tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 16, 2019 1:00pm-2:01pm +03
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the economic crisis the financial crisis we have lots of debts it's very frustrating for me i'm not fully convinced about any of the candidates because there are so many and i haven't seen them from the beginning it's the 2nd time tunisians are electing their president since the revolution 8 years ago tunisia is often quoted as the only democratic success story to come out of the so-called arab spring the 1st country where its people took to the streets bringing an end to the 23 year rule of president sane and aberdeen ben ali this is democracy in action yes there are many different candidates to choose from but the question is what can they offer to people are they going to offer real change or is the next president going to be more of the same voters here are telling us they're tired of empty promises. the next president is pressing issues to deal with unemployment is higher than it was before the 2011 revolution the security situation is a concern and corruption remains rampant the new leader will face
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a population hungry for change especially the youth many have told us they don't trust the politicians shola can move to move these elections are a good thing it's the 1st time we've had a debate on t.v. with our presidential candidates we used to watch the debates on t.v. in the united states and now we're watching the same thing here in tunisia that's the 1st. national and international observers were polling stations across the country we knew just a gradual slew of people but interestingly we saw many elderly coming in very in the morning and been very well organized and there has been no issues and so so far it's been good which is hoping that by no the young people would have come on board and increase the percentage of voters luminary results suggest later with the official announcement on choose day the winning candidate will need more than 50 percent of the vote and no one expects that to happen the likely scenario out of $24.00. candidates the top 2 will head to
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a runoff in november by the end of the day tunisian should know who they are stephanie decker al-jazeera tunis. including. some children managing to get an education while many other u.s. asylum seekers are missing out. finding comfort after the horror survivors come together for the 1st time since dorian smashed the bahamas. hello no surprises in the forecast across the middle east is hot and dry pretty much everywhere we have got a few showers easing out heading towards jews maybe into armenia has about john to
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see want to see showers you see some thick a cloud in place here come a little further south 30 celsius there for beirut 5 dry and sunny still into the forty's for kuwait city and also for baghdad as we go on through the next couple of days or 33 there for karate again generate dry a little more clout started to push its way in a little bit some places the plant crossed the arabian peninsula where you see that cloud you could squeeze a spot or 2 or 3 easily rain out so maybe to the northeastern corner of saudi arabia over towards the red sea possibility of a little bit damp weather city the case to into the far south of amman over the next couple of days here in doha temperatures getting up to 40 degrees celsius by choose they are no quite as hot as that but many of war with plenty of decent sunshine across southern parts of africa cape town it around 19 celsius but you were in the high twenty's across the good part of the eastern side of the region 27 celsius 71 his book some of the temperature too for harare and nothing up
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a touch by the time you come to choose day. sponsored by qatar a. big storms generate fountains of headlines it seems that much the media is still struggling with how to deal with it with different angles from different perspectives how do you hold a lawyer to separate the spin from the facts. the misinformation from journalism how careful must you your words but some tough stuff has to be said so some critics have to be listening post on al-jazeera.
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all right let's have a look at the top stories here at al-jazeera this morning saturday's drone attacks on saudi oil facilities have triggered a record jump in brant crude futures trading u.s. president double trump says he's authorized the release of oil from america's strategic reserves to fill the market if needed the president also says the u.s. is locked and loaded waiting for confirmation as to who attacked riyadh's oil facilities secretary of state might palm pails of ready accuse iran of the attacks but they've been claimed by yemen's who the rebels and tehran's denied involvement . ballot papers are being counted in tunis is presidential election official results aren't expected until tuesday but supporters of 2 candidates chi saeed in the bill car we are already celebrating both having claimed to have won the 1st round sunday's vote was june easy a 2nd presidential election since the 2011 revolution. and neighboring elder. area
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is due to hold its presidential election on december the 12th the dates being announced by the interim president up till carbon sali the country's been looks rocked i should say by months of protest since the former president abdelaziz bouteflika was forced to resign in april after almost 20 years in power and the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has threatened to unexplored parts of occupied palestinian territory if he's reelected the palestinian government and farmers a valid to protect their land and one of the ways of doing that is through agriculture made abraham reports from cal killer in the occupied west bank where a new project is underway ahead of tuesday's election this is the 1st time to manage about 100 planted trees on this piece of land and qalqilya his harvest of up a goddess should make him a profit in 2 years but while the climate is not
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a threat the location is the land is an area see a term describing more than half of the occupied west bank that falls under full is really control here palestinians need israeli approval to build or develop their lands but all around them new israeli settlements are sprouting up here. it's a risk but if we keep being scared then we won't do anything yes israelis have the stronger hand when it comes to control but we shouldn't leave our lands. jamal received support from a palestinian government project to farm the land the government says it will disregard israeli control over the area but that might be easier said than done. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised many times to apply jewish sorrentino with. the latest his pledge of annexing the jordan valley if he wins the palestinian leadership says it's not just the threat of course who is using this as
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a ploy to pander to his extreme right wing racist base but at the same time he's been implementing this on the ground gradually below the. now with from this administration and the us there is no need to fly below the radar he is now concretely and specifically carrying out these steps and declaring them announcing them with their netanyahu remains in power or not observers say political progress in the occupied territory is unlikely. to result in the terminology used in israel to discourse knowledge a political settlement that sees keeping the israeli settlements and as it is they talk about the jordan valley as a place they can go there was never a consensus about this issues in the past for many palestinians it doesn't matter who leads the government as israel shifts more to the right this radio elections heavily influence palestinians lives but they don't have a say in. the occupied west bank. their workers at the u.s.
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automaker general measures have gone on strike for the 1st time in more than a decade $48000.00 people are expected to walk off the job at $31.00 factories across the country the union the united auto workers is pushing for better wages health benefits and job security guarantees they're threatened to stay on strike until an agreement is reached talks to continue on monday. well we've been speaking to michael mustiness he's a reporter for the automotive news and that's based in detroit and he says was a demanding a greater share of profits and he explains how the strike could impact general masses it could cripple g.m. if the strike last long enough currently the automaker has been preparing for some type of action and they have a 77 days supply of new vehicles on hand that number fluctuates depending on what vehicle you're talking about and they're more
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profitable more popular s.u.v.s and trucks they have a lower days supply in the fifty's but if this drags out and then it essentially means they can't build any products dealers won't be able to sell those new products because there won't be anything there this is a very significant action it's sort of the last resort that the union has in negotiations recent impasse. we don't know yet what the impact will be on general motors it depends on how long the strike lasts but workers in less than 10 hours now will leave the assembly lines and form picket lines outside of all g.m.'s facilities workers are looking for higher wages they're looking for retention of very lucrative health care benefits that they've been able to keep. they're looking for a greater share of the profits that general motors ford and chrysler have been able to amass over the years and they're also looking for protection for temporary
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workers to try to find a way for them to reach full time permanent status a small plane has crashed in southwestern colombia at least 7 people have died 3 others have been injured as a trying to stop feeling king from the aircraft which crashed just minutes after takeoff the coals of the crash is unknown in investigations on the way 2 people survived the crash. now rebuilding has begun in parts of the bahamas the island chain that was partly flattened by hurrican dorrian 2 weeks ago more than a 1000 people are still missing and heavy rains from another tropical storm have hampered the rescue operations but as alan fischer reports from grand bahama one of the island's hardest hit some communities have come together for the 1st time since the hurrican which was the most severe since records began.
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for many this was the 1st time to come together since the hurricane the church a source of comfort after some difficult days once more the hugs were warm the tears were real the stories of survival frightening we watch our house and our homes destroyed limb by limb you want to call it. sometimes over 20 feet. over the roof into the roof because you know sustained some damage in that area. but luckily didn't see us there sharing what they have one man and his family are sleeping in a friends one woman has a working well so a sharing water community coping together lost everything everything you might as a salvage some little shoes and pants and stuff to get out of the suffering of a few of my church members have lost everything you know so i thank god that i didn't have that major damage in my house like some of them but we're all alive and
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we're holding on. just a short distance so we in the hudson neighborhood the work to rebuild has already begun. many buildings survived but have been left to shell by the storm waters. is probably about a kilometer from the sea but at the height of the storm the water was so high it would have been above my head simply inundating all of the houses in this area. people are saving what they can but there's not a lot left to see most of it is. salt water and sewage backing up into the building. but everything is. wild sieving. contamination sewage george like many families here is hoping things will start improving before the end of the year getting back to normal that's not even under consideration for no alan fischer al-jazeera in freeport on
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the island of grand bahama. a former health minister from the democratic republic of congo has been arrested accused of embezzling $4300000.00 of public funds that were raised to tackle it burglar police allege was planning to flee the country and escape justice something his lawyers deny the a burger outbreak is the 2nd worst in history with more than 2000 people having died in the past year. dozens of passengers are missing after a boat sank in the democratic republic of congo police say $76.00 people on board were rescued $36.00 others a fair drowned it happened in maluco that's close to the capital kinshasa the boat went down overnight in the congo river as it headed for the capital. at least 13 people have died dozens of others are missing after a boat capsized in india it happened in god of the river that's in the southern
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state of andhra pradesh local media reporting 61 people were on board including 10 crew about 14 people have been rescued so far about 50 fires are continuing to burn across queensland and new south wales in eastern australia around 20 homes have been destroyed another 30 damaged favorable conditions on sunday did help slow down the pace of the destruction but crews remain on alert with hotter windy a weather forecast for the next 2 days fires have been burning across the states for more than a week now destroying an estimated 55000 hectares of land we've just been through so too was our own feeling and jumped through over rain forest over a river and came so fast i always thought our flow never come up there it will never get across the river. those called remain in mexico it's a new agreement between mexico and the u.s. on a silencing his tens of thousands of them
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a stuck waiting to see if they'll be allowed to start a new life in the united states and they include many children who are missing school but a classroom on whales is coming to some that's john home and reports are from tijuana. a small team of volunteers in one are heading to one of the city's many migrant shelters with a unique service. specially adapted school bus since january u.s. asylum seekers mainly from guatemala honduras don't sell the door been put back across into mexico while they wait between their court dates many have children and this new floating population could be stuck in border towns like people one for months. that's where this bus comes in it's been fitted out to give them education by n.g.o.s school books project so run programs in greece and syria getting on with really no thank you they're working with volunteers from border angels mainly
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students giving lessons in reading writing a mouse as well as psychological help mask the glasses and the horse. more than just classes it's a way of giving them tools so that they can be stronger more resilient able to express their emotions and say what they're feeling and that's really important and it's what we're working on. the most the road's been hard is a year since his mother doris say they fled death threats in their homeland there was salvador a country terrorized by gangs they've been here for months she says glad he's getting some education i mean it's just that he said to me for the one thing yeah i feel frustrated knowing that if he was in school right now he'd be in a more advanced grade but also i feel that i want to keep fighting for his future. president said that state education would be available for the asylum seekers. remits crow and theoretically it is in practice show directors told us there's little government outreach to try and get them into school and their parents are
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sometimes reluctant to enroll them knowing they'll soon be moving on these volunteers who do what they can take in this bus across the city to provide classes but the problem is some much bigger than the thousands of children trapped in limbo all across this border area without an education if they are. at the end of the class the children read letters of support many from well wishers across the border in the u.s. it's a brief break from the uncertainty and boredom of young lives lived in limbo don't hold out to see it or to one of the. toughest take a look at the top stories here at al-jazeera this morning saturday's journal tax on saudi oil facilities have triggered a record jump in brant crude futures trading president says he's also arised the release of oil from america's strategic reserve to fill the gap if needed
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a living speaking to vandana hari who is c.e.o. of energy market analysis group vander insight she says the lack of information coming from saudi arabia is making the market even more volatile. a much of this is likely to sustain and of course i think the wallet realty is going to mean with us as well because a lot of the picture as to the extent of damage to. the expected restart resumption how long that will take a lot of that big. have yet to emerge but president trumbull's also says the u.s. is locked and loaded waiting for confirmation as to who exactly attacked riyadh's oil facilities the secretary of state might pompei is already accused iran but it's been claimed by yemen's who see rebels tehran has denied involvement. ballot papers are being counted in tunis is presidential election official results aren't
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expected until tuesday but supporters of 2 candidates. bill carr we are already celebrating both candidates have claimed to have won in the 1st round sunday's vote was tuesday's 2nd presidential election since the 2011 revolution and algeria is due to hold its presidential election on december the 12th the date was announced by the interim president abdul qadir ben sali the country's been rocked by months of protests since the former president he's beautifully was forced to resign in april after almost 20 years in power workers it's us all to make general motors have gone on strike for the 1st time in more than a decade $48000.00 people are expected to walk off the job at more than 30 factories across the country they want better wages health benefits and job security guarantees and threaten to stay on strike until an agreement is reached the talks are set to to continue on monday right up to date those are the headlines
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the missing pages next. al-jazeera. t.v. film festival screens documentary films carrying strong messages with the power to change the world it is upon us to decide whether the change will take place let us change the way we view the world and the way we treat others let us be an example to future generations 2nd a j b dog film festival organized by al jazeera ball comes 20 years to 24th september. this documents is an official cia memorandum dated september 917 and is a note curiously titled discussion of the chilean political situation but its
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contents what it exposes is pretty incriminating. on the 14th of september mr holmes met with edwards of the independent newspaper. mr edwards expressed the following on the chilean political situation. until 2017 all of this paragraph was built out redacted meaning that for more than 40 years o'steen edwards the owner of the most influential newspaper in chile and they. kept to a story that yes he did meet with the director of the cia richard helms here in washington d.c. and ok he did talk about some other day of this election but no there was never talk of. no true. years later these now declassified cia white house documents prove that's exactly what he did and that the cia financed the newspaper funding both negative coverage of the a and the governments and the
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positive coverage of the dictatorship that followed. i was born in chile and i'm going to tell you about why maybe 50 years on we still need to talk about. it. chileans will tell you can't really understand the history of this country without understanding the history women and the farming. if you need a modern equivalent think of the murdoch media empire only its much older dates but in the 19th century when the edwards family amassed a fortune bunking mining agriculture. the family used economic power to shape key moments in china's political history to give you an idea back in the 19th century the end was played a major role both until the civil war and the pacific war with bolivia and peru to
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protect their business interests there was one the only family and children a handful of families owned the country can still do well set them apart with their newspapers. the thing about edwards family line is that they understood the way in which the link between politics and economics operates like a sort of. that hint is the media yes and we saw going to follow me over. there but. it's much more than a newspaper it's a political institution that brings together an ideological and economic group one that campaigns and influences public opinion in ways from a point of view that defends its interests given.
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the idea of what american real has always been the. it important to paper in the country very conservative and its editorial perspectives and closely linked to the country's political and business elites and it's have significant political impact throughout chiles recent history including warns economic affairs and coups and the american army corps a yeah thing going to buy that though no most solemn of orders in of us on it at it's not just elmer coolio there are 3 means papers and santiago and a regional chain any that followed a similar trend to that of many newspapers and that an america powerful influential business minded family sue set of a powerful media outlet in order to achieve the next level in a flat as up that had other me were live for us sent by their night in 6 days the let's level of em for a c. had was family were looking for was no longer to be found in chile so they look morse so the united states to as governments and so it's central intelligence
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agency the cia a political winds were shifting solutionis movements were gathering momentum across the continent and in chile presidential candidate serve other a in this and leftwing ideals pledges soon agrarian reform her nationalisation world redistribution what capturing the popular imagination who felt they stood to lose by the it wuz family certainly would any so the u.s. government it's as the documents showed we now know that as early as $9960.00 fool the cia was injecting money into quote it anti communist propaganda to in milk or york and it's other people's that suit emotional d.c. us and i say wanda to rude of support for a year i'm there to rain it's in the united states and the cia started bank wrong when a campaign that was essentially against any leftist movements and chilly in the 1960 and it's this you west aid helped and they're cool you know with their
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campaigned to undermine support for the left groups led by 1000 randy here in terms of their growing presence on the political stage both at the polls and in social temples and even. through his news coverage and opinion pieces and. some other day in this candidacy. but in september of 1971 the election. he became the world's 1st democratically elected marxist president. is left with supporters took to the streets to celebrate. jumped on a plane flew to washington and sat down with 2 americans who would shape the future of chile u.s. secretary of state henry kissinger and director of the cia richard helms. what was proposed about meeting has been consistently denied for years because these
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documents declassified decades later reveal chinese media mogul was asking the cia for support in a military coup. and that support came in the form of money the money that was passed to over korea to sustain. uses of truth the propaganda. fomenting violence and the creation of a cool climate the money came from the cia. as the director of the national security archives chile documentation project in washington d.c. peter kornbluh has made it his mission to get to the truth on chile using the freedom of information act it's been a trip budget process that in $27.00 teams paid off. so you have a document in which kissinger actually calls over to
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the cia and says the president has just. approved the proposal for supporting elma korea at the amount of $700000.00 the president wished to see the paper kept going and the amount stipulated could be exceeded if that would be useful he served that purpose i can't think of another time when i have seen micromanagement by the president of united states of covert propaganda operations in another country and here is the living proof of nixon's personal involvement in making sure that the cia kept l. mccurry i'll go. the t. classified documents all kind of here in washington d.c. show that president nixon himself directly authorized funding for a medical deal to the tune of 2000000 dollars a serious amount of money in the 1970 s. enough to keep a paper that was in financial difficulties alive and more importantly shape public
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opinion the cia essentially passed money physically to members of the edwards group. bags full of money and the cia bag man if you will in the cia station santiago was named jack divine. and he was then a young man with a big afro if you look at him you would have thought he was a foreign exchange student during the age of the hippies but in fact he was an undercover cia officer in one of his 1st postings. as an agent and he was responsible for carrying this money for meeting with periodically with the helmet for real people mr devine thanks for talking to us here in the listening past it's a pleasure you touched down in chile in the 1970 s. during the again the government you put in charge of an important brief in medical your project
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a key part of the cia operation in chile at the time can you tell us about your specific role in this post an extraordinary assignment was my 1st assignment a lot of them are my job is actually to help keep the funding. because the again the government of prime who is 3 would say putting the screws on ahmed qureia my 1st major task that i can recall was trying to find funding so that public order could tend to continue to obtain the paper did that actually print the newspapers so this is on the record as cables written by me asking for a fairly large several several $100000.00 to support the the maintenance of running the paper well mccourty it was for the whole market you want to preserve it. with high integrity as a journalistic back with us so you were on the ground in chile you were reading
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a medical and you were seeing what was happening what do you make of criticisms then that during the 3 years of president and administration and medical do you. is propaganda to the neighborly misleading readers let me put it in the context of time i think blocking. the i.n.d. government at the time it is. participation in the government in the context of the cold war. was an important thing to do the we know from other reporting that the russians really looked at chile as an experimental case where you could use the voting box to bring communist to power in the hemisphere there was a sentiment among those of us watching that the i.n.d. government was in the process of falling of its own weight his policies were so wrong footed that it was they were the architect of the economic problems that they
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were confronted. that albacore you would be critical of those is is not surprising i know understating the power of the media. not just to report on stories but to produce them creating stories and this is where the bottom line is a nobody of course once they hear this on the left i ended created most of the stories i mean economic policies are very hard to justify today and. at the end of the day when i stand back where brought down the brother record it was softer art it was a barely fall government economic. that's the story of journalist and it is there is a little town at the time mr boehner says thank you very much for joining us here in the past he was working for him a good deal and says that without cia money the paper would never have been able to tell it not because president you know there was explicitly censoring the press
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because his government was tightening the screws on him and financially we were in a nearby wilcannia for trying to end the government wanted to close down and marketing but they couldn't just send the police in shut the paper down so what they did was to found all its accounts they blocked its newsprint supplies they took away all public sector advertising as a result the paper was then in serious financial trouble so the people who did want to know what could or to survive did what they could to find funding for it among them the u.s. government this was a fight between 2 armies income but one employed methods that were in my opinion unlawful by draining the life out of it while the other wanted to provide it with a life like you to get your limited loonier in israel according to bit is the art of the cia often that lifeline however for victor that read of edwards' unofficial
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biographer that cash. allowed and unleashed a propaganda campaign that would lead to you in this down full and the thousands of deaths that followed you went there with i had finished with a good life here but it can for instance amongst various interventions there was the financing of a general strike particularly truck drivers and the transport industry which paralyzed the whole country and mccall you played a key part as a spokesman for this movement showing how the country was supposedly falling apart at the seams and the code you have been generating fear around communism ever since the bolshevik revolution itself. from a very early stage edwards mcclure was the grandfather of augustine edwards identified this revolution something very dangerous and makoto has always been furiously anti communist always thought he would. get on our companion.
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carried out an anti communist campaign deliberately spreading panic we're talking about the cold war the early seventies i mean it was the communists are coming to kill your kids that kind of thing the establishing of a totalitarian state where all freedoms would be taken away and many people bought it. we have cia documents from the spring of 1973 in which the cia station chief identifies emma choreo as one of the key entities in chile that is pushing for instability and confrontation in order to instigate military action in chile no discussion of democracy nothing peaceful violence that was the purpose. in september of 1973 1000000 there was overthrown in
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a military coup led by general. mass open air prisons. to houses disappearances in the 1000. bodies dumped at sea the result a culture of fear and repression repression spread to the media a new total crackdown on the press with an exception i made a deal and the other 2 papers and opened a film and not on demand. yes that's where most chileans got their news from during the 17 years that tape the ship that followed. where barbara hayes a young journalist at the time got her start. without a paper political yes i was really interested in political journalism but by then it was clear that there was absolutely no chance of being able to do that under
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dictatorship not in elmore coolio not anywhere else you have to realize that in those years the clampdown on the media was brutal the information we'd be able to gather even those of us who studied journalism would be very little and there was a lot of self-censorship around aside from straight up censorship the editors and publishers of the media were only too aware that there were certain topics that could not be reported and they would be constantly summoned by the government's national directorate for communications which controlled anything to do anywhere on this to control our thought them. in july of 1975 so when the one of these more liberal papers published a headline that still lives on exterminated like rats the rats were the 190 members of the me and the revolutionary left movement and on opposition training for a counter coup. according to. libyan internal fight which ended in
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a bloodbath the real story the chilean secret police heard disappeared. i asked because they are so but the story of the 119 and why. covered it the way they did so people do it or if you're a journalist and you're given a story you take that story to your paper and it gets published there was no prior knowledge of anything i mean we had the judicial inquiry that took place 30 years later that exposed. the story came to journalists from argentina and it. published in an argentinian paper then over time it emerged that everything had been fabricated but nobody could have known that at the time we. did was to quote the official source that's what they published and what they were. one of the 119 disappeared by chile's secret police whose mere member.
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his sister maria told me she's been campaigning for justice ever since one of. our farm was well this isn't a tourist front page of lhasa gone exterminated like rats it was painful really very painful it's probably difficult to imagine what it means to know that your brother has been arrested 3 or thirty's to spend a year denying it and then to be faced with this information was extremely shocking . even that was officially denied his death become a possibility after a few months and with that report we knew it was true and it said yes they killed them best still killing them that killing us and they will carry on. saying. they're full of the earlier us in a better the more i say so in
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a. letter i opened the one video. a lot of anger indignation and at the time a lot of impotence because it was just impossible to counter those arguments these were official truths that were established and distributed in the media there were practically no media you could call on to disprove any of this even though we the families of the disappeared tried with every single one of the media organizations in chile there's not a single media outlet at the time who can say they didn't know they didn't have a chance to find out about it. because all this information all the information to disprove this government information was delivered to old media for well as though . in 2008 many kids ok all the way not only
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a documentary and many groups wrote in the dictatorship and yet although i was still rules paper was fit. to national team. but i'm aware of what the boy. cost it. but he didn't much and in a ghost me a little as you will not get it took another 6 years for the film to be proved cost late at night on a on t.v. an independent channel that day and they could use t.v. listings left that slot blank more than food see years after the military coup the film's director found that daring to question him a coolio who's still to the thought of it us well you know alternately the censorship operation against the film came from officials at chile's national broadcaster from within the directors board it came from within because in my career generates fear among those who want power because america is also
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a means to being an empowered kid in a bull in the neck and i think of that i think because of it if you go to the one thing i would have him take with you not only for myself but i'm for. him and we went about this and it was the 1st step in a series of attempts to expose the role of augustine edwards and their medical you during the dictatorship many people knew but it's one thing to talk about and another to show medium to try. to do something with an intersection used. to listen to this little bit i mean anything. the 2nd day to instill. fear in the well it has become an immigrant the problem is that in my call you and i will steal an edwards of the victors of history and the victors don't apologize apologize for what we called for a coup d'etat and that's what we have. apologized for wanting a mere liberal state that we now have winners don't say so. this is the basic
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attitude so to demand this from the victors of history strain why should you demand this and why should they apologize if they want on all fronts a matter. of principle and a lot of big oh yes he moans have been made legal ones in 20132 groups representing families of the disappeared. it was to cool to his role in covering up human rights violations it was the 1st time charges had been brought against the civilian for his or her role in the coup nothing came of it today and google still dominates the media market and when i was dean edwards died in 2017 but he and his paper remained officially unblemished. where we've been legally challenging these cases for more than 40 years what
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happened during the dictatorship was an ability to cover up any dissent anything that could have been construed as a criticism of the establishment of the power elites throughout history there are instances of this kind of lies and distortions of reality last when else . i think also this is a memorial to the thousands of people who disappeared during the pinochet regime a symbol of the chilean states a chance to confront a brutal past but not everyone wants to do that we tried not for weeks but for months to get an official response from well michael yo on. but to no avail it's as if it's taking a story it's own story. species
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1st in the heart of the amazon the libyan family has clan lions imperiled to harvest brazil nuts the fled the french cancer in the congo to the capital in an even more dangerous challenge. risking it to libya if. on al-jazeera. we understand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it al-jazeera will bring you the news and current affairs
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that matter to you al-jazeera. on counting the cost of technocrats and the defacto leader of opec has been ousted well his replacement a saudi arabia's energy minister fare any better looking than struggle to get more for its oil boss the cost of adapting to a warming planet counting the cost on a. crude oil prices register the highest one day rise on record after saturday's attack on all facilities in saudi arabia. new satellite images appear to show the damage caused in saturday's attack donald trump says the u.s. is locked and loaded to respond but is waiting to verify who was responsible.
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hello welcome to al-jazeera live from doha i'm melting down is also coming up in the program counting is underway in tunis is 2nd presidential elections in sierra spring as 2 candidates claimed the lead. new gun laws in texas after a series of mass shootings but they're not making weapons harder to get. their saturdays during attacks on saudi arabia's all facilities have triggered a shop jump in global oil prices oil futures. 19 percent higher jumping as much as 11.73 dollars a barrel to 71.95 dollars that's the single highest day increase since futures trading began in 1908 now riyadh is racing to restore its oil production
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which has been slashed in half after drones targeted the heart of its energy industry president trump has authorized the release of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to keep the markets well supplied if necessary let's speak now to our economics editor a bit early. so how significant a moment is this because markets obviously by definition they go up and they go down as does of course the oil price absolutely so what we've seen over the over the weekend special on friday night was an. attack on. oil facilities in saudi arabia now these missiles or these drones have to travel 500 kilometers whether that was from iraq or whether that was from yemen and decided yet whether were drones or whether there were cruise missiles and decided yet but nonetheless they hit a facility in in saudi arabia and that's a huge huge story because you have so many defenses in place patriot missiles are
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setting for this kind of event and yet they were not triggered maybe it was because the low cost design of the of the drones but nonetheless they hit their targets and this is a result of this is the reason why we're seeing a premium in the all markets right this very moment right so that's a geopolitical system because the situation rather which of course is speaking the markets because they're looking ahead and saying that tension is now ratcheting up on the on a pretty regular basis incrementally the bellicose language that we're hearing from donald trump and others is is adding to that fear but what about the actual oil supply today for the next couple of weeks because of course saudi. hols the amount of oil that it's producing on the daily they subsequently so the saudis have gotten all reserve about $288000000.00 barrels now some of that is stored in rotterdam and just off the coast in egypt so they can tap into this and supply the market there's
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no threat to the market not being supplied with enough oil we've been through a period where basically the global economy is slowing and there's less demand for oil as it is so the u.s. has some in the region of 700000000 barrels of oil stuck away in the strategic reserve china has about 500000000 barrels of oil and other nations are being told by the international and she agency that they must hold 90 days worth of oil just in case there's events like this obviously nobody predicted an event like this particular one where there's an attack on a facility but nonetheless just in case there was some shock to the global system they could tap into that since it is enough oil in circulation at the moment so why then is donald trump promising to dip into history reserves in order to to keep supply up to appropriate levels if necessary i mean isn't this just adding to the
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sense of panic so we know we just need to see which point did he put this tweet out was the oil prices spiked tonight and by 19 percent if that was the case and it looks like that was the thinking is just to reassure the markets hey listen if the market needs any oil and that was a big if unease in these sentences well then we are ready to supply the markets and that's just a resource because the other thing to remember is that. it's not just traders who are trading it's computers they were reading through social media posts and they're picking up new stories and they're saying ok oil prices have spiked because of an attack and then they see this. tweet from trump saying you know this plenty of oil and so hell. the rhythm's to calm down a bit because they say that's the tweet from the president of the united states but when he says you know we're locked and loaded that's a geopolitical risk and that just adds to the price and so what does saudi arabia need to do now to take the heat of the situation so set arabia basically the has
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been not behind the curve but you know they have the responded in good time to say listen we need 48 hours to assess what's happening with the oil supplies what's happening in in our facilities and it looks like they're going to be able to return a 3rd of their supply by today and they should be in a day to either today or tomorrow to say exactly what they think is happening with their with their supplies all right have a downy thank you very much well the u.s. government's released images which are said to show the damage done in saturday's attack charizard go for it for. these satellite images released by the u.s. government appear to show damage to part of the oil plant at alba kike inside the arabia they could prove vital in determining who attacked the plant and from where it looked like they were damaged in the north and west or who so with these which would mean that they didn't compromise with their lives were closer and other
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people are closer of all those and it's not quite clear looks like some are just from the west who are you know incoming now we don't yet know who recently launched drones missiles against saudi arabia were several months now none of them have been able to cause the damage they did these did but this is not new. who the rebels in yemen say they flew armed drones across the border deep into saudi arabia to attack 2 major oil facilities if confirmed its their most ambitious and devastating operation following dozens of smaller scale strikes in the kingdom in recent months but. we exploited vulnerabilities in the saudi defense system and we built our drones in order to avoid these systems therefore the saudi and the ratty airspace became open to us after their defense systems fail to even spot the drones. the us secretary of state flames iran for saturday's attacks my
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pump a 0 says there's no evidence they were launched from yemen although he hasn't explained how iran is to blame or where the drones took off from secretary powell has made clear that the iranian regime is responsible for this attack on civilian areas and infrastructure right are vital to our global energy supply and we're not going to stand for that in fact our department of energy stands ready to tap into the strategic reserves of petroleum reserve asked to stabilize the global energy supply iran says it rejects the u.s. accusations. what is concerning is the wrong path of the americans in the region they are supporting saudi arabia and the u.s. in a set of consisting to the role in creating instability the point the finger at other countries in the region dialogue between regional neighbors is the only solution to resolving the conflict. the state owned oil company saudi aramco says the fires
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started by the attacks knocked out more than half of its entire daily output close to $6000000.00 barrels of oil the saudi energy minister says stockpiles of oil will be used to offset the loss of production but oil markets haven't seen a shutdown on this scale since iraqi troops invaded kuwait to start the 1st gulf war in 1990 and it's not clear how long. repairs will take the impact will depend on how quickly the saudis can restore full production. go for al-jazeera so as you've already had the us president has offered to release the measures he reserves to deal with any possible. he's also said that the us is locked and loaded waiting for a confirmation of who exactly attacked riyadh's facilities is our correspondent in washington gabriel and it's on. the u.s. has some of the largest strategic oil reserves anywhere in the world it's 650000000
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barrels of oil that are an underground salt caverns in the state of texas and louisiana these are all oil reserves that are only supposed to be tapped in extreme emergencies and trump indicating on sunday evening that he is prepared to authorize the use of this oil should saudi arabia not be able to increase its oil production rapidly enough and there becomes a world oil shortage trump saying that he wasn't going to tap into this yet but would authorize if it gives you an idea of how worried washington is about these developments right now in terms of u.s. readiness trump also tweeting late sunday that the u.s. was locked and loaded those were his words on twitter ready to prepare preparing a response to the culprits of the attack against the saudi oil facilities he said that the u.s. they believe they know who the culprit was but he did name it but on saturday secretary of state mike pompei o pointed the finger directly at iran in terms of
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this language trump is using these used it before as fire and fury and referencing north korea is used locked and loaded this terminology before as well it's unclear exactly what he means by that but given that he's the commander in chief of the world's most powerful military here in the united states those are words that must be taken very seriously. the ballots are being counted into newsier after almost half of registered voters turned out to choose the country's next president official results aren't until tuesday but supporters of 2 of the candidates qaida now bill carr we are already celebrating both the candidates having claimed to have won the 1st round sunday's vote was tunisia's 2nd presidential election since the 2011 revolutions stephanie decker reports now from the capital tunis. half an hour before voting was due to start a small queue had already formed tunisians waiting to have their say on who is going to be their next president. they should have i came here to vote in order to
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get someone who can get this country out of the crisis the economic crisis the financial crisis we have lots of debts it's very frustrating for me so i'm not fully convinced about any of the candidates because there are so many and i haven't seen them from the beginning it's the 2nd time tunisians are electing their president since the revolution 8 years ago tunisia is often quoted as the only democratic success story to come out of the so-called arab spring the 1st country where its people took to the streets bringing an end to the 23 year rule of president saying. this is democracy in action yes there are many different candidates to choose from but the question is what can they offer to people are they going to offer real change or is the next president going to be more of the same voters here are telling us they're tired of empty promises. the next president is pressing issues to deal with unemployment is higher than it was before the 2.
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