tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 13, 2019 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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in mexico where the largest bagel factory in europe produces 43 quarts of the bagels eaten in britain every day sheffield is the home of the u.k.'s largest provider of hybrid and electric vehicle drive systems company called mag tech a world 1st initiative map tech is retrofitting sheffield's refuse lorries with battery power with enough juice to negotiate the 7 hills and recharge themselves with energy they generate from the very rubbish they collect rubbish powered rubbish vans there's a joke that somewhere china would leave it to you to work i tell you there is no limit to the imagination innovation and ingenuity of the leadership in the north and i have a profound belief that talent and genius are uniformly distributed around the u.k. but opportunity is not and that is why we need to level up across our amazing
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country and we need investment in education the giant precondition that determines whether you have the freedom and confidence to make the most of your talent. so this government will give every child the world class education they deserve we're leveling up across the country investing in extra $14000000000.00 over 3 years and increasing the minimum level of funding for every pupil in primary and secondary schools by backing the teachers who change our lives we're putting up salaries for new teachers funding pension increases and giving teachers the backing they need to deal with disruptive pupils we cannot afford any longer the chronic underfunding of our brilliant effete colleges which do so much to support young people skills and our economy and it's i think it's absurd that employers have been driven to import so much skilled labor in from abroad in large part because of the
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vocational fate of failures of vocational training in our own country we have a world class universities sector we should be very very very proud of it but it's time we aspired to the same status for our further education institutions to give everyone the opportunity to express their talents and of course education is not enough on its own you need to be able to connect with other people to get that job interview to find that customer and so we in this new government are supporting gigabit broadband gigabit broadband which is a lot i understand gigabit broadband for every home by 20258 years earlier than previously promised and they can do it in spain if they can do it in spain why can't we do it in the u.k. and we have a new stronger town from 3600000000 pound stronger town fund so that local people
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can invest in libraries parks youth clubs. areas places to bring people together and that kind of intervention cannot come cannot be directed by central government so let's be frank about what we're trying to do what is needed most of all in addition to the technology the infrastructure that wes but the education that we're supplying it's of course local leadership trusting people to take back control and run things in the way that they want to because of course central government cannot abdicate responsibility but only local champions can really make the difference for their tonnes and their communities i'm the 1st prime minister since clement attlee to be
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a male and i can run saying that and i know the transformative potential of local accountable leadership someone with the power to sort out what matters most to local people. yes indeed. indeed yes i'm i'm all in for i'm all in favor of our i'm all in favor of our m.p.'s. who would you. would would you mind i will i'm very happy i'm very happy to get back to violent very soon but what we want i think to see in this in this in this what we want to see in this region is is towns and communities able to represent that gentleman and sort out his needs and. whether it's whether it's transport to get to work or good housing or whatever it happens to be in somebody
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to drive big infrastructure projects to boost investment to wave the flag for the area to act as a local champion and say come and invest here but of course along with that power comes responsibility and accountability and it's time we gave more people a say over the places where they live we're going to do the evolution properly we're going to maximize the power of the north with more mayors across the whole of the north and i know there's a real enthusiasm for devolution in yorkshire and i welcome the establishment of a yorkshire committee as a practical step for facilitating greater collaboration on a yorkshire wide basis in the meantime we are committed to getting the city the sheffield city region done and i also want to open up negotiations with leeds and
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west yorkshire so we can make a mayor work that to whatever the nature of any longer term arrangements in yorkshire. but i also want to build on the fantastic job so many mayors are already doing and ensure you can deliver on ambitious commitments to your communities and that will mean leveling up powers for existing mayors and to make sure our great northern powerhouse is fiery on all its cylinders to champion investment and opportunity we're going to work with leaders across the north the mayors local businesses and updates to create a new stronger northern powerhouse growth body it will be a genuine partnership across the region british prime minister morris johnson speaking their convention of the north addressing political and business leaders there about his plans to invest in the u.k.
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economy but right now of course the biggest challenge facing the u.s. u.k. economy is braggs it and what form of briggs's that will take johnson is planning to meet with the e.u. leaders on monday in his attempts to try and forge a renegotiated deal before britain leaves the european union or set to leave the european union on october 31st there he talked there about. the need to take back control that was of course the big slogan. of those who wanted to leave the european union jonah how is life for us in london has been listening to this so johnson very much pushing the same line that we've come to expect from the british prime minister on this. well yes broadly speaking of this is boris johnson johnson once more on his sort of unofficial election campaign trail we know an election is coming we just don't know when he's tried to get a date fix twice been rebuffed twice by parliament and now of course suspended he's
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up in the north of england in a big labor. constituency voted very strongly to leave the european union 68 percent in the 2016 referendum and this is one of the areas that the conservatives will be targeting hoping to win those labor leave voters over to the consumer conservative side with labor wavering now on the possibility of a referendum after the election and then the conservatives firmly pegged to the idea of taking britain out of the european union hoping to win over those voters look it's difficult ground for boris johnson in the north of england. people in these sorts of places not famously friendly towards what he represents not just the london elite but the private schoolboy elite as well and he's not had a particularly easy time of it this morning just before he spoke he was sort of ambushed by a local voter who said people have died here because of austerity you've got some
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cheek to come here and tell us that austerity is over that will leave the interview and everything will be ok and of course that is essentially what he's saying we will pour investment into these areas in the north we will take you out of the european union and everything will be ok and just a few minutes ago as he continued speaking as he continues speaking a few moments ago he was heckled inside that venue by somebody who said what about our in peace boris why aren't you in parliament with them trying to sort this mess out. and looking for a friendly audience to the north of in the not necessarily getting off all right for the moment john howell live for us there in london. well to other stories now in a massive strike has brought much of paris's public transport to a whole to unions protest against pension reforms 10 of the 16 metro lines are closed while buses and trams have also been affected have been long traffic jams in and around the city and people have been asked to work from home if possible
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pakistan's prime minister says he wants the world to know that india's crackdown in kashmir cannot go on in mon khan is holding a rally in the capital of pakistan administered kashmir it's been more than a month since new delhi revoked indian administered kashmir is autonomy effectively annexing parts of that territory almost $4000.00 people have been arrested since then indonesia and malaysia blaming each other for the smoky haze blanketing southeast asian cities right now fires have been burning in parts of indonesia sumatra and borneo islands for more than a month a small biz also affecting the malaysia which the government says has drifted from indonesia as an in-joke we don't know has hit back saying fires are also burning in malaysia and on malaysian owned plantations in indonesia. as rising sea levels threaten indonesia's capital president doto is urging m.p.'s to back up plant to
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relocate to the arlindo borneo but as we know how many reports now there are concerns about what that will mean for people who live there this largely untouched part of east tahn will become the new capital of indonesia if the president has his way. it's in stark contrast to the capital jakarta clogged with heavy traffic smog and sinking the pressure to move is rising along with sea levels which may mean the city of more than 10000000 people could be under water within the next 30 years. and this is where the city's relocation may end up borneo island known for its lost rain forest and rare wildlife. while it was chosen for being less prone to earthquakes and floods there are concerns the massive move will threaten conservation efforts activists say mining and logging have already damaged some areas. will destroy the eco system it will cause forest
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the structure and raise the temperature of recent forest fires and during the drought will create a water shortage. moving the capital has been discussed for decades but recently resurrected by president djoko we don't owe estimates to cost $32000000000.00 it will be one of the world's largest single infrastructure projects. the plan is to build the city on land between east cali montages 2 largest cities by the pub and summer into connected by this 1009 clomid to long toll road. the 1st stage of construction will be around this land will be a presidential palace ministries and housing for governments and schools elsewhere they'll be hotels businesses and offices to meet the demands of the cities of new population. while the new capital is welcomed by many indonesians villages in pasir fear they'll be forced off land they've lived on for generations. we worry about
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the legality of our land only 20 percent of us have the legal documents to us foreigner have been coming here it's goes in tension in the community government leaders in jakarta say the exact site of the new city hasn't been revealed to avoid property speculation. we don't need to ask people when we want to move the capital it's up to the government to decide as long as we don't destroy the environment or harm anybody. while plans are still in the early stages the 1st construction is expected to be complete by 2020 full movie and entire capital city will be a delicate balancing act for indonesia's leaders preserving the natural habitat while building their vision for a new concrete jungle right here mohammed al jazeera borneo in indonesia are forecast forecasters are warning a tropical storm could hit parts of the bahamas already battered by hurricane
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dorian 1300 people are still missing and the number dropped from about $2500.00 after some were accounted for in evacuation centers 50 people have been confirmed dead now the u.s. has announced $4000000.00 in new aid google has agreed to pay another half a $1000000000.00 in taxes to france the payment ends a 4 year investigation into the u.s. tech giant the french government is pushing ahead with new taxes on big technology companies even though u.s. president donald trump threatened to put retaliatory levies on french wines. and russian security forces have raided the homes and offices of opposition figures their searches were carried out in more than 40 cities and towns targeting associates a prominent kremlin critic of army authorities say it is part of a money laundering investigation step vasant has more from moscow. the scale of the rate is unprecedented in more than 40 cities across russia offices linked to the
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country's main opposition figure alexina found it was searched and employees detained like here in st petersburg and you've got to remember documents and a u.s.b. drive for confiscated this was when you were supposed to get my daughter called me and said the police came to search the apartment and actually they cheated their way into the apartment because she opened the door for a neighbor to now found the it is clear the razor president put in 3 french for the loss of the ruling party in sunday's elections but that's what you see last also in the in the moguls this time he got all right back now to rather me in northern britain where the prime minister of course johnson is taking questions now from journalists and election sounds like election promises and election saw you can't get election and you can't get at the moment how you can achieve that well we are.
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we are going to i certainly won't be deterred by anybody from our goal of coming out of the e.u. october 31st which i think most people this country want us to do and they want us to get breaks done i believe they do. but i also won't be deterred from getting on with our domestic agenda and i think the people in this country also want to hear yes it is absolutely true that the opposition parties don't particularly want to have election nor do they want to deliver bracks and i have to face that that reality at the present but what people want is to hear how we're going to get on and deliver on their priorities and that is what we're going to do so i think it's entirely relevant to come not just to the north but to all parts of the country and say how we're going to deliver $20000.00 more police on the streets and what we're doing to invest in our hospitals and yes i'm a passionate believer. in devolution and in giving power to strong local
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leaders to champion their areas and to be accountable for their transport networks was that i think will produce better results for the people of this country so whatever the shenanigans that may be going on at westminster we will get on with delivering our agenda and preparing to take this country out of the e.u. on october 31st and there will be ample time for parliament to consider. the deal that i very much hope to do at the e.u. summit on october 17th and 18th and there will be ample time as the gentleman i think was that was the gentleman who is who who left prematurely not necessarily under his or under his own steam. that that is the answer to his question there you know. we've lost in this to have a queen's speech and to set out our domestic agenda i think people realize we've lost about 4 days of parliamentary sitting time there is ample time for parliament
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to consider not just breaks it but all kinds of things both before and after the european council before toba the 17th or less let's get on do it thank you prime minister i think we can hear from joe pike from i.t.v. yorkshire now thank you prime minister if you really do believe that domestic abuse shatters lives why have you to late the domestic abuse bill by not carrying over when parliament perrotte and can you promise the campaign. whose fought so hard on this that the same bill at the she fought for you will bring in front of yes i can i mean the view of the bill. the bill is going to i think i said yesterday or possibly the day before that the bill is certainly going to be carried over the domestic abuse bill warbles will be right there in the queen's speech along with many other members. thank you david park of the advertising.
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welcome to rather in prime minister. clearly a few months ago you said in a radio and. lots of local police forces. especially money of the war has us and you still believe. if i stick ations of history c.s.e. . well i that's actually not what i said but what i certainly can say is i think all such. investigations of certainly here are extremely important but the point i was i was making is that we do need to be backing our police to be fighting crime and that's why we're investing in 20000 police out on the streets and putting about a 1000000000 more into policing and i'd just for ease of reference like i need is the sort of ripple of of support for the idea of staying in the e.u. beyond october the 31st just to remind you folks in case you think really think
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that's a good idea it involves spending another 1000000000 pounds a month of taxpayers' money to stay in the e.u. i frankly rather spend a 1000000000 pounds of taxpayers' money or 20000 police officers on the streets that's that's my judgment but anyway with the if the opposition have a different view why didn't they put it to the people that david walsh i think from the sheffield star welcome prime minister sheffield business and arts leaders have today launched a culture collective to improve the city's cultural offer and help grow the economy in the shifa stop they agree sheffield has been underfunded compared to comparable cities is it something you will support with funding. well i i'll be brief just 3600000000 into a into a tons of fun and. i don't think this is very shameful can't qualifies for
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just just to say that we're you know where spending less spending where spending huge sums. today and i don't i i don't miss is i don't want to make another spending commitment at the moment but i will certainly happily study the request of the be made if if if if there is any way that we can support the culture. that you describe then i will certainly make sure that we do i'm reluctant to make more extemporaneous spending commitments from this platform. u.k. prime minister boris johnson there taking questions from journalists in a rather room at the convention of the north after he addressed politicians and business leaders there about his plans to invest in the u.k. economy and deliver. come what may well that's a no deal or renegotiated
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a deal with the european union which is what he's been trying to broker and he'll be meeting with the e.u. leaders on monday jonah how is life for us in london and germany prime minister there took a number of questions mostly on domestic policy but if i'm not mistaking you to each one question of the beginning in which he was asked about. how he plans to get out of this box that he seemed seemingly created as far as getting a break that deal through but he appeared to sidestep that and said that there were as well that there will be ample time for m.p.'s to consider bragg's it even in the 2nd half of october once parliament returns to session. yes yes an overwhelmingly local focused speech this is you say has i'm part of or is johnson sort of unofficial election campaign once more finding him self in a labor leave voting constituency in the north of england and really fair to say
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not the friendliest of crowds as you rightly said the 1st question i asked to him was about directed and about the election everyone knows one is coming nobody seems to know when or nobody can tell the question was how you can do breakfast and how are you going to get an election and he said. that we won't be deterred from our goal of taking britain out of the e.u. on october the 31st nor will we be deterred from our goal of setting out a sound and solid domestic agenda he had to touch on the pro gay sion of parliament m.p.'s suspended of course at his behest there was a heckler earlier who said why aren't you there in parliament sorting out this mess . and doing his best there to sort of set out well as best as he knows what might happen a deal potentially on october the 17th and 18th that that is some it will be plenty of time he says for m.p.'s to discuss it of course m.p.'s many of them would differ
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with that and then we'll get out on october 31st what he doesn't touch on the top is the fact that there is a law in place now passed by parliament just before it was prorogue that requires him in the absence of a deal to go and ask for an extension and frankly whilst there are moves towards trying to get a deal and mr johnston says that's very much his preference and there are discussions taking place there's nothing on paper and no evidence that the european union is ready to budge to move its lines and meet mr johnson somewhere in the middle quite what happens i think is in an entirely open question now still when will there be an election we don't know he doesn't know will we be out the u.k. on october 31st we don't know he doesn't know nor frankly does the audience of rather him you have asthma is there anything that brings you these days it is really anybody's guess what does happen from here on the last more reaction on this set to come no doubt for the moment said john how life for us there in london. well
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after 13 years i wouldn't wish this experience on anybody but i have a hard time thinking about wishing that i haven't gone through this experience in an exclusive interview almost tells his epic tale. witness presents guantanamo's child. when the news breaks. when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told pretty remarkable to valerie it died last week crossing from mexico into stay with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports we can live according to the fishing life it is exceptionally al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring more award winning documentaries and lightning.
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but again now the latest televised debate between the men and women who have to take on donald trump in next year's u.s. presidential election has drawn up some stock ideological differences fun run a joe biden for tough attacks from the more liberal democratic party rivals at one point calling bernie sanders a socialist well brunell's reports now from houston texas if there were sharp exchanges as the candidates debated health care criminal justice race relations and more former vice president joe biden came out strongly attacking his rivals plans for government run universal health care and nobody has yet said how much it's going to cost biden clashed with senator bernie sanders you're 1st so sure if
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you've got a lot more confidence in corporate america than i do let us be clear joe in the united states of america we are spending twice as much per capita on health care it's the canadians or any other major country on earth. former cabinet secretary who leon castro produced gas from the audience when he seemed to question the 76 year old biden's memory by and holler fire you know you forgetting what you said it matters who paid for. already what you said just 2 minutes ago amid the bickering senator cory booker appealed for unity we've got one shot to make donald trump a one term president and we cannot lose it by the way we talk about each other or demonize and degrade each other we can walk and chew gum at the same time the candidates were united in denouncing president trump for inflaming racial tensions
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that we have a white supremacist in the white house and he poses a mortal threat to people of color all across this country climate change was another area of general agreement with candidates promising to rejoin the paris climate agreement is the axis dental crisis of our time it's you know that movie the day after tomorrow it's today we have seen a warming and our world like never before we're seeing flooding in the midwest flooding in houston fires in the west the candidates also discussed a slew of gun control measures former congressman beto or roark whose home town of el paso is still grieving following a mass shooting last month was cheered loudly to ban assault rifles hell yes we're going to take your a r 15 great k 47. sen kummel harris said trump for some responsibility for the el paso shooting him
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pull the trigger but he's certainly been tweeting out the ammunition. foreign policy got very little attention in the debate sanders had a smack down on trump's china trade war trump thinks the trade policy is a tweet. 3 o'clock in the morning. there did not seem to be any standout winners or losers senator cory booker may have revived his flagging campaign with an eloquent performance biden seemed more energetic than he had in past debates although he did seem to ramble at times sanders repeated well worn themes of democratic socialism while warren seemed to disappear from sight for long stretches of time during the debate the next democratic debate will be held on the 15th of october in ohio robert oulds al jazeera houston. a massive strike has brought much of paris as public transport to
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a halt as unions protest against pension reforms 10 of the 16 metro lines are closed while buses and trams have also been affected have been long traffic jams in and around the city and people have been asked to work from home if possible tasha butler has moved from packers. well this is the worst transport workers strike in paris for 12 years most of the metro rail lines the shot the boss and train services are really at a strict minimum so it's making very difficult for people to get around the city and the transport c workers of cool this day of action many of them are behind me at the transport workers the headquarters here in paris they say that they are angry over the president's plans reforms to the french pension system not a french presence manal michel say is the front suspension system needs to be overhauled he said it's too complicated he said it's also unfair because even though most people can retire at $62.00 some people there are some jobs where you
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can retire at $55.00 including some transport jobs medal marcos says the system needs to be streamlined and needs to be standardized and also it's costing a lot to the french state so you want to try and make it more sustainable in the future but the work has a saying that they're very worried that their pension rights in the future are going to be eroded or that they're going to be forced to work longer there's no doubt though for money markets can be very difficult to push through this reform previous presidents of tried to change the system but they have failed because of street protests and for macro it's also something of a personal challenge she's had a difficult year because of the yellow vests a protest movement a lot of anger directed against him but opinion polls suggest the recently his popularity has gone up a little bit he's doing better the economy is turning around so people are very careful not to be treading very carefully to make sure that he doesn't face a new wave of street demonstrations. by antigovernment protesters are gathering up
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gathering in hong kong victoria park to celebrate the annual autumn festival it's also known as the moon festival the event held throughout the chinese speaking population unlike the often violent pro-democracy rallies of the past 15 weeks this one is expected to be peaceful the unrest was sparked by the extradition bill with china which the government was pressured to scrap hundreds of people protested through the night in south africa to demand more is done about sexual violence it is estimated that a woman is raped every 36 seconds their presence here on the poster has admitted south africa is facing a crisis on this issue and has promised tougher laws of crime figures from the last financial year shore 4.6 percent increase in sexual assault including rape with over $50000.00 cases reported in the world health organization put south africa among the 4 worst countries for female murders its rate is 12 for every
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100000 women that's 5 times worse than the global average president has pledged new laws including making the sex offenders registry public the meta miller has more on the protests in johannesburg. hundreds of protesters demonstrating outside the johannesburg stock exchange say they want an end to gender based violence now they've targeted the targeted the economic hub of south africa to influence business in this country to contribution profits 2 percent of their profits to a fund that will deal with violence against women women here and they're also joined by men from the south african society are saying that enough is not being done to deal with violence against women they say that too many women in this country are vulnerable and they say more needs to be done they're hoping that by targeting business in sandton in johannesburg they'll get the attention of
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government too they say hasn't done enough but they say there has to be a multi-pronged approach to dealing with the extent of gender based violence every look at the latest figures police say that they were at least $52000.00 reports of sexual assault in the last year alone and both the murder and sexual assault rate in this country has increased in fact the number of women killed between 20152016 had in fact doubled people here say things are not getting any better and it's only through demonstrations like those that they'll be taken notice of. former president robert mugabe will be buried at the national heroes such a career in harare the governing body lies in state at a stadium in harare where thousands of paying their respects his family and the government had been in disagreement of his final resting place gabi died last week in singapore at the age of 95. the united nations says 2000000 people are risk of
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starvation in somalia drought and violence by the armed group al-shabaab are forcing huge numbers see safety and food in cities how many are reports from by door. there seems to be no letup in the flow of people into the city or by door in southwest somalia. the been displaced by drought and most are hungry and desperate. the few medical facilities run by agencies are full of sick and more modest children. like most people here more than a limb had to walk more than 10 kilometers to get help for her sick child i don't think any get it. my son is a year old and has been sick for 2 months i had to bring him here for help i have no intention of returning to a village tilly's fully recovered. on the outskirts of the city we meet more displaced people who have just arrived. during droughts in the past many left it
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too late before moving to seek help but that seems to of changed the must have movement of people to the cities ha seen a huge rice in the number of pumps for the displaced in by door in 2016 there were just 70 such comments today there are 400 on 4 to 5 of them with a population of more than 360000 people. that is more than the original inhabitants of the city aid workers say the world has failed to respond adequately and they need more donations to have a mission id be the numbers of those in need keep growing by day and far outstrip the resources we have the donors are trying their best but we never seem to be able to catch up with a growing number of displaced. if you will united nations emergency aid coordinator husband visiting by door he says people here need much more than food aid patient
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development always mission ideally people to have a chance to go home and rebuild their lives it's not always possible say then is a question often of land access to services and support where they come to and that in that means there is a need for a supportive discussion from the local authorities some of the displaced told us that also fled the violence of the fight is who also forcing children to join the group this crisis is happening as communities are already struggling to recover from a 2 year long drought and that in 2017 nomadic pastoralism has been a way of life for millions of somalis for centuries but the droughts are threatening that many of the displaced say they now have no farms or hearts to go back to and it's unlikely many of them will every time how about the world has either baidoa in southwest somalia. of the government of the kin of says it is taking on a network of vigilante groups of members of those groups say they are working at
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a local level to punish crime from 50 to armed attacks but they've been accused of human rights abuses catherine reports from. this is a meeting of people who say they are members of what they call the largest soft defense group in booking a fossil. hunting guns and other homemade weapons the self-styled vigilantes are meeting in the country's south in district of by their gun to discuss security in the area and what they say are new strategies to keep people safe. this is their leader he says the group has members across the country. you know. we're not civil servants we're a group of farmers herders traders women we provide security and advise our people on good investments if people want to reward us we take the money for our logistics . they call themselves. are bush dads in the locker room or
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a language they came to prominence in 2015 when government security collapsed after the toppling of former president place can power who had ruled for 27 years. to this day set so-called vigilantes continue to fill the power vacuum and. you know as i do like many big towns we have police militarily private security but in rural areas there's nothing so all the people see the group as a savior. in the village of ressam cand. and his you need to take us to the local market he says those like you who wear grey uniform a special forces whose work is to arrest suspects and investigate crime i'm not really i'm not sure i joined a group because my only don't carry was stolen and police couldn't help me find it then. my ship with student and i set enough peace in of when you come to small
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village centers like this one people will tell you that the group have helped the number of highway robbery that pepe that have gone down by the quality or home how also been accused of human rights abuse in dead justice is instant when you steal of phone an ag or life stock you payback 3 times the cost and face public humiliation whom but to me what people fear the most as shame we tie them up to embarrass them so that they don't do it again and to deter others tell me what choose a more serious violation of human rights killing someone and stealing property or al just a system or they're not formally recognized by the government and don't trust security forces it's an and easy relationship they interior ministry fails to is point to all dizzy rez request for an interview but this meant talents until everyone in the village is feel safe there call where gore is not going anywhere catherine soy al-jazeera as their ga south and book enough asile and egyptian
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business woman is causing a storm by posting videos on social media detailing alleged corruption by president i'm the fatah his c.c. an army generals mohammad ali who worked as a military contractor for 15 years says they wasted millions of dollars on villars hotels and a sea side palace for c.c. he's putting is videos online from spain where he lives in self-imposed exile the videos of attracted more than a 1000000 views some people in egypt are demanding he's tried for treason i want to know why spend a huge amount of money building these houses i never understood his decision was he staying in a one bedroom apartment of course not the problem was that these wife didn't want to sleep in the same home when mubarak's wife stayed taken. to a new level i built a 5. palace for the president in a military camp in cairo i built a home in alexandria for the c.c.
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family despite it being an official residence in the same compound the modifications demanded by cc's wife cost more than one point $5000000.00 the army also ordered me to build $125000000.00 hotel and cairo is 5th siegelman. a new zealand's prime minister just send a durned has moved to further tighten her country's gun laws it's 6 months since a mass shooting in christchurch that killed 51 people it's oregon the report's. prime minister just done used a visit to a primary school in christ church to announce changes that she says will make new zealand safer including an increase in mental health funding and stricter gun laws we know that the majority of gun crime is committed by people without a license with firearms that have either being stolen or traded illegally arning a firearm is a privilege not
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a right that means we need to do all we can to ensure that our in the honest laura biding citizens can obtain firearms licenses and use firearms. are done 1st announced sweeping gun controls in march following an attack on 2 mosques in christ church that killed 51 people all military style semiautomatic weapons and assault rifles were banned and an amnesty was put in place for the guns to be handed to police 6 months on and the government says more changes to the law are needed this bill includes the creation of the farm's ridge to to enable the monitoring and tracking of every foreign legally owned in new zealand changing the length of time of farms license from teen years to 5 years the creation of a licensing regime for shooting clubs and ranges the requirement to be a license holder in order to purchase and hold foreign parts magazines and
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ammunition the government types parliament will approve the legislation by the end of the year to try to ensure new zealand never experiences another mass killing victoria gayton be. all right that is it for now but i'll be back in a couple of minutes with the news hour stay with us for that here on. i didn't know that corruption has reached a level like nothing ever before in our country. rank outsider. to president of the united states. the power was in the data we will the american people with the truth and nothing else discovered. for winning the white house unfair game on al jazeera.
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to strengthen the good you have to shoulder a good all or more with your gums to fight against corruption. this for news heroes heroes like know who are about to be refused a $15000000.00 bribe the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the international ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a darker use to shine a light let's make the world a better place nominate your anti corruption mirror now. into nature is in the grip of an extinction epidemic with endangered species disappearing at record levels can it be stopped before it's too likes one a one a stint best to gates indonesia's wildlife crisis on al-jazeera.
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to cost joe biden goes on the offensive in the us democratic debates the laid bare the divisions between the parties small and progressive winds. massive transport strike hitting commuters in paris a striking workers oppose pension reform. and the businessman who's captivating egyptians any raging the government with online videos accusing the military and president is cc of corruption. and i'm only a hardy. cricketers fight to seal the ashes series plus japan's organizers test out a novel way to keep fans cool at the tokyo games. hello pakistan's prime minister is warning that new delhi's crackdown in indian administered kashmir will push more of the world's muslims into extremism imran
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khan's been holding a rally in mazar for about the capital of pakistan administered kashmir it's been more than a month since new delhi revoked indian administered kashmir is autonomy almost $4000.00 people have been arrested since them come out hyder is live for us in. so come out what more did the pakistani prime minister have to say. the prime minister was the addressing a large gathering this is started at it with the people of kashmir and he promised the people that he would be raising this issue in the united nation general assembly he said no matter what more did day that he would not be able to break the spirit of the people of kashmir and. he also warned that india will get up befitting response should india do anything across the line
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of control and he said that above all this was a humanitarian issue he said the european union had spoken to the united nations outspoken about it and the world must take note of the trucks that have been committed by the indian forces you said 900. of the indian security forces will not be able to crush the popular feeling and dad rally so indeed a strong message to coming just days before busy busy imran khan is due to fly to new york of course will also be meeting the u.s. president didn't mr donald trump on the sidelines of. meet in the united nations general assembly the pakistanis are also planning to have a protest outside the united nations on their 27th of september when modi to address the general assembly to come out just give us
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a sense of how volatile this issue of kashmir and who governs the territory has been historically given that india and pakistan for 2 wars over these territories. absolutely not just that it should be remembered that there are relevant resolutions in the united nations on the disputed because you needed an internationally recognized dispute even the earlier indian prime minister. nehru had promised that the people of kashmir would be allowed. rates where they wanted to go whether they wanted to go over to pakistan or india so this is a lingering issue but the fact that it becomes so important now the fact that the indians have unilaterally moved to remove the special status over 40 days now it into 40 a day to day. member dead the people that are under the state of the log down there
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incommunicado with the outside war so this is indeed a very grave crisis and yet today also the pakistani military reported dead one of its soldiers. in a cease fire violation by the indians of course the situation along the line of control which separates pakistani and indian administered kashmir is indeed very tense and a small spark lead to a bigger conflict rachel. all right come out thanks for that come out and live. in pakistan administered. by the pakistani prime minister has spoken exclusively to talk to and you know he says he is against war but want to respond to any aggression from india and is prepared to do whatever it takes when do nuclear armed countries fight if the fight a conventional war there's every possibility that it's going to end up into nuclear war the unthinkable i mean you know if if supposed to stand for
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god forbid we fight a conventional war we're losing. and if a country is stuck between the choice either you surrender or you fight till death for your freedom i know pakistanis will fight to death for their freedom so that when a nuclear armed country fights to the end to the death it has consequences so that's why i am we have approached the united nations we approach we are we are approaching every international forum that then must act right now because this is a potential. a disaster which would go way beyond the indian subcontinent and you can watch much more of that interview on talk to edges in which comes out 1st on saturday at $430.00 g.m.t. here on al-jazeera have the latest televised debate between the men and women who
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how to take on a donald trump in next year's u.s. presidential election has thrown out some stark ideological differences from run a joe biden fighting off attacks from more liberal democratic party rivals rob reynolds has more from houston texas. there were sharp exchanges as the candidates debated health care criminal justice race relations and war former vice president joe biden came out strongly attacking his rivals plans for government run universal health care nobody has yet said how much it's going to cost biden clashed with senator bernie sanders 1st so sure if you've got a lot more confidence in corporate america than i do but i don't speak leader joe in the united states of america we are spending twice as much per capita on health care it's the canadians or any other major country on earth. former cabinet secretary who leon castro produced gas from the audience when he seemed to question
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the 76 year old biden's memory by hand and holler fire you know you forgetting what you said it matters who paid for. already what you said just 2 minutes ago amid the bickering senator cory booker appealed for unity we've got one shot to make donald trump a one term president and we cannot lose it by the way we talk about each other or demonize and degrade each other we can walk and chew gum at the same time the candidates were united in denouncing president trump for inflaming racial tensions that we have a white supremacist in the white house and he poses a mortal threat to people of color all across this country climate change was another area of general agreement with candidates promising to rejoin the paris climate agreement is the accidental crisis of our time it's you know that movie the day after tomorrow it's today we have seen
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a warming and our world like never before we're seeing flooding in the midwest flooding in houston fires in the west the candidates also discussed a slew of gun control measures former congressman beethoven roark whose home town of el paso is still grieving following a mass shooting last month was cheered loudly out of ban assault rifles hell yes we're going to take your a r 15 great k 47. sen kummel harris said trump for some responsibility for the el paso shooting him pull the trigger but he's certainly been tweeting out the ammunition. foreign policy got very little attention in the debate sanders had a smack down on trump's china trade war trump thinks the trade policy is a tweet. 3 o'clock in the morning. there did not seem to be any standout winners or
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losers senator cory booker may have revived his flagging campaign with an eloquent performance biden seemed more energetic than he had in past debates although he did seem to ramble at times sanders repeated well worn themes of democratic socialism while warren seemed to disappear from sight for long stretches of time during the debate the next democratic debate will be held on the 15th of october in ohio robert oulds al jazeera houston. a massive strike has brought much of paresis public transport to a halt as unions protest against pension reforms most of the metro lines a closed while buses and trams have also been affected the big long traffic jams in and around the city and people have been asked to work from home if possible to fund something such as they can't take away our social benefits like that i've been working almost 25 years for this company seen all the 50 i don't want to work in
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time 70 getting up at 4 in the morning it's very hard so today we speak for all our a.t.p. network workers. the commuters and tourists in paris were the most affected by the public transport strike some had to use rental bikes or to get across town for work . we had to get some help with our tour guide with their butts because we're doing some free time otherwise we'd have to. hear the cats are going to take forever to get back to our outside of town or outside the city so it took us over 2 hours to get here this morning i think. it's complicated. and. so i had to take and it took 42 minutes but. i had to share the right thing to have to get out of the 2 minutes i want to live for us now from paris on attention how difficult has it been for people there to get around.
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was paid a bit of a challenge for people to get around because this is the biggest chance for workers' strike in 12 years so many of the metro lines the shot the in the city train service is 91 and 3 buses is running so you see people as you have just a short while ago you see people taking bicycles or scooters just trying to find alternatives to get from a to b. or starting a day off and on extending their weekends now the transport workers have said that they've called this one day strike in which it's a protest against the french president tomorrow my. pension reforms amount omar also says that the pension system for all this is too complicated it's too costly for the french state so he wants to try and streamline its he wants to make it fairer he says of the moment retirement age is 62 bought in some professions including in transport for example people can retire early 55 not take into.
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