tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera October 31, 2019 10:00pm-10:34pm +03
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that wasn't good enough for some of the president's offenders here on capitol hill i applaud the speaker for finally admitting it is a good tire sham but you can't put the genie back in the bottle this is an attempt to dress it up a little bit to try and give it. legitimacy and i just don't think that's going to sell but according to polls once the scandal broke public opinion began to change the majority of americans now agree the impeachment proceeding should go forward and the president should be removed that was made clear to trump when he attended a washington baseball game he was greeted to what is a familiar chant to him but with a twist. this time they shouted lock him up for now the house is going to weigh in on whether he should keep his job if they vote to impeach then it moves to a trial in the senate where members of the president's own party will decide his political fate and likely their own as well. al jazeera washington.
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well let's get more on this we're joined now by casey back at a resident signified over in the government's project of the australian institute of say libertarian think tank and he's joining us live from washington d.c. yesterday get very good to have you with us on al-jazeera now this policy putting the procedure to avoid it does it mean that the democrats think that they have a very strong case from the private testimonies which will play well publicly do you think. right that's that's what everyone's waiting to see the speaker putting this to a vote does a couple things one it signals that they're ready to move to the public phase of the inquiry they feel that they've collected enough information with their their behind the scenes depositions that they have a strong case to make to the american people and 2nd it undercuts a lot of the procedural process arguments that the republicans have been lobbing at the democrats saying that this president hasn't been given his rights he's been
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given no due process the ability to participate and and now we're actually going to put some names next to a vote that will take this public where the president will play a more important role and how do you think the republicans you know what is the republican strategy how to respond if the votes if the motion is pos because as you say that one of the main complaints has been that this process is unfair it's behind closed doors right in the we're already starting to see there's the beginnings of their strategy before we start hearing the substance and that is to again attack the process that they're going to say that the procedures outlined in the democratic resolution that's going to pass today doesn't give the president enough due process it doesn't give him the rights that president nixon and clinton had in their impeachment proceeding so they're still going to attack the process which should signal to a lot of people that the substance is getting harder and harder for them to defend as more becomes public that they're going to have to reckon sile their positions
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with what actually happened rather than how the process is being carried out and from what we know about the process so far how do you think it does compared to those other famous impeachments of bill clinton off richard nixon. right so this is where it gets a little tricky because every impeachment there's only been 2 of them that have reached this stage they're all different and they concern very different matters this one is different especially because it deals with foreign policy and national security concerns which bring in the a teligent committee which is why you have to go behind closed doors because a lot of that information is is secret and protecting sources and methods and then this president's administration that blanket stonewalling of the impeachment effort so they're very different but by and large the resolution based on my reading in a couple others that i talked to think it bears a lot of semblance to those that were afforded presidents clinton and nixon and it is expected to pass of course in the house because it's controlled by the democrats
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but will be very interesting to see. if any republicans vote for it if any democrats vote against it especially as we've wanted to those polling numbers in the united states which show that among the people. the case for impeachment you have the more people who do support impeaching the president. that's right they've the democrats have seen the traction they see the same numbers you and i have they think that there's a simple story to tell with the president's abuse of power with this ukrainian call well you're exactly right that everyone's expecting that this resolution will pass but it's just a matter of how many democrats vote against it and how many republicans maybe vote for it or expecting a few democrats to to to buck the party line here there's a few that have been on the record there's 5 right now that don't support the inquiry. as it stands right now or at least not publicly but we'll see how they vote and then if the rip democrats are really hoping to pick off one maybe 2
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retiring or conflicted moderate republicans or those that repartee represent more liberal districts to see if they they bought their party line so the democrats can claim bipartisanship on this very interesting votes ahead mr big that we thank you for your time and your analysis on this that as casey they get live in washington d.c. we wouldn't be talking to him too later on and the day thank you. now the rest of the day's news is ahead i'm not going to stay in this country any longer if the air i breathe of the water i drink i polluted. the protesters and levon an adamant to continue with their demonstrations until the entire ruling classes for most pets and schools and banks remain closed. and it's a bad night for steph curry is the warmest and continue joe you will have the details and spores.
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the gas stove has exploded on a train and pakistan sparking a huge fire that killed at least 70 people survivors recorded what happened as the flames tore through several carriages the train was on its way from karachi to attendee which is just outside the capital islamabad osama bin job that has moved from al infinity gruesome details of this tragedy had been emerging with this is a describing accounts of how people jumped from the burning train many people lost their lives as they jumped others lost consciousness as the fire in the small quickly spread into 3 bodies the real reason minister says that the fire was caused by a storm inside one of the bodies as passengers tried to make breakfast but that account has been contradicted by some witnesses who accuse the real ministry of mishandling and mismanagement and the fire was actually caused by a short circuit and investigation has been launched by the prime minister and bodies of the people the bodies of the victims rather have been flown to re-inflate various places some of the bodies the be told are of bird beyond recognition and
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d.n.a. tests have been ordered as well it's worth noting that this is not the 1st incident of its kind and bugs on really have a checkered history when it comes to safety and taking care of the passengers who are on board. now knowledge and he government protest convoys expected to arrive in the pakistani capital islamabad the conservative. myatt allow me an islamic party has been rallying supporters across the country to take part in what they're calling the freedom march they want promise to end run can't step down over the struggling economy the high the has to stop that from the valley. thousands of supporters of the major opposition parties are going to converge and in islamabad they're being led by the leader of their germy or they're all in my slum all and i'll follow them on it's got tens of thousands of people read them in the corner why people have been travelling from baluchistan province from the khyber book to enquire province and add them all and i continue to march on islamabad is being
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joined in by more supporters basically the people in pakistan are suffering from extreme poverty main demand is that the knee as he should resign. that's it this is going to be a major challenge for the government because the molineaux is going to make an important announcement right near arrived in islamabad is already are good people to be prepared to stay here for the long haul there brought their bedding with them clothing god food a reliable laundered bought here it's going to be important to see what step the operation takes after they did able to muster its support jersey on kashmir highway which is a main road here and it's now more bad and it will be important to see what kind of pressure the government of iran can come down here to already to future designs and of course the opposition will be continuing to pour the pressure on him the next
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few days it seems are going to be critical. as in the u.s. state of california trying to save hundreds of homes threatened by wildfires in the outskirts of los angeles the city of san bernardino is the latest to be hit with homes being engulfed as strong winds continue to pop the flames utility companies have cut power in several areas to help prevent electricity cables from sparking more fires jay gray has moved from sydney valley in california. we are inside the command center of the staging area right now and the fire teams are on high alert the national weather service issuing its 1st ever x. green red flag warning warning about winds that are expected to pick up here in fact forecasters saying that the conditions this week the fire conditions are the most severe they've seen in recent history right now more than 26000000 people under red flag warning from california to arizona and those expected to last
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through at least thursday the winds are expected to continue to swirl into the weekend here that's adding stress to these teams that have already been working most 24 hour shifts and for several days on these fires from here in the los angeles area all the way to the north outside of san francisco and wine country where the can fire there the biggest continues to grow more than 100 structures have been damaged hundreds of thousands of people forced from their homes all those numbers they fear will go up with these new conditions fire teams rushing in from at least 10 states to support the effort here to fight the flames it's a fight that's going to continue for quite some time they'll get through the weekend here but still trying to shore up on the front lines and control these flames the best they can it is time for the weather with jenny and to any relief in sight in california jenny you know there is a little bit of both and it's really to the north a this is
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a satellite believe it or not it is a moving satellite you can barely see anything on it we've got the cloud of course to the east of california so what we have goes is the winds the easing of the say that they're lifting easing across the north and in fact most about 5 warnings have been listed from lifted from the north of the state meanwhile in the south this is where we got the very very strong winds 120130 kilometers an hour on this extremely low humidity it is bone dry this is where the extreme fire danger at remains and this is the number of people affect. by these particular warnings that kinkaid fod to the north it is now 45 percent contained and that really is a lot to do the winds before they have so very much not to say out tools the west is really no relief in sight in terms of weather there's no rainfall causes nothing to really help any fight is not just california just across the border into the northwest of mexico not far from tijuana firefighters and volunteers are fighting the fires here 3 people have died in these 550 homes have been destroyed the obviously not raging not they are in california however they are widespread this is
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iteration through thursday is fine it is dry temperatures of still fairly high certainly around los angeles and then look at the eastern side of the country this of course is what we can do is we have got some very heavy amounts of rain that are actually freeze warnings in effect and winter storm advisories as well for 70000000 people across southern portions of the states and by friday snow pushing up into eastern sections of canada jenny thank you. now the iraqi military says one person has been killed after 2 rockets were fired into baghdad's heavily fortified green zone it happened shortly after another incident of nearby bridge during a week's long protest to protest has died many more injured on wednesday lower burden manly reports 0 6. defying clouds of tear gas and reports of live ammunition these protesters a tearing down concrete barriers their aim to reach the highly secured green zone
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whomped government offices and embassies. iraqi human rights commission says many protesters were injured after being hit with tear gas canisters as they face government forces in the synoptic bridge in central baghdad. it's the 3rd night since a curfew was imposed by the iraqi military but the lockdown is largely ignored by protesters. hours before the curfew these are the scenes in tahrir square an area that has become the symbol of an uprising that began in early october. still when will we stay like this we are a nation that loves life our country is rich you steal from us we will remain stuck fast men and women together. these protesters are angry about high unemployment for meddling in domestic affairs leave us in iran and what they call top level corruption. we are in tahrir square supporting our
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son's brothers and friends who are protesting to show a civilized image to the world. we come to tahrir square every morning to treat injured protesters we mix water and yeast and distribute it to people here. thousands of people are demonstrating in major cities in iraq including karbala and by. the government should make a real serious reform in the political system in the electoral system also earned you know iraqis require real democracy ideal democracy as protesters call for prime minister up to mahdi to step down his position is becoming increasingly more fragile shia cleric knocked out of solder who leaves parliament's largest bloc is also working towards removing him from the
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over the past month schools of people have been killed and thousands injured and despite the violence some protest has created a festival atmosphere with some people playing dominoes all the stunts and some of it freehand cuts to the crowd the on the protests that become increasingly more diverse with women and students joining the crowds and manly al-jazeera this go to our correspondent natasha going to aim now she is joining us live from baghdad the square after another deadly 24 hours we're hearing the iraqi parliament is in session atocha do we know what's being discussed. the iraqi president karzai is actually meeting with the already leaders ok yes he's expected to make a hell of a nice announcement later on this evening very subtle and political analysts who say that the story is a way out he says that the president coming out that right mr know that if you
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resigned and called for lots of the place as a matter character government as missing in the was and according to that analysts will be whether or not the ones that went out with these protesters were actually speak out for 60 days others are you predicting that the president has asked that matter be revised. and then the poem of the german little girl place that there are these protesters they like not only that but parliament does lol so we're right back out of the bed is a real battle in the heartland spoke to another political analyst who says these political parties are trying to protect their interest to continue to build power and preserve there are some of those perks very generous health care including prime minister 3 abroad well publicized things that have your ear well there is no
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health care of the 4 and the other like another person's love this is the 80 percent of their salary as i said when the average government worker gets money for their $400.00 are modified so right now it's the right mary. and the primary that is calling for ninety's ouster is the larger problem that it's tied to the insulin still she got there at the time that health sought or live under some sort of. hope or it was good enough for 100 seats that it would take to secure the no profits for the prime minister. thank you for that from now that's matushka name live in the iraqi capital baghdad thank you. for going back to our top story now in the u.s. house of representatives we're hearing from the house rules committee chairman jim macallan so he could have a voice on the next steps and chomps impeachment process let's listen then thank
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the gentleman from massachusetts mr mcgovern for yielding me the customary 30 minutes and i yield myself such time as i may consider gentlemen thank you one of begin by thanking my friend for his kind words and for the professionalism which he had the last night cheering but before i begin now on speaker i would ask the chairman if he would withdraw as resolution which time i will ask unanimous consent that the house immediately perceived as a consideration the. h.r. 668 instead which provide for consideration of house resolution 660 and or a rule madam speaker this would in no way prevent consideration of the resolution before us today however would provide us with an opportunity for all members to participate in the process my proposed rule would provide for 4 hours of general debate on h.r. 660 allow for amendments under an open process and provide for a motion to recommit on an issue as important as this madam speaker one hour of
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debate on a resolution written in the dark of night in marked up in a process where no republican amendments were accepted is simply insufficient additionally it would allow all members to offer amendments to improve the process to get to the truth which i'm sure is the goal of all my colleagues on both sides the aisle with that i would ask the chairman to accept my request for. when you. are my friend. so we are monitoring what's going on in the u.s. house of representatives ahead of that voice on the next steps and president trumps impeachment process the vote on how to make the investigation public and the procedure so we will go back to washington d.c. once we have that vote it's expected in about an hour from now my friends. now police in hong kong have fired tear gas to disperse anti-government protests in a pocket of party district the demonstrations in the district of monk all call in
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side with halloween celebrations for many defied both a ban on holding much as and wearing face masks hong kong has seen 5 months of increasingly violent antigovernment on the west. now a new human rights watch report says cia backed afghan forces have committed abuses against civilians which amount to war crimes the group is accusing afghan troops lent to the us intelligence agency of committing grave abuses without accountability the report goes on to say that the soldiers have unlawfully killed civilians during night raids forcibly disappeared detainees and attacked health care facilities for allegedly treating insurgent fighters sense the this war this particular war in afghanistan that began after 2001 the cia the american central intelligence agency has maintained a parallel counterterrorism operation parallel to the other u.s.
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military afghan government nato forces and the rest focused on specifically initially on al qaeda and then later on the islamic state and also the taleban these particular units that we describe in the report emerged out of those operations. they are clandestine units they operate as i say outside ordinary afghan government defense forces or u.s. defense forces chains of command they're recruited locally. well let's get more on this now we're joined now by john sifton spokesman for human rights watch and he's joining us live from washington d.c. mr sefton very good to have you with us on al-jazeera can you tell us more about the operations being supported by the cia that have seen these groups being called death squads. right well these militias which are mostly in self and southeastern afghanistan are essentially autonomous they are outside the normal
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chain of command they were they work with the cia they are supported by the cia they're outfitted by the cia they have very sophisticated equipment night vision goggles and they and they conduct these night raids all the time they even have twitter handles where they post the results of their raids where they show even dead bodies pictures of dead bodies of the people they've shot in these neighborhoods so this is well known that this is going on people have been complaining about it for a long time and it's not just a problematic thing from a human rights perspective from a counterinsurgency perspective it's hard to see how any of these abuses are getting the getting the counterinsurgency anywhere the taliban is stronger than it's been in years and continues to gain strength and yet the cia says says that they operations are in accordance with law under our system of either side and can they be held accountable if groups that they are supporting a carrying out such actions and if they are so well documented right well
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we've spoken with the cia about this and they've insisted that allegations of wrongdoing are investigated and that actions are taken where appropriate but we've seen no evidence of that really no evidence of any a units being held accountable even cut off from funding it's very very difficult to see any evidence of that happening so when the cia says the sort of thing we kind of shake our heads and wonder because we have literally no idea what they're talking about i mean they do have a historic relationship with these groups that goes back all the way to the ninety's and when the cia was funneling money equipment to afghan rebels fighting soviet troops but it sounds like it's a very problematic relationship that's yet going unchallenged. yeah well the thing about the cia is it's been supporting militias in afghanistan for years it's also been supporting militias all over the world i mean the contras in nicaragua were a cia backed group that was committing human rights abuses but it's not written as
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a rule somewhere that militias that are supported by the cia have to commit atrocities they could the cia could use their leverage their money to insist that militias follow the rules of war and not summarily execute people not go in neighborhoods where they just shoot people who they don't even know who they are so this is what we're essentially saying with the cia investigate the crimes but also use your leverage to tell these rioters to stop committing human rights abuses and it can it is that the cia alone that's responsible here what about the afghan government does it have a responsibility or any leverage here absolutely we've spoken in the national security council of afghanistan this morning they told us that they were conduct investigations into these allegations but we've heard promises like that before from the president's office from the national security council have gives them so we really want to see them actually take action the air and insist that there be improvements because we've seen a lot of talk in the past both about this and about torture by intelligence forces
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but we haven't seen any real accountability if there has been accountability please show it to us but we haven't seen it mr sifton thank you for shedding light on the story for us that's human rights watch is john sutton live in washington d.c. thank you. now plans to reopen schools and universities in lebanon have been cancelled of anti-government protests continue this certain parts of the capital protesters had been blocking roads and then around by a vote they're calling for political leaders to promise assad had 80 dead quit on tuesday but he's being offered by the president to stay on as a temporary caretaker until a new government is formed. for many of us down here. it's a do or die situation i'm not going to stay in this country any longer if the air i breathe of the water i drink are polluted if the politicians are robbing my government if 40 percent of our annual budget goes to paying of loan interest 40 percent of the entire money the country makes in the year goes to paying off the
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interests i cannot live in a country like this so for us it's we're ready to face the fear we're ready to face the responsibility that comes with facing a sectarian ruling class that has been in france for 30 years because we want a better country. at least 5 people were killed off to a powerful earthquake hit the island of mindanao in the southern philippines the magnitude 6.5 trauma sent panicked residents running from homes shopping centers and even a hospital and several buildings collapsed a 3rd of quake to strike the same area in the past 2 weeks german and the man has more from manila. emergency operations are well on their way and both national and regional resources are being put together to ensure that those who are believed to be trapped in many devastated structures across mindanao in many parts of mindanao are rescued immediately now the information is slow to come in that is because these areas so of experience devastation from the earthquake early thursday morning
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are the same areas that have been devastated by the last 2 earthquakes this month an earthquake 2 days ago left at least 8 people dead 16000 people displaced and according to the philippine government that number is expected to rise in many areas of the southern philippines dabbles city. or province in north about the province a lot of the areas remain cut off the power lines are down and it is believed also that communication lines are inconsistent with the philippine government assures that all resources are being put together to ensure that that basic needs are given immediately. the israeli army has arrested a prominent palestinian politician during a raid on her home in the occupied west bank city of ramallah for leakage of raw as a former member of the palestinian legislative council she's also a leading figure in the popular front for the liberation of palestine it's a party that's been banned by israel. posted on social media saying more than 70
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some jews and it makes 12 military vehicles were involved in the raid. just as her previous detentions why the israeli 4 says the 1st one being an april 25th teen where she was held for 15 months and the 2nd one july 2 in july 2nd 2017 where she was held for 18 months and this time as well my mom was detained under. the so-called administrate of detention which allows israel to hold palestinians without any evidence based on something that they call security reasons and based on secret evidence so my mother has never been charged with any crimes we have never been informed for the reason of her of harassed and she's never been given the right to a proper trial to getting our funerals for 11 people killed in protests earlier
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this month of being delayed because the government hasn't released the bodies to the families yet tens of thousands of people have been demonstrating against a possible change to the constitution that could allow president alpha condé to seek a 3rd term in power but tory gate and the reports. frustrated relatives wait outside a hospital in good east capital conakry desperate for news of when the bodies of their loved ones will be released. we came today to collect the bodies but the ministry of health says they're not ready to be released the families will be mourning for 14 days we want them to give us the bodies for burial. the 11 protesters were killed earlier this month during one of a number of demonstrations against president alpha condé. thousands of people have been marching through the city week after week angry about a possible constitutional change that they say would push into a dictatorship. they accuse president condé of wanting to hold on to power for
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a 3rd time for them 10 years of condé the government is enough. 81 year old condé 1st came to power in 2010 it was guinea's 1st democratic election after more than 50 years of mostly military rule since its independence from france in 1958 formally dissolve worried about the future of guinea under condé. move i don't have the words to express myself this deception what are we seeing on the ground it could kill politics and given it a funeral the sacred in our tradition our younger brothers were killed in the family come here 14 days later with no chance to have the funeral. the ministry of health says the delay in releasing the bodies is because its pathologists have finished performing autopsies which it says will help on cover the real causes and circumstances of their loved ones down these relatives have no faith in that process and they insist the government is making an already difficult situation
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even once the tory gating be there. now hundreds of koalas a believed to have been killed by bushfires in the eastern australian state of new south wales the largest of the fires spans 2000 hectares or about the size of 2000 football fields about 45 homes have been destroyed but there are no reports of injuries the fires are causing problems for a stray as large a city said me as andrew thomas explains. it's sunny it should be a perfectly clear blue sky spring day in sydney but you can see the city shrouded in a smoky haze at times on thursday the opera house and the bridge were barely visible through the smoke now this is a smoke that comes from bushfires which are burning quite a few hours north of sydney ordinarily the smoke from the wouldn't reach the city here but they've been quite strong winds from the north to the pushback smoke down
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and in the city itself it's been very still a lack of wind has kept the smoke here those fires north of sydney have destroyed a lot of forest and in those forests wallace live and it's that hundreds may have died it's from the air that you really get an idea of how hazy this city has been now the state government and others has said that to most people the smoke doesn't pose any kind of health risk but those with acid i've been told to stay indoors and don't do any sport this is unusual for sydney it's normally a city with very clear air but on 1st day things are very different. now fire has devastated an ancient castle on the japanese island of okinawa it's one of the region's most popular unesco world heritage sites from a pride reports. surely castle is one of aachen hours best tool response and had earned world heritage status in 2000. the fire broke out in the main buildings before dawn the flames spreading quickly through the ancient timbers more than 10
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fire engines were sent to tackle the blaze but there was little they could do local people looking on helplessly the full extent of the damage was revealed at 1st light many of the buildings reduced to smoking ruins the castle dates from the rio q kingdom which spanned 450 years until lock in our was an expired japan in the 19th century. as a symbol of the island's heritage it had been. day's been holding an annual festival recreating rituals from the past. okinawa's loss will be felt by japan as a whole think i understand a world heritage site is an extremely important symbol of okinawa i feel my heart ache a stan my heartfelt sympathy to the people of. the castle had been wrecked and restored before from fierce fighting.
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