in the rather than. even we done that bore. no new key cause east as usually exit could be of the but just. accept shorthand ha bastard in a day or 2 should read the 100 fer. for
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5 months and that's to give otter is in charge of executing hundreds of cubans fidel castro has given his most controversial brule ever. see certain moment. man you can usually tell in a car when you look around me you. really cannot assume or vision drew because you know you have a few but only doria. only an hour. job you. tell that by. in the meantime castro secures his power he starts working with the cuban communist party the only organized political entity in the country a shadow government is created with and wrong kustra fidel's brother both are
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confirmed marxists who are preparing cuba for of drastic turn. in the spring of 1959 castro begins a triumphant tour of the united states is welcomed as a hero the leader of a legitimate rebel movement. once again he reassures america of his intentions. i know. i look. very clear. back in cuba fidel begins to work on the 1st land reform together with castro has designed the basis for the collectivization of farm life and the vast majority of his states are made into cooperatives and placed under the authority of the army
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castro relies and give our to put the reforms in place. castro appoints cheney director of cuba's national bank this nomination is a provocation for the united states and they decide to block all credit to cuban banks for del castro responds by attacking american businesses in cuba the escalation has begun. by new york. the americans stop all sugar imports from cuba the islands economy 90 percent of which is dependent on its business with the united states is on the verge of collapse fidel needs to leave the whole bit if the us and the only way of moving away from
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the us for a small country like cuba in the 1960 s. is to move towards the u.s.s.r. this simply is no other way it's a practical resolution if not 9 to law school book about it let's show he can any could he be sure she returned peerage she met his you know who you'd be tolerant of an early shoot key and there's once you he said to take it he had to be 20 percent of. the u.s.s.r. now provides oil to the island in exchange for a choker. in their oil. i mean young. no she did get toyed with the gash in by the need to get sick the gadget geek. in 1961 for dan castro finally declared he is a communist. and money
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i. was given his responsibility within aspects of the cuban economy inevitably that created tensions with many other cubans maybe more feel they should have been given those roles. the same year for dell appoints a minister of industry. wants to develop his own vision of a socialist country the economy is turned upside down. a nation where corruption is endemic embroiled in a battle to hold the power to account. how has this radical
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transformation occurred. to me that he was shedding light on the roumanians pressing for change and the unconventional methods to eliminate corruption remain people on al-jazeera. for the nomadic jackass tries survival is about reaching their destination if we don't hurry well never be able to get the time folks in the store we follow the mongolian herdsmen on a treacherous migration in the country's dangerous to the ice and then as they strive to preserve their traditional way of life a little bit longer sometimes luser cattle in the u.k. there was a cold war because of the storm risking you don't go on al-jazeera one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is it is very chancy live but it is put together because you have
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a lot of people that are divided on political issues. people believe that tell the real story i'll just mend it used to deliver individualism we don't feel in cuba. across the globe. i'm richelle carey in doha these are the top stories on al-jazeera then special envoy to yemen has condemned their strikes by the saudi immorality like coalition which has left at least 70 people dead and those strikes hit a detention center red cross police at least $100.00 people were killed at a stop after the israeli military and hezbollah exchanged fire along the lebanese border as well as fire to anti-tank missiles towards an israeli military post on sunday israel launched about $100.00 artillery shells what it said were hezbollah
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targets across the border. cantorian has become the most powerful storm to hit the bahamas with winds gusting up to 350 kilometers per hour the category 5 storm is battering the islands with torrential rain the governors of georgia and south carolina have ordered people along the coastlines to evacuate based on the latest forecast and storm track which we have been following very carefully and after extensive consultation with county emergency management officials in those you say you're doing i mean issuing a mandatory evacuation starting your new storm on monday september so scuffles have broken out on hong kong's train system police have protesters who are trying to disrupt operations during rush hour police are out in force with many people heading to the demonstrations thousands of students are skipping the 1st day of school and some say they'll boycott class for 2 weeks will be joined by union
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members and other protesters. and police in the u.s. have identified the man responsible for a mass shooting you know desa texas that left 7 people dead 36 roll set the tour hijacked a mail truck and opened fire at passers by after being stopped by police for failing to signal a left turn it was later shot dead by police. support for the far right alternative for sure many party has surged into state elections in the east of the country exit polls indicate the f.t. has come 2nd in both brandenburg and saxony at the expense of chancellor angela merkel's party and her coalition partner. but nom is marking 50 years since the death of its revolutionary leader of the man was the father of the nation and its communist party and fought for and dependence against several foreign powers as are the headlines keep it here on al-jazeera we have an update at the top of the hour in the meantime face to face is that next.
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in 1962 che guevara's revolutionary utopia isn't enough to resolve cuba's economic crisis rations are put in place prices are fixed cuba is totally dependent on soviet aid. but the government has another reason to worry in 1961 america launches a failed to sea and air invasion against cuba known as the bay of pigs fidel and cheney are no obsessed with fending off a us invasion in response the soviets send $50000.00 troops to have on a. city will close it. unique more. mean everybody. in 1962 the cuban missile crisis threatens nuclear war president kennedy installs missiles and you
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and the soviet secretly deploy nuclear warheads to cuba the cia discovers the messiah was after 13 days of escalation and us assurances that it won't invade cuba the soviets removed the missiles. cochair some men don't want they looking young if you are up at 370 seen. if they are made from the hash. to our guest will give a high. 3 mile is not. only of the us president there are many. for those who read of the player as the new version of. the missile crisis really reveals a lot about their relationship. over the pragmatist came around to recognizing that there was no fight to be won with the soviet union. figure. and never really
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swallowed the impact of that event and this is what begins to drive something of a wedge between them politically. chain distances himself from the soviets castro travels to the u.s.s.r. for the 1st time in the spring of 963 fidel is awarded the title of hero of the soviet union his visit will last 40 days military and economic bonds between the 2 countries are strong from. dallas to give up on the modern e. a better there's a. deal she did just who thought the us a lyndon year i think. in cuba che guevara criticizes the economic path the u.s.s.r.
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has chosen according to him cuba needs to follow its own path his stand is a threat to the economic agreements between the 2 countries the leader of the cuban revolution disapproves of the argentinian strategy castro take steps to reassign l.j. in 1964 fidel appoints him ambassador of the revolution to keep him away from cuba . religion. the bastard and. then done battle nash keep buckwild on. power. for dell now uses ouchy to deal with the foreign affairs of cuba overseas give our is now in charge of advocating the cuban line. but the argentinean soon finds himself playing dangerous game as sino soviet relationships are deteriorating. makes repeated contact with the chinese is gold. is to unite
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a nonaligned countries in the fight against imperialism. and. this approach is a departure from the soviet policy of peaceful coexistence for down castro is now a head of state whose fate is bound to moscow he's therefore forbidden to speak against this doctrine. don't tell lies seem to new communities from only use of utica in this business. do ducal says huge the 2 keshi on tourism always fall joe wilson will that mean you should see russia's god it is.
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this the nice nia. if you did guest hall or for x. it so oh god we need a complete movie filmed i thought only for a selfie a it's a lot of it already of since you allow. for that it will show what i will to hear it cut through a long process of how it all added lamont i'll simply set up either by emily out of the family out of the there are several a channel. on the 24th of february 1965 president ben bella receives chegg about in all jeers the country was hosting the afro-asian conference in front of the soviet delegates and she takes the stand and openly criticizes the u.s.s.r. for not supporting the wider guerrilla struggle with all. it's a job to critique new pre-budget do you know soviet seek he set that mao off about
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half a day one can only imagine that there was under some pressure so now finally is ties which i give are at this time he went one step too far i think after algeria it was clear that there was really no political official future to give are in cuba. in march 1965 and she is back in havana. castro himself is there to welcome him. the awkwardness between the 2 men is obvious. this is their last public appearance together. this get it on give cover don't fail to give a hot. day or you've got the good news can i give our. holy document. discredited for his handling of the economy has become
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a political spectacle castro and givati need to find a compromise. but i'm going to be punished for a bit that id shall your health care i wanted to do. be a feat where shall you have gone to war you know what i hope. they only put a man with ground. 0. when i thought. to moan that. but do you. know do you know. these are food. on matthew guest
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going. does he miss all that he was a i get obviously. he's the better at it i feel that freak is something that i feel the easy to get down to look for the new on national. she did guest who did was e.g. regina existed. in april 965 give a mist of a moan secretly reaches the congo general mobutu is about to take over with the support of the americans. today are going oh no you're not i said i mustn't go into. all have you had a holistic. way or all this is the.
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whole it's what i call by the end of that month of a man for must feel not to see the. just and want to have all the stuff that come to us when reaching up by feels when we don't even trust. your query are suited. to misery. and caring about her she but if we're going to. leave. until ok do good and then then. i meet a female cop and. if we didn't. fidel castro is under pressure. has disappeared and rumors of an assassination by
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castro himself begin to spread. one of the top of 3965 the 1st congress of the communist party of cuba begins. divorce is dismissed from the central committee. era next about. policy nice man. see there. get me out a lot i will. tell you he made a speed of it. without telling al cheney fidel reads his farewell letter in public a letter of resignation required of cuban gillis when they leave on
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a mission. natalie guided me at back to munich. when i got it out. from the other massing. that this moment. you know that accompanied the salary that. either revolutionary. here rushed there. you know how do i want you to think that you. can then you know put on pretty take. do i need that ben ali so he can see them. yeah i'm calling for. delap out of the female cage in coeur de icing on the very off. she'll go she day after. buffy then dead. and then i mean the whole
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scope if you don't look through her new. 15. years and be up there you're now going to be a little bit going to. borrow a line for. you. but what the naleo. call up at an early. for africa. north korea crashingly 3 govern. castro has orchestrated al cheney's political death he also gave birth to his myth on that same evening the regime's official musician writes the song that would eternally glorify the revolutionary.
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in congo el che is sick and b. pradelle gets him out of the country l.j. has no where to go he goes on a 6 month long secret journey after the congolese defeat he wants to join a new guerilla front again. give out of a national team if he gets what he set up a. lucid interval but you know guys for me they're on the wrong team you know god is only partly going to for sure ansel thank you have all the club well they'll be on the in this business so they'll supremo that i mean you should. castro also understands that the soviets don't want l.t. in cuba fidel needs to find a way out forgive him who is impatient to renew the fight it will be in bolivia for
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dell may have to face the wrath of the u.s.s.r. but if the chase exceeds the soviets will be forced to bow down before its success . let me see. i see a fair. shake. come back and see also this is when you know that he initially and he thanked the syrians that there isn't enough. i think fidel castro institute has shown. us you want to give our body it actually you know met with the pope to toe shanice who can defy p. design his will ensure the shop. clandestinely che prepares for his mission for dell lets him choose 10 men the cuban leader assures everyone the operation is well planned. not
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being taught by nora. i don't want to like unable. to model this year will come along great every well you know america no. longer kate cary i'm going. to nominate or they're going out on early in the fall of 1966 l.j. are drives in the political capital he moves to a rural area designated as a starting point for the insurrection. will leave years only go by a lot it only he can tell you have a real reform i live a lazy good for bye bye thanks or go yell about deal there are compazine oh you know time content of it for my lobby like an oh yeah all my life and last and last one i hold on yourself and of this case until the end i said that i will sell every i can barely. castro promised cheney the support of the bolivian communist party. in the jungle give out receives
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the party secretary general money among hey. scorsese. sit opposite in that you can hold it as they get here says it upset you know it please. vote on the. money or mon he has already warned the soviets about his presence in bolivia nothing goes as planned. no i am on my merry sheena like drop us a bottle michael me the. wine mario monti we're going to get a bill miller who went to come only to. cash a month in the a move now or not the name of communication. after young to allow van ownership on power would come as you do have walk on the wish to
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a pretty movie well if you get. north on new show on it don't buy made one. wrong domo say no may even montero he adds how about a year at the back end of a bad deal about this and we should quickly bash your quote but whether about always said they. should run them dance dub him why are. you. delhi belly poor. project wireless it on bell a chair. contact is lost with the 4 heaters with castro's decides to send regis debris to meet l.j. the young french philosopher is close to castro's regime and has just published a book calling for armed guerrilla warfare. and martial.
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he will. now you see because some of my passport i guess our their way or leave can't go to see me i'm glad that elaine like that i think would be they were a landlord all in good part of their old home but i so moved by. this you won't buy a 1000 homes by scene from the main but i will sort out your leni atop a quarry they go dig this or that your t.v. don't good to be so they don't send you all the songs that add up as good as what is a 1000000 gallons as well the video with the dude salaries to know although you do want to be rigorous about possible from the monkey because he shared like 18 many predicted 80 u.t.c. . he said his can go after a short stay with sugar via the bolivian army arrest regime is to blame several desert has already been captured american rangers come to support bolivian efforts
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the search for say is all. the you. can help for dell continues to play a complicated political game as goddess situation detuning its rapidly the 1st of may 1967 he proclaims the it off goodwill a war for portraits about che i put up all over the plaza the lot of lucille she's just one thing how many there are sensitive to the commission who can they say thank you ask. them as you can and by the law yes it is the media see compound. for the soviets this is the last straw kosygin chairman of the council of the ministers invites himself to have. when
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castro is paid a visit from those agents shortly after the lancet has been in america and heard from johnson just exactly what america knows about guevara's operation and our on it they are with it he becomes equally unhappy and tells fidel in a few words to hold back to not continued support of ours operation in bolivia. shown in culture. mission but assured i'm. not put in the hospital for a walk. so if the ellis with alpha still had all that. when i had a. little falling out on this automobile single bullet cluster went to
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town they wanted a different future custer wanted his country che wanted international revolution for a long time those terra will object to use to sit alongside one another and drive each other forward but there came a point when obviously they no longer did but at that point the relationship and their political project came to an end. in the fall of 1967 bolivian special forces look ate and cheese count. on the 8th of october after 3 hours in combat he is finally wounded and captured. the next day by order of the bolivian president nestor givati is executed.
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but i see. no said repeating in full numbing tell me. a lot of things. sinatra said if he having a laugh or of. their net there are none well there are a lot of him passed up. l.j.
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becomes immortalized in castro's cuba and the run the world. up to what they've been set up. together good father and castro have tried to tread an impossible path between the united states and the u.s.s.r. but in the cold war chessboard cuba was just a pawn. custer was able to remain in power until his death in november 26th. cheney now a martyr continues to live on as a symbol of the revolution. as
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a weapon of war the very. effective and when in combat. the only witnesses who can help bring about justice. for this human rights campaign is in libya investigation right since the 2000. unspeakable crime on al-jazeera. and mostly fine across much of the middle east we have there been seeing some areas of triad working their way towards the caspian sea in the last few hours and again we may will just have some more showers working their way through the east and then the black sea as we had on 3 monday they could linger on into tuesday elsewhere it is also and it is dry but notice assholes in baghdad 43 degrees celsius on choose
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a $46.00 however in a q a city further to the south the temperatures are high as you might expect so it will flow pushing into areas of amman also pushing on the cloud as well but despite that a very nice that you on in muscat on cheese day 40 celsius in doha the humidity of it lower than we have seen just a meanwhile further to the south into southern africa and across dramatic aska there's a bit of cloud just working its way off the eastern side of south africa clear skies across much of madagascar and look at this is more and this is the. the trees which as you can see already quite majestic some very nice weather conditions but it's the right hopefully in the fall cause they to madagascar into the northeast so the next couple of days meanwhile there will rain in the fall calls into south africa and temperatures still on the warm. day the a $25.00 celsius and a mostly sunny skies.
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more than $100.00 feared dead in a saudi led strike on a yemen detention center the u.n. special envoy says it's time for accountability. watching all just 0 life from a headquarters in doha gaydar also ahead boycotting classes in hong kong students join the protests after
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a weekend of anti-government chaos. one of the most powerful atlantic storms ever lashes the bahamas and prompts evacuations in some u.s. states. and capturing evidence while fleeing for their lives how phone images could help get justice for all who suffered in myanmar. hello the death toll from an attack on a detention center in yemen may rise above 100 amid calls for someone to be held responsible for what the officials have confirmed at least 65 people were killed in iraq strikes by the saudi led coalition but the red cross expects that number to rise the u.n. special envoy to yemen is demanding the coalition investigate and says accountability needs to prevail that attack happened in the early on sunday. reports from the scene. resistance on the mount. say explosions shocked the city
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on saturday night aid workers have been pulling the dead injured out of the rubble . blamed the saudi m.r. as you qualify fighting in yemen were targeting a previous university that was being used as a detention center for prisoners of war. dozens more. to hospital. i swear to god i don't know what happened we were sleeping at midnight and then there was about 3 or 4 airstrikes maybe 6 it was targeting the jail i really don't know how many times that got hit but it was targeting at the teachin seemed to and the city of demand we were $100.00 people on the ground level and around $150.00 at the upper level and the in the red cross came. see people under lock and key we're trapped as the bombs fell rights activists are calling for an international investigations into the act on the prison they say innocent people
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are killed in such operations carried out by the saudi with quality saudi arabia says it plans to air strikes on healthy military targets the quality of the site was storing drones and missiles something called the night i got my gun was that the i'm not going to this person the subject international red cross committee inspections every now and then and such accusations by riad a baseless especially as it's called and it's have been shared with the red cross the red cross believes up to 100 people were killed and it's helping to find survivors some rights activists accuse the whole cities of war crimes by keeping up on and in such prisons there is a crime committed by the. painting of political activists and journalists. and political dissidents whom they use in places that they constantly have been
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advised by human rights and you know not to not to put them in dangerous areas also most of those people who have died today have basically haven't even seen in court the saudi electrician continuous bombing our residential residential areas even if they consider that you know that specific place is they believe may be in may have some. form of a military military target these are residential areas this is why. such accusations has been denied by how these are this side of the bombed prison. we have an official list of the prisoners held inside the prison that has been shared with the international committee for really. cross all of the prisoners have been type shit by the. units from battlefields. formation has been fighting in yemen since 2015 supporting the internationally recognized yemeni government
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against these the war has killed tens of thousands and had a devastating impact on millions of yemenis with many on the brink of famine some of the blob. province the united nations is calling on israel and hezbollah to exercise restraint after they exchanged fire along the lebanese border hezbollah fired anti-tank missiles toward an israeli military post on sunday afternoon israel launched about 100 artillery shells at what it said were hezbollah targets across the border there's been no fighting overnight harry false reports from northern israel. on sunday afternoon the tense week long waiting game was over the strike that hezbollah had been promising was underway anti-tank missiles fired at an israeli army base near the community of avivim just south of the lebanese border as t.v.
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claimed an israeli tank it being destroyed and soldiers killed but the israeli military said while its base had sustained hits no soldiers had died israeli artillery strikes targeted lebanese border areas but reports from there said the shells hit mainly empty areas no casualties were reported on either side less than 2 hours after it began the israeli army said the confrontation appeared to be over and. we were attacked by several anti-tank missiles were tally added with about 100 shells from the area and by other means were holding consultation concerning the future i ordered them to be prepared as you know for any possibility we have no casualties not even a scratch. latest escalation started a week ago hezbollah said an attack on a stronghold in southern beirut last sunday was carried out by israeli drones it followed in israeli airstrike that killed 2 has been our fighters in syria israel
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said it had prevented a drone attack being launched from there. and yet as well as leader hassan nasrallah warned then and repeated on saturday that his forces would strike back and he denied israel's justification for its recent attacks that hezbollah and iran were assembling precision guided missiles inside lebanon. yeah. it's. a pretext netanyahu is using to attack and i said on many occasions that we have enough guided missiles for what we need but not precision guided missile factories benjamin netanyahu insists iran's growing threat necessitates an expanding israeli response it's just over 2 weeks until the israeli elections forceful action backs up his carefully nurtured image as israel's mr security at ascent into full scale war on the lebanon border less so in the weeks since hassan
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nasrallah gave his warning of a retaliatory strike all of the messaging from both sides all the analysis suggested that neither israel nor hezbollah wanted an escalation towards all out war and in their actions earlier on sunday they appear to have proved that right limiting and calibrating their military actions to satisfy their domestic audiences without for now at least triggering a broader conflict and let's get an update from harry foster he's joining us from northern israel so harry as well as the shelling into southern lebanon the israeli military appears to have used their d. cooperation and yesterday and flare up tell us what happened. that's right that's dominating quite a lot of the commentary on the israeli side about yesterday's events as you as we watched all of this play out the key question was had there been any casualties on either side there was an israeli cabinet minister who said that he had heard of no such casualties but essentially there was a great deal of silence about that and there were these pictures that emerged of
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israeli combat troops an israeli helicopter apparently evacuating injured soldiers that the pictures went as far as the hospital to which they were airlifted. apparently injured soldier taken from an ambulance into the hospital however later as we heard in that report there was confirmation from the israeli military from israeli prime minister himself that not even a scratch had been sustained so it became pretty clear that this was an elaborate distraction operation a decoys operation a trick essentially to try to give hezbollah the message that it may have carried out a sufficiently damaging attack and allow hezbollah to pull back and leave it at that so now that it's out in the open of course there are only so many times you can do such a thing presumably just once and so it remains to be seen how hezbollah will react if at all to this apparent attempt to trick by the israeli army yeah we'll have to
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see what happens there harry but to what extent is this really an end to the recent escalation because the issues that caused that remain at play including lebanon accusing israel of regularly violating its airspace. that's right on both sides we have the the core issues still in play as you say lebanon says that israel is routinely going through its airspace toward syria using it says brace space to launch attacks into syria unmanned vehicle aerial vehicles inside it says base which hezbollah now says it reserves the right to shoot down on the israeli side israel argues that there is an expanding iranian operation inside lebanon that hezbollah and iran are working together to create or modify existing missiles into position guided weaponry which benjamin netanyahu has made it clear is
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a red line as far as israel is concerned hezbollah through its leader hassan nasrallah has denied any such activity so this particular conflagration does now seemed seem to have died down but there is always the possibility even the likelihood of more down the line all right terry foster thank you. scuffles have broken out on hong kong's train system police say protesters were trying to disrupt operations during rush hour police are out in force as many people had to demonstrations and thousands of students are skipping the 1st day of school and some say they'll continue boycotts protesters have also called for a 2 day general strike and there's been another stern warning from china in an editorial published in the state run news agency should watch it says the end is coming for those attempting to disrupt hong kong and tag a nice china they should never misjudge the determination and ability of the
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central government well that commentary follows one of the most violent weekends in hong kong in months on saturday police used a water cannon and fired tear gas on protesters who threw pressure on bombs and set fires near the chinese government headquarters in recent weeks chinese troops have been seen gathering in the city bordering hong kong let's get an update from hong kong and bring in adrian brown he's joining us from there so what sort of response are we likely to see to this plan today strike as well as the class boycott by by students adrian. dantley. gerry no i think that statement you just read out is really sort of classic communist party textbook stuff the response in times like this is always the same and intimidation intimidation and intimidation i think that sort of language though really has very little impact on people here as you can see.


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