tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 24, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm +03
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yes our desire is great we have to get to know the person for the tightest. this is al jazeera. how about i'm how am i here see this is the al jazeera news our live from doha coming up for you in the next 60 minutes. strong words from the u.s. president the u.n. general assembly donald trump tells china the time for tolerating trade abuses is over. parliament has not been true. this is the unanimous judgment of all 11 justices. the highest court say in the u.k.
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rules boris johnson misled the queen and illegally suspended parliament. i strongly disagree with this decision by the supremes called. the british prime minister remains defiant saying bracks it will go ahead amid calls for him to resign. also ahead some 40 people including children are killed as an afghan website as u.s. backed forces targeted a nearby taliban fighter it's. a divisive legacy spain's top court says the remains of dictator francisco franco she big zooms from the states mostly in. the united nations general assembly is under way u.s. president donald trump was one of the 1st to address the u.n. in a wide ranging speech he attacked china and its trade policies yet again here's what
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he had to say. the united states lost $60000.00 factories after china and did the w.t. . this is happening to other countries all over the. the world trade organization needs drastic change the 2nd largest economy in the world should not be permitted to declare itself a developing country in order to game the system at others' expense. for years these abuses were tolerated. ignored or even encouraged. lobel ism exerted a religious pull over past leaders causing them to ignore their own national interests. but as far as america's concerned those days are over. well let
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says. diplomats are get so robert james bases that the un for james we've been hearing from the president trumps china stern words for beijing but still keen to seek a trade deal. yes i'm in pretty much the position we've seen in recent months from the president what seemed to me quite a low key restraint tone to his speech and that was the bit the base on china that the markets will be watching and clearly yes trade war continues with the prospect of negotiations going forward i think this is interesting because it plays into a theme that we heard earlier on from the u.n. secretary general antonio good terrorists warning of what could eventually come from this dispute between the u.s. and china on trade because clearly china is trying to assert itself more politically around the world both with its economic and trading programs but also
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some of its alliances around the world its belt and road initiative and the u.n. secretary general said he feared that they could down the line be what he's calling a great fracture a split between 2 rival camps in the world a u.s. led camp and a chinese led camp and potentially they could evolve into their own economic systems with their own currencies their own internets so pretty dire picture presented by the un secretary general of division in the world and he's warning that you need to keep the u.n. and the international multilateral order and keep everyone working on the same page another thing we were listening for james of course how the u.s. president would stay address in iran this is an issue that has been simmering for a while and is threatened loomed large over this general assembly. yeah absolutely we've been seeing very different comments from the president in
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recent weeks and clearly things changed very radically 10 days ago with that attack on saudi oil installations remember iran said it didn't carried out it was carried out by the who thiis but the u.s. is convinced or says it's convinced iran carried it out maybe enjoin in the last 24 hours by germany france and the u.k. the didn't say iran carried out what they believe that iran is responsible for these attacks so it was interesting to see what sort of comment was going to get from the u.s. president was he going to be another overtures for peace because there had been talks between all of this talks all of a meeting between trump and rouhani here this week or was it going to be the sort of bellicose language we've heard in the past remember 2 years ago threatening to completely destroy north korea what it was a sort of may he said that in the past some of the nations the now the u.s. is greatest friends sorry greatest foes have become the greatest friends and he
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said while talking about iran that he wanted to embrace friendship but there was this warning on sanctions on nations and they duty to. no responsible government should subsidize iran's bloodlust. as long as iran's menacing behavior continues sanctions will not be lifted they will be tightened. iran's leaders will have turned a proud nation into just another cautionary tale. of what happens when a ruling class abandons its people and marks on a crusade for. personal power. and riches. the comments of president trump now watching that of course will be the iranian delegation i'm sure they're probably watching it in the iranian mission the embassy
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to the united nations i say they're almost certainly watching it that that's because the iranian delegation is pretty much confined to that mission or to the united nations and those restrictions we believe applies the foreign minister zarif and to president rouhani president rouhani 24 hours from now will be addressing the u.n. general assembly so we're going to hear the iranian side of the story coming up here on wednesday. ok james bays there live at the u.n. general assembly thank you very much indeed. at the supreme courts of britain has delivered an extraordinary rebuke see the prime minister boris johnson ruling that he acted unlawfully when he suspended parliament earlier this month the decision effectively overturns the substantial and allies parliament to resume as early as tomorrow but the opposition was quick to call for johnson's resignation but the prime minister is voting to find on. well speak to barbara
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shortly he's in the southern english city or brighton where labor politicians have been holding their party conference will also be speaking with rory chalons his art science at the parliament in atlanta but 1st let's get this report from paul brennan. outside the supreme court the anti bracket demonstrators were in optimistic mood inside the judges delivered their devastating ruling with calm deliberation and issue where the prime minister boris johnson suspended parliament lawfully or simply to prevent parliament from holding his government to account the effect on the fundamentals of our democracy was extreme no justification for taking action with such an extreme effect has been put before the court the court is bound to conclude that. the decision to advise her majesty to perreault parliament was unlawful because it had the effect of
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frustrating or preventing the ability of parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification this case went to the fundamental issue of the very nature of democracy here in the united kingdom and it was a stress test if you like of the separation of powers between the 3 branches of government so this conflict is far from over the outcome is a vindication for gina miller the campaigner who has fought the government for the past 3 years to uphold the law or on breaks it. today if not all went back to any individual or because it's a win for parliamentary servant see the separation of powers and the independence of our british court. news of the court decision prompted a standing ovation from delegates of the opposition labor party conference where the party leader was on his feet at the time. the supreme court has just announced
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its decision. and it shows that the prime minister has acted wrongly in shutting down. as demand for parliament to be recalled gathered pace and a speaker of the lower house stepped in i have instructed the house so far it is to prepare not for the recall but purgation was unlawful in these void to prepare for the resumption of the business of the house of commons. prime minister johnson received the news in new york where he's attending the un general assembly he said he disagreed with the ruling but with respect is the main thing is that we're going to get on and deliberative that we think best yes of course paul that we'll have to come back but. you know we'll respect that and get on with back in london that his position is now in question parliament will resume
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on wednesday morning it promises to be a tumultuous return paul brennan al-jazeera the supreme court well rory challenges lie for us outside the house is a parliaments and. it's hard to overstate just how extraordinary that judgment is from the supreme court's but will it settle and affect what's going to happen next . yeah it doesn't rain for groceries and doesn't it for he has had a terrible. couple of months in office these last 6 holes 6 of his autumn entries boise is now had a unprecedented humiliation from the u.k. supremes forcing this ruling against him i think there are a couple of things though we need to watch out for certainly is today goes into its m.r.i. when the call of an comes back from the probation that the supreme court ruled was
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unlawful and never actually happens one is how is the government going to frame this and we can already see hints that for all the comments that boris johnson is my and things that are being given to journalists as well they all i think are going to try and position this as another example all britain's moneyed elite and they will put the you see pretty important justices in that bracket working against the will of the people and boris johnson is likely to say that he is the person safeguarding the people's choice which is to leave the european union and it is the money deletes of the u.k. trying to spite me that now that's a difficult thing to actually square logically because the government's. case was that the pro gay should was never about bret's it was always about
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a standard constitutional move to to then say that the decision for a geisha was a year on law is all about bret's it is a bit of a convoluted turn to take the other thing to watch out for is what does the opposition do next because if they're not taking the bait to go for a general election then they're going to have to cool my voice and my confidence. they don't want boris johnson in power so let's see whether they actually do that tomorrow ok we'll keep an eye on that thank you very much indeed rory challenge we're going to say and switch back to new york where the turkish president wretched thai party won is about to address the general assembly that's less than it was on the offer of my personal self and my nation. i would like to thank ms espinosa for her successful work over the past year. i also or her whole heartedly congratulate mr mohammad bun day who has taken over the presidency of the
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general assembly for the 74th session and i hope and pray that the 74th session of the ga will bring peace and prosperity to the whole world and humanity esteemed delegates our world today faces many challenges and pain resulting from injustice at a global scale. the great scholar of our civilization. has once defined justice as the following quote sharing amongst the people the rights and obligations appropriately and allocating to them what they are entitled to. it is obvious that today neither the rights nor the responsibilities are shared. appropriately. in the meantime injustice generates instability power struggles crises waste and extravagance yet
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the organisation where we gathered today was established in the aftermath of the 2nd world war with the eventual purpose of eradicating injustice. indeed the international community is gradually losing its ability to find lasting solutions to challenges such as terrorism ungar misery and climate change which threaten our own future. it is with no doubt that the general assembly has a very fitting theme for the 74th session galvanizing multilateral efforts for power directly cation quality education climate action and inclusion. but what's more important than that is to understand what we can achieve together.
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it is unacceptable to see that one part of the world lives in luxury and enjoys benefit of prosperity while people in other parts of the world suffer in the hands of poverty misery and illiteracy. it is painful to see that a fortunate minority in the world are discussing issues such as digital technology robotics artificial intelligence and the bees is a busy whereas more than 2000000000 people live under the poverty line and 1000000000 people suffer from hunger. we cannot turn our back to the reality that if all of us are not safe none of us will be safe. for many years i've been saying from this rostrum that we can not leave the fate of humanity up to the discretion of a handful of countries today i would like to retake regenerate once again that the world is greater than 5.
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it is nigh time that we change our current ality institutions organizations and rules. the inequality between nuclear states and non-nuclear states is alone enough to undermine global balances. it bothers us like anyone else that the weapons of mass destruction are used as leverage in every crisis instead of their total elimination. the position of nuclear power should either be forbidden for all or permissible for everyone. said best film on the. momentum for the sake of
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a peaceful future for all humanity let us solve this problem as soon as possible on the basis of justice. at a time when eat when 13 people lose their lives due to air pollution every minute and where global warming threatens our own future we cannot remain indifferent in the face of such challenges 1st and foremost we need to strengthen the united nations potential and efficiency. in particular we should carry out at once the much needed fundamental reforms in line with the principles of justice and equality within the security council. with an active with a proactive and humane foreign policy turkey embraces the entire the rest of the world and strives to find just just the space dilutions to our problems.
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it is not without a reason that turkey has earned the titles of the most generous country in terms of humanitarian aid as well as the country hosting the largest displaced persons in the world. the 3rd african union turkey partnership summit to be held in turkey in 2020 will constitute another concrete example of our dedication and our practive humane policy i invite all the countries present under this roof to support our policies and initiatives which we have formulated on the basis of justice ethics and conscience esteemed delegates today syria has become a place that hurts the most collective conscience of humanity and it has become a symbol of injustice. since 2011. the regime and the terrorist organizations as well as the forces encouraging them
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insistently pursue a policy of perpetual crisis. almost 1000000 people were killed and 12000000 people were displaced and how of the population were forced to live elsewhere and this syrian crisis has to be ended once and for all turkey is the country that has been mostly effected as a result of the imposition of dice threats this there's the organization has arrest our borders and targeted the very how diverse cities near the borders with suicide bombings which have killed hundreds of turkish citizens. turkey is the country who is inflict that the 1st and the heaviest blow to the dyess presence in syria with the operation euphrates shield we have neutralized
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approximately 3500 terrorists and we have paved the way to the collapse of this terrorist organization in syria. we are also at the forefront of international efforts to identify terrorists and foreign fighters coming from all over the world to join di's through imposition of entry bans and deportations to and from our country. on the other hand turkey today is the most generous country in terms of fermented theory made taking into consideration the ratio of turkish official humanitarian assistance to its g.d.p. we are currently hosting 5000000 refugees in conflict starvation and persecution in other words there are more asylum seekers in turkey than the total population of $29.00 states in the united states.
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3.6000000 asylum seekers in our country are mainly from syria i mean the number of the syrian brothers and sisters that we are currently hosting in our country well exceeds house of the total population of them and why see we've spent 40000000 dollars for the asylum seekers in the last 8 years but have we received anything as turkey let me tell you from the e.u. we have until so far received not directly into our national budget by the way just through international organizations which was allocated to disaster relief agency of turkey and the turkish red crescent not much not more than 3000000000 euros. $365000.00 of the asylum seekers who fled to our country safely return to the areas we have secured in syria such as cities of jet up loose and elsewhere nearly half
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of syria the syrian refugees are under the age of 18 the number of the syrian children bomb born in our territory reached 500000 were not only providing accommodation to them but also essential services such as education and health care. unfortunately the world and the international community is too quick to forget the survival journey that they have remarked upon ending in the dark borders of the middle trains mediterranean sea or against the security fences stretching along the borders that they're trying to flee as you can see this is the picture of baby i live on that was beached which was a long time. ago and it's been forgotten already now never forget that
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this can happen to you because baby islands there are many baby islands there are thousands of millions of baby islands that we need to take measures for this is a responsibility that way you have to rise up to only within the 1st 8 months of this year we have received $32000.00 irregular migrants and saved them from drowning at sea also during the 1st 8 months of this year we have spent 8 to 58000 irregular migrants but to their countries excluding syrians and with those fleeing from other parts of the world turkey currently hosts 5000000 oppressed and victimized people on its soil. unfortunately we were left alone in our selfless sector face towards asylum seekers in syria there has been no genuine return to the regions controlled by the regime and that there are stored in the zation such as p. k.k. why p.g.
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and dimes. the parts liberated and secured by turkey are the only places that the syrians could have returned to them today we face 3 important issues that we need to handle while we're trying to settle the humanitarian crisis in syria. number one. the territorial integrity and the political unity of syria and in order for that to be possible the constitutional committee is a very critical element and it has to be operational in a very effective manner. the beginning of last week we got together along with my iranian and russian counterparts in ancona and as a result of the russian summit number random we have managed to accomplish a significant majority of doctorates when we reach a permanent political solution in syria the territorial integrity will be restored once again and the 2nd important issue is the following. we need to do everything
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that is possible in order to prevent a possible massacre in the city of lip and an immigration influx consisting of followed 1000000 individuals from. the agreements the memorandum we reached in russia insert with russia in sochi still remains valid despite some setbacks. turkey cannot afford to bear another migration influx. that's why. we expect all countries around the world to support turkey's efforts to ensure security and stability in that. thirdly. the elimination of p.k. k n y p g terrorist organizations in the east of the euphrates which occupied a quarter of syria and tries to legitimize itself under the name of the so-called syrian democratic forces.
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we will not be able to find a permanent solution to the syrian conflict if we fail to handle all that there is organizations. with the same perspective our talks with the united states with a view of establishing a safe zone in. syria continue we intend to establish a peace corps door with a depth of 30 kilometers and the length of 480 kilometers in syria and enable the settlement of 2000000 syrians there with the support of the international community here i'd like to show you a map. breathing our plans this is the border of turkey that you can see and below you can see the proposed safe zone. if this safe zone this secures own can be declared. we can resettle confidently
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somewhere between 1000000 to 2000000 refugees as we can afford that opportunity. whether the united states or the coalition forces russia iran we can all together walcott shoulder to shoulder hand in hand the refugees can be resettled through saving them from tent camps or container camps. we can take the steps that are necessary forward all together this is not a burden that we can bear exclusively as the republic of turkey we need to take the necessary measures as soon as possible. if we could extend the depth of this region until they are as or rock a line we can increase the number of syrians up to 3000000 who will return from turkey europe and other parts of the world to their motherland we are very much
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resolute in the realize in this. program and we are. not. involved in the necessary preparations we also the to process for an international conference to be held with the parts of patient of lebanon iraq and jordan. we likewise attach a great significance to the prospective success of the global refugee forum to be held in geneva in december co-chaired by turks and. we are of the opinion that a donor conference can be organized under the leadership of the united nations to support returns to save areas. there is global need for effective implementation of the global compact for migration and the global compact and refugees adopted last year at the united nations. if we succeed to establish an environment a landscape of trust and stability on the basis of the principles of that intimacy
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and justice in syria we will also help neighboring iraq relief itself from her troubles relate to to both and be kick a presence i launch an appeal to the entire un family from this fall to take initiatives as well as to support our undergoing efforts to stop the humanitarian crisis in syria of esteemed delegates the mediterranean basin in addition to the tragedies triggered by the syrian crisis such as illegal migration faces further problems due to developments in the eastern mediterranean. despite negotiations of more than 5 decades the cyprus question has not yet been resolved due to the uncompromising position of the greek cypriots and the greek cypriot side. pursers an inequitable and an unjust policy of in position that refuses to share the political power and prosperity with the turkish cypriots turkey is the
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international trade treaty based guarantor of the turkish cypriot people with whom it has deep historical and cultural guns. similarly greece is a guarantor and the u.k. is a grantor. it is clear that those who claim to solve this up this problem under the condition of a 0 security 0 guarantee have ill intentions from the 1st from the onset. we will continue our efforts until a solution that would guarantee the security and the preservation of the rights of the turk just said weiner is found excuse me we believe that the energy resources in the eastern mediterranean constitute an important opportunity for cooperation if we all the dr win win approach but unfortunately despite our reasonable approach some countries of the region through using lethal unilateral steps are trying to
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turn the issue of energy resources into a scope of conflict in the eastern mediterranean we are determined to protect the legitimate rights and interests of both 13 and the turkish cypriots until the very end. we will continue to be open minded about proposals based on cooperation and equitable sharing. in other critical areas of the mediterranean is libya and we end of or to ensure security and stability in the country through the establishment of a democratic administration based on the free will of people. the political and economy can parent of libya will be providing relief for both north africa and europe. this solution in this country can be explored by only respecting the choices and the free will of the libyan people interventions in yemen and qatar
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that serious consequences from a both humanitarian and economy point of view. we should all seek an immediate settlement of the disputes in the region that remerge due to the attacks on the oil production facilities. journalist jamal khashoggi who was brutally least brutally slaughtered last year. has become a symbol for the need of justice and equality in the region as that the courts have not reached yet a verdict regarding his demise and we will keep on following up the developments there as we are so much committed to this case and. egypt's 1st democratically elected president mohamed morsi who lost his life in a courtroom in a suspicious way. is another issue that we're heavily invested in and his
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family was not allowed to bury him properly it's a bleeding wound in our hearts. can you at all and. i don't know if you know someone well they have both become a deep symbol for the need to equality and justice in the region and we also hope that the discussions about iran's up to bts as well as good as well as related threats to this country will be resolved in a rational framework as seen delegates today the palestinian territory under under israeli occupation have become one of. the most striking places of justice. if the images of an innocent palestinian woman who was murdered phineas lead by israeli security forces on the street just a few days ago will not awake the global conscience then we are standing at the
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point where words are not sufficient. i'm scared curious. what about this map of israel where is israel. where does the land of israel begin and end look at this map where was israel in 1900 to 7 and. where is israel now especially between the years 1949 and 1967 where was israel and where is israel now look. this is 1947 the land of palestine there's seemingly almost no israeli presence on these lands the entire territory belongs to the palestinians so that map suggests but the year $947.00 the that distribution plan takes place gets ratified palestinian other stimulants start
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drinking and israel starts expanding and from 100-427-2967 extension 1967 israel is still expanding palestine still shrinking and today the current situation. there is seemingly no palestinian presence in the entire land belongs to israel but what it suffices real you know how israel is still willing to take over the remaining of the land but what about the united nations security council what about the united nations and what about the resolutions there really are those resolutions being activated are they being implemented in an forced you know so we have to ask ourselves what does the u.n. serve. under this roof we are producing resolution it's without effect so when do you think all where do you think justice can prevail this is our
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main suffering this is where the pain is coming from the current israeli government and the administration right next to these murders and atrocities is busy with intervening and attacking is to recall the legal status of jerusalem and. holy sacred. lands. and artifacts as turkey we have a very clear stance on this issue the immediate establishment of an independent palestinian state with a modernist territories on the basis of the 1967 borders with east enders of them as its capital is the only solution well under any other peace plan other than this will never have a chance of being fair just and it will never be implemented now i'm asking from
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the roast from of the united nations general assembly where are the borders of the state of israel. is it the 1947 borders. the ninety's $1067.00 borders or is there another border that we need to know of. yet. how can the golan heights and the west bank settlements be seized just like other occupied palestinian territories before the eyes of the world if they still are not and within the official borders of this state. is the aim of the initiative promoted as the deal of the century. to entirely eliminate the presence of the state and the people of understanding. do you want another blood shed. all actors of the international community in particular the un should provide concrete support to the palestinian people beyond more promises. in this regard
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it's very important for the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees in the nearest to continue its activities effectively. turkey will continue to stand by the oppressed people a feller's stein as she has always done. it is also very important for a fair and a peaceful future that this south caucasus seizes to be one of the areas of conflict and tension in the world but it is unacceptable that to. look at a bag and its surrounding areas which are the azerbaijani territories are still occupied despite all of the resolutions adopted. one of the problems to which the international community fails to devote enough attention is the case merely conflict awaiting
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a solution for 72 years the stability and prosperity of south asia cannot be separated from the kashmiri issue. despite the resolutions adopted by the united nations security council cares marriage is still beseeched and 8000000 people are still stuck in case meeting they cannot get out. in order for the biggest media people to look towards a safe future with their bug stanny anybody and neighbors it is imperative to solve this problem through a dialogue on the basis of justice and equality instead of conflict. another issue that the world seems to remain indifferent is the humanitarian tragedy growing your muslims are currently facing. being abandoned commission of inquiry established under the united nations has
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recorded the existence of a genocidal intent behind the events perpetrated in my our mind my on mars rock kind state. turkey will continue to carry out its initiatives and endeavors to ensure the security and fundamental rights of the religion just as well as the humanitarian relief activities we have undertaken since the 1st day. the invasion of conflicts and terrorist activities that continued in an uninterrupted fashion for almost 4 decades in afghanistan have led to 2 significant challenges at a global level it is nighttime for peace and security be security to be restored this is up to us to assume responsibility and take up action esteemed delegates today one of the biggest threats to global peace and stability is the skyrocketing racist xenophobia discriminatory and the islamic rhetoric.
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that muslims are ranking number one who's who are the subjects of hate speech discrimination and defamation against their sacred value. the most striking example is the terrorist attack that took place last march in christchurch new zealand just like a terrorist terrorist attack targeting muslims in 9 years ago and. was unacceptable the acts of terrorism targeting christians in sri lanka and jewish communities in the united states are equally wrong and an acceptable. we are responsible for turning this disease into raging insanity. the populist politicians seeking to garner votes by provoking these. tendencies as well as the community's normalising hate speech under the pretext of
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freedom of expression are in the leading spots and they are the ones to blame. the prejudice the ignorance and bigotry as well as the attempts of marginalization towards the migrants particularly the muslims pave the way for the rising of these more big tendencies this chord can only be defeated by coming the will and efforts . it is our fundamental duty as statesmen and stateswomen to adopt an inclusive and tolerant public rhetoric. to. eradicate this foe once and for all. the honorable secretary general of the un has recently introduced an action plan for safeguarding really just sites. it's a un initiative in the establishment of which turkey has shown political leadership as a part of the lines of civilizations we hope that this action plan will help raise
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awareness on this issue and i hereby request the designation of march the 15th by the united nations is the day when the christchurch attack was carried out to become the international day for solidarity against islamophobia. and i also invite these not make world to start a doro assessment of all the issues particularly the sunni shiite divide which have provided so far the ground for its internal conflicts as well as as well which served as political instruments for power struggles. and settle disputes once and for all turkey is the rightful successor to the collective heritage of both eastern and western civilizations due to are geographically location at the center of the world there therefore we are obliged to take necessary steps forward and assume responsibility and rise up to the ok sion we
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continue to fulfill our responsibilities towards humanity as we are deeply effected indirectly or directly as a result of crises that beseech our region. the united nations and in particular the security council before and on the basis of justice moral values in conscience will provide hope and aspiration to remount its once again 38 stands ready to support all of the end nevers and initiatives in that regard with this understanding we are willing to assume the presidency of the 75th united nations general assembly therefore we have nominated for this important bill. ambassador vulcan boaster former minister of european union and current chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the grand national assembly of turkey we have full confidence that mr busker seasoned diplomat and politician will shoulder this responsibility very successfully i believe you will not spare your support to him.
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is that the biggest city in turkey. currently hosts various un regional agencies and we would like to turn you stumble into a bigger regional and a global hot for the united nations the united nations technology bank for the least developed countries. became operational in the vicinity of istanbul last year and. we also appreciate the positive and encouraging reactions we have received. in return for our proposal to host a united nations youth center in istanbul which i have announced last year from this very roast from the members to the un group of friends of mediation that we co-chair. have reached $59.00 like we have carried this year and initiate the un initiative into the organization for security and cooperation in europe and the
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organization of islamic cooperation i believe that it is within our reach to find fair equal it could have full and conscientious solutions to all of the global challenges that we face and i would like to conclude my remarks with the following wishes freedom for all peace for all prosperity for all justice for all a peaceful and just say future for all. i wish the work of this 74th session of the u.n. g.a. to be successful i greet you all with my most heartfelt emotions with love and respect from the acts of my people thank you. there we were listening to the turkish president red chip tired giving his address to the u.n. general assembly he talks of justice or rather injustice around the world that was a common thread said through his speech let's get more on it from al jazeera who is live for us at the u.n. hashim we did see. one almost taking
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a leaf out of the israeli president's really prime minister's book with all his show when tale slides we were focusing very much on this common thread of injustice that ran through the turkish president's speech. indeed and this is something that has been reiterating over the last 3 years he has here at the united nations particularly on the need to reform the united nations and the international community to reinvent itself to be able to tackle issues like injustice and inequality staying at a certain point that the international community is normal able to do with those issues he spoke about a wide range of issues islamophobia kashmir the plight of the injure the death of the former egyptian president mohamed morsi the murder of the study journalist. was in the saudi consulate in istanbul but 2 issues dominated his statement today syria has said that basically he's got to come 100 own the growing number of syrian
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refugees and that the international community and the europeans should call on other commitments made in 2013 whereby turkey stems the flow of migrants in exchange for the european union to provide billions of euros of aid to the turkish government he said that also his government is to go shooting with the americans the need to implement the safe zone is turn of the year for right is. specifically the turkish government is asking for 30 kilometers deep secure and safe security zone along the border with syria to be able to combat groups of the gated with. the . why p.g. which is. an offshoot military of the. considered by the turkish government as a terrorist organization americans consider them to be strong allies in the fight against isis and also he said the constitutional committee which has been announced yesterday by the united nations secretary-general about syria could be
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a good step forward to words permanent peace now he spoke also about the israeli palestinian issue saying that the israeli government over the last few decades has been expanding the subtle nuance and the palestinian territory at the same time has been shrinking lashing out of the israeli government and the international community saying that the un has failed to implement the resolutions produced over the last few decades to bring about 2 state solutions an israeli a palestinian independent state ok hashem thank you very much indeed sara been listening to that speech with me as sort and barack hat's the director of the center for conflict and humanitarian studies at institute he joins us on set we both had a collective gasp when the 1st slides went up and the body of young island currency on the beach was shown it did serve to underline the point that he was making the particularly in regard to syria that there isn't just very few countries are
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shouldering not brain well i think the bigger point was you wanted to remind the rest of the world of what he is carrying in terms of responsibility and cost when it comes to syria and as such the solution that he has a mind of the security zone is something that has to be taken seriously of course the united states i think will disagree with that and this is not a new proposal his but this proposal some time ago and there's been a huge opposition to it partly because he kind of. integrity to authority. gritty of syria with the demand that is very much turkey's demand or the advocation of the y.p. g. or the kurdish syrian movement which is now supported by by the united states and also of course this discussion that if we secure as on a stretch of 30 kilometer we can have 2 or 3000000 people returning that's very unrealistic because these 2 or 3000000 should really in the name of justice that
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calls for should return to where they've come from that you cannot just return them to this border areas to be exposed for for potential future conflict but one important point i think you made about syria is the threat of. and as as you know throughout the conflict as they were resolving issues in one area moving to the next develop the fighters to withdraw into and now with that has become a very dangerous mix of. fighters who have a real cause to fight for a mix of terrorists and some extreme groups and that could provide the pretext for the syrian government and potentially others to act against them and that could lead to a huge wave of displacement into turkey again and having said that of course no one denies the generosity of turkey when it comes to dealing with syria as they did actually you know in real terms they they illustrated
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a lesson to everyone around the world of how. a nation should really stand by its neighbors and the burden the huge cost when it comes to the syrians the syrian issue is one where the u.n. has been quite bold daryn i would say not we saw about every moment of that committee. to help start rebuilding the constitution but there is it was a nice mint very few here elizabeth they have been knocked down but that is a major breakthrough happened a couple of days ago and terry spoke about it earlier today the committee. it's an agreed committee it's a syrian or all syrian committee and is going to put the constitution so if they come in support of that as well i think it will achieve what everyone desires and that is the end of conflict in syria ok thank you very much for your analysis there great to get your thoughts and let's move on the other news in the deaths of 40
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people at an afghan where they are writing to major concerns about security just days before the presidential election there's uncertainty as to exactly what happens in the most a color region of helmand province on sunday nights the government says the army was targeting a taliban training base where they killed fighters and arrested others the question is why so many civilians died right reports from couple. months well afghanistan's military says the attack against foreign fighters was successful but once again it seems civilians including women and children became casualties sources in helmand province so the victims were attending a wedding party on sunday evening when they were attacked as the rescuers attended to the dead and injured a crowd gathered at a local hospital waiting for any news. a plane arrived and bombarded the wedding ceremony and some nearby houses including my own around 50 to 60 people were
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martyred and 5060 others are wounded. 1 this attack follows another last week in eastern province when a strike is said to be targeting an iso hideout killed dozens of villagers working nearby afghan civilian deaths in coalition operations have long been a contentious issue particularly because of the sophisticated weaponry used by nato and u.s. forces even with having with all the precision. weapons and all the you know up to date latest technologies. the civilian casualties were unavoidable of course the underlying. requirement for all of this is good intelligence if you don't have good intelligence often what happens that you ending up you end up targeting civilians. the u.n. says that more civilians have been killed this year in operations by the afghan
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military and their coalition allies than by armed groups including the taliban a report just published by the ministry of health has further highlighted the problem showing that in the past year 3300 civilians have been killed and another 16 and a half 1000 wounded robert bridal just a couple a powerful earthquake can set eastern pakistan killing at least 19 people and injuring dozens more the $5.00 quake separate sensors struck close to the city of near poor in pakistan administered kashmir dozens of homes and cars were damaged after collapsed in many areas. yemen's city fighters say a society made a coalition air strike in the country's south has killed at least 13 people the bomb has a residential building in the outer the a province search and rescue operation is underway where monday an airstrike an arm around province killed 7 people all members of one family they were hiding in
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a mosque. and spain supreme court has ruled the governments can excuse the remains of former major general francisco franco and concurrently lies in the valley of the fall and the mausoleum for the civil war dead his relatives and right. to post moving the remains to be believed to be a more discreet family tune the ruling comes as parliament was dissolved and elections declared opposition parties have accused the ruling socialists of seeking political gain from the exhumation. the 24 hour strike has brought much of greece to a standstill buses and ferries didn't run schools banks and businesses shut hospitals were also disrupted the strike was organized by trades unions protesting proposed workplace reforms are the 3 month old government stay with us here in our despair i'll be back in a moment after this. the
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1950 s. a clash of gun and it's politics and a challenge to french colonial rule. any 2 part series al-jazeera wilde tells the dramatic story of how modern china zia was born that give us back our land and sea level flight. with a rare eye witness testimony from the man who fought the french on the ground to newseum the battle for independence episode one of the rebels on out as iraq you
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leave this place children in this refugee camp the latest victims of the unending sectarian violence in central african republic among them are survivors of unspeakable violence 10 year olds in work as mother is dead her father is gone killed because they were christian by their own muslim neighbors this is the least you home an overcrowded refugee camp of 23000 people surrounded by armed militia groups celine wants answers she says she wants to be asking the questions and so we traded places inch took the microphone will we find peace how can we make the violence stop when will i be able to return home there was a lot of the air in this community and that is what he lived on the women they want them to look for to get all the woman he want to when this is all man she worked with local women to solve the main problem plaguing their community was not always a key problem auction flat had been bought as a priority and led the way in transforming a difficulty into
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a success so imparting a one to me is fishing economy. women make change on al-jazeera. the future does not belong to global us the future belongs to patriots. america ferrera says yet again the rallying cry from donald trump out the u.n. general assembly as he takes aim at china iran and venezuela. and how my kids in this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. parliament has not been proved. this is the unanimous judgment of all 11 justices the highest.
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