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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 5, 2019 12:00am-1:01am +03

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on. al-jazeera. alone barbara sarah this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london thank you for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes. iraqi security forces opened fire on baghdad protesters with at least 5 reported that this after 3 people were shot dead overnight in karbala. iran takes another step away from the 2015 nuclear deal saying it's developed advanced centrifuges to speed up you're a new enrichment and new delhi bands half the city's cars from its roads as toxic
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air pollution continues to smother the indian capital. in sport lewis hamilton says his motivation is undimmed after winning a 6 formula one world title and now trails only markel schumacher on the all time list for championship victories. at least 5 people have been killed after iraqi security forces opened fire on protesters in the capital baghdad live rounds were fired the demonstrators were approaching the prime minister's office and the state t.v. headquarters protesters were throwing rocks and setting tires a blaze when security forces flooded into the area more than 250 people have been killed since october 1st when the protests began in baghdad and the shia dominated sounds demonstrators say a corrupt government has failed to ensure jobs. of protesters have also been
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calling for an end to what they see as a rainy an interference in iraq e politics that was traitorous tried to storm the iranian consulate in karbala on sunday bringing down one iranian flag and setting others on fire iraq's human rights commission says at least 3 protesters were killed when security forces fired live ammunition into the air to try to clear the crowds natascha going to aim has more now from baghdad. this is been a tense evening in the capital fires in the roads barricades and additional security forces than we've typically seen in previous evenings the violence began late this afternoon protesters attempted to cross a bridge near tahrir square that's been the epicenter of the protests they were trying to cross this bridge to get into the fortified green zone attempted to topple barricades and that's when witnesses say security forces responded with live
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ammunition witnesses are saying that there are people who have been killed a prime minister spokesman is saying that is not true medical sources say dozens of people are injured and most of the injuries are from god and shot wounds to the face and head and that the wounded includes security forces from there there were reports that there were protesters who gathered around one of the prime minister's office is near the green zone and they had to be dispersed with tear gas and water cannons and also a spokesman with the prime minister's office says the protesters attempted to reach the ministry of justice they lit a fire near of building nearby a spokesman says that protesters were beaten back with sticks so what you're seeing is a new evolution in these protests where they're no longer just confined to tahrir square
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but protesters are going to major intersection at intersections to prevent people from getting to work and going about their business and now we see they're attempting to get to government offices already the last 2 days various government offices and businesses have been closed as well as schools in baghdad and several southern provinces teachers and attorneys are on strike the prime minister's office is threatening the treat the teachers union and attorney says that these teachers are not breaking the law they have the right to protest. well joining us now on the line from baghdad is a protester who we're not naming for her own safety a thank you so much for joining us here on our jazeera 1st of all just tell me a little bit them in the times the you have been out protesting tell me a little bit about what you saw was what it was like ok high bar was. actually. what i was going to try to i so civil wanted people.
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people who were told against a believe with a cold log. so many people. actually worked their will to this who cried how i was sailing. and yeah. that's what happens when i do straight and i'm going to change only also in my own way by leaving enough to help demonstrate his. place with this. and tell us a little bit about what the atmosphere is like now i mean i guess we can guess a little bit from what you've said but tell us about the atmosphere because of course you don't want us to identify you because you're worried about what might happen so are people getting increasingly frightened. yes they're afraid
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that most of the lots to try as people i was frightened from everything there is no there is no trust. even if being in hospital is it people are free to go to the house because they might be you rested some there and you know also the atmosphere was unhealthy. the things. and just remind us i don't know whether you've taken part in demonstrations before these latest ones in the past years but how would you say that these demonstrations in iraq are different to ones in previous years when people also protested against the government and against corruption and against the lack of jobs yes there was a civil in a stray shoes in the past but this one all decided to classes. or you know i think
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several reasons the 1st reason and which is the most important that people used to say loose to save is the clergy you know the religious man and you know ration is. will not accept to fall to follow anyone a discover their reality and also all of the only social classes in our society. separate from the same koblenz which is lack of services you know it's. again there is another reason very beginning. one good job or to fill a stray shoes there was a huge. so people do not accept to see someone who's just holding the flag of his country and demands for his wife and little since it was
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cold so people get angry for good and all of them get out and they learn for their lives and i mean it's becoming obvious just how you know dangerous and risky demonstrating a baghdad across iraq has become do you plan on still going out to protest yes it's and what what do you hope that will achieve what do you hope the end goal will be. the 3rd thing that i hope is to stop killing people. which is once important thing because every year there are there are there should be a calling you know you learned that we want to we wanted to stop it we weren't having your bely had to live with this arrogance is just like any human you know
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our lives is damaged we're almost dead people do living their lives we would know you know we don't have the right for everything. all we are not be free to do anything. you know ration i mean beyond the they are we're actually born to change its work. to we don't want to live their life ok thank you very much. you know for speaking to us from baghdad who we're not naming for her own the safety and apologies there the quality of the line was obviously not to great but it was important to get to that witness testimony from the iraqi capital. now iran has used the 40th anniversary of the 979 takeover of the u.s. embassy in tehran to announce it's taken another step away from the 2050 nuclear
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deal their own says it's launched a new generation of advanced centrifuges to enrich uranium president trump withdrew from the nuclear agreement last year and reimpose the sanctions on iran reports from tehran. the head of iran's atomic energy organization at one of the country's most important nuclear facilities this is where ali akbar salehi announced that iran has now added another 30 advanced centrifuges more highroad not booed zines you do see we won't supposed to have 30 chinese centrifuges we wanted to work on it after we tested 20 chinese centrifuges then 3 to 4 years later to work on the 30 chinese centrifuges but we faced political challenges and senior authorities decided to show iran's potential power and determination this is another step taken by iran to scale back its commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal authorities here say
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since the united states withdrew last year and imposed if syriza further sanctions on iran the remaining european signatories have yet to uphold their end of the cream and and until they do iran will continue to advance its nuclear program. that is something the european union is continuing to warn the gates we have continued torch run to reverse such steps without delay and to refrain from any further measures that would undermine the nuclear deal you know that we as the european union remain committed to the implementation of the chase appeal way because it's a matter of respecting international agreement it's a matter of our security but we have also been consistent in saying that commitment that our commitment to the nuclear deal depends on the full compliance by this announcement was made on the 40th anniversary of the takeover of the former u.s. embassy in tehran where thousands gathered to mark the occasion they were demanding
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the return of the former shah mohammad reza pat levy to iran to stand trial the shah had been allowed into the u.s. to receive medical treatment for cancer those anti-american sentiments are still strong and for many here the united states withdrawal from the nuclear deal is yet another example president hassan rowhani will be officially announcing a wrong for that in reducing its commitments to the days you know it very soon but after monday's announcement by your tomic interview organization there will likely be more concern and criticisms about iran's nuclear ambitions in the days ahead north of the bari alpha 0. well hours after iran's announcement the u.s. said it was imposing new sanctions on 9 a rainy and close to the supreme leader ali khamenei iran's foreign ministry says those sanctions show america's diplomatic shortcomings and the bullying approach to international affairs i can't as more now on why the sanctions were imposed. senior
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administration officials briefed journalists to make clear that the latest round of sanctions timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the arabian hostage siege now certainly these are significant the sanctions aimed at the very most senior levels of iranian leadership the 9 figures who individually singled out all members of the inner sanctums say and national security officials among them is the head of the iranian judiciary the iranian chief of staff and very importantly the 2nd son of the ayatollah khamenei he was the only one of the i told his children to actually works within the office and certainly represents his father at times in public so this is a significant selection of sanctions but important to motu that administration officials making very clear that these sanctions are part of an ongoing process this particular round designed to coincide with the anniversary of the iranian
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hostage siege they are not necessarily a direct reaction to the latest iranian nuclear moves. coming up on this news hour from london talk of bullying tactics and taking the dirt as the 1st transcripts are released from witnesses who testified to the trunk impeachment inquiry. that welcome here a less than well reception for the king of spain asean this family visit catalonia and in sports and change in direction for the motor racing series in the united states and he will be here with that story a little late. but 1st india's capital has been described as a gas chamber officials in new delhi say air pollution has become so toxic that more than 20000000 residents are living in an. bearable burning small the u.s.
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embassy air quality index which measures the concentration level of fine particles exceeded 500 on monday bear in mind that anything above 50 is considered risky to people's health now a public health emergency has been declared schools are shot and for the next 12 days private cars will only be allowed on the roads every other day according to whether they have an old or even number plate also being blamed are farmers from neighboring states who burn stubble at this time of year to clear their fields for the winter crop. reports now from new delhi. this brown haze has enveloped new delhi anything above 400 on the city's quality index is considered very severe. rules about power and. people. it is bad every winter but this is the 1st time the government has declared
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a public health emergency. just to shut 3 says he doesn't like wearing a mask while driving his scooter that it's necessary. the reason i'm wearing a mask is increased pollution i don't have an illness but i cough all night in the last 45 days. children and the elderly are especially at risk says she suffers a heart condition and the pollution has forced her to go to hospital. i have a cold and cough on my chest has been heartened since pollution increased everything hurts now. doctors say because of the toxic small they have treated 5 times as usual number of patients over the past few days some people living in india's national capital say it's become a gas chamber. the state government is alternating the days. on the roads
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between those whose registrations and registrations and those with evil but. behind me is the iconic. it's a tall building but today. the government has taken the step to halt the number of possible recalls on the street that should reduce air pollution a little but as long as farmers keep burning stubble in neighboring states. is expected to continue to be very severe in new delhi. farmers in the adjoining states of punjab and haryana have harvested their rice and now need to clear their land for their winter wheat crop burning is the quickest way environmentalists say that needs to change i think at the end of the day farmers need to sort of put pressure on the government to ultimately provide markets that are needed to shift away to other crops. but pharmacy if they are to change their practices and invest
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in clean up technology and machinery they need support from the government that's on top of it tackling other sources of pollution meaning those hoping for cleaner air are unlikely to have immediate relief. al-jazeera new delhi. priya. is lead economist for the nature conservancy she joins us live now from washington d.c. madam thank you so much for joining us here on al-jazeera we've just been of course hearing about the situation in new delhi and it really is shocking the levels of for example the concentration level of fine particles 10 times over what is already considered dangerous focusing on new delhi what would you say are the main culprits behind this level of pollution is a car is is it the burning of stubble by farmers nearby what do you think of the worst causes. thank you barbara that's
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a very good question and the says that clearly a very important health and economic emergency. when you asked me to come in here today i checked the levels in washington d.c. and they are 45 relative to the 500 which is what delhi residents face so this is clearly a very important critical shock to the system. there are many sources of pollution and this you already identified a couple of the sources you talked about the records which the delhi government seems to want to take some quick action on. the farmers who burned their eyes as they were i stress or do as they move from. their rice crop to their read crop are another source at this point in time in the winter this is not always a source not throughout the year but basically some recent work suggests that 30
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percent of the pollution comes from vehicular pollution trucks and to realize and cars and such another 30 percent is possibly from industrial pollution from power plants that emmett small. to brick kilns that emits mork and everything in between and then you have another 40 percent which give or take is from dust construction dust is a big problem in delhi and mumbai i must burning whether it's for people who are burning to warm themselves and to cook or whether it's the farmers in the attic plains in the northwestern part of india which is the bread basket of india. they have to move from one crop to another they have to do it within 2 or 3 weeks and there is no amount of labor in india. that can enable them to cut the rest to
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do and stock at and store it away so clearly the quickest solution the only solution right now for a large large number of them is to burn that a city so that is one of the sources kind of highlighted how their seem to be sort of 3 main the points and i guess they all need you know whether it's industry or traffic or the dust for construction i guess they all need different approaches focusing our traffic which i guess is the one that the government is acting on straightaway this alternate number plates you know all good numbers one day and even numbers the other a lot of other cities around the world have tried something similar does that kind of stuff work or is it more of a quiz method change that doesn't really get to the root of the issue. yes that's a good point delhi is not the only city that has tried this. other cities have
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perhaps one of the best example is mexico city which is large as you know highly polluted as well and they have had this sort of rationing of car strategy for many years and the evidence doesn't point to good news that there's some recent work and work in the past that seems to suggest that this kind of rationing of license plates or permitting license plates of different numbers on odd and even days doesn't necessarily reduce the air pollution and there there are number of reasons for this you know you put a policy in place and people respond to it in many ways and often times what has what has happened certainly in mexico city and it's probably happening in delhi because they've tried this previously is people try alternate strategies instead of not driving or carpooling which is what is hoped for they might buy
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a 2nd car and that might be an older car which pollutes even more than the car that they have been using or they might just to ride share services and that doesn't mean that fewer cars come into delhi it's just a different type of. vehicle that comes into daily and so this this is not necessarily the solution it might seem like something is being done then there might be. an immediate reduction for a little while but invariably people seem to find a way around it and mexico city particularly is interesting because it does have a public transportation system it's a it's a it's large it's not terribly expensive. but you're still not seeing the kind of substitution that you would want and hope for because public transport is takes time i guess it does schuman some very lead economists for the nature conservancy
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madam thank you for sharing your views with us thank you. well the u.s. has formally notified the united nations that it's withdrawing from the paris paris climate agreement and says it will be out by this time next year un rules mean washington was forced to wait until november the 4th 2019 today to file its exit papers the global pact was signed in 2015 to fight climate change and has been ratified by 185 countries the us is the only country to pull out of the pact president on trump has heavily criticized the treaty saying that it imposes an unfair economic burden on american workers. as u.s. a u.s. appeals court has ordered president trump to hand over 8 years worth of tax returns to new york prosecutors the ruling allows prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the document from trump's accounting firm tropfest tried to prevent
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the release of his tax information as part of an investigation into alleged pre-election payoffs meanwhile in washington for us officials called to testify to the impeachment inquiry into president trump actually failed to show up house investigators have also released the transcripts of witness interviews with the former u.s. ambassador to ukraine marie you have a note and michael mckinley a former advisor to secretary of state like the u.s. house is preparing to hold public hearings after formalizing impeachment proceedings against the president last week the inquiry centers on whether trump abused this power by withholding aid to ukraine in exchange for an investigation into political rival joe biden. you will see in. testimony. what a dedicated public servant she is this is someone who serve the country with distinction for decades it is someone who also is one of the 1st witnesses to this
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irregular back channel that the president the stablish with rudy giuliani and the damage that it was doing to america's national security and foreign policy interests how it was working at. in opposition not in support of u.s. policy objectives. shevardnadze is live for us from washington d.c. at especially at how was it all likely to unfold in the days and weeks to come now . well we don't know as you said there are supposed to be public hearings. that will commence at some point but represents a shift that hasn't actually said that to us when those will begin or who will who will appear at those hearings however we are going to get now a series of these depositions have already been made least partial transcripts of the depositions that have already been made we should be clear that the depositions or the transcripts partial transcript of the depositions released today don't give any sort of smoking gun that the democrats may have been looking for about
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a quid pro quo you know give us. and we'll give you the aid but what they do give us these these 2 that have been released give us a sense of unease within the foreign foreign establish with the foreign policy establishment of the u.s. about what was actually driving u.s. policy in ukraine and we already knew that from the from the statements that have been released by the foreground you're out of it and mckinley but this gives a small kind of rather juicy rather juicy detail but because the former ambassador had suggested that we already knew that what was driving foreign policy in ukraine was rudy giuliani's interests and perhaps the interest of his to do business associates in ukraine have since been arrested in fact and she says that towards the end of last year she was already being told by ukrainian officials to quote watch back the part of those interests to get rid of her and that followed a great deal of smearing of i not just by giuliani and also i don't trump jr which
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which he felt rather threatened by and she was actually the e.u. ambassador for the u.s. so you know how does one how should one be treating diplomacy in the age of trump and and he said you got to start tweeting in support of trump quote go big or go home the suggestion being again you all serving him not necessarily american national interest you need to show your support for him at the outmost and sure enough that she got a phone call at 1 am in the morning saying that she had to get back on the next flight to the u.s. she was being recall. and when she asked why she said for security reasons and but no real no real real specific reason just rather scary kind of sense of it's for your own security she actually left before the infamous phone call but that has been the focus of the investigation and which both trombones olinsky president linsky said rather nasty things about her and she said but when she saw all that she felt rather threatened she worried about whether the f.b.i. group an investigation alpha whether she was still currently working at the state
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department you're still currently working the state well but whether she was going to lose her job in fact friends began to get concerned about her personal safety so about cultural a culture of fear for her at least but also what we already knew that that culture within the foreign services of the us anyway that it was being hollowed out and it was necessarily working for u.s. national interest but for the interests of private individuals she ever tansey with the latest on that from washington she had thank you. the u.k. parliament has elected a new speaker to replace john bercow who announced that he was stepping down in september in a centuries old tradition in c. hall made a show of being dragged reluctantly from the m.p.'s benches to the speaker's chair this dates back to the days when a speaker could be sentenced the best for displeasing the monarch while as a long serving opposition labor party m.p. his predecessor bercow became famous for his theatrical displays in the chair especially during breaks and debates was also accused of anti breck said bias.
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catalan separatists have been protesting in barcelona against the visit by spain's royal family and his family were attending an awards ceremony in the catalan regional capital outside thousands gathered to protest the spanish king has been highly unpopular in catalonia since a televised address that he gave back in 2017 in it he criticized the region's failed independence referendum but failed to mention the many people injured by police. so lots more to come in this news hour including we're going to be live in chillis capital santiago where anti-government demonstrations have entered their 3rd week lebanese protesters block roads again paralyzing beirut as they accuse politicians of dragging their feet and in sports the all star baseball player hoping for similar success as a manager. had
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a story whether the last 2 days is finally blown out through western europe you can see this not much in the sky now these a shower of these little dots of clouds the main box been blown eastwards and this is all rain now the wind that blew through did a certain amount of damage in southern france the rains because of little bit of minor flooding in italy and it's this place we should look i think it's really the southern alps not soon to austria and then to croatia montenegro and greece where the rain will repeat itself ahead of this it's really quite mild not tempted to really shop for eastern europe with the exception of stockholm where the cold front lies for the other system north of this is still proper winter cold but most places it's a windy and mild thing be the the best description but some get to wednesday this is still the wet patch move to be fair the south still mild in east new take a focus for example in bucharest at $24.00 degrees the next couple of days is just
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one billy one degree below it's november record and 14 above normal course surprise obviously some of this spills over into north africa and this stuff that's coming through space in the west and that train doesn't show much tendency to change your weather on tuesday 21 years and breezy 18 redact for tommy get to wednesday the rain is falling probably. from the london broadcast center to special guests and conversation they only want to protect life for 9 months i want to make this more your year old unprompted uninterrupted black useful for as long as we've been fighting back have been labeled as terrorist intimately reflecting on the issues of our time people like to think that their nationalism is not as ugly as someone else's national studio be
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unscripted coming soon on al-jazeera a policy imposed decades ago newman port richey could select goods and the boards changing demographics across asia with far reaching consequences for creating a pool of socially disadvantaged young men so you have the system where people are everyone will be get being given money money to agree distro zation our money to get other people to be the services out there examines the politics of population control. welcome back is a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera at least 5 people have been killed in
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iraq after security forces opened fire on protesters in the capital baghdad is them a stray sions against the government. iran has taken another step away from the 2015 nuclear deal announcing that it's developed a new generation of advanced centrifuges to enrich uranium and the authorities in india's capital avoid it how for the private cars off the road in an effort to curb . record high pollution levels officials say the air is so toxic that more than 20000000 residents are living in i burning small. now u.s. president don't trump has just left washington to head to kentucky where he's holding a rally in the coming hours white house correspondent kimberly halkett is live for us in lexington kentucky so a king billy with all that's going on right now and i guess the u.s. presidential election is still but a year away why is president from campaigning for a local election in kentucky as well. yeah well this is well one of
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a handful of states that have these off year elections and the reason the president is here is not only to help a struggling governor republican governor try and win reelection but it's also serving another purpose barbara and that is to claim to see just how much the impeachment inquiry is impacting the president now the campaign insists that the president when he shows up things are magic that there is a rally of the base of support at people when elections but very quickly if you look behind me you can see the parking lot behind me is pretty empty and i've been to a lot of rallies i've never seen this before so while the campaign insists that the impeachment inquiry has not had any impact on the base of support again this is a thin parking lot something not seen it in from raleigh in a very long time so the president in 2016 here he won this state handily he's hoping he'll do it again in 2020 but he's hoping tomorrow will help the republican
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governor win a very tough reelection effort and you sort of mentioned that the president warning kentucky i mean is that the kind of state where one would expect the president or the republican candidate to win quite easily. yeah barbara the numbers really tell the story but this behind me seems to tell a different story so we're trying to figure out make some sense of what it all means but in this state the provable rating for the 1st president 57 percent. 65 percent have said they don't want to see the president impeached in fact when i spoke to some supporters earlier they said that they don't see this having an impact on the president's support here in the state or even around the country what people care about are these bread and butter kitchen table issues like jobs the economy making sure that there are solid wages but again these numbers seem to tell a different story so while the campaign is saying everything's fine nothing to see here this is certainly on usual for a trump campaign rally to see very thin turnout outside in advance of this event
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will be interesting to see how trump reacts to it when he takes the stage for the moment can't believe how good with the latest from lexington in kentucky thank you . thousands of protesters are back on the streets of the chilean capital santiago is anti government demonstrations and a 3rd week police have used water cannon and tear gas to try to disperse the crowds while protesters have been throwing rocks they want president sebastian pinera to resign and are demanding constitutional reforms let's go live to our last in america to see a new man in the capital santiago's here we can see the demonstrators behind you there 3 weeks now of demonstrations i mean we know what the protesters want does it look like they are ever going to get it and if so how is that affecting their numbers. well i don't know if they're ever going to get it but i'll tell you that they are not giving up they just keep coming and coming this is days 17 of
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protests just on this avenue this is a. main artery and again at this hour it is her allies rush hour traffic i never expected this many people to come on this day because the last 2 weeks have been momenta have been enormously demonstrations but i think that one of the things of his driving these protests day after day is the feeling that it's now or never that they can give up right now and that they can and that most people tell me that. they can feel that this time there will be changes after so many years of protesting peacefully separately now all the give are over obama have been calling for education better health care better pensions better salaries on and on have converged there all of them all come together and they're not being led by a particular political party it's a citizens movement and you know despite the fact you may see that most people are carrying our bandana around their necks or in their pockets and that's because there has been just continuous tear gas and water cannon it including against the
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peaceful protesters not just against those few people who are throwing stones against the security forces but people are determined to keep going barbara that i can tell you so that they're determined and we have seen like you mentioned water cannon and tear gas do you sense or a fear or hesitation among the protesters that the reaction from the government might change soon. actually not i think they feel and i think it would be quite and i agree that this pressure is it has made the government and all of the political parties do what they haven't done for decades and that is really really go on fast track now to try to approve some of the reforms that people are asking for not quite yet a new constitution that's being debated tomorrow thursday or wednesday and thursday the different political parties will be meeting in congress should debate proposals by the government to fast track improvements to the minimum wage to pensions
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a whole series of changes are they may not go far enough but at least it's a beginning to see a new moon or lesson america editor live in santiago thank you and let's just remind ourselves of what a walls that brought people to the streets in the 1st place my new a rapper looks now at the economic inequality that has led to the current unrest in china. for decades chile has been seen as a sort of oasis of prosperity in latin america. in 1900 the country ushered in a new democracy and in 17 years of brutal awkward tarion rule. the years that followed were marked by fast pace economic growth and a massive reduction in poverty. when the military dictatorship in chile ended no less than 45 percent of the population lived in poverty from the moment democracy was recovered economic growth was very high but they came a moment around 2000 when that growth stops because despite the boom of
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a stable middle class in the 21st century as also witnessed a growing discontent over economic inequality. on october 18th the announcement of an increase in public transport fares sparked massive social upheaval since then the unrest on the streets of the chilean capital and elsewhere in the country has been unrelenting behind the facade of unshakable modern development there's a sense that she lay is broken the concerns are over stagnant wages low pensions unequal access to health care and education and a widespread perception that the standard of living is getting worse. many chileans believe the ongoing crisis is rooted in the country's economic model founded on neoliberal principles that are seen as a remnant of the days of the hardline pinochet era. people's incomes do not match the cost of living in prices here like they are in europe but wages of the same as the rest of latin america in terms of long term solutions we need to think about
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how to restructure the political institutions that we inherited from the pinochet dictatorship. while many argue neo liberalism is to blame for the state of inequality and others say it's been negligence by the side of the country's political class that's exacerbated the problem and. liberalism is a pejorative term for a free market economy i don't think people who participate in these mess. of march is a protesting against a free market they're protesting against a lack of opportunities. there's no shortage of opinions over what the solution to chile's political crisis should be but the problem is clear the prosperity achieved over the last 30 years has been told by the wealthiest in society and people have had enough wind up a little something. protesters have again blocked roads in several cities around lebanon where demonstrations against the political elites show no sign of letting up people continue to rally despite the resignation of prime
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minister saad hariri last week the protests began on october 17th and they are calling for a complete overhaul of lebanon's political system in a hall that has more now from they don't. protesters in lebanon are escalating their struggle against those in power again closing roads to pressure the governing coalition to form a government independent of political parties this is the main highway linking the capital beirut to south lebanon we are blocking the road but tell the people who are sitting at home that hey listen we are doing this because you are not raising your voice because you are being silent something like these young men continue to support the mainly sectarian political parties they are diverting traffic caused by road closures there is tension in the streets day 19 of this protest movement and people here say there is still the tournaments to take control of their future but
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they are facing a political class just as determined to stay in power public pressure has forced prime minister saddle heidi to resign but the president michel aoun has still not set a date for binding parliamentary consultations to choose a new prime minister there's a lot of back room obviously a back door horsetrading trying to identify who's going to be the prime minister but also what kind of cabinet. they think is needed or that they find acceptable lebanon is not on the brink of economic collapse we've started sliding into you know not an economic and but serious economic challenges and the protests are making the economy suffer even more frustration is growing especially among those who need to get to work every day and want their children to return to schools but others say they are ready to make a sacrifice not as far as the shop owner i can't open and be against the people in the movement of course this harms business but i'm enduring because i want to stand
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with the people and their rights. it's a fight for a better future but some of it he's angry over the high cost of living also benefit from the status quo they are not backing the so-called revolution calling for a complete change of the sectarian based political system so are other lebanese who seem unwilling to take a step into the unknown. beirut. anti-government protesters are keeping up their city and in the pakistani capital and their calls for the prime minister iran khan to resign can ignore the sunday deadline set by the demonstrators of thousands march to islamabad from all around the country and they say they won't leave the city until he steps down with some a binge of i'd've reports now from islamabad. some of this mail has come to some of us from the southern city of karachi with its friends he says his leader has asked people to protest against the government. there they're part of the islam led by
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a cleric well enough as iran and they see him on 100 government is illegitimate and accuse it of destroying the economy and taking many jobs there i mean is it wasn't it i'm a realtor and for the last 13 months no one has brought any property inflation has reached its highest level people were unable to earn and provide education to the children we've lived our homes families and businesses we will live here until we get khan's resignation. people from all over pakistan have arrived in islamabad in recent months creators teachers and others have also protested. 9 other political parties have also joined the demonstrations but they don't support calls for a possible sit in which they say could turn violent the government is adamant that the real reason for the rallies is to divert attention from its fight against corruption and the reason for that is very simple it is because they are guilty they are guilty of corruption and that is what what they're trying to do is create pressure on the bombers somehow make the government move back from the accountability right they were in previous sit ins people were filmed being paid by
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pakistani officials these protesters deny they are being funded by their party or anyone else but it's been sort of. each one gave $3.00 and we have collected $50.00 our party doesn't give us any money we do it because we are here for a good cause and are ready for any action with our leader tells us since such as this one began it is the modern printed 14 that that allege that they were backed by the by deciding whether police stablish meant that leadership of this protest says they are unique because they are against a military backed government and when the army to play a role. after 3 thing in support of the elected government the cleric leading the march said the military should stay out of politics was one of the protesters demands as to who. elections without supervision but the government has rejected them all the calls for the prime minister to resign for now pakistan's capital is once again calm with tense and the government is making arrangements to prevent
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protesters from entering the city some of there is not about. 41 refugees and migrants have been found alive in the back of a refrigerator truck in northern greece that were discovered after police stopped the vehicle on the side of a motorway near the city of santa the 4 of routine check the migrants who were mostly from afghanistan weren't injured and the refrigeration system had not been turned on the driver was arrested at the scene greece is currently experiencing its biggest resurgence of refugee arrivals since 2015. so dan's new prime minister has vowed to work towards peace in darfur abdullah hondo committed the pledge during a one day visit to the war torn region his 1st since becoming leader or than 300000 people have been killed and 2500000 the splays since fighting erupted in darfur in 2003 so that's former president omar bashir is wanted by the international criminal court for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity there. police in the hong
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kong canceled their weekly press briefing earlier after journalists staged a protest over actions taken during a chaotic weekend of anti-government demonstrations several reporters arrived wearing helmets with signs reading investigating police brutality and stop police lies the police later held a briefing on social media defending their response to the weekend's protests on saturday police fired the tear gas rubber bullets and water cannon and demonstrators on one of the worst days of violence seen during 5 months of protests . still ahead on the news 6 time formula one world champion lewis hamilton explains what drives is the zaire to keep on winning that's coming up in sport. business updates brought to you by qatar airways going places together.
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business updates brought to you by qatar airways going places together.
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with the sport. thank you so much barbara will south africa's title win at the rugby world cup wasn't just a sporting success story for the 1st time the trophy was lifted by a black caps in say clichy force his way from humble beginnings to lead his country to rugby's biggest prize our correspondent for the media miller visited san where there's still a little help for those hoping to follow his example. images that have inspired a nation the springboks 3rd world cup triumph led by see its 1st black captain in the national team's 127 year history much like these boys khaleesi began
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playing rugby on this field at him simply any primary school does meet a township almost 20 years ago it's here that khaleesi got what was often his only meal of the day playing rugby on patch of grass that it with stones erickson play was can lease his coach and the deputy principal that the school he says it was after spotting police his talent that he pushed him to get a scholarship at the prestigious grey high school a school with more resources of i'm very proud you know i'm very proud so how young black men were from a tosser lifting the tribe a list of you know i just that this history as a boy could he played for this club of the african bombers while khaleesi moved on to provincial rugby and now represent south africa not much has changed for his former club or team practices barefoot and with little equipment and much of what
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they do have has been donated by khaleesi members despite the challenges the players are determined to make it as far as their idol while excited about the world cup win and the possibility of realizing their dreams the reality for these players isn't the glick to the stadium with no running water or electricity to put is a try they're not taken care off or secondly you do short with things like cones you need course you need balls. mean as will people to work with you because 1st thing this thing is well internally and no one is going to help out so you would be sometimes a coach one coach with classman a 60 kids how to take care of them there are 100 and see. even 1900 in the eastern province alone mostly made up of black players many here say this springboks victory under black captaincy are clearly see as inspired players like the says
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they've seen anything is possible but some are questioning whether the excitement will be short lived and if players from poor communities will benefit those wanting to see another c.r. khaleesi emerge from these grants say that if more resources and not ploughed into underprivileged teams and players a future springbok may be missed for me to millar al-jazeera in the eastern cape province. for the one world champion lewis hamilton says his brother has been a key factor in maintaining his might servatius nicolas hamilton suffers from cerebral palsy but is still forced to korea as a racing driver lewis meanwhile is celebrating a 6th title victory after his 2nd place finish in the us from free on sunday only michael schumacher has won more world championships 34 year old britain says he's determined deserve a 60. 7. and why had. i
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love the challenge i love the you know the term or that you go but actually when you're in the turmoil i don't. i don't love it but i love the idea of getting out of you know of a stumble getting back up and going again you know of think about my brother who growing up with several cerebral palsy he would fall over and get back up with never complain and try and shoot for who you know and. so i look at a lot of different. people who have done great things who have had difficult times who recovered or bounce back and done other great things afterwards and i try to do it in my own way. american billionaire roger penske has shaken up the look of motor sport in the us his company's buying the indianapolis motor speedway circuit and the indy car series gives penske control of the country's elite racing competition and it's my famous fanny and ski is already considering it's
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a pretty f one race to the circuits. what can read or write a 24 hour race your career on a formula one race here you know what are the things that we can do this is a great asset you know once a tradition has been broken in adding the nascar race which obviously we're going to get behind it a big way because we're 27 years ever on your show i look at all of the across the board you see you know what can we do with the world anti-doping agency says it will investigate all athletes that were trained by banned coach alberto salazar salazar was suspended in september after being found guilty of doping violations during his time as the head of the nike oregon project salazar coached many of the world's leading athletes including paul simon to be champion a month. on the new york mets are hoping a former all star player can produce similar success as a manager beltran with was with the mets for 7 seasons but he has no previous
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managerial experience the 42 year old puerto rican is the mets 1st ever let's see now manager baseball is a roller coaster guys and i know that. will be the same but i'm excited and i just want to say to the met. thank you for believing in me just can't wait to read write our story. high school's looking for now let's get back to barbara in london andy thank you now venice is famous gone believe years have been swapping their uniforms for wet suits for a 9th time dive in the city's canals it's all part of an initiative to clear up the iconic waterways which are up to 70 meters the that are off the news the dumping grounds by both tourists and locals that the operation took place at night when the canals were quieter i thought was recovered included a computer a cassette player and this stove that's it from me barbara sarah for this news hour
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all have more news in just a few minutes of a picture with that of i. j oh you're at the mercy of the state but in the land of the free shareholders have a stake it is this profit motive that continues to interfere with adequate health care being provided to people who are detained incarcerated across the country saw lines investigates how the outsourcing of health care in american jails is impacting the lives and deaths of those behind bars sick inside on al-jazeera.
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we know the culture we know the problems that affect this part of the world very very well and that is something that we're trying to take to the rest of the world we have gone to places and reported on a story that it might take an international network months to be able to do it united nations peacekeepers have to blow it i'm tired. we are challenging the voices we're challenging companies we're going to places where nobody else is going . russia has jeopardized the united states' security interests we know what you are doing and you will not succeed perceptions from the outside looking. into the picture from the inside. i think russia's foreign policy is too soft. to most russian goals to be achieved not. give you full motion all knowledge easy.
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to the. iraqi security forces opened fire on baghdad protesters with at least 5 reported that this after 3 people were shot dead overnight in karbala. hello i'm barbara sarah this is al jazeera live from london also coming up another day of chaos and she lists capital santiago where anti-government demonstrations have entered their surge week. new delhi bans half the city's cars from its roads as toxic air pollution continues to smother the indians.


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