tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 24, 2019 1:00pm-2:01pm +03
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i would like to rest my sincere thanks to my legal team canny topic my response read we have had. i think 3 years to come to the supreme court to ensure that the government does not put in felt about. the looting today speaks volumes this prime minister must have a parliament tomorrow and he must go and be brave both in holding this and government. thank you. right so that was gina miller the face in many ways although this campaign to challenge the action taken by the prime this is a hugely controversial action to parental suspend parliament rory chalons outside and. thanking her legal team but she didn't mention john major the former prime
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minister of course who actually joined the millions campaigning. yeah yeah i mean this is remarkable that a former prime minister of the conservative party could join the campaign of someone trying to overturn a decision taken by the current conservative prime minister of the country that was a key moments that we just use for a. campaign is gina miller coles that she is a traitor and she is at the moment getting into a taxi i think over there but clearly this is a huge win for jean and for. m.p.'s within the house of parliament few areas where their ability to debate breaks it in the run up to october 31st when the u.k. is set to leave the year a p. new union was being denied them by this decision taken by boris johnson and
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his team to suspend part of it we have heard from john bercow who is that the speaker of the house of commons saying that politician must convene as a matter of urgency and he will consult party leaders as soon as possible we heard speakers there caroline lucas a green party m.p. we had from anna subarea as well who was a conservative then left sets up the change u.k. parliament party basically saying that m.p.'s have to come back and start debating this at. this was a cape. speaking from outside the supreme court boris johnson must resign they said he a century has misled the queen he has done something on more full his position as prime minister is now untenable whether it will or not of course time will tell but
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that is what the people we heard from outside the supreme court the court for at least yeah absolutely now this is a good moment then to remind all of our viewers exactly what has happened in london within the past 40 minutes or so the supremes court that's the highest court of the land has ruled that the prime minister's action of suspending parliament was illegal the suspension of parliament she said was void this is the president of the supremes court said it was void meaning that parliament is actually still officially sitting there are now cool for parliament to resume business straight away some people saying m.p.'s should get back to parliament as soon as tomorrow but this is a a magnificent. ruling in terms of the whole brics it debate in terms of the legitimacy of the boris johnson government and of course we get in reaction to it all the time but let's go back now to exactly what the president of the supreme court brett dale had to say this court has already concluded that the prime
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minister's advice to her majesty was unlawful void and of no effect this means that the order in council which led was also a little void and of no effect and should be quashed the prayer of geisha was also void and of no effect parliament has not been for wrote. this is the unanimous judgment of all 11 justices so. rory trying to express the magnitude of this ruling give us an idea because it goes very far and deep doesn't it into british political life. it does 1st of all let's just say this does not change the brics it arithmetic the options for the united kingdom at the moment are the same now as they were
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a year ago essentially that is deal no deal extend the date of the brics dates or revoke it entirely those. options are now as they are a year ago and back further but what they do show what through the government. bit of googling the debate inside parliament restaurants and let you get has lost every one of his votes so you're far in parliament since he was chosen as prime minister by the membership of the conservative party he does not have a good record in front of m.p.'s he is essentially off striking $21.00 m.p.'s off the conservative party benches and also having various defections he does not have a majority in parliament he's essentially powerless as an m.p.
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and this was. parliament suspending parliament was that as this court has it effectively a way of gaining some power from him gaining power boris johnson was using this to gain power over the process and that it's a campaign he said that he was trying to essentially ram through a no deal writes it policy by denying parliament's the ability to debate it and stop it but i also heard from the speakers outside the supreme court just now calling for a concert to britain constitution britain does not have one it's got a patchwork of various laws and precedents which sort of make up a constitution but it does not have a written constitution and that perhaps could be something that is an outcome of this that this is a move towards britain actually codifying its constitutional law right rory what
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happens next there are many calls now full m.p.'s to get back to westminster to start the business of scrutinizing the whole bracks it process again we've heard from jumbo because the speaker welcoming the decision so parliament is not actually officially suspended it is still sitting in session. yet that was the ruling of the supreme court we are in the middle of policy conference season as i was saying a few minutes ago where most of these parties are off having the. what they believe. the policies they're putting forward. the party conservative party conference is due to start on sunday we are in the middle of the labor party conference to lift them one has already happened so time of year 10 p's
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are not sitting in parliament anyway. that was one of the arguments that boris johnson put forward for this program being standard he said well you know as most m.p.'s are way conference we're only losing a few handful of days for 5 days and therefore this is not such a big deal these are saying they shoot in these extreme circumstances in the unusual circumstances because of the looming bret's it deadline the party season quality conference season should have been shortened and m.p.'s should have come back to sit in parliament anyway so what we might see over the coming days is disruption to the remainder of conference season and m.p.'s coming back tory m.p. will do or not is we'll have to wait and see but certainly any m.p. that believes that the band i do i want to debate it more will want to come back and sit in parliament and we will probably see that happening over the next few days. we are also in in
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a situation. where the prime minister is self is always say has no majority in parliament so this is going to be a very very critical juncture for this country constitutionally in terms of brecht's it and legally as well all right mary thanks for that rally chalons are a correspondent he's been following every all the developments is that ruling was made in central london never can speak to jonathan lisa's deputy director of british influence as a pro you're a think tank and an advisor gave his joining us from london as well quite a few things to talk about coming out of this ruling what do you think is the most important and the most immediate. the most important aspect is that it's the highest codes in the law and has found that the prime minister lloyds the queen lied to parliament lied to the country there can now be no way in which boris johnson does not resign this would be in a simple resigning matter that any prime minister in history and he doesn't resign
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in parliament must simply force him out because he says this is goes against our democratic principles right but this is also a victory isn't it looking at it from the other side a victory for parliamentary self or n.t. as to use the words of gina miller. absolutely look in the last 3 years we've seen unprecedented constitutional struggle in britain between the executive and parliament in which the executor sought override will bypass the will of parliament and the supremes court has now found that our constitution cannot function without a sovereignty and the primacy of parliament and if the government seeks to star you meet will shuts down parliament in order to prevent m.p.'s from doing their work they will be held accountable for that and now we just need to see what the count's bullets he will be because john was boris johnson cannot simply pretend that this hasn't happened i don't know that the other really i'm sorry to jump in there could add can i ask you to hold on because i think we can now go to brighton and listen to we can listen to jeremy colvin of course the leader of the main opposition labor
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party let's just listen to what he was saying a short time ago and i'll come back to you thank you very cold so that we. are. him that he owed by is the law that's been passed 8 by parliament and recognize that our parliament elected by our people to hold our government to account a labor government would want to be held to account if we want to talk ask if you're more forthright who owned the owned or envoy forest johnson in the historic words to consider his position. in the
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olympics the olympics come day and become i got that message and become the shortest prime minister that's ever been. in the old apply the law take no jail off the table and have an election to elect a government that respects democracy that respects the rule of law and brings power back to the people not usurp said in the wiser course jock's you. right jonathan release still with us thank you very much indeed so that's a response from from jeremy colvin of course this is a gift of course for the the main opposition party is in fact the of all the opposition parties isn't it the fact that he's been found to have misled deliberately misled the queen which is of such a significant now many people cooling for him to quit he had said earlier that he
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would decide on the moment as and when he received the outcome of the routing but what do you think i mean do you think the partials and he's not going to hold on or do you think he will bow out and his jeremy cooper said become the shortest serving prime minister in history. well the signs so far that boris johnson will not resign because we've seen that boris johnson is not really a democratic he has yet for years he cultivated an image of being a lovable thune it was incredibly harness and really in the last few months as he became prime minister he has shown that he's actually an incredibly hard nosed. did so that anti democratic figure a tendency to school thora terrorism an incredible ruthlessness in seeking to assert his power so it's incredibly difficult to see how he will get around this because the highest court in the land as as you say found that he lied to the queen
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and lied to parliament but boris johnson if he's not forced to resign i don't think that he will because it just doesn't seem to be his nature all he wants is the power and it's going to take power away from him right and therefore the ball is firmly in the court of parliament what does parliament now need to do well the 1st thing the parliament as journey called in was alluding to is to reconvene because now parliament has not been proved and then decide what to do next i'm not i'm not a constitutional expert but certainly parliament can i think can impeach the prime minister and they can also have a vote of no confidence for that almost seems to minor what he's done because it's such such a great ascents that he's been found to have committed those simple vote of no confidence which is a political tool may not be sufficient to meet the gravity of what's been done delicately thank you very much indeed for talking to us thank you very much indeed
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. right we've got a lot more to come on this al-jazeera news hour including egypt's leader gets praise from president trump but the protests at home were calling for his resignation. we're in athens where workers are striking for the 1st time since a conservative government took office. and the girls a football team blocked from playing in a cup final raffle we'll have the details. on the death of 40 people at an afghan wedding adding to major concerns about security just days before the presidential election there's uncertainty as to what exactly happened in the cholera region of helmand province in the south of the country on sunday night the government says the army was targeting a taliban training base where they killed fighters and arrested others the question
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is why so many civilians died from bride has more from kabul. afghanistan's ministry of defense says it's now launched an investigation into this attack but what all sides seem to be agreed on is that there has been an extensive loss of life part of the problem is the remote this of the most a color area this is a taliban stronghold deep in helmand province that the military says that it was targeting what it calls a foreign al qaeda fighters saying a number were killed and others were captured but it does seem to have been a multiple strike both by ground forces and also an air strike and increasingly local sources in helmand including local officials are reporting that a wedding party was hit with the deaths and injuries of tens of people attending that gathering now pictures that have been picked up by one of the news agencies in
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which is reaching kabul do seem to show a number of civilian bodies on the ground quite harrowing pictures other pictures of wounded children it is difficult to vouch for the veracity of the pictures but if these pictures are authentic then it would seem to confirm that there has been an extreme loss of life of civilians amongst this wedding party this comes as the country's ministry of health has just released figures showing that in the past year some 3300 civilians have been killed in the fighting here with a further 16 and a half 1000 injured and it's in 2019 that the united nations say that more civilians have been killed by actions by the afghan forces the coalition and the u.s. that have been killed by the groups of fighters they've been fighting against including the taliban but we've been speaking to tell me my ass a he's
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a former afghan defense minister and he explains why government strikes don't appear to be backing. this civilly and casualties who has been going on you know sense to us as been documented since 2006. often what happens is because both sides would like to intensify the war and pressure each other. on the battlefields and targeting areas where there's a lot of collateral damage even though the afghan government and the coalition forces have very stringent standard operating procedures or so he says it is called where they are whereas if they see and if they have intelligence both through the ice or human intelligence that there are you know possibilities of human civilians basically around a particular target they wouldn't target that area but often case what happens is that recently they have increased air operations in afghanistan and you are now as you know airstrikes often lead to
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a lot of tragic civilian casualties so the rise in the hike in civilian casualties has mostly to do with air strikes and also a special ops with faulty intelligence now yemen's u.v. pfizer's say a saudi led coalition air strike in the country's south has killed at least 13 people the bomb hit a residential building in al dalia province a search and rescue operation is underway on monday an airstrike in iran province killed 7 people all members of the same family they were hiding in a mosque. the u.k. france and germany have joined the u.s. in blaming iran for the draining cruise missile attacks on saudi oil facilities earlier this month the european leaders were meeting on the sidelines of the un general assembly in new york the french president emanuel also spoke with the iranian president hassan rouhani who insists that his country had nothing to do with those strikes and separately the british prime minister boris johnson has been
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sending mixed messages about the iran nuclear deal here's our diplomatic editor jane spays. is the u.k. about to break seats from the iran nuclear deal there is great confusion after comments made in interviews by prime minister boris johnson in which he said it was a bad deal that needs renegotiating and that president trump was the man to do so as president from the right is it was a bad deal it wasn't a great deal iran was was and is behaving disruptively in the region and i think it's one guy who can do a better deal for years trump was quick to seize on what appeared to be a change in u.k. policy oh i respect boris a lot i am not at all surprised that he was the 1st one to come out and say that later though this statement is clarification the prime minister supports the jay c.p.o. way that's the iran nuclear deal the iranians are currently in compliance and we
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need to bring them back into compliance. it all comes at a time of growing tension the u.k. france and germany have now joined the u.s. in declaring that iran was responsible for the drone attacks on saudi arabia's oil installations meanwhile iran's foreign minister mohammed job as the reef says a meeting between president trump and president rouhani will certainly not take place this week but he says iran will propose a new peace mechanism it's calling the whole moves initiative which will consist of all the countries in the gulf under a u.n. umbrella he believe it should be the countries in the region but the u.n. umbrella addresses a number of concerns 1st in the u.n. umbrella dresses disparities in size power. he's a bug. he's just about it easy for always do even to do the g.c.c. as you know developments regarding iran are moving extremely far and president
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trump is likely to devote a significant part of his speech to the general assembly on choose day to the ongoing crisis james. at the united nations so here already know world leaders are at the u.n. they assembled in the 1st instance for a climate change summit to try to prevent a global catastrophe not all countries they were committing to more urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions despite warnings that global warming is actually speeding up and it's true a scolding from the teenage activist got into an bag of jonah howell reports from new york. i'm announcing that earlier this morning we have filed an official complaint under the convention on the rights of the child's. world leaders don't like being told what to do much less by a group of school children including a certain swedish teenager who decided to take them to court my name is to get the
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to learn i am 16 years old and i'm doing this because well it is off failing to protect the rights of the child by continue to ignore the climate crisis a summit on climate change is the centerpiece of this year's general assembly and grettir totenberg it stand strong. it's a shift in emphasis 1st secretary general antonio terrorists who came to office focusing on conflict resolution but instead has watched peace escaped the likes of syria yemen and libya with a new cold flick looming in the gulf it is that sense of urgency but i have to say the secretary general didn't do it alone i think all you had to do is watch the millions of people especially young people that were in the streets on friday and the secretary general's fully aware that he may have been speaking but in the back there were millions of young people screaming and pushing and demanding action that it takes children to call world leaders to account on something like climate change
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says a lot about the state of global diplomacy as it does about the ever more elusive search for consensus that the u.n. and this vast gathering are supposed to be about 193 countries represented more than 500 side events a blizzard of activity but how much can actually be achieved for the diplomat and u.n. weapons inspector richard butler anyone who walks into an assembly like this and thinks that i can get what i want from it selfishly and take it away put it in my pocket. is not living on the same planet that i'm living on interdependence is the name of the. game finding solutions that suit a larger rather than a smaller number of people is what this crisis is about and the moral imperative to do so is the case. that an assembly of this magnitude mobilize the imperative to act on climate change is not shared by president trump who attended
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a parallel meeting on religious freedoms instead a deliberate attempt to divert attention from a cause he doesn't believe in critics said an attempt that doesn't appear to have worked. at the u.n. in new york. in the general assembly president trump has praised the egyptian president. he said that he brought to his country days of rare government protests and several egyptians human rights activists say. more than 400 people. you will always find something like this in our region especially with political islam there has been an effort for many years to make sure that this political islam has a role on the political arena however at this part of the world will remain in a state of instability and as long as political islam is there you know i'm not i'm not concerned with. egypt as a great leader the highly respected he's brought order before he was here there was
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very little order there was chaos so i'm not worried about. now police in indonesia's popular region say they found several bodies under a burned buildings bringing the death toll from the recent arrest to at least $26.00 now many of them died after protests are set fire to government buildings shops homes and cars in one manner the violence was sparked by allegations that a teacher had insulted a popular and student or popular as indonesia's eastern most region shares a border with new guinea indigenous people there are melanesian who share ethnic similarities with the people of papua new guinea and some of the pacific islands these latest protests started of last month of renewed calls for independence indonesia confirmed control of papua after a disputed referendum in 96 you 9 in which which many people and say was rigged
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grievances have been further inflamed by accusations of racism and allegations of abuses by security forces proper and activists say indigenous people haven't benefited from the wealth generated by the region's minerals the poverty rate is at 20 percent compared to the national rate of 9 percent right let's speak now today in kingsbury professor of international politics at deakin university an expert on indonesia thank you very much indeed for talking to us live from melbourne how what chill view then of this arm rests its latest armrests that has claimed the lives of at least 26 people. well it's a continuation of the situation we've seen now for several weeks and indeed really going back to last december with the murder of 20 internation construction workers near the villages in the west. what this really what this reflects is that there is gradual denies ation amongst the west top ones the resistance
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movement and they're becoming much more active and that's being manifested in protests on the straights and the security forces responding by cracking down quite hard on them in many cases taking lives and how widespread is this this movement that would like to break away from him would you say it's widespread or is it just among a. group. i think it's very widespread like last year there was a petition that was actually signed by west papuans melanesian was upwards of 1800000 signatures on that calling for a referendum on independence of a population of 4000000 that's a pretty extraordinary figure and i think it indicates that the movement is quite widespread across the province and there is a broad desire for a change in the political circumstances right but all indications from that they're not prepared to even countenance the prospect of. given that they do have
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a certain autonomous rights. well the autonomy is there i don't think it really exists in substance but yes you're right that in jakarta there is no appetite for having a referendum on independence or indeed any solutions discussion but there would be no resolution to this conflict without some sort of maybe i said dialogue some external broker coming in and sitting down between the parties at the moment their positions are very stark and that by stately entrenched in opposite positions. thank you very much interesting to talk to you thank you. pleasure. and. an eerie read because of the calls by going bush. the models like effect is caused by sunlight scattering through smoke particles far as cools and clearing have been emitting a health damaging haze in the region now couple of minutes from now
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we'll have the weather with everton also coming up on this. course for a public outcry zinging exile cambodian politician seeks a national rebellion. saying no to foreign milk nigerian news to protect local dairy farmers but the bank can see his pockets. and they are now messing gets one over on his old rival christiane a renowned there are a whole been explain everything in full. trouble cycling he car is making its presence felt on the east coast of oman it will weaken quickly as it does make landfall as a member still it winds around 150 kilometers per hour said damaging winds that was
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said to be the case for some time yet some large waves rolling through as well and a lot of rainfall the rain really is the big concern the are the storm will make landfall in about 3 or 4 hours time loss of heavy rain just coming into that eastern side of amman in the process but once it does make landfall as i said it will dissipate very very quickly i think comes tomorrow we are looking at some bits and pieces of rain pushing through winds falling away very rapidly and then by the time we come to where thursday it will be all but gone on the other saudi arabian sea looking at some very heavy rain into that western side of india still right through the western gas lots of plan still affecting the eastern side of the country as well pushing up into bangladesh as we go on through the next couple of days we are going to see more flooding rains flooding rains to also affecting sri lanka we got lots of warnings in force for sri lanka and it across central and
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southern parts of india and little change as we go on through the next few days with that rain pushing further northwest. sponsored by time anyway. october on al-jazeera this month marks one year since the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi join us on october the 2nd for special coverage of the hot sun it will host a new series of interviews with our teachers tackling the big issues about telling a world leader as ex-pats and environmentalist will assemble in iceland to discuss the future of the arctic brand new episodes of full license examine the u.s. role in the world and we'll bring you coverage of the announcement of the $29000.00 new nobel peace prize winner october on out a zinger. try
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this have a look at the top sorenson here at the news our britain supreme court has declared the prime minister boris johnson suspension of parliament is unlawful the speaker of the house of commons has called for it to convene without delay. the u.k. france and germany have backed the u.s. in blaming iran for the drain and missile strikes on saudi oil facilities earlier
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this month the iranian prime minister the iranian president hassan rouhani denies the accusation. police in indonesia's popular region say they're found several bodies on the burned buildings bringing the death toll from unrest to at least $26.00 the violence was sparked by allegations that a teacher insulted a popular and student. supreme court has ruled the government can the remains of the former leader general francisco franco. now to many he was a fascist dictator who should not be glorified to others he was a hero franco currently lives in the valley of the fallen where there's a limb for the civil war dead his descendants are opposed to moving him but they've been over ruled he'll now be moved to a family to we can speak to christine the man found no he is a columnist at el pais and editor in chief editor in chief of s.
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global an online magazine which focuses on foreign policy thank you very much for your patience and holding on in madrid for us christina what is this issue what more than 40 years after the death of francisco franco is this you provoke so much emotion in spain today. i'm afraid we don't seem to have the sound of christina hopefully will be out again about that i'm really interested i'm sure you are as well in finding out about that the ruling by the spanish court regarding the whereabouts of francisco franco's remains and let's have a look at some other news to have because greece's new center right government is facing its 1st major industrial action no public buses nor trains are running in athens in the ship sustaining docked unions representing workers from a whole range of professions ranging members to join in they are angry about
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a proposed law that they say could limit the right of employees to go on strike. well greek collectors have gone on strike for the 1st time since the new government took office the unions representing all manner of trades are there members to walk out the proposed law as i've just mentioned suggests that they could limit the rights of workers to ghostwrite we can talk to john psaropoulos our correspondent who's in athens john how widespread is the observance of this strike in greece today. this is primarily a public sector strike so there are no buses and troll is no ships sailing from paris there was a 3 hour work start there is currently a 3 hour work stoppage by the civil aviation authorities and most flights in and out of athens. there are there have also been strikes in the light rail system
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around the city only a few means of transport working but the private sector is also partially involved thanks have stopped working today the public sector offices obviously government offices things like the post office and others other such public services are not working so it is difficult for the parts of the public sectors that are working to get into town to do their jobs some people are telecommuting the private sector will be more heavily involved when the federal union strikes on october 2nd and of course days after that we expect to see this bill passed through parliament on the basis of the government majority so it's a 2 part strike really with the public sector emphasis today right and this is as we've already pointed out the 1st major test of this new government which is seeking to get basically get the country out of the economic doldrums right.
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it is that is how the government is presenting it and it is partly being attacked because what the government is trying to achieve is greater flexibility in employer employee relations including in the public sector which is why the public sector has gone ahead with it strike sooner than anybody else they are going to be facing more flexible labor relations with the government to this is something very new for the powerful civil servants union which has become accustomed to being essentially called even during the height of the greek crisis when greece lost a quarter of its g.d.p. but this government has said they are determined to bring 4 percent of g.d.p. growth every year and that includes making public sector services more accountable more flexible more competitive but it also passes on those freedoms and powers to
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employers in the private sector so the private sector unions are concerned that the right to strike is going to be possibly more difficult to make use of because it's going to be harder for unions to vote to strike they also don't like the fact that it's going to be much more difficult for unions to have their voices heard in collective wage bargaining and more difficult to bring impasses in those bargaining processes to arbitration should they wish to do so all right john thank you helena whole what unions are saying is that it's a climax of greater power to employers during the whole 10 year process of greece's recession employees have been gaining powers and unions have been losing them right down sorry to cut you off in your prime jumps are up with us live from athens thank you very much let's try now and go back to christina christine the man found no who is a columnist at el pie east and christina i hope that we've got some men from you now
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but you're about to tell us about the significance of the whereabouts of the remains of francisco franco and why causing so much passion in spain today more than 40 years after his death. because the word me sure hadn't been. last. several years ago past the not all signs. were trying to to marry and. back. fire grind holds. tell me where segments or what is. your take. right so currently as i understand it as you alluded to he's in the valley of the fall and i'm looking at pictures of it now and it's a it's a very magnificent structure. all sorts of. i
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suppose glory a touch to this because also in this site are the victims other victims of the civil war is it therefore most spaniards desire his remains a move move from there and put into a more discreet family site yes yes indeed in some of the fallen. oscar gotten yes it's not a very very popular more amused. by your name but yes most people have pointed to fact that. he was a great you got to be in. that. kind of works of great. one. but crissy there isn't this just a matter of the political pendulum if you like moving against him now we have a socialist government. in spain if it were to come back to the mold of
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the conservative elements of spanish politics they would feel very differently. well a few thank you. or astonished on the election which fight their way even says it is not a very urgent matter but they would have been no there were. not a bite and there was a law passed by congress saying that from. current on so i d n one will have to repeat that exact. who put their name and who can write. the. lifting them and thought no thank you very much david talking to us live from madrid you know very well. the former cambodian opposition leader who lives in exile is calling for an uprising against the government the ruling party is threatening 30 year jail sentences for anyone who responds to the call by sam
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rainsy he's been speaking to our while sim washington where he is lobbying the u.s. government to support his plan to return home in november morning when his report does contain some flash photography. the last time sam rainsy returned to cambodia from exile he was welcomed by supporters under very different circumstances he'd been convicted in absentia of spreading false information he arrived back in the capital phnom penh 6 years ago after receiving a pardon from king norodom see a money which was requested by prime minister hun sen now along with other exiled members of his party he is planning to return again on november the 9th but this time the government says they'll all be arrested i have no choice or my party cannot take part in any election in the future because my party which is the only credible opposition party has been dissolved so i have to call on the people to
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rise up previous stay in cambodia lasted just over 2 years before he left for france again to avoid jail for another conviction sinsin there have been several more charges laid against him which he says are politically motivated and designed to destroy an illegitimate opposition the current leader of his cambodian national rescue party came so carr is under house arrest after being detained on treason charges 2 years ago the opposition was then dissolved by the courts and months later the ruling party of the prime minister went on to win every seat in the 2018 election the political vacuum has provoked criticism from many in the international community we have consistently urged the cambodian government to restart a genuine multi-party democracy and to protect him. rights and fundamental freedoms that doesn't seem to be happening the cambodian government describes rangers call an attempted coup and is threatening to jail anyone who supports it for up to 30
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years the cambodian government says it's an arrest warrant for sam rainsy to all other southeast asian nations in case he tries to travel through another country on his way back to cambodia government or thirty's here in thailand say they received no such notification the latest charge against raincy is for insulting the king who he says should be standing with the people. what is important is freedom of expression and most of the cambodian people now realize that we have a powerless and using a king who is actually a puppet for the dictator who despite living in exile sam rainsy says he's not afraid of being arrested because the people and the armed forces will back him on the other side is prime minister who in sin has grown increasingly intolerant of dissent which suggests the attempted comeback by the opposition may not be a peaceful one wayne hay al jazeera bangkok. the hong kong government is about to
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hold its 1st public discussion on the crisis since the protests began 4 months ago 20000 people have signed up to speak on thursday but just 150 will be chosen by lottery to voice their opinion chief executive kerry lam says she's hoping protesters don't disrupt the discussion which will hopefully lead to an end to their armrest let's go to nigeria now where the government has banned imports of foreign milk to support struggling local farmers but there are concerns that that will lead to milk shortages as well as price increases reports now from nigeria's 2nd largest city kano. bonaduce of the ellens the dairy factory are focused on making the business bigger. like other local producers they are hoping to cash in on a possible shortfall supply because the central bank of nigeria has cut off the sale of foreign exchange to importers of daily products. we do have.
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expansion because currently our capacities limited immunity by supply of. so we are planning to expand organically as well as was not going to believe in your future. other producers explained that their ability to deal with any shortfall is into doubt as long as the government gives them subsidies to boost production but what we lack in the capacity to link this production to the process and if you look at 19 that sticks. out of the little. red told that we have a right 20000000. in the skulls to be producing milk. to need to supply milk. because you will come up with. about 10000000 liters
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a day. critics say that may not be enough to quench the thirst of 200000000 nigerians. about 585000 tons of locust for used to badger each year but that's a 40 percent of what it needs there aren't enough plants and processing facilities to process what promised for you so the rest is imported at a cost of $1500000000.00. a good cultural products one i jarius mean export before the discovery of oil. despite the huge all revenues nigeria's farmers subfield to feed everyone and the country relies on imports. some experts wants to see the government strictly enforce the ban on dairy imports to benefit nigerian farmers only get that made with corey importation of said good could be taken by government include didn't. bring good. job or death of the country would never in country who are now to cooperate in where. a
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ban on rise imports imposed a few years ago meant nigerian farmers grew more but the ban failed to stop smuggling critics fear the same fate with daily imports but the government says import restrictions will lead to self-sufficiency it's not clear if local dairy producers have what they need to make up for the supply short fault or whether smugglers will step in and flood the market with contraband milk products. coming to greece. or nigeria.
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i didn't suppose she was now with russell watson thank you very much leno messy megan rapinoe and you can quote where the big wait is that the faith the best the wards of the land on monday night drop an hour use her acceptance speech to call on the biggest names to speak out more issues such as racism homophobia with the american with maine women's player over the years the 34 hour winning the award after helping the u.s. team retiring their women's world cup title in front back in july if we really want to have meaningful change but what i think is most inspiring would be if everybody other then sterling included vali if they were as outraged about racism as day where if everybody else was that if everybody was as outraged about homophobia as
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they all should be t.q. players as if everybody was as outraged about equal pay or the lack thereof or the lack of investment in the women's game other than just women that would be the most inspiring thing to me argentina are both florida star lino messi was named as best minds player for the 6 moves ahead of all rival and fellow nominee john to remember all the events this season messi scored 36 league goals more than anyone else in europe as he led the large it's about 26 league a tonsil. but i. can see i'm pretty you up inside of there to be honest despite always saying that it's beautiful to win these awards is also true that all of these individual wards some think secondary because the most important thing is the team the collective but it is also true that today is a very special day for me. and liverpool you are going club was named best coach ahead of spurs boss moritur part of a man to city manager squad. well starting with football is rose
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garden team from playing in the palace cup final on a possible sports in next season's asian champions league. for it for months to get the relevant travel permit so they can fly the game in the occupied west bank but without any success either abraham sent us this report from where the sun from the stadium where wednesday's match is supposed to start. the for the matter of fact club in the gaza strip might lose the opportunity to play in the agent's champions league the players were one game away from winning the palestine cup that qualifies them for the international tournament only to find most of them were banned from playing by the israeli government it banned them from leaving gaza to go and play in the occupied west bank showed on the right in the border i feel defeated we can't even practice the sport we love like the rest of the players in the world we can't even go from the gaza strip to the occupied west bank even though we are one state. how the mother of another west bank drew their 1st leg match one
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in gaza in june the overall winner after both legs would have played in the asian geek but israel only allowed 5 players to leave gaza denied entry based on what israel called security crown palestinians see the ban is the norm not the exception . this is a political decision linked to how the israeli occupation functions and deals with the palestinian sports that paralyzes our movement and restricts our ability to play the game not only does israel control movement between the occupied west bank and the gaza strip but also decide who can enter or exit the palestinian territory i think the message that this kind of sense is that even if just one player. you know even if you're trying to get. your professional goals the fact is that you're . i think the sense of progress. i think that people are feeling where every.
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vote. actually. i think it's really. really about the lack of freedom of movement was at the heart of the palestinian bid to suspend israel's membership of football's world governing body fee for 4 years ago palestinians then dropped a motion in exchange for an israeli promise of better treatment which palestinians sportsmen and women say hasn't been kept palestinians complain that israel is dictions on their movement is here to another example of how they are deprived of having a functioning society that. the occupied west bank russia could be bad for all international sporting events including next year's terry carol lympics it all relates to inconsistent season data from its one star and the typing lab they've been given 3 weeks to explain themselves by the world anti-doping agency meanwhile the international athletics federation has extended its ban of russia which means russian athletes will this out on the world championships for the 2nd for running
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the chairmanships kickoff on friday right here in davos there are allegations of manipulation of data from the from the lab in moscow. we do not have the facts but we are relying on this information. we know that there is an ongoing investigation into this and that we are being told that there will be information revealed to everybody in november or us as rugby players are involved in tuesday's only game at the world cup in japan they're taking on some are in a pool a match is the summer's 1st poor guy while russia lost their opening match to the hosts japan or the flight around half an hour ago in the 1st half russia leading 6 far if you have too many incentives. 10 is full well number one. has been knocked out of the womb and are open in china she was beaten by our current world
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number 3 and lead us to the leader of the ukraine with the nina fighting back from 40 down in the 1st set so when i eat all the next door and get in there she closes out the 7563 victory in book quest faults in the last 60 now a good night's sleep is crucial for old competitors ahead of a big sporting events but the athletes of that type carolyn picks will be getting some extra help the game's organizes have been showing off the special beds that will be installed in the athletes' village they're made from high resistance long called board which can be recycled to use the rocker says which can be solved all super hard are made from reusable plastic compartments so when i'll have a large down or if you wouldn't mind one of those thank you very much indeed thanks for joining us in this news our naval be in this chair in a moment to have much much more reaction to that supreme court ruling in the u.k. .
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award winning programming from international film made because we're driving around looking for drug addicts on the streets of kabul just the arrest sets the stage these men are demanding trusts because no one harmed them at a time giving voice to the voiceless have you failed your mission to protect the civilian population that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on mount is iraq. and just pointing to money i hope one form been somewhat harder to pull the bottom doesn't effect so certainly cults and pushing many to move built into such a new concept was it a visit somebody comes to this place this although some money on the subject to fix climate change is probably the lives of the people who live on planet that's all.
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i really felt liberated as a journalist was. getting to the truth was that i would that's what this job. boris johnson shutting down of parliament is unlawful the u.k. supreme court rules in a unanimous decision. i mean this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up 40 people including children are killed at an afghan wedding as u.s. by forces targeted a nearby taliban hideout. at least 26 people were killed in indonesia's popular region after racism allegations phylum process. a divisive legacy spain's top court says the remains.
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