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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 21, 2019 8:00am-8:34am +03

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because it's only going to be with the patients of what we have seen in egypt for the last 7 decades believe the best thing for the public to do is to take a stand and to say that we have taken this step now to stop the the tyrants of 2 model from being bored today that what should the egyptian public would say and stand for yeah it's been really good to get your insight thank you very much thank you thank you very much well maggie is the middle east and north africa researcher for human rights watch and joins us now on skype from berlin good to have you on the program we've just heard a given been given a macro look of what's been happening in egypt as a whole both politically and on the streets can you give us an idea of what to brought people on the streets here that it's brought them to the brink of these kinds of protests at the expense possible of
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a possible crackdown. well i agree with most of what mr the memo has just said i think it's a long overdue movement egyptians have been brutalized by ceases government for more than 5 years no other government in egypt streets in history has crushed gyptian basic rights the way sisi has done his jailed tens of thousands for simply exercising their rights and his security forces have killed. thousands of protesters woods near absolute impunity there is no way in egypt now adays to voice them to the government without facing jail or even this. and being killed by security agencies and i think. this moment was coming i
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mean. i think there is a consensus among analysts who have been following egypt in the past years that there is regions of society and no windows there are no channels to you know express anger or express frustration or voice the simplest kurtz's into the government and i think. this is what we are seeing what we have seen tonight it's the result of seizes policies over the bust years what's happening tonight and over the past 2 weeks i think is every bit a pull damage to ceases. image and a petition and he's paying the price of his group and what it says right. we're hearing that protesters are already being arrested how concerned are you for their welfare given that this movement seems to be gaining some kind of a momentum. human rights watch is currently appearing
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a press release calling on the government to. restrain from using violence against protesters and c.c.s. government sisi himself actually should publicly cole on his government to respect the right to peaceful gathering and peaceful protests and restrain from using violence and excessive force c.c. is in new york to participate in the united nations general assembly and they say it's a moment of truth if western leaders wanted to really address the chronic problems in egypt and the root causes of this vicious circle of. developing clack of respect to citizens' rights and the failure to establish in peaceful transition of power it's a moment for them to read the cole on the egyptian government and pressured the gyptian government to respect citizens' rights. we we have seen reports already
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that there are scores of protests thirds rounded up by the police we will keep following the situation. and not just today actually in the past week. it seems that. security agencies have great empathy arrested a few activists so we will keep following distillation and raising the flag now can you explain to us and i believe you have observers there on the ground can you explain to us what it belies their frustration and and if what the general feeling among the protesters is is there enough traction for this sick kid to new and enough anger on the streets. what do you sense from from the past 2 weeks and from the hashtags that have been circulated on social media and got medians actually the hundreds of thousands of sharing and tweets and. posts on social media is
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that there is. a different momentum of difference and sentiment in the streets and what is actually very interesting to also raise here is that we don't know the people in the streets anymore and the people protesting in the streets usually during the barak's time or even after the revolution we usually knew who are the leaders of the brothers who are. the activists that are leading the protests in different cities but this time actually did to something that even generation activists most of them have seen their posts on social media the cold they said that this is not that i time to grow to stand maybe we will secure fice our lives or our security for maybe not very guaranteed goals. but however despite these maybe not very much of
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a thing posed by many of those activists we have seen thousands gathering in the streets in egypt tonight and i think most of these people are people average citizens who are fed up with. the government's brutality and also the end inability of ceases government to deliver economically as well because that was one of the you know the premise of his speech is even when he talks about the need to suppress political rights in favor of social and economic rights but actually what's happening in egypt is that team is brutalizing citizens in all sorts of ways . his government has not been able to deliver also economic wise and we have seen congress then to. inflation rates and difficult nation of.
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around and i think those people in the streets tonight and are just angry people who have listened to mohamed ideas we've used to have seen. him touch and smelled the corruption he's talking about and they are fed up with these policies and they want to voice their interests is. ok i might be for human rights watch thank you very much thank you so much thank you. now the pentagon has just announced it will send hundreds if extra troops to saudi arabia the united arab emirates to help defend its allies in the wake of last weekend's attack on saudi oil facilities the u.s. says this deployment comes after requests from the 2 countries washington has blamed iran for last weekend's attacks to prevent further escalation saudi arabia
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requested international support to help protect the kingdom's critical infrastructure the united arab emirates has also requested assistance and response to the caymans request the president has approved the deployment of u.s. forces which will be defensive in nature and primarily focused on air and missile defense. particle hey now joins us from washington d.c. patty can you give us some more details on this. sure you know. the press about 6 pm local time that the secretary of defense the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff the highest man in uniform they were going to come out and talk to the press of course there was a lot of speculation because for days people have been wondering how would the u.s. respond to those attacks those sort of saudi oil facilities which the u.s. blames on iran which iran denies and now they came out they said they met with the president u.s. president donald trump this afternoon and he is authorized to help not just saudi arabia but the united arab emirates by supplying these missile batteries that they
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didn't get into specifics they wouldn't say exactly how many troops they said it wouldn't be thousands they didn't say it would be hundreds or dozens it doesn't take that many troops to patriot missile systems or how many systems are going to said but they said they're going to fast track that so basically these are the patriot systems that can shoot out incoming missiles and incoming drones so they said they're going to take this step as far as details of what is actually going to look like when it's going to happen they don't know they said they're going to figure it out of the weekend in the let us know next week what makes this particularly interesting is just very very recently. the president donald trump had said that that wasn't going to be a military escalation definitely not not any kind of conflict so what kind of a position has he been put in to be committing more troops to iran particularly ahead of you know their reelection campaign. well he is this is a president who knows he needs to keep his base on board and he knows that he got a lot of support from them by saying that he was against the iraq war from the
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beginning although there's little evidence that that is in fact true but he promised to pull the u.s. out of the middle east and spend those billions and trillions of dollars back home so this is a president who has been reluctant to try and take those steps because he knows that it would be hugely unpopular with his base at the same time we've seen a very familiar script whenever there is this conflict anywhere around the world the president talks tough he talks about the having the strongest military in the damage that he could do but just just today he was saying that it shows so much strength the restraint that he's showing it's also i think a lot of analysts are going to ask themselves if this is sending the message to the wider world that saudi arabia can't protect itself so there's going to be a lot of debate about whether or not this was the right step but it is a sign that the u.s. is not looking for a military conflict and prior to this we heard talk of more sanctions on iran has there been any more details on that. the president and the treasury secretary said that they were saying today in iran's bank in the president said these are the
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toughest sanctions ever faced by a country so again this is the campaign of maximum pressure that the president secretary of state mike pale they believe that this is what's going to bring iran back to the bargaining table iran says it's not going to work they're not going to sit down and talk until the same passions are in fact lifted and one thing i think is important about this attack in saudi arabia the secretary of defense came out and said we know that these were rainy and weapons and that they were not launched from yemen so then when he was asked are you going to declassify that information because obviously people are less trusting after the iraq war of u.s. military intelligence and he said well we were on the ground we're still investigating so it's not clear how you could square those things that they're still investigating but they have all of these facts but they haven't offered any proof that in fact this was done outside of the territory of yemen thank you very much live for us in washington well iran's foreign minister
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says saudi arabia and the united arab emirates want to fight iran to the last american he made these comments after a visit to the region by the u.s. secretary of state to the gulf war now from. finally granted a visa iran's foreign minister took off for the u.s. friday morning to attend this year's united nations general assembly already underway at its headquarters in new york as he flew so did the tweets responding to his american counterpart u.s. secretary of state. who during a visit to the middle east a day earlier accused iran of war mongering. it's not iran that wishes to fight to the last american rather he's bt hosts who seem to wish to fight iran to the last american the team host a reference to crown prince muhammad and saw him on the line suggesting saudi arabia wants americans to fight its war with iran that's in a direct quote from a secret 2010 state department memo released by wiki leaks in it former u.s.
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secretary of state robert gates made critical comments about his country's saudi allies not wanting to get their hands dirty in diplomatic circles no doubt a deep cut by iran's foreign minister using remarks by pompous predecessor against him back in to her run a military advisor to the supreme leader left little doubt about iran's conviction . that the americans think of any plots the iranian nation will respond from the mediterranean to the red sea and to the indian ocean american should take. seriously any movement against iran will affect the whole region no veiled threats here invoking the name of the hizbollah leader in lebanon a clear nod to a close ally and a reminder to would be aggressors iran has backed the latest world words were sparked when saudi and american officials said an attack on saudi oil facilities claimed by yemen's fighters was really iran's handiwork iran's forceful denials in
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rebuke of u.s. and saudi accusations is likely to dominate the conversation well into next week that's when we're expecting iranian president hassan rouhani who was also just granted a visa it seems to speak at the u.n. in new york. now and other news here at the rebels have made saudi arabia a truce offer as regional tensions ramp up over the last weekend's attacks on the kingdom's all facilities which were claimed by the who peace the groups political leader. says his fighters will stop targeting saudi arabia drones and. other weapons if riyadh agrees to a cease fire or they were these are fighting the saudi air marty back forces in yemen. equally as we reserve the right to respond if they fail to reciprocate positively to this initiative the continuation of this war would not benefit any side on the contrary it could lead to dangerous developments which we do not wish to take place we say this knowing that the ones who would suffer more are the enemy
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nations earlier there were these accuse saudi of dangerous escalation in the war after the kingdom destroyed 4 sites near yemen's main port city data we had says they were used to assemble remote controlled boats and see mines. has more from the yemeni capital sana'a. more than one occasion the whole of these have called for unilateral cease fires the saudi arabia of not responding and committing to the declares his fires. but hopefully many expect that the latest initiative declared by the head of the. transitional council which is the running the government affairs that this cease fire would hold its place. we have declared that they will stop their attacks on
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saudi arabia's territories special falling on the oil refinery of all bukkake and the whole race which has led to catastrophic. consequences for the saudi arabia. the leader of lebanon's iran backed hezbollah group has added his voice to those calling on saudi arabia to halt the war in yemen if it doesn't has are not says the kingdom will face more attacks on its own territory and how with. the war on iran it is not to be because it will destroy you continuing the war against yemen is no solution it's pointless you are starting to pay the price $1.00 strike not half of the oil production and you can imagine what another strike will do your homes and economy a made of glass your economy is fragile like glass. well in lawrence is a professor at the elliott school of fed stash of affairs at george washington university and he now joins us live from our studios in washington d.c.
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thank you very much for coming on this program so many developments in the past few hours but let's 1st start with the. gesture an olive branch to saudi arabia unilateral ceasefire what do you make of the timing of this. well it's certainly very important that the who are let's say reassessing a little bit and stepping back from their you know multi month onslaught on saudi positions and the offer is quite interesting i mean on one level it's already been broken the saudis have hit and. this isn't reported a lot but these hold little bits of saudi territory and there are number of reasons why the saudis aren't going to accept the terms or stop their fighting and their shelling of civilian areas and everything they're doing any time soon but on the other hand it's as you said the timing is really interesting and i think even
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though the who's these have taken full responsibility for the hit on the iran coast sites in a sense they're saying you know let us step back a little bit from this conflict and please stop hitting us which implies that maybe they don't want to be the center of saudi attention right now they would like to sort of be left alone a little bit now that's not going to happen but it's very interesting that that's their current posture well is there any point to this gesture the olive branch if iran is not involved in their own as we're talking about the center of saudi and the u.s. attention at the moment. it's an important signal it will go nowhere in and of itself but i think in international affairs it's often just a case of forward momentum or backward momentum and it's certainly a gesture it's a move in the right direction and the fact that trump has an authorized strikes on iran or proxy targets is also as
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a step back by trump sort of in the right direction so there's a number of positive signals here is anyone in a position to knit all of this together into a truce for or yemen or a serious deescalation of the u.s. saudi confrontation with iran that's very doubtful in the short term but but certainly these are very very important moments where we're balances can sort of tip one way or another and it seems right now there tipping positively to me possibly but we've just heard the u.s. saying that they are going to increase the number of troops in the region how is that likely to be received and how does that impact the situation of who these particularly with what we're seeing in the proxy war in yemen. i don't think it changes so much the u.s. has been announcing in deploying troops in saudi arabia for about 4 months now in fact i would be surprised if they really increase the number significantly i think
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it's just a way for trump and the administration to both help with saudis defense and signal that they're serious because in fact they aren't taking military action and so they want but they want to show sort of a show of force a strong military hand william lawrence good to talk to you thank you very much a pleasure. and still ahead on al-jazeera. we'll have more on those massive protests that are broken in egypt demanding president step down from power. hello again welcome back well we have been dealing with a lot of flooding rain here across parts of eastern texas that was all due to
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tropical depression a meld and the system has now finally weakened enough that we're really not seeing too much of it here on our satellite image but the floodwaters are still going to be on the ground is going to take a week and so for that floodwater to actually recede what we're dealing with also is going to be a fun about it pushing through causing a lot of severe weather across the central plains and on sunday we do think that it's going to be even stronger with stronger storms pushing through as well but for washington for atlanta we are talking into the low thirty's a beautiful and of sunday there well across united states and then down towards the caribbean plenty of rain across the region we do have a hurricane just to the northeast that's not going to be a problem it's going to stay in open water but still there heavy rain across much of the area here on saturday as well as into sunday and for the bahamas we do expect to see nassau freeport some heavy rain across the region all the way through the weekend and then very quickly across parts of south america a fall boundaries making its way slowly towards rio de janeiro you could have a nice day here as we go towards saturday with a temper of 26 degrees a beautiful day and one is out as plenty of sun in the forecast but by the time we
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get to sunday it is going to be a little bit cooler there at 17 and a sunny day instance in with a temperature of $26.00. singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline and illegally dredged satins some of the islands off the coast of indonesia and literally vanish it's a big business smuggling you sam when they go take this and they're in kill the sand is our parakeet you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something that's not so plentiful the tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sandals at this time on al jazeera. the lord winning programming from international film makers like driving around looking for drug addicts. on the streets of kabul just the arrest sets the stage these gunmen are demanding just because no one hard to using voice to the voiceless have you
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failed your mission to protect the civilian population but open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on the road is iraq. hello again you're watching al-jazeera let me take you through our top stories this hour protests have broken out across egypt for the 1st time in years with thousands demanding that president. resign this footage shows protesters time being on a banner of sisi in the north of the country they're also rallying in cairo's
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historic top career square that's an area that was ground 0 june the revolution and 2011. the pentagon has announced it will send hundreds of extra troops decide to arabia and the u.a.e. and response to attacks on saudi state oil facilities washington has blamed iran for last week's attacks although yemen's who the rebels said they were behind it. and the rebels have offered to stop targeting saudi arabian territories to long as the kingdom also holds its far. right we can also return now to those protests and yet here again am is an al-jazeera middle east analyst and joins us now and said thank you very much again for joining this program. can we as we see these incredible moments that are happening in egypt at the moment which for so long protesters have been stifled and the government's tried this most to quiet any
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kind of dissent can you give us an idea what it is that's rallying this protest that that's making them risk their wealth own welfare and well being to be out on the streets. many reasons actually behind such movement. let me just give you an example i mean the economic effects of the economic factor is one of the main factors of course of you know that it has been moving or actually grew with such movement. the the egyptians have suffered. greatly during the last $0.03 the c.c. decided. to to devalue the currency and that have created so many hardships for the egyptians who have been suffering or have been suffering from even before the devaluation of the current see something that made their life
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very difficult very difficult you know for sure that there are millions of egyptians who do not have enough to eat people us talk of it over this. at the same time when when muhammad ali the one that the military contractor when he exposed the luxury that sisi family and his family living here i mean that was really shocking for the egyptian public i mean every meeting and conference he always. reprimanded the people you know the accuse the people being spoiled in that in that they don't have the ability to endure the hardships. he makes such claims that he has been suffering economically for the most part of his life and still and that he's depriving themselves and his family from all the goods of the of life and finally
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the the that young contract comes in public and points at them and say as the king is take it the king is living in luxury life was his family. using the public fund the building palaces massive palaces that were not even aware of this before it was exposed i mean the the the he could guess but even in their wildest dreams they never expected the presidents or the ruler because he always treat them as such as this president. expected that kind of luxury and specially in time when when the the each of you know because of him have tripled its external bit. 4 times during the last
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4 years. we have never reached egypt up to the reach that external debt before it again it's something unprecedented so the people when they found out that their ruler. was lying all the time have been lying all the time. saying that he is these he is he's living such a life and only to find out that he is building massive palaces and then when he holds a conference to answer back. on that young contract he admits. he we could live with him again he admits everything and he's thought his thoughts brag. about his this is palaces and he even promises the people to build more palaces so that was really shocking to the people that was one of the main reasons for the people to get back to the streets it's not just his successes says
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it it's been there's been a build up to this it's also the fact that he's had such a tight restrictive government effect on just basic freedoms that people should be a joy definitely definitely actually a lot of reasons that that it's resulted in such movements of the other reason one of the other reasons is the fact that the people could never. still forgive him for for giving up the sovereignty over the 2 islands the strategic i'm going soft to iran and so i fear for the saudis the saudi regime. i'm not saying the saudi people but that saudi regime and i mean that part of egypt have been subject of wars with israel over the last 7 decades you know tens of thousands of egyptians soldiers and even civilians have died giving up their lives
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for that the land only persisted to come and give it up even against in violation of the supreme court ruling that true this is an integral part of egypt. there are many other reasons i mean even the most most dangerously is to say that treaty that actually cancelled and abolished all legal and historical weiss of egypt. in in a fair share of water and that i mean that that's why it has been established over the last 7000 years only to come just to give it up so. many reasons for the egyptians to move the way we. thank you so much again for coming on speaking to us thank you. ok in other news millions across the globe have taken part in the biggest protest against
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climate change on record young people have taken the lead they're skipping classes and worked to demand urgent action this all began in sydney with about 300000 people joining one of the country's largest protests in a decade that was truly is the world's largest exporter of coal and liquid natural gas that in thailand young people storm the environment ministry in bangkok and they pretended to be dead to get their message across while thousands also took to the streets across africa where there are concerns about rising temperatures and concerns that they will worsen humanitarian crises these are the seeds in kenya's capital nairobi. there were also similar scenes in new york where leaders will be meeting for the united nations general assembly. will also tell you about the protests that happen in south america but 1st here's a am i hayward's reports she's looking at the marches in europe and parts of asia and africa. this is
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a movement led by children by college students backed by many parents millions of people coming together to protest when they would normally be at school instead they're calling on governments around the world to take action on climate change i think that it's bad to miss one school day and have a few checks you know how many chinese at school people need to realize that the problem is something we need so. many people are protesting here. but want to be part of this growing movement calling on governments to do more to tackle climate change. and this truly is a phenomenon across the pacific islands many of which are already experiencing the impact of rising sea levels a pledge to fight climate change there were big protests in australia where several 100000 people skip school college or work to take part while in thailand hundreds of young people death outside the environment ministry demanding action.
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in indonesia the police took time while protesters rallied along the main road. and in india the message was no less passionate people are still getting diluted had the climate is close to the change in mindset of our government of the people of. this protest in south africa. is no less noisy. this groundswell of global thanks to passion for action and change from young people has surprise some in government many have been inspired by the teenager grettir thornburg who last year started skipping school on fridays to protests.


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