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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 22, 2019 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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business updates brought to you by qatar airways going places together. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm adrian finnegan this is the news a live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes israel's prime minister remains defiant promising to stay in office despite corruption charges which he calls a cool attempt. this president believes he has a a long beyond accountability the u.s. impeachment inquiry takes a break off for a week of testimony president donald trump says that he wants a senate trial if the house votes to impeach him. mom.
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lebanon celebrates its independence day under a cloud of uncertainty as the government tries to resolve a political and economic crisis. and on the list get to be tallied what law enforcement agencies miss my mother 1st the norm in the state in africa i know that this is affecting the presidential. town in sport n.f.l. star myles garance has a blast an appeal against his indefinite ban from the league guarantee hits an opponent over the head with a helmet journey gang last week. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is vowing to fight on saying that he won't step down this after he was charged with corruption is called indictment an attempted coup netanyahu is accused of bribery fraud and breach of trust the attorney general has charged him in 3 cases. rival groups of netanyahu supporters and opponents
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turned up to protest outside his residence after the announcement let's go live now to west jerusalem to serious harry forces is there so harry what's been the reaction to work last night's press conference angry press conference from the neo well yes this whole thing is send shock waves through israeli politics and through everybody watching really this is an unprecedented event that a sitting prime minister is invited is indicted especially for a charge of serious as bribery for crimes alleged to have committed while in office and then as you say he came to the microphones and gave this extraordinarily savage attack on various institutions of israeli establishment especially against the police and the prosecutors and the attorney general's decision to indict him in what he said was a tainted and biased investigation it was very clear from his words last night that
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he's going to do everything he possibly can to stay in office. there's never been anything like it in israeli politics on the day the grinding stalemate over forming a new government and to the new unprecedented phase the attorney general was ready with his own historical 1st. we don't consider that today i informed the representative of the prime minister mr benjamin netanyahu about my decision to try him under an indictment will include 3 charges a day in which the attorney general decide to serve an indictment against a seated prime minister the serious crimes of corrupt governments is the heavy and sad day for the israeli public and for me personally from an hour later a shocked looking benjamin netanyahu began his battle to stay in office while indicted. tonight we are witnessing an attempted coup against the prime minister using false accusation and a systematically tainted and vice investigation. investigations began in december
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26th seen into 3 separate cases case $1000.00 involves gifts including cigars and champagne worth more than $200000.00 received and often demanded by netanyahu and his wife sarah from billionaires. and james packer the charge and breach of trust the same charges apply in case 2000 in which newspaper magnate on moser's is alleged to have offered favorable coverage in return for his hampering the activities of a rival but it was case 4000 involving show the main stakeholder in the country's biggest telecom company that attracted the most serious charge bribery netanyahu and his wife accused of dictating precise elements of coverage on his news site while or in return for regulator benefits worth $500000000.00 a recurring theme runs through these indictments netanyahu is obsession with his media coverage and the alleged lengths to which he was prepared to go to try to control it that these charges were expected hasn't lessened their impact this is an
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explosive moment in israel's political and legal history now the focus intensifies on netanyahu future. was ahead of him a twin battle to head off any contest for the party leadership in the run up to a likely 3rd election next march and a potential supreme court case challenging his legal right to stay in office if he was a minister he would have to resign or be fired because he is the prime minister it's unclear what is clear is that is a moral problem right now because it's not just that the attorney general recommended indicting him including for bribery these are things that happened while he was prime minister earlier israel's president officially gave the parliament the job of finding a member with enough support to form a government and prevent another election unprecedented and in the view of most unlikely to succeed. though yesterday these are harsh dark days in the annals of the state of israel he said they may be harsher and darker days to come reads
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longest serving prime minister. in the brain what happens next. well there are twin tracks really to think about one is the legal one is the political on the legal front netanyahu and many legal commentators do believe that he as prime minister will have the right to stay on even if indicted right up until the point where he's exhausted every legal opportunity to even appeal a conviction if one comes through however there are those who also believe that the law which mandates a minister steps down if indicted could also in some way be applied to a prime minister so the labor gets shipped party for one is preparing a legal challenge for the high court as well as that there's a legal question of a netanyahu suppose adroit as a member of the knesset israeli parliament to seek immunity from the knesset at the moment with no functioning government that is impossible because there isn't a committee required for him to appeal to so does that mean that all of this has to
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be put into the future until there is a functioning government or could the attorney general argue in court that the indictment has to go through now because of the current state of play as for the political side well as one potential rival who says he wants to challenge netanyahu in a primary before any new election bigger questions really about the very senior leadership it really could and whether there might be some kind of informal process to oust him but is certainly the call from some commentators one especially writing in one of the main newspapers in israel saying that netanyahu has shown that he will sell everything ablaze he won't finish until all is rubble as he tries to stay in office and he's appealing to the members of the code to do what is necessary to stop him. i'm serious harry forsett live in west jerusalem harry many thanks that's kind of you know from akiva eldar who's a columnist for the news website. actually it's important to remind
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if us that the tourney general you cited. was 'd the cabinet secretary and one of his country it's not the leftists it's not you know the usual suspects from these really left all the. chief of police that netanyahu 'd already 'd smeared s. of you know a member of the deep state this is the one of the closest people jonathan and netanyahu has now that. to declare war he has the fullest already dismantled all to relationship was the palestinians and a combination of 'd 'd and indicted right minister and american president his closest friend who is there now facing impeachment i think this combination is something that. nobody could write
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a script for a movie that a horror movie that. is as good as this one. a former white house russia expert has said that a fictional merits him was used to link ukraine to interference in the 2016 us presidential election fiona hill was testifying at the impeachment inquiry into accusations that president donald trump pressured ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden as soon as hi to joe castro reports. raise your right hand i will begin by swearing the day's testimony began with a warning from the former white house policy expert on russia and ukraine some of you on this committee appear to believe that russia and its security services did not conduct a company against a country and the perhaps somehow for some reason you craned it this is a fictional not
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a sieve that has been perpetrated and propagated by the russian security services themselves the on a hill testified russia was watching the impeachment hearings and ultimately would benefit from republicans repeating the quote fictions that ukraine meddled in the 2016 elections with the help of democrats she said she had warned gordon sagal and the e.u. ambassador the same when she realized he was carrying out the president's personal political agenda by requesting ukraine open investigations into trump's political rivals and i did said to him go often i think this is all going to blow up and here we are david holmes of foreign service officer in the kiev embassy testified ukraine has been cleaning up corruption under its new president billowed amir's alinsky homesteads alinsky wanted an oval office meeting with trump but it was made clear that the linsky would wouldn't get the meeting unless he announced on c.n.n. that ukraine was investigating joe biden this was
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a demand that president selenski personally commit on a cable news channel to a specific investigation of president trump's political rival homes testified he also had a clear impression that a hold on u.s. military aid was likely intended by trump to pressure ukraine for the investigation holmes said he overheard a phone call between trump and ambassador saw on land discussing whether his alinsky would cooperate so you heard president trump ask ambassador son when is he going to do the investigation yes or. what was ambassador sunless response he said oh yeah he's going to do it he'll do anything you ask that urn homes of this rebuke from republican congressman mike turner your statements that your interests are protecting ukraine are very dubious when you embarrass president zelinsky by making those statements even have to make who cares that investor
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someone said who cares that question sums up a republican defense strategy to counter these 5 days of public testimony that democrats say showed trump at best misused his office and at worst committed bribery but is not enough to move the american public the latest polls show that americans remain evenly divided on whether to impeach trump and remove him from office and the vast majority say that these hearings will not change their minds hi peter castro al-jazeera washington well after thursday's hearing it ended white house spokesman hogan gidley said that the hearings were a sham and that unless that ended president trump wants to have an impeachment trial in the senate because he said it's clearly the only chamber where he can expect fairness and received you process under the constitution he went on to say that we would expect to finally hear from witnesses who actually witnessed and
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possibly participated in corruption like he said adam schiff joe biden hunta biotin and the so-called whistle blower to name a few president trump's republican party holds a majority in the senate and while those impeachment proceedings were in progress on thursday the president met some of his party senators at the white house and here's what one of them said afterwards. you talked about. perceiving self-restraint. and inability to be a lot of things. but he did well last week we didn't take up the levy is part of our conversation by any means this is the news hour from of 0 still to come on the program hong kong's 2 police chief urges students inside a university to surrender and end their 6 day siege. palestinian journalists where i patches in solidarity with a colleague who was shot in the eye by israeli forces and canada surging to the semifinals of the davis cup will tell you who is there shooting star
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a little later in the. trunk a new president has appointed a cabinet with 2 of his brothers holding top jobs goodbye rajapaksa was elected president last week he was the defense minister in the final days of the civil war and a crackdown on tamil tiger separatists he's picked his brother by hender to be both prime minister and finance minister manda rajapaksa previously served as president for 10 years. rajapaksa has been named minister of trade he was a speaker during the hindu's time as president let's bring in sultan baraka who's the director of the center of a conflict and humanitarian studies at the doha institute will talk specifically about the muslim community in just a moment sultan but what do the rajapaksa brothers mean for sri lanka's
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minorities in general. well in fact as you know it's around has a well established democratic system and elections is being respected them plays a very important role in the organizational politics in sri lanka and of course president. was elected with 52 percent. the votes and there was a very high turnout for for the body that what this really means is that there's been polarization within the population of sri lanka not necessarily on the traditional lines of politics as it used to be but this time maybe on the lines of religion so maybe what has what what is the elections out there in majority sinhalese buddhist voting for for the president as opposed to the minorities including including the muslims now this has its own implications for the minorities and a lot of people fear that it will strengthen the the feeling that the series
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had when the war was won over the tamils back in 2009 that by force things can be done and there is no need for co-exist as there's no need for sharing power there's no need for consultation and the minorities i've simply got to accept the rule of the majority and get on with it this is. a reversal from where we were back in 2015 when the minorities including the muslim minorities created coalitions with the sinhalese opposition groups and brought in a president who was more willing to offer reconciliation and was more. in inclined to creating an open society where all groups within surround capri an active role. sorry the muslim community makes up what 10 percent of the population in sri lanka and until now as you say had played
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a key role in determining the winners of both presidential and parliamentary elections now this is only a temporary cabinet isn't it there will be parliamentary elections next year so they they say they could still have a role at least in making up the the constitution of the parliament. it's true unfortunately the bombings the easter bombings the terrorist attacks that happened in colombo and elsewhere in the country have played an important role in further marginalizing the muslim community by and large despite the fact that these problems were traced back to a very fringe small group so almost like an extended family members who conducted this work. the muslim community by large were blamed and there were a number of extremist buddhist movements that really stirred hatred against the muslim community ever since then and that's one of the reasons why i suspect the
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majority of the population voted for this coming president out of fear and seeking security because he is seen as someone who won a war major war that was going on for about 30 years in the country and who comes in with the military support and who can secure the country and move it forward or the muslim community has no representation effectively within the cabinet now in sri lanka is that a problem for them the current cabinet is a kind of caretaker government which he appointed his his brother was also the president at the time when the war was won against the l.t. has no muslim representative and i think that will probably will cause some some issues for the muslims. in the previous government there were 7 ministers and now we have none but as you said earlier i suspect by february things will look slightly differently. in fact some of the extreme movements that florist over the
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last 3 few years in sri lanka and where somehow directly or indirectly supported by some right wing groups within within the buddhist movements have announced their own dismantling in the last couple of days. and it does look like they have very strict inclusion that their job has been done they brought the military back to power although it is in civilian clothing and that's a very important issue in sri lanka i think the majority of people will wake up to this fact and will want to reverse this trend because they do not certainly want the military to be in control and this is the main challenge for them is how do you put the military back into into its traditional position before the 2009 went from 2005 into 2009 undermanned he build the military to a level that they were able to crush the city but they also occupied
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a lot of land in the north and northeast of the country a lot of private and state land some of that has now been returned but the majority of the key key and key positions highly prized areas are still under they control and now they're all coming back through this arrangement for the new government many of the secretaries of the key ministries are ex. military officers and close friends of the elected president ok good to talk to so many thanks indeed sultan back at that thank you lebanon is marking its independence day after weeks of anti-government protests i. as to the tease for the 76th anniversary was down scales due to the unrest civil groups are organizing their own celebrations in beirut demonstrators want a complete overhaul of the political system in the country the protests forced prime minister saad honey and his competence to resign last month let's go live to
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beirut how serious jamal is shallow is that what else is happening today. we saw the day kicks off with that parade it is a custom we want all be at this year's edition took place on the defense ministry usually would actually take place here in the center of the city march 1st where would be a much bigger event the government said that they were downscaling gets this year as a response to the criticism in terms of the economic situation they were trying to implement some sort of austerity measures and therefore they were making go to the smaller scale the reality obviously is that on top of the demands for that down scaling in terms of spending there was also a problem in holding it here because there have been people camped out here for several weeks the money thing as you mentioned there the overall of the political system not just the resignation of the government something which has caused a standstill in the country not just because of the people being opposed to the
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political stars but because the political establishment itself being divided and that was demonstrated in some of the statements that were made by some of those ministers earlier today we heard from both the defense minister but 1st let's hear from the minister sort rather the interior minister as well as the defense minister . i think it's pretty deep i think it's very deep. and we have to eventually sit on some sort of it a bit so that we can try to reach variations in. the different views i mean offered by the 2 sides so if we don't do that i think we will. in my opinion we have to find a combination of political support for any government that we formed because of the vote of confidence that is needed at the parliament at the same time those blocks that are willing to name a government the name ministers they should understand that we cannot do things
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business as usual things are different now we heard the voice of the people we respect that we should respect it. so what we've heard there is the defense minister she was talking about the need to listen to the people obviously she's talking about how serious the situation is that there is not standstill she is considered to be part of the heidi block who are calling for a 40 technocratic government one that isn't political obviously on the other side we heard one of the ministers who is aligned to president bush on our own and his allies and hezbollah who say that it's a coup against a democratically elected parliament to have a fully technocratic government because it is their bloc that have a majority of the streets is saying that they want not just a pretty technocratic government but a complete shift from the sectarian. system i'm just going to do a quick time here of march 1st where we're going to have different parades of different sections of society that group of people is
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a group of veterans from the lebanese army who will be marking the independence day they're all full of doctors teachers and other members of civil society i'm well maybe the protests have scaled down in terms of size there is still those 4 shift in the way lebanese politics is done here. many thanks to live in beirut is a professor of international affairs diplomacy at university in lebanon he joins us now live from beirut professor good to have you with us you heard the defense minister there saying that the politicians should understand that we can't do business as usual things a different bow we've heard the voice of the people we respect it we should respect it how many of lebanon's politicians share that view. to a large extent most of them they do share that view to one degree or another because in lebanon it is difficult for any group among the major ones to eliminate
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or to sideline or sidestep the other groups and that's why after 5 weeks of deadlock the situation over the past couple of days has gone in the direction of some kind of settlement between the measure players notably the president michel aoun and the prime minister. and between them the speaker of the parliament mr may be very. they have come to the conclusion that no one among them is able to press pass the others or marginalize others in the cabinet so i think. prime minister how do you see who is now heading a caretaker government and is calling for a formation of a new government to be a technocratic government i believe that this is difficult to achieve why because
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politics is the mother of all domain is in society including the. administrative political matters and economic matters so it is very difficult to simply. form a new cabinet without some political presence in it after all most people particularly in lebanon especially 11 are they are politicized and even in other countries this is the same phenomena so after much trouble between the major actors political actors that is now a believe that we should work together to form a new cabinet there are 2 major issues still being debated whether hezbollah will be in this cabinet or not this is what. prime minister is demanding and. i'm saying it is because of putting pressure on with that how do you see coming from the united states and from saudi arabia in particular about
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that sir i'm so sorry to interrupt your says a source who told you so that's exactly what the that the protest is don't want they don't want outside interference they don't want politics or people with these political pressures that you describe in a future government subsidy what chance is there of forming what. well just yesterday the president down in his speech emphasized that. we must take our decision on our own without much interference but this is in theory in practice that is a great deal of interferences by outside to play out not only the united states which is a pushing in the direction of keeping hezbollah out of the cabinet alanna president power has rated it at once and again that we cannot. isolate hezbollah hold a president about one 3rd of the population in lebanon the shia in lebanon today constitute about one 3rd of the population in lebanon so he is saying that we we
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cannot imagine allies or keep out one sort of the population out of the government and the cabinet and the political system i think regard because well in particular . the participation of hezbollah might come would would likely come through ministers who are not part of the members but to our friends through hezbollah under close to him to one degree or another such as the foreign minister of. the current cabinet who is not a partisan in the party of hezbollah and hezbollah has another minister who is a party member so i think it might go in that direction but hezbollah will be at a present that i don't think they are they would be able to simply keep out of hezbollah the political system in lebanon cannot afford that professor good to keep many thanks indeed. next up here on the news our replicate always here with
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a weather update for us then. violence during protests in colombia's capital we'll examine what triggered it all. as ukraine takes center stage at the impeachment hearings in washington there are signs that kids is mending fences with russia. and the world's best female golfers take their shot at the richest prize in the history of their sports sport coming up in around 15 minutes. while the winter rains are working cross west asia and some pretty spectacular thunderstorms this was a shelf head of one of those thunderstorms taken by a colleague of ours in oman and it's on the tail end of that cloud that you see
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there all of which has been streaming out through pakistan towards afghanistan and the far northwest of india it left actually some significant rainy $12.00 places in one of course is normally a dry country are hoping that rain was welcome so you can actually put a frontal system on that now if i put a call from you think this is woman this is code sometimes it's just different this case clearer which is to some advantage so this is the position we sit in the moment still a bit of rain is possible in pakistan significance there in afghanistan and running up from the hindu kush down towards northern india through kashmir this general area a lot of snow and rain of course at low levels but look at the crete slow eastwards now that's a position tomorrow or roughly the middle of the day which is good news the dead he is currently dead he's egg quality again he's very unhealthy and has been of course since the season change but if you change the air tight and sweep that suit to happen during tomorrow to sunday the wind picks up the air clears up and equality
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willing prove significantly. the weather sponsored by catherine is. this powerful social network is sculpting a global cyber society and regulation is playing catch up but as scandals begin to unfold they will witness is that we should not be in this position. they want as much extreme content as they can get on the cover to gauge how ethics weigh against profits and how the rules are being written. and signed facebook on al-jazeera. al-jazeera is investigative unit goes undercover in the caribbean we don't move to a bribe would just use a token of appreciation exposing trade and diplomatic passports today just to look for. hot in the press will go to war over not involving some of the region's
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highest officials murtha who worked. with. al-jazeera investigations diplomats for sale. hello again adrian fenty get hit with the news out from out to syria headlines israel's prime minister says the corruption charges against him are a coup attempt benjamin netanyahu is facing bribery fraud and breach of trust allegations. former white house russia expert fiona hill says the president donald trump and its allies used a fictional narrative to link ukraine to u.s. election interference in 2016 she testified at the impeachment inquiry on thursday
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and sri lanka's new president has named his cabinet and 2 of his brothers will hold senior positions because of by rajapakse as brother mahinda will be prime minister and finance minister at another brother is trade minister. iraq's top shia leader ayatollah ali sistani is urging the government to reform its election laws more antigovernment protests are expected to all friday the day after security forces killed at least 8 people in baghdad police used tear gas and live ammunition on crowds demonstrating against corruption and unemployment in the southern city of bastra security forces dispersed protesters who've been occupying a port since monday let's go live now to mount a jump jew who is in the iraqi capital baghdad what's the latest moment. i tell you that we're just starting to hear account in the last few minutes from some demonstrators that have come to the areas where they're saying that security
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forces are utilizing your gas against protesters that are on this bridge bridge that's a bridge. it connects an area that is close to the years where with other parts of the city where there are government installations it's a scene where there have been many clashes in the past several weeks so we're waiting to hear more developments on that and look at today here in tahrir square as is usually the case this early in the day on a friday it is a relatively festive atmosphere there are thousands of people that are out many families parents bringing their children to witness what they are calling a historic moment here in the end up tomorrow there is going to be a parliamentary session or a parliamentary session i should say is expected several times in the past few weeks there have been parliamentary session they've been expected they could not be formed they have not been happening but there is a parliamentary session expected tomorrow in which a 2nd reading of this electoral reform law is to happen that's what we are told from political sources now the reason that is important is because one of the key
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things that the government has been saying here to try to placate the demonstrators is that they were going to pass electoral reform in some form or fashion now there was a 1st reading of this bill just a few days ago the 2nd reading happens and then is expected about 4 days after that they can finally vote on it fact is the will that be enough to actually placate these protesters because every time i speak with the people that are out here we've been out here just about every day since i've gotten here they say they just don't trust what the government is telling you they think that the rhetoric is more of the same they don't believe that the parliament is in a hurry to try to pass substantially reform to try to meet the demands of the protesters and because of that they say they're going to continue to come out day after day no matter any threat that might be posed to them because they want to continue to send a message that to the government that they will not stop until their demands are met adrian. i have to jump live in baghdad now and many thanks hong kong's new police commissioner has called on dozens of protesters who are still inside a university to leave the campus polytechnic university has been the scene of some
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of the worst violence in 6 months of protests many students have been injured in confrontations with security forces. commission i think young says that he wants a peaceful resolution to the occupation one hour from al-jazeera sarah clarke in hong kong. this weekend is hong kong's district council elections a record number of 4300000 people have registered to vote now the increase of the surge has been in the 18 to 35 year old age group and this will be the 1st test of public sentiment and government support since these protests began around 6 months ago it was a test for the support for the protest and now the newly appointed police commissioner chris time held a press conference on friday and he's confirmed that right place will be at these polling booths to guarantee the safety of those people going to bite you know. if there's any violence where they will get immediate if any hesitation the place commissioners also confirmed that several dozen protesters remain barricaded up
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inside the polytechnic university in callan but he's asked them to leave peacefully if they can but he said there's no deadline and we can confirm around $1000.00 of left of the last few days and around $300.00 of those are under the age of 18 and the place commissioner also confirmed that those under the age of 18 won't be charged with writing but those over the age of 18 will be investigated and could face writing charges down the track. more protests in colombia this time of the government plans to introduce pension and tax reforms well because unions and students gathered in bogota i once been described as the biggest demonstration in recent years protests has also blamed president event took place government for its failure to prevent the killing of human rights activists and widespread corruption al-jazeera is honest 100 m.p.'s he reports now from the company that spiked the rain this is been by far the largest and most diverse demonstration of the comment capitana seen many years students union members but also people from
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a different the walk of life taken to the streets to protest the government. to get protest the number of measures that this government could see the reforms to the pension systems education but most of all of what people are told this is the case it's just a new record surely. this government and also the things that are specific to like the killings of social being there's an indigenous leave there's a and the lack of implementation of the peace deal on part of the government. is more this is a very significant for us because we are demonstrating that we are tired that we don't want to continue living with the government treating us this way there's a very powerful youth movement in colombia that's not afraid anymore and older people like me feels it has nothing else to be use but what had been an absolutely peaceful and massive demonstration of turned into violence as some of the protesters confronted the police and anti-riot gear here in downtown the streets
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surrounding the central plaza believe are where most of the protesters had gathered we also have reports of. clashes in other cities where there were demonstrations in particular in the city of cali where the mayor has decided to impose a curfew starting at 7 pm. him tonight now the question here is if these protests will continue and colombia beyond the today and if this country will join the continuous turmoil that we've seen in other countries across south america police and bolivia have fired tear gas in an attempt to break up a funeral procession in the capital of past thousands of people are demanding that the interim president resigns blaming her for the latest deaths of protesters and violence with the police and ministry of serious mariana sanchez reports from.
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a peaceful march of thousands of believe ians mourners escorting the coffins of 8 victims of clashes with the military and police on tuesday. they were about to hold a vigil near the presidential palace and then the unthinkable. police opened fire with tear gas as police dispersed the funeral procession one van with the coffins tried to make its way out another one pushed by the police were stuck on the road other mourners had to leave other coffins on the ground and flee the gas. was. the we've come here empty handed i want to die kill me i'm ready the protesters didn't clash with police no rocks were thrown they just fled the gases which are not suitable now that we've come here with our dead how is it possible that they fired tear gas at us we even came with our children. they had been marching for nearly 4 hours from demanding the interim
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precedence for sick nishan 29 years past the supreme decree that clears the military and police from any responsibility in securing peace in the country. these believe ians blame the police for the deaths. that was an autopsy preliminary report says the. victims died after projectiles were fired at them but an investigation is pending. not just then they're killing our people there's no justice for our humble people. the government says security forces must bring peace to believe. 15 believe younes have died in clashes with police since president evo morales resigned and took exile in mexico leaving the country in turmoil and i have told her actually that was the way these bully girls will stop protesting it will give them the assurance that their voices will be heard in a real vote in a late night session on wednesday members of
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a woman ellis' must party agreed to recognize janine benyus as the interim president they said they will participate in the next elections without it will more or less. many believe eons here the days of seem to be over the aren't demanding his return anymore but they say they will continue to fight for their right to justice over the deaths of 8 men who still cannot be laid to rest in peace but in a son just unjust. relations between ukraine and russia appear to be thawing ahead of talks shuttled for next month ahead of the meeting between presidents selenski and put in the 2 sides have been working to reduce tension and chapelle reports. while his name is often being mentioned in washington that donald trump's impeachment inquiry ukraine's president appears focused on signalling that the conflict with russia must and blow to mere zelinsky unveiled
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a bridge that's been rebuilt and a community on the front line in eastern ukraine government forces and russian backed separatists blamed each other for destroying it 4 years ago observers hope the new bridge is an optimistic sign to us they're putting meeting they should be a serious truce and serious cease fire where there is no shooting that's how i understand it there must be a. serious agreement with clear terms and obligations the bridge over the din that's river is one of 5 that ukrainian civilians can use to cross into territory controlled by separatists they control the eastern parts of dinette and the const russian speaking areas known as the don't boss part of the 7 percent of ukraine under control of russia and its allied forces. in another sign of thawing relations russia return 3 ukrainian navy vessels captured last year although stripped of their communications and navigation equipment. russian border guards fired on the gun boats a year ago and captured $24.00 ukrainian sailors. the incident in the current
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strait was so serious then president petro poroshenko declared martial law apparently fearing an all out russian invasion. since russian troops invaded and annex the crimea region 5 years ago at least 13000 people have been killed and almost 30000 wounded thor sankoh successor says he's determined to revive the peace process the kremlin released the captured sailors a couple of months ago followed by both sides beginning to withdraw from frontline areas in eastern ukraine pick you know question is it just me cook you know what's my relationship with zelinsky like i don't have one i've never met him we don't know each other we've talked on the phone i think he's a nice an honest person and i really believe that he wants to change the situation for the better including in dumbass soon the focus will turn away from impeachment hearings and symbolic handovers to a summit planned in paris on december the 9th that's when ukraine russia france and
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germany will discuss how to end the conflict once and for all enter chapelle al-jazeera. after years of protests and political turmoil voters in guinea-bissau are hoping that sunday's presidential election will finally lead to peace the incumbent wants another term despite failing to stabilize the economy and deal with a growing illegal drug trade. nicholas hock reports now from the outskirts of the capital. a last ditch effort to cling on to power in this campaign incumbent president just calls himself a man of the people the one that can bring peace and stability to the nation but his mandate has been anything but steve after dismissing all 8 of his government since taking office in 2014 he called on the military to step in on his behalf days before the election fear of a military coup still looms as night falls hundreds gathered to hear him speak among the crowd are west african troops from nigeria and senegal here as
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a stabilizing force to keep a close watch on fast and his military entourage. says we have to get to work together to bring an end to the political crisis accusing foreign powers of wanting to steal the country's wealth and tells the crowd to be careful with fake news. he then invites us on stage what was supposed to be a one on one interview is used to galvanize the crowd may. see this journalist he accuses me of creating instability i tell you what. you have to be careful with what you say listen i will accept the election results even if i lose. with 20 attempted military coups in dozens of political assassinations never has there been a peaceful transition of power since guinea returned to democracy 25 years ago the
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united states drugs in forstmann agency believes latin american drug traffickers are profiting from the political instability senior military commanders in cahoots with elected politicians are using the harbor to facilitate the smuggling of drugs from latin america through to your. green fastest time in office 25 tons of cocaine was seized still his political opponents accuse him of using cocaine money to finance his reelection campaign and accusation he denies they say drug money has made it into the campaign we have to make an effort to end this vote for me and starting november 24th no drugs will intervene. is about to become the 1st president of guinea-bissau to complete his mandate but as the campaign comes to a close he seems even more determined to hold on to power by any means possible for
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as long as he can. talk al jazeera. is calling the u.k. an illegal colonial occupier with a deadline for the return of the child our silence said to be defiant on friday the united nations told britain that it had 6 months to return the archipelago to voting overwhelmingly against its claim britain said it won't and doesn't doubt its sovereignty it took possession of the islands in $814.00 and held on to them and russia says that it was forced to trade them. just ahead here in the running to repeat a feat by pele's club we look at the contender the south american champions with andy in the schools.
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and again palestinians are campaigning in support of a journalist who lost an eye after being shot by israeli forces the palestinian journalist syndicate says that more than 100 journalists have been wounded by israeli soldiers since january. abraham reports now from the occupied west bank. this is the moment that triggered that international solidarity campaign a palestinian t.v. news camera. blinded in one eye while filming a protest that happened last friday. his colleagues blame israeli gunfire 2 israel's border police deny targeting the t.v. journalist and released this video saying police used only non-lethal means to disperse the crowd demonstrating against israel's land confiscation. i met i was so badly injured he's lost his left eye and doctors say
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a piece of metal might have to remain large that has caused removing it could cause irreversible damage they say. i was standing away from the protesters and away from the army i was taking cover and was surprised by something hitting me so hard that i couldn't feel my heed his wife says her family burden has increased dividing her day between taking care of her 2 children and visiting her injured husband in a hospital in jerusalem the. adverts and my daughter is very attached to her father when she 1st knew he was shot she puts her hand on her heart saying was my dad injured then she disappeared weeping. palestinian journalists started an awareness online campaign that went viral to highlight what they say is targeting the journalists by israeli forces either one of them better haven't sorted that at you with the injured journalists turned violent when the israeli army dispersed the
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crowd. protests are regular events and can happen anywhere in the occupied territories safer places are not always available and sometimes to tell the story journalists find themselves becoming a part of it. while about his plight is in the limelight many other journalists are nursing injuries without the. i'll tell you that wish is a freelance news cameraman in the gaza strip he was hit by an israeli. last year while covering on the border between gaza and israel. he says he partially lost vision in one eye and is having hearing difficulties. as a journalist i can't cover the same events anymore i can't afford being in crowded places like funerals i have platinum implants in my face in any heat could affect me the palestinian journalist who says more than 100 journalists have been wounded in attacks by israeli forces so far this is. the
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occupied west bank. time now for sports here's andy thank you so much arjun on n f l star myles garance has lost an appeal against his indefinite ban from the league darts hit an opponent over the head with a helmet during a game last week we are. so small we are suing each other for so you know professional sports. or cleveland browns play was involved in a fight with pittsburgh steelers quarterback mason rudolf ripped off rudolph helmets and swung it at his head the a pale panel said the 23 year old would be banned and so further notice without pay us media has reported that journey a pale guarantee accused rudolph of using a racial slur just before the incident on social media jarrett said i know what i heard whether my opponent's comment was borne out of frustration or ignorance i cannot say but his actions do not excuse my lack of restraint in the moment and i truly regret the impact this is had on the league the browns and our fans will
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still assert in a statement that mason vehemently denies the reports of using racist language in his teammates have been quick to support him. we are the brotherhood of where you can we always drugs we. go you sure you take your car those are very. good words i mean we're not going to right or wrong but to use the pressure of your broker you are. one are some good observer another. i know movement. is amazing to me and told me to do that for. a rejuvenated facet posture so has led canada into the semifinals of tennis is davis cup the 29 year old's been a surprise star of the event in spain's going to 150th in the world after missing half the season following back surgery he searched his 3rd successive singles world beating australia john moment 7664 then combined with tennis shapovalov to take out
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the decisive double 6464 and a canada will face other russia or serbia in the semi's russia already one nil up in that contest. south america's cup champions will be decided on saturday with each concerned aiming to credit history argentina's river plight of the reigning limits interest title holders if they beat franco in perris capital lima they'll be the 1st team to win back some back titles since their domestic rivals bucket genius in 2001 the brazilian champions well that brings become the 1st thoughts to complete a league and limited tour is double since pele sense or same did it in 1963 ok i think that range of course the whole dream is in the background that we want to learn but we're preparing for in the same way we prepare for all games there are some details that are important so that we can play them but i think we arrived here at the final at their best moment and obligates were given where you get
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a team that plays well a team that looks for games like we do the credentials out there and in these types of games the one that concentrates most and commits a fewest errors is the one that wins and in that sense the leader. date of games that we like and the ones we're used to so wiping that rupert for the final. well the winners of that final will head to next month's club world cup in cats of the country stepping up its preparations ahead of the main events in 2022 cats are set up in the 3rd of the 8 stadiums being ready for the middle east's 1st world cup european champions liverpool went to the competition at the semifinal stage on december 18th before the outskirts or host the 8 country golf cup that kicks off on choose day we're utilizing them as rehearsals and preparation for 2022 1st they're helping us in terms of crowd control crowd management communication fan experience identifying the areas where we can improve we have some ideas right now put in place we're actually able to implement these ideas and see what works and what
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doesn't work and we're looking of course aside from welcoming the fans but also working with the fans communicating with the fans and trying to get their feedback as to their experience now the highest ranks go for it they are a sam classic as a one shot lead after the 1st round in georgia usa will number 12 before me us open champion webb simpson nailing 8 birdies on his way to a 7 under round of 651 of the more spectacular birdies of the day came from this chip in leaving him 5 shots behind the leader. 60 players taking their shot at the largest winner's check in the history of women's golf $1500000.00 up for grabs at the season ending global soul championship in florida south korea's holding out for neil at the last her compatriots say young kim has the lead after an opening round of 65. ok that is high schools looking for an antibody thanks dative that is it from the news desk it's what they should next see
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a. white supremacist violence is on the rise in america he was about in this whole underground network 8 full time speaks to the victims of recent attacks when he shot me i turned around and he would kill my daughter and asks how an ideology of loathing has found its way into the mainstream can you trawled through line between the rhetoric of president trump and the conservative media in america to what happened here in el paso license to hate on al-jazeera investigative journalism
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below the target and. the local experts in discussion 3 times you get a deal and you disagree with that deal because of the terrible twos the worse still it was brought to us are you going to stories from other angles. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today you have to rethink pretty much everything thank you for talking to al-jazeera the great programs to inspire you on al-jazeera if you have to choose between your site and feeding your family what do you do and it happens because we don't keep ourselves healthy when us son could face death from a dog bites or do you do everything else to cut the cost of living take choice can you afford them. films about inspiring solutions to global china. e.g. snakes on al-jazeera. yes
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. yes. i'll let you know right. now. israel's prime minister remains defiant promising to stay in office despite corruption charges which he calls a coup attempt. hello on the scene daily show with al-jazeera life and also coming out this president believes he has a bump along beyond accountability. the u.s. impeachment inquiry takes a break up for a week of testimony president trump says he wants a senate trial if the house votes to impeach him.
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the independent celebrations for lebanon as the government battles a political and economic crisis. in the.


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