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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 24, 2019 10:00pm-10:34pm +03

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with regard to syria i want to salute the encouraging announcement made by the special representative the secretary general yesterday and a decisive step forward and finally establishing the constitutional committee that has been so long awaited and i think we. we are also. looking at the humanitarian situation and it lead you need to be vigilant and demanding we are all attached to the stability of syria in all its regions. and the need to protect all its people. and we will continue working. to build a an inclusive last political solution in syria this will this one will demand the work of this constitutional committee it will also require 6 securing syrian territory to allow voluntary and safe return of refugees it will also require.
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a free. electoral process which will enable all syrian citizens to take part. in libya the g. 7 summit because our goals and our convictions i think very deeply believe that today. we need an interim libyan reconsider national conference and the strong commitment of the african union. to working together with the united nations to achieve this many initiatives have been taken and i welcome the gateman of germany i welcome a gauge meant of all the stakeholders who want to build peace but a lasting peace and a lasting peace will only be built on the basis of a interim libyan reconsolidation in this hell you know how committed france is there now it has always been committed and we very firm did. and there
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on the future lies in. building lasting cooperation in the region among the 5 member states of the g 5 to help the know the meaning of our armed forces. the involvement of the united nations and the need. that i mean we have to change the mandate of minutes and to fully incorporate our goals can bring terrorism or a lasting security in this healthy incorporate those in the mission that we have set for ourselves to move minister under chapter 7 to continue to new involving all the armed forces of the region we reengage of the security forces in the region in this combat against terrorism. and commit our energies into developing into development and stabilization this is essential. and these are just. some of the situations where dialogue where
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a political solution our keys to success again this is courage that requires to build is what we have seen for the past few months. in sudan and we didn't even suspect it thanks to the not the forces of the city's people still the capacity for dialogue between the army and the people thanks to the work once again of the african union. and thanks to the role of the opi and i want to. congratulate the open and the region as a whole clairvoyance for its. courage to build the peace that is required today in ukraine the. president zelinsky has taken the 1st steps president putin has responded in kind of the progress over the past few weeks have been has been made and here we know. again what should be the next steps. we have the minsk
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agreement. about. and we should be able to build a lasting peace by working on the ground in the next few weeks we will have the north normandy format summit heads of state and government you. on each one of these topics this is james the question is asked of us how do you create an effective framework cooperation of cooperation between states and i believe it's possible but i don't believe them that you know the problems that we are facing. can be resolved by deluding diluting responsibility or kind of a single globalization that that disregards our peoples our nations and i if you go back to what mr trump president trump said this morning and i don't believe that the crisis that we're experiencing can be resolved by turning inward. by
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a solution is and i truly believe in patriotism one lemuel but it patriotism lives on a love of one's nation and in the same time universal vocation i truly believe in the sovereignty. sovereignty that ensures autonomy and independence for oneself and also but also conjugates it with the need to cooperate what we need to day is to really invent what i want. what you know i mean what i define or what i caught a strong multi-lateralism as in my last name and you're not not in this kind of you know all. and then a multilateral isn't that that that has been repeated ad ad infinitum but rather. multilateralism based on real cooperation that strives to produce concrete results we have demonstrated the effectiveness of the contemporary strong auto writers and
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we we showed it on the climate after the decision by the united states to withdraw from the paris agreement together with the u.n. of the world bank we we had the one planet summit it made it possible to to involve other as. they're stakeholders other from a source of funding we saw that yesterday and during this the climate action summit by involving new actors by by by. launching a new momentum we've demonstrated and yesterday the ratification by russia of the same agreement. is i think a demonstration of the success of this approach and the coalitions that were formed i'm very star big star further proof of this it's the same pragmatic multilateralism that we have used to combat terrorism around the world during the. process the christ church of bill in paris and i welcome the commitment of the king of jordan and the prime minister of new zealand yesterday some 50 countries joined
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the initiative there in platforms that have been set up to when you will ya. to take concrete action and i think we will go even further. but when need we have a concrete and true response affective response to this and we need to continue we need to continue this momentum this capacity of innovating to respond to. modern challenges not. you know my partnership for democracy is also part of this and we need to be inventive the need to be original in terms of security the major challenge for us today is that we are no longer no longer capable of ensuring stability in a world that is increasingly conflictual after leaving. it to paul world to polar world that we when we live are many many decades so now we have a new order you know that's replaced the previous one. and we are trying in this
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new order to resolve problems effectively and i truly believe that the courage to build peace requires reaffirming our values values of human rights and the dignity of human being. which cannot be the subject of any relativism it requires a lot of recommitting. to these values in all these situations which i managed to just though which i mentioned to build to build peace and stability and to offer people concrete solutions. now the next step of courage is to to assume responsibility and when we speak of all these challenges when we speak of the common good we speak of the chair of the climate education inequalities what we can say that we. we know a lot we are so we see so much we have seen. every single expert is telling us in
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great detail about the situation of our world today you buddy. if we find ourselves a weaker today it's because often we have challenged the truth to challenge challenge facts do prefer to give preference to short term interests sometimes give preference to snare 0 interest and this is led to a loss of faith and that is a fact inequality. has increased once again in the world big among countries. within countries. our contemporary capitalism is dysfunctional it is produced a level of inequality that isn't present and weak we're no longer capable of dealing with the new forms of poverty and inequality it's an in it's a lack of equality of opportunity inequality gender inequality. inequality between
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regions inequality in access to health. climate inequality only speak of the most vulnerable countries or the most the poorest regions who are have been affected even more by global warming or reduction biodiversity and all these topics last year i presented an agenda. proposed for the g. 7 and the determination to put combat against inequalities at the very heart of that agenda i just wanted to report to you on it very briefly. i think that. this is a collective contribution that we can make on this so that it was spawns begins to emerge how to to. a company on a collective engagement that we saw on the s. t. g.'s it's to to move away from the short term thinking and to try to move make
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systemic changes we committed collectively 1st of all to have a very assertive agenda for africa for this our health for its security stability to develop and more broadly to have a true security of development and reciprocity agenda with africa it's one of. the against this backdrop that next june we will have an africa france summit based on partnership and the involvement of civil society. in our this process and next it's an agenda that puts gender equality at the center in garrets we know. an initiative some 250000000 euros to support women into printers in africa and we will make sure that this project is quickly implemented it's an initiative that is that is initiated by
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african women operated by african development bank. and on which the major economic powers have decided to invest in in order to support it we supported it they funded document go it to protect the victims of sexual violence largely launched the global partnership for equality is that we have expanded during this general assembly it consists of over states who choose to join to take at least 11 national measure for the benefit of women by. using the best practices around the world this combat for equality between men and women is essential because we have an eon of one that divide in our own societies on the killing of women continues in france just as in so many other states. we must we must. define a slight legal status for this define it as a crime and take steps to eradicate it even more than we have done so far we because we seen so many states we see backsliding of equality between men and women
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we need we need we see women's rights to dispose of their bodies challenge to. everywhere where we see inequalities between men and women become a fact we it's a step backwards for civilization it's it's. it's terrorism that wins it's backwardness that wins it's not it's a step back for education and for growth step back for step up step back for economic growth because it is to deprive countries of the potential for economic growth and richness and that is why we strongly support the united nations on this agenda 3 principles of action emancipate protect and ensure true equality we have taken steps with a veto words a forum i generally. generation equality that will take place in paris and 202025 years after the beijing declaration which mark the history of our organization at
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that time 25 years later it is that there can be no question of backsliding taking a step back we need to move forward. now this battle and this courage to see responsibility is also something that we need to think of when we talk of health care now. and here too we are seeing. too much backsliding too many steps back to too much difficulty in accessing health care and too many marriages in the world even today in spite of the adverts on the 10th of october. you will be. a conference to reconstitute a fund to combat aids tuberculosis and malaria it is in this. at this tribune in 2002 coffee and then called on the establishment of a fund to come that inequality in the face of combating. mortal diseases.
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that was. cheveley with the help of the g 8 over 30000000 lives have been saved thanks to this fund leaving a human to go on. and we are on the verge of eliminating no major only pandemic and in the next few years we might be able to save $16000000.00 people. it's simply to state that no it is in seem above that for financial reasons or an equal access they can be no question that people can do she shouldn't be able to would have access to treatments to prevent or to cure. a specific disease or to prevent these diseases from from spreading again it's inconceivable this is why in the young we we need $14000000000.00 we have 3 more weeks and we're going to work as hard as possible to make sure that this global fund is reconstituted and is and
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neighbors us to meet our ambitions now lastly on the climate because here again we need to fight against inequalities and is one of the topics. and wish the courage of assuming responsibility must be demonstrated basically this is a constant paradox on climate. and we are collectively kind of becoming jaded to it we have established a framework we. we will give our young people the possibility of speaking their minds and we hear and we we tell them it's great to hear what you have to say to us and at the same time we keep do we keep we keep acting just as we have in the past without changing anything that is that cannot continue. and i want to say that with regard to the combat. against climate change and the loss of biodiversity. we need to take concrete steps we need to
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we need to change our 'd elective approach we need to strive to. change the way we act together with their entire society and their investors. 1st of all we need to focus on our ambition this is crucial if we want to. seek to bring the temperature increase below 2 to celsius in 2020 we need to. take key decisions in the area in particular of a carbon tax with real many members rice with taxes and this is absolutely crucial we need to focus on this agenda and these courageous decisions are important and they need to be taken right now we need more broadly to involve all the country has been focusing on being carbon neutral by
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2050. president peña i just talked a few moments ago to you and he talked about this and we need to continue to work on this crucial strategy. india has just said that it is prepared to get on board with this agenda in this coalition and i know that china is very keen to focus on climate it has done so over the past few years i know that to take gether if we focus on carbon neutrality we can fundamentally change things to meet our objective is to be the top $25.00 in chile and then the cop $26.00 that would take place in europe will be decisive event and this is normal 2nd thing is to bring think gather our agendas and our actions and this is what i said yesterday we cannot say what we're doing everything brilliantly it's
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absolutely fine and at the same time continue to depend on coal in so many countries and it is a crucial role in each and every country with no systems of the international community with good financing and respect. all the different components of our society understand the limitations of course but it is important that all the country move on from congo and then it is crucial other major countries of this world. are financing new polluting visibilities in developing countries today are what we are continuing to go about financing and there is so many projects in developing countries financed by developed countries that are new polluting structures and in a way we're saying to developing countries we're saying to the poorest countries you. know that for you why make changes i think you can continue to pollute
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it so right in your country that these are in conflict and that is irresponsible let me. all of our development resort to do sunday. refocusing financings on tuesday noble developmental everywhere in asia in africa in the american continent in the pacific in the future of energy production is. to move the only from coal and to no longer depend on this. in the same way but there is a need for us. build a climate. that really. meets the challenge was now in a few weeks time there is going to be the paris of the climate plant and i would urge a major part. not to provide crucial the financing there are many countries do not cells have doubled please do take that commitment it will
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be decisive and on this topic of consistency as i said yesterday we can no longer have. commercial strategy. like that of promoting free exchange that you just promote their own agendas and don't take into consideration climate change i believe in having changed but i don't think that this is what must be understood must be reasonable must. be carbon neutral the carbon free euro focused and 030 forestation actually each and every stage we will find compensation measures. but we can't force some countries to make. continue to trade with. we can continue to make statements from this. new important product on the run
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against this at the very same time the change overnight france itself to offer an import product that leads to deforestation. and that involves changes changes. hardships and strategies with the countries of origin with obviousness with our finest is i'm not saying to you that everything's fine in france and we've done everything at untimely far from it but however. we are not transparent you're not responsible do not. insist on being consistent in our words and actions and if we don't marry our climate and trade then we were never ever going to achieve it it's going to take some years but it needs to be started now. and there are 2 topics on climate that i would like to underscore here before concluding that if we want to be successful in this. forest and.
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that is actually crucial in missions and maintaining our biodiversity librium on these 2 global issues we are currently losing the fight losing the battle on foreign yesterday. through everybody's commitment i believe we took an important step forward in terms of the event defending the imagine on forests and the african forest lawn here so reserve our primary forests of our planet and we don't have countries who have taken commitments and france has. that i would like to underscore germany and you always have commitments there are major countries there are international relations there and she goes. on and in most countries affected by. the amazon as well i don't want to. make all those who wish to join to join but we need to move forward we need to make
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progress by. meeting we are going to ensure that we can invest closer to the ground will be pragmatic and can do to promote product growth reforestation. all the different projects to help amazon and develop african forest including the congo basin and to help to preserve the forests. are absolutely crucial in combat is to come back to. destruction of one of the biodiversity we are seeking to biodiversity and there are giant isn't there a major event. the rest. in france in 2020. in beijing in 2020 years well we need to have clear acts taken by 2020 on the other hand. we are absolutely struck by the recent report of the
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i.p.c.c. it's absolutely devastated to fail and we are currently losing battle. we are starting to build coalitions with major transport countries who are seeking to reduce the speed of things and while that is just the start we are very far from winning and i would like to have told you about what we were doing in the primaries and i want to talk about the ocean now we're taking specific actions and we need to do so in order to win the battle we're talking about initial change in mission action attention for i want to see a very full sort of. what we are trying to do collectively is crucial we have conflicts of people trying to change our collective an organization political economic and social. policies and even better still to prevent. wasn't popular but i don't believe that the right response to the contemporary
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growing inequalities in the area of climate and health care and education. take place in each country on through taxation. through education access to health care and on a. more international cooperation and a robust agenda to combat meaning qualities however. fundamentally that means we need and reconciliation and what we are seeing in front of our eyes is on the one hand you have to recall that at the. ongoing rhetoric. and i do hear it. but we mustn't announce things that anyone knows are precisely denounced things previously and they set up. this is just rhetoric and what is there apart from that but what there is is not. really comfort with
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doing nothing with an action. right in the middle of this is the group. that is perhaps a bit uncomfortable with what the meals are hotter than all the people are trying to. build on this agenda of reconciliation or to gather and really with our public opinion with our young people with our businesses with our own families on where governments of all good things to say we have the families let us continue to establish the facts and let that henceforth change our consumer habits. dungeon happy hour investment happy governmental happy and our citizen habits so they have actually we can be involved in a said gender change. but staying in this tantrum of denunciation and inaction will lead to more than nothing i believe very hard and none of this courage to
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assume responsibility is to look at things a stranger in the face and to say what can be done on each of the love we realize that some things are going to take time because in all of our countries there are producers who have. depended to have some products that aren't very good we have also lived people who'd lived in. difficult areas and they had it in the round and we can't really put all the blame on them we rather need to help them to change we need to propose solutions. through towns go innovation from investment wind a true gender combat social and climate inequalities. j. . for reconciliation please want to know we need that is what i'm going on and in front is what we need to implement in europe it's what we need to build right here . ladies and gentlemen that is what i wanted to share with you like believe in this
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courage to assume responsibility and more broadly i believe in this return of courage i do believe that we have no other choice and we have to work together on a manhunt our grandmother. our grandmother has changed not doubt injury that last. that perhaps more complicated than previously and they understand that there are various topics health care education climate here we're all aware that we are going to have to be accountable but i do not believe anymore in pessimism it's easy i do not believe anymore. in division. i believe in our ability to propose things to reflect to think together to build this agenda for reconciliation which everywhere will enable us to
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far in good taste for the future as well thank you very much thank you very much. present and i'm in my addressing the united nations general assembly speaking about peace conflict multilateralism international securities ranging from climate change . and the economy let's go straight to jonah because he's been wanted to bring this for us and jonah perhaps the most significant part of his speech was when he cited the recent oil attacks on saudi arabia and said that if that if anything shows the need for broader negotiations and that kind of indicates these frenchy led efforts to try and come up with an economic package to save the iran deal is still very much ongoing. well iran very much central to president micron's sort of vision and political philosophy that we've come to know quite well now it's not the 1st time he's brought it here to the general assembly it's central
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to his foreign policy of course it is about multilateral lateralization it is about presenting france as a sort of global voice of reason i don't want any more pessimism he said we must rediscover courage in all of this in the face of course of increasing unilateralism put forward by the likes of great power players like donald trump and other leaders who follow in his footsteps mr macro and said look we are not meeting the challenges that face us on climate old conflict resolution on inequalities economic social and otherwise because we lack that fundamental value which is courage courage to engage courage to find compromise and so he set out his vision for what he believes needs to happen with iran perhaps the most vexing. question in international affairs at present he said that he had warned donald trump that things would fall apart after the 90 after 2015 nuclear deal that he exited if
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there weren't solutions solutions need to be found he says negotiations must resume to make sure iran contra get nuclear weapons to find solutions to the conflict in yemen a regional security plan and the lifting of sanctions that is emanuel micron's policy on iran and emanuel manual pledge to the general assembly here putting himself forward as the great statesman the great peacemaker the great multilateralist yes and as you say that speech from emmanuel lakhan was in so many ways a rebuttal to what we've been hearing from u.s. president donald trump praising international cooperation of the past and said that we need to see a collective approach to address current wild challenges that's it for now the stream is coming up next.
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i am for me ok i'm really could be a liar and you're in the stream today black face control the scenes we will discuss the history of this race is practice and how it impacts people of color or other instances of blackface in your head of the world chances are yes what should we do about them tell us via twitter or in our live you tube. i just want to let you know this before we get started that today's program will feature of racist images that you may find disturbing the latest controversy of a black face involves canadian prime minister justin trudeau last week he apologized for instances in his posse.


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