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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 14, 2019 8:00am-8:34am +03

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schools as someone who actually hard to get and how do you feel about all of this well i understand why there is this great anxiety about getting these elite schools it does make a difference when you go to an elite university it opens doors you later and we know that not only does do people with more with more college with college degrees earn more than those without but if you go to an elite college your ability to earn more and to get into elite graduate schools is significantly better so i benefited from that and so they're trying to stand why families would be clamoring for this chance but i also know that the system is rigged we have a very unequal educational system so those who are going to elite private schools and public schools already have an advantage from very early on in their lives and they want to on top of that when you look at the ways in which wealthy families get best in their children and secure private tutors and do other things to enhance their chances of getting into these elite universities then you see how corrupt the
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system actually is petrina grab that professor of education at u.c.l.a. thanks for joining us on your insights on out of there if you have. now 3 staying at qantas on the web and want to call if i have to have a kilt that's according to pro half the navia they were killed in fighting south of the capital tripoli half as forces launched a military offensive to capture the city back in april 4th as a way out of the un recognized government say they've made advances in the area. pakistan's prime minister as one of that new delhi's crackdown an indian administered kashmir well push moonless lens and to taking up and run con held a rally in was a rough a bad to their capital of pakistan administered kashmir he says he will take the issue to the u.n. general assembly had spend more than a month since new delhi a revoked indian administered kashmir as autonomy almost $4000.00 people have been arrested since then kemal hide a was at that rally crowd and off bieber
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a lever guard their own i heard your birth their dear mare and the 3rd your were dull from wad also de coubertin of part the funnel administered gosh me there were own conduct our your is prime minister are us on wants to or soul not the people of targets on out aren't shorted her florida her ridiculous me rather than earth a on the other card of the larder of there are a whole also known or to light on her no drawer the buzzer sounded prime min or term or in for the addressing the united nations are 100 fairly were than the next era day he'll furder be are large role sort of the lied of men orange of course rudy who'd a man have stayed of all you're going to look the western world is not paying attention to what's happening in indian administered kashmir but the entire muslim world as watching a monk the 1250000000 muslims menu will take up the guns and retaliation the
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fortify his prime minister speaking do was are there are also 3rd their father started work order and in their med just for support the people are a lot of us for me and their drought is roger and the message from the be already have ready clara down 3rd fart ridder people of course 300 people express their born in the for who her brenner's going to rose on that's true who are writing on human rights that lease speak part of a human rights suffer smead least speak for the humans after smead we are not and he meds our brad that's a that then i would just as i'm in you know by. the brutality of indian army and they are i'm on. why i never done this right on bush really how about in what we the females of pakistan administered kashmir want to tell modi that we are not weak and we are standing with our sisters and brothers of india at minister kashmir we will liberate kashmir and with god's
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will we'll get its independence. from bloggers all. around really you know you're right no matter what busy. well iran can also spoke exclusively to talk to al jazeera he said he is anti war but well response to any aggression from india when do nuclear armed countries fight if they fight a conventional war there is every possibility that it's going to end up into nuclear war the unthinkable i mean you know if if supposed to stand for god forbid we fight a conventional war we're losing and if a country is stuck between the choice either you surrender or you fight till death for your freedom i know pakistanis will fight to death for their freedom so that when a nuclear armed country fights to the end to the death it has consequences so that's
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why i'm we have approached the united nations we have we are we are approaching every international forum that them must act right know because this is a potential. a disaster which would go way beyond the indian subcontinent and you can watch the full interview on talk to al-jazeera on saturday at 430 g.m.t. . well there's plenty more ahead for you on this news hour including british prime minister says a new deal is taking shape but islands leader has a different view. the spanish military joins and rescue efforts as flash floods cause chaos. here with action from the boston cup semifinals.
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more than 40 taliban fighters have surrendered and afghanistan's taco province they say they're ready to live under a government controlled it's the 2nd significant reaves by anti-government forces in 10 days our correspondent tony betty has more from the afghan capital kabul. the taliban fighters surrendered in takar province in the north of afghanistan close to the border with to stand they walked into the governor's compound there and handed over their weapons of a k 47 assault rifles rocket propelled grenade launchers and machine guns and said they were now prepared to live under the law of the afghan government but they also said they'd been subjected to intensive aerial bombardments and a big ground offensive by the afghan army they said they suffered more casualties whether or not this surrender is genuine remains to be seed it will be tested over the coming weeks but it's significant because this is the 2nd significant surrender of taliban fighters in the last 10 days including our province $150.00 taliban and
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perhaps some ice or fighters gave themselves up for similar reasons and it shows that the aerial campaign may be affecting morale of taliban and i saw in that area president trump promised that the campaign would continue that the taliban was being hit to hit harder than ever before the taliban say also that they are taking territory and they are inflicting casualties on the afghan army president garny the afghan president said today that at least 2000 taliban fighters have been killed in the last week that's disputed by the taliban they say they're inflicting casualties and that's not the case but of course the fighting has intensified in particular since the the abrupt cancellation of talks by president there's no prospect of those talks being resumed in the near future so this violence and these campaigns and the fighting on the ground and the air is going to continue and will be more casualties. now turkey's president has threatened to open the gates into europe for
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syrian refugees unless the e.u. surprised aid russian talk about iran has criticized the amount of help turkey has received from europe to support families fleeing the civil war he says his government has spent $40000000000.00 so far he will says i'm growing a host a summit in october with france germany and russia to discuss the situation in syria is in the province and the refugee crisis where the united nations board of inquiry has been officially set up to investigate attacks on un supported facilities in syria it is the last territory still in rebel hands diplomatic editor james bays has. the province of idlib is clearly the last target of the assad regime in the long war in syria in recent months regularly we've seen instances of medical facilities in hospitals being hit we assume that they were hit by the syrian air force and by russian aircraft the un said in august that it planned to
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set up a board of inquiry the secretary general of the u.n. has now done that but in a press briefing his spokesman refused to pledge that they will release the full findings board of inquiries and they routinely happen are. internal documents and not for public release that's what i can tell you at this at this point it's also important to know that board of inquiries are not. judicial bodies they're not criminal investigations they make no legal findings all isn't it important the full facts given these are life and death situations are made public completely agree with you that these are life and death situation this is what i can tell you at this point negotiations at the u.n. security council still continue on a possible resolution proposed by 3 countries germany belgium and kuwait for a cease fire in little province for humanitarian reasons russia has some problems
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with that resolution and right now this month russia is the president of the un security council well european powers are again pressing iran to cooperate with the un's nuclear watchdog tehran has been reducing its commitments to the time to 15 nuclear deal after the united states withdrew last year and reimposed thanks but you from germany and the u.k. have issued a joint statement stressing that they continue to support the deal john mccain has more from ballen. this is the most strongly worded statement by the 3 european powers so far this year regarding iran and its nuclear program the particular reference from the european powers to the natanz installation and indeed water iran has been doing with enrichment of uranium involving the installation of centrifuges certainly from the european perspective they say that this is contravention of the agreement that iran arrived at with the 3 european powers with china with russia
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and with the obama presidency in the white house several years ago of course his successor president trump repudiated the agreement and so it is therefore only the europeans the chinese and the russians who are still involved in this this is a particular blow for the europeans because they have been trying over the course of this calendar year to keep iran within the terms of the agreement and they've been trying to do that with a financial scheme called instax designed to help iran legally to circumvent that is to get around the impact of economic sanctions from the united states government the problem here is that with each step taken by the iranian government these are the enrichment of uranium which goes beyond the terms of the agreement it becomes harder for the europeans to say that the iranians are not breaching the agreement which is why i must read this statement as a very strong as it were a rebuke from the europeans to iran one final point is that the i a e a general
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conference of the international atomic energy agency which which oversees such matters is meeting in vienna this week coming very interesting to see what is said about this situation. now britain's prime minister barak johnson says he is cautiously optimistic of getting a new deal johnson is expected to meet the representatives of luxembourg on monday irish prime minister earlier varadkar says the u.k. still hasn't presented viable alternatives to prevent a hard borda meanwhile johnson brushed off criticism of his decision to suspend parliament so close to the brakes a deadline. date yes i would say on who in favor of our i would favor of our m.p.'s well you know we all know who would be. great if we were you know i'm sure no no i'm shutting down because i'm going on a challenge to the let's. see there is ample time for parliament to
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consider not just pretty little kinds of things but before and after the european council will table 72 let's get on. and across the channel a massive strike has brought much of paris as public transport to a halt as unions protest against pension reforms 10 of the 16 metro lines are closed while buses and trams have also been affected as ash about to reports from the french capital. they were tailbacks on paris's famous channels elisei avenue and across the city with most of the metro bus and train service is closed people sought alternative ways to get around the biggest transport workers strike in the fridge capital for more than a decade cause travel chaos and frustration for commuters the idea is to be able to strike a protest using methods which don't prevent others going to work. public transport because i thought you told me. transport workers
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a protesting against the french president emanuel macro's planned pension reforms the french government says it wants to streamline the complex and costly pension system to make it fairer and financially sustainable. we are going to build a truly universal system which for every year of contributed gives everyone the same rights whether they are workers shopkeepers researchers farmers civil servants doctors or entrepreneurs these transport workers say they have worried their pensions could be reduced or they could be forced to work longer most people in france can retire at 62 but some transport workers can retire in their fifty's. the pension schemes are sacred we accepted jobs we shift work we are responsible for public safety but now they want to take our rights away. we are being asked to take on increasingly difficult working conditions were losing what little compensation we had. many people in france regard the state public pension scheme as
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a pillar of the french social system previous french presidents who've tried to reform it have backed down off the public opposition reforming france's pension system. one of a man or might cross campaign promises but it's fraught with risk opinion polls suggest that the french president's popularity is finally on the rise after difficult here domestically because of the protests so he'll have to tread carefully if you will still void a new wave of street demonstrations most french people probably accept the system needs changing it's no longer financially viable for the coming decade so it's a calculated risk but emanuel macro has gained in popularity since his good results in european elections and he's great national debate so he has momentum on the government says it will draw proposed pension reforms after lengthy consultations with trade union leaders and the public a strategy the president may be gambling on to give him the green light to continue with his sweeping reform agenda but it won't be easy workers from other sectors are
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planning similar strikes in the coming weeks natasha butler al-jazeera. 3 employees of an infrastructure group being investigated as part of an investigation into bridge safety in italy have now been placed under house arrest the investigation was launched after a bridge collapsed in genoa last year killing 43 people they say they found evidence that safety reports were falsified or information deliberately emitted to mislead transport ministry inspectors the group denies any wrongdoing. at least 3 people have been killed in southeastern spain when record rainfall flooded towns and the hayward reports on the rescue efforts. blood water pools through loss south capital spain's mediterranean coast this is a seaside town popular with tourists in a region being battered by storms and heavy rain. the impact of the deluge further
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inland can be seen from the air with buildings and the landscape swamped by the downpour. overnight emergency teams work to evacuate people from properties in the flooded town of. someone or god they're going to we've been incommunicado since this morning the storm came in flooded all the streets it seemed like a river i've never seen anything like that the water almost got inside and the morning no rest spite rescuers managed to reach a man whose car had become trapped on a motorway to look more like you're braver than a road in russia you know full of internal fears that what he was holding on to a traffic signal since we were talking to him and he wasn't responding the officer and i jumped in to get him out. the army has been called in to help people in the worst affected towns and villages and work is on the way to clear the daybreak this should still be holiday season but this part of spain but the have been record
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breaking levels of rain and more is expected and he would al-jazeera. still ahead for you on al-jazeera a form of promise of prosperity but hong kong is protests cast a shadow over the middleton festival. a new zealand's governor was backfiring face accusations the new strategy is failing and in sports it's a days remember england fast pilot project and the actions that will have those details. how the last few days that seen some particularly vicious thunderstorms were not a tornado outbreak as you know in sioux falls and this is the reason for this developing system here that normally that produces a vicious storms and tornadoes and a whole lot mousie's with this is going to lose some visine but his temperature
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across that cold front isn't a great contrast we still maintaining our twenty's or right to the east coast with ahead of the lows up the east encounter on saturday in the back wash cloud is carrying nothing very much so it's an improving situation here we should be watching what's happening in mexico arizona new mexico southwest monsoon when he gets into the only significant rain of the year it's still there the significant shadow is seen in places like idaho even utah the higher ground in the west they've gone that has gone quiet but coming to seattle and in british columbia an active cold front yet more significant rain and here's some news you don't want to hear a tropical cycle or morning is next existence throughout the bahamas that you don't see a problem circulation so it's not a hurricane but it is the potential for heavy rain throughout the bahamas and eventually that system just about the circulation hits the florida coast again rain not so much strong winds.
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and new political sitcom after 27 years of dictatorship that going to this problem that we have can we overcome it challenges here looks at the new democracy and ethiopia's fast changing political landscape through the stories of food divest ethiopians simply this is my studio where a shoot the sitcom. my ethiopia on al-jazeera. the 15 year old boy tortured in the world's most notorious prison finally released after 13 years i would into it. on anybody but i have a hard time. thinking about wishing that i have gone through this experience in an exclusive interview almost told his epic tale. witness presents kuantan almost
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all more hugs. and again i'm just. a reminder of our top stories this hour heavy rains and strong winds are threatening to disrupt the search and rescue efforts in the bahamas the national hurricane center is warning of a potential tropical storm within the next 36 hours parts of the bahamas were hit hard by a powerful hurricane sandy 2 weeks ago. and much of paris was ground to a halt after the biggest transport strike in more than a decade unions are angry at the government's proposed pension reforms. and
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pakistan's prime minister as warning that new delhi has cracked down an indian administered kashmir will push more people into taking off and run khan how the rally in the capital of pakistan administered kashmir promising to take the issue to the un general assembly. while the indian government's decision to revoke the autonomy of indian administered kashmir has cast a shadow on political talks with a rebel group thousands of kilometers away in the northeast the conflict with naga rebels fighting for independence is india's longest running onto rebellion to reports from the land. twinkling is one of the top leaders of india's biggest group the national socialist council of isaac weaver at $85.00 maybe think he's the most capable of sealing a political deal with the government a deal that's been 22 years in the making the argument in 2015 very dream of these
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government and the rebel group signed a framework agreement at the talks now appear to be the final stages all others will have to be in the end ingredient that is what they taught us not tory we reject it but there's a problem or the institution will have to be. ours your concision will be yours. now and our flanks will have to be ours your friends will have to be your critics but they are finding it difficult no. no not at all group has up to $5000.00 fighters and grounds it's all part of government the issue of territorial political sovereignty for the nagas has been at the heart of the conflict since india's independence nagas want what they call now going in or a homeland consisting of naga land parts of trained in states and some areas in me and maher but some groups are also calling for
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a more practical solution you know. elisa vent who belongs to a separate coalition of 7 split doggle of groups also in talks with the government because i don't know why i can see this in have been always been mentioned about us unless you know. how can you have a constitution. became part of the indian. 63 other dalgard habited areas are split between 3 other indian states these celebrate independence day one day before india does they don't pay taxes to the government but to different groups fighting for their cause but that system has crippled infrastructure and choked its economy in today's reality many units are suffering because of this economy conditions people are frustrated. so peace talks are critical but the indian government's decision to walk or talk to me
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is also costing a shadow taking over i don't need from. or have taken it and you're promising it to the nuggets so what value does that promise have for the mothers this is what is impacting that dogs. the governor of now glaad has told it did media that talks are stuck on the symbolic issues of flag of the constitution. but after decades of fighting the bad guys are still waiting for a settlement that fully respects ties to their land their history and identity. al-jazeera now the land. zimbabwe's former president robert mugabe will be buried as a national shrine in the capital tributes will be paid to the country's founding father who died last week in singapore aged $95.00 but for the families of those who disappeared during mugabe's rule his death leaves many unanswered questions. from
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harare. pattens of matters older brother itar used to stand opposite the parliament building every day calling for robert mugabe to step down saying he had failed as a leader 4 years ago it was bundled into a car and hasn't been seen since patz and policemen are working for the zanu p.f. led government took his brother it ties one of many zimbabweans critical of the government who have mysteriously disappeared over the years and lot of people killed his cause people were married and and not all people kin motionless gods because there have not found closure for example today. independence in 1800 well over 50000 individuals would have been reported missing. and political ground on political grounds since the government came into power and . it ties family don't know whether he is alive or dead
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after mcgovern was removed by the army in a coup in 2017 they asked him away it was he knew nothing about it is just one of many unanswered questions in the early 1980 s. thousands of people were murdered it must be learned province for allegedly trying to remove mugabe from power the former president called that period a moment of madness but is the state of the economy has to straighten millions what was once a prosperous nation will gladly took over in 1980 is are struggling with soaring inflation and high unemployment some basic services aren't readily available including water you can see all these children now woman busy going to screen with old bad thing and we are busy. fetching wives. all day. and there's no electricity when they want to when their legs use it becomes a very new warfare toward our once in a while. was
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a polarizing figure in life and in death there was even controversy over when and where his body would be buried now the family says his final resting place will be here. heroes' acre is an important national shrine with some of those who fought in the white minority rule are buried robert mugabe's 1st wife sally is buried here next to her is an empty grave reserved for the country's founding father family members say after the official government ceremony they will have their own private event to say while praising god his policies on education and land reform are the same governors legacy of disputed elections allegations of human rights abuses abductions and disappearances and a ruined economy will continue to haunt them. as are. protesters in south africa are demanding that more be done about action against sexual violence it's estimated a woman is raped somewhere in the country every 36 seconds outrage over the rape
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and murder of a university student in cape town has led to weeks of protests presence around opposer has admitted that south africa is facing a crisis and has promised tougher laws our correspondent for me tim miller has more from johannesburg. organizers of the protest have handed over a memorandum to the janice book stock exchange they are demanding that corporate south africa that businesses listed on the stock exchange contribute at least 2 percent of their profits to a fund dealing with gender based violence they say it's time for businesses in this country along with the government to do its part do their part to fight gender based violence they say not enough has been done and this protest away hundreds of people have come to demonstrate is taking place in the economic hub of south africa and stanton which is the richest square mile in africa they say this is where the decisions are made and if government's going to take notice it should be now and
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it's because they're targeting businesses in this country we've spoken to survivors of the sexual assault of rape who say that they've been raped a number of times and that there's been very little assistance and support only one in 8 south african women report instances of a sexual assault that they say the problem is with in a system that does not support them women here and men as well are pleading for help to deal with what they are calling a national crisis. and injection businessman has put physios on social media day telling alleged corruption by president. and army generals mohamad ali who worked as a military contractor for 15 years says they wasted millions of dollars on villas hotels and a seaside palace for c.c. has been posting from spain where he lives in south and post exile. i want to know why spend a huge amount of money building these houses i never understood his decision was he
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staying in a one bedroom apartment of course not the problem was that these wife didn't want to sleep in the same home when mubarak's wife stayed taken. to a new level i built a 5. palace for the president in a military camp in cairo i built a home in alexandria for the c.c. family despite it being an official residence in the same compound the modifications demanded by cc's wife cost more than one point $5000000.00 the army also ordered me to build $125000000.00 hotel and cairo is 5th siegelman. now campaigning for chin this is presidential election has ended sunday's national elections will decide to the next president there are 26 candidates in the running and trading prime minister use of shot head and media mogul. who is needing opinion polls despite being in prison he is awaiting a verdict in his trial for tax fraud and money laundering and was refused bail
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stephanie deca spoke to some of the. traditions will be electing a new president on sunday that was here that thousands of people 8 years ago came out to the streets demanding change or they managed to get rid of what they called the dictator the man who was in charge of this country for over 20 years but many people now will tell you that even though yes there is some form of democracy when it comes to the politics that nothing has really changed on the ground issues that they will fight the economy there is unemployment and demick corruption and also security issues so we've been talking to the people here on the streets of the capitol to see what they have to say. how much of this candidate would that candidate but what i hope is that economically speaking and socially we will improve is pushing the youth i am a young doctor and i don't have a job as a graduate student 4 years ago. we need something new really new not
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just lies and promises we love tunisia it's our country we don't want them to win the chair and we just stay in the same problems it can't be only words they must be doers hope. friday is the last day of campaigning then saturday a day of silence and then sunday $26.00 candidates will be out for the public vote now if any of them gets over 50 percent that means that will be the outright winner but no one is expecting that to happen there is the expectation there will be a 2nd runoff between the 2 top winners and i will be in november for a report that parliamentary elections also to elect a government and a prime minister. everything is up in the air here the question is is the face of today's are going to change or any of these politicians going to bring something new to the table certainly everyone we've been speaking to say that that's what they want and that's what they're going to expect. pro-democracy protesters have rallied in the streets of algeria for the 30th straight when.


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