tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 22, 2019 12:00am-1:01am +03
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and the where is that money we were we expected and the whole public was expecting to look at the banking secrecy on government official or a government official this was not declared this was not taken into consideration which vote is negatively and bad for the reform if we don't start with our fissures in governor declaring for us how much money was going on and to where to give they get this money from which sources did they get this morning and we know they own and they have their process many hundreds of millions of dollars in their pockets and in their bank account and this is month this out of their jew money this is ok corrupt money which they have taken from us ok mr sun just to back up a little bit when you talking there about different members of the cabinet sniping at each other for the protesters could that actually end up as being a positive because some analysts are looking in on this and saying look the demonstration the protest movement is pretty much leaderless so they need the
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cabinet to split completely therefore the government at that point would have to resign on mass which is the beginning of the kind of reforms that the protesters actually want. well the demo so they thought is now out of picking up. steam they have not shown any relaxation of the demonstration if the government is going to control the demonstration it has to express and they have dition of measures in. cooperating and creating a dialogue with them on slate or c m n playground solution and then look at our solution between the demands of the populace and what the government has already or what the government has already offer now is not sufficient enough foreigners are before them is to go on but if they can live as i mentioned the banking secrecy is
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a banking secrecy is good for the economy overall but it is a curse for foreigners also in government. who have the potential to think a lot of money money and the people don't know where did they get that money from from and we know actually that there is a lot of money being stolen from the confidence of the state in the badness ministries of government or what a long period of 5 several decades now particularly for decades since the end of the war and even during the war of course about but let's see. behind the war of 10759090 we are focusing now on the reform is that would touch on the government and the way has government government supported since my mind up till now still yannis the situation is not the clear as what the current cabinet the current government is going to do about above that in addition to our what i mentioned i
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think among the ministers this does not create a harmonious more spirit. of the country to implement their decisions and. report them as is the economy and the bad news ministers ok mr selim good to talk to you as a thank you so much. lots more still to come for you here on the news hour including the e.u. says there's a window of opportunity for a truce in afghanistan and its special envoy calls for a ceasefire. and bolivia's president looks like it's a face a runoff election as he tries to secure a 4th consecutive term in office tiger woods place his 1st competitive round of golf since his latest knee injury we'll tell you how he did. the turkish president richard type the one says the military offensive in syria is not
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a land grab and he's criticized ankara's allies for not supporting what he calls a fight against terrorists the u.s. brokered cease fire is due to end on tuesday. we have passed our offensive in northern parts of syria for 120 hours that's why this isn't a crucial time those 120 hours are nearly over tomorrow i will travel to associate to meet russian president vladimir putin for talks and after that will take the necessary steps. to has more now on that story from istanbul. according to turkish officials the clock is ticking because the s.d.f. the syrian kurds far to wipe region north to syria has to complete its full withdrawal by the end of to morrow around 8 pm turkey local time which is good which is going to be 120 hours as turkey and us brokered the deal last weekend prisons are gone today various traits of that his country doesn't
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a minute territorial gain by this proposal as it made it safe so it is just to son like those syrians to those places today lands and in order to protect its borders from a threat that turkey turkey has those ignited as a terrorist threat from the y.p. g. for a long time of course it's important what russians and iranians and turks are going to be talking in sochi right now to morrow's meeting in sochi is an important step especially for a political solution which is going to be discussed in geneva at the end of this month. u.s. troops have crossed into iraq as part of their withdrawal from northern syria convoys going to the sahil the border crossing in the northern province of the hope and setting into territory controlled by the peshmerga in northern iraq semi autonomous kurdish region however the u.s. defense secretary ma says a number of american troops remaining in syria to protect potentially lucrative oil
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fields this withdrawal will take weeks not days until that time our forces will remain in the towns that are located near the oil fields the purpose of those forces a purpose of those forces working with the s.d.f. is to deny access to those well fields by isis and others who may benefit from their revenues it could be earned correspondent charles stratford has more now on the troop movement from an area close to the turkey syria border. we understand according to our sources the free syrian army fighters these are these syrian fighters that the turks have brought over very much at the forefront of this operation inside syria we understand through our sources that convoys of those fighters have been seen moving from further east on the turkish side of the border to a place called model dean which is opposite the town of commish lee suggesting that the turkish forces are preparing for renewed operations meanwhile we've seen videos
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of some of those u.s. troops being insulted having fruit and vegetables hurled at them by kurdish shall we believe a kurdish civilians in the town of commish lee as those u.s. forces have been heading to the iraqi border. a full troop withdrawal by the kurds at this stage certainly seems doubtful and of course that is a huge concern to cumana tearing organizations and the u.n. some estimates saying that as many as 200000 people have been forced to flee their homes already we're getting statistics gradually out of iraq as well we understand that around $5000.00 syrians have fled to iraq many of them smuggled out of iraq having to pay smugglers to get them out because if we were to see renewed military operations by that then we can expect potentially a flood of kurds moving across the border into iraq so yeah what are we
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17 g.m.t. this cease fire temporary cease fire ends tomorrow that's around 8 pm local what evidence would suggest along these front lines that the kurdish forces have not withdrawn out of the area that president early on wants them to. well as we've just been mentioning a few 100 u.s. troops are to remain in the north east of syria to protect oil fields those facilities are mostly east of the euphrates river and to resort and close to the syrian border with iraq areas controlled by u.s. and kurdish forces before the war began in 2011 syria was producing 400000 barrels of oil per day ranking it 32nd in the world that and gas production made up about one 3rd of its export earnings and a 5th of state revenue as i saw took control of the eastern oil fields the u.s. treasury estimated the armed group made up to $500000000.00 from oil revenues the secretary of defense mark aspirants says a continued u.s.
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presence will stop eisel from regaining oil revenues let's talk to well i'll say it he was formally a senior syria advisor to the us ambassador to the u.n. samantha power he's now the c.e.o. of m gage a political engagement organization for muslim americans he joins us on skype from washington while. these oil fields are not on operational at the moment nobody can take anything at the ground so is it a surprise that this is now turned up as a big an office you that the pentagon decides to leave people on the ground. thank you for having me these oil facilities really have the potential to. bring in tens if not hundreds of mt millions of dollars of revenue to whoever controls them we know that the s.d.f. has been importing. machinery from northern iraq to try to refurbish some of these facilities and have actually been able to produce some north of them in
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the house care region in areas that they are controlled for some time the areas in question right now are former oil fields that were held by isis if these are refurbished they can bring on line an additional $200.00 to $400.00 new oil wells which could significantly alter the increase the revenue of the s.d.f. and the local governance there so it can be a game changer in the sense of the amount of money that can be brought in ok when we talk about it being a game changer does that mean that all sides potentially he know that this could be a flashpoint for a bigger more complicated fight yet to come. quite possibly you know the most interested parties right now say you know for isis which is not in a position to take over these facilities anytime soon would be really the syrian regime so this is about whether the syrian regime and its allies where the iranian militias with russian hell or the s.d.f. with its ally the united states can take control of these areas and right now the
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calculation is that just the presence of a few u.s. troops will dissuade the regime and the russians front from trying to take them but it remains to be seen and it remains to be seen how far the regime will push for them because i can't imagine them you know being content with where they're not getting that revenue if the become operational if somebody takes them and if somebody is the kurdish forces or the kurds start benefiting massively financially from the oil revenue at that point what would the reaction ankara be do you think. i mean naturally unco would not be pleased with that though some of those fields are well beyond. the 30 kilometer in depth. buffer zone they're seeking to extend most of these all of the fields are south of love and so even not mean we are happy they'll be very little they can do about it and what's
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interesting is the only way that their white peers you'll be able to get the oil out would be either to smuggle it to the north through turkey or to iraqi kurdistan or of to sell it back to the regime and we've seen them being able to do . all of those 3 things in different parts of the conflict is perhaps what we're seeing at the moment in real terms a function of 2 foreign policies from the united states we've got trump foreign policy which to oversimplify i know basically to me seems to come down to i want all of the middle east and then we have the other foreign policy put together by the state department in this case in that by the pentagon. somewhat in particular that the pentagon and the former. counter isis czar brett mcgurk really were invested in empowering the s.d.f.
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as a local partner force and wanted it to stay to prevent isis from reemerging and to protect and nascent partnership with with the kurds in northern syria. trump from the beginning from before even assuming power has said we want to get our troops out of syria and the middle east at large and he's never been convinced and he remains unconvinced that the united states should stay especially now that isis has been or at least the caliphate has been declared defeated ok we'll leave it there. thank you so much for joining us here on the news from washington. more on bret's it for you the u.k. prime minister's push to have a straight yes or no vote on his brakes a deal in parliament has in the last couple of hours been blocked just a short time ago the speaker of the house of commons john bercow said the vote was too similar to one held on saturday and therefore it would not be going ahead our correspondent rory chalons is live for us at westminster in london so rory this
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cans getting kicked so far down the road so often it must be getting a bit rusty and a bit bashed up now. yeah well who yet again john bercow the speaker of the commons has thrown a stick in the spokes of the government's own it's rather warbly an accident prone bicycle rides it was bricks it and what this means essentially is the government can't get the momentum that it wants to have as it heads into a very very difficult week it's kind of proof that it has the numbers behind its bricks it deal with the european union what it has to do now is table lists withdrawal agreement bill basically which is going to have a hugely difficult time getting through in its naked state and we can talk about this now with dominic welch from from open europe i don't think this is going to be a very very unpleasant week for the governments isn't it what is likely to be going
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on over the next couple of days so they're going to table the withdrawal agreement bill this evening and then they go it will be voted on tomorrow the 1st question is going to be on 2nd reading of the bell and that it's this sort of on the principles of the bill that you might see that some m.p.'s who don't actually support the deal might abstain on the 2nd reading to allow it to get further down the line so they can amend it that they'll then be a vote on the what's called the program motion for policy on the withdrawal agreement bill and that basically covers the timetabling so not not just the principle of the deal itself but when the government plans to debate it on the 1st thing the governor has to worry about though with the amendments right and so warm and means might we see yes several amendments there's a potential amendment on the customs union and it would be really interesting to see how exactly does draw off date on which parts of the bill and looks to amend and the question really is doesn't seek to change the deal as negotiated with the european union because obviously the u.k.
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wide backstop which contained a customs union has been removed from the withdrawal agreement. the political declaration signals a direction of travel away from away from the customs union so the government doesn't want to customs union opposition m.p.'s might try to attach a customs union to the withdrawal agreement bill that's right yes but if it but if you need trying to if that just trying to see the government to negotiate a customs union as part of the future relationship then that won't really be legally binding because obviously the future relationship hasn't been negotiated yet so in theory boris johnson could go into a general election and get a majority and then remove the commitments and it negotiate a customs union i think really a lot of these amendments are going to be about questions that haven't really been decided yet and can really decide if several years i want about the 2nd referendum that's possible to me that's a possible amendment to yeah and the numbers on that are likely to be quite tight but i think now that there's now there's a deal on the table you might see some of the still swing votes on the 2nd
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referendum start to move away from it i think previously if if there had been no deal agreed between the government and the european union then you might have seen people who ideally want to kind of selfish pricks that buying a 2nd referendum as a way to kind of stop no deal but now that no deal is no longer really seen as a as a likely option with a deal negotiated like those swing voters might lean away from a 2nd referendum say whether or not it policies on political definitely be tabled thank you very much don't approach that well as we know the government is going to have a difficult time this week and of course that does perhaps hasten that moments where the prime minister will try again so you get a general election and put it back to the people in some way. thanks very much. still to come for you here on the election day in canada a campaign that's largely seen as a battle between progressive and conservative about us. and in sports bangladeshis pup coming to india could be at risk after the cricketers on strike action rahul
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we'll have the details when we come back. and there are few more showers across areas of turkey and across into iraq and also eventually on towards a around the cloud is a bit of a clue as to whether she could be now through cheese day the rain is very widely scattered through areas attacking but as i say is working its way down into more northern areas of iraq and just pushing across into the west of iran it stays in relatively the same places on wednesday what it does is you can say one system actually goes straight. $31.00 celsius which is actually a few degrees below the average for this time of year and often we say that and the temperatures externally coming down as well further to the south across the peninsula all of this moisture coming from a disturbance in the back of bengal but not really reaching these areas maybe just
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a shower into the coast of oman by wednesday probably less so the chance of that look about 33 and and such a 2 across in abu dhabi meanwhile down into south africa here we're dealing with the heat wave has been very hot sunny feels weak cool so temperatures well above the average particularly in johannesburg the some clouds streaming by but no real rain in the full cost of course we do desperately need the rain 32 on choose the engine on his back maybe just a straight on the storm and those he had into wednesday a sin a story with a high of 28. to strengthen the good you have to shore do good all the more with you can still fight against corruption. destroy needs heroes heroes like new who are abandoned who refuse to 15000000 dollars brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase
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back you're watching the al jazeera news hour of mind of our top stories so far today lebanon's prime minister saad hariri as i used a series of reforms to appease the protesters the include cutting some politicians salaries and half and reducing the country's big deficit and says he would also support early elections. 11 his prime minister's proposals have done little to end 5 days of protests thousands of demonstrators continue to voice their disapproval at the government. and a yes or no vote on the british prime minister boris johnson's proxy deal has been blocked the speaker of the u.k.'s house of commons decided the vote was too similar to one already held on saturday it is a blow to boris johnson plans that britain leave the e.u. by october the 31st. in the u.s. for drugs companies have reached a last minute settlement to avoid a major federal trial set to begin on monday morning it involves more than 2000 u.s.
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communities seeking damages from companies for their alleged roles in an opioid epidemic at least 400000 people have died in the crisis over the past 20 years the tentative deal is with 3 drugs distributors and one manufacturer a broad agreement is expected to be announced later on monday canadians have been voting in a tightly contested general election that's expected to produce a heavily divided parliament the polls are suggesting as a deadlock between the prime minister justin trudeau as liberal party and their rival andrew she is conservative party in 3rd place is the n.d.p. with jack meet singh at the helm making significant gains in the last few days to form a majority government a party will need to secure a 170 seats in parliament which polls suggest is unlikely and a case of a minority government support from other parties will be crucial to pass legislation daniel lak has more now for us from toronto. it's been pretty brisk
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here at this downtown toronto polling station turnout so far polls are open across the eastern part of canada it's a huge country with 5 time zones and it'll take pretty much 12 hours to get all the voting done and the count underway at the campaign has been pronounced by many commentators as less than inspirational it certainly hasn't budged the numbers of the of the prime minister justin trudeau and his liberal government incumbent government and the conservative challenger andrew scheer there are quite a few differences between them on issues like climate change mr trudeau says he wants to fight it aggressively mr scherer seems to be more hands off about it the other parties in the race have also done well at the expense of the 2 main parties there's the separatist bloc a backwash in quebec which could end up holding in the balance of power if there's a minority situation if this close vote is that reflective of the public opinion polls and also the green party and the social democrats new democratic party they've also done very well in the campaign canadians tend to be enthusiastic voters the sort of historical turnout level is around 70 percent advance polling
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was very strong this time around so it's all going to have to wait for the opinion of the voters to be reflected in the votes public opinion polls don't have a great record in modern times and we'll have to wait and see what is actually going to be the situation will we have another majority government in canada a minority and if so who will it be it's really not clear at all right now. initial election results in bolivia put the president able medallists ahead but it does look like he'll have to face a runoff in december waiting for all the posts become too mr mcallister is trying to win a 4th term in office right holeman has that story from la paz. bolivia presidential elections except for a 2nd round the 1st time since. to power in nearly 2 years ago preliminary route so showed the incumbent picking up 45 percent of the vote was his nearest challenger carlos not far behind with 30. enough for
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a runoff. and celebrated as if it was a win it so. says that at the moment this is a crucial point after almost 14 long years the bolivian people have taken a decision in defense of a democracy that needs to be consolidated and renovated. the president run his didn't accept these results is definitive 83 percent of the votes have been counted so far he believes those still to rifle rural areas give him an out right when you go hit the general as always we trust the vote in the countryside that's why we're going to wait until the last vote is being counted to continue with our process of change. whatever happens this election is being seen as a setback for a man who is used to winning by a landslide if the relatives supporters celebrating the fact that if they come 1st in this round of voting but again the last election because 60 percent of the photo
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so his popularity pretty has come down. to libyans a divided many like school teach and learn to keep faith with the president he's always tough poverty and kept the economy growing again assented. in the government before morality that wasn't development they had the chance and they didn't do it ever arrived and made the economy grow it might not have got to all of it but he has tried it. and if you eric thinks differently about the longest standing president in the live his history that i was going to put into him was we want to see a new candidate who's going to take the country to a better future we think that with evo will just stagnate. for many it's not just a desire for change through also worried that we're alice is slowly eroding democracy in the country. just to run in this election and change the constitution and defied a referendum. in which the electorate narrowly rejects that i guess they could be
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a way up to 7 days the remaining 1st from votes to be counted and to see if president gore on his knees pulled was of a full term to celebrate another electoral votes moment heads. john joins us live now from st john how the numbers stacking up to be think. they're not really stocking up any more and that's why you can see opposition supporters protesting around where the electoral tribunal has their press conference room up stairs in a hotel here and the reason that they're protesting is that the vote basically frozen 83 percent last night and it hasn't really advanced since then the oh yes the organization of american states pretty much immediately off the batteries. saying that they needed an explanation from the electoral tribunals why it would
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not move folks out trickling in we've also to it's analysts here in bolivia this said that although you should be on the 1st night after voting it doesn't get 100 percent the folks do continue to usually keep coming in they don't usually just raise so the leading position challenger carlos messer it's just given a press conference in which he said that he thinks that the government has frozen his order the freezing of the folk out because they're going to manipulate the results here and avoid a 2nd round as it stands at the moment there is going to be a 2nd round between carlos mencia the president never morales but he he fears that the results mitnick related while they're being frozen were before we got a couple that with the other hand we have spoken to sources in the electoral tribe you know what they're saying is that the rock account they detained that because they were worried about fake news they're worried about. asian and they've now
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started another website where the folks who continue in full does that mean that they have to start talking if they have used them to election monitors who've been observing parts of the voting system in those outlying areas you're describing for us. with the oas have been the electoral monitors and observers here we've been trying to get hold of them this morning since they sent this tweet last night basically saying that the electoral tribunal needed to explain what was going on and get these results moving again they haven't responded to us so we're in a state of the moment i'm not quite sure what exactly is going on but of course that's treating uncertain sea and he straightened out here this is a government which oppositions holds especially. that they held a referendum they held a referendum would happen a few years ago to decide if the constitution could be changed so the president
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ever moralities could run again or start referendum merrily godly change the constitution anyway so there is a so to back around here of doubt against the ruling. john thanks very much. a state of emergency in the chilean capital is now being extended to other parts of the country at least 11 demonstrators have been killed in the rioting the former president of chile michelle bachelet is calling for an independent investigation into the deaths the military's been deployed to control civil unrest against the transport fare hike that's been reversed after the protests began the chilean government has extended a nighttime curfew to cities across other parts of the country. spain's acting prime minister has accused the president of the region of catalonia of failing to ensure peace between pro and anti secession protesters petro sanchez made the comments as he visited barcelona to meet police officers who were injured after a week of violent demonstrations rallies subpoena held in the city since one
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catalan pro separatist leaders were jailed last monday over their role in the failed independent spirit in 2070. abortion and same sex marriage in northern ireland will be legalized in a matter of hours but the historic changes have sparked controversy especially because they were brought in by the u.k. parliament not northern ireland's assembly as need barco reports from belfast campaigners have gathered outside the power sharing assembly here at stormont and anticipation of seismic changes to the law because midnight laws surrounding abortion and same sex marriage will change bringing northern ireland in line with the rest of the u.k. at the moment northern ireland has some of the strictest supporting laws anywhere in the world is but underneath all circumstances including cases of rape incest and fatal fetal abnormalities when a fetus has very little to 0 chance of surviving outside the womb for many campaigners these changes are
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a matter of human rights at midnight history will be me it finally we will say goodbye to these oppressive laws that have police start bodies and our health care no longer will women who need abortions be treated as criminals this has been a long time coming but finally our rights and our health care is being brought into the 21st century so why are these changes happening well for the past 2 and a half years the power sharing government here at stormont hasn't been fully functioning it collapsed way over 1000 days ago in the midst of a corruption scandal and the problem has been made significantly worse as a result of brecht's it it's upset the balance between unionists who identify as british nationalists who identify as irish and it significantly reduce the incentive on members of the power sharing assembly from coming back and taking up their seats not everyone here though is happy about these forthcoming changes to the law for many it's seen as stripping away the rights of the unborn child we will
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in continue to ensure that the unborn child has a voice and we will expose the politicians here in the field to turn up here. today to form a government in order to stop this terrific piece of legislation from being forced in northern ireland while some members of the assembly have actually come back here for the 1st time in 2 and a half years to take up their seat largely in protest against these forthcoming changes to the law but not enough of them are here to be able to block it given the absence of any fully functioning assembly or government the government in westminster now has had more of a say about what happens here in northern ireland going forward. police in hong kong are patrolling the streets as pro-democracy activists continue to voice anger over a ban on face masks now this comes as chinese communist party newspaper disrupt hong kong's educational system as a disease that must be treated the author described liberal studies being taught at school as fostering in the behavior antigovernment demonstrations began 5 months
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ago sparked by an extradition bill which was later shelved. the haitian president john l. noisey is under increasing pressure to step down as violent protests to stabilize the country people have called for his resignation since august citing shortages and widespread corruption has shall abettors. patients are angry at president juvenal moises and they are unleashing their frustrations on the streets of port au prince. they blame always have you should use corruption inflation and the lack of basic goods they want him to resign. it's very simple these are the demands of everyone the police and everyone this is a country that has a sickness the country has turned to mathematics where you have problems to solve everywhere since coming to power in february 27 tane morse's struggles. the opposition movement refused to recognize his victory and spurred the rebellion
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against him he hasn't had a government since march because the opposition wouldn't approve morse's nominations. directly zation that he is to blame for all of haiti's from bloom's it's growing louder by the day. i'm tired of this i voted for of an end but i'm disappointed my vote has gone unnoticed i as serving now to wake up to decide to ation in the country. it's been this way for 6 weeks protesters sit up barricades and 2 rocks at police who responded with tear gas and shotgun pellets. they scatter regroup and start again. 20 people have been killed and more than 200 injured maurice's watch from afar really seen outside his residence. on thursday protesters stopped him from holding an annual celebration of haiti's founding fathers and state he held
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a private ceremony under heavy security now we may. have a bad time and i am calling on haitians and we need to unite to fight this system. protest has responded with their own message but to get what you would if you have a little bit of morality a little bit of nationalism if you have a little bit of love for the country then please hand over the keys because the people can't stand it any longer raskin you to step down step down. as they try to smoke more out of his seat is committed to talk but not resign leaving the future increasingly unclear ballasts al-jazeera. of course in london has denied a request to delay the extradition hearing for the wiki leaks founder julian songs the 48 year old does remain in custody as he tries to fight extradition to the u.s. where he's facing charges of conspiring to hack into a government computer at the pentagon his legal team asked for
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domestic cricket matches are reversing the decision to abandon the bangladesh premier league the country's cricket board sorry the open for discussion bangladeshis tour of india is shed yule to begin on november the with the 1st of $320.00 international. now in england some of the some of cricket's biggest names have been signed up for the sport's newest format the 101 names surprisingly ignored in the draft was west indies batsman chris carroll d t 20 specialists was in the highest contract bracket of $160000.00 for the $100.00 innings tournament which begins next year the number one pick though was the afghanistan leg spinner rashid com the 21 year old is the world number one ranked t 20 bowler and he joins the trent rockets which have a look at some of the other big names that were picked they include australian fast bowler mitchell starc the 29 year old will play for the welsh fire franchise west
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indies all rounder on dry russell goes to the southern brave whilst the england test match captain john rich will join russia at the trent. but i definitely think it will be stuff that comes out this time which will eventually enhance the longer form as well even if it's technically it is ways of looking at the game differently i think players will naturally get these experiences and carry forward into the formats are they going to. their representatives of the colombian football federation have failed to turn up for mediation talks aimed at a vertical players' strike or last saturday some things protested during games by sitting on the ground or flatly kicking the ball between the protests but just for a few minutes before the games were fully completed or tensions have been simmering for years between the players federation federation and the players over issues including a demand for fewer matches and the lack of a collective health plan the players union say there's been threats that contracts
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will be ripped up if a strike ahead. for more on this we can go to alice i'm going to get the who's in tom represents is founder of the columbia football federation of fire to turn up for this meeting could you tell us why that was. well what they're saying is that they don't directly employees they're colombian footballers so they don't understand why they should participate in dates mediation of course that he said that the union saying there are systemic problems with the way the football league it does business in colombia so they should be involved in this is also what ministry of labor here think about b.s. as it is as it is both the president of the colombian football federation and now that you are which is the organization that runs the professional leagues in colombia decided not to show up even to answer this central government steering
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column have asked them to release part piece of paper in this negotiation and there's also been pressure on part of the international union of footballers requesting that support if they can call on going to pay their ration to participate but this is not happening so wes what's happening now is that the. pattern of the president of the union. colombian footballers that represents. 1400 colombia i mean also the followers and also i think a number of female players in talks right now all the way to the vice the minister of labor to try and avoid this strike that instead there is clearly inching closer so 100 looking at pictures of the protests from last saturday is there a chance that the forcefield lines for it will go ahead. it's
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probably the most likely outcome at this point that the players are staying back to their clubs and their fate their ration is now willing to listen to their demands these are demands that have been going on for years and while there are men footballers that make up pretty good pay here in colombia most of the players here around $11500.00 a month they say that's way below what most of their clubs play and also in other countries in the region that they don't have. a functional health system that they play too many games and they have a long delay staff that manson and none of the clubs is willing to listen to the demands and that they're tricked into. breaking their contract i was wrong. thank you very much tiger woods has played his 1st competitive round of golf. it
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was an exhibition event in japan up against. 5 compete for holes and day one with $210000.00 which will go to charity woods where he'll no playing the zardari charm but your best japan's 1st official p.g.a. tour event its 1st appearance in japan since 2006 and he's also targeting a return to the country for next year's tokyo lympics over the years having friends of compete in the olympics seeing golf being part of the picks i just would be an honor to represent my country and let the games right now knights in the world rankings and. hopefully make sure i can have a good year and qualify and represent my country. well starting in japan the country's rugby team say their incredible run at the world cup wouldn't happen without the support of their fans the host fairytale was ended by south africa in the quarterfinals but judging by the atmosphere at their press conference on monday in tokyo even forgiven thinking they won the whole tournament japan did win all 4
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of their pool games including wins are over ireland and scotland to make it into the knockout stage for the 1st. use it on the day we're really happy about the reception we had from the fans i remember when we returned to the world cup in 2011 in new zealand we had 2 or 3 journalists greeting us and now we have this many in front of us i believe this is what we have to keep doing carry on with this level shown in the past few weeks. in major league soccer the l.a. galaxy big minutes r.t. united in the 1st round of the playoffs and our goals in the 1st half l.a. galaxy captains laugh and even him a bit unusually white full in front of goal however things did get better for his team in the 2nd half the baskin and jonathan dos santos scoring within minutes of each other despite a light go by minute side to united galaxy held on for a 21 win the no 5 local rivals and top seed the same in the last. actually small light of his role thanks very much we'll talk to the now when we
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come back we'll take a live update from stuff back and the crew on the ground in beirut gauging the protestors reaction to those reforms as announced within the past few hours by the lebanese prime minister side you can also keep a cross on the developments on this trial of course and get the web site elsewhere dot com more news when we come back in about 3 minutes and see that. a one time glamorous picture house for the rich and famous of hollywood now shelters the poor unforgotten of downtown south holland. carving out
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a life in the ruins of the abandoned buildings residents reinvent the movies themselves escaping their reality and reliving the former glory of cinema. a witness documentary on al-jazeera. driven by outrage and spanning generations the real hinge of demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticised repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was probably if you don't like was so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow they'll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow they'll send back 2030 or if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minorities in the world the population growth. is increasing
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the most pregnancies and all men p s 4 to self a crisco from it and has been introducing family planning into a tree or culture is a challenging task a fiery systems dish it comes from a man when a woman can decide for him one day and how many children she wants it should be in policy but one moves perseverance is transforming her community women make change on al-jazeera. not enough protesters demand more off to lebanon's prime minister. announced a raft of economic reforms. you're watching on 20 live from doha also coming up the u.s.
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withdraws from syria and its troops cross into the northern kurdish region of iraq also. a speaker of the house blocks m.p.'s from holding the new votes on the brics a deal also ahead. and historic moment in northern ireland same sex marriage and abortion set to become legal on the clock strikes midnight. ok let's begin in lebanon where the prime minister. today announced a series of new reforms as tens of thousands of protesters continue to demand his resignation mr hariri has promised to cut salaries of some politicians in hoff he's also vowed to get banks to contribute more than $3000000000.00 towards the deficit and has promised not new taxes in next year's budget is in a holder now from beirut. we all know all the people have spoken calls go beyond
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fighting corruption they want accountability and early elections and they say they aren't leaving the streets until that happens protests are growing by the day the lebanese government however is refusing to step aside instead it is offering a plan that is supposed to fix the economic crisis without hitting the public with more taxes my that's awful within. the cabinet approved the 2020 budget with a deficit of 0.6 percent with no new taxes the salaries of top officials including legislators and members of parliament will be cut in half as part of the economic reform package the central bank and the banking sector will help in reducing the deficit by about 3. point 4000000000 the decisions that we have taken might not fulfill your demands but they fulfill what i have been calling for i will not allow anyone to scare you and it's the government's duty to protect your peaceful demands
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. too little too late the proposed reforms are not enough to calm the anger but. they are right to have faith in the. prime minister the president and other people have no faith in the legal even if they think that there will be a more positive one so i would begin to believe that. the way forward according to the protesters involves the government resigning a transitional council made up of judges who don't have political affiliations taking over until elections and those elections will be held under a new law whereby lebanon will become one single constituency and sects will no longer just elect their own sectarian leaders. demands the governing alliance has already rejected the protesters are up against those in power who won't hesitate to use it but there is hope. for.
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position. we're going to be able to do it. for many here it's a new beginning. those who are taking part in this protest movement say it is a rejection of the political elite have been in power for decades exploiting the sectarian system of government at the expense of building a strong state that views the state's resources to maintain support in their communities now some of their supporters have risen up against that the 1st and the serious challenge. the path for political change. lebanon has now been drawn but the road ahead won't be easy i think the most important thing now is the sense of liberation would be achieved so full of the livery different security it is a principle that indeed this from the field and believed to be protected and the be
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mobilized within not and if the lebanese they want to live together i think that's a possibility beyond the. crowds this size protesting for this long young old rich poor muslim christian and without backing from political parties has not happened in lebanon so recent history a revolution seems to have already happened jennifer there. live now to beirut and my colleague stephanie deca staff as far as these reforms are concerned the protesters dismissing them and rejecting them wholly and might they be the building block for something it something positive in the future. something that gets their welcome up this will reject them completely i think you have a guest with the let's talk to him and he's not coming from civil society so initially let me get your response to the prime minister's speech and the reforms that he said that the government is going to implement. that is absolutely no trust
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in the current but it's going to be to whatever they will do look around you look in the region see no one else that they would they were ready to design and i would have whatever they will do whatever they suggest it's not up to the expectations they got us into this if they would have if they wanted any real reform they should have done it a month ago a year ago 30 years ago if they didn't do that until they absolutely know does they're going to do it now and there is another and it is more important they should be held accountable for the situation where it will but in the between the worst countries in the world at all levels of corruption unemployment the financial crisis that what do they expect do they say that will address them by coming up with some new promises this is they have done their home or the job way before work . i think it's not don't think they realize that not look at the streets that not coaching to be. so what now i mean they're not going to resign to montana the people are that they should preside what's the plan going forward we say on the
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seats on till they resign and if they don't want to be sitting here we don't trust them their people their constituency setting them we don't trust you anymore what it expects they have to sign we're staying here until the government resign and then we go into and really parliamentary elections to read the create a new but at the committee we don't describe to me as a lebanese man what this moment in lebanon means to you as a human being and a citizen i've been dreaming of a moment like this. in the evening to reach a moment where we said this is liberty that was sent from fear and this need to be protected by our it leaders by our sponsors was having 01 of the most beautiful moment since i was aware and i've been there in the site seeing a saying going to live together at this moment sharing system doesn't work and we don't need anyone to texas with citizen sit citizens again we thought it would company it's
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a dream that came through but i mean to be honest there are challenges ahead this is not going to be easy oh absolutely but this one of those challenges they're not afford it this one would asking for it and that neither the government of experts independent who take their own decisions within the parliament give them to just the followers and let us work let us hold accountable everyone has been corrupt that's all give us really elections and think some immediate measures to stop the bigger they should of the economy for the situation we're not going to solve everything what we need this a new department that actually so that the bruces starts to me for misconduct they're not good they haven't done it so here's the stupidest get out of a worse situation happens what about the streets we know this. thank you very much . so that is a sentiment that a lot of people feel that's why we still thousands out on the streets the question is are there is the momentum going to continue is it going to continue across the country and is the government good enough to continue certainly the words of the
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prime minister today said there was no want to meet him you know i'm not expecting you to go home i'm not expecting these reports to satisfy you i will ensure that you're allowed to protest peacefully but of course it's a multiplayer it's a complicated situation teacher at me but i will tell you however extraordinary this is a point in time but. nobody knows how it's going to play out steph thanks very much . u.s. troops have crossed into iraq as part of their withdrawal from more than syria convoys going to the sahil a border crossing in the northern province of the hook it's heading into territory controlled by the peshmerga in northern iraq semi autonomous kurdish region. has more on the troop movement from an area close to the turkey syria border. we understand according to our sources the free syrian army fighters these are these syrian fighters that the turks have brought over very much at the forefront of this operation inside syria we understand through our sources that convoys of those
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fighters have been seen moving from russell i mean further east on the turkish side of the border to a place called model dean which is opposite the town of commish lee suggesting that the turkish forces are preparing for renewed operations meanwhile we've seen videos of some of those u.s. troops being insulted having fruit and vegetables holding them by kurdish shall we believe a kurdish civilians in the town of commish lee as those u.s. forces have been heading to the iraqi border. a full troop withdrawal by the kurds at this stage certainly seems doubtful and of course that is of huge concern to cumana tearin organizations and the u.n. some estimates saying that as many as 200000 people have been forced to flee their homes already we're getting statistics gradually out of iraq as well we understand that around $5000.00 syrians have fled to iraq many of them smuggled out of iraq
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having to pay smugglers to get them out because if we were to see renewed military operations by the turks then we can expect potentially a flood of kurds moving across the border into iraq so yeah what are we 17 g.m.t. this cease fire temporary cease fire ends tomorrow that's around 8 pm local all evidence would suggest along these front lines that the kurdish forces have not withdrawn out of the area that president early on wants them to. the british prime minister's push to have a straight yes or no vote on his breakfast deal and parliament was today blocked by the speaker of the house of commons who said the vote was too similar to the one held just on saturday rory chalons joins us from london so rory what does this decision by john bercow mean for boris johnson.
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well basically it means that the government does not have the answer that it was hoping to get from parliament whether parliament in essence supports the withdrawal agreement or doesn't before heading into the torturous process of actually getting with the withdrawal agreement bills through parliament it's basically a psychological blow to the government but it doesn't actually change the facts as they stand because the government still has to put through this withdrawal agreement bill it was hoping that it could get enough m.p.'s on board with it as a sort of indicator of the general trajectory of movements before going into that difficult stage that it doesn't have that is not going to mean that the government cannot get there would draw agreement bill through it just means that it is looking .
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