tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera November 17, 2019 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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east and the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the. al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. this is the news live coming up in the next 60 minutes a university campus becomes a battleground police in hong kong want people to leave for the. help for the poor iran's leader and also subsidies to try to subdue petrol price protests. i marry a mozzie in london with the top stories from here at including greece's marking 46
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years since the mylan a crushing of the student uprising against the military dictatorship. rajapaksa the man accused of human rights violations during the fight against rebels is declared sri lanka's next president. and on peace women with all the day support controversial quarterback colin kaepernick holds a tryout session in front of team scouts but only after a last minute change of venue that and more coming up later in the program. police in hong kong have warned they poisoned to break up a standoff with protesters for hours they've been battling demonstrators who barricaded themselves in at a university campus mcbride has more from. a long day of fighting at this college campus has continued well into the night and most of the battling has been taking place at this. junction behind me but in recent hours more police have been
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arriving and they have been confronting protesters that the number of different other entrances and to this campus most notably a fly over behind me where protesters have set up a barricade and there have been fierce exchanges between them and police the police firing volleys of tear gas and also i think like rubber bullets the protesters responding with more fire bombs and i don't number of different barricades around here many protesters have been getting ready expecting that at some point the police will try to retake this campus. another sunday another hong kong street turned into a battle. at the end of a week that seen a marked escalation in the level of violence. between protesters and police students took over several college campuses polytechnic university is the last under their control and they seem determined to hold on to it i think. because.
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we have a plan for the freedom. they say we're not behaving like students but we are fighting for a better future. violence began early sunday when people turned up to clear surrounding streets of bricks and barricades and students resisted. police quickly arrived with water cannon the right vehicles. and both or more of the cannon are now working as they dance around the barricades and the protesters seem to be falling back but are still pondering where more and more. the college campus is located next to an important cross harbor tunnel which is being closed for days it will likely relaying closed until police can retake the campus also close by is a camp occupied by china's people's liberation army p l
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a soldiers looking on closely. police say they've been targeted with long range projectiles 5 from the campus buildings with one officer hit in the leg with an arrow. they say the students now inside the campus face riot charges which carry a lengthy prison sentence in spite of the warning the students show no sign of giving up just what the plan is for these protestors if one when the police do storm in is not clear except for some vague idea that they will fall back into the campus buildings that they have occupied which then poses the prospect and the very dangerous prospect of doing battle in the corridors and rooms of this building. let's discuss this further now roderick why is an associate fellow in the pacific program at chatham house and former 1st secretary at the beijing embassy or british embassy in beijing he joins us on skype from london nice to have you with us this is really going on now for 6 months it's been escalating we've seen increasing
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violence it's at a critical juncture how do you see this playing out now. well we've always been surprised by the length and duration of these protests but clearly they had been escalating much more quickly into a much more serious situation in the last few days especially since the police decided about a week ago to go into university campuses and we now have. a virtual pitched battle on me on the campus at the polytechnic university where it all ends goodness only knows i mean i think the police really have the resolution and the ability to eventually clear the campus and what. that will entailed in terms of. tactics and injuries and arrests still very much remains to be seen and then the next day dr that what happens after that because of course what began as
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a protest against an extradition lord change to an extradition law is about something much more now it's about hong kong it's about democracy it's about china and chinese influence so what are the protesters looking for now. well that's one of the problems if you are talking about finding a political solution to this they say and feel that they are defending and fighting for hong kong's free and democratic future and that is freedom not necessarily independence but it is 3 didn't within the people's republic of china to enjoy the freedoms that were given to them under the basic law and these they continually under threat and i'm being. more so since the extradition were was was introduced we heard from sieging ping in recent days has made his 1st real comments about this
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and these raised questions about the protesters and the challenge to the one party 2 systems policy that the hong kong was returned to milan china under is that really 10 no ball now given this crisis and if you get into siege and said what does he do. well i mean 1st of all we whatever happens after all this we're not going to go back to the hong kong that was before. the extradition bill was introduced and all is rotting or all these demonstrations kicked off. and certainly since the escalation of violence i think that changes things to the hong kong government has all along. decided to treat this as a law and order matter and has had no willingness to negotiate or talk or listen in any serious way to the demands or requests of the
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protesters and really there has to be at the end of the day some kind of political solution to the authorities no doubt have the power to impose some kind of. order over wrong but even if they do that it seems to me that they still have the problem to address of the discontent the serious discontent and fears of the young people of hong kong and indeed other people. for the future of their system as we're talking we're seeing live pictures here from hong kong as you can see there is smoke in the air and there's been water cannon use there's been sporadic fires there of course as those protests continue and of course the police are threatening to move in and move the protesters on out roderick i want to get your thoughts on the army and the role of the pay a lie in this there were of course on the streets the other day albeit in a voluntary cleanup capacity but some interpreted that in
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a much bigger way that there was a particular message being sent to hong kong in general and the protesters in particular were you concerned about that. i mean there is clearly a great deal of symbolism involved in that decision for the pm they do in quote volunteer to help clear up the streets of hong kong i mean they would not have done that without clear permission from and that was a deliberate gesture of by the chinese government to show that the p l a are there and that they are ready to do the government's the beijing government bidding. china the chinese beijing government has been very careful so far to leave the enforcement of law and order in hong kong to the hong kong or ferrety and would very much clearly prefer that that were so but if hong kong continues to go down
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this. lie towards real. civil commotion. then beijing may decide that they have no alternative but to intervene so far they don't want to they realise that they don't have any clear exit strategy from such an independent but such an intervention would have a huge international implications and it is much better in a way to let the hong kong government try and sort it out and take the blame for failing to sort it out and leave blame away from the beijing government roger why it's been a pleasure to have you on the program thanks for your analysis thank you iran's president has announced that poor people will start receiving subsidies on monday to help pay for fuel price rises it's also rouhani his response to protests against
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the increases iran's president of course announcing that those pits subsidies will start on monday. now. we're going to go to joseph. jabari now who has more on this. president has some rouhani has been making a few comments following his weekly cabinet meeting on sunday evening in the capital he said that it is the right of every iranian to protest but it is not their right to cause riots he's referring to over a 1000 people that have been arrested over the past 48 hours as a result of a number of incidents that have taken place over all over the country in number of cities over $87000.00 people have turned up to demonstrate and show their frustration at the news that the price of fuel has tripled overnight at the government made this announcement in the president was defending the government's decision on sunday evening saying that they were trying to help the poor families
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in the country by increasing subsidies to them and that's why they had a decision to make and that the situation was made it wasn't an easy one he said they had 3 choices one was increase taxes across the board inside iran the 2nd one was to increase the sale of oil that was not going to happen because of the u.s. sanctions of the moment on the iranians and the 3rd was to increase the price of fuel for iranians and that's what they decided to go with this decision has had some very serious consequences number of people have turned out across the country to protest and show their anger there have been 2 deaths reported so far one of a policeman in kemah city and another a protester inside. well is the dean of the faculty of world studies at the university of tehran and he joins us now nice of you to give us your thoughts now this of course is going to happen anyway but the decision to head on the subsidies
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is being brought forward is that going to have an impact do you think on the protest will it be enough to placate that anger. well that remains to be seen i think that the problem was that the government. was slow to explain what it was about to do i mean the increasing the prices threefold was a huge shock to everyone and it was quite sudden that the government didn't declare it before hand and that scared a lot of people in theory and i think in practice it's something that had to be done because iranian gasoline is is sold at $0.08 a liter which is very low and a lot of iranian oil gets smuggled across the border into neighboring countries where 15 neighboring countries even countries in the persian gulf they smuggle iranian gasoline so it's a big problem in the country and also consumption has been going up very rapidly in
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the iranians are also concerned that if they it goes too high they'll become net importers and americans could use that as leverage against the country so they did have to increase the price of gasoline also because the rich use to subsidize gasoline disproportionately much more than those who are disenfranchised many people don't have cars many people travel every weekend to the north of the country to their below so it's not very fair and this the government is planning to. take the money from the extra money from the sales and give it to the 70 percent of the iranians who are of lower income so theoretically is the right thing to do where an income many people are very critical of the way in which the government did it and many people are afraid that it will it will harm them and not everyone trusts that ministration partially because of the fact that they've been pursuing liberal liberal economic policies and poor people are very become cynical when
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these policies are pursued now this is happened at a time when of course there's increasing inflation there's been a konami decline in any event city against the sanctions that have been reimposed over the nuclear deal and of course there are going to be parliamentary elections in february is there a concern here amongst the administration that protests that begin about one thing in this case fuel hikes could also turn into something greater and may also have an impact on the election in february. yes i think president rouhani is taking a big risk if these if this plan doesn't turn out to work well for him it's going he's going it's going to be reflected in the elections i think it will be go very badly for him but if the lower classes in society or those who are disenfranchised in society do feel the benefits in the next 234 months and it could turn out to his
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advantage so that remains to be seen at the moment the government isn't exceptionally popular because. the government did pursue the nuclear deal and it bad it put all its eggs in the basket of the nuclear deal and that didn't work out thanks to trump so many people are critical of the government and again because of the liberal economic policies that the government was pursuing for the last few years which has nothing to do with the nuclear deal but another segment of such a society became somewhat skeptical so president rouhani at the moment according to polls is not doing well but again this could make things worse for him then again at the moment it looks like he'll make things worse but if in the next 23 months things do look better as a result of this policy then it could change things for the better for him what about the immediate term with the protests and if the protests in fact continue
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because we heard from the supreme leader ayatollah ali harmonised saying that hooligans have been carrying out these attacks how do you think the response is going to be if the protests in do continue. well i think there are 2 sets of people there are that have been on the streets many of those the majority were protesters who didn't carry out acts of violence but since late last night or last evening we saw a rapid increase in in violence where small groups in different towns and cities and in parts of tehran carried out attacks on banks and even police stations and unfortunately foreign meet persian language media which is funded by western governments and the saudis have been egging the rioters on and i would have to point out that even the b.b.c. persian and the v.o.a. persian they have played a part in this but which is which is i think in the long run it hurts their own image because people see how they are trying to you know create division and
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sedition so they're hurting themselves in the long run but most of the protesters have not been violent by any means they were critical of this this policy they're out on the streets the numbers have died down today but it's still 947 runtime so we'll have to see what happens later tonight the violence is also decreased tonight but again we have to see what happens later this evening but the majority of the protesters were not violent the violence was carried out by small groups that seem to have been influence from abroad and also. that say the underworld today to have been involved in some of these attacks on on because some of the targets like banks there these attacks are carried out probably as reasons morrone thank you so much for room for giving us you don. thank you was pretty more ahead on the news hour including falling short the initial valuation for saudi
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arabia's state owned oil company is lower than some expected. violence in northern generation ago may soon take center stage in the u.k.'s general election. and christiana rinaldo age is closer to 100 international goals for portugal peter has that story in sport. lebanon's former finance minister has withdrawn his name as a candidate to be the next prime minister mohammad suffered he said it would have been difficult to form a harmonious cabinet in a statement he added that he hoped outgoing prime minister saad hariri would be renominated. joins us now from beirut what is the reaction been to this announcement that he won't be putting his name forward as a candidate. well they're considered it's one of the successes as they say of this revolution or at least this uprising that has been going on for
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a month now today sunday marks the one month anniversary since this movement began but really it is not that significant in the bigger picture when you look at the demands of these people their demands is that they want to fully technocratic government run the courts the people the nation about sectarian divides if about party politics that demanding that all the money that has been siphoned off millions if not billions of dollars worth over the past couple of decades by political elites yes but as govern this country for so long they want that money back into the country so whilst they are happy that all this is somebody who i'm afraid he. hasn't succeeded in being nominated as the next prime minister there's still demands are pretty great some other said is that they're going to actually ask to meet over the coming days they're calling for protests to be held outside 3 key points the presidential palace the heart of and and also the prime minister's
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office as well as there have been some calls for a general strike on tuesday but it must mean also very quickly without at least one we're looking at the numbers here are comparative to how large they were in the 1st couple weeks of this movement they have definitely thing that hours now whether that is for t.v. whether that's because of the economic downturn that has come as a consequence of banks not being open for several days because of this here is by workers they say for their safety or whether it's because people just don't have the stamina to go through with all their demands when i sure but well sort of this is taking place in summation there is still negotiations taking place between the parties between the sexes because no matter how much these people would like there to be a different reality the truth is that lebanon is a sectarian government it's a sectarian country it is built on a sectarian system and that's very difficult to see that being dismantled without an. more work i don't know are for being done not just in lebanon but across the region jamal thank you for that. thousands of people have been marching greece's
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capital to mark the 46th anniversary of a student uprising that hope topple a military dictatorship for more let's cross to marin the mozzie in our european you senator. that's right stan more than 5000 police officers have now been deployed in central athens to contain the annual march he's carried a blood stained flag that belonged to the students who took part in the revolt in 1973 people have also been laying wreaths at the afghans are technically diversity . where the strike denouncing u.s. backed into began for prime minister alexis tsipras was among the protestors john's raw place has more from athens. this is the 46th anniversary of the politic occupation and it is a particularly well attended one as you can see to my left there are many many people riot police standing in front of police buses which have been placed in a row in front of the u.s.
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embassy so practically nothing can get through here and my right you've got a stream of protesters that's been flowing past the embassy for almost an hour now many many thousands of people involved in this year's more it is the 1st march on the new conservative government that was elected in july and as this government had promised they have abolished universe 2 campers immunity from police intervention that immunity. almost continuously since the polytechnic occupation of writing $73.00 it was meant to protect campuses from a very like the events of that year in which students okee point their campus and were then invaded by army turned police this however is the 1st and which the conservative government has said it is going to make full use of its new powers under the absolution of the law because it's the campus security was accused by
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criminals and an accused used campuses in order to launch attacks against police and returned as a safe haven for from criminal gangs who saw drove by did other. forms of removal through and that is one reason why this is marriage is very protective in return for it all for the very long. russia says it will return 3 captured naval ships to ukraine on monday ahead of a planned peace summit the 3 vessels have been moved to a handover location it would with care reportedly in the black sea russia sees the ships in november last year off the coast of crimea or than 13000 people have been killed in eastern ukraine during fighting between pro russian separatists and ukrainian government forces over the past 5 years some are aimed at ending the conflict is due to be held next month. well it's been a year since the start of france's yellow vest movement only a few 100 people were out protesting in paris to celebrate its may give little hope
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for the future of the movement but it does show that social discontent still has not ended in france. explains. adding one of paris's top department stores a group of yellow vests supporters staged a brief protest before being removed by police. elsewhere in the city there was tension as demonstrators gathered for a 2nd day to mark one year since the yellow vest movement began many traveled from far to show their support and pay tribute to protesters they said they'd been injured by police during months of weekly demonstrations. it's been a big year people have died or lost arms and eyes or those have been unfairly jailed we can't ignore a system that lets people starve i am a single mother i work but i have no money at the end of each month the yellow vests movement began as a protest against high fuel prices it then rapidly became a social movement over the cost of living in against the french president accused
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by demonstrators of favoring the rich over the poor the scale of the unrest forced emanuel mycroft to change his approach but in recent months the movements lost momentum the number of supporters a raw. has dwindled along with the public's appetite for them you know people are actually turned out in the streets to mark the 1st year of the yellow vests movement and his supporters of hope for so the question for many of them now is what will be the movement's future the yellow vests have failed to unite behind a set of leaders and supporters are defined it over its aims nevertheless some believe the movement can survive. the movement can take on a different shapes now what is important is that they raise awareness people are the voice risks we went in the streets in the cities in the old ahead one year on and it's clear the yellow 1st movement has marked the french political landscape and highlighted the plight of working people who struggle financially it's also
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inspired similar movements in other countries less clear is whether the movement can become a force away from the streets in such a butler al-jazeera paris we'll have more from london later on in the news hour now back to stan and. aaron thank you will a familiar name in sri lankan politics is back in charge former defense minister got a rajapaksa has been declared the winner of saturday's vote his rivals. conceded early results but rajapaksa had more than the 50 percent mark needed to avoid a 2nd count bernard smith reports from colombo. to his supporters mainly from the sin hello produce majority got a buyer rajapaksa is the president sri lankan mean they believe he can strengthen security after the easter sunday suicide bomb attacks 263 people were killed the government ignored intelligence warnings that the bombings were imminent it's paid the price for that and other perceived failings at this election that security was
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going this. coming the. training people were crying in fact every other day there was some agitation and obviously they were waiting for opportunity to join the. government rajapaksa is a divisive figure many tamils in sri lanka's north believe the former defense secretary should be tried over allegations of killings and disappearances during the final stages of the war against the tamil tigers the country's muslim council says his victory realizes all our worst fears their fear food because this. in his election campaign stressed national security and national security that minorities something a little bit fearful because it means that they are the ones being viewed as security threats and for the muslims in particular they have bad memories of the period before 2015 because there were riots against them even though there was
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a very good military under god. the military and the intelligence didn't protect the muslims and i hope that that will change in the future as all the brother and former president of mahindra may now become prime minister as the rajapaksa family returns to frontline politics. excited and super excited and happy for the country that the majority of the sri lankans have been expecting for a long time up the argument and all say if we wanted someone like this to save the country said the top children the future generation will have a country one of got a buyer rajapakse his priorities is to rebuild state intelligence and surveillance networks he says they were dismantled by the outgoing administration and international pressure and when asked about those allegations of human rights abuses when he was defense secretary the now president elect says people should stop talking about. bernard smith al-jazeera. still ahead on
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al-jazeera. spreading the message on the ball how doctors are reaching out to reclusive communities like the people. and this stunning venue was no distraction for english golfer tommy fleet of people in spain. hello again it's good to have you back well we have been following the snow here across parts of iran over the last few days attempters have really come down 1st of all we've been showing you some images that have come out of tehran the snow is going to continue across that area as well especially around the caspian the southern part of the caspian could be a mix of rain and snow down towards the south though notice in the higher elevations we could even see some snow there that's really going to be in the overnight hours but a lot of rain across much of the area really affecting quit city as well the snow continues across the region and for tehran unfortunate you're going to be below
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average for this time of year staying really until we get towards wednesday a combination of rain and snow possibly here on monday possibly on tuesday as well wednesday does look better but still quite cool with a temperature of 10 maybe the average for this time of year should be about 70 degrees there well here across the gulf we are going to be tracking that rain as it makes its way down towards the south as well i did say kuwait city heavy rain few as well but as we go from monday and into tuesday look at doha is forecast we do expect to see some rain across the area that will also push over here towards the west for abu dhabi though not looking too bad with attempt of $29.00 and then down along the coast of amman we are looking quite nice there saliva it is going to be a pleasant day for you with a temperature of $29.00 to be nice. i was taken to a military or was that i was submitted meat and i'm not blaming falls they were
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sick don't think the intention was to make sure that injures no longer entitled to either a basic rights or citizenship rights once services were burned were funneled into what is now become complex where the marines are are basically your friends exiles coming soon on al-jazeera. capturing a moment in time. snapshots of all the lives. of the stories. providing the clips into someone else's what. they. do. for. inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. but witness on al-jazeera.
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you're watching al-jazeera here's a reminder of our top stories this hour. police in hong kong one that they're on the brink of trying to break up a standoff with protesters they've been battling demonstrators for hours barricaded themselves in a university town. iranian president hassan rouhani has responded to protests against fuel increases the government announced that poor people will start receiving subsidies on monday to help pay for the fuel price hikes. through like his former defense minister got to rajapaksa has won the presidential election these rivals suggest permit us a conceded early results put rajapaksa over the 50 percent mark needed to avoid
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a 2nd recount. the new york times that timed leaked chinese government documents it says reveal new details about beijing's crackdown on muslim wages in this injunction region around a 1000000 wages are believed to be interred in what the chinese call vocational training centers intended to reeducate people leaning towards extremism now the documents include instructions to local authorities on how to handle students returning home and finding family members detained or missing out of control wages and plans to extend restrictions on islam to other parts of china and the documents reveal how the crackdown worsened after a hardline local party chief to control the scene john in 26th in the league also suggest there is resistance within the communist party against the crackdown or so if you richardson is china director human rights watch she says the international community can do more to ensure chinese authorities stop these abuses as
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a legal matter it is now incredibly clear who is responsible for these highly abusive policies at the same time. one reads the story and thinks about all of the people in the we get the asper a world wide who are reading the same information and really having their worst fears about what's happened to their family members confirmed and that must just be an excruciating reality for them and i think you increases the pressure for chinese officials to be held accountable i certainly think it brings that much more pressure to bear particularly upon member states of the united nations to push for an independent fact finding mission to the region ideally under the auspices of a high commissioner for human rights you know and for any of the governments that have resisted the idea that chinese authorities are actually carrying out this campaign of repression if you know if the facade of support for china's position really is starting to crumble and this report goes
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a long way towards you know denying people the ability to say well it's not really happening or there's no credible evidence here and we think it's been urgent to mount that kind of investigation for well over a year and now and i think every day that goes by without holding china accountable reinforces an extraordinary kind of impunity and if anybody thinks that those abuses are going to stay within china's borders we've got news for you they're not and that's why china really needs to come under pressure brant now to play by the same rules as every other government the world is expected to saudi arabia has set a preliminary valuation on that study to the oil giant aramco of $1.00 trillion dollars well below the business talkative crown prince mohammed bin salma $3000000000.00 says we prostitutes around i told us it's raising just slightly more than $25000000000.00 but international investors could miss out after being put off by the process al-jazeera as economics editor explains why. back in 2016 crown
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prince mohammed bin some man wanted to float around co with a valuation of 2 trillion dollars immediately investment bankers hired to promote the i.p.o. could not make the math add up or argued with oil prices at $75.00 a barrel the company could be worth $2.00 trillion dollars but opec is warning oil demand will slide over the next 4 years and at current prices it's only worth one point $75.00 trillion but there are other ways of following companies one method is dividend and our run co has guaranteed $5000000000.00 over the next 5 years which valued the company at $1.00 trillion dollars even after the sale of the saudi government will only 98 percent of aramco which means the government can decide how aramco spends money there is other geopolitical risks which take a huge chunk. like the attacks on saudi oil facilities in september and the killing
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of journalists jamal khashoggi so what is a complete worth investors say a fair prices between one trillion dollars and reluctantly $1.00 trillion. but bob is an international oil economist a visiting professor of energy economics at c.p. europe business school london he says the saudi oil giant could face future risks. in my opinion the advent of national ip all of saudi arabia saudi armco will never see the light of day for 2 reasons one pair system question marks about diprivan of the service of saudi arabia the 2nd one is that is of. american litigation and anything to a $911.00 of course you can add now another factor which is the fact
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that the saudi oil in the us that he has become a horse stage to the whole earth is of yemen these are allies of iran and they have proven their reach when they are at that in the divestiture of way some of the oil infrastructure of saudi any real there is nothing to stop them at that king at galle and inflecting the same damage unless saudi arabia and the kids out for them and end the war in yemen and to build bridges of trust between them and iran these are the factors which have been affecting the ip or as a horn and will affect it now and in the future business has been forced to close a box square in the city suffers the 3rd major flooding in less than a week more on that let's cross to marion abbassi in our europe
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a new setter. you know a really remarkable story here stand water levels in this historic city an hour 154 centimeters and officials are saying the damage is likely to cost at least a $1000000000.00 this has been the worst week for high tides in venice since 872 when official statistics were 1st produced schools shops and museums have all been forced to close flood warnings of also bit issued for florence and pisa. as i've been here but anyway we're also preparing for the new high tide over there pretty sure it's a difficult time but we're looking forward to a fresh start we've already opened this hotel is always working we're doing the best we can both through when i think we're so i'm not worried at all where i'm more start and the buildings of venice and the venetians. also following a story in georgia tens of thousands of people have been rallying in the capital tbilisi to demand
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a snap election protest was called after parliament failed to pass a promise to electoral reform bill the measure would have moved the country's electoral system to a full scale proportional representation way of voting as opposed to its current system which is mixed constitutional change fell short by 12 votes because legislators from the ruling georgian dream party opposed the reform fearing it could cost them their seat in october as election. k. lection campaign continues the conservative party has pledged to protect fresh soldiers from what prime minister parts johnson is calling unfair trials under the proposed law veterans would not be prosecuted over historical offenses committed during operations in iraq afghanistan and closer to home in northern ireland lawrence explains. as well as being bogged down in elections it's that time of year when the u.k. all its war dead and the sacrifices they made in the 2 world wars when asked to go and fight the conservative party now wants that unequivocal support to extend to
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the actions of soldiers in more controversial conflicts. it's widely expected that in the coming days the conservatives will include in their election manifesto pledge to protect by amnesty all british soldiers who fought in northern ireland during the conflict there including those already accused of crimes the newly appointed veterans minister in boris johnson's last government said as much on twitter suggesting the new law of armed conflict with a plan the battlefield and would override the human rights acts to protect soldiers past and presence from prosecution the implications are politically volatile one former soldier has already been charged and is awaiting trial over the killing of civilians on bloody sunday in northern ireland in 1972 would his case be dropped under the new law that would be explosive in republican parts of the province already deeply unhappy over the bracks it's i think a lot of these things would have been a political reality or worse it's on the political spectrum possibly in this in
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play politically for all sorts of things but like a blanket amnesty is you know it's a major precedent because certainly votes of. the new law would also provide blanket legal cover for any british soldier accused of a war crime or a human rights violation in any recent conflict in the middle east or afghanistan. would have been soldiers found guilty of torture being let off and as well as protecting rank and file soldiers but also give cover to more senior officers who gave illegal orders i would say that the prime issue before us there. is that there are attempts to prevent those high about. bearing the greatest responsibility from being looked at the law is aimed directly at traditional conservative so you think the british military has to about
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a far too many laws while enemies like i still and al-qaeda don't follow any rules at all but for all that there are concerns that soldiers already accused of serious offenses might simply be let off and also how exactly military commanders will interpret the new law on the battlefields of future wars. support for military veterans fundraising job opportunities better mental health care are normally uncontroversial and are widely backed by the british public blanket protection from prosecution and abuse of power written into law may prove slightly more difficult to argue for largely al-jazeera london. that's it from london for now i'll see you in about half an hour's time let's get back to stan and our. more political security and cultural complications have made it difficult for health workers to contain an ebola outbreak in the democratic republic of congo doctors and they are using local leaders in
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a vaccination drive to reach one of the most hard to access to munity as katherine story reports from benny. health workers in beni have set up a medical camp next to an open chalk service on the sunday morning the service is attended by reclusive beat me community living in villages in the congo forest doctors tell us the community has also been affected by it for nothing. but convincing them to come to treatment centers or get vaccinated has been difficult we have a hope as many people as possible to say yes to the vaccine. and to convince them to bring in community leaders like esther month to talk to the rest and i didn't want them there i was vaccinated in man dinner to share my people there's nothing wrong with it i tell them this is a war we're fighting. jerry jacqueline has brought her 3 children to be vaccinated . she is reluctant to fast but tells us she now sees the importance of it in
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general. i was convinced by our community leader i came for the vaccination with my children because i don't want this disease to find us in our house i was told it kills people horribly. pygmies in the democratic republic of congo have been historically marginalized the poor from hospitals or schools this is a community that moves around a lot leaving in villages such as this one in the forests those here have been vaccinated but accessing many others has been difficult this doctor tells us sometimes it takes hours walking through the dense forest where rebel fighters also hide where we are now in this village work and come into the wood. so they moved to another place is for that that we are working we would close with them getting them involved in the vaccination make them aware of the that they have. and so efforts continue to get this community vaccinated how far it is run to
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reduce the cases of. to 0 by the end of the year and for that to happen they tell us no one can be left out catherine story benny is then democratic republic of congo. still ahead on al-jazeera. there was an unexpected interruption of the. colin chapman chips into as war in sport. the british iraqi journalist who's visualizing complex statistics and a simple. i think you're off as a summary sites of opportunities to break apart from those systems of power and so you collect data in a way that makes a represents different community challenging mainstream misconceptions and hope that by creates and handle ministrations it doesn't alienate people it doesn't make
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people feel like i'm not small instances and this truth is that anyway on al-jazeera. white supremacist violence is on the rise in america he was involved in this whole underground network 8 full time speaks to the victims of recent attacks when he shot me i turned around and he were killed my daughter and asks how an ideology of loathing has found its way into the mainstream can you trawled through line between the rhetoric of president trump and the conservative media in america to what happened here in el paso license to hate on al-jazeera.
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this year's poor anger prize which on his outstanding work to promote democracy has been awarded to an afghan journalist libby works with the 1st or feeble television station in afghanistan the country is regarded as one of the most dangerous in the world for journalists speaking to al-jazeera libby describe the dangers she fights . now you all mean my name is not dry let me i've been a journalist with design t.v. for the past 3 years in a host of chemicals to my home have been about what i remember the day i realized i wanted to be a journalist i decided i would study to become one but my family was against it they said i could never become a journalist you just buy a car and then i paid a capital i would like to believe i'm a feminist and want to be able to work for women so i decided to join zhan t.v. afghanistan's 1st all female t.v. station. i would like to dedicate this prize to all the women of afghanistan. those
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big king bread and. those getting beaten by their husbands those raising their children and facing abuse and to those nameless women who are yet to discover their own identity and the purpose of their life let me get this and it takes a lot of courage to be a woman in the afghan society in a place where the most common answer you get is no and you're told that your rightful place is your home and you do not have the right to raise your voice to ask for your rights it's as if we're lesser humans hold another about happy and sonia but i will continue being a journalist until the last breath of my life which means that i have chosen my red line if the terrorist groups including the taliban return we fear that the few rights we have achieved would be taken back rights like me bravely introducing myself in front of the camera or other rights that afghan women have today they would aim to take those back from us and throw us back to all those dark days but i will stand against them this is my responsibility to defend myself and all the
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women around me we will defend all our rights and achievements. stiva sport now he's pretty stern thank you very much we'll start in london at the a.t.p. finals final where greece's stephanus city person 2nd austria's domany team to suppose eliminated roger federer in the semifinals well team took care of alexander very if it's a person in the lead currently it's $43.00 in the 1st seat and another set of tennis stars are preparing for the davis cup final set to start on monday in madrid stars like raf elmo doll and world number 2 never joke which are among those training on sunday there is a new revamped format this year with athletes competing on 3 indoor hard courts with elimination similar to that of football's world cup in formula one dutch driver max to stop and is attempting to win he's 8th korea grand prix stop and start in pole position at the brazilian grand prix at the into largo circuit in sao
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paolo world champion lewis hamilton is hot on his heels but ferrari sebastian vettel is also in the mix as the race enters its final few laps world champion mark mark is has finished off the season in style by winning the valencia grand prix on sunday it caps a dominant season for the spaniard this is his 12th victory of the year french rookie fabio prado who started from pole position finished 2nd world for moto g.p. chevy jorge lorenzo was racing for the last time as a professional finished 13th this is the 6th time markets has won the moto g.p. title. was if you go again because owing to many things but you know we want to go very very hard all the team and yeah i was one goal this weekend that was try to win the race and try to achieve the chairmanship of course. they're all there on that in the championship because they were they did amazing job. controversial quarterback tom kappa nix's he's ready to play anyway despite refusing to attend
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a tryout session organized by the n.f.l. in atlanta the 32 year old instead switched the venue to a nearby high school and held these own sation he says it was to allow the media to be present who protect reports. this was billed as the 1st step in calling captain externally back to the n.f.l. instead it became a slightly faster chapter in the ongoing battle between competent and the league and f l bosses how to organize an official tryout in atlanta in front of $25.00 league scouts they said in an effort to get him playing again although several players and commentators had suggested the whole event was a p.r. stunt by the league but at the last minute the quarterback moved the session to a nearby high school where captain it held his own tryout he said to allow the media full access obviously with everything today was making sure we had transparency when we were getting that elsewhere so we came out here is important
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here ground here we're ready. ready to go anywhere my agent jeff now he's ready to talk to any team interview team any type of they're ready and stay ready now continue to be ready for their part the n.f.l. released a statement saying we are disappointed that colin didn't appear for his workout call his decision has no effect on his status in the league he remains an unrestricted free agent eligible to sign with any club. over the last 3 years no n.f.l. franchise has been willing to take happening at a since he left the san francisco $49.00 is at the end of the 26th season captain it made headlines in that season for needling during the u.s. national anthem ahead of games in a protest at racial injustice it prompted similar protests from other players as well as criticism from u.s. president donald trump after leaving the force you know on his cap and it became a symbol for civil rights and social activism to know if your dreams are crazy but
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while his celebrity helped him win lucrative endorsements it didn't get him an n.f.l. contract in 2017 cap'n it took legal action against the n.f.l. and its commissioner roger goodell claiming team owners were conspiring not to sign him because of the. protests case was eventually settled out of court so we're waiting for the $32.00 owners $32.00 roger goodell of them to start running from the truth start running from people so cap'n excess he's ready to play but if saturday's events have proven anything is that there's still plenty of mistrust between the player and the n.f.l. path back al-jazeera. cristiana rinaldo is now just a $1.00 away from reaching $100.00 international goals for portugal he scored in his country's to no euro 2020 qualify win over luxembourg on sunday proven and is scored the other goal right now those 99 to go for his country wrapping up the win for the european champions who have now confirmed their place in next year's
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tournament. you know messi in argentina do you play euro why in a friendly in tel aviv on monday you'll see messi faces barcelona teammate luis suarez europe i arrived in israel late on saturday the match in front of 30000 fans had been in doubt because of intense fighting around the gaza strip and pressure to boycott the hosts last year argentina called off its world cup warm up against israel because of threats to the national team. england's tommy fleetwood has won the tournament known as africa's major that's the name banned golf challenge at sun city in south africa nestled in the stunning hillside of the country's northwest province fleet would beat marcus can hold in a playoff the englishman fired a spectacular final round 65 to take the clubhouse lead on 12 and the poor under par but then he had to wait for the rest of the pack to see if he had done enough it was confirmed in their playoff win the swede bogeyed fleetwood is now 2nd in the race to dubai standard it's. all the same things apply you know just the closer it
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gets to the end of the season are it gets to look at you know stay in the present day as things you know concentrate on what you do best and. happy for the challenge i feel like i am very ready am i gonna say complex terrible but you know all this golf and this experience a little bit rather so. i know it's normally a quiet sport there was an unexpected interruption during the european cooling championships. a fire alarm went off in the round robin phase of the women's competition thankfully it was no fire but friends and their teams were forced to evacuate the building the competition later resume with scotland beating out denmark. thankfully everyone was safe we'll leave it there for now most sports for me again later stan pit thank you so much for that and that's it for me for this news out there of course to be more news on al-jazeera interesting.
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and investigation into the real powers that control the world health organization their obligation to their shareholders completely overwhelms any consideration of public health can they be trusted with building a healthier future if their loyalty becomes questionable in a people that are out of the h one n one is it what if like you now i w h o has no such as who says dummy returns us trust that you trust on al-jazeera.
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riot police in hong kong threatened to respond with live bullets if protesters used lethal weapons in that standoff at a university campus. so i maryam namazie in london you know with al-jazeera also coming up on the program iran's president announces subsidies to help poor people pay for the fuel price rise that sparked protests around the country another rajapaksa win sri lanka's presidency based time aides go said by the defensive.
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