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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 24, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm +03

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so no matter where you call home al-jazeera international bringing the news and current affairs that matter to you. al-jazeera. this is al jazeera. this is the news. coming up in the next 60 minutes. counting begins in hong kong's local elections where a record turnout is seen as a test of support for. president. seeks reelection amid allegations of corruption. at the top stories from europe including british prime minister boris johnson unveils his conservative party's
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election calling it a radical agenda for the u.k. . also ahead breathing new life into the world's coral reefs the pacific waters of public housing a big. sports saudi arabia. and next month club world cup after being crowned champions and it's a hero's welcome for the new south american champs and brazil. votes are now being counted in hong kong's district council elections which have seen the largest out in the city's history more than $2900000.00 people of cast their ballots that's over 70 percent of all registered voters now these local elections usually attract little attention but this time it being seen as a referendum on hong kong's government and a test of support for pro-democracy protests in
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a moment we'll go live to rob mcbride in hong kong 1st though with our story. in a hong kong neighborhood hardest hit by battles between protesters and police voters in cast last minute just moments before the polls closed on a record breaking day for hong kong elections the highest voter turnout ever after nearly 6 months of violent. stray sions the polling was seen as a way for voters to officially take sides in this deeply divided city of 7000000 back the probating candidates and hong kong government or those who support greater democratic freedoms for hong kong in line with the protesters who have been fighting to push back on what they see as an increasing control for mainland china . this election into not to hong kong the older generation has 1st to believe that the only generation hopes for change i think more people are actually coming out to have a say in what they want rather than. like some other countries cities that are
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leaving. like china to decide what we want for hong kong it's usually a sleepy election to select a low level local government positions but many woke up early to vote as there was concern that unrest could mean the polling could be cut short for the pro-democracy camp is about a vote of confidence on no confidence on the kerry government and on the excess use of police force against protesters but a probation camp there was say this is also a de facto referendum on the protests and the violence by 130 in the afternoon more voters had cast their ballots than the final count in the 2015 district council election there was an uneasy calm during the few days leading up to the election just a week after some of the worst violence in these nearly 6 months of protests that's mainly because both sides view this election is critical to their cause. funk kongs leader harry lam while casting her vote recognize the challenging times for the
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city and the importance of peaceful election. injured she has served 3 terms as a district councillor he's vowing for his for the pro-democracy candidate was brutally attacked earlier this month parts of his ear were bitten off howard. can have a very strong and create. anthony the beijing of 14 and also the international community that's the home from people a state stand firm together trying to keep on the fight for freedom and democracy even though more people voted than ever before and this is a significant election much more still needs to be done to mend the divisions in hong kong got harder al-jazeera hong kong. let's bring in rob mcbride now who's in hong kong the count is on the way is it too soon to give us any indication of any trends at all rob. stan we are getting in the
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last hour or so the 1st preliminary results it is still early days it difficult to make any sweeping predictions but it has to be said that all of these initial results seem to be going in the direction of the pro-democracy camp now we've had around 16 percent of the $450.00 or so seats returned there has to be said that these are political limb unary results based on the 1st count they don't become official until there is a 2nd count but of the seats that have been counted so far then 69 have gone to the pro-democracy camp and only 8 have gone to the establishment camp now as a said these are early days but those are significant victories for the pan democrats they will be encouraged by this and they will be delighted by this if this trend continues through the night and more seats are returned just all of those of those seats of those initial results that have come in with the of mention
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is jimmy sham he was a one of the leaders of the organization that has organized these massive demonstrations through hong kong you'll recall 2000000 people marching for this in this protest movement in june he has won a seat he was contending a seat tonight also less to shum he was a name that people may recall from the umbrella movement the occupy movement of 5 years ago one of the initial student leaders here in hong kong he has won a seat tonight as more results come in over the next one to 2 hours stan rob but what you're describing there and given that record turnout is clearly an early stages but clearly big support for pro-democracy and the flipside of that is that it is loss of support for kerry land and the hong kong government and further to that beijing itself. absolutely i mean we know that there has been
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a massive push to get people to register some people voting for the very 1st time and there have been hundreds of thousands of younger voters registering and then turning out so this will be a big support for the pro-democracy movement here in hong kong they have said that you can see the opposition to the local government here and by association to the rule from beijing by the numbers of people who have taken out to the streets in these mass demonstrations now we have it in the form of this ballot it is for the pro-democracy camp the best type of referendum just to prove the strength of feeling here remains to be seen what the local government here will make of this how they will respond and whether they will be allowed to give any of the concessions that are being demanded by this movement and whether beijing will allow them to make any concessions that all remains to be seen as done rob thank you for
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that rob mcbride live from hong kong where ballots are also being counted in guinea-bissau presidential election. is seeking reelection there his 1st term was marred by infighting and accusations of corruption vast faces strong opposition including 2 prime ministers that he dismissed during his 5 years in office you're live now nicholas hark in the capital. you were describing throughout the day that what people are looking for here nicolas is some stability and when you look at the candidates and the rivalry it appears that that's unlikely what they going to get. well that's right because all of these candidates are vying to become the president but there's a problem with the constitution itself because the president doesn't hold all the power it's the government the prime minister that holds the decision power of deciding the laws of deciding budgets the president is almost like a figure
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a figurehead but he's at the head of the powerful military that has been behind so many of the coup attempts that we've seen in the past then i just want to show you what's happening right now i'm at a polling station and the police station just closed about an hour ago and look at the people right behind me what they're doing is observing what's happening here at the polling station people counting the vote now this is democracy in action in guinea bissau it's often described by some analyst as a failed state by others law enforcement agency as a norco state because it's believed that latin american drug traffickers use this country as. a place to transit cocaine to europe and that politicians and the military profit from this state now today we've seen one of the most peaceful elections or transitions of power the 1st peaceful transition of power since going to be sales history and joining me now is really a body who is part of
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a good governance organization here and getting the cell you've been observing the vote since the beginning of the day what have you seen so far basically we're from the civil society the cells of the civil society which is. formed by 5 different initiatives. that have monitors all over the country monitoring the letter process what we could. report to you today is that the elections. process has been smooth and these elections with regards to the elections i. running smoothly and we noticed we've been reported that women have bigger affluence of women and people with disabilities. turning out to the polls and that's a win situation for us from the civil society because those were the keys in the
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key indicators that we were looking at now what's important now is the count of the vote and also if the candidates will accept the election results what do you make of that. i believe that my bring a little bit of tension but. considering that. people are engaging ever so ever more in this process i think. that wouldn't that will not be a big issue at the end of the day and this is something that really surprised me as we followed this campaign is that so many young people the majority of voters are 1st time voters have come to see the whole electoral process despite the politically elite being unstable and the corruption that you have in this country how do you explain that how do explain the gauged of young people in this like color. basically the. young people are more aware in our days facebook's instagram.
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that would last nicholas they sell moving on to the united states one of america's richest man has just the rights for the white house former new york mayor michael bloomberg is joining in already crowded democratic field he says he's running for president to defeat donald trump and rebuild the america now kristen salumi as more . mike bloomberg party affiliation has changed since he was a republican mayor of new york but his opposition to donald trump has been consistent trump says he wants to run the nation like he's running his business god help us the 77 year old billionaire has funneled millions of dollars of his personal fortune into progressive causes like gun control and climate change but is considered a moderate and were he to run as a democrat a potential threat to former vice president joe biden were he fits sort of an even
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keeled even tempered political leader with a track record of getting things done in the city of new york with the specially with 2 you can on the key issues economic development and and and think things of that sort which has a certain amount of appeal to more moderate. mainstream type democratic voters bloomberg has expressed his dissatisfaction with the current field of democrats suggesting some are too far to the left to beat the president who shrugged off speculation the former mayor would enter the race little michael will. spend a lot of money michael bloomberg made his fortune here at bloomberg to help lead the financial information a media company with the co-founder he's the richest man in new york with far exceeding president trumps but among some democrats that could be a liability what we need is a dynamic democracy particularly among the party base not the billionaire who just
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started a walk for the run for president of the united states while bloomberg may be targeting . white suburban voters who went for trump in 2016 he recently apologized for a policy that put him at odds with the minority community called stop and frisk many saw this police tactic as a form of racism and harassment. i got something important wrong i got something important really wrong i didn't understand that back them the full impact that stocks were having on the black and latino communities an apparent recognition of the need to unify the opposition and a late apology that appears aimed at smoothing the way for a late entry in the race kristen salumi al jazeera new york. let's discuss this more now with bret brewer who was the director of global engagement in the white house under president obama is now the president of the consultancy firm global situation room he joins us live on skype from alexandria in the u.s.
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state of virginia nice to have you with us if you line up donald trump a moscow bloomberg bloomberg used to be republican to rich old white man tick tick tick tick new york tick some of the similarities way does michael bloomberg believe that he can beat don't trump. well i think 1st and foremost he has to beat the other democratic challengers and at the moment you have 17 candidates who have really failed to distinguish themselves that there are been ups and downs turns in the race none of them really standing out and we still are just under 3 months from the 1st ballots being cast so there is enough time for bloomberg to take some initiative and in fact to to really distinguish himself in this race and as my colleagues who have worked out in iowa on these presidential caucuses mention for barack obama that in january 2008 no one thought barack hussein obama was going to
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win iowa let alone to win the presidential race but if that results in that lee a move against donald trump next year in the election is it someone like michael bloomberg they going to be looking to or is it someone who offers an alternative and to that and to that extent who does he represent the greatest threat to among the democratic front runner as he would be joe biden. well i think to your 1st question people are looking for someone who can go toe to toe with trump up until now we've really found to see a politician who's successfully been able to sustain attacks to gain ground against trump when it comes to which of the democrats perhaps bloomberg will take the most votes from sure i think by in people who to judge the mayor of south bend indiana as well as camelot harris who has been losing support steadily and many of the
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voters for each of those candidates say that they would be willing to change their mind so i don't think at this stage those votes are locked up it's another interesting aspect of this of course is that he has a navy a company when you have your own media company and you're running as a candidate potential to become president of the united states how do you separate those 2 well here in the u.s. we do cherish this notion of journalistic objectivity and a certain independence there are a number of billionaires who own media companies but those media companies like the washington post or the los angeles times do retain their editorial independence i think that's what you will see from bloomberg i noticed just in the last few minutes that there was an announcement out of bloomberg that at least from the opinion side bloomberg himself as well as the bloomberg. business would not be writing editorials during the election they'll still have contributions from others
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but i think you'll see some efforts to put in a fire wall between the campaign and the media company itself but doing good to have you on the program thank you thank you. and there's plenty more ahead on the news hour including house where the conditions delay rescue efforts in western kenya with dozens of killed by floods and landslides. and al-jazeera investigation sheds new light on atrocities against the row hinges. and in sports playing strike early is the evil to win these 6 davis cup title as well the date. rescue efforts are underway in kenya after heavy rain triggered landslides at least 41 people have been killed but the full scale of what happened is still not clear sara reports. these men are assessing the damage caused by saturday's flooding and
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landslides in kenya's west because county rescue workers is still pulling bodies from under the months and rubble at present a hurricane yeltsin has said the armed forces to help he promises that every missing person will be accounted for the roads and bridges destroyed rescue efforts have been delayed in many parts of the county. used. to walk long enough for our us to just be able to reach the affected. west because gov has been helping to distribute food parcels you know if. you would. like me. over. other east african countries have also been affected by weeks of heavy downpours several people have been killed in a few and tanzania and hundreds of thousands of others displaced in somalia and
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south sudan scientists warn the weather event known as the indian ocean dipole is making the flooding worse this year it happens when the western parts of the indian ocean become significantly warmer than it eastern signs causing increased evaporation and consequently heavy rains across parts of the african continent and they're off it is more of this type of weather is headed to the region sort of height at al-jazeera. to witness the widespread damage there.
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get ready. for more let's cross. they stand as far as johnson is promising a triple tax for the next 5 years that means the conservatives went to increase income tax national insurance and. the manifestos of hours to get the breaks it withdraw agreement back propound miter vote before december 25th reports from telford. the conservatives are riding comfortably ahead in the latest opinion polls 47 percent support compared with labour's 28 percent the party faithful greeted boris johnson with a sense of growing belief a belief that the prime minister is happy to promote. i want you to imagine what the country could be like in just 10 years' time if we can get
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a working majority on the 12th of december i want you to look forward to a britain where the streets are safer where the air is cleaner where we've built 40 new hospitals is a direct result of the decisions taken in the last 3 months the 59 page manifesto pledges not to increase income tax national insurance tax all the 85 years as more money for child care in road repairs 50000 new nurses and keeping the triple lock guaranteeing increases to the state pension will play well with conservative voters but it remains the central point of this election campaign we will get breaks it down and we will end the at committee and the chaos where they want to rip up our deal and negotiate a new one. but we don't yet know of a single labor m.p. or indeed any other m.p. who would support this deal with tax rises ruled out the conservative plans will be funded by more than $150000000000.00 of borrowing it's
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a big ask according to analysts well in a sense the biggest announcement is the promise not to not to do something rather than to do something so that's not to increase rates of income tax national insurance obviates see that's the kind of promise that can come back to you later on if you do need to raise more tax revenues the opposition parties are also critical. to anybody out of the continuation of what we've had for the past 9 years very disappointing the question facing the wavering voters is this manifesto have enough in it. this is a silly thing to stay relatively soft in the minds of issues such as the social there. with the conservatives having sex because the polls are laid the foundation to take a chance to see results are still operates that it's a holy day for just over. 170 african migrants
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stranded in the mediterranean sea after being rescued off a dinghy near the libyan coast they were picked up by a spanish aid vessel open arms but the italian authorities have so far refused to allow the ship to dog instead suggesting the boat should turn back to libya now reports we're going to every. one circling and we are for all don't worry they've been at sea for days with no idea where they'll end up this is the moment 73 migrants were rescued by open arms a spanish charity the late ninety's so we really rub. their packed rubber dinghy was found around 70 kilometers off the libyan coast after its engine broke down. among them is 5 year old ibrahim. he made the journey from nigeria with his parents they're all safe now. but the seas extremely rough with waves of up to 3 meters. and while they're trying to make it an adventure for ibrahim for his mom it's been
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traumatizing i was afraid i didn't know the seem like if i knew i wouldn't have come back to my country. without one of my service and what my purpose is. the cruise tried and failed to get permission to land in italy or malta they say italian officials suggested the ship should dock at the libyan port of tripoli. so it brings farther that's not an option he said he said you know. i wanted to come to europe he says it wasn't easy but i said if i have to die on the water it's better than returning to libya i'd rather die at sea i really don't want to return to libya even. though we continue to ask for a safe port to disembark which is a legal obligation for the government according to international conventions who have people on board who probably missed one that created it due to health issues yet iraq was for that much made was italy has allowed another group of migrants
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onto its shores on saturday its coast guard saved 149 people from a sinking boat near the island of lampedusa but survivors said up to 20 people were unaccounted for and several bodies have already been recovered. according to the international organization for migration there have been nearly a 1000 confirmed deaths on the 3 main migration routes across the mediterranean this year the al jazeera. and he's 2 people have died after heavy flooding in the south of france hundreds of people have been evacuated from their could as your region and around 4000 homes are without electricity. disrupted air and rail transport many roads have been cut off several rivers have burst their banks and residents have been warned to stay indoors. remain ians have been voting in the 2nd round of presidential elections the incumbent centrist president harness is right
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for a 2nd term if it is the recently ousted former prime minister to reach or then she laugh from the social democratic party a runoff vote was needed after both candidates failed to get the 50 percent needed during the 1st poll earlier this month. that's it from us in london. thank you laura there's too much ahead on al-jazeera. rock the security forces continue their crackdown against anti-government protesters. transforming chile one wall at a time the protests this sparked a revolution in street our. lives up to. another devastating knock out when the heavyweight champion deonte one. i know they're off the recent rain showers and snow is
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a fairly quiet picture for the next couple of days across much of the middle east as any offensive county can see here on the satellite and they're all wanted to show is certainly the way south is through areas of iraq the far west and south of iran and monday into tuesday we have got the next round of rain pushing its way into western and central areas of turkey so he with us how much is lower in anchorage is 12 celsius but still saying 30 fine through the eastern end of the med so 26 degrees in by readers now the same time we could also see a few showers into northern sections of a saudi arabia at one of the scout achiles certainly and quite a lot of trying to generate cross the region that will tend to work its way across bahrain and also across into catalyst to clarity by cheese day 27 celsius in doha woman that has been in riyadh up to 25 quite faggy skies you can see here along this coastal areas of yemen and then down into southern africa plenty of rain showers across into madagascar and the raising really fairly widespread further to
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the south east was right there across towards can stay not that really monday and on into choose day and again there's a chance of a shop perhaps into durban as you had to choose day with a high of 25. does the mind play tricks a vampire as always is part right there are they really out there you have the family by most aren't dragons here at like they're not in the car a filmmaker takes the f.b.i. to court to find out approximately 33120 pages of records and in the process mobilizes her community as long as people are free to talk and there is a check against the feeling of being watched on al-jazeera when the news breaks. when people need to be hurt. and the story needs to be told.
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145000 prisoners under its care with exclusive interviews. and in-depth reports on the not having to protect themselves as iraq has teams on the ground and that's the story the see right get to bring you more award winning documentaries and life means. this is al-jazeera his reminder of our top stories votes are being counted in hong kong's district council elections which have seen the largest voter turnout in the city's history more than 2900000 people cast their ballots in an election which is seen as a referendum on the pros. guinea-bissau held its presidential election after 4
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years of political turmoil shows a maria of speaking was seeking a reelection after a 1st term by infighting and accusations of. faces strong opposition including 2 prime ministers he's sacked during his 5 years in office. rescue efforts are under way in north western kenya after flooding and landslides hit the region at least 41 people have been killed. at least 26 people have been killed when a plane crashed into the city of god in the democratic republic of congo an investigation is underway to find out what went wrong priyanka gupta has the lightest. this is what's left of a passenger aircraft that crashed into homes near an airport to goma 18 passengers and 2 crew members scorn both the busy bee and i flight none of them survived. the
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. day i was as a researcher with my family when i saw the plane spinning 3 times in the air and missing a lot of smoke that's when we fleet and after that we saw the plane crash into this house. the small plane left through flight to the city of beni 350 kilometers away it crashed shortly after takeoff killing several people on the ground in a busy residential area. just out so at this point we're collecting all the necessary information it's our duty to identify those killed on the plane and in the buildings we must set up uniphase quickly to deal with this crisis and will involve all of the specialized services. the congolese rescue teams initially found it difficult to access the crash site but they now have retrieved many bodies from the wreckage the your mission in democratic republic of congo is providing help to the. air accidents are fairly frequent in the sea as
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a result of poor aviation standards the european union has banned all congolese airlines including busy from its airspace last month 8 people were killed when a cargo plane crashed soon after taking off for the same airport in goma. the al-jazeera. the un's humanitarian chief has made his 1st visit to sudan since the transitional government was formed in august more than a point 5000000 people are in need of humanitarian assistance can all be situation worsens over 300000 people have been affected by the heavy rains and severe floods across 17 states since september at least 11 people have died in the outbreak of rift valley fever which is a water borne disease but the rights of also caused a rise in cholera your blue nile and sin are states 300 people live a fall that it will were earlier i spoke to the un's bagua koch who thinks that sudan's new administration is facing a tough challenge for we have
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a new situation in sudan a new government your thirty's i talk to them during this visit but they've inherited an extremely difficult situation of you as you've just described to me know your headlines are exactly what we're seeing a 1000000 people food insecure disease outbreaks conflict and so on some really big important things are changing the new government is giving all the aid agencies much more access to deal with these problems they want to work in a different way with this they want to normalize their relations with the wider international community the past behind them and i think the international community really now needs to step up and to seize this opportunity for my my particular responsibility i would like to see more humanitarian assistance all over the country but also foster humanitarian assistance so all those people who came out onto the streets demanding change start to see some improvement in their lives syria's constitutional committee is set to resume talks in geneva on monday the
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group includes members from the government opposition and civil society they're trying to work together on a new constitution and ending the bloodshed after 8 years of war but as james bates reports there are many differences it's to remind. the un has been putting a positive spin on what was achieved at the 1st round of these talks in geneva the reality though is that there was very little progress made in actually drafting a new constitution for syria but the 2 sides as well as a 3rd group of representatives of civil society showed up and the talks didn't collapse it would be too early to say there is agreement on constitutional principles nor is there yet agreement on which issues should be addressed in the future constitutional text and which should be addressed in other ways but there was a solid initial discussion and there are commonalities on which to build. i would
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the members during the recess to reflect on what was discussed and return ready to build on it the co-chair of the constitutional committee on the government's side. has said that any constitution needs to preserve what he describes as national constants in syria now that's a code word for the assad did a state could be running the country for almost 50 years it is the key issue and it's likely to be a crunch point soon for these talks james plays out his era at the united nations. at least a dozen people have been killed across iraq in the last 24 hours in basra security forces opened fire on antigovernment protesters killing at least 3 people there they were dispersing crowds knew the main political protesters burned tires to block main roads across the city more than 70 others were injured and in the southern city of nasiriyah security forces killed 3 protesters and injured several
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others at least 320 people have been killed in demonstrations that began last month protesters are angry over corruption and employment and poor public services. security forces in egypt have raided the country's own the independent news publication. it's news that it is it was detained on saturday but he has now been released 3 other journalists who were taken to an unknown location have also being freed. meanwhile as leader aung san suu kyi is expected to defend her military against allegations of genocide at the international court of justice the army is accused of targeting the muslim minority there an al jazeera documentary sheds new light on the abuses are warning us of a binge of aids report contains some disturbing images of. nearly a 1000000 muslims live in the world's largest refugee camp in bangladesh as the
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international court of justice prepares to begin hearing allegations of genocide and forced deportation of the ring a new documentary uncovers testimonies of abuse and the involvement of me and my government officials. the prosecution has gone on for decades but since 2017 hundreds of thousands of grainger were forced to flee after the military accused the rebels of terrorism as early as 1966 the burmese military started to see the real hinge or as a problem. through the years myanmar's government has even set up special forces to deal with its ruling the minority british government. grew up these problems with muslims have existed since the british rule because they brought labor from bangladesh. we're not migrants from bangladesh this is a birth place and i was born in the south that was built 18 or 19 mosque was also
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built on 994 my great grandfather. through the years myanmar's government has even set up special forces to deal with its ruling the minority. was essential e the burmese equivalent of as says. now sacar was the executioner this former intelligence chief says the priority was to stop people crossing into me in my or illegally. so i created a sucker to stop people from crossing the borders it was the right thing to do they were migrants our objective was to control our border they are a guest from bangladesh we didn't want to accept guest otherwise there would be no more rakhine just got more and more muslims that. now decades later un investigators have warned genocide threat from myanmar's running is greater than ever on into earlier the famous soldier held a gun to my head in seed what if i shoot you right now then he said we have an order to kill all of you muslims we are invincible. once their villages
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were burnt down were funneled into what is now the cum complex where 122140000 were injured are basically imprisoned there are concentration camps detention camps it's not intercommunal violence this is the burma state organizing and watching over the destruction of ruins of villages and the rounding up of hundreds of thousands are injured into camps some are going to say they hit their children in graves there's had their babies burned alive but they threw the children into the fire but turned our heads the other way so that we wouldn't see it at the beginning we have never been soft on human rights in this country we must military denies carrying out and murder home and that any the media a lot of news about rakhine state is fake this fabricated news that the military has raped women it's not true and. they raped us right in the paddy field
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after 5 months i knew he was that i felt him growing in size i don't know where i got a call them while i am there are 5 of us women were separated from the crowd and taken into the house. but they closed the door then they blindfolded us and then they did whatever they wanted to do with us hundreds of thousands of simmering rating for justice and a chance to return home some of the job he'd held there there you can see the full program which is called exiled when it 1st is at 20100 g.m.t. on sunday. bolivia's interim president zinn in an years has signed off on new elections now it comes after weeks of antigovernment protests that forced president if a morale was to step down and seek asylum in mexico the bill that an els last month's elections was approved by both houses of congress on saturday morale is barred from
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contesting and certainly those still looms over bolivians mariana sanchez reports from the past. we haven't seen violent protests or protests if you will in the past couple of days however there is going to be a march today in favor of the police and the army people who want to support what they have been doing they say that they have been implementing security in the country and it's supposed to be a pacific march of course. a lot of people in the streets have been more worried now about what is going to happen it with them if it's racism will be back so many people we've been talking to already on the streets. are telling us the most important thing right now is for elections to be held as soon as possible. to as recent government protests are the most important since the end of military rule in
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9090 demonstrators are expressing their anger through slogans and graffiti walls across the capital santiago. that is there she takes us on a tour of the so-called talking wall. in few if any countries has a social explosion left its mark as quickly and pervasively as here you probably all heard the phrase if only the walls could talk well in chile that is exactly what they are doing so i thought it would be interesting to show you exactly what it is that they're say starting with this. meeting eyes represent an unprecedented number of protesters who've lost one or both eyes as a result of being shot by riot police with pellets these walls reflect the evolution of chile's social outburst this was one of the 1st to go viral the time has come chile has awoken no more student loan debt no more a.f.p.
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chillies private pension system no more collusion from big business anger against chile's neo liberal economic system could. dominates with slogans like taking a bullet costs less than staying in the system. one of the most widely seen messages is this no more abuses in this case written over the name of president peña while above a more disturbing message that reads at war against order. another one screams let everything burn. anti-establishment graffiti and messages are everywhere this one says kill yourselves of capitalism what a great percentage of what's on these walls targets the riot police and this new one shows the face of the director of the national police with a rope around his neck and underneath it says the night will fall and we will dance
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over their bodies. but many others who flocked more hope than rage and in recent weeks the graffiti has become more sophisticated and artistic. we met muralist philippe got real as he began his latest work in the us to me. that art shouldn't be just decorum but reflect that historic and political moment we're living and we're live in a moment that i think would transform into a latin american up prices starting in chile and it's our mission assad does represent to show what's happening. with the finished work features the monopoly mascot rich uncle penny bags calculating that hundreds of protesters eyes are with less than 30 basis the tiny amount of the metro fare went up last month that was the detonator of a social explosion that has destabilized the region's most stable nation the explanation on this wall it wasn't peace it was silence. you see in
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human al-jazeera santiago. still ahead on al-jazeera we'll tell you why this college football game ground to a halt that's coming up in sport with only a. week . from ancient emperors to communist leaders. age old philosophies and the rule of order remains central to the world's oldest living civilization. in a 2 part series the big picture charts the rise of a 21st century superpower and examines the challenges it now faces from the outside and from within the china complex coming soon on al-jazeera stranded 8 long years on the su is canal. creating their own community and
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economy it was you know president bush used you go when you were al-jazeera world tells the tale of 14 cargo vessels accidentally caught up in the arab israeli conflict it was quite a surprise to find myself in right in the middle of a war through the sailors whose ships survived the desert sands the yellow fleet on al-jazeera. coral reefs around the globe but dying as our oceans warm and become more acidic because of climate change but the corals of palau in the western pacific are proving to be resilient and that could help save the world's reefs al-jazeera has
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all of the valley reports from the seabed off point. barrier reef. ploughs seas are teeming with life most of it concentrated here on the country's barrier reef stretching over 500 kilometers it's one of the planet's few remaining pristine coral reefs but this beauty comes with the fragility of a one of the most pristine reefs in the world but the entire ecosystem here is under threat around the world coral reefs are disappearing at an alarming rate it's estimated over a 3rd of all reefs will be destroyed or seriously damaged within the next 10 years climate change is warming season which has a devastating effect on corals forcing them to reject the colorful algae that normally lives within them and bleaching them white much of the reef here in palau has been spared and that's in part because the geography of the region water trapped by the lushly forested limestone cliffs forms
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a sort of lagoon and warms in the sun but instead of getting bleached the coral here has adapted to these extreme conditions and remains healthy these are so-called super corals and they only exist here in the western pacific and that makes them fascinating for scientists who hope they can be used to repair damage reefs around the world even the lab and then we. stress them increase the temperature of the water that they're in and we'll see which of them are surviving and those will be our. the efforts that scientists are making here show the healthy reef supports millions of species and on the edge of the reef in the fast flowing currents sharks but that they're getting repeated shuttle rain in the waters here off the coast that are out and over that goes are endangered. in order to protect them well outwit the world's 1st shut factory have their strict laws at play at
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a wildcat pushed by sharks and rays places that offer you. however it's a lucrative business shark fins fetch big money in the markets of asia where there used in shark fin soup we've only been in the water for a few minutes when we come across this a gray reef shark missing its dorsal fin is illegal fishing vessels catch sharks hack their fins off and then toss the rest of the fish still alive back into the sea the prospects for this shark a bleak without a fence keep it out right it will soon tire sink to the bottom of the ocean and die as climate change decimates coral reefs and fish bear the scars of humans greed ploughs turquoise waters and the secrets they contain are a small beacon of hope in a vanishing underwater world all of the vanni on ploughs barrier reef. announcer talk to check out the latest sports weekly thank you stan we'll start with saudi arabia their football team have won the asian champions league they beat
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japanese reds 2 nil in the 2nd leg over in japan that meant they won 3 nil overall on aggregate it's the 1st time that i have won the champions league title having lost it in the final in 20142017 the win means they qualify for the thief a club world cup in qatar which starts on december 11th now that's significant because saudi arabia is one of the country's currently imposing a land sea and air blockade on qatar. brazilian club flamingo will also be at the club world cup they won their 1st south american title in 38 years clinching the copa libertadores and dramatic style they were one nil down to defending champions river plate when striker. who's on loan from an era long equalized in the 88th minute just 3 minutes and 8 seconds after that it got a goal as he's known secured victory with a 2nd goal. and of course thousands of fans have
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turned out on the streets of rio de janeiro to welcome the flamenco players home the victory parade could turn into a double celebration as well they'll be crowned brazilian champions later on sunday if 2nd place palmettos fail to beat gremio want to tennyson host spain have taken the advantage against canada in the davis cup final. beating canada's felix unger of the same in the opening singles match 7663 ref on the doll will hand spain their 6 davis cup title if he can be denis shapovalov in the 2nd match the world number one hasn't lost a davis cup singles match since 2004. well the biggest ever winner's prize in women's golf will be handed out later on sunday the winner of the c. and e. group tour championship in florida will receive a check for $1500000.00 and it could well be going to south korea's say you can
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she's extended her lead over american nelly korda to 3 shots after 11 holes of the final round. got it john also taking home a healthy paycheck after winning the world tour championship and with the european tour's race to dubai title the world number 5 birdied the final hole to win the tournament by a stroke from tommy fleetwood he gets $3000000.00 for winning the event and $2000000.00 for taking the overall risa divide title from his only 2nd spanish player to finish a season at european tour's number one player after civet bias that it's. you know it's every such an outing for all of us and so i sergio and ali and and so many of the greats and i missed players and to think that put my name there before they do the surgery can still do it obviously. part of believe or to believe down to wilders defended his w.b.c. heavyweight boxing title with a devastating knockout win over louis ortiz wilder made a typically theatrical entrance to the ring for their rematch at the m.g.m.
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grand in las vegas that's pretty cool but once the action started the american was trailing on all 3 score cards after the 1st 6 rounds however right at the end of the 7th all he needed was a right hand which dropped ortiz the cuban got to his feet but couldn't recover in time to beat the 10 count wilder's now set to fight tyson fury in february. when you have power mark on him you know you're not worried about if you win rounds or not i don't i don't want that to be in my mind whether i'm really not around and not you know and because i don't know my mind to be cloudy you know drinking about the rounds and rounds you know most of the time these guys were around on me anyway you know but i know that sooner or later you know it's going to come and when you come down baby tonight like i always. think about is that jacket will stain in the u.s. hundreds of climate change protesters disrupted a college football game today jim is just plain simple directions at the stadium
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and basically took his seat. to you was the annual harvard yale game was forced to stop when students rushed the field at halftime in connecticut demanding that the 2 ivy league universities stop investing in fossil fuels more students in the stands quickly joined in and it took 45 minutes to start the game again after police escorted most of the protesters off the field. to the n.b.a. and a stunning performance by the chicago bulls zach levine he scored a career high $49.00 points against the charlotte hornets including a game winning 3 pointer the bulls trailed by 2 with barely 2 seconds on the clock when he stepped up to snatch the victory amazingly that was levine's 13th 3 pointer of the game he's only the 3rd player in n.b.a. history to do that along with steph curry and clay thompson who has a record with 14. there was also late drama between the indiana pacers and the orlando magic this breakaway dunk by the magic's markel fultz levelled the match at one o 6 each but with just over 8 seconds left and holiday mailed
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a 3 pointer for the pacers which was too much for the match. the new world cup ski season is just getting started but the battle to fill the gap left by the retired great marcel her share is well underway the austrian who won an 8 straight overall championship quit after last season but there's still plenty of talent left in the field to replace him norway's henrik percent could be the one to watch this season he recovered from a disappointing 4th place in the 1st run in levy on sunday to clinch the mint slalom opener in front of a delighted. in some pretty bad weather there too what's all your sport for me to stand thank you of course you can find much more on our website at the address for that is w w w dot al-jazeera dot com. that's it from a stan grant for this news will be much more news though in just about 0.
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i believe in the 2 state solution we listen to what i just said it was the park just on the would never start a war until war we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that will go to 0. for the last 2 years the students have been collecting rubbish every day it's helped clean up the campus and helped build some of its facilities for every 2 kilo's of plastic waste they collect the school receives a brick made of plastic and cement. for some activists this may not be the most
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ecological way to eliminate the problems of plastic but this is seen as an immediate solution to the growing problems of landfills across the country waste can now be used to manufacture building materials. kenyan journalists in pursuit of press freedom and justice i have seen very discreet situations where someone in secret but the culture can afford being clean and investigating government corruption and the national health care system some of the transactions are seeing nigel because the. money that is unexplained to africa uncensored and publishable seems up people don't want to live that doesn't like the oscar who's truth is it anyway on al-jazeera that's.
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record numbers turned out to coast the ballots in hong kong for new collections that many a treaty as a proxy referendum on months of anti-government protests. there are live from london also coming up bolivia's congress approves a bill that seeks to quell weeks of unrest i allow in for new elections but exclude the country's former president. the death toll from heavy rains that on least floods in western kenya has risen to 60 at least 7 of those missing.


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