tv The Water Women Al Jazeera September 24, 2019 12:33pm-1:01pm +03
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many subtle and. a little visit some of that comes to displace this all the smug i'm not something the climate change is helping all the lives of the people who live on one of the solar. i don't have a home. i'm finding out. the hour. growing. up. and i'm not judging you. let me show you something this is a $1.25 a where i live it's a very small cup of coffee millions of people around the world exist on less than this amount a day of the numbers have gone down but there's still
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a lot of work to be done at a time when the world is looking at how to reduce extreme poverty the spotlight has been towed on the women wherever they have the opportunity to be actively involved in the local communities and economies the huge benefits to the people around them to global commerce and researches know that investing in winning. it's not just the right thing to do it's small it's economics because there's a ripple effect this spreads into the wider community so let's take a look at how this works down on the ground. in this film we had to kenya where i would be making change arose at katherine on the day they using rainwater harvesting technology to bring clean water to villages they know that a real community is it's the women who would check expects to see what they did with all that expertise is. in. the
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political. elite ringback. elite. egypt. in kenya or the woman you want to own man. yet men do not feel the pinch of going to get water from the river they don't feel the pinch of when i tell you is there airing we say human child to the hospital it's the mother a child is mother wants to deliver and she has to deliver a health facility and there's no want in that health facility she can't deliver there when her child days she feels the game and they descends they go to look for
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work that was terrible. this is our village called or disorder village the only source of water here is this river it's very dirty it's very contaminated so when we came to train and we tested the water it was full of equalizer so there people saw the need of having clean water for a woman having safe water is a very key and using water is an innovative way of her parting them but when i advertised that they were having some trainings on water i are played after the training we came back to do some implementation and the technology you had picked was rain water harvesting so this is the 1st time we started we started with a water tank and after some time the women say they won't control the time of. this community is so i am powered nowadays that are their own village savings
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account. and the 60. number very. pretty. before we started any projects here i still had them for 6 months i was disgusted to building them so when we did this our action plan had to water as a priority was what i was a new problem as were being ripped when the when they were going to move 40 in the evening there was a lot of there in this community then we see what is the solution to this have been clear and see if the water so when the plant i want the water out then i went for the training then we'll make him but i shared with them and they bought into the idea so this is what has been helping these women every day somebody is in charge you sell the water keep the records and at the end of the month it how much you have made how much are receiving for the group how much i believe bumping into another project would. cut through and come to one how can i use the same method
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for the project in c. so here we would savings and learning. activity from the proceeds from what yes this is that if the army is for the project but all this money is loaned out. so betty was how much my musings isolation in these. groups you. know about $2.00 and. 2 point one there will be that you only lose on the amount of the libya line. below when i was told it would be on 90. miles away and everybody knows you can that you i maybe didn't miss you that the men out of the of us we were getting big chunks were all in and then i'll be able to get together we can really believe that it doesn't fall into like the 100 i got it's
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got your. back back back there. okie. doke. game am i doing the plan like a guy. or the 5 month langley's in my area and even making breaks is some of the things that i tried to do. more listening to with my marriage feelings i didn't get support so much from my community because i had connected so many typos i do know
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one thing if you pull of the culture and you get in a soup with property it doesn't make it a meanie. i like levy and lake leaving i like that it best when i get laid my own things i hate my life. yet and. the monarchy to have to have a way. to go to my duty one get a 100 feet in the magical motto national jeff it would yes it is my jacomo the one little humble that yellow and blue and yellow and down because in all that and what i want to run into i don't get to running order i know when. you go what is it you know you're livin you just a little while and. the
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. day that. i had a problem of getting what i am i think it. was a mother was sick so he came to be treated them and told him that if we get one day in the. it wouldn't be to be deficient because most of this i was as we and number 2 in a because we don't want to that's how i learned how to construct i don't want to have no human body do we. want the community to to have ownership of whatever is happening around them so backed as this with 40 times this trouble for it then they would not want to see anybody destroying the i want to tell you we tried to help them and i raised the problems of course with your client to come to their own solution and whenever you see those money coming you know these men but lose money.
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we are breaking into programming to go straight to the u.k. supreme court in london where judges of just ruled against prime minister boris johnson's to session to suspend parliament let's listen to supreme court judge from the hill the advice was unlawful the in the house went further and declared that any prayer a geisha resulting from it was no and have no effect the government argues that the in a house could not do that because the priest probation was a quote proceeding in parliament and quote which under the bill of rights of $6888.00 cannot be impugned or questioned in any court but it is quite clear that the prorogue ation is not a proceeding in parliament it takes place in the house of lords chamber in the presence of members of both houses but it is not that decision it is something
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which has been imposed upon them from outside does not something on which members can speak or vote it is not the core essential business of parliament which the bill of rights protects quite the reverse it brings that core essential business to an end this court has already concluded that the prime minister's advice to her majesty was unlawful void and have no effect this means that the order in council to which it led was also unlawful void and of no effect and should be quashed this means that when the royal commission has walked into the house of lords it was as if they had walked in with a blank sheet of paper the probation was also void and of no effect parliament has not been pro wrote this is the unanimous judgment of all 11
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justices. it is for parliament and in particular the speaker and the lord speaker to decide what to do next unless there is some parliamentary rule of which we are unaware they can take immediate steps to enable each house to meet as soon as possible it is not clear to us that any step is needed from the prime minister but if it is the court is pleased that his counsel have told the court that he will take all necessary steps to comply with the terms of any declaration made by this court it follows that the advocate general's appeal in the case of cherry is dismissed and mrs miller's appeal is allowed the same declarations and orders should be made in each case copies of our full judgment explaining these conclusions and a transcript of this summary will be available immediately after the court rises
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and i urge you all to read them with care the court will now adjourn. you are looking at live pictures from the u.k. supreme court the highest court in the united kingdom where the court has ruled on notably galaxy of johnson and 5 week suspension of parliament ruling that it was 'd on or for. let's bring in our correspondent rory challen see is outside the supreme courts in london a damning ruling there by the u.k.'s highest courts clearly this is going to be a huge blow for the british government and for prime minister boris johnson where can he go from here. this is as you say a deep blow heavy blow for boris johnson and his parliament the ruling given by the supremes courts on the 3 questions that it was considering was unanimous
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all 11 justices essentially ruled against the government on this they were being asked was this matter just a simple is it's a thing that the courts should have decided on raw being just a political matter the boris johnson as the prime minister had every right to do separate parliaments well the supremes justice did hear from server celebration after. campaigners who say have black was saying silence m.p.'s over there they are very pleased with this decision so yes the supreme court said that this was a just a simple matter it was an issue for the courts not just for boris johnson and his rise as prime minister they also decided that this was not a routine prorogue ation a routine suspension of parliament as the government has argued all along it's basically been saying that this was the longest parliamentary session in modern
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times and therefore it was totally normal for a new prime minister to be able to suspend parliament for a few weeks and come up with a new platform legislation the supreme court has said no this clearly was not normal not routine this was something that was done at a critical point in parliamentary activity when serious matters were being debated . by the houses of parliament and therefore it was denying the house of parliament the ability to do its jussi then the most serious question of all was this lawful deed boris johnson have the right to do this was he acting lawfully and unanimously these justices all decided no he wasn't so effectively this the suspension of parliament is void it has no effect that's what lady hale was saying there but now it is up to the speakers of the houses of parliament the house of commons and the
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house of lords so work out what happens next but effectively this means that i she just said parliament is still in session and it's been brought up at any and boris johnson has said that he will respect whatever the court decides the ball is in his court no. he certainly is it was quite a damning statement to the supremes court judge brenda hale said saying that parliament has not been perogue basically saying that the strategy has a chance of rivals claim he has implemented. was really to make sure that m.p.'s were out of the way to push forward with the possibility of a new deal brags that this will come as a. very positive move of course to boston's rivals no. so yeah this is this is a devastating just reported just because the guy just might jump in there already because some key figures have come outside the supreme court on speaking now to the
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media let's listen to read or show prepared statements and then we'll take questions from you all. the last few weeks seen an extraordinary series of attacks on our democracy a parliament elected from the 6000000 of us was unlawfully suspended by prime minister elected from one 160000 judges have been trashed and a number 10 source and those of us who have sought to protect the only institution in our constitution with the u.k. why democratic mandate have been subject to death threats and some of us have had our home addresses published i am delighted today that the supreme court is that the foundational principle of any prosy which is the right of members of parliament to do their jobs but which neighbor elected there is much yet to be done to protect our democracy but myself i am very grateful to the exceptional legal team and to
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the almost 8000 small donors who when i use this case to go ahead the victory. is that. thank you. thank you very much ladies and gentlemen this is an absolutely momentous decision the supreme court has unanimously ruled that parliament has not been. for there is nothing to stop us members of parliament such as myself and my colleagues from resuming immediately the important job of scrutinizing this minority tory government as we hurtle towards crankset as a scots and a scots lawyer i am. absolutely delighted that the united kingdom supreme court has agreed with scotland supreme courts that the prorogue ation was unlawful and therefore it is invalid and void this is
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a huge victory for the rule of law and for tomorrow to see and it's very much in keeping with the scottish constitutional position that neither the government nor indeed the monarch are appalled the law as regards mr boris johnson the highest court in the united kingdom has united mostly 5 and that his advice to rule this parliament is advice given to her majesty the queen was unlawful his position is untenable and he should have the guts for wants to do the decent thing and recite. where. we. really are as soon as possible many of us are here already the taking of this on democratic minority tory government to archives must take precedence above all else that is why we were
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elected to parliament to do that and the supreme court city has emphasized that the principle that the government and the crap in it are a cunt able to parliament is fundamental to the british constitution. the courts have decided to it's not a political decision as they emphasized the courts have to cite that that has long been the law in england and indeed in scotland that the government is subject to parliamentary scrutiny by members of parliament elected by the people for the government to approach parliament for a lengthy pedia to tie in means that parliament is on able to do that. so that is a decision in law not a political decision the politics takes place over there the supreme court have simply made it possible for us to get back in there and hold this government to a kinds there were there were. there were 2 possible outcomes on the table before
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the supreme court one is that the decision of the prime minister suspend holliman was lawful and one the decision of the prime minister. was i'm warm both of those decisions have political opposite wenches and but i think i question which is a question of law which is what it is. whether it is the court's job to protect the sovereignty of parliament there is no sensible by it which can be said that the supreme court in choosing either one of the other was making a political decision. made right thank you thank you yes. rights in scenes and sounds of a great deal of celebration outside the court in london our correspondent rory chalons is there and the part of the supreme court ruling is that paul amend
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has actually not being officially suspended so therefore kmita again as soon as possible and it doesn't require the prime minister. 5 yeah i mean this this is a slightly difficult point because at the moment we are in conference season so most m.p.'s at this time of year away. party conferences we have just had the liberal democrat one the finished a few days ago we are in the moment in the labor party conference and beginning at the beginning of next week we have the conservative party conference so usually this time of year m.p.'s are why. from parliament anyway having said that. to interrupt here period should sorry to interrupt you but we're going to go over to another s.m.p. m.p.
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is speaking alongside sarah lucas of the green party we want to get back to work and quite frankly on the back of this vote is john said must resign immediately. in front of a supremes have to thank god for clarity and unanimous we have no we. we must now return as members of parliament to represent our constituents the executive does not have the power to override the but the voice of parliamentary democracy and parliament is sovereign johnson must resign. absolutely and i think important here to here is the fact that we must have a written constitution after this thankfully the supreme court has ruled unanimously and our favor but it should never have come to this it should require the courts to have a home on
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a ministry sovereignty that is why as one of the greats in this victory today we must say it's about putting in place a rights and not to say we need a written constitution the citizens assembly sets out that written constitution so that we are not at the whim anymore of a gentleman's agreement that no longer work this is a triumph of bottom entry sovereignty this is a triumph for all of us and i pay tribute to all of the amazing people inside the court and outside the court doesn't deliver this result johnson must go and we must get back to work i think really important to say to say that this is the full court 11 and it was unanimous and i don't think any of the scene changes ever fooled that they would quash the public. action this is a very serious matter it has huge constitutional consequences it's a fantastic day for to book to show i don't know the people of this country are taking back control with all the rights that we wanted to come to an end and the
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only way now to resolve it is the have that people's vote and get it back to the british people. to fix it you. know because we will use what we've got what we wanted to do is to make sure that we don't crash go to the 51st of october that was the 1st priority it is quite clear that this is the prime minister that must not pop the dignity of the quad for office is i did not believe he should go he want to get rid of the we won't get rid of them we want to make sure in the 1st instance we don't leave the european union on an ordeal basis i want to thank everybody colleagues on a cost basis that have come together. legal action pretty brilliant different democracy congratulations to everyone who brought this board for my team. secretary . rice well i think it shows people that this government is
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truly in capable of solving the directive crisis there is a deal on the table the british people are and not with rights that we're all 3rd up with facts and there is a solution to the crisis and that solution is to get this matter back to the british people by way of the people not confirmatory referendum it's the only way through it but i think it also shows that this prime minister and this government is going to rule our country i personally would like the government of national unity and we know enough great politicians who could leave and do the job the british people are now crying out for they want certainty they want leadership and i believe they want that. it's not about you know thank you thank you welcome i. right friend rory as we come back to you in fact this is gina miller who's coming to the microphone she's the one of course who looks the appeal let's listen to her . running everyone. today not to win any
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individual calls it's a with parliamentary sovereignty the separation of powers and independence of operations for. crucially today's ruling. that we are a nation governed by the rule of law laws that everyone even i mean if it's not to fall. season don't let the government playing down the seriousness of the judgment today by unanimous judgment. on it. and what i say to the prime minister is to repeat again he hailed. the order was a blank piece of paper parliament was not for roads every piece should turn out to work tomorrow and get on with it and i think this government's. every mike to
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express my sincere thanks to my legal team north atlantic tom hickman responded rare we have had. 3 years to come to the supreme court to ensure that the government does not put yourself above. the routing today speaks volumes this prime minister must have a parliament tomorrow m.p.'s must get back and be brave bold in hoping this unscrupulous government to account thank you. right so that was gina miller the face in many ways although this campaign to challenge the action taken by the prime this is a hugely controversial action to parochial suspend parliament rory challenge outside and do the miller thanking her legal team but she didn't mention.
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