tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera November 22, 2019 2:00am-3:01am +03
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this is al jazeera. hello from doha everyone i'm kamal santamaria and this is the news hour from al-jazeera israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is charged with bribery and fraud following a lengthy corruption inquiry. our support for ukrainian democratic resistance to russian aggression became overshadowed also more revealing testimony in the impeachment inquiry into the president of the trump as the public hearings go into a 5th day. police fired tear
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gas on a massive funeral procession in bolivia violence over the political transition has turned deadly and we'll tell you the british opposition's big plans for the next election and it includes spreads. so israel's attorney general has charged prime minister benjamin netanyahu with corruption netanyahu is facing charges of bribery fraud and breach of trust in connection with 3 separate cases israel's longest serving leader could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted of bribery alone attorney general's decision comes as israel faces a political standoff after 2 inconclusive general elections the cea. you want to ship out today i informed the representative of the prime minister mr benjamin netanyahu about my decision to try him under an inch and excludes 3 charges
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a day in which the attorney general decided to serve an indictment against a c. to try and minister the serious crimes of corrupt governance is a heavy and sad day for the israeli public and for me personally. so bit of history here netanyahu becomes the 1st israeli prime minister to be charged while still in office these are the cases the 1st one concerns allegations that he and his wife received gifts worth more than 250000 dollars the 2nd accuses netanyahu of doing a deal with israel's best selling daily newspaper to get better coverage in return he has said to a promise to slow the growth of a rival paper and the final case concerns unfair favors to a leading telecommunications company that's you know he's been charged with bribery as well as fraud and breach of trust in that case the prime minister denies any wrongdoing in describe the charges as an attempted coup is also insisted he won't
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resign and is not legally obliged to do so because. the polluted investigation against me erode the public faith in the system they should worry every citizen we have to put an end to this the public has the right to a clean investigation that seeks the truth and only the truth the only way to restore the public's faith in the system is to establish an outside independent committee that investigates the method put an end to this it is about time to investigate the investigators. more from our in our senior political analyst here at al-jazeera he says the indictment really brings an end to netanyahu his political future if i recall if it's rose but it does sound familiar listening to all of. long. impeachment hearings in the united states clearly the similarities between what's going on in washington and jerusalem are quite quite paradoxical i would say not just impressive. look we have here is
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a prime minister who served longer than any other israeli prime minister and he still complaining that israel is unfair to him which is really amazing considering that he did every trick in the book he lied he incited and he ran the most uncultured like coalitions if you will within the country he won by did god he solicited the help of donald trump and so on so forth and he still couldn't muster it this release or the at least the judiciary system still could indict him on fraud in and breach of trust and most importantly of bribery he according to the prosecutor general basically used his office for for his own personal benefit that does sound like what apparently or allegedly happened in the united states however unlike in the united states where the presidential system is quite. protective of a very strong presidency in
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a parliamentary system like in is that the prime minister doesn't have as much protection as an american president and that's why i think prime minister netanyahu will probably find it more difficult to resist the political pressure coming forward and the political pressure is forthcoming and i think that the now with not be able to stand all that pressure. to key witnesses in donald trump's impeachment inquiry of delivered more dramatic testimony on capitol hill a u.s. embassy official in ukraine gave details of a cold he overheard between president trump and the u.s. ambassador where they discussed a deal for an investigation by ukraine that testimony came from david holmes on the right there on the left former white house russia expert dr fiona hill both of them testifying on what is day 5 of the public hearing examining with
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a trump withheld unitary to ukraine he alleges allegedly want an investigation into democratic presidential hopeful joe biden in return for that holmes says he was at lunch with the u.s. ambassador to the golden sawmill and when he spoke to the president secretary on bass or silence phone was not on speaker phone i could hear the president's voice through the earpiece of the phone the president's voice was loud and recognizable and a baster song and held the phone away from his ear for a period of time presumably because of the loud volume i heard a bass or silent greet the president and explain he was calling from steve i heard president trump and clarify that ambassador song was in ukraine vasser song replied yes he was in ukraine and went on to state the president selenski quote loves your ass i then heard president trump ask so he's going to do the investigation. basser song replied that he's going to do it adding the president's alinsky will do anything you ask him to do for the hill meanwhile criticize some involved in the
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inquiry for wrongly indicating that it was possibly ukraine not russia has been an interfering in us politics right now russia's security services and their proxies have gained up to repeat their interference in the 2020 alexion we're running out of time to stop them in the course of this investigation i would ask that you please not promote politically driven false or. russian interests. movement castro now has been following the hearings on capitol hill she reports on why mr holmes his recollection of the phone calls so poor. he says that's 1st hand because he here heard it with his own ears they were words that came out of the president's mouth to mouth that he that that he overheard on this very loud apparently phone call that the probe the the ambassador to the e.u. gordon sol and had made it to trump they were actually sitting on restaurant patio as holmes tells it and then after someone hung up with the president holmes who's
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a who was quite intrigued he said frankly never seen anyone just call the president the united states while having lunch before he asked him what else was discussed and he heard from the ambassador that trump didn't give an expletive about ukraine that he only cared about the big stuff and then when holmes asked what was this big stuff there were there was big stuff he said like the war that ukraine was fighting against russia and so on said no it's not that the big stuff is the investigations into the bidens which would help trump politically and the reason that this overheard conversation is so damaging to the president is that it is some of the very rare 1st hand information that we have about that sheds some light at least about what the president's mind was what was his motive when he was withholding the security aid to ukraine at the very heart of the accusations
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against the president that may lead to his impeachment an effort by the democrats to remove him from office is this question of whether or not trump had corrupt intent so let's bring in bars here in new york now an assistant professor at fordham university and also co-author of the book republican party politics in the american south 865-2968 doris thank you for your time. i want to actually look at all particularly what fiona hill said but in conjunction with what we've heard in the past few days at how is it adding up how is it corroborating everything else which we've heard from previous people giving testimony. so both dr testimony and david holmes testimony essentially confirms the basic story we've been hearing over the last 2 weeks which is that the trump white house was engaging in a policy whereby they were refusing to release foreign aid and refusing to provide
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presence olinsky with a meeting with trump in the white house which was critical of political value to our selenski unless the government agreed to investigate joe biden and his testimony confirmed that holmes goes for testimony confirmed and basically every single testimony we've heard over the last 2 weeks has suggested the only difference really is whether or not the actors at the time claim to be aware that that was hacked like you find what i thought it was interesting to the way that dr hill today only said monish to. the panel and said to them essentially i'm paraphrasing but don't peddle this idea that it was the ukrainian interference in the election it was the russians and this plays right into the russian head she was she was she was so direct. or yes no her testimony was was quite remarkable dr hill took no prisoners and really pointed out this does point which devon years
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in particular in particular but other members as well when making over the last 2 weeks on the republican side that you know there is a legitimate possibility at least that ukraine somehow was trying to interfere in the 2016 election when in fact and this has been confirmed by the american security services consistently it was russia. and then we had mr holmes giving his testimony as well the key thing for him is the phone call isn't it the phone call that he overheard an e.a. went into in in great detail. is that enough to say oh well i heard this because the republicans line is a well that 2nd hand no none of this is actually directly with the president. yeah we've now entered and the president actually tweeted about this earlier today into sort of like a parlor game of trying to figure out whether it was technologically possible for someone to overhear a conversation of the conversation is not on speakerphone and all that certainly republicans are are questioning. holmes recollection is correct they think he
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either made it up or the very least misheard certain things. at the very least it suggests that in both the conversation he seemed to have overheard as well as the interaction he had with aunt linda afterwards that trump himself was directly involved in this and that his main goal throughout was to try to get these investigations into biden's activated it's debatable to what extent maybe holmes overheard everything exactly on the other hand some of the elements that he identified including the he loves your ass quote which seemed somewhat peculiar at 1st sort of confirmed yesterday as as being correct so at least parts of the conversation appeared to be overheard correctly yet still uncomfortable hearing that quite the cue for it in a book out of the book republican party politics so i'm interested to know on your thoughts on the way the republicans are handling this particularly of the republicans on the committee when the closing statements were made devon una's
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spoke for about 5 minutes and all it was is really this is an attack on the president it's been attacked since he was the candidate whilst adam schiff spent a good 2530 minutes actually sort of forensically going through everything what is the republican strategy and you know is there a strategy or is it just well just deal what's in front of us at any at any moment . my sense is it's a mix of 2 things i think partly they're trying to find some form of a narrative for by they can get trump at least out of the danger zone of being personally implicated and so one of the consistent arguments has been nobody who has direct evidence or direct communications with from has argued that he himself has said we need to go after biden i will only release 8 unless the ukraine investigates biden and that's been sort of a thing that has popped up a lot the other thing that i think republicans on the committee of have definitely been doing over the last 2 weeks is trying to come up not so much with
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a coherent defense as much as sound bites that could be played out on fox news or on social media and could be shared in a way that seemed to undermine the process but not necessarily provide a more coherent defense through towards the president i want to get me into what the main takeaway for me is from. sorry just quickly i just wonder if the republicans are almost certain a little bit comfortably and thinking well this can well happen impeachment probably will but we've got control of the senate doesn't matter in the end president is not likely to be removed from office. yeah so impeachment requires a simple majority to house democrats have a majority in the house and so it's likely that particular given how the last few weeks have went impeachment will actually proceed in the house the next step is a trial in the senate and. republicans have a majority there you need actually more than a simple majority you need
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a majority so 20 republican senators would have to flip and vote against trump in the senate that still seems very unlikely and so at this stage i agree republicans are probably assuming that it will actually make it to the senate that they will try to deal with it there probably as quickly as they possibly can and then trump will be acquitted in the senate impeached by the house he will have no direct consequence in terms of him staying in office and try to move on from from there are assessing joining us from new york talking through the impeachment inquiry thanks for super she added let's have a look at what's coming up for you on this news hour how the war in yemen is making life more dangerous for thousands of children. plus your sports news we're going to hear from coach joe's a marine you know as he holds his 1st news conference as the new boss of top.
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of the bolivia now where riot police have 5 tear gas to break up a funeral procession in the paths thousands of people took part in the procession that began in the city of it coincided with a debate in congress over just when to hold new elections at least 8 people were killed on tuesday after police and military moved in on a field plant that had been occupied by protesters his mahdi and son feels not in the pods 1st of all marianna is the government actually saying why the police threw tear gas at what was a funeral procession. that's right come our waiting for the government to to give some answers to everyone that wants to know why would they throw thier gas at this profession the funeral procession the. people have been coming from walking from a lot to escorting these 8 coffins of the 8 men who died in clashes with the police
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and the army is on tuesday in the city of a little and they were arriving in the perimeters of the presidential palace in fact they can never go into the parade to the area of the presidential palace but they were going to hold a vigil. in the big avenue and i can tell you there were people were not holding sticks or they were not holding rocks they were not throwing rocks at the police and certainly couldn't what could have happened come out is that at 1 point one coffin was put on top of a of a police car could that have triggered a for the police to. tear gas maybe but it was clear that people were not responding they were not throwing rocks in fact they had to flee and the saddest part of this is that the vans that were carrying a couple of vans that will carrying coffins they were stuck there they were trying
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to go out men that were carrying 2 coffins they have to dig the coffins on the floor and flee the gases so it was a very sap scene of these people who have who had come all the way from a lot the nearly 4 hours walking claiming for justice for the killings of these 8 men. and people are blaming the interim president for the deaths of the that man why's that. that's right they're blaming the interim president for the deaths of these 8 men because when she came to power she took office and she even before naming a cabinet she she changed the ranks of the top military and she issued a decree after many of the cabinet of course is a decree that say that says that the police and the army will not be held accountable in the effort to hold peace will bring
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peace in the country what has happened is that after every medallist left and she came to power there's been 13 people as he's killed by a. live rounds and many people think that this is a license to kill so they are what people are claiming on the streets of believers that they want the army out and of course they blame the interim president for these steps. thank you for that update from the marianna sanchez. international has published a report detailing a range of human rights abuses in chile since the protest to bear a month ago $22.00 people have been killed and more than 2000 injured reports now from something. security forces in chile have been accused of carrying out attacks against citizens amidst the ongoing unrest in the country amnesty international's director for the americas. says the use of excessive and
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unnecessary force follows a pattern of deliberate repression by chilean authorities. that we've documented cases of and sexual abuse people who have died in the context of the violent repression from security forces including the military and police in many cases we have video evidence of the use of semi automatic rifles used by the military who shot indiscriminately against peaceful protest as. since the unrest began more than 1400 people have been injured by firearms used by authorities according to figures released by amnesty international one of the most common injuries reported by human rights observers is from projectiles launched by police this shotgun cartridge for example thousands of people have been injured by projectiles just like this one police in chile have also been known to aim their weapons directly at protesters resulting in more than 200 people suffering injuries to their eyes and a man. was shot by these rubber pellets during
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a peaceful protest and he nearly lost his eye then one part of the one i have a pellet lodged in my head and another one on my shoulder i wasn't shot to be detained for participating in the police shot me don't leave me blind or take my life. faced with pressure from international rights groups the head of she was armed forces recently announced that shotgun pellets would no longer be used to disperse crowds. in there we've decided to end the use of anti-riot shotguns and less. there is a risk to the lives of police or civilians. with protests in chile continuing violence is expected. human rights defenders are calling on chile's president to immediately the crackdown by security forces. and. exactly 3 weeks before britain votes for a new parliament in the opposition labor party has published its election manifesto pledging a radical program to transform the u.k.
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among the policies promised by party leader jeremy corbin are plans to renegotiate brags that in 3 months also to create a 1000000 new green jobs and levy a one off windfall tax on oil companies that document launched in birmingham from where paul brown reports. a radical manifesto because the u.k.'s problems need radical solutions that was the message from jeremy corbyn flanked by his senior m.p.'s and in front of a loudly supportive audience of party faithful in its 105 pages the labor election manifesto promises include a plan to introduce a minimum living wage reform the state benefits system extend maternity pay and social care for the elderly and bring the water and energy companies back into public ownership when labor wins the nurse when the student wins the pension and wins the 10 wins the young couple wins we all win he set himself squarely against what he described as the rich and powerful vested
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interests quoting franklin d. roosevelt corbin said i welcome their hatred i accept that the opposition of our sovereignty of the rich and powerful is inevitable except the opposition of the billionaires because we will make those at the top pay their fair share of tax to help fund the world class public services for you that's real change. labor says it would really go within 3 months and put the new deal to a 2nd referendum but out campaigning in bedford prime minister boris johnson again attacked corbin's reluctance to say which way he would actually vote in that new referendum corbin comes center stage drum roll and he completely misses his cue for what we want to know is what he sees plan to deliver breaks it and what's the deal he wants to do and which side would he vote on that deal students will be
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a key demographic in december's poll many were too young to vote in the 2016 e.u. referendum but a straw poll of students here in birmingham found them unimpressed so far for now i'm not like. labor i think both of them at the moment i just don't like the leaders so i think the best thing for me to do is just look at the m.p.'s in my local town i'm going to vote and all i'm going to vote for something on the interested in him at a time he's gotten a lot lower we see politicians falling around playground insults when there is 21st years ago that would be entirely and heard of and they would have been laughed out of the building and back down white hall. with 3 weeks to go until polling day labor is still lagging behind in the opinion polls latest aggregate suggest the conservatives have 42 percent support labor 29 percent corbett has a mountain to climb. this is a radical manifesto with a radical strategy to sell it jeremy call been urging the public to judge how good
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this manifesto is by how strongly its opponents attack it essentially reflecting the criticism of the critics will the public buy it you'll find out in 3 weeks time or brennan i'll just hear a damning of. the world marks international children's day the youngest victims of yemen civil war are really struggling a 5 year long conflict has created what the u.n. calls the world's largest humanitarian crisis it says at least $12000000.00 children a quarter in the fighting and need outside help the support from mohamad. children exposed to daily attacks in yemen dozens gathered outside the united nations demanding an end to saudi air strikes and its crippling blockade according to the u.n. tens of thousands like them die every year from the effects of the crisis and starvation but for a day at least there's responded to some through football the d.l. . we played sports and received watches as presence we hope and urge everyone to
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work together to end the war and be united but i'm a man of god and i'm up i hope to some airport open soon so i can travel to qatar to watch the world cup. the sounds of gunshots and explosions have become an everyday reality for millions of yemenis parents try to comfort those too young to understand the conflicts unicef says that yemen is the worst place in the world to be a child. and this is the scene shortly after a school bus was hit in an ass strike last year 40 children on board were killed activists say for children the conflict is getting more dangerous. more than 7500 children have been killed by direct targeting and many other children and women have died because of the spread of diseases and attrition and without access to medicine around 22300000 patients are need of treatment abroad and right now 1000000 people are at risk of getting cholera. the conflict between the saudi
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backed coalition and the kuwaitis have been raging for almost 5 years but those children caught in the middle can only hope they won't be forgotten mohammed al jazeera. thousands of protesters in colombia have munched against government plans to introduce pension and tax reforms workers unions and students gathered in the capital bogota it's been described as the biggest demonstrations in recent years protesters also blame president even dukas government for the failure to prevent killings of human rights activists and also for widespread corruption decay denies those allegations on a sunday with more now from bogota there are ongoing clashes between a number of the protesters and police in riot gear as you can see behind me there is more police on this side they've been dispersing all this area of downtown.
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while the great to my jury of the protesters are a couple of blocks from here in central plaza will be about this had been an extremely peaceful day of demonstrations one of the largest and most diverse in years here in bogota sorry there's a lot of tear gas in the air so the situation is a bit complicated for us you should be able to see some of the tear gas there and the empty riot police that continue to disperse the protesters as it were saying it was extremely extremely big extremely peaceful we know that some of the protesters then were throwing rocks and bombs to to city hall in that star of. creative literal of the problems that we're seeing now. in the news ahead you know what i mean we're not let an eye on iraqi women defy tradition and raise their voices to demand change also what climate change is being blamed for driving
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villages from their homes in sudan and sport tempers flare as teams battle for a spot in the quarterfinals of the desktop that story of the. hell of the dose of rain and snow that appeared over the desert southwest when the good part of southern california as well is there in that curl of cloud that what's come out of the sky has already produced a certain amount of flooding and the 1st snow of the season awful now agron but it's gone by the time we get through to daylight hours on friday the cold march to leave a little bit of snow left in colorado but otherwise it's pushed he says come up against the wall and this is now where the system is so significant rain free eastern texas running a bit further north eventually reaching the appalachians not through d.c.
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it's cold behind but the sun is out it's not very warm ahead to be os still 26 in miami that's not huge but i laid back up to 21 in the sunshine once for san francisco middle teens and i wouldn't see that big push in the immediate future but what is still there might bring snow but for the southern lakes you see with that rain edging 1st eastwards into atlanta isn't northern florida and still sitting over d.c. temps behind slightly rising that's what all the action is we've got a quad to spell now over the caribbean very few showers likely of jamaica hispania his pen you live but the rain does concentrate further west still in nicaragua and some degree honduras. it.
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50 years ago britain forcibly removed the inhabitants of this tropical haven and leased it to the u.s. military. for 5 decades geragos islanders have preserved their culture in exile and they're now escalating their struggle to return home. it was but their fate still lies in the hands of their colonisers. another paradise i witnessed a documentary on a. girl
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in the news on here al jazeera and these are our top stories u.s. embassy official david holmes is given key testimony in the impeachment inquiry into donald trump he described a phone call he overheard between the president and the u.s. ambassador. the ambassador whether ukraine was willing to investigate his political rival joe biden meanwhile the white house adviser fiona hill criticized some in the inquiry for wrongly indicating that amount of in ukraine not russia has been interfering in u.s. politics. other developing stories israel's attorney general indicting prime minister benjamin netanyahu for corruption and to know who's charged with bribery fraud and breach of trust in connection with 3 separate cases he faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted of bribery alone harry false attack as our report on
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that from west jerusalem. there's never been anything like it in israeli politics on the day the grinding stalemate over forming a new government and to the new unprecedented phase the attorney general was ready with his own historical 1st but. today i informed the representative of the prime minister mr benjamin netanyahu about my decision to try him under in jacmel excludes 3 charges a day in which the attorney general decided to serve an indictment against prime minister the serious crimes of corrupt governance is a heavy and sad day for the israeli public and for me personally. and i later shocked looking benjamin netanyahu began his battle to stay in office while indicted. tonight we are witnessing an attempted coup against the prime minister using false accusation and a systematically tainted and bias investigation. investigations began in december
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26th seen into 3 separate cases case $1000.00 involves gifts including cigars and champagne worth more than $200000.00 received and often demanded by netanyahu and his wife sarah from billionaires. and james packer the charge and breach of trust the same charges apply in case 2000 in which newspaper magnate on moser's is alleged to have offered favorable coverage in return for his hampering the activities of a rival but it was case $4000.00 involving show the main stakeholder in the country's biggest telecom company that attracted the most serious charge bribery netanyahu and his wife accused of dictating precise elements of coverage on his news site wallah in return for regulator benefits worth $500000000.00 a recurring theme runs through these indictments netanyahu is obsession with his media coverage and the alleged lengths to which he was prepared to go to try to control it that these charges were expected hasn't lessened their impact this is an
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explosive moment in israel's political and legal history now the focus intensifies on netanyahu future. was ahead of him a twin battle to head off any contest for the party leadership in the run up to a likely 3rd election next march and a potential supreme court case challenging his legal right to stay in office if he was a minister he would have to resign or be fired because he's the prime minister it's unclear what is clear is that is a moral problem right now because it's not just that the attorney general recommended indicting him including for bribery these are things that happened while he was prime minister earlier israel's president officially gave the parliament the job of finding a member with enough support to form a government and prevent another election unprecedented and in the view of most unlikely to succeed. these are harsh dark days in the annals of the state of israel he said there may be harsher and darker days to come for its long. serving prime
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minister are equals that al-jazeera west jerusalem. syrian activists say at least 12 people have been killed by a missile strike at a refugee camp the white helmets group says it happened in the province near the turkish border and it's blaming government and russian forces the group says another 8 civilians were killed in separate raids in the same province and at least 5 people have been killed in fighting between protesters and security forces in baghdad on wednesday police used tear gas to disperse disperse people getting too close to the capital cities green zone which houses the government buildings demonstrators are occupying the main bridges leading into the area and 2 others more than 300 people have now been killed since the protests began 7 weeks ago. when iraqi women have turned out in large numbers at the demonstrations which is a significant difference from previous years i'm a jump germans met some of them at a protest and back at. her own words this is
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a moment that could not be missed. as she accompanies her 3 daughters to 3 to square the epicenter of anti-government demonstrations in baghdad and tells us how it was a sense of patriotism the compelled her to come out and show her support by not seeing him look the serial my daughter's feel exactly the same and i say mom we have to go out this is our country while we staying home or going to school while the other iraqis a sacrificing themselves this is the 4th time they've visited it likely won't be the last in libya will just blow it out generation is strong they have the pioneers now there will be a change god willing. anti-government protests in iraq which have been massive began in early october since the start women have joined in large numbers now you know we're not be we're not going at a non activist nadia mahmoud makes regular appearances and tahir square urging her
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audiences to demand equal rights and opportunities for everyone she tells me seeing so many women out here has been encouraging and inspiring this is something in you it's is absolutely new and it's so refreshing and so doesn't think to see because that reason why women didn't participate before because pamela is you know prevent them from taking part and that the most races but this time i think families as well where what is to end the quote is they were meant to come down and up here many of the women protesters also volunteer as medics treating the wounded even as they call for change. but in other parts of the 2 square a more creative form of dissent. murals paying tribute to the spirit and strength of the women created by women admired by them to the presence of so many female protesters here women who represent virtually every segment of the
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society is remarkable not only that they continue to come out day after day but they insist they'll keep on doing so no matter how dangerous the situation may become until the government meets their demands. paint isn't only going up on the walls all must suffer her face covered in the colors of the iraqi flag wants to make sure everyone can see clearly how proud she is of this movement. will stay out here for the sake of the young men and women and i'm not afraid not from political parties not from infiltrators long live iraq long live iraq. around me and cry the traverses gender lines and transcends the generational divide by iraqi women but for all. but that sudan has been named by the red cross says one of the 10 countries most vulnerable to global climate change morgan has been to the state of north korea fun with the
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encroaching desert is forcing villages to move. adam you say it has theme throughout his village twice that was back in the 1980 s. he says both times people weren't forced to leave but in the past few years a build up of sand dunes has forced them to move their homes. and muscled up the. 20 years ago there are only a few dunes and there weren't as high as they are now we used to have so much grass between the houses here that when the rainy season came we had to cut through them to make our way now as the rainy season but there are only sand between the houses . adams village lies on the set hill built in sudan's north kordofan state it's one of several states that the international committee of the red cross says is being affected by global climate change once known for its lush vegetation that's rapidly changing as the sahara desert in the north expands southward according to authorities dozens of villages have already been buried as
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a result of expansion herders here say that's all to reducing their livestock or less than mother we should be able to easily feed our animals but in the past few years is becoming hard to find food out or travel for miles to look for grass and try to give them water but in the meantime they're slowly dying and people are now relocating settlements that have been around for generations to survive not every part of is covered by sand in some areas plants like these commonly known as the apple of sodom and this called the broom brush can be seen and people here say they help keep the landscape as it is but and where mentalists argue they show that the area is close to becoming a desert. expanding deserts can also be deadly international observers say the seeds of the war that killed at least 300000 people and displaced more than 3000000 were sown in the eighty's bagmen drought forced the villages to move further fowl
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and that led to violence in areas where people were already dealing with countries or cities it's seen by some as the world's 1st modern day climate. as people leave their historic lands in north korea found find just are working on ways to help them limit environmental damage. some people cut the trees to make charcoal to build homes without realizing that they're removing the barriers that keep the desert. so we've started raising awareness but also planting trees that fix the. arabic and planting them but climate change is a worldwide phenomenon and any mitigation effort to work not affected by it here in colder also have to act. and others in his village are being told if they don't act now they could be forced to leave and he says the younger generation will never know the lands of their ancestors as they lie buried under the desert
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people morgan north korea fan. sri lanka's newly elected president. has sworn in his brother as prime minister mahinda rajapaksa has served as both prime minister and president already twice before in fact. it's valid to be tough on security issues after the east suicide bombing was back and i. was at the prime minister's office as he arrived to take over. basically the rajapaksa as have gotten down to business just behind me official prime minister's office and the crowd and the excitement you see is just within the last 2 minutes we've had the arrival of the new prime minister mine the rajapaksa he's come here to formally take up his work to start work as his brother did after his where. so it's an all rajapaksa show the president go to harvard rajapaksa and his brother behind the rajapaksa they have their work cut out for them obviously during the campaign national security was earmarked as
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a top priority particularly after the easter bombings in april i mean that was one of the cornerstones of the entire rajapaksa campaign that they would work to bring back national security they're going to be sort of very conscious of the mountain that they have to surmount in terms of not just the national security element but the economy the economy has taken a hit after those easter bombings and already sort of a we can be called to me with huge debt repayment and pretty bad economic indicators so all of these things are sort of a big challenge for the rajapaksa it will be 6 sort of new for a few days obviously celebrating that victory of the rajapaksa sort of taking control but there will be sort of the reality setting in and they'll have to get down to work and for us the thoughts now john pereira the executive director of the national peace council which is an independent nongovernmental organization he says
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there are tough challenges ahead for sri lanka's new leader. one thing that they would need to do very much would be to try and bridge they're not the main because they're not at least a country where the minorities that are what are all up with me against the president vote out the rajapaksa whereas the south of the country want it all a moment in history or so there is a need for them to bridge that gap and also to risk trimmed out all that enthusiastic supporters who are you know we hear the country have become hype and the minority that can be one challenge the other talented people that you can only kick start and in some ways because during the previous government the divisions became that and been prevented the economy from really taking off which led to increased levels of frustrated and among the denon of relations up and disappear that then your administration will move very swiftly to try and make some sort of concessions to the people he cannot meet and sessions launching their development
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initiatives after the next election. now the united nations is calling on nicaragua's presidents to stop what's described as assistant repression they appealed to daniel ortega coincides with a hunger strike in a cathedral protesters are demanding the release of nicaraguans arrested during demonstrations last year in which more than 300 people were killed and as a report in nicaragua as capital managua pro-government supporters stormed the nation's most important cathedral and what church officials call an active desecration. and the scuffle that followed a priest a nun reportedly injured church was sheltering a group of mothers calling for the release of the children they say are political prisoners which reported the women left with the red cross the catholic church plays a powerful role in nicaragua the president talk take his accused bishops of being cooped losses a plot of land over then i want them all of those on walls of course we're free we
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don't have any power we don't have anything of course we are free but no priest has gone into exile everyone is where they should be even those who were tortured in messiah are in their parishes accompanying the people with much care with much fear nicaragua's political crisis began in april last year with a popular uprising critics accuse ortega of running a repressive regime that according to the interim merican commission for human rights has killed over $300.00 protesters and forced 70000 people to flee the country opposition groups say at least 16 churches have been besieged by authorities as calls grow for the release of prisoners. for the freedom of our political prisoners for the life of our families who are in the churches and against the violation and desecration of the catholic church the church must be respected life must be respected a report from the un last august cited extra judicial killings torture an arbitrary
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detentions the organization for american states say this is now. critical human rights situation president daniel ortega now in his 4th term accused of rigging elections says he won't leave office until at least 2021. china says it's ready to retaliate after the u.s. house of representatives passed a bill calling for human rights to be upheld in hong kong the legislation is already been approved by the senate it now goes to president trump for final approval beijing is accusing washington of interfering in its internal affairs and summoned an american diplomat in beijing sarah clarke but the latest now. police have sealed off this entire area around polytechnic university and we believe up to $100.00 people are still barricaded up inside overnight we had a few people the 1st who left voluntarily surrendered and were arrested as a result of the last few days we've had more than 1000 people leave this campus and of course a rest now at the moment round this particular area we have huge traffic congestion
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here is the tunnel it's being posed. it's a major tunnel connecting hong kong island and callan also we've had in the us the passage of the hong kong human rights and democracy act passed unanimously yesterday and today it was the house of representatives the hong kong government has responded to that it's told the u.s. to stop meddling in hong kong it also says that this particular passage of this bill the wrong message to call them the violent protests this bill requires the u.s. to certify that hong kong is protecting and respecting human rights in hong kong and also if this bill does get passed by donald trump it could also introduce sanctions on the hong kong government. of thousands of people living in india's forests are protesting against a government decision that could see them a victim governments trying to amend to protect their rights to the many people who
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actually have no legal documents to prove their ownership. 02000 indigenous people have gathered in the national capital of india today although many more have been protesting in several states across the country all law the last few months demanding that they not turn out of their ancestral lands these are people who live inside the forests or near forest they say that these are there are still lands now back in 2006 indian government passed the forest rights act especially to protect these people who do not have legal documents to prove their ownership about a recent petition filed by while the conservationists play a mood or rather a legend that these people are in fact or many of them are encroachers who are to the supreme court of india posix order saying that all those who could not prove their ownership that's about 2000000 people should be evicted but soon after the supreme court of india said that the state government had not followed proper procedure to richard rejected these claims and that the state government should
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follow proper procedures so the next supreme court hearing is happening on the 26th of this month that's in a few days from now all of these people have come here to delhi because they want to be heard by the politicians here they want to be heard by the court here they want to make themselves heard loud and clear that they're not going to be leaving their ancestral lands they also allege that the forest officials are beating them often that they're threatening them and sometimes also destroying their fields to sort of close them to leave these lands but they say they're not going to do it and some activists here that we've spoken to say that all of this is happening really they allege because of corporate interests because in these areas where these people live are also rich in resources like coal iron ore and book sites it's more coming up for you on the news hour we will tell you about a unique challenge these divers are taking on in india cars here with that.
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josey marie admits he's learned from his past mistakes the portuguese is embarking on his new job as taught a manager and as how his 1st press conference as spurs boss maria was appointed on wednesday june replacement c.e.o. pasha tino he joined the london club just 11 months after being sacked by matches united where he'd fallen out with a number of key players its 1st match in charge will be a way to west ham on saturday with the club struggling down in 14th place in the english premier league but i realise that during my career i also made mistakes and
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i'm not going to make the same mistakes i'm going to make new mistakes not the same mistakes so i had time i think i'm. i'm stronger. and when i say i'm stronger i'm not saying i'm fitter i was always fit. but i think i'm stronger by the way most of the point of view. i'm relaxed i'm going to bring you a rise in north london having had plenty of success with other clubs he's won 25 trophies and spurs are his 8th team but he was quick to shoot down any suggestions that his ties to former clubs will hold him back every club that i go. as i used to say in the funny very i arrive i wear the pajama of the club and i even sleep with the picture. i work in i sleep in the tracksuit german you confuse the tracksuit
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with the pajamas so that's the way i am i am a club man. russia's preparations for the 2020 legs have been dealt a major blow the presidents of the countries track and field federation and 6 other officials have been suspended on suspicion of obstructing an anti-doping investigation dimitris sharpton has been charged with various offenses linking to a case into the whereabouts of daniela sankoh a high jumper allegedly failed to make himself available for drug testing federation has already serving a suspension from international competition over earlier doping offenses all cleveland browns star myles garrett has lost his appeal against an indefinite ban from the n.f.l. garrett was embroiled in an on field fight with mason rudolf of the pittsburgh steelers last thursday in which he ripped off rudolph how many and then smashed him over the head with it the defensive and had argued for reduction of the ban on the basis that a player involved in a similar incident back in 2013 only received
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a 3 game suspension now add shock which helped servia to knock out top rank france to reach the quarter finals of the davis cup the world number to be better parents straight sets 6363 to clinch turkey is victory over france it was also just a vicious 14th street davis cup singles victory serbia will now face one of the other tournaments favorites russia and the states. you know we didn't spend too much time on the court i think we. managing to win you know i ever said that we played in these last couple days we feel good we feel motivated we feel happy to represent our country and hopefully we can keep going in the right direction. agreing britain are also through the last 8 after edging past conflicts stan alexander like not happy about losing his opening set to dan evans and even though blue book damage to win the singles rubber match great britain went on to
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seal the tie to one they face germany next. now here's to a unique challenge some high divers have been taking on in india. world champion ran in if land and cliff diving legend or landed do jumping 20 metres into the 12 step well it was originally built as a source of drinking water in the 1740s but now serves as joe a local swimming pool although i doubt many locals have tried to. and that is all your support for now more later. extraordinary pictures and those thank you for that far remember the headlines of if you whenever you want that al-jazeera don't call them that includes video on demand breaking news and analysis and we are back in a few minutes but not g.m.t. it will be with the latest on the impeachment inquiry and corruption charges
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against benjamin netanyahu. the british iraqi journalist who's visualizing complex statistics in a simple. i think your last is a summary sites of opportunities to break apart from those systems of power and so you collect data in a way that makes a represents a different community challenging mainstream misconceptions and hope that by crates and 100 inspirations it doesn't alienate people it doesn't make people feel like i'm not small i must understand this who's truth is it anyway on.
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al-jazeera is investigative unit goes undercover in the caribbean we don't know if they were bribed or just use a token of appreciation exposing trade and diplomatic passports today. than the price will go to all of them involving some of the region's highest officials murther. al-jazeera investigations defend matts ficelle. driven by outrage and spanning generations the real hinge of demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticised repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was powerful if you don't like we're so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow they'll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow they'll send back 20 idea if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to
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take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minorities in the world. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is charged with bribery and fraud after a lengthy corruption inquiry. elephant oh hi everyone i'm come all santamaria with the world news from al-jazeera our support for ukrainian democratic resistance to russian aggression became overshadowed. more revealing testimony in the impeachment inquiry into u.s. president donald trump as the public hearings go into a 5th day.
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