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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  October 9, 2019 10:00am-10:34am +03

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is set to begin shortly kurdish forces of war and that any military escalation in northeastern syria could lead to the return of eisel and cause a mass displacement of people they've been passionate scenes outside colombia's supreme court by supporters and opponents of the former president alvarado. he's begun testifying as part of an investigation into whether he took part in witness tampering and bribery is the 1st time a former president has been called before a court on allegations that could lead to criminal charges that johnson and johnson has been told it must pay $8000000000.00 in damages after a man taking its anti psychotic drug response drug respectable grew breasts a jury in the us found the pharmaceutical giant had failed to warn nicholas mary and other young men of the side effects he had previously won $680000.00 in the case against the company. throughout the day those are the latest headlines coming
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up next is the listening post. philippines president roderigo deterred she says he's cracking down on the communist insurgency but some food is a deadly campaign to silence his critics as the death toll rises one to one east investigates do tend to use new al-jazeera. within minutes of its release the whistleblower complaint sparking caution talk out. shows the president right now in great britain or are we right now. with the president also attacking. hello i'm richard burton you're at the listening post here are some of the media stories that we're covering this week donald trump and fox news there are signs that the president's biggest supporter on the american airwaves is having some serious 2nd thoughts he draws crowds that will put bollywood superstars and indian
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cricketers to shame india's no rent remote and the art of the overseas mega rally one year after the killing of jamal khashoggi the saudi crown prince gets a grilling on american television and comes up short and gratitude and berg's climate speech as a swedish death metal song somehow. strikes the right now. as the impeachment inquiry in the u.s. congress gathers steam president trump tweets about a crew and talk of a looming civil war there are signs of an in-house civil war at the biggest most influential news network in the country fox news the complaint at the center of the impeachment story filed by an anonymous whistleblower alleges that trump abused his powers by asking the government of ukraine to dig up dirt on joe biden a possible opponent in next year's presidential election fox has been a bedrock of support for this president and there were some signs before the ukraine story of dissent at the network on where fox should draw the line in its
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backing of trump however this story has. exposed those divisions like never before the hosts arguing with each other on the air reflect a deeper split amongst fox executives and within the network's owners the murdoch family and as fox is best known viewers it's not like donald trump hasn't noticed some of those angry tweets he used to reserve for c.n.n. and the new york times are now heading fox's way our starting point this week is washington d.c. . the prospect of the impeachment of donald trump has been a preoccupation of much of the american news media since before trump was even sworn in this headline was published just 6 days after trump was selected more than 2 months before he took office then came the russia gate story out of washington and the latest on the russian best again on the alleged collusion between the trump
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campaign and the kremlin during the 2016 election the investigation into that by special counsel robert muller had many u.s. news outlets feasting on the story for more than 2 years in the american presidency right now is the product of collusion between the russian intelligence services and an american campaign i mean that is so profoundly big in the end it fell short of the high expectations that many journalists in their excitement had helped to create all of which has made it easier for the white house to argue that the ukraine story which is centered around a phone call between trump and president for more than it is a is just more of the same. the russian investigation that was such a complex set of facts that i think it was tough for democrats to really explain why trump should be impeached thank you very much here whereas here with the whistleblower complaint regarding trump's feelings not just with ukraine with other
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countries as well is a lot more straightforward and so i think that has. lend itself to making a clear case for impeachment the white house to have just released the transcript of the july 25th phone call between president trump and the ukrainian president selenski there was a discussion about some military aid that we were supposed to. put upon that and so then this phone call happens and trump says you know paraphrasing but ok i'm going to need you to do us a favor. and the favor that he's asking is he wants him to investigate is chief political rival. donald trump leveraged his power over ukrainian leader and that's very simple you can explain that to almost anyone and once you explain to them that it's illegal it will be very easy for them to understand that much of the media in this country is not just fake it's corrupt the
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president's response has followed the standard shoot the messenger pattern attacks on the news outlets reporting the story as well as a few potshots at the network that usually has his back fox news signs that donald trump's affection for fox was on the wane had come even before the ukraine story turned up the heat 6 weeks ago after the network ran and unflattering paul trump tweeted fox isn't working for us anymore. in the past few months i'd argue the president has been calling into question some of fox media hosts as well as the network itself for not always coming to his defense the president expects fox to be in his corner he expects people to come to his defense a man when they don't necessarily at least in his eyes there is some tension there for most of his term fox has defended the president ok surely news anchors shepard smith and chris wallace have swim against the current and told it like it is why
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did the president use private attorneys rather than it out of the but. they are vastly outnumbered and the hardcore support for trump comes in primetime through the hosts of opinion shows names like carlson hannity and ingrid the ukraine story has resulted in that schism being laid bare on fox's air. so you have this tension within fox these 2 anchors essentially sailin each other's integrity shep smith. covered thinks it's appropriate he had on judge entered a part time that he has said that these are serious issues raised by the support that that to which the president has admitted is in and of itself a crime yes this is the same crime for all this is insufficient devoted to president's positions and saw tucker carlson some hours later a 2nd chance for another former federal prosecutor judge is it a crime here former federal prosecutor well i think judge an apollo tano there's
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a full shep smith came back you know a day later and said attacking our colleague who is here to offer legal assessments on our air in our home is repugnant shep smith said who could disagree his ideas this is ridiculous and then tucker carlson did it again the next night pumpkin not clear if that was you or maybe someone's repugnant and so that's the feud between shepard smith and tucker carlson did kind of highlight schism at fox news again this isn't really a new thing. but because impeachment is such a significant thing to possibly remove a president from office seems like the stakes have gotten higher and so these feuds have become something that people are talking. and that's schism that fox viewers see in the networks output also exists and probably starts at the executive level. rupert murdoch's heir apparent lachlan murdoch is reportedly far less
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a namrud of the president than his father is. and although fox continues to hire ex administration officials like former director of communications picks it is also hard one of trump's republican adversaries the former speaker of the house paul ryan which may prove significant down the road. if you could combine a roller coaster and revolving door that would describe the relationship between the republican party and the white house and fox news and this is part of. murdoch by certain. thinkers of the political spectrum you know it will be undone if the trump himself. but for the moment or now. it's impossible to see. the relationship between it may well be that paul ryan wants to . see a world i would say that the president's bedrock of support at fox is wavering. i
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don't think his relationship with fox news is going to change and may criticize certain people within fox but his relationship with the network is still very strong he needs fox in a way that they really get to his base they get to the people who. vote for him and well he hopes will vote for them again. sometimes facts anchors hit the road with president trying not to cover him to campaign with you. when jeanine pirro or sean hannity appear on long side trump at a rally they look more like running mates than journalists when hannity returns to his studio he routinely criticizes other reporters for their lack of objectivity biden incorporated they have now been exposed as by the media mob is one and the cloud on ukraine hannity argues the real story is the corruption of the biden family and as one of his colleagues said this past week hannity and by extension
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fox news are all that stands between donald trump becoming the next richard next. the president the washington post brought down in the 1970 s. watergate scandal you know if it wasn't your show sean they would destroy him absolutely you know the difference between donald j. trump and richard nixon you know it is kind of an interesting thought exercise to think about what you know how things might have been different for nixon had he had the conservative media infrastructure that exists today therefore. i shall resign the presidency effective. because you know if you read about watergate a lot of the big revelations that occurred in the washington post or on you know during the watergate hearings there wasn't kind of this right wing infrastructure spinning it you know immediately into tens of millions of people every night but i do think that it's likely that nixon would have survived water he had he had something like fox news spinning the watergate hearings highlighting democrats looking bad during moments where they were questioning witnesses that sort of thing
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. it kind of provides a whole different way of interpreting news events. that is something fox has always offered americans a whole new way a right wing way of interpret in the news we're going to lay out the truth each and every detail what the president did absolutely nothing wrong nothing its reporters are skilled at glossing over the facts but the executives calling the shots no there is no escaping the numbers they live and die by ratings something donald trump knows all about and the polls now showing a majority of americans are in favor of impeaching the president do not bode well for the trump fox relationship it's already starting to get messy the break up should it come to that will be must watch t.v. . we're looking at other media stories that are on our radar this week with one of
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our producers tarik one year ago this week the saudi journalist to my. he walked into that saudi consulate in istanbul where he was suffocated killed and then dismembered the cia has concluded that the man who ordered that killing was the saudi crown prince mohammed bin solemn on known as and the us this past week and b.s. went on c.b.s.'s 60 minutes in the u.s. to defend himself how did that go through richard when one of them from on 1st appeared on 60 minutes back in 2018 c.b.s. of norah o'donnell themed rather impressed with his ideas this time around she was much more forceful did you order. absolutely not you know this was a heinous crime like those but i take full responsibility as a leader in saudi arabia especially since it was committed by individuals working for the saudi government is a pretty weak response because mohamed been front man is the found
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a government and a killing of a high profile fitted them on foreign soil would never have been carried out with i have faith all right but he was just one target of riyadh's campaign against internal dissent he was a journalist had that platform in the washington post his story was always going to get a lot of coverage but c.b.s. also asked about female dissidents in saudi arabia who have also spent time in prison how did n.b.s. deal with that so the question was about a new general have to rule who is when we him much less about she's a women's rights activist who was kidnapped from the u.a.e. back in march 28th seen and has been imprisoned in fighting ever since i don't know . about reports that have lewd has been tortured while in jail this is how he responded. if this is correct it is very heinous islam forbids torture the saudi laws forbid torture if human conscience forbids torture and i
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will personally follow up on this matter as you can imagine this exchange has generated a lot of debate online not least among saudis i spoke with a saudi activist and blogger i'm a man i shot about the interview on 60 minutes obviously he's contradicting himself because in the previous interview that he didn't previously in the same show he said that the woman had been arrested because there was evidence against them by now me saying that he doesn't know happening i believe he's fully aware of it and the fact that they've been keeping her weight is kind of for a red flag if there is something happening decided government is trying to hide it and perhaps one of the reasons why they didn't have more is done prison because they're afraid that she's going to speak to the international community about what happened that was a moment a shot on female activist still in jail for still paying a price and saudi arabia a year after has shocked killing ok thanks to our. india's prime minister narendra
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modi has honed the art of the political spectacle the rallies the rousing speeches he held want to couple of weeks back that attracted 50000 people including donald trump in houston texas it was the 15th for a rally modi has held why it's not as though modi supporters with foreign citizenship can actually vote in indian elections but they do have money theirs is amongst the wealthiest immigrant communities in the u.s. so houston was a fundraising opportunity that neither modi nor trump could afford to pass up the indian diaspora has other political uses that modi is tapping into back home when an indian emigrant is seen as having made it abroad as a lawyer a doctor or a tech whiz and they support modi that reflects well on the prime minister and it all gets fed into the well oiled modi media messaging machine the listening posts may not be now on around remote he's careful clever use of overseas indians to
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appeal to voters at home. houston prime minister met in the movie has a problem already by. actually he has a few if you would india's prime minister which images would you rather see on television screens back home hundreds of foreigners descending on the capital new delhi in protest soldiers deployed across in lockdown trying to keep a lid on the geopolitical powder keg crowds of people protesting you your party's ideology and policies. would you prefer a picture is like the. $50000.00 supporters most of the indian americans feeling. a giant stadium and cheering at
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your rally the american president donald trump standing alongside waving at supporters and walking hand in hand with. which pictures would you choose. more the currently is besieged on a number of fronts the economy is in a shambles kashmir is another burning issue increasingly you're getting a fair amount of negative international attention so this was a show of strength for modi and it's also a message sent both to his supporters that we will do what we want to do we are standing strong and a message sent to his detractors that i remain unfazed by a criticism i could clearly see that mr modi was on a damage control mode at a time when things were slightly sour between india and the united states of america especially when it comes to trade.
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so actually houston i could see that he was making that pitch to the united states and was also making sure that everything is hunky dory between india and the u.s. and particularly between the 2 personalities mr moore the and mr trump the so-called how the mood in houston was just the latest of 15 foreign rallies modi has headlined since coming to power in 2014 and president trump is just the latest foreign leader to stand alongside him back in 2015 it was london david cameron and an even bigger crowd of 60000. as prime minister has traveled out of india nearly 100 times visiting some 60.


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