tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 21, 2019 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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it is possible for their increasingly hungry clients. is an astonishing example of this appetite within a few decades this fishing village has morphed into a modern architecture is a sandbox for developers were no fantasies too grandiose. but as projects. of sand using huge volumes of sand and construction projects concrete and indeed just making more land has been doing with the with the officially constructed island. landfills or even bigger consumers of sand and concrete. with a booming economy the emirate launched them bitches expansion project. after
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the year 2000 with the price of real estate soaring as a result of speculation developers bet that it would be cheaper to make land than to buy it. the self-proclaimed 8th wonder of the world cost over $12000000000.00 and devoured more than $150000000.00 tons of sand dredge from coastline. with a giant palm still under construction flying high in the seemingly endless supply of money and sand embarked on an even more extravagant project the world. the world is an island paradise where unprecedented opportunity can be found it is almost as resort official archipelago of $300.00 islands designed as a map of the world absorbed $14000000000.00 and $3.00 times as much sand as the. place magination. today the world is
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a mirage the work site has been abandoned since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008. deserted island is now parked in the sun awaiting the uncertain day when millionaire buyers will again descend on to buy and restore its glory. to kill the corporation managing the palm in the world the crisis is more than financial overdevelopment is totally liquidated by his natural sand resources and you think well fine of course dubai is on the edge of the desert they've got hold of stanley neat like all the gulf states dubai has sand everywhere so why doesn't the emirates simply help itself to the desert. desert sand is the wrong color end of sand for building a lot of fishel islands why because desert and all the grains have been blown around by the wind is typically very round and very smooth if you want to use it to build an island they don't stick together you need sand that that is more angular
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rougher rougher age say that naturally sticks together. see sand is perfect for island building and construction but it's in limited supply sand is not a sustainable resource. although its own stocks are exhausted dubai is far from given up. the burj khalifa at the time of construction the world's tallest building was built with sand from half a world away. we have a saying in english which is selling sand to the arabs which is obviously a joke. that that's actually come true in the case of the by. $3500.00 australian companies exports into the arabian peninsula their profits of tripled in 20 years accounting for a $5000000000.00 jackpot. and australia is just one small part of
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a global trend that reliant on importing sand from other areas and so what you see is this huge trade around the world moving from one another for different purposes such as construction and land reclamation. singapore is another city at the heart of the sand wars. in 30 years the country known as the switzerland of asia has become one of the richest in the region during this time the population has more than doubled and the 63 islands that make up this city state are bursting at the seams singapore is for lying on the import. saddened for its very existence and the land masses literally increased 20 percent over the last 40 is and that's largely been recognition so literally pouring sound into the sea to create a new land. singapore is already transformed 130 square kilometers of water into land and is planning to add another 100 square kilometers by 2030. having devoured
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all its own reserves its for ratios appetite is targeted at its neighbor supplies. one after another cambodia. malaysia and indonesia have each decided to ban trade with singapore but its addiction to sand is not easy to restrain. singapore is being accused of expanding its coast and illegally dredged satins from neighboring states. suspicions of sand trafficking hang over singapore and the dozens of barges still to the brim which imo daily and it's important prove that the city state has found an alternative source but where does the saying come from. tommy guns fear. guns. you come here every day every week.
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this is what is driving the visuals so. don't put it. in. your individual. little. north korean television nobody or 3 of us in a couple of. things to local traffic in networks singapore and dealers with false identities working for fictional companies continue to find supplies of sand in neighboring countries. but the other can. but in the same system. which i think is it just it was the business of the state but it just says that this is. victory for. the law with the tacit support of the government their most loyal client. the sun trading singapore's he usually have a political as the mass of the backcrosses far as we're concerned it's just
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a is bill the south as you know leader in the region particularly with the last global sun that is but that companies will brain imports of that country and should be its human rights violations environmental degradation and damage the livelihoods of local people. the effects of underwater dredging are far from benign. much of the ocean floors rocky or covered with only a thin layer of sand. built up over tens or even hundreds of thousands of years. as you dredge up a set. of course all the the any walls and. on the sea floor they will all be dredged up as well and therefore whatever living communities are they will just
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be at the. sand is the primary link in the underwater food chain remove it and the survival of all species from the smallest to the largest is threatened. like many archipelagos many of indonesia's islands are literally made of sand and intense dredging has triggered a series of chain reactions. 92 percent in the nation's fiscal challenges come from tension of the city because off d.v.d.'s willis coral reef we lost fish. livelihood. we know everything loss of fish habitat directly endangers the survival of thousands of indonesian families but that's only the 1st of sand dredging to adverse effects. if you have an oil made of sand it's only there because of conspiracy of natural processes wind waves
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water currents time of year and so if you start removing that. then you've upset the balance of the conspiracy and waves and currents will learn start to move the rest of the set. after the extraction of sand a combination of waves currents and gravity slowly fill in the back you. so the removal of underwater sand can have a very noticeable effect on nearby beaches and islands. and so by a combination of the match will prove this is and human excavation the island can literally disappear. one of the most stunning and packs of the trade is the disappearance of some of the islands off the coast of indonesia which have literally vanished when we use that sand.
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once an island disappears the international maritime boundary changes all is required to these become geopolitical issues as well as simply commercial and resource issues. 25 indonesian islands have already disappeared. like coal and gas sand is now on the frontline of the world's hunger for raw materials. scarcity in dangerous local communities and sets governments against each other. as demand builds the circle only becomes more vicious. morocco's gentle climate has been welcoming tourists for years. but its famous beaches have also been attracting some strange 4 legged visitors a constant stream of men and donkeys descend on the beaches 7 days a week. in search of. sand.
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for men and the donkeys have taken so much sand that some beaches now look like the surface of the moon. rock has been experiencing a construction boom spurred on by a competitive real estate market. the builders are happy but they need plenty of sand legal and otherwise. i repair i have i don't want to give you. all you know that i'm not going to bend and addenda going to not wonder how you could have been acquitted oh well i mean up to no no no no my love my double got nothing. but not by me i got them help oh yeah . look i do one thing yes i did was really i do what cigars right with their day
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but didn't come but you imagine you're going out you're right not them have them couldn't get up at will create a video i like them i like that lap it's estimated that 40 to 45 percent of the sand used in construction in morocco has been stolen mostly from its beaches. loaded onto trucks the sand is sold directly to unscrupulous developers but that's not where the problem ends. without proper treatment salty beach sand mixed with cement is highly corrosive make america's new buildings ticking time bombs in danger of collapse. ironically the beach is meant to lure the tourists are being stripped bare to build hotels and condos that may turn out to be deathtraps.
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in the maybe enjoy. the position of being the financial capital of the country andrea also have a huge housing boom construction boom that's because of the influx of so many new people into the city. but the indian economy booming construction has to keep pace and like in so many other battlegrounds of the sand wars easy profits lead to corrupt practices. the value of sand is such that it's a commercial commodity that is smuggled i mean the it's a big business is smuggling the fam. sand mafia is the most powerful criminal organization in india. a lot of the people in the whole. who
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control of the sand mafia oso controls a lot of the construction the construction materials businesses in bombay as well as the constructions themselves in addition to that they also control the administration through their political contacts so that just completes the whole value chain right from the extraction to construction the the profits in each bottle fed the administration and the police. under the eyes of corrupt authorities the sand arts ply their trade in broad daylight and more than $8000.00 drugs inside scattered across the coast and river banks of the subcontinent. for the mafia's beaches are easy prey because the sand is literally within arm's reach so they had even the most popular tourist sites the places where you expect
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to stretch out on the beach and worship the sun. the tentacles of the mafia's however are just adding to the pressures facing the world speeches. just 2 years ago there was a row of houses here. about i think about a house of from about here all the way down to the condo and those houses there on the water the shoreline with going right past them so they ended up taking them out of these houses here with their on the wii front where row number 2 and i have the fact that the house won't be here and 5 here. we thought the house about 2 years ago hoping that we would be able to retire here. but from here you could see how much sand we've lost underneath the house. because it was up to
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level with the cement but of course it went out into the ocean. so. the beach area was about the length of a football field and over the last 2 years the scarred men is underneath the houses so. the erosion on this part of the beach is much quicker than we anticipated or that is deemed to normal. globally between 75 and 90 percent of beaches are actually undergoing some sort of retreat and that's only going to get worst. al-jazeera will meet. with roots in the middle east both to successful lawyers.
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over the last 40 years i would choose to agree to a partnership with the country's leading families the never forgot where they came from. we tried to put forward a different face than the stereotypical image of muslim women. the businesswoman of the council on al-jazeera. news is happening faster than ever before from different places from different people and you need to be backed you need to be able to reach people wherever they are and that means being across on social media platforms this is where our audience lives as well as in front of a t.v. they're on their smartphone they're on the tablet they're on the news and. that's the way al-jazeera is of all due to a true media network. which are mostly. weaponized throughout history. prospered its head man
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started fighting and developed by nation state there could be enough tricks. now within reach of those seeking those. most toxic substances. to man me in physical threat on al jazeera. hello again i'm dennis in the help of the top stories here at al-jazeera thousands of people have been protesting across egypt calling on president out to foster l.c.c. to resign there are reports one person was killed in the northern city of men sora of the suffocating frontier counts more u.s. troops and missile defense systems are being sent to saudi arabia and the united
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arab emirates to defend against what the u.s. calls a rainy and aggression iran denies american allegations that it's responsible for attacks on saudi oil plants a week ago. the head of iran's revolutionary guards is warning any country that launches an attack will become a battlefield with. the bitter reality is there is american aggression into our land but the sweet reality is that there drones have been taken down this means that men under sanctions were able to take down examples of american might what were your drones doing in iran space of course we did it we hit whoever violates our borders at the time to claim responsibility for what we do. yemen see the rebels have offered to stop all attacks on saudi arabia as part of a peace plan their political leader must d.l. mattia says fighters would stop targeting the kingdom if the saudis reciprocated in yemen who has claimed responsibility for the attack on saudi arabia's oil
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facilities which caused major disruption to supply pro-democracy protests as in hong kong are marking the 2 month anniversary of an attack in a subway station with a sit in a group of more than 100 men were really white t. shirts assaulted at least 45 people including anti-government demonstrations in july police are being criticized for their response to the incident we share one planet they give our only home and why are we letting it go to a school children have skipped classes to join the largest ever climate change protests organizers said 4000000 people of all ages took part in the worldwide call for action teenage climate activists gratitude is helping lead the weeklong campaign the british minister in charge of bracks it says he's optimistic after a meeting with the european union's chief negotiator steve barclay says there's a common purpose between the u.k. and the e.u.
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the talks focused on the contentious irish border issue right let's go back now to sound walls. the world is running out of sand consumed by industry and construction stolen and transported by criminal mafias around the world. behind air and water sand is the most used commodity in the world. where humans have intervened and we've built structures a wall concrete seawall a highway a hotel a parking lot the beach can't move back and we see long term beach lost. as part of the natural cycle beaches adjust to seasonal changes and summer beaches
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grow thicker and in winter they receive better absorb the energy of the waves to survive the ocean salt beaches must have enough space behind them but we've built too close to the shore so with nowhere to go beaches are overcome by the waves which carry their sand out to sea. if you have an eroding beach what is the problem. not the symptom the same symptom is the beaches eroding but what is the problem. what's causing it it's us. we are drawn to coastlines today 3 quarters of the largest cities in the world population are on the coast as the population growth accelerates the world's. increasing density by 20253 quarters of the world's happiness will live near the ocean and those ribbons of sand which surround the continents are feeling the
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pressure. if we think. of the water and i hope that we learn from that but now we're here. and we have to figure out how to make projects. that is wider and that's what brings tourists. in florida 9 out of 10 beaches are in the process of disappearing along with the future livelihood of all those who depend on this economic engine. each year of 3rd of the planet's tourist had for the beach beaches feed the hotel industry as well as recreation transportation food services and a multitude of other sectors in some areas almost half the g.d.p. depends directly on beaches. letting them disappear is out of the question. so what we're trying to do is try to mitigate those problems try to lessen the
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impact and that's why we have to take these unnatural acts. to the beaches. to keep their beaches viable cities that can afford to invest. in feet replenishment there. from the ocean floor and to the beach. some people see this is a solution others see it as a band-aid which only true. it's the symptom. they've got to put up the beach and say this is beach nourishment but it's just another hole. those big machines that when they go take this there in killing everything within that sand is ground up put into a pipe crust moved and then it comes out and pumped the life forms in that part of the beach aren't prepared to be buried alive and suffocate it it's a killing process for the sake of dollars. replenishment is
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a temporary remedy after a year to the sand has been washed out to sea and the whole process must be started again from scratch nonetheless this method is highly popular to the delight of the dredging companies it's a matter of big money big big influence green it's not a pleasant thing to say you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something that's not so pleasant. in a desperate maneuver to try to trap the sand on the beaches coastal engineers are advocating the construction of dikes breakwaters and all sorts of other structures . but sand cannot be so easily tamed. the constant movement of sand is not necessarily always cooperating with the way we want the place to be it will fill up harbors and all it will wash away from beaches
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where we like tourists to come and so that balance is something that we all dramatically changing just by building on. all by building a sea wall around the extends out from the beach we build a wall to to contain sand to keep it on our beach what do we do we stop the sand from supplying the neighbor's beach. the tragedy is that people are just not aware they're not aware that an action here is going to have a reaction somewhere else so we all have to be very careful when it comes to redeveloping the coastline we have a responsibility because we don't want these great wonderful treasures that we want to share with our children to disappear because of greed because of irresponsibility. and because of just not dan paying attention.
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in order to avert further catastrophe it's important to understand the source of 90 percent of the world sea sand often a long way from the beaches. for the most part it starts in iraq somewhere that breaks down it might be in a river from ice or snow or rainfall and is that grain comes out of the granite or the sandstone it just gets into a small stream and then a larger river and in a normal world ultimately will work its way all the way to the shoreline. it takes thousands or even millions of years for a grain of sand to reach the sea and it's a journey full of pitfalls. in america we have been building one dam every day since the deck relation of
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independence and 7761 a day. 80000 dams block the rivers of the united states and china where the demand for energy is exploding dams are popping up everywhere so that by 2020 not a single waterway will reach the sea. and in the rest of the world there are at least 845000 dams and it's not only water they're holding back so all that sand that should be at the beach is behind the dance. one quarter of the sand reserves of the planet are hostages of these dams and the sand that makes it beyond the dams will run into another trap river dredger.
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although it's regulated in many countries it's still a widespread practice especially in countries where legislation this week results about 50 percent of a sandwich or nurse the world's beaches will never reach the sea. the coastline like many other environments it's like the earth was always thought so big so vast that we couldn't have an impact on it we built a dam for water or electricity which is a good thing but downstream there's no more sand so somehow we have to figure out how to bring all those things back into balance by taking some conscious steps to try to reduce the impacts of those things we're doing as a civilization. is coming down. to you.
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on the. ground up to green beaches slowly erode victims of decades of human interference. if you read the rising level. you get an ecological time bomb. to see right it's just going to happen a lot more quickly without saying. but it's not going to stop there it's going to take out in all half of manhattan and it's going to this could take our cities as well and it's going. keep coming. the sand is our barricade and we have to understand that. in the middle of the indian ocean sand is a matter of life and death. of
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the sand divers have been collecting call sand from the lagoon for years and selling its developers. but with sea levels rising this sand harvesting is leading to some serious problems. sand is a very ambitious commodity and the moment it's because this one millimeter of the ocean touching you constantly every minute every 2nd every day every year is such a false and it is eat. or you don't deny. the mall deaves our road at an alarming rate residents do what they can to protect their homes but many beaches are little more than memories. really not god and i'd get all of them are sick and have a demonic in the house i'm in a body did it come up was how to undo what the law gave the one nun
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a gift to god adama to go on line number macdonald 1000000000 i got in the ottoman economically monocle and the hog ate at the lodge i didn't even looking at it and not only kind of money but unless the united in the going to come and live in. several 100 islands have already been evacuated and today the refugees crowd on to larger and better protected islands such a small way the capital. already overcrowded new houses are being crammed together . but in another better irony of the sand wars new. construction were choir's ever more sand. we have been in the middle of the indian ocean for the last 5000 in the have a written history that goes but. we can't just. far from the mild deaves beautiful threatened beaches. greed and speculation drive the
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global markets for sand and show no signs of slowing down. bombay is not an isolated case there's never been so much construction but at the same time housing has never been less affordable. one 3rd of urban populations now live in slums while go cities and empty apartments are being built all over the world. in china 65000000 flats are empty yet the construction industry is flora xing swallowing up one quarter of the sand extracted on the planet spain holds the unfortunate record as the european country most addicted to sand in the midst of an unprecedented housing crisis 30 percent of the homes constructed since 1906 sit empty entire airports have been built without seeing a single passenger and in dubai the emirate continues to build and import sand even
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if 90 percent of the apartments in the burj khalifa are bacon. but sadly real estate speculation doesn't hold the monopoly on the wasting of sand governments are also to blame. i would construction uses inexpensive see said the strips of asphalt we've built snaking around the world have swallowed up massive amounts of the world's beaches. think about the number of roads that governments across the way have to beat it's the public sector why the largest can do most of sad. how the sand wars even registered on our political leaders radars. access to energy and the development of the forestation on climate change on the reform of the applicant for common policy on the cullen fisheries policy on land on not traversal seas and on access to water. without burial for you find that you need a program to get
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a lot was before it's going to get on the agenda. we talk about water because we know there's a major problem is that right now in europe and we have had the debates and that we've had the policy we're implementing a policy and soil we're still having a debate. on science we're not having the debates. it's fair to say that. petitions scientists engineers come together and find alternatives for them or for the for the use they used most machines construction. can we continue to build and at the same time for yourselves from this dependence on sand. or other materials capable of replacing concrete. from the straw that's burnt after
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the crop is done you could build straw bale houses which use no cement. except maybe the slab on the floor but and there earthquake proof those houses are perfectly insulated and they're fireproof. you don't have to build concrete buildings you see this building right here this building was built with 95 percent recycled materials all the steelers recycled it's made from. japanese cars you know it's all recycled steel and when this building is finished they can melt this steel down to make more buildings. there's so many materials which can be recycled i think we need to exhaust those and in the meantime maybe the world changes you know some years ago people used to build not with this quantity of reinforced cement concrete but a different methods of construction perhaps 35 different methods of construction
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but in the meantime at least we need to use recycled materials as far as possible. like strong metal our homes are recyclable and rubble can be really used to build roads or new housing projects. but these solutions must face our usual inertia and relentless lobbying by the construction industry. construction companies are equipped for and know how to work with concrete so radically changing our construction practices is an uphill battle . what if there was another granular material that might substitute for sand. there's one very interesting beach north of san francisco called glass beach and it turns out that for years the city dumped. all of their trash on to the beach the glass that got broken up by the waves and got
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rounded and today this is this wonderful sparkly shiny sort of a magical beach is started out as a garbage dump when nature is done the glass beach has inspired people to attempt a similar trick thousands of kilometers away in florida. which is something that has to be disposed of and takes landfill space or something like that into an asset then you've killed 2 birds with one. i think everybody realizes the glass is made out of saying that if people start scratching their heads and say well maybe that's a good use of it to return it to science. glass bottles and packaging are everywhere they're usually collected and recycled into new containers but when it's crushed into fine pieces that glass can be just like sand got all because of all characteristics it's uncontaminated and regular beach sand it always looks like
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sand but it behaves exactly like sand so to say and i mean there's no reason to expect a difference. sand from recycled glass is one promising alternative for the beaches of florida and elsewhere on the beaches where it has been tested even the sea turtles have adopted it as a place to lay their eggs. as much as one quarter of the glass that we throw away is not recycled and ends up in the. crushed it could be a perfect component in the making of concrete. compared to natural sand this sand is still too expensive. when sun begins to cost high maybe. the sources can't compete with it though attentive can compete with that right now there is no competition you cannot compete that's something that is going to take the a truck bottom. pricing. as sand
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alternatives and new construction methods struggle the game budget a must see the sand gold rush is gaining speed and more battle fronts are appearing . on the coast of britain hundreds of families survived by traditional fishing. but today the fishermen are angry. a multinational with a thirst for sand plans to exploit the ocean floor destroying their livelihoods. but what an issue does. it doesn't matter. so i'll go so this is a. good job with the global. companies have come to brussels complaining about it not sure if i was in rules say. and that does rules that sort of things we need. so what they try to demonstrate is
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that by doing it by taking out sand from the not so rare there is no impact. on polynomial greenness well enough so they can call it off until they get almost serious a level of a. move it says. yes for me and all the while with. simplicities i'm also doing no evil move. so. you do books wanted to for something says something about. a. 1000. years old was indeed into the only assume you mean street. exasperate of the brittany fisherman has shaken up both the elected officials and
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the citizens inspiring them to mobilize against the seizure of their sand with religion. of all the love of the world and by. perhaps grassroots movements such as this will mobilize other groups around the world to stop the sand wars. once people know once people understand what the issue is and how important it is whether it's each grain of sand on that beach or the importance of that beach in their community to their lives and their community i think there's hope.
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so you see if. this is the sand for useful construction this sand has been taken from there. from the beaches so it is much is there take these sand the soil it ocean bilby more and this will have a very seed is in fact on the island. go to the beaches enjoy the beaches learn about the beaches and then do something about it. let's not let the beaches disappear. i believe that the younger generations of the planet must come out and tried to impress upon others the gravity of the issue in but is happening to the planet and this cute we must save the beaches. given the scale of which society is built with. or even cern deserves
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a little more respect. whether it's more freeways whether it's more dams we've got to get away from these gigantic seams and get back to a simpler. way of living. they've been tremendous environmental victories at the beach itself it's been if to fight for itself. maybe needs us to fight for. the fate of the world's beaches is not cast in concrete perhaps the day will come when we'll see said with fresh eyes conscious of how every grain plays a role in the health of our planet and in our lives. then by working with nature instead of against her we can win the said wars for the good of
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a song. to strengthen the good you have to shoulder good all the more with your calm still fight against corruption. destroy needs heroes heroes like no who are a bother who refused a 15000000 dollar bribe the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the international ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a darker use to shine a light let's make the road to bed to place nominate your anti corruption nero now .
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hello again a welcome back to international weather forecast while we do have a few changes here for rio de janeiro as we go through the rest of day today and into tomorrow it is a frontal boundary that's pushing through bring some showers with it and today not looking too bad 26 degrees showers increasing but by the time we get to tomorrow it is going to be coming down to about 23 and still very cloudy winds shifting out of the south and for one is out as well plenty of sun in the forecast we do expect to see a temperature of only 17 degrees there while here across the eastern part of aciphex we are watching 2 storms right now making some interaction for parts of baja california right here this is lorraine a hurricane lorraine a category one storm making its way towards the north bring a very heavy rain across much of this area la paz mexico is expected to receive
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probably 200 millimeters of rain today and into tomorrow as well the system is going to continue to stay over warm water of the gulf of california stay a category one storm here bringing a lot of storm surge across the scoville areas but down here towards the south this is tropical storm mario this is going to actually be just towards the western part of baja california brings some also gusty winds across much of that area for used to know it is getting dry fuel we do expect to see attempts there of 31 degrees. the weather sponsored by countdown and release. from the family home is still navigating dangerous rapids from the time we depart to the time we finish our scares to the station and dicing with death. i'm afraid of falling i'm afraid of dying but if i don't go a coffee plant families need the men who go to the extreme just to make a living. you have to be
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a strong swimmer otherwise it's safe and risking it all vietnam on al-jazeera. on counting the cost billions spent on air defenses but drones take out movement of saudi arabia's oil production and look at that knock on effect back pass the $30000000000.00 plan to move indonesia's sinking capital the importance of the dollar. comes in the cults on al jazeera. this is al jazeera. hello and welcome to this outages here in news we're live from doha i'm 19 denis coming up in the next 60 minutes. a. rare protests
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on egypt streets says thousands demand the resignation of president abdel fattah el-sisi. the u.s. is sending more troops and military equipment to saudi arabia and the u.a.e. in response to attacks on facilities blamed on iran. for months after hong kong demonstrations began anger and passion shown few signs of abating on the streets. and on the march in new york the 1st ever youth summit on climate change is held to demand world leaders now. in support the new zealand all blacks win the 1st heavyweight encounter of the rugby world cup the defending champions beating south africa 23 points to 13 in yokohama all the action from all of sof various games coming up later in the program.
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the human rights watch has called on the egyptian government to immediately release people arrested for protesting. thousands of them came out on the streets on friday night in a rare show of defiance against the government careers on social media allegedly show several arrests being made protesters were demanding the resignation of the president they accuse him of corruption along with other military leaders. shelob ls reports. from cairo to alexandria to men sora anger and resentment filled egypt's streets people protested against president abdul fattah el-sisi calling for him to resign following corruption allegations and area sites they flooded into cairo's to his square before police dispersed the crowd arresting some the square was made famous in 2011 during the egyptian revolution that toppled former president hosni mubarak the fact that people have been able to actually
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enter to harry square is in itself an incredible achievement for the people in order to try to produce again so it seems that there is this bubble that's growing this tension is growing and it seems that momentum is increasing minute by minute egyptians are frustrated about corruption but it was a businessman in spain that storks the fire calling for the protests muhammad ali started posting videos on you tube and facebook and early september he leaked cissie and his military wasted millions of dollars of public money on palaces and hotels he said he knew because he built them i wonder why spend a huge amount of money building these houses i never understood his decision the problem was that these wife didn't want to sleep in the same home with mubarak's wife stayed taken. to a new level i built 5. palace for the president in a military camp in cairo. one week ago speaking at
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a youth summit in cairo president says he did not directly address the accusations of corruption against him and his army but he did say this. how much do you think a day of operations in sinai costs we don't talk about this then we see someone daring to come out and defame the army someone who wants to shock you panic you someone who dares to try to disparage the great value of our great army. when sissy little military coup of president mohammed morsi in 2013 he outlawed all and authorized protests a government crackdown followers with tens of thousands of egyptians arrested including journalists like al jazeera is own mahmoud hussein who is now being imprisoned more than $1000.00 days gyptian government crushed any protest ruthlessly sort of like a people are prepared to take to the streets tonight i think speaks to the enormous
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frustration the enormous anger that ordinary egyptians to work. from an egyptian whistleblower posting you tube videos the internet has galvanized egyptians frustrations and now move to the streets ballasts al-jazeera. but as you've already heard tahrir square was at the heart of the violence in the protests that by february of 2011 forced the resignation of the longtime president hosni mubarak he'd later be acquitted of charges that he ordered the killing of demonstrations in june 2012 muslim brotherhood candidate mohamed morsi he narrowly won egypt's only free and fair presidential election but political strife continued and then on june the 30th 2013 tens of thousands of people took part in anti morsy protests then days later their then army chief abdul fattah el-sisi overthrew president morsi in a kid the following year sisi himself became president after
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a landslide victory but as i said a crackdown on the of his opposition made a genuine need democratic election impossible the presidency if he won a 2nd term in 2 of the 18 against one minor opposition candidate more serious challenges that either would drawn over or arrested dalia farm is a senior fellow at the center for global policy in washington and she explains the generational differences that we're seeing in these latest protests. much of the population doesn't live with the post revolution trauma or the memories of the revolution in the way the older generation did you have a group of young people coming in with a different set of demands and different kinds of understanding of a future possibility so those on the streets today are very different than the ones that were there 8 years ago if we look at the economic situation in egypt in 2013 poverty rates for about 20 percent 2019 there upwards of 33 percent and according
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to the world bank they're actually 60 percent and so when you have much of this population is number one young did not see the benefits of the revolution and is living in a level of poverty and is clamped down with levels of austerity that is really crippling every day life and then on the one hand you have these media blitzes and releases of videos from a man named mohammed badie who is supposedly a regime insider who's not just revealing a level of corruption and government mismanagement but is also showing the people that while the president asks you to sacrifice while austerity measures are increasing and while opportunities for young people are really decreasing he and his family are living a very lavish lifestyle so it could we could be at a crescendo moment that leads to people to break through the fear barrier or this
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could be a moment where the regime is actually allowing these protests to happen to a certain extent. and melanie who is associate professor of political science at the do her institute for graduate studies thank you for joining us and we said that these kinds of demonstrations are incredibly rare in cc's egypt but how significant would you say was the show of force on the streets of cairo and in other cities i think it's very significant let's not forget that over the last 6 years since support a lot of the actions on protesting we have some sort of under president oppression against anyone who would dare to speak against you see so this is significant even if the even if they are more as similar as it used to be in 2011 people came out to the streets and there was some sort of mounting political anger that is driven by resentment politically economically and socially so this is not surprising for me at least right and i suppose the question then has to be is how much traction do you think this movement those that have dared to face in security forces in cairo
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and beyond how much traction how much impetus is there to continue with this kind of protest i think this is a very good question i think we need to wait for at least 24 or 48 hours to see what would happen next but what i can see is that people now. but how would he have the courage to come to the streets they can speak out against you see which i mean no one would think about this i would say a few days ago but now we can see this kind of i would say and takes you see movement is building up now so white witness more of the most vicious particularly now schools and verse that we are back now so i think we might expect more of a discipline in the streets because egyptians do have rather a lot to complain about in terms of rising levels of poverty unemployment is is a i was sharing rates and the general quality of life in a city actions is exceedingly poor definitely a few if you go back and look at the economic indicators you can actually look at for instance for the finish area which is more than 7.5 percent if you look at the
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unemployment rate which is more than 8 percent right now and we're talking about a young generation that's now come to the streets i would say the average age of the on going to put is now i would say be 20 to 2121 years old so these people didn't have any prospects for the future undersea so they came up with things to suppress this kind of and go to the local for jobs for the future so we shouldn't be surprised by this which is it sounds exceedingly similar to the situations prevailing in 2011 which are in 2010 i should say which led of course to the revolution of 2011 and also the role of social media because it's been the postings we understand of this mohammed ali out of spain has really tapped into a deep well of resentment absolutely i think because of this kind of closure of public space over the last 6 years so the only way that people can come and can express themselves through the social media mohammed ali was the target of invested in this kind of public anger resentment economic calamity politically and socially so i think this will increase in the coming days definitely. a nanny thank you very
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much indeed you. know the u.s. is sending. well troops to saudi arabia and to the united arab emirates to base defenses against what it calls it raining aggression their deployment follows the attack on saudi oil facilities as mike hanna now reports. it was a hastily arranged news conference at the pentagon following a meeting of the national security council the secretary of defense announced the further deployment of u.s. forces to the middle east the intention he said to bolster the defense systems of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates the president has approved the deployment of u.s. forces which will be defensive in nature and primarily focused on air and missile defense we will also work to accelerate the delivery of military equipment to the kingdom of saudi arabia and the u.a.e. to enhance their ability to defend themselves it's not clear how many troops the
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u.s. will provide but the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff emphasize this was a defensive deployment and indicated the u.s. would ask its allies to offer their support were contributing to saudi arabia as the french we would be looking as the secretary said for other international partners to also contribute to shirley arabia's defense. the secretary of defense continued to insist iran was responsible for the attacks on saudi oil installations last weekend brushing off repeated iranian denials of involvement but at the same time confirming that the u.s. forensic team working with saudi experts had stalled not concluded its investigation. news of the deployment closely followed president trumps decision to impose new sanctions on iran at the end of the day as president trump hosts a dinner for the prime minister office trailer it appears that the u.s. economic pressure will be buttressed by a show of military force.
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