tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 16, 2019 4:00pm-5:01pm +03
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deadline looming and the e.u. and u.k. prepare to square off in brussels was will boris johnson to do next followed the e.u. summit on al-jazeera. on. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm stan grant this is the news i'll live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. we're not looking for a mediator or anything we don't need it took is president rejects international pressure and says the offensive in syria will continue until these troops secure a safe sun along the border. talks go down to the wire trade and the irish border remain as main sticking points. shouted
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down by politicians hong kong's chief executive carrie lamb is forced to delay her annual policy speech. and i'm li harding with sports the olympic marathons in tokyo are being moved to avoid the summer heat and barcelona's match with real madrid could be switched because of the protests in the city. president has promised to keep fighting in syria until all these countries goals have been based rich of tayyip erdogan is shrugging off international pressure for an immediate cease fire and the battle on the ground goes on the town of wrestle and remains the front line of the conflict there's gunfire and heavy artillery that have been heard across the city as turkish and kurdish forces battle for control diplomatic if it's to end the fighting role so intensifying u.s. vice president mike pence and secretary of state. a travelling to turkey to push
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for a cease fire the u.s. delegation is due to meet the turkish president. with president trump's threat of more sanctions if they're ignored but that's unlikely to sway president over one in an urgent address to his party he said he won't be influenced by foreign threats we . should do. all the suggestions and threats we're not going to accept i think that has been clear from the stop bio attitude we want to steer organization from our borders design to the iraqi border and we establish this 35 kilometer safe zone this operation will end but up until reaching this point no power can stop us. no one has also defended the operation against critics who say civilians are in the line of fire he says turkey has never and will never commit a civilian massacre c.b.s. cut down a good mix of your designers. if you want to see civilian casualties look at the
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streets of palestine when muslims are killed in the streets you want to see civilian massacres look at the terror organization who killed their women elderly children they were killed by them in the last 40 years if you want to see civilian meskins look in the mirror and look at history and look at all the blood of the innocents in your own hands tookie can never be accused meanwhile the u.n. special envoy for syria is in damascus he's calling for an immediate end to the turkish operation citing humanitarian concerts and will go to charles stratford in china and pienaar on the turkish syrian border shortly but 1st we're joined by sin i'm who is joining us out of turkey. that speech that we heard from president was very much i'm good rallying his party and rallying the people and there was a strong message of defiance wasn't there. well yes see here again
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repeat the same lines actually when you listen to whole of his speech he said that this military operation is not a war this is a security measure turkey targets what it and the e.u. and the u.s. calls a terrorist organization and turkey doesn't want what they call a terrorist corridor or by its border and don as don was actually trying to make clear some of the some of the things because looking at looking at the media coverage and the internet lack of international support to a nato ally ancora is aware that they are gaining in the battlefield on the ground but they're kind of losing when it comes to international media coverage and international p.r. so i don't try to underline that his military forces are not targeting the civilians he's not bombing the severe the military is not bombing the civil areas and he compared it to the other u.s. military presence in afghanistan other places and how they targeted the civilian
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areas so are going to try try to justify this operation in his own way but also one thing was important he made it clear that he doesn't want any medication from any international party to make peace with the y p g p y v or p k k however he names it he said that turkey already had an experience they try to make peace with the p.k. k. in the beginning of the 2010 but the p.k. k. violated the so this process especially the talks between the turkish intelligence and the p.k. k. leadership and also by leaking some voice recording so long was also clear on one thing he said that whoever wants to come to anchor out to talk me through stopping this war shouldn't even bother saw him. it's clear despite the lack of international support from the us from the e.u.
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from the arab league most of the muslim countries he's eager to complete the safe zone he calls from men base to the iraqi border which stretches around 420 kilometers writer a key staff. so and thank you for that we're going to judge a child's traffic now and joe and he's on the turkish syrian border of course we heard from president to one child saying that he's not going to stop until he's achieve these objectives and he won't be talked out of that on the ground how close does he appear to be to to meeting those objectives. was certainly the view from here looking over us a line he's a long way off meeting those objectives here considering the battles here started about a week ago we've seen some intense fighting today a lot of artillery used as strikes a lot of heavy machine gunfire heard in the city you can see the smoke behind me we believe that may actually be
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a gas station that may have been hit so when you consider that this city was part of the 1st phase of this operation you can see what kind of resistance the turkish forces a coming against are facing and we also understand looking at the distance between where this fighting is going on and the actual border wall itself it's very close so it suggests that not many gains have been made in russell a now the turkish military do however say that they have pushed south west of the city made gains there in the last 24 hours they're also saying that they made gains around the town of tel aviv. southwest again of the town of tel aviv which they took control over a few days ago. we understand that it's been quite quiet around that flashpoint of money which of course we know that russian sorry syrian forces took control of syrian army forces took control over yesterday we still hear that russian military
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police patrolling that area making sure that there are no potential confrontations between protests his forces that we understand are around 10 to 15 kilometers north of beijing yeah the military campaign certainly would respect to russell laine all indications are that the turks are very much up against it. charles thank you for that we're going to continue this discussion now particularly around the question of diplomacy matthew bryza is a former u.s. ambassador to azerbaijan and a former white house official who joins us on skype from istanbul it's nice to have you with us just wondering as mike pence and mark pump sit to sit down with president hu one listening to president to one today saying don't bother coming here trying to talk me out of meeting these objectives i want to listen where is the scope here for some form of negotiation or breakthrough. yet thank you stan for having me. president i do want to signaling there really is no scope for
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negotiation as you just mentioned and so top u.s. leaders don't take to that lightly so president trump has decided to send the highest level delegation he could possibly send for diplomatic purposes other than himself right i mean the vice president and the secretary of state it and i'm sure they're convinced of their own persuasiveness with the full force of the u.s. government behind them but i i i think that president there's no chance he's going to implement a cease fire or allow any mediation until he feels turkey has achieved had the goals that he defined which is as the reporter said creating a safe zone in northern syria the y.p. g. pushed back and then a space to which one stabilized to which refugees can return now as you saw president trump does not send his vice president and his secretary of state to walk away with nothing there is already the threat of more sanctions given the sanctions that we already have in place so where is the potential here for the deal and what
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can the vice president pence and 60 pump bring to this negotiation when they sit down across the table from president to one. well number one they can bring the lack of the desire by president trump actually to go further with sanctions president trump likes president our no one president trump wants to get the u.s. troops out and he's expressed since last december his desire for turkey as a nato ally to go in and do the dirty work if you will in syria s. so that that's to president are the ones that advantage and what they can do is say look we're going to go back to president trump and we're going to talk to president trump's 3. opponents or people who are criticizing his his agreement to move u.s. troops out of turkey's way and we're going to say we negotiated hard and president carter one has assured us that his goals are the limited ones he's articulated those goals are in u.s. national interests and in that way perhaps by a bit more time for president are the ones to come clean this this limited military
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operation you mentioned there that relationship between president of rwanda and president trump and there is the potential and maybe this will be part of the discussion here of course for president i don't want to go to washington in the future and to sit down with with president trump that personal relationship as someone who's been on the inside of this you've been involved in these negotiations at an ambassadorial level when you get the presidency involved and the the quality and the depth of the person the relationship itself how critical is that. well i've actually been involved in presidential meetings with then prime minister everyone in the oval office under president bush and that personal relationship of course it matters a lot in terms of building reform but after that i think most people would be surprised at how easy it is for the bureaucrats especially in the u.s. pentagon to ignore what the president the united states may have agreed with the
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president or then prime minister of turkey we had that for several years where president bush had promised prime minister are to one the u.s. would ensure that northern iraq would not be used as a haven for the p.k. k. and the u.s. central command simply refused for 2 going on 3 years to implement president bush's own pledge that could happen again here but you'd rather not have you to join us on the program thank you i think you took a study to and hope bank says criminal charges against it in the u.s. a part of sanctions washington imposed on ankara for its military operation in syria prosecutors accuse how bank of being at the center of a scheme that helped iran avoid sanctions they say gold was born with iranian oil and gas profits which was then sold for tash in dubai this then enabled iran to buy goods and services because companies didn't know the cash originally time from tehran nearly 1000000000 dollars was reportedly low wanted in this game al-jazeera
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as economics editor has more. the united states have brought cases against 15 other european banks over the last few years and they have paid cumulative fines of $20000000000.00 the last 2 cases were standard chartered in april and unique both of those companies paid between $1000000000.00 to $1300000000.00 so the cost of what banks will have to pay we just don't know at this present moment but seeing that you know we're talking about billions of dollars in a lot of money that could be the sum total of of their find see the impact of of this on the turkish coming will probably be very minimal right now because turkey has been through a lot of storms and money created by by the u.s. president last time he put in sanctions on the country but before that we had the crisis with russia when they shut down their russian jets and so there has been a huge impact on each occasion but this time this is to be a little bit more resilient in the markets for this kind of event was seen today
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that you know the shares the share price of. bank has come down 7 percent and has recovered slightly and we're seeing a shortage of of. the lira in the in the international markets so this is a concerted effort by the to basically limit the damage. well plenty more ahead on the news hour including torture and suicides prisons in indian administered kashmir faced multiple accusations hundreds of schools by some closure how a building collapse has sparked fear of poor construction standards in kenya and rugby fever japan's supporters scramble to get their hands on merchandise ahead of their world cup quarter final against south africa. last minute breaks that negotiations are under way after leaders from the u.k.
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and european union failed to reach a resolution in lengthy late night talks now they're attempting to reach an agreement that can be discussed at a summit in brussels on thursday the e.u. negotiator miss your banias says obstacles remain between the 2 sides he says there is still potential for a deal britain surgical to leave the e.u. on october 31st u.k. breaks it minister stephen stephen barclay says the government has submitted a draft text that forms part of the deal that would be put before the e.u. we are absolutely committed to securing the deal we think that is in the interest of both sides to be comfortable with a short technical extension to get it done. i think it is important that we leave on the 31st of october. we'll speak to natasha butler in brussels shortly 1st we're going to go to paul brennan in london what's the view from london paul as these negotiations continue with the e.u.
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with some sort of hope but also tempered by the reality of the obstacles that remain. well there's been intensive political haggling as well as intensive political negotiating taking place and they went late into the night on tuesday we're now into wednesday of course and they have continued the democratic unionist party very important party on the northern ireland question has been to downing street to meet with the prime minister and his officials and to talk about what the prime minister is proposing as a compromise but they came out and they didn't say anything at all to waiting reporters so to a certain extent those of us who are outside of the circle a very tight circle i might say are none the wiser as to exactly how the politicians and the diplomats are going to square this circle now that said what we have is a summit as you said on thursday which is due to take place and the reality is that
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normally the diplomats and the heads of state want to know in advance what's going to be on the agenda for that without having a formal agenda agreed then it's very difficult to see a formal deal emerging and for that reason the consensus is actually appearing to coalesce around the idea that they won't get a formal deal what they will get is more likely some kind of political endorsement a kind of thumbs up to say that they're going in the right direction but to discuss this in a bit more detail with me is most who's saying now he's now a p.r. person but he was a staffer in david cameron's downing street sent a special advisor to former home secretary and the rudd so you know whitehall pretty well know what is a deadline not a deadline in this tense we were told that it wasn't done by last night's tuesday night then all bets are off yeah exactly there's a lot of creativity i think especially when you go to the wire we were also told the e.u. would never renegotiated mutual agreement and they have all they wanted to propose
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it was by last night and we're still talking this morning so i think there's an element of people not wanting to be soon as the ones who are pulling the plug on anything or taking the blame. for a no deal and hence you have a few more talks and a few more kind of things happening behind the scenes but i think we need a reality check here which is there are actually 2 sets of negotiations happening one with the u.k. in the and the e.u. and one with the government and the d u p and i think there's now a sense of the e.u. u.k. negotiations have gone as far as they can go in that people want to know what the people actually agree to and what they can live with there's no point in the wider discussions happening if the u.k. team are proposing something that they can't get through parliament which is always been the issue with this the g.o.p. of course the democratic unionist party for those uninitiated effectively holds sway and is a very important well they represent northern ireland sensually and the bracks it is within the conservative party will pay heed to
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a great degree as to exactly how the d u p will vote before they decide for themselves how they will vote now. what about what about the deal if there's a customs border down the irish sea which is one compromise that i've heard mooted that would really go against the g.o.p.'s principles what they agree to something like that well i mean this is the key question i think that has always been something they have opposed they opposed it when it kind of came up it may be different guys in the trees i'm a deal and mind standing is that there is opposition within the b.p.t. this now as well but it's not uniform of you did not kind of ok he said said he was think the same things i think there were internal discussions happening as well but they are crucial they have 10 m.p.'s in the house of commons they are the kind of loose heart of the government keeping the government in power so their votes do matter and also as he pointed out the e r g the kind of hard to break city
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a wing of the conservative party deuce take their lead from the day you piso they are looking for the d.p. to give them top cover if the d.p. can be the steel then that will unlock many bates thank you mo who say now it's been said by some within the conservative party that no deal would be better than a bad deal it almost appears as though some are prepared now to accept a bad deal rather than no deal paul thank you for that let's go to natasha butler now who's live in brussels and the task is just listening to all the other is a real is intending to pessimism in the u.k. about potential for the deal here but michel barnier has been talking about some sorts leave the room of optimism what that optimism based on and one of the the big obstacles. i mean that's a good question and i don't think anyone really knows it's just not clear exactly what the situation is what the outcome will be because pretty much from the same position that we've been in over the past few days and that is these intensive negotiations are continuing between the u.k. and the e.u.
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negotiators to try and see if they can come up with some sort of revised gregg's it deal that they could then put on the table. for e.u. leaders when they gather in brussels for a summit on thursday now the idea is that that's a bit of a deadline for the u.k. that any agreement would have to be signed off at that summit but we've heard over the past few days that perhaps there could be a deal michel barnier the main e.u. breaks in the go shater as you mentioned said there's been a lot of progress there is a certain amount of hope you seem certainly quite optimistic but on the other hand he's also saying there are many difficulties and problems that need to be resolved and those are based that's basically what we're hearing from other e.u. officials of the outlines of a possible deal are there but the details are still really need to be nailed down because what we need is to turn what michel barnier is called good intentions and willingness on all sides into a real legal text of the main obstacles remain very much centered around the issue
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of the border between ireland which is part of the e.u. and northern ireland which is part of the u.k. whatever happens we are expecting to perhaps hear something as the day goes along from michel barnier who will be briefing us to exactly where we're at and we know that for example many leaders including the french president emanuel marco has said whatever happens we just want to know exactly what the situation will be before this summit on thursday they don't want to turn up to a summit and the issue of whether there is a deal to talk about or not not because our fight the tension thank you as you heard attention mentioned the french president the man you are back wrong will he's also meeting german chancellor angela merkel and sit to hold talks now the issues of course runs from breaks it and syria and they're expected to be high on the agenda ahead of today's summit in brussels the leaders are meeting in southern france in toulouse where they visited the quarters of a boss to highlight european cooperation. for more on this we're going to bring in
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david schaper who joins me live from toulouse and that meeting between president macron and angle merkel as they visited. what were the discussions that. well the discussion was given in a briefing from the lease a palace before it even took place but the interesting thing about this was that the 2 leaders actually got into a few the laws of the air bus and they laid the lunch table there and they were sitting down with the prentices and what cross said to the princes is that he's really come along with angela merkel to to give them confidence in their project he wanted the same sort of apprentices she apprentice scheme that the germans actually had as well but why this question of confidence in the future simply because this week the world trade organization announced that there will be
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terrorists imposed upon the boss company and that will cut and blunt their competitive edge why are they doing that because they have had illegal subsidies to increase their competitive edge against the american company boeing now that also means of course of early next year the world trade organization is going to do exactly the same thing to boeing and they're going to have to have tyrus imposed by the european union on their products so essentially what we've got now is the beginning of a trade war between the united states of america and the biggest trading bloc in the world the european union and this could spread of course it could catch fire could be added to wind it could be added to cheese and then the whole tit for tat starts and we're already in the middle of a trade dispute with china so perhaps this was weighing on the minds of most of the german chancellor the french president suring that that lunch lunch inside
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the fuselage of the airbus. yeah and of course this meeting happening while there is so much else world around the reason the the ongoing breaks at the scuttle but also the issue in what's happening in syria these are also going to be among the discussions into. without a doubt the real discussions between the german chancellor and the french president just just starting right now near this very square where i'm standing and yes number one of course the big. the big elephant standing in the row every time these 2 leaders meet is breakthrough we don't know what's happening as natasha was saying so we'll have to wait and see what they have to say because there's no progress on that but on syria a very important point that the french foreign 'd minister has a chance to meet is his counterparts here in toulouse and he has already announced
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that he'll be going to baghdad at some stage to meet with the kurdish officials and iraqi ministers to discuss the vital question of exactly what is the the state of security for the i still prisoners in the camps guarded by the kurdish troops at the moment the french foreign minister says it seems to be ok it seems to be holding together but there's also the question of the actual french and other foreign eisel fighters what's going to happen to them are they going to be tried inside iraq is there any sort of judicial structure in framework for them to be tried inside iraq or should they in the name of justice be brought back to their home countries already 8 french fighters have been sentenced to death in iraq they haven't been carried out these executions but it worries the whole of the european union on the basic fact that human values of the heart of the european
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union and there is no death penalty in any of the $28.00 e.u. countries so these are vital vital matters for them to discuss and we'll see what comes out of the meeting after about 3 hours time david thank you from europe now to hong kong where the chief executive there is calling for tolerance and open mindedness off the opposition politicians shouted down her annual policy speech after 2 failed attempts and having objects right now to carry lam eventually made her dress on video instead scott high the reports from hong kong. head of chief executive kerry lammas policy address security was increased around the government complex anticipating protesters a wall was extended and more police were added. but they did not plan for disruption to come from inside the legislative council i think well i. twice lamb tried to deliver her address you know you are saying rice she was drowned out by
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members of the opposition pen democracy coalition chanting and holding up signs. at one point they projected the protest movements 5 demands on the wall behind their pain so moving i will soon after the session was called off because of the disruption pro-democracy members held a news conference with a clear message all 5 months are very clear not one less. and i really urge if she can't govern hong kong and she has no the temptation to govern hong kong and she has no ability and even incapable in a ministration hong kong please that down kerry lamb was forced to put a plan b. into action having no success delivering her address here in the legislative council chambers she had to do it through a video feed the poll i read live on hong kong t.v. it was the 1st time a chief executive delivered a policy address on video and it she touched on some of the big issues the people
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of hong kong have been calling for improved livelihoods and more affordable housing she also addressed the deep divide in hong kong society saying that an independent committee will be set up to look into those divisions later at a news conference lam said she tried to listen to all views something she's promised before well you. need a high in the past few months this very serious social unrest his challenge. facing the incidents of recent months i realize that being a politician i need to be always aware and understand the feelings about people and while i also understand that the intentions are good we also need to be very tolerant and open minded. lamb said that the theme of her policy address this year was treasure hong kong our home. but it's clear that there's a lot more work to be done before hong kong is a harmonious household scotland al-jazeera hong kong we're going to look at the
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weather now where in europe it's trying to change too often wrong. it is trying these things never goes smoothly we have already wiped out all the thirty's there's a lot of sunshine in the east which empties not reach the city mark but normally when you do that when you try and drop temps you do it by bringing frontal systems near landing and this sort of things happen you know about 36 hours ago this was sudden france a tornado spun off a thunderstorm thunderstorm was caused by a cold front our front was there from the atlantic so quite significant damage can be done and surprised me too and i did anyway do significant damage now there's no more that in the immediate future in fact that whole frontal system has moved on to some degree but the driving force for all this is a lot further writers are just saving it to more or less the north atlantic the sea the expanse of water and the hugeness of these systems which is that sort of thing that drives the cooling weather and you can trace it all way back through these awards back towards the americas eventually but in the immediate future this low is
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the dominant feature is throwing rain into western europe the baby escape into western france and it's talking code red behind that however we're not going to get that train run raj across europe at the moment we're holding on to the wall in the eastern side it's the moment spain and portugal are seeing the temperatures drop into the teens it's already happened to france and the british isles some. well still ahead on al-jazeera a united stand on impeaching the u.s. president we have the latest from the debate between donald trump's democratic rival. in sport heading for the world series leader as the action as washington bridge baseball so peace for the 1st time. to strengthen the good you have to shoulder court all the more with the come still
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fight against corruption. dysphoric new chiro heroes like no who are bad who refuse to $15000000.00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the international ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight the dark are used to shine a light let's make the road to a better place nominate your anti corruption here and now. we understand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it al-jazeera will bring you the news and current events that matter to al-jazeera.
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you're watching al-jazeera here's a reminder about top stories this hour. turkey's president has promised to fight all in syria until all of his country's goals have been. achieve. the u.s. and u.n. step up diplomatic efforts to reach a cease fire agreement. last minute breaks that negotiations are again under way off the e.u. and. failed to reach a breakthrough on tuesday night trying to reach an agreement that can be discussed at a summit brussels on thursday. calling for tolerance and open mindedness to opposition politicians shouted down the annual policy speech eventually delivered his speech but through a video link. back to turkey's offensive in northeast syria now u.s.
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secretary of state. has been speaking to u.s. media that's before his trip for talks into a keep going to get more on this now from our white house correspondent kimberly halkett and what secretary had to say. yeah well there had been in a few hours ago a little bit of doubt about whether or not this u.s. delegation being dispatched by u.s. president donald trump to meet with the turkish leader whether or not that face to face meeting would take place we now know of course through communications by president to once team that that meeting is going to take place and we're getting some insight into the message now that is being sent by the united states u.s. secretary of state mike pump aoe speaking on national television here in the united states saying that not only do they still expect a face to face meeting but their goal is to try and find a resolution for the situation in syria working to make sure there is no security
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vacuum now this comes on the heels of a release by the white house late last night where in fact the white house outlined the goals that it's hoping to try and accomplish essentially that they're hoping to try and achieve security in the region safety of civilians and also the detention of eisel fighters that that remains intact so as we know there is this delegation going forward it includes the vice president of the united states the u.s. secretary of state and the national security adviser robert o'brien now we know the message they're taking and the timeline we expect that after a meeting at the white house where the u.s. president will be in consultation with not only this group but also some key members from the u.s. house of representatives in the u.s. senate they are then going to make their departure from washington on route to turkey. kimberly thank you will michael mckinley who resigned as a senior advisor to u.s. secretary of state just last week is next in line to be questioned in the presidential impeachment inquiry on tuesday
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a senior state department official in charge of ukraine policy testified before the committee george tenet was questioned about his knowledge of trump's if it's to have ukraine investigate his political rival joe biden democrats are accusing the trump administration of stonewalling the inquiry well the democrats who want to replace donald trump as president have mostly presented a united front calling for him to be impeached they've wrapped up their 4th debate in ohio a battleground state that's backed the winner of the presidential vote for decades they were fiery exchanges though about health care foreign policy and gun violence john hendren reports from westerville in ohio. in their 4th. debate democrats spent 3 hours in verbal combat with one another n. president donald trump. here as a new front runner senator elizabeth warren repeatedly took hits from the other candidates and she hit back 1st on her refusal to detail how she would pay for
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government funded health care your signature senators to have a plan for everything except this what most americans want medicare for all who want to understand what that really means it's not a care for all who can afford it former vice president joe biden struck back against president trump and his rivals look. my son did nothing wrong i did nothing wrong i'm the only one in the state has gotten anything really big done and they returned the favor you got the disastrous war in iraq done. you got the bankruptcy bill which is hurting middle class families all over this country afterward each candidate or game face senator you were aggressive tonight how do you feel you did let people make that decision themselves that were sitting in the middle of ohio ohio a state that donald trump won and he won pennsylvania and he won michigan and he won wisconsin we need to build
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a blue wall around those states win them and make him pay for it. senator harris how do you feel about the night i feel great you can feel young people are not just registering they're not just deciding that we're going to vote but on gun violence on climate on immigration on health care on any issue that matters they're leading the way right now and we're going to see that reflected in the turnout at the polls one worried that a combative campaign could leave the democratic nominee damaged again is this campaign getting uncivil bill i'm not saying that at all i'm just saying that after the nightmare we saw last time around were for a lot of reasons we went into that general election week or one of them has to be in the fact that there was not enough unity within the democratic party returning just 2 weeks after a heart attack senator bernie sanders joked at his own expense i want to start we're moving on so i'm sorry i'm feeling great but i would like to tell. i want to start by saying. from here the candidate field is unlikely to winnow down the candidates who performed well here are likely to see fund raising increase those
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who didn't are likely to see it decline the remaining candidates who stay in the race will focus on the early voting states iowa new hampshire south carolina and then in november 1 year ahead of the 2020 alexion the candidates who remain will get together for the 5th democratic debate who has really stood out to. bernie sanders. by the mourner probably almost tied in terms of their performance and then i think campbell harris is trying i don't think she's going to break out of that 4th spot some who drop out during the campaign will join the cabinet of the winner so while some are running for president some who won't succeed likely already are running just to be part of the team john hendren 0 westerville ohio. more than 2 months off to new delhi revoked the autonomy of indian administered kashmir thousands of kashmir is still in jail among them
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a children as young as 9 years old some families accuse the indian government of torture and abuse which is even led to suicides allegations denied by india's security forces asama bin job it has. it's difficult to recall what happened to him for nearly 2 months in prison but after assurances that we will not reveal his identity this case me boy opened up. i always used to cry i was kept in a solitary cell with a toilet there was no roof and rain drenched me it was scary i was unable to eat or sleep i had to fold or lift my legs as the cell was very small there was snakes when i started shouting they used to come and take out the snakes but i didn't stop crying a doctor was brought in and he used to inject something that made me unconscious he says he was the youngest among 25 kashmiris flown to a jail more than 1000 kilometers away and was arrested under the vague public safety act or p.s.a.
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which amnesty international calls a lawless law and allows for detention up to 2 years without bail. india's government has told the supreme court that 144 miners have been arrested in indian administered kashmir since august including children as young as 9 years old and some couldn't handle the trauma this father whose identity we cannot reveal says his son committed suicide after being tortured he doesn't believe the denials by the indian army that the boy was not detained or tortured at sit in a hospital the doctor allowed me to talk to why son i told him it will be always painful that you didn't tell us what you've gone through in a broken voice he said i have sacrificed my life for kashmir india's government revoked kashmir's autonomy and imposed a security lockdown in august it's also arrested thousands of people in the subsequent crackdown human rights organizations and activists in india have protested against the restrictions even lawyers in kashmir want us to hide their identities because they fear the state's crackdown due to the fear of torture young
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people are not staying at home security personnel are even using megaphones in torturing victims it's all very disturbing due to a lack of communication accurate information about juveniles and youth is very difficult to get. but the government says its actions to provide security and improve conditions for kashmiris these decisions are the thinning were taken place over taken at the local level by the law enforcement authorities after all the factors into going to. all those detentions have been continuously under some. people who have been the result of too afraid to reveal their identity the sisters say their only breadwinner was their brother who was detained 2 months ago. he was arrested on august 9th at 2 in the morning the soldiers took him from his room we met him twice at the police station and shopian and then he was shifted to she not essential later we found out that he's been sent to the pity we can't afford
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meeting him as we don't have the money because he was the only breadwinner for a family. prime minister in there under modi has promised that revoking cushnie special status will usher in development and progress. 6 many among the nearly 8000000 kashmiris facing a lockdown and restrictions find that hard to believe some of the job made out of their. aged care centers in australia are under scrutiny for abuse and neglect of their residence and investigation found the sick and vulnerable are being sedated often without their consent and who thomas has more now from. off to emigrating from spain to australia in her twenty's moloch approach worked as a carer now with advanced dementia she's the one who needs looking after after her husband silvio had a stroke both needed full time care in a nursing home. but in one stall for spawn did to produce behavior by sedating her
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with drugs lots of them physically she was losing a balance she was blank faced she was pretty much screaming a lot of the time i couldn't help her you know because of the drugs in her system she couldn't help herself or nobody could help and every day i was a struggle only after 2 years of slowly weaning her off the drugs and paying the extra private nursing staff as a son feel his mother is calm so the mother that i see today when i hug her. even though she has dementia i feel like she's my mother you know and i feel the strength and if you feel her pace monica pro is experience is far from unique human rights watch is investigated centers across australia and found what they call chemical restraint is often the norm. caring for people with dementia is labor intensive and that is expensive drugs are a cheaper alternative but often given without informed consent from the patient or
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their relatives human rights watch says it's a violation of their rights i do think that most people would be shocked to find that it's a common practice to drug older people mostly people with dementia really makes no sense to say that there should be a lower standard for drugging someone you know what control their behavior as compared to perhaps using some sort of physical restraint the issue is not unique to australia human rights watch also investigated in the united states and found chemical restraint there was just as common but in australia at the moment a national inquiry a royal commission is looking into issues right across the country's aged care system cases of abuse neglect and a routine lack of respect for the elderly a rule being uncovered and exposed there is national contemplation of the way people are treated towards the ends of their lives andrew thomas out as their
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melbourne kenya is closing hundreds of informal schools it will affect $10000.00 students will be transferred to public schools that are already overcrowded the move was prompted by the collapse of the school building last month that year old 8 children catherine stuart reports from nairobi. janet morse your car has just buried her 14 year old daughter. was in a school building collapse last month in nairobi killing 8 children. i dieted hard that day is no life without her she tells us. harriet had just been transferred to the school and was preparing for her final primary school exams. i did not think it was that serious when they got to information when i reached the gate i did see the school building it was flattened i went straight to where it was and just saw blood i was so confused. since then the kenyan government has ordered
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the shutdown of about $300.00 community and private schools mainly in low income areas thousands of children will be affected so this is the one and several schools in nairobi have already been closed like st catherine primary. which was once used as a mass selling traditional i'll call. the owner tells us he sent all 200 children home when government inspectors said the building is not safe and also that. we're. not sure. but they said that the. contra millions of children attend community or private schools in poor neighborhoods because they're cheaper public schools are free but they're too few crowded and far apart this school has just over 100 pupils some one classrooms on the fast floor but
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government officials have said all children should be on the ground floor until inspectors come by to approve the structure teachers say the school is mostly run by money from nonprofit organizations and some payment of school fees by poor parents. they also accuse. some government officials of corruption for allowing substandard schools to operate of course they do the government because we have a school like this one yeah the owners come to our school to do their. big check what is going on in different schools where this structure that. they are whether they have these. world these awards and under when they come and believe well why did they leave this structural standing of this i'm stunned jane what's your cause pain is far from over she says she trusted teachers and the government we've had built his life now she wants justice catherine sawyer al-jazeera nairobi still
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i'll just interrupt this they don't believe in the 2 state solution the do you still believe in the 2 state solution we listen to what i said was that pakistan would never start a war i'm anti-war we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter how does iran. talks go downhill thank you stan well the olympic marathons and road events in tokyo are set to be moved 800 kilometers north of the city to help the runners cope with the summer heat in japan the i.o.c. now plans to stage the races and sapporo at the recent world athletics
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championships in qatar the road races were staged at midnight to take place in cooler conditions but many rug runners still struggled the olympic marathons in japan are currently scheduled to begin at 6 am for the same reason unlike the olympic stadium in tokyo though the track events in doha took place in an air conditioned arena spain's little league is asking for this month's game between barcelona and real madrid to be moved to the to the protests in catalonia there's been clashes in the area after catalan separatist leaders were jailed on monday the match known as el classico is due to take place on saturday the 26th of october the spanish league is also considering reversing the fixture list to play this match in madrid with the 2nd el classico in march in barcelona. turkey's sports minister is accusing you of double standards for investigating their military salute celebration against france madam it has appalled new showed reporters a picture of french footballer and greaseman saluting a manual during
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a presidential reception for the world cup winners in june but you a few can only take action over political gestures which occur in and around a match turkey's players were showing support for the military offensive in syria actions which have been praised by president ever go on now have punished lousy 0 for racist behavior by their fans during the europa league match with stad ran earlier this month for sections of their stadium will be closed for their next european home match were also find $22000.00. north korea's been criticized for staging a bizarre football world cup qualifier against south korea the game in pyongyang was held in an empty stadium with no live coverage no media and ultimately no goals rob mcbride has this report from seoul. this was a hugely important soccer match the 1st time in nearly 30 years that north and south korea have met in a world cup qualifier in pyongyang and yet for most people on this soccer crazy
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peninsula this is about as close as they ever got to the actually one of the few still images released by south korean soccer officials showing a goal was draw being played out in front of a very sad looking empty stadium not surprisingly soccer fans here in south korea see that despite repeated requests no supporters were allowed to travel to watch this match south korea in the media were allowed in which meant no live television coverage not even any live radio commentary if you wanted to follow the events live and you had to rely upon your device to follow a line by line account on the twitter feed of south korean soccer officials as people here have pointed out that's the equivalent to the kind of technology you relied upon in the age of the telegraph more than 100 years ago if you wanted to follow your favorite team but if it wasn't for the good offices of people like the swedish ambassador because diplomats were allowed in to watch this game uploading
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images to his twitter account then people wouldn't have seen much of the live action told not surprisingly this whole debacle has led to some very serious questions being asked at the daily briefing of south korea's unification ministry the want to the government and the korea football association have tried through various channels to send spectators and half live broadcasting however it is disappointing the sorts of arrangements were not made possible at the end of the day he said. the president of soccer's world governing body was lucky enough to get in to see them out but there's very little that people can do about the qualified that really is up to the host nation and questions are being asked here in south korea just about the hospitality of the northern host compared tuesday night's game for example with the kind of welcome to south korea rolled out for the winter olympics in just over a year and
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a half ago with joy teams and all the rest by contrast to this soccer match was distinctly frosty a reminder of the bad old days and for many an ominous indication of the way that relations might be heading well for the 1st time in 86 years washington fans are getting ready to see their team play in baseball's world series the nationals completed a whitewash of the st louis cardinals on tuesday in the american league championship series victory in game 4 was based around patrick corbin strolls strikeout performance and the cardinals were hurt by some awful work in the field this mix up between jose martinez and colton long failing to take a simple test couldn't do it manager mike schultz struggled to watch along a lot of fans i'm sure washington would go on to wrap up a $74.00 win on the night with a 4 neil series victory their world series of parents is even more remarkable given the fact that they had such a 4 start to the season and the houston rockets lead the american league
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championship series to one against the yankees after a victory in new york in game 3 home runs from today and josh reddick set the rockets on their way they go on to take it for one game for set for later on wednesday but heavy rain in new york could postpone. south africa's rugby players don't think their world cup quarter final against japan is about revenge the springboks had one of the tournaments biggest ever upsets when they lost to them in the pool stages in 2015 south africa did beat japan in a warm up match for this tournament but they know it will be very different on sunday knowing that we had the loss against your fan in 2015 that will it i wouldn't say would always be stuck in it but we know that it that it happened but it's 4 years later it's a new opportunity for us and we just have to keep building week by week yeah it's a tough one i don't think you can even be big for it because it's just it's going to be back but i think what's important is for us just to stay in the moment and
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not let that get to any of us world cup fever sweeping japan with the country qualifying for the knockout stages for the 1st time and winning all 4 of their matches some 200000 japan jerseys have been sold so far in the stores can't keep up with the demand but if we get a shipment in we'll have maybe 200 on the shelf and suddenly they're gone within like 2 hours 3 hours maximum you know maybe it will replenish the next day with a smaller segment as fast as we can get 30 or 40 and then after that maybe 30 or 40 minutes that's gone. down the way we won tickets to the quarter final and wanted to go to the match when japanese choose ace it's disappointing not to be able to buy one summer i could beat this one though i really didn't know about the game of rugby but it has become a sport which is ignited the whole nation. well that's all for for now we'll have more for you later and back to stan thank you for that that's it for me for this news up on back in
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a moment there with more of the day's. to strengthen the good you have to shoulder good all the more with your calm still fight against corruption. dysphoric new chiro heroes like no who are bad or who refuse to $15000000.00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the international ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a darker use to shine a light let's make a rule to better place nominate your anti corruption mirror. for you protesting about how does this include where they are on line well i face mental state i'm directly i'll translate it's playful or if you join us on sand
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this is an attack on academic freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely this is a dialogue myanmar is not making it very welcoming for people to come about everyone has a voice climate change is real the discussion is real and i'm here to talk about the solutions on al-jazeera. they say to really know someone you must walk a mile in their shoes. follow in their footsteps as they forge their way in the was. 0 shares these personal journey it's. inspiring stories of people persevering on their chosen path. weakness documentaries on al-jazeera.
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al jazeera. and for us. we're not looking for a mediator or anything we don't need. to accuse president rejects international pressure and says the offensive in syria will continue until his troops secure that site saw along the border. and stan grant this is al jazeera live from also tell me off as briggs a told sky down to the wall. and the irish border by his team sticking points.
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